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[Downtime] Training a Class.

Posted by Bun BunFor group 0
Bun Bun
GM, 6 posts
Its fine.
PET me.
Wed 25 Jan 2023
at 21:52
  • msg #1

[Downtime] Training a Class

Become a broken power house

Note: This is an additional method to gain extra feats from different classes. But you will have to have the time, the gold, and a proper willing teacher (who you'll have to discover)

When in game during downtime, players can train in other classes with other trainers, or learn about it for themselves. This is for them to have an alternate way to gain levels in other classes, albeit a very limited way to do so. But with that said, even if you are not allowed to choose a different class when you level up, you are however allowed to train to gain a level on a different class. Keep in mind this is different from learning feats, proficiencies and languages stated above. Which means, this is a separate system that your current level value doesn't not go up when you gain a trained level from a different class.

You are a level 1 rogue with 30 exp from quests.
You train with a wizard instructor, to gain 1 level in Wizard.
So technically you will still be level 1, but you have 1 trained level in wizard. But it does not make your level total to 2.

Further more, you can only get a maximum of 1 trained level in a different class, so in other words, you dont get additional hit dices, specific profeciencies are not allowed (More info on that at the bottom.) You specifically only get the class features, or spells during the First lvel up.

As a rogue, you decided to get a level in wizard. What you get from multclassing in the first level of wizard is:
  • You will not get its hit dice,
  • You will not get an addition hit points max
  • You will not get its armor, weapons or skills proficiency
  • You will get its tools profeciency
  • You will get spell casting and arcane recovery
               -meaning you will immediately know three Cantrips of your choice from the Wizard spell list.
               -you will not get a spellbook.
               -you will get ritual casting

Now once you learn the max level (1) on one certain class, it does not mean you cannot gain anymore class features. If you continue to train the same class for the second time after leveling it up to 1, you will then get 1 proficiency and 1 feat in specific level tier to choose from. So using the example above; If you have 1 Trained level in wizard, and you keep training to get to “level 2”. Once you do, you wil instead be given a choice to choose which proficiency you want from its class, and a choice which feat you want from levels 2,3,4 and 5 When you train for the third time, you'll get to choose another feat from 6,7,8,9. For a different example and a more in depth explanation, let us give you a different class.

Your Main Wizard has a Trained level of a Rogue (1) so basically he multiclassed to rogue.
You train it again to reached it to Level 2.
You will have a choice of choosing 1 proficiency and 1 feat from the level of 2,3,4,5, which are;

  • Armor: Light
  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Hand crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords
  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
  • Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance. Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth
  • Cunning Action
  • Roguish Archetype
  • Ability Score Improvement
  • Uncanny Dodge

So you will only be able to choose one from each category above. Now, what if the wizard decides to level it up again going from level 2 trained, to level 3 then as example from above-

Now Your Wizard has a Trained level of a Rogue (2).
You train it again to reach it to Level 3 this time.
You will have a choice of choosing 1 proficiency and 1 feat from the level of 6,7,8,9, which are;

  • Armor: Light
  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Hand crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords
  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
  • Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance. Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth
  • Expertise
  • Evasion
  • Ability Score Improvement
  • Roguish Archetype feature

Then so on and so forth. I'll give you a proper level up table below.

Trained Levels for Multiclassing:
Level 1All feats, All tool profeciencies.
Level 2Choice of 1 Class Profeciency and 1 Feat/Subfeature from lvls 2,3,4,5.
Level 3Choice of 1 Class Profeciency and 1 Feat/Subfeature from lvls 6,7,8,9.
Level 4Choice of 1 Class Profeciency and 1 Feat/Subfeature from lvls 10,11,12,13.
Level 5Choice of 1 Class Profeciency and 1 Feat/Subfeature from lvls 14,15,16,17.
Level 6Choice of 1 Class Profeciency and 1 Feat/Subfeature from lvls 18,19,20.

|!Reminder when doing this system: |
  • You wont get increase HP points per trained level
  • The Trained levels are separate from your main levels
  • You get to choose one feat from each consecutive level ups from a set bundle
  • You dont start with their starting items, or spell book, arcane focus, holy symbol, etc

Process of Training:

There are two ways to learn a new trained class in this game: (Self-taught or with a Trainer)

Self teaching yourself a class would require you to practice and read about the class through books and scriptures (you'll still have to buy the books). It would cost less, but since you are reading most of the practicum, you'll spend most of the time reading its practicality then put it into physical practice, doubling your time needed to master a certain class. Trainers on the other hand provide you with a faster way to earn a class, however the price would be expensive, and depending on how skilled the trainer is, it will also affect how long it will take for you to suceed in mastering a certain class. As with downtime rules, you can only spend 3 days per quest to spend training in downtime, as well as only taking 6 hours (Max) per day to train in downtime.

So you can't exploit downtime by fast forwarding the days, and just sleeping everyday until you reach the desired amount of day to get the class. So you'll have to go to a quest, finish it. The spend three day (6 hours per day) in downtime learning or doing whatever you want, then do another quest, and spend a max of another 3 days to train.

Training timetable:
  • Self Teaching:                   420 hours of training                  (Rough Estimate of 24 Quests until completion)
  • Below Average Skilled Trainers:  300 hours of training + 15-25 Gold/day (Rough Estimate of 16 Quests until completion)
  • Average Skilled Trainers:        240 hours of training + 30-65 Gold/day (Rough Estimate of 13 Quests until completion)
  • Above Average Skilled Trainers:  180 hours of training + 95-110 Gold/da (Rough Estimate of 10 Quests until completion)

Note you can still haggle prices. And might even find someone who will be willing to train you for free. In very rare cases.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:59, Wed 25 Jan 2023.
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