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Big Ship (going down)

Posted by Darkside TrooperFor group archive 1
Asha Blackburn
Belter NPC, 83 posts
Fortune: 29
Condition: None
Tue 18 Oct 2022
at 16:30
  • msg #73

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Asha tries to get into the system again to gain control of the interior camera's

09:28, Today: Secret Roll: Darkside Trooper, on behalf of Asha Blackburn, rolled 15 using 3d6+5 with the AGE System with rolls of {5}, 4, 1.  interior camera control TN 15, threshold 15 to regain access.
PASS, threshold is now 10 to gain control

Darkside Trooper
GM, 512 posts
Tue 18 Oct 2022
at 22:25
  • msg #74

Re: Big Ship (going down)

As thrust cuts off, the dead body lying on top of the open hatch begins to float/rise.

Kattalin keeps working on the PDC, and despite the frustrations with the code is able to gain control of them.

Dr. Kaos looks over the dead body and his options.

[Private to Dr. Abang Kaos: As a former member of the UNN Navy Dr. Kaos would be familiar with the concept of firearms being keyed to a servicemen's armor. Taking the glove off won't work. But you can use the dead body (and its armor as cover, bonus of 1) and fire with the gun in the dead guy's hand with you pulling the trigger. It might be better to wait for the other guys to expose themselves instead of exposing yourself as they are very well armed.

2 - How awkward will it be to freefall down the shaft holding his body like a shield?

I'd say to move with the body and use it like a shield, would consist of your minor action a being a Dex test TN 13. The body will provide a cover bonus of 1.

Using the body as a shield and firing a gun from the dead man's hand would increase the TN to 15.

[Private to Shasa Quan: With everyone focused on something else, you're the only one to see a helmeted head pop up from below decks.]

OOC/FYI: It will take several minutes to take off the suit, and another several minutes to suit up. Minutes you do not have.

Please wait for Shasa to post before posting.

Shasa Quan
Belter, 31 posts
Xalte ere gova
Canterbury F:0/21
Thu 20 Oct 2022
at 12:21
  • msg #75

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Shasa cursed as she saw something concerning. "Kaka felota! Desh xash deya!"

The belter didn't waste any more time and fired her sidearm at the offensive helmet. "Need a little help here!"

She then ducked behind a nearby console and readied her weapon to fire again.

OOC: Firing pistol (Major) and then finding cover behind something nearby (Minor)

19 to hit (which includes the -1) and 6 stunt points. Will use 2 for vicious blow (adding 1d6 to the damage) and 4 for Called Shot (making it penetrating).

11 damage (penetrating)

04:17, Today: Shasa Quan rolled 11 using 3d6+1 with the AGE System with rolls of {1}, 6, 3.  Damage (vicious blow).

04:08, Today: Shasa Quan rolled 19 using 3d6+3 (6 stunt points) with the AGE System with rolls of {6}, 6, 4.  Accuracy (-1 for injury).

Kattalin Zubiri
Martian, 146 posts
Thu 20 Oct 2022
at 18:21
  • msg #76

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Kattalin looks like she was about to make some effort at celebrating her success, but the renewed presence of gun fire makes her sigh almost imperceptibly in the vacuum suit and pull out her gun again, almost casually firing it down the corridor at the new moving target. "The PDCs are ours if we need them."

Minor Action:  Draw pistol
Major Action: Kattalin Zubiri rolled 12 using 3d6+4 (1+1 stunt point) with the AGE System with rolls of {1}, 6, 1.  Accuracy (Pistols).  2 Stunt points for Overcome Toughness to cut it in half.
Kattalin Zubiri rolled 12 using 2d6+4 with rolls of 4,4.  Damage.

Darkside Trooper
GM, 519 posts
Mon 31 Oct 2022
at 00:21
  • msg #77

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Shasa and Kattalin both fire at the armored head which quickly disappears after getting it. With no spatter of blood on the bulkhead its hard to determine if the assailant was killed.

Shortly afterward a canister grenade is lobbed up into CIC but it it’s the now floating body that is near the hatch leading downward and goes back down from where it came. Some smoke billows up from below decks but doesn’t obscure CIC. But anyone who looks down to the lower deck would have their vision obscured.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 528 posts
Mon 7 Nov 2022
at 00:37
  • msg #78

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Three more canister like grenades are tossed up into the CIC by those one deck below. Two of the grenades ae thrown too hard and continue upwards, while a third bounces off the ceiling and as its trajectory takes it downwards begins to billow white smoke from one end which propels the grenade around the compartment.

OOC: The smoke is partially hindering your visibility and will enact a -1 penalty to all actions that require sight.

16:27, Today: Darkside Trooper, for the NPC Apophis Actual, rolled 10 using 3d6+2 with the AGE System with rolls of {3}, 1, 4.  toss smoke grenade into CIC (TN 11).

16:24, Today: Darkside Trooper, for the NPC Protogen Merc 2, rolled 16 using 3d6+2 (5 stunt points) with the AGE System with rolls of {5}, 5, 4.  toss smoke grenade into CIC (TN 11).

16:23, Today: Darkside Trooper, for the NPC Protogen Merc 1, rolled 9 using 3d6+2 (1 stunt point) with the AGE System with rolls of {1}, 1, 5.  toss smoke grenade into CIC (TN 11).

Shasa Quan
Belter, 32 posts
Xalte ere gova
Canterbury F:0/21
Mon 7 Nov 2022
at 01:20
  • msg #79

Re: Big Ship (going down)

OOC: Is it possible to smack that smoke grenade back where it came from? Shasa isn't otherwise occupied, and I presume it takes some time to fill the volume of the CIC.

Also, at a guess, roughly how quickly is the air recycling system going to clear the smoke?

Shasa Quan
Belter, 33 posts
Xalte ere gova
Canterbury F:0/21
Mon 7 Nov 2022
at 06:26
  • msg #80

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Without the ability to deal with the smoke in any appreciable way, Shasa prepared to deal with whomever might be following the smoke. She checked to make sure her weapon still had ammo, and was satisfied with that, at least.

"Did I mention we having guests?"
Shasa Quan
Belter, 35 posts
Xalte ere gova
Canterbury F:0/21
Wed 16 Nov 2022
at 16:30
  • msg #81

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Shasa kept hoping that some of the others in the CIC might be able to give a hand with the shooting or even the talking. Though noting that no one else was doing so, she quickly activated her communicator with the hand that wasn't holding a gun.

"CIC confirms." She really didn't want to get into a long conversation when an enemy could pop up through the smoke at any time. But it sounded like someone needed a go-ahead, so she gave it. If any of her comrades seemed likely to move into what was going to become the line-of-fire, she would warn them away. Until then, she hunkered down and waited for reinforcements.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:37, Wed 16 Nov 2022.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 539 posts
Tue 22 Nov 2022
at 02:44
  • msg #82

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Either because the smoke grenade was defective, or the ship’s air scrubbers were on full blast, the smoke begins to dissipate rather quickly.

But then, two more smoke grenades are tossed into CIC from below just as one of the PDW’s are also fired upward towards someone above decks. This is followed by a shotgun blast coming from below. Then there is return fire from at least two PDWs being fired downward.

Of the two smoke grenades tossed into CIC, only one goes off, and begins to add to the lingering smoke. But this last smoke grenades seems to be working at its full potential.

OOC: I do not know where everyone went, but please make a post if your still around.

I do not suggest looking down the ladder/hatch to below decks where a stray round from the gunfight below may hit you.

Shasa Quan
Belter, 36 posts
Xalte ere gova
Canterbury F:0/21
Tue 22 Nov 2022
at 03:22
  • msg #83

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Shasa sighed as more grenades came her way. But at least they weren't explosive. That would have really ruined her day.

The shotgun blast was probably a friendly, which gave Shasa hope that she would not be facing three of the silver-suited enemies on her own. This wasn't really time to let down her guard, so she continued to concentrate on the only point of ingress. Smoke was annoying, but it wasn't lethal.

OOC: Still around! But still can't do much.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 554 posts
Thu 24 Nov 2022
at 01:16
  • msg #84

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Those on the CIC deck hear several types of weapons being fired, a shotgun, and SMG, a pistol, and PDW’s. Several rounds strike the ceiling of CIC around the ladder well/hatchway. This is followed by one of the ships’ crew flying upward from below. The man flails about in zero G trying to find a purchase so he can move. Unlike the other members of the ship’s crew, this man’s armor has black stripes on the outside of the arms and legs.

OOC: Now you have a helpless target to shoot at.
Kattalin Zubiri
Martian, 150 posts
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 05:19
  • msg #85

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth Kattalin shifts out of cover for a moment to fire at the floating man, getting him in one of the softer bits of armor before she ducks back out of the way.

Minor Action: Pop up from cover
Major Action: Kattalin Zubiri rolled 14 using 3d6+4 (2 stunt points) with the AGE System with rolls of {2}, 6, 2.  Accuracy (Pistols).  2 Stunt points for Overcome Toughness to cut it in half. 1 Stunt point for take cover.
Kattalin Zubiri rolled 12 using 2d6+4 with rolls of 3,5.  Damage.

Dr. Abang Kaos
Earther NPC, 186 posts
Fortune: 24/17
Cond: None
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 17:52
  • msg #86

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Dr. Kaos attempts to fire the dead man's PDW with the dead man's hand on the PDW's grip and trigger. It doesn't work quite like it did in the movies and Dr. Kaos ends up shooting up a bulkhead.
Asha Blackburn
Belter NPC, 84 posts
Fortune: 29
Condition: None
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 17:56
  • msg #87

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Asha fires on the floating man with her pistol.

09:53, Today: Darkside Trooper, on behalf of Asha Blackburn, rolled 17 using 3d6+1 (6 stunt points) with the AGE System with rolls of {6}, 6, 4.  shoot floating guy.
17 (will hit)
2 SP: VICIOUS BLOW (=1d6 dmg)
4 SP: CALLED SHOT (ignore toughness)

09:56, Today: Darkside Trooper, on behalf of Asha Blackburn, rolled 14 using 3d6+2 with rolls of 5,5,2.  dmg to floating guy.
14 dmg

Shasa Quan
Belter, 37 posts
Xalte ere gova
Canterbury F:0/21
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 22:36
  • msg #88

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Shasa, like the others in the CIC, slides out from cover, places a bullet neatly in the floating body, then gets herself back into cover.

OOC: 14 to hit with 3 stunt points. Will add vicious blow and duck and weave (+1)
Damage is 7

16:34, Today: Shasa Quan rolled 7 using 3d6+1 with the AGE System with rolls of {2}, 1, 3.  Damage (vicious blow).

16:29, Today: Shasa Quan rolled 14 using 3d6+3 (3 stunt points) with the AGE System with rolls of {3}, 4, 4.  Accuracy (-1 for injury).

Darkside Trooper
GM, 570 posts
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 22:31
  • msg #89

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Despite the smoke partially obscuring everything Kattalin, Shasa and Asha all hit the man failing about in zero G. It’s hard to tell whose bullets finish the man off but he stops flaying about and goes limp. Blood streams outward from the body forming into red globes that mixes in with the white smoke filling the compartment.

Below decks there is more gunfire occurring...

OOC: Please add an init roll to your next post if you decide to participate in the gunfight occurring below.
Shasa Quan
Belter, 40 posts
Xalte ere gova
Canterbury F:0/21
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 17:22
  • msg #90

Re: Big Ship (going down)

OOC: Are there friendlies 'above' Shasa whose fire would be impeded by the floating body? I'm inclined to at least clear the body away if it would help.
Shinsato Hirotsugu
Martian NPC, 96 posts
Sun 4 Dec 2022
at 16:38
  • msg #91

Re: Big Ship (going down)

With all the smoke in CIC Sato still couldn't see down there. Taking a risk, (hoping not to get shot at) he yells down from the Troop Berthing Deck down to those in CIC. "I got myself and one other up here."
Shasa Quan
Belter, 41 posts
Xalte ere gova
Canterbury F:0/21
Sun 4 Dec 2022
at 18:30
  • msg #92

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Shasa yelled back up. "Other enemy? Or other friend?"

There wasn't much for her to do at the moment, so she was able to engage in idle chatter. If nothing else the smoke would keep Sato safe (safer?) from those 'below'.
Asha Blackburn
Belter NPC, 85 posts
Fortune: 29
Condition: None
Sat 10 Dec 2022
at 16:33
  • msg #93

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Hearing Sato, Asha lets everyone know he's on their side. "Don't shoot Sato, he's on our side!"
Darkside Trooper
GM, 580 posts
Sat 10 Dec 2022
at 16:34
  • msg #94

Re: Big Ship (going down)

The gunfight below continues.... A shotgun and SMG are both being fired one or two decks below, and there is distant pistol fire coming from several deck ‘down’. The sounds of somebody below announcing they’ve been shot is also heard.

Shaved Head:
"I'm hit! Goddamn it I'm hit..."

Within the CIC compartment itself, the smoke is still obscuring everyone’s vision, but it isn’t irritating the eyes. Three dead bodies of the ship’s crew float about along with their weapons, and several dozen shell cases from the various weapons that have been fired.

The sounds of torpedoes being launched reverberate throughout the ship.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:37, Sat 10 Dec 2022.
Kattalin Zubiri
Martian, 153 posts
Sat 10 Dec 2022
at 16:40
  • msg #95

Re: Big Ship (going down)

With the immediate area clear of hostilities again Kattalin quickly scans through the systems still in need of unlocking and picks out the sensor system most likely to matter if weapons fire happens outside the ship and gets started on it.

Minor Action: Holster Pistol
Major Action: Kattalin Zubiri rolled 22 using 3d6+8 (5 stunt points) with the AGE System with rolls of {5}, 5, 4.  Intelligence (Technology) test TN 13, threshold 10.
Stunt point used: Speed Demon (2), High Tech Hustle (3)
Bonus Action: Kattalin Zubiri rolled 20 using 3d6+9 (4 stunt points) with the AGE System with rolls of {4}, 4, 3.  Electronic Warfare +1, Reroll
Stunt points used: Communication Jamming: 4

This message was last edited by the player at 02:23, Sun 11 Dec 2022.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 584 posts
Sat 10 Dec 2022
at 19:38
  • msg #96

Re: Big Ship (going down)

An alarm sounds in conjunction with a sudden drop in air pressure causing everyone ears to pop as several PDC rounds pass through the compartment and the ship itself. One of the dead floating bodies is torn in half at the torso and the dead man’s intestines begin to unravel and spread across the compartment.

Instead of the air pressure dropping to zero and then possibly dying from exposure to the vacuum of space, the alarm stops. Air pressure in the compartment is significantly lower than it was before, and they find it more difficult to breath. The smoke that had filled the compartment is now significantly less then it was before.

Each deck of the ship is cut off from the others as the hatches along the ladder/shaft of the vessel lock down.

Throughout the experience of the compartment depressurizing and several PDC rounds passing through it, Kattalin manages to get the vessels active sensor suite working.

[Private to Kattalin Zubiri: There are TWO torpedoes incoming. There is no sign of where the two torpedoes came from.

The only thing you can do is try and assist whoever is up on the Command/Flight deck by going active with the ship’s sensors.

Let me know how you want to use those stunt points.

If you're going to talk, please make a Constitution test TN 11. FAIL and your too busy gasping for air to talk.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:33, Sat 10 Dec 2022.
Dr. Abang Kaos
Earther NPC, 187 posts
Fortune: 24/17
Cond: None
Sat 10 Dec 2022
at 23:34
  • msg #97

Re: Big Ship (going down)

Dr. Kaos gasps for breath, trying to get used to the reduced air pressure.
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