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[12]The Fugitive.

Posted by Game MasterFor group archive S
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 9 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 01:53
  • msg #33

The Fugitive

Xenaryn looks at Blade a few seconds, weighing his suggestion that didn't quite sound like a suggestion.  Then she goes back to the desk and stuffs the papers into her backpack, keeping her opinions to herself.  That's what her mom always told her, keep yer opinions to y'self little girl.

"Maybe in that cabinet," she says, pointing to it next to a bookshelf on the right side of the fireplace.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 9 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 02:10
  • msg #35

The Fugitive

"Thanks, I will check inside. Those documents could help figure out who we are looking for or at least a place to start. The shortsword is still the towns property, just being put to better use than on the desk for now. One secret to surviving is being as well equipped as you can, him having a sword over a dagger could mean all our lives if we continue to look into this. Maybe not exactly the right procedure for it but I didn't hear any official saying no right now."

Blade checks the cabinet that was suggested to see what was inside. "Whatever broke the cell and killed the dog is big and strong so the better weapons we have the better."

Looks to Xen, " I see you use Armor spell as well, might need to talk about spells later with you. Maybe we can trade spells or notes sometime."

Checks the cabinet
This message was last updated by the GM at 02:15, Tue 29 Nov 2022.
Game Master
GM, 273 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 02:18
  • msg #36

Sunnendaeg  0200 hrs Low Moon

The cabinet near the fireplace is a small armament locker containing two spears, a short sword, two short bows, two quivers with ten arrows each. Next to the cabinet is a bookshelf with various common books for reading including a few short stories, law, how to fish, and a book called "The Lusty Argonian."

Dani works with her tools and finally the lock succumbs to her ministrations.  She pours the contents onto the desk; three bronze falcon pins, two small gems, 16 silver coins, and 2 gold coins. [Private to Alaion Dragonblade: You notice Dani quickly pocketing something from the lockbox before she reveals the contents. ]

Loki sniffs the blood and moves back and forth while looking up at Blade every few seconds. He seems confused as to what to do.

Valeros picks the short sword back up, liking its feel.  He removes the sheath for it from the dead man.  Turning the body over, he discovers one of the bronze falcon pins on the man's shirt. He was a deputy.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 23:04, Tue 29 Nov 2022.
Player, 10 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 02:21
  • msg #37

The Fugitive

"Anyone taking a weapon let Xen know so she can record it or whatever. Xen the contents of the box, I trust you can take charge of it and make sure it gets into the proper hands." as he makes way for anyone else wanting to get a weapon he moves close to Dani. Where he speaks very quietly and secretly. [Private to Daniella Schrumer: I saw what you kept from the lockbox, make sure to give me my share later please.]

Once everyone appears ready he moves to Loki and gets him to smell the blood again before saying. "Find it, Loki!" leading him along the trail of blood to try to train him how to track.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:39, Fri 14 Apr 2023.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 10 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 02:31
  • msg #38

Sunnendaeg  0200 hrs Low Moon

"I'll leave a note on what we take and oh yes, I would be thrilled to speak with you about magic.  Any time." Xenaryn replies earnestly.  But inward, she recoils a little.  There is ONE spell you will not be learning from me sir, she thinks, having only learned the spell recently. The circumstances with which she obtained it will never be revealed by her to anyone.  Getting caught casting it in public would probably get her burned at the stake. She sighs, retreating from the thoughts and examines the pegged board by the exit door.

"We should lock the box with its contents and leave it for the sheriff, who will be here soon I would think." she replies to Blades suggestion. "At most a couple of hours before someone finds this if we leave without notifying anyone."

She looks at one of the candles, the one with regular stripes around it burning at the door.  "Four candle hours before dawn."
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:04, Tue 29 Nov 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 11 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 18:28
  • msg #39

Sunnendaeg  0200 hrs Low Moon

"We can secure them then, while we look for who ever did this. "

Looks to all of those gathered around, " Everyone ready, got whatever weapons you need? If so lets try to find who did this."
This message was last updated by the GM at 23:05, Tue 29 Nov 2022.
Game Master
GM, 274 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 19:34
  • msg #40

Sunnendaeg  0220 hrs Low Moon

A message is inked by Xen for those who discover the breakout detailing the party's efforts to discover who did the heinous crime and the items taken. The mage takes the lantern and a flask of oil for use.  She lights the lantern before they leave to light the way for them.
[Private to Alaion Dragonblade; Daniella Schrumer; Xenaryn Faustich: Please include a private line with item(s) you take]

Dani closes and locks the strongbox with its contents.

The party exits the sheriff's building following a trail of visible blood droplets by the dim light of the lantern. Every few feet Blade draws Loki's attention back to the blood on the trail. It is slow going but they are able to follow the trail easily, for a ways anyway. The path leads them behind the building, then cuts northward skirting buildings at the end of Palisade road until they come to the palisade wall. The trail then heads west along the wall of ten foot tall wooden stakes until exiting the town proper at the junction of Mid-road. The trail then cuts northward, skirting the town's cemetery and leads the party into the wilds.

The lands around the Hollow are thickets of scrub brush and various smaller trees, the larger trees having been cut down long ago. Game trails criss-cross everywhere through brush and high grasses. The blood droplets lead the party along one such trail. Loki stops unexpectantly sniffing the air in different directions.
[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: Please make an INT check]
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:05, Tue 29 Nov 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
NPC, 9 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 19:47
  • msg #41

The Fugitive

"Smell that?" Valeros asks, sniffing the air himself. "Somethin's dead close by."  He grips the short sword firmly, searching the underbrush nearby with his eyes.
Player, 12 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 21:43
  • msg #42

The Fugitive

16:04, Today: Alaion Dragonblade rolled 12 using 1d20+3.  int check.

Since we are in an open space Blade sheaths his axe and draws his sword. He also starts to scan the areas, as he notices Valeros is on high alert.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:40, Fri 14 Apr 2023.
Game Master
GM, 276 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 22:07
  • msg #43

Sunnendaeg  0230 hrs Low Moon

Once in the wilds, the darkness closes in, especially without any moonlight.  Luckily, for the humans, Xenaryn appropriated the lantern from the sheriff and lit it.  That being said, Valeros sees nothing in the darkness as he scans the underbrush.  Loki has raised hackles and is staring off into a thicket of trees the trail leads into. Several moments pass.  Thunder rolls overhead as the storm gets closer.  Rain and wind is imminent.
[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: As you kneel and look in the direction Loki is looking, you see glowing embers staring back at you.  It is too far away and concealed to make out what it is. ]
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 23:06, Tue 29 Nov 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 13 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 22:19
  • msg #44

The Fugitive

"Loki Heel, we definitely have company over there. See the eyes but can't make out much else. I can try to draw it out." Blade starts to channel his magic, releasing a bolt of energy flying forth to strike the creature.

Casts Magic missile at the creature with glowing eyes.
17:15, Today: Alaion Dragonblade rolled 4 using 1d4+1.  Magic missile.

After that he stands at the ready if the creature does decide to retaliate.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 10 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 22:33
  • msg #45

The Fugitive

"Damn my eyes, but what they say about elf's eyesight is true!" Valeros whispers, looking in same direction and seeing nothing but darkness.  "I'm ready", he says gripping his sword tightly.  Calm... stay calm Val, he utters under his breath.  "You girls get behind us."
Game Master
GM, 277 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 23:07
  • msg #46

Sunnendaeg  0230 hrs Low Moon

A  magical bolt of energy flies forth from Blade's fingertip, striking unerringly the intended target.  There is a quick scuttle of movement in the brush, as if something large were charging forth, but the noise dies down and it becomes quiet.  The glowing eyes are no longer where they were and Loki just sniffs the air in all directions.

[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: -1 spell point.  Change marked on your character BIO. Make an INT check to pick up the trail.]
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 12 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 23:08
  • msg #47

The Fugitive


The squeal comes as the sounds of movement in the brush occur.  Xenaryn readies her spell, but nothing materializes within the light of the lantern that she holds high.

"What WAS it?" she asks.
Daniella Schrumer
player, 5 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
0 XP
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 23:14
  • msg #48

The Fugitive

Dani stays near the group, but just inside the light of the lantern.  Close enough to darkness she can jump into it quickly, if the need occurs.  She works better in the dark, usually, and in town of course.  This blasted darkness of the wilds is a bit nerve wracking, she thinks. About as nerve wracking as when the elf whispered in her ear.  The bow she took from the armory gives her a little bit of comfort though.  It has far superior range to that of a dagger and she was a hell of a shot.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:16, Tue 29 Nov 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 14 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 3/4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 23:16
  • msg #49

The Fugitive

"No idea on what it was, but it was already our enemy before i struck it, Now we will have to trail it again."

Blade tries to follow it the best he can.

18:11, Today: Alaion Dragonblade rolled 8 using 1d20+3.  int check
Game Master
GM, 278 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 23:26
  • msg #50

Sunnendaeg  0240 hrs Low Moon

Blade pushes his way through some thick under brush to the spot where he saw the eyes.  There in the loam are prints, feline in nature.  He continues, following it's tracks, gathering little nicks and scrapes here and there to finally emerge on a game trail.  The same game trail.  He realizes he could have reached the same spot in less time by following the game trail around the thicket.  There is a corpse of a man here, lying in the tall grasses.  The soft tissues of the face, neck, arms, and belly have been eaten away. Entrails pulled from the cavity. The tracks of the feline continue along the game trail with fresh blood.

The rest of the party follow Blade, pushing there way to the spot where he now stands. There is lightning followed quickly by a peal of loud thunder and the wind begins to pick up, making the trees sway to and fro.  The grasses bend under strong and quick gusts that follow any path of least resistance.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 11 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 23:28
  • msg #51

Sunnendaeg 0240 Low Moon

"What we follow'n?" Valeros asks, taking in the scene of the dead man.
Player, 15 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 3/4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 23:45
  • msg #52

Sunnendaeg 0240 Low Moon

Blade takes in all the prints, "It is leaving tracks as a big cat of some type, so your guess is as good as mine." he replies. He looks around to everyone, "Time to go big cat hunting. Anyone have any experience in it or ideas?"

Blade hangs his mace.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:41, Fri 14 Apr 2023.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 13 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 02:34
  • msg #53

The Fugitive

"A distraction." Xenaryn says, looking the corpse over.  She glances left and right of the trail and beyond. "Let's keep on the trail of the killer. Unless you think it will attack us."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 12 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 02:36
  • msg #54

The Fugitive

"I can hunt, but not at night in the dark."  Valeros gives Blade a questioning look.  "I'll back you either way." he says.  The longer lived elf has already taken a position of leadership and he was fine with that.  I'm certainly no leader, he muses.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:45, Wed 30 Nov 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
player, 6 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
0 XP
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 02:45
  • msg #55

The Fugitive

"I don't have any hunting experience", Dani replies to Blade's question.  "I think you might have run it off."
Player, 16 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 3/4
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 12:29
  • msg #56

The Fugitive

Looks to everyone, "Valeros pull guard, I am going to recharge, Dani and Xen search the body for any clues who he is or valuables. Is he a fresh kill or something stolen from the graves and given to the cat. If the cat has any intentions of returning it should fairly quick so we wont be caught off guard. Once we wait for a few we can continue on the trail of the jail break, just be mindful of the cat." Blade closes his eyes and rests although his ears are alert for any warnings.

Loki seems used to these timeouts, as he appears to have gone into watch mode the moment Blade closed his eyes.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:43, Fri 14 Apr 2023.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 14 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 15:58
  • msg #57

The Fugitive

Dani, search the body." Xen says. "Ill take the time to study."

Xenaryn hangs the lantern on a broken branch of a tree, then sitting beneath it she takes her grimoire from a pack to study. She can feel the well of magical energy returning as she reads the magical script. She could just close her eyes and recall the script, but she finds reading more calming to the mind.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:01, Wed 30 Nov 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 13 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 16:05
  • msg #58

The Fugitive

"Sure thing." Val replies. He keeps his short sword ready. But he doesn't have elven eyes. The best he could hope for  is nothing entering the surrounding light.
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