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18:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Into the Deep Dark.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Rissa Twiceborn
player, 1044 posts
AC: 14, HP 36:36
Thu 11 May 2023
at 23:41
  • msg #903

Into the Deep Dark

Rissa drew near, her night eyes piercing the darkness and giving her a good view of the battlefield. Six trolls in a wide open cave, it was too many foes and too wide a space. She couldn't say anything though, not without giving away their position, and so she could only watch helplessly as Lucien set the trap and loosed his first arrow.

"Fall back, face them in the tunnels!"

She shouted, but she had to ignore her own advice to follow the plan.  The Staff's frost was potent, but it was not as long ranged as her own shadowy assault, so she had to move a little but closer to get into range. Worse, as the air thrummed with power and she summoned the frigid chill, she felt the weapon jerk in her fingertips. The magic came, but it was weak compared to what she had summoned before. A small burst of frost rather than an unending storm.

Move: Move to 55ft. Away from the trolls
Action:  Use Cone of Cold on all of them.

16:25, Today: Rissa Twiceborn rolled 24 using 8d8.  Cone of Cold. –

player, 613 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 00:00
  • msg #904

Into the Deep Dark

Alisandra sings encouragingly, bestowing a Bardic Inspiration onto the sorceress. She pulls back toward the tunnel and watches what's happening carefully, creating light from the top of her head as she does.


Initiative: 19:00, Today: Alisandra rolled 10 using 1d20+9 ((1)).

Move action: pull back
Action: Cast light on the top of her own head
Bonus action: perform Bardic Inspiration (+1d6 to one of Rissa's d20 rolls in the next 10 minutes)

Lathan Swiftstrider
player, 667 posts
Wood Elf Ranger
Fri 12 May 2023
at 00:50
  • msg #905

Into the Deep Dark

Lathan fires two arrows at the nearest troll, then begins to back away with the others.

Initiative 11. Bonus action: Hunter's Mark on the closest troll. Attack 1 hits AC 17 for 15 damage. Attack 2 hits AC 16 for 21 damage.

19:47, Today: Lathan Swiftstrider rolled 6 using 1d8.  Colossus Slayer.
19:46, Today: Lathan Swiftstrider rolled 5 using 1d6.  Hunter's Mark.
19:46, Today: Lathan Swiftstrider rolled 4 using 1d6.  Hunter's Mark.
19:46, Today: Lathan Swiftstrider rolled 10 using 1d8+3.  Damage.
19:46, Today: Lathan Swiftstrider rolled 11 using 1d8+3.  Damage.
19:46, Today: Lathan Swiftstrider rolled 16 using 1d20+6.  Attack.
19:46, Today: Lathan Swiftstrider rolled 17 using 1d20+6.  Attack.
19:45, Today: Lathan Swiftstrider rolled 11 using 2d20+3, dropping the lowest dice only.  Initiative.

Heldig One-Thumb
player, 145 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 15:53
  • msg #906

Into the Deep Dark

Heldig holds his position in the tunnels, standing so the others will pass between him and Snagger so they are standing as the wall between the trolls and his companions.

He raises his hammer, and with a prayer, the area around him seems to glow, with what appear to be angelic forms flitting in and out of view.

OOC: Initiative 14 -  Today: Heldig One-Thumb rolled 14 using 1d20 ((14)).
Action - Cast Spirit Guardians.  Designates his companions to not be affected.
15' radius DC 14 Wis. creature’s speed is halved in the area, and when the creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Wisdom saving throw.  Take 3d8 Radiant damage or take half damage.

player, 263 posts
Sun 14 May 2023
at 07:21
  • msg #907

Into the Deep Dark

Jinx slowly moves into position and casts a spell.  "Be careful at the tunnel entrace." she says.  She then waits the the best moment to use her flamethrower.

Action: Cast Grease, if possible, cover a 10' square just a the entrance of the tunnel so the trolls will walk onto it when charging at us
Bonus action: flame thrower

08:13, Today: Jinx rolled 8 using 2d8 with rolls of 3,5.  Flamethrower damage.
08:13, Today: Jinx rolled 16 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 13.  Initiative.

Lorrain Greenleaf
player, 145 posts
Mon 15 May 2023
at 03:04
  • msg #908

Into the Deep Dark

His chanting was soft, almost a murmur with his spellbook in hand as he forced his focus onto the spell that he was casting. As it reached its crescendo, a bright streak flashed from Lorrain's extended index finger, the streak hitting a position behind the group of trolls (hopefully hitting the trolls and none of his companions). The streak quickly blossomed into an explosion of flame...

20:51, Today: Lorrain Greenleaf rolled 5 using 1d20+3.  Initiative .

Action: Casting Fireball. DEX Save, DC 14
  • 20:55, Today: Lorrain Greenleaf rolled 28 using 8d6.  Fireball Dmg. Failed Save. 14 dmg on a successful save.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1332 posts
Tue 16 May 2023
at 18:56
  • msg #909

Into the Deep Dark

Lucien fires an "acid arrow" at one of the trolls but misses. The trolls are quick to react, and three of them rush forward to engage Lucien. The other three hang back near the pool of water at the back of the cave, shouting.

Pause round.

Troll 1 (Lucien): uninjured
Troll 2 (Lucien): uninjured
Troll 3 (Lucien): uninjured
Troll 4: uninjured
Troll 5: uninjured
Troll 6: uninjured

Rissa Twiceborn
player, 1046 posts
AC: 14, HP 36:36
Tue 16 May 2023
at 20:16
  • msg #910

Into the Deep Dark

They'd never done that before. Something was different, something was wrong, and she dreaded it.


She rushed forward to summon Demonic Flame, an orb of it forming in her hand, and a sister to it striking the first troll.

"Retreat to the tunnels!"

She shouted, ready to follow her own advice. She beckoned, and the flame worked a wide arc around Lucien and floated towards her.

Move: Run to 60ft. Away from the Trolls.
Action:  Use Pact magic Slot 1 of 2 ro cast Flaming Sphere at 60ft. Range,
Bonus: Ram it with the Sphere, DC 14 Dex for half of 9, then draw it away from Lucien and then towards Rissa 15ft

13:08, Today: Rissa Twiceborn rolled 9 using 2d6. –

This message was last edited by the player at 20:18, Tue 16 May 2023.
player, 618 posts
Tue 16 May 2023
at 20:27
  • msg #911

Into the Deep Dark

Alisandra pulls back into the tunnel itself, preparing to take up a defensive stance when the trolls reached them. She continues singing and uses her final Inspiration on Lathan.


Move action: take up position in tunnel for front line
Action: use dodging action to give disadvantage to the troll attackers when they come
Bonus Action: perform Bardic Inspiration for Lathan; +1d6 to a d20 roll of Lathan's choice sometime in the next 10 minutes

Lucien Nailo
player, 1427 posts
Seliar Silversong
Wed 17 May 2023
at 22:37
  • msg #912

Into the Deep Dark

With his typical dexterity, Lucien slithers his way free of the melee with the trolls, but as he does a second Lucien stands back up in the middle of the monsters and brandishes a rapier. As one elf retreats slowly across the slimy ground, the other assumes a defensive posture.

Bonus Action: Disengage.
Move: Retreat from the trolls at half speed to avoid falling (15 feet).
Action: While retreating, cast Silent Image to create an illusory Lucien which stays where Lucien was standing.
Familiar Action: Use Help action to give someone else advantage against a troll.

This message was last edited by the player at 22:40, Wed 17 May 2023.
player, 266 posts
Fri 19 May 2023
at 22:10
  • msg #913

Into the Deep Dark

Jinx carefully moves into position and casts a spell and seeing three trolls charging forward, she says an incantation and they become surrounded by violet light.  She then waits the the best moment to use her flamethrower.

Action: Cast dearie fire at the 3 charging trolls.
Bonus action: flame thrower
Move action: stay 50-60' from trolls

08:13, Today: Jinx rolled 8 using 2d8 with rolls of 3,5.  Flamethrower damage.
08:13, Today: Jinx rolled 16 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 13.  Initiative.

This message was last edited by the player at 07:17, Sun 21 May 2023.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1337 posts
Sun 28 May 2023
at 00:25
  • msg #914

Into the Deep Dark

Lucien slips away from the three trolls, summoning a silent image of himself in his place as he does so. Heldig casts spirit guardians, surrounding himself with angelic forms. Jinx envelopes the three advancing trolls in faerie fire, then blasts them with her flamethrower. Lathan hits the closest troll with two arrows. Alisandra retreats while encouraging Lathan. Rissa slips and falls on the ground as she attempts to retreat. She summons a flaming sphere and rams it into the trolls. Lorrain casts fireball, engulfing the three trolls in a burst of fire.

Next round.

Troll 1: injured (-72 hp; faerie fire)
Troll 2: injured (-45 hp; faerie fire)
Troll 3: injured (-27 hp; faerie fire)
Troll 4: uninjured
Troll 5: uninjured
Troll 6: uninjured

player, 620 posts
Sun 28 May 2023
at 02:14
  • msg #915

Into the Deep Dark

Alisandra taunts the trolls in the very worst Orcish she knows, weaving her rapier before them to entice them -- even to dare them -- to strike, all the while keeping her balance and defenses as strong as she can.

Action: Dodge
Move Action: Make a defensive line with the other fighters
Free Action: Really, really bad words for the trolls in Orc

Lucien Nailo
player, 1429 posts
Seliar Silversong
Sun 28 May 2023
at 14:09
  • msg #916

Into the Deep Dark

With the Faerie Fire making the trolls easy targets, Lucien's familiar keeps its distance as another arrow from the elf finds its mark in the most injured of the trolls. Instead of harassing the monsters, the owl instead goes to take a look at what the three trolls behind the others are doing. Lucien continues to backpedal away from the monsters, careful to keep his feet on the treacherous ground, but surprisingly fleet none the less. "That illusion won't fool them much longer. Keep your distance."

Action: Attack against Troll 1 hits AC 22 for 13 damage.
Bonus Action: Dash
Move: Move away from the trolls at half speed (30 feet w/ dash).

Lucien Nailo rolled 22 using 2d20+9, dropping the lowest dice only.  Longbow attack w/advantage.
Lucien Nailo rolled 9,4 using 1d8+4,2d6.  Damage w/ sneak attack.

Rissa Twiceborn
player, 1047 posts
AC: 14, HP 33:36
Mon 29 May 2023
at 00:53
  • msg #917

Into the Deep Dark

Rissa's eyes went wide with surprise as Lorrain's Art engulfed the Trolls in flames, shocked to see the strength and devastating of his magic compared to her own. She needed the staff to summon such an assault, and yet he could do it all on his own? She had so much to learn of magic still. She was so surprised that she toppled over, letting out a loud curse in Abyssal to add to Alisandra's Orcish, twisting her ankle on the slick stone and crashing to the ground. She held onto her own paltry flame though, and as she rose she raised a beckoning finger and ran it over the Troll Lucien had already felled.


She hurled two more blasts of shadow at the next most injured Troll, then hobbled further towards the tunnel entrance.

Move: 15ft to stand, then retreat
Bonus: Move flaming sphere to Troll #1
Action: Eldritch Blast Troll #2
-Hit on a 22 for 11 force
-Hit on a 20 for 12 force

17:44, Today: Rissa Twiceborn rolled 5 using 2d6.  Flaming Sphere. –
17:41, Today: Rissa Twiceborn rolled 12 using 1d10+3.  EB 2. –
17:40, Today: Rissa Twiceborn rolled 11 using 1d10+3.  EB 1. –
17:40, Today: Rissa Twiceborn rolled 20 using 2d20+6, dropping the lowest dice only.  EB 2 advantage. –
17:40, Today: Rissa Twiceborn rolled 22 using 2d20+6, dropping the lowest dice only.  EB 1 advantage
17:50, Today: Rissa Twiceborn rolled 13 using 1d20+2.  Concentration.

player, 267 posts
Mon 29 May 2023
at 11:17
  • msg #918

Into the Deep Dark

Jinx watches the fire engulfing the charging trolls with a sense of relief.  "Let's finish these three.  But I don't like that the other three are acting weird" she says

She manoeuvres the little flamethrower to a better position and fires at the trolls.  "Aargh!" she says as she sees but the tiniest jet of flame come out of it. "Must be getting tired.  Take that then" and she sends a fire bolt crashing into one of the troll

Bonus action: move the flame thrower in position and fire at as many trolls as possible
Action: Fire bolt at the most injured troll still standing
Move action: carefully stay at around 45' from the troll.

12:09, Today: Jinx rolled 9 using 2d10 with rolls of 8,1.  Fire bolt damage.
12:09, Today: Jinx rolled 23 using 2d20+7, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 16,11.  Fire bolt attack w/ Advantage.
12:08, Today: Jinx rolled 3 using 2d8.  Flamethrower damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 22:52, Wed 31 May 2023.
Lathan Swiftstrider
player, 670 posts
Wood Elf Ranger
Mon 29 May 2023
at 16:06
  • msg #919

Into the Deep Dark

Lathan switches his focus to the next troll and fires two arrows at it.

Switch Hunter's Mark to Troll 2. Attack 1 hits AC 16 (using Alisandra's Inspiration) for 18 damage. Attack 2 misses. Move to stay behind the front line.

11:04, Today: Lathan Swiftstrider rolled 4 using 1d8.  Colossus Slayer.
11:03, Today: Lathan Swiftstrider rolled 3 using 1d6.  Hunter's Mark.
11:03, Today: Lathan Swiftstrider rolled 11 using 1d8+3.  Damage.
11:03, Today: Lathan Swiftstrider rolled 3 using 1d6.  Inspiration.
11:03, Today: Lathan Swiftstrider rolled 7 using 1d20+6.  Attack.
11:03, Today: Lathan Swiftstrider rolled 13 using 1d20+6.  Attack.

Heldig One-Thumb
player, 147 posts
Mon 29 May 2023
at 19:45
  • msg #920

Into the Deep Dark

Heldig focuses on keeping the spirits around him and those near him (15' radius).  As the trolls are lured to coming closer, he focuses on one of the already injured, raising his hammer as he casts to injure one of the injured creatures.

OOC: Keeping Spirit Guardians up.
Casts Toll the Dead on the nearest injured troll.  DC 14 Wis Necrotic. 17 dam or 1/2.
15:41, Today: Heldig One-Thumb rolled 17 using 2d12 ((12,5)).

Lorrain Greenleaf
player, 147 posts
Wed 31 May 2023
at 08:58
  • msg #921

Into the Deep Dark

Seeing Rissa slip and fall made Lorrain move, to provide some kind of cover for her as she tried to right herself. His chanting was very soft as he threw a mote of fire towards one of the trolls that had been injured. He glanced back to the tiefling. “Are you alright?” he asked softly, ready to help her up if needed.

Move: Moving to stand in front of Rissa
Bonus: None
Action: Casting Fire Bolt

02:56, Today: Lorrain Greenleaf rolled 10 using 2d20+6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 4,4.  Fire Bolt (Advantage).
02:57, Today: Lorrain Greenleaf rolled 3 using 2d10.  Fire Bolt Dmg.

Rissa Twiceborn
player, 1048 posts
AC: 14, HP 33:36
Wed 31 May 2023
at 17:28
  • msg #922

Into the Deep Dark

"Scared nearly witless."

Rissa answered, grateful beyond measure that Lorrain had stepped in front of her. She had been so dependent upon this people, relying on the strength of their mail and their shields (and in one case even their life) to keep her safe. They had never once failed her.

She owed Lorrain and all the others more than she could ever say.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1341 posts
Thu 1 Jun 2023
at 20:07
  • msg #923

Into the Deep Dark

The three trolls close in on the party's front line. As soon as they do, Heldig's spirit guardians take down one of them. Snagger hacks into the next troll with two swipes of his battleaxe; the troll viciously bites and claws the dwarf in retaliation. The last one attacks the image of Lucien, while the real Lucien shoots the other troll with an arrow, taking it down. Heldig successfully tolls the dead against the last of the three trolls. Jinx hits it with her flamethrower and a fire bolt, then Lathan drops it with two arrows. Rissa rolls her flaming sphere over the fallen trolls to ensure that they stay down.

Pause round.

Troll 1: dead
Troll 2: dead
Troll 3: dead
Troll 4: uninjured
Troll 5: uninjured
Troll 6: uninjured

player, 621 posts
Thu 1 Jun 2023
at 20:26
  • msg #924

Into the Deep Dark

"In case they're conjuring something terrible, we'd better get ready to deal with the other three," Alisandra says, wincing as she look at Snagger's wounds. "How bad, Snagger? I can toss a healing word or three at you?"
NPC, 22 posts
Thu 1 Jun 2023
at 20:42
  • msg #925

Into the Deep Dark

Snagger glances down at his bloody torso. "That'd be a big help, Alisandra. That bugger got me good."

Snagger is down 26 hit points.
player, 622 posts
Thu 1 Jun 2023
at 22:01
  • msg #926

Into the Deep Dark

The bard casts healing word, mending some of the dwarf's wounds. "Need better healing spells," she mutters, "'cause this one's for quick response, not to much healing. There's a start, Snag." She glances around to see if someone else was going to pitch in or if she needed to cast another.

OOC: 17:00, Today: Alisandra rolled 6 for healing word using 1d4+3 ((3)).
Rissa Twiceborn
player, 1051 posts
AC: 14, HP 33:36
Thu 1 Jun 2023
at 22:53
  • msg #927

Into the Deep Dark

Rissa hurried as fast as she safely could to Snagger, spooling a strand of light from her staff.


She almost sung the two toned words, her magic flowing in after Alisandra's as she touched him.

"Where are the rest of them?"

They all noted to concern in her voice as she looked around, her night eyes sharpen than any of theirs, and yet unable to see the foes.

Using Pact magic slot 2 of 2 to Cure Wounds Snagger for 17

15:50, Today: Rissa Twiceborn rolled 17 using 2d8+3.  Cure Wounds.

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