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20:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian.

Posted by GameMasterFor group 0
GM, 337 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Mon 7 Aug 2023
at 08:39
  • msg #1

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Breakfast as usual will be served between 8am and 9am. Cordelia will appear just after 8:25, she seems very upbeat this morning.

"Good Morning. Did you all sleep well? Did you enjoy yourselves yesterday? Not too much out of your depths I hope. How did the trip to Elysium go, I've not had a chance to catch up with Madison yet."

Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 101 posts
Mon 7 Aug 2023
at 19:32
  • msg #2

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal arrives 10 minutes before breakfast starts.

"Good morning. The trip to Elysium was interesting. And opened another can of question." He smiles. "I guess the more we learn the more question we have. Well at last me. And I'm sure I do not even realize how many I have."

"We got some information about the Serpent. And meeting Agnetha was interesting."

"There was also the Abyss or part of the Abyss."

"If you have time, doe not need to be now,  I try to sort some of the information about the family you already gave us and I realized that I have some names I could not place."

Cordelia Chan
NPC, 113 posts
Mon 7 Aug 2023
at 20:15
  • msg #3

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
"If you have time, doe not need to be now,  I try to sort some of the information about the family you already gave us and I realized that I have some names I could not place."</Seagreen>

"Family genealogy is not my forte. Siobhan is the current family archivist, however I'll answer if I can."
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 102 posts
Tue 8 Aug 2023
at 05:57
  • msg #4

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"You mention 5 relatives."

"Wyatt, Liena, Imleshe. Can you tell me which of them are cousin and which of them are Oberon's children?"
Cathal asks.

GM Note:
You obviously didn't read my responses in the appropriate thread, specifically the one where you asked Zou Yan the same question.

[edit note: removed two names.]
This message was last edited by the player at 16:50, Wed 09 Aug 2023.
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 114 posts
Tue 8 Aug 2023
at 19:14
  • msg #5

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
"You mention 3 relatives."
"Wyatt, Liena, and Imleshe. Can you tell me which of them are cousin and which of them are Oberon's children?"
Cathal asks.

"Of the 3 only one could be considered a relative. Liena I know nothing save that she is Scott's mother. You're probably going to ask Scott if you want to know anymore about her. Imleshe, well, aside from the fact that he died trying to restore the Pattern, is sort of Madison's son, in that she gave birth to him. I'm not going to discuss the circumstances of his conception, I distinctly suggest you don't bring the matter up with Madison herself."

"That just leaves Wyatt, who's both a cousin and not a cousin at the same time, and more closely related to my half brother than possibly anyone else, although that distinction is open to debate."
"Now to understand Wyatt's heritage, I'm going to need to explain something else first."
"Having walked the Pattern you're now aware it leaves an imprint of itself on you. There is however another side to that coin. You also leave an imprint on the Pattern, or rather a memory image of yourself."

"Now the Pattern can, an I believe the Logrus has a similar ability, manifest any image it posses. Once manifested that image is sort of real, at least in close proximity to the Pattern. The further away that image or ghost moves from the Pattern the faster it will decay, until it just vanishes."
"Now shapeshifters, assuming they're good enough can manifest either clones of themselves or other creatures, by drawing their own blood, and using it as the basis of the clone or creature. Don't ask me about how this is done or anything else about it as I have no idea, other than it can be done. "
"Now Wyatt was created as a ghost by the Pattern in an attempt to win a little fracas with the Logrus which involved my half-brother, except things didn't work out quite as planned and my half brother turned the tables by giving Wyatt a blood transfusion and making him real, well mostly as real or you and I."
"To make things more interesting he was then adopted by my father's Pattern."
Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan
player, 297 posts
Wed 9 Aug 2023
at 04:17
  • msg #6

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Having spent the morning focused on her studies, Rhiannon arrived at breakfast quite late. It wasn't that she didn't know what time it was. It was more that she was on the verge of a breakthrough and didn't want to stop. It was well after eight when she finally made it to the dining hall, where she grabbed whatever was easiest on a plate and found a seat.

"Good morning, cousins. Sorry I'm late, but I was making good progress on my practice with trump sources and I wanted to keep going until I hit the next difficult spot. I hope I didn't miss too much."
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 103 posts
Wed 9 Aug 2023
at 17:00
  • msg #7

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"A ghost interesting, created by the Pattern and now real."

"Good to know. Who's ghost was he in the beginning so I have a chance not to mix them up."

"Your half brother is Merlin, now King of Chaos right?"

Cathal asks just the moment Rhiannon walks in.

Cathal turns to Rhiannon smiles at her. "Good morning cousin. You should try the fruit mix with some fresh yogurt. I'm no completely sure it is yogurt but it is good."
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 115 posts
Wed 9 Aug 2023
at 22:03
  • msg #8

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
"A ghost interesting, created by the Pattern and now real."

"Good to know. Who's ghost was he in the beginning so I have a chance not to mix them up."

"Your half brother is Merlin, now King of Chaos right?"

"Wyatt is Wardro's ghost, although you don't need to worry about running into Wardro as Raif, or at least Raif's forces killed him. It's going to make any foray into Kashfa, assuming we can ever get there, far more interesting than normal."

"Hmm.. Merlin, I've told you not to rely on the books. His name is Zander. As to whether he's still ruler at the Courts is a very interesting question. It's been 50 odd years since the end of the War, whether he's managed to survive that long is a question we'll only be able to answer in time."
Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan
player, 298 posts
Wed 9 Aug 2023
at 23:35
  • msg #9

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Rhiannon enjoyed her fruit mix and yogurt as Cordelia and Cathal discussed family. It was interesting and disturbing how the potential regicide of a close relative could be so matter-of-fact. There was one relative though, that she was interested in hearing about.

"Cordelia, if I may interrupt... at the Expo there was this young woman who appeared regularly in your videos. She looked familiar. I was wondering if she was your daughter?"
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 116 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 00:12
  • msg #10

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cordelia smiles.
"Yes she is. Her English name is Charlotte, although she prefers Charlie."
Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan
player, 299 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 02:17
  • msg #11

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"Oh lovely." Rhiannon chirped. "I want to meet her. Madison suggested she would be good to go clubbing with. I'm told you have a club of your own."
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 117 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 08:17
  • msg #12

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan:
"Oh lovely." Rhiannon chirped. "I want to meet her. Madison suggested she would be good to go clubbing with. I'm told you have a club of your own."

Cordelia bursts out laughing.
"Clubbing. Yes, well I think you'll have to go some to keep up with Charlie and her friends. And  yes I do own a club after a fashion."
"As to meeting her. She's due back from school on the morning of the 15th, although I'm not sure what state she's going to be in. There's an end of term party this week, although she's leaving before it really gets going Friday night."
GM, 338 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 11:03
  • msg #13

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Kenneth Eday Elgrim:
"I think I've met her already, unless she has a twin or look alike that also works for Mizzurian. She turned up at the house a few days after I got my invite, checking that I had received it, and wanting to confirm if I was attending or not."

Kenneth Eday Elgrim:
"I suspect she also arranged the delivery of clothes I received a few days later."

"You're sure about this?"

Kenneth Eday Elgrim:
"Yes. As I said unless she has a double that works for Mizzurian. She was wearing a Mizzurian flak jacket, had a sword like your strapped across her back, and a pair of holstered Glocks at her waist. I did think the latter a little odd. "

Cordelia appears a little confused over this development.
"Well it does sound like her. I'll need to look into this."

Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 104 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 12:50
  • msg #14

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"So many question." Cathals starts." For a software company, Mizzurian has a strong company security, more like an army."
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 118 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 12:58
  • msg #15

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
"So many question." Cathals starts." For a software company, Mizzurian has a strong company security, more like an army."

Cassandra Troy
player, 147 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 14:13
  • msg #16

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cassandra entered the hall later than planned "Morning," she said with a nod, once sat she found Rhiannon and said "Let me know when you plan to have another Pattern discussion, so I can join you this time."
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 105 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 15:24
  • msg #17

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"I think the question is why you have an army on Mizzurian Earth and the other Earth. You might have one because you can or you want to be prepare and I mean perpared for an actual thread."

Cathal asks Cordelia.

"Good morning Cassandra, not yet at any pattern topic." He greets Cassandra with a smile. "The fruit mix with some fresh yogurt is good."
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 119 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 15:48
  • msg #18

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
"I think the question is why you have an army on Mizzurian Earth and the other Earth. You might have one because you can or you want to be prepare and I mean perpared for an actual thread."

"You're making assumptions as to where the majority of Mizzurian Security's operations are. Whilst there are a number of places on Mizzurian Earth where they are deployed, it is not where the majority of their personell are deployed. The majority are in fact on True Earth and the majority of those in the Nisenan Valley Republic, what was once Northern California."
This message was last edited by the player at 09:50, Sun 31 Dec 2023.
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 106 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 16:40
  • msg #19

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"So they guard your efforts in rebuilding parts of True Earth." Cathal repleis.
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 120 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 16:56
  • msg #20

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
"So they guard your efforts in rebuilding parts of True Earth." Cathal repleis.

"For the most part, they provide security services where they're needed."
Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan
player, 300 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 18:39
  • msg #21

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"I'm eager for that introduction, and I look forward to keeping up with her and her friends. Hopefully she won't mind having her Aunt around."

Rhiannon was still thinking about clubbing when the conversation drifted to Charlie's visit and her security outfit. That led to a discussion about armies about the various Earths. Even Cassandras entrance and prompt about the Pattern didn't change the course of the conversation, but it did raise a big question in Rhiannon's mind.

"Good Morning Cassandra" She slipped that in before moving right on to the topic of her curiosity "Cordelia, why do you bother keeping an army on Real Earth? I guess I understand that it had some significance to your father, but it's just one Shadow among so many. Is there something still there that you have to protect, or maybe acquire?"
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 121 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 20:06
  • msg #22

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan:
"Good Morning Cassandra" She slipped that in before moving right on to the topic of her curiosity "Cordelia, why do you bother keeping an army on Real Earth? I guess I understand that it had some significance to your father, but it's just one Shadow among so many. Is there something still there that you have to protect, or maybe acquire?"

"Because Mizzurian started there, I lived there until my condo was destroyed at the beginning of the war. Did you think I would just abandon everyone? Leave them to their fate somewhat caused by the family's involvement on the Shadow? I also had and still have friends there."
"Then there is the small matter that Mizzurian is effectively the Government for the Nisenan Valley Republic. We also provide security for the native Pauite and Walker River Republics."
This message was last edited by the player at 09:53, Sun 31 Dec 2023.
Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan
player, 301 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 20:26
  • msg #23

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Rhiannon raised her eyebrows at the ferocity of her cousin's response. Clearly, Cordelia still felt some responsibility to Real Earth, for reasons that were both personal and moral. "I didn't think anything. That's why I asked." She sipped some juice.
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 107 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 05:57
  • msg #24

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"To guard someones home is important no matter where home is and friends are friends." Cathal says. "I would do the same."

"Today it is back to the expo anything we should keep in mind for today. Something we should that we should pay attention too?"
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 122 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 08:22
  • msg #25

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
"Today it is back to the expo anything we should keep in mind for today. Something we should that we should pay attention too?"

gm  note:
The Calendar is on the website for a reason..

"If you returned to the Expo you'd find it closed. You need to learn to account for time differences across shadows. It won't open until tomorrow morning local time."
"As to what to look out for if you return, I've no idea, as I've no idea what you've explored so far. It's a 3 day event, because not all those that wish to attend would be able to make one day, and it would be a logistical nightmare to accommodate all the significant interests on one day. Those with the most investment would have been at the launch. Saturday will be the biggest day for gamers, it's the weekend and the You-tube and Twitch launches will have had the desired impact and generated a significant level of interest by then. The viewing figures for the steams were still accelerating when I left last night."
"Aside from the breakfast meeting on the morning of the 15th. Your next specific commitments will be the Balls that follow the Expo. I'm assuming you've all sorted suitable attire? It's also worth me pointing out that you will all be expected to dance, especially at the Carnelian Ball. That comes with your new status, it's one of the fundamental requirements that comes with state visits."
This message was last edited by the player at 10:59, Fri 11 Aug 2023.
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 108 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 09:22
  • msg #26

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"Still getting used to the differen timestreams." Cathal answers.

"Would my beautiful cousins give me the honor to practice dancing." Cathal turns to Rhiannon and Cassandra.
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 123 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 11:02
  • msg #27

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
"Still getting used to the differen timestreams." Cathal answers.

"Would my beautiful cousins give me the honor to practice dancing." Cathal turns to Rhiannon and Cassandra.

"You may find that your Personal Assistants are of more use. They are all familiar with the six dances that come up most frequently"
"If you're not used to formal dances you may also find it useful to practice as a group. Colliding with other dancers generally doesn't go down well, and ladies if you're wearing heels you need to practice dancing in them."
This message was last edited by the player at 11:05, Fri 11 Aug 2023.
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 109 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 12:02
  • msg #28

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"First checking with the assistant, a meeting to practice together." Cathal nods.

"Is one of the formal dances the Waltz. I like the Waltz."
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 124 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 13:59
  • msg #29

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
"Is one of the formal dances the Waltz. I like the Waltz."

"Yes the Waltz is part of the standard set, and is often the first set of 3 dances. The other standards you are most likely familiar with are the  Foxtrot, Quickstep, and Tango. The one you're probably not familiar with is the Bolero. The last one on your list, at least for the balls here is the Jive. If it were Amber or the Golden circle then it would most likely be the Charleston"
Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan
player, 302 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 14:48
  • msg #30

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"Yes, Cathal. I'd be happy to practice with you. But I expect Cordelia is correct that some practice with the specific dances would be important. Though, Cordelia, I find it amusing that you think we need practice dancing in heels. I expect we've all done that quite a bit. Though, I have to ask. I understand that the Carnelian Ball is a state affair, But at the Mizzurian Ball with whom are we expected to dance with? We were never introduced to anyone of importance, and I never heard us announced. We were just extra faces. Is there anyone there who would be seeking our hands? Specifically, I mean."
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 125 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 16:56
  • msg #31

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan:
"Yes, Cathal. I'd be happy to practice with you. But I expect Cordelia is correct that some practice with the specific dances would be important. Though, Cordelia, I find it amusing that you think we need practice dancing in heels. I expect we've all done that quite a bit. Though, I have to ask. I understand that the Carnelian Ball is a state affair, But at the Mizzurian Ball with whom are we expected to dance with? We were never introduced to anyone of importance, and I never heard us announced. We were just extra faces. Is there anyone there who would be seeking our hands? Specifically, I mean."

"So things have changed drastially in the last few years then? You stay in you heels all night when you go clubbing? It always used to be the case you'd wear them till you got in, then pretty much spent the rest of the evening dancing in bare feet."
"Dancing formally is different to knocking out some moves in a night club, and if you're not used to wearing heels and decide to wear heels then it's worth you making sure you can dance in them before hand, rather than suddenly finding yourself flat on your face. You're not going to have the night club option of removing them 5 minutes after you've arrived."
"Both balls will run in the same way from your perspective. You're VIP guests at the Mizzurian Ball and both VIP guests and Royal Family Members at the Carnelian Ball. You will be announced at both, although your titles won't be used at the Mizzurian Ball. You will have dance cards at both Balls."
"Now who is going to choose to dance with you at the Mizzurian Ball, I've no idea, but the fact that you are my guests will garner you a certain level of attention, if for no other reason than to find out what you know about me and Mizzurian's operations."
Cassandra Troy
player, 148 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 17:00
  • msg #32

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cassandra simply nodded happy with that response.

"As I have no idea how to ballroom dance, I'm happy to practice with everyone."

"However I must ask, how many dances are we supposed to do, can we stop at one or would it be expected of us to do more?"
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 126 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 17:13
  • msg #33

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cassandra Troy:
Cassandra simply nodded happy with that response.

"As I have no idea how to ballroom dance, I'm happy to practice with everyone."

"However I must ask, how many dances are we supposed to do, can we stop at one or would it be expected of us to do more?"

"Dance cards typically have 30 slots. Dances are usually in batches of 3 and you change partner according to who's next on the card. Allowing three and a half minutes per dance including changing partners and a 3 minute break between batches, you'll find you'll be occupied for at least the first 2 hours. Whether you're occupied after that very much depends on how many people want to dance with you and how impolite you wish to either be or be seen to be."
"Now the Expo Ball nominally starts at eight thirty pm and the Carnelian Ball at eight pm. For both balls you can probably get away with leaving any time after about eleven pm, and you're probably going to want to do that for the Expo ball so that you've got enough time to grab a shower and change for the Carnelian Ball."
"What time you end up leaving the post Carnelian ball party, given that there's likely to be a move of the younger generation around that time to the roof and the pool, is entirely up to you."
Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan
player, 303 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 19:17
  • msg #34

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"Given that our dance partners will be assigned and you expect that their interest will be primarily to pump us for information, is there some kind of approved messaging that we should have going in? I'm thinking mainly of the Mizzurian ball right now, but I suppose the same kind of question could be asked of the Carnelian ball. We know so very little, and I have no idea what should be said and what shouldn't."

"And how should we handle it if a dance partner get a but too.... let's say, amorous? Suggestive, handsy, insistent, or worse? I'm sure there is an etiquette that doesn't include a slap across the face."
This message was last edited by the player at 19:48, Fri 11 Aug 2023.
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 110 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 19:25
  • msg #35

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"A ball should be fun." Cathal seems to enjoy the prospect of dancing.

"I do no know the Bolero, so that is what I have to train.  The Waltz seem to be the most easiest one but is is also a dance where  you circle around much, so dizzy warning coming in. The base steps of Foxtrot, Quickstep and Jive are simple, keeping the tact is the tricky part. But the Ladies have a bit more easy it is the gentleman job to lead through the dance and when he keeps the tact you are safe. Tango is, well that is a dance for passion." Cathal smiles.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 19:27, Fri 11 Aug 2023.
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 127 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 19:35
  • msg #36

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan:
"Given that our dance partners will be assigned and you expect that their interest will be primarily to pump us for information, is there some kind of approved messaging that we should have going in? I'm thinking mainly of the Mizzurian ball right now, but I suppose the same kind of question could be asked of the Carnelian ball. We know so very little, and I have no idea what should be said and what shouldn't."

"And how should we handle it if a dance partner get a but too.... let's say, amorous? Suggestive, handsy, insistent, or worse? I'm sure there is an etiquette that doesn't include a slap across the face."

"Your dance partners are not assigned. Your dance cards start blank. You either approach somebody you would like to dance with or somebody approaches you. If you both have corresponding vacant slots then they get filled."
"Given you don't know very much then you can't tell them anything. You been my guest for a few days, had a relaxing time at my residence, attended the opening ceremony and looked around the Expo. Lying or inventing things just causes issue. Omitting or not revealing details, as long as you're not obviously evasive about it is generally the best policy. I don't know is generally a good answer."
"No is a valid answer in any circumstance. If they persist in not behaving then slapping them is a valid rebuke. It'll do more harm to their reputation than yours. That said I've not to date encountered that level of problem; usually telling them to put their hands where they're supposed to be works."
Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan
player, 304 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 19:53
  • msg #37

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"Okay, fair enough. Though, if we are just to ask or be asked on the spot, what's the point of having dance cards at all?"
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 128 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 20:13
  • msg #38

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan:
"Okay, fair enough. Though, if we are just to ask or be asked on the spot, what's the point of having dance cards at all?"

"Because it avoids arguments, and allows you to make arrangements to dance with people you may want to, for reasons that aren't always obvious. It also allows you to dance with people who wouldn't consider even approaching you deeming you outside of their social circle or just far to intimidating to approach. Quite useful when you want to know what's really going on on the shop floor or what the shop floor opinions are. Managers generally have the tendency to protect their own asses at the expense of their subordinates. If they have a slot free on their card then they can't turn you down unless they really want to embarrass themselves. Of course it also means that if you want to make a move on somebody you can just arrange to fill the latter slots on their card."
Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan
player, 305 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 20:39
  • msg #39

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"Right. I guess that goes the other way around then too. The more timid types could just add their name to my card without having to face the terror of asking directly. I'm not usually in the habit of asking men to dance. That's their job, so if I'm not dancing blame that's why. But I expect the Carnelians are not all that bashful, so I suppose I should put Kassidy to work. I haven't really used him very much, so hopefully he won't mind tutoring me on these formal dances. heels."
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 111 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 13:26
  • msg #40

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"Then we say 16:oo o'clock for training to dance in a group. I will send them time to the others who are not yet here." Cathal suggests.
GM, 339 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 14:12
  • msg #41

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

You can assume that all your compatriots will be at breakfast, lunch, dinner unless I post otherwise.

As you look around for reactions, Kenneth has stopped eating and pushed his plate away. He looks a little pale. Winter, Blake, and Natalie are also playing with their food rather than actually eating. Natsuki has also given up on her breakfast but is not actually playing with her food.
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 112 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 14:41
  • msg #42

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal looks around "Did I said something wrong?"

Kenneth Eday Elgrim
player, 72 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 16:04
  • msg #43

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
Cathal looks around "Did I said something wrong?"

"Not you, at least not directly. I've never danced a step in my whole life. I've no idea where to start. Maybe I should just return home and everybody can just forget about me."
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 113 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 16:18
  • msg #44

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal shakes his head. "No definitely not. Your view on thing is valuable, your opinion on things is valuable."

"You worked on the fields right. There is a rhythm to do things. You do that when you were sowing or reaping. You know what steps to do when swinging a scythe, or? It is done in a rhythm and with a certain sequence of steps you take with your feet to move forward."

This message was last edited by the player at 16:18, Sat 12 Aug 2023.
Kenneth Eday Elgrim
player, 73 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 16:47
  • msg #45

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
Cathal shakes his head. "No definitely not. Your view on thing is valuable, your opinion on things is valuable."

"You worked on the fields right. There is a rhythm to do things. You do that when you were sowing or reaping. You know what steps to do when swinging a scythe, or? It is done in a rhythm and with a certain sequence of steps you take with your feet to move forward."

"Yes, I worked the fields. Everybody had to during harvest."
"Sure there's a technique to using a scythe, but I don't see how that helps."
Cassandra Troy
player, 149 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 17:11
  • msg #46

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cassandra nodded at Cordelia's explanation, she was not overly pleased but she would put up with it. At Rhiannon's concerns, she did however recommend violence, after all, that tended to get the point across rather quickly. That and she had some rather lethal heels in her wardrobe.

"Rhiannon if someone does get overly handsy and is not listening, I suggest a swift stomp of the heel to the foot, that usually works for me"

"Very well I will see you then." At that she rose, perhaps today she would work on her Trump skills now her Pattern walking was more advanced.
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 114 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 18:03
  • msg #47

Re: Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Kenneth Eday Elgrim:
"Yes, I worked the fields. Everybody had to during harvest."
"Sure there's a technique to using a scythe, but I don't see how that helps."

"Correct me, I do not know to use the scythe, but I imagine it is step step swing, step step swing.  And you would try to keep a the same steady rhythm. Now imagine you do these movements with music."

"Dancing is about repeating the same steps by a given rhythm of music."

Cathal turns to Winter."Winter you do tai chi katas? It's sequence of steps and movements right? Now imagine you would do them to the rhythm of music."

Then he turns to Natsuki. "Natsuki  do you do martial arts. They have Katas too? Now try to imagine to do them to a rythem of music."
Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan
player, 306 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 19:15
  • msg #48

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Rhiannon laughed at the suggestions on how to deal with boorish dance partners. "I suppose I overstated the concern. I know quite well how I would dissuade someone from taking too many liberties. I've been to plenty of clubs and Frat parties. My concern was more about how to deal with such things at these events where there seems to be a fairly rigid etiquette. I thought perhaps it would seen as unseemly if I hauled off and decked someone. But it seems that I do have some latitude."

Looking around, she noticed the general unease. Rhiannon didn't understand why until Kenneth revealed that it was the lack of dance skills. Cathal's advice seemed spot on, but she added her own. "Cousins, we are all, I expect, quite adept at many things that normal people struggle with. We can create trumps, read auras, and some of you can do actual magic. Though it's not been my forte, most of you have martial arts skills. I am more than confident that, with your personal assistants' tutelage, you will all become passable dancers in time for the balls. Most of these dances are very simple at the basic level and no doubt that's all that's required"
GM, 340 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 21:03
  • msg #49

Re: Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

In reply to Cathal O'Donoghue (msg # 47):

Kenneth Eday Elgrim:
"The technique for using a scythe is actually a little more complex, it's more to do with keeping the blade at the right angle, but I think I see your point about a rhythm. Not sure how the two combine in relation to dancing though."

"Yes. All martial arts have Kata's, kata's for unarmed combat styles, and kata's for weapons use. Often you combine the two, but that depends on the style. Whilst knowing several katas helps when learning another, and I can potentially see that dance steps are just a kata of sorts, it's all just a little daunting, and it's not like we've got weeks to practice."

Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 115 posts
Sun 13 Aug 2023
at 07:43
  • msg #50

Re: Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"Hmm yes that right. The time differential give us a bit of extra time to practice for the ball. Between each expo day we have a day here. And maybe when can ask for another extra day in Elysium." Cathal ponders.

"My offer stands. We can try to learn together right now going to the ballroom with our assistance or you practice with your assistance on your one once first and join later."
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 129 posts
Sun 13 Aug 2023
at 10:35
  • msg #51

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

gm note:
as you're all still at breakfast and Cordelia hasn't actually left..

"You've not got as much time as you think, and there are a couple of issues with the Elysium option"
"The first is that the only means to get there is via Trump and I don't currently have a spare, the second is that turning up unannounced is not good form, especially as there are ten of you eighteen if you want to take your assistants with you. "
"Lastly, as most modern electronics don't function there, and that includes you phones, your musical accompaniment will be a little difficult unless you can conjure up a quartet or similar."
"As I have meetings until mid to late afternoon, I won't be able to look at producing any duplicates of the Trumps you would need till then."
"As to why you don't have the time you think you have, once my daughter returns I plan on having her show you what you can do with the Pattern, not that she knows this yet."
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 116 posts
Sun 13 Aug 2023
at 10:47
  • msg #52

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal smiles. "When we know how to move between shadows then of course we have all the time we want. I'm looking forward to that lessons."
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 130 posts
Sun 13 Aug 2023
at 12:11
  • msg #53

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
Cathal smiles. "When we know how to move between shadows then of course we have all the time we want. I'm looking forward to that lessons."

"Once you reach that stage that is true to a degree, but with Shadow currently broken your choice is going to be limited. You may be able to find a shadow that's faster than here but don't bank on it, and it is likely to take you some time to find it. All of the Shadows between here and any variant of Earth in almost all forms are slower than here. There are likely Shadows beyond or around Elysium that are faster but the only way to get to them is via Elysium and the only way to get to Elysium is via Trump, and we don't even know why that's possible."
"I assume from your statement you've completed learning how to manifest the Pattern and how to identify the different aura's visible as a result?"
Kenneth Eday Elgrim
player, 74 posts
Sun 13 Aug 2023
at 21:07
  • msg #54

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
"Hmm yes that right. The time differential give us a bit of extra time to practice for the ball. Between each expo day we have a day here. And maybe when can ask for another extra day in Elysium." Cathal ponders.

"My offer stands. We can try to learn together right now going to the ballroom with our assistance or you practice with your assistance on your one once first and join later."

"Wasn't expecting this spanner in the works. I had wanted to get at least another Pattern run in today, I would still like to. Why don't we all convene after lunch, would at least give our assistants time to prepare."
"On which note if I'm going to get a run in I should get cracking, so if you'll excuse me I'll see you all at lunch."
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 117 posts
Mon 14 Aug 2023
at 18:54
  • msg #55

Re: Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cordelia Chan:
"I assume from your statement you've completed learning how to manifest the Pattern and how to identify the different aura's visible as a result?"

"I think we worked out some bands, but not all. Abyss, Prism and Trump I know. I know the combination of Human, Amberite and Pattern but not yet which band is which."

"If someone checks me I should have the bands for Amberite, Chaosian, Pattern and Shapeshifter."

"Rhiannon has the band for Amberite, Human, Pattern and Trump."

"Would it be impolite to watch on the Expo the visitors? Most should be human."

"And to know the pattern band, could we take a look at the pattern itself."

"That leaves Logrus, Chaosite and Shapeshifter for me. I will ask Madison if can take a look at her, she said her Logrus covers the other bands. So the Logrus band has to wait till then if not another Logrus user is here."

Cordelia Chan
NPC, 131 posts
Mon 14 Aug 2023
at 19:36
  • msg #56

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
Cordelia Chan:
"I assume from your statement you've completed learning how to manifest the Pattern and how to identify the different aura's visible as a result?"

"I think we worked out some bands, but not all. Abyss, Prism and Trump I know. I know the combination of Human, Amberite and Pattern but not yet which band is which."

"If someone checks me I should have the bands for Amberite, Chaosian, Pattern and Shapeshifter."

"Rhiannon has the band for Amberite, Human, Pattern and Trump."

"Would it be impolite to watch on the Expo the visitors? Most should be human."

"And to know the pattern band, could we take a look at the pattern itself."

"That leaves Logrus, Chaosite and Shapeshifter for me. I will ask Madison if can take a look at her, she said her Logrus covers the other bands. So the Logrus band has to wait till then if not another Logrus user is here."

"One of the reasons I suggested working in a group. That said all of the house staff are human which may help."
"Edward is still not admitting that his mother was a Chaosite which would take care of Chaosite/Shapeshifter if you read his aura. "
"If you raise the Pattern around the Mansion then in a similar way to the Abyss being clearly visible in Elysium, you'll be able to see the its aura, although you'll also find a lot of Trump sources."
"Whilst on the subject of Pattern aura's there is a difference between the auras of the Amber and Carnelian Patterns, although you're not skilled enough to differentiate the two. "
"Madison is correct that the strength of her Logrus aura has a tendency to mask the rest of her aura, but there are others in Elysium who's Logrus aura is not quite as strong. There are no Logrus users here. I would also speculate that the Logrus auras of those in Elysium is different to that of the Logrus Masters from the Courts, although I've not had the opportunity to check"
"There is one aura you've missed, the aura emitted by either those who use magic or objects of a magical nature."
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 118 posts
Mon 14 Aug 2023
at 20:33
  • msg #57

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"Can you point us to a magical object? Or is it homework to find one in the House." Cathal adds with an open smile.
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 132 posts
Mon 14 Aug 2023
at 20:47
  • msg #58

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
"Can you point us to a magical object? Or is it homework to find one in the House." Cathal adds with an open smile.

"Homework is generally better, but a couple of hints, two of your compatriots can use magic, although their powers differ, and you've walked past it a few times."

GM recap:
So you all already know several things, because of what either people have said themselves or what Cordelia has said.
Natalie, Cassandra, and Rhiannon are all Trump Users.
Cathal and Edward have dual heritage and are shapeshifters
Winter and Natsuki are Martial artists.
Alana has Kasamir as a companion. Whether she has any other abilities nobody has said including her.
Kenneth as far as anyone knows doesn't appear to have any powers. By his own admission he knows nothing about Magic, Trump, or anything else.
That just leaves Blake and Cormac..

This message was last edited by the player at 20:59, Mon 14 Aug 2023.
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 119 posts
Tue 15 Aug 2023
at 13:16
  • msg #59

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"Does someone minds if I bring up the lens and walk around a bit. I just want to tell so nobody considers me to be rude." Cathal politly asks.
Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan
player, 307 posts
Tue 15 Aug 2023
at 21:23
  • msg #60

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

"While we're on this topic." Rhiannon interrupted "After breakfast, we can go up and I can hold another class on how to do what Cathal wants to do right now. Though I would be interested to see if he can walk around while holding the pattern lens. Any one who wants to join, meet me in my room right after breakfast. We'll start at 9:30"
Edward Pinmillion
player, 21 posts
Tue 15 Aug 2023
at 22:00
  • msg #61

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

In reply to Cathal O'Donoghue (msg # 59):

"We'll I could object, but given Agnetha confirmed everything Cordelia has said about my heritage, and trying to dispute what she said would make me look completely stupid, there's not much point."
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 133 posts
Tue 15 Aug 2023
at 23:53
  • msg #62

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
"Does someone minds if I bring up the lens and walk around a bit. I just want to tell so nobody considers me to be rude." Cathal politly asks.

"Go ahead if you're going to. I've nothing to hide."
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 121 posts
Wed 16 Aug 2023
at 21:25
  • msg #63

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

" I will report my success or lack of walking around with a pattern lens in our class Rhiannon"

Cathal leans a bit back and concentrates to get the pattern up to look through the lens.

When he managed that he look first at Cordelia, then at Edward and then at the other cousins and around in the room too.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:34, Wed 16 Aug 2023.
GM, 344 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Wed 16 Aug 2023
at 22:30
  • msg #64

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

As Cathal starts to bring up the Pattern all those in the room, at least all those who've walked the Pattern, feel the surge of energy.
Time ticks by, the slow flow of energy evident to all. After what seems like eternity but in reality is just over 9 and a half minutes, there is another larger surge of energy as Cathal slots the last piece into place and the image flares into existence.

As the image completes Cathal is struck by 2 things the significant resonating energy source almost directly below his feet, and the significant source of energy a few feet away, although that source makes the equivalent energy signature he observed in Rhiannon's aura appear as a fire fly against a football stadium floodlight. What is a little odd though is that he's sure there is a pattern in her aura which sort of resembles a feather (think of staring at a picture made up of thousands of dots in which an image is hidden and you get the idea).

Wrenching his attention away from his host he begins his scan of the room whilst remaining in his seat.
The aura's of the 3 servants are bland and boring, not all that interesting, but very much resembling elements he previously observed in Rhiannon's and Natsuki's aura, and which as he scans, he'll observer in everybody's except Edward's (note - you won't be able to discern anything in Cordelia's aura other than the massive Trump signature which masks everything else).

In all of his cousin's auras he finds the signature corresponding to the source not that great a distance below his feet, as well as a second aura signature.

Natalie also has the same firely signature element when compared to Cordelia as Rhiannon does, and which is also visible in several places a little distance above where he's sitting.

Blake and Cormac also have another signature in their auras that no one else does, and Edward has 2 signature elements that no one else does.
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 122 posts
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 07:37
  • msg #65

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal informs the others what he sees where
GM, 345 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 07:54
  • msg #66

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal O'Donoghue:
Cathal informs the others what he sees where

As you divert your attention to inform the others of your findings the Pattern image wavers and then breaks..

gm note:
See also Day 7 - 10 Jux 45 - Evening - Excursion to Elysium msg#74 link to a message in this game

Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 123 posts
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 08:31
  • msg #67

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

And he also tells that to the others.
Cordelia Chan
NPC, 134 posts
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 12:37
  • msg #68

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Once Cathal has completed his scan Cordelia stands and says "If you'll excuse me. I'm already late for a meeting. I'll see you all at dinner."
As she crosses the room to leave she says "Zou Yan can you apologise for me and tell them I'll be there in about 5 minutes."
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 124 posts
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 16:17
  • msg #69

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

When breakfast comes to an end Cathal will join Rhiannon pattern class at 9:30.
Cormac Camerilli
player, 112 posts
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 19:39
  • msg #70

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Turning to Cathal, Cormac says

"Are we going to inform Cassandra about Rhiannon's class?"
Rhiannon Erica Kerrigan
player, 309 posts
Fri 18 Aug 2023
at 04:31
  • msg #71

Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Once breakfast is over, Rhiannon waited for anyone who wished to follow her up to gather. She didn't press anyone, but did head up after a few minutes. Edwards question did remind her, though, that Cassandra had expressed interest. "Well, if one of you does go tell her, I'll hold off on starting until you show up. I'm pretty sure she'll appreciate it either way."

"Also, unless you all are comfortable sitting lotus on a stone floor, I suggest you bring something to sit on."
gm note:
The floors in the mansion are not stone. They are all wood with underfloor heating. And your rooms have both sofas and chairs. The description is on the website under the detailed room layout

This message was last edited by the GM at 08:14, Fri 18 Aug 2023.
GM, 346 posts
Fount of All Knowledge
Fri 18 Aug 2023
at 08:54
  • msg #72

Re: Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cormac Camerilli:
"zou Yan. Can you tell Cassandra that Rhiannon is hold a Pattern Class in her room in about 11 minutes if she want to join us."

Cormac, Natsuki, Blake, and Natalie will make their way to Rhiannon's room for the Class.

Once there Cormac will say
Cormac Camerilli:
"Not to pre-empt things but I assume you're going to explain everything Cathal said at the end of breakfast and how he did it?"

Edward was going to go back to his room and complete another run, as Kenneth did unless he changes his mind (GM hint.. he shouldn't).
Winter and Alana will also do likewise.
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:59, Fri 18 Aug 2023.
Cathal O'Donoghue
PC, 125 posts
Fri 18 Aug 2023
at 12:32
  • msg #73

Re: Day 10 13 Juvax 45 : Carnelian

Cathal joins and brings a cushion to sit on.
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