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03:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The 14 Peoples.

Posted by The GMFor group 0
The GM
GM, 5 posts
Mon 27 Feb 2023
at 19:11
  • msg #1

The 14 Peoples

--Human, Cities and liminal villages (edge of woods/plains, edge of sea, lakesides, etc.)
----Policing body: The knighthood. They like wearing shiny plate armor and kite shields and ride around on horses with lances.
----Magic specialty: Luck

--Elves: forests
----Policing body: The Rangers. In Elvish, "The Dawn Guardians." Rangers dress just like other Elves, but all Elves know one when they see one. There's just a look in the eye (because they've seen some serious stuff). Also, Rangers, unlike most elves, often have visible scars (but their scars always make them look super cool and even better-looking somehow).
----Magic specialty: Illusions

--Dwarves: mountains
----Policing body: The Defenders. They all use hammers of various sizes with runes etched onto them.
----Magic specialty: Stone

--Halflings: hills
----Policing body: The shiriffs. Expert sharpshooters with the shortbow. They wear round copper badges.
----Magic specialty: Cooking (and brewing)

--gnomes: Mounds on plains
----Policing body: The druids. All little old folks, because gnomes live a very long time, but aren't ageless. They don't dress differently unless they're on the job, at which time they do often wear loose brown robes.
----Magic specialty: Animals

--gnolls: plains
----Policing body: The judges. They wear black leather bracers and chest-pieces, sometimes black vambraces if they've been doing the job for years.
----Magic specialty: Sound, and silence

--tuskers: Arctic/tundra
----Policing body: The hunters. More like bounty hunters, specifically. They wear bracers that display the tusks (or other bones, for non-tuskers) that they've taken off of their bounties...
----Magic specialty: Enchantment (by drumming)

--lizardmen: swamps/marshes
----Policing body: The shamans. They wear a lot of seashells, usually in ways that won't make noise. The idea (which is lost on non-Lizardmen) is supposed to be that they're so badass that they can fight without their opponents so much as breaking the seashells.
----Magic specialty: Water

--aarakockra: mountaintops/treetops
----Policing body: The Cardinals. They can do divine magic, but they act more like secret agents than anything. They all have red feathers and Cardinal markings-- even if they're stork-men or eagle-folk or whatever.
----Magic specialty: Air

--kobolds: canyons
----Policing body: The engineers. Tend to be bristling with tool belts and pockets. If The Engineers have a problem that's hard to solve, their favorite solutions are to drop a boulder on it, drop it down a sinkhole, or just blow it up...
----Magic specialty: Shadows

--goblins: under cities
----Policing body: The sorcerers. The Sorcerers often wear dark clothing, particularly dark green or dark indigo (but never both). Which color is worn presumably has some meaning, but only The Sorcerers know what that meaning is.
----Magic specialty: Smoke

--dragonkin: desert
----Policing body: The wanderers. WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE WANDERERS. (If we did talk about them, we might say 1. they tend to wear gray clothing, 2. they are incredibly powerful/badass, 3. when they show up, they're legendary for putting a stop to whatever it is that's going on that they don't approve of, fast, 4. We say "they" but even just one Wanderer can solve many levels of issue just by themselves. 5. Some can do magic, some are incredibly badass fighters, some can do both, many are very powerful with their breath weapons. 6. WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE WANDERERS.)
----Magic specialty: Fire

--Tabaxi: jungle
----Policing body: The Makers. The best of the animators, able to make big assistants out of clay or whatever-- but who can also fight
----Magic specialty: Animation-- making little helpers, often out of sticks and things...

----Magic specialty: astrological

OR: Cold, OR electrical, OR light
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:14, Mon 27 Feb 2023.
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