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15:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark.

Posted by SnickerFor group 0
GM, 2675 posts
Thu 25 May 2023
at 01:38
  • msg #13

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark


The walker in the chair reaches for Bex as she passes, but she's out of range. It stands up as she slips out the back of the room into what turns out to be a kitchen. Venetian blinds cover a window to the front of the house, while another - much smaller - to the side of the house is located above the sink.

Behind her, she hears crunching glass as her pursuers enter through the broken window. Immediately, she hears a gunshot, then a shout of surprise and a female voice scream "Fuck! It's on me!"

Immediately to her right, she sees a doorway, but it is completely dark. She hears another groan from somewhere deeper in the black.
player, 8 posts
Thu 25 May 2023
at 11:24
  • msg #14

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark

Taking the distraction as a blessing, Bex crouches down low and darts quietly around the small island in the kitchen, keeping her body close to the cabinets lining the side.

With the dark doorway remaining in her line of sight, Bex keeps a careful eye and ear out to the commotion in the room she just ran from. Hoping that luck's still on her side and that she has remained unnoticed by the huntsmen and the devowerers lurking within this home, Bex blinks rapidly against the sweat dripping onto her lashes.

Silently reaching into her boot once more, Bex pulls back out her bloodied screwdriver, its iron still coated in infected blood. Bex internally curses herself for losing her pistol on the last failed scouting mission for food, but knows that nothing can be done about it at this point.

Knowing that she will inevitably be found sooner or later, Bex presses her crouched body up against the island, her body tense and coiled ready to strike.

She remains quiet, and still. Her heart pounds with vigor, but her hand is surprisingly steady. Focus Bex. Breathe. Don't move a muscle. Just wait.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:25, Fri 26 May 2023.
GM, 2676 posts
Wed 31 May 2023
at 13:54
  • msg #15

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark


Bex hears feminine grunting, then a crash and a cry of pain from the room she left. She thinks someone fell against the TV she saw. A moment later, she hears a gunshot, followed by a loud (though much quieter than the gunshot) POP and the sound of cracking glass.

She can barely see a shape lurch out of the black doorway. Though it's a mere silhouette, she can discern enough body language to tell it is another walker - this one tall and thickly built. It wavers in place for a moment leaning first towards the living room, then towards the kitchen island against which Bex is crouched.
player, 9 posts
Thu 1 Jun 2023
at 14:29
  • msg #16

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark

Bex holds her breath while she watches the lurking corpse within that doorway. Praying with all hope that the darkness will swallow her frame away from its sight. She hears the commotion in the front living room, as glass shatters and that single gunshot rings in her ears, but Bex remains still.

Her muscles remain tense, waiting for any movement heading in her direction. Screwdriver held tightly in her left hand. Her heart pounds within her chest as she waits for that corpse to make its choice.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:04, Sun 18 June 2023.
GM, 2679 posts
Thu 8 Jun 2023
at 17:13
  • msg #17

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark


It's hard to believe the corpse can see Bex. The walker itself is almost invisible, standing in plain view, but somehow it is aware of her presence; she hears it groan as it lumbers towards her, bumping into the island before it clumsily navigates around one side towards her.

"Y'okay?" a whispered male voice comes from the living room. "Was that her?"

"No, it wasn't fucking her!" comes a frazzled female response. "Fuck's sake, she's still here! Fucking find her!"
player, 10 posts
Wed 14 Jun 2023
at 09:29
  • msg #18

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark

Bex's nose flares with unease at the difficult situation she has been placed in. Make some noise, and she'll be found by her pursuers for sure. Don't move, and the risk of being bitten is almost certain. With the eminent danger enclosing in around her, Bex slowly stands and eyes the countertop, before taking two quick steps towards the infected. Keeping her steps light but urgent.

The once large man lurks towards her, its intent to bite her but Bex has no intention of that happening anytime soon. With quick hands Bex grabs the infected with her by the shoulder with her right hand and raises her screwdriver to stab it in its eye with her left.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:14, Sun 18 June 2023.
GM, 2680 posts
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 04:14
  • msg #19

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark


Bex approaches the walker silently and, despite its approach on her position, catches it unawares. The stab itself is less perfect; while she gets the screwdriver into its eye, she approaches from a slightly wrong angle and seems to miss the brain. The walker grabs her shoulders as it leans forward to attack, a gurgle starting in its throat and threatening to rise to a groan.

Bex shifts her weight to avoid the attack. The walker slips and falls, its head slamming into the counter on the way down. Bex can't know for sure whether that or the screwdriver in its head is what kills it, but it hits the ground limp and loud. The sounds of multiple impacts may as well be a gunshot in the small house. Bex hears a split second of total silence from the living room and she knows she has, at most, a second to react before her pursuers do.
player, 11 posts
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 06:52
  • msg #20

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

Knowing that her luck has officially ran out, Bex snatches the object from the counter she saw previously. An old ceramic Mug. Not necessarily a weapon, but if aimed correctly she can hopefully knock out one of her assailants or perhaps give her a few more precious seconds that could be the tipping point to her survival.

Bex quickly squats down beside the newly immobilized corpse, and holds her ranged improvised weapon tightly in her right hand. She can no longer feel her own racing heart or even hear her labored breaths. For just a blink of a moment, time has stopped.
GM, 2682 posts
Tue 4 Jul 2023
at 15:08
  • msg #21

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark


Crouching next to the kitchen island, Bex hears two sets of footsteps approach the kitchen. As they pass from the living room's carpet to the kitchen's linoleum, she hears the footsteps split. One turns towards the black doorway from which the walker emerged, while another moves around the side of the island.

The latter comes into view, a black figure in the darkness with its arms extended downward. As soon as it comes into view, it fires its pistol downward into the dead body of the walker Bex just killed. For a moment, the muzzle flash reveals a scruffy, middle-aged man, and Bex knows it illuminates her as well.
player, 12 posts
Tue 4 Jul 2023
at 19:10
  • msg #22

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark

Like a flash of lightning, Bex throws the mug in the direction of the assailant standing by the darkened doorway. Whether it hits the figure or not she does not know. But her immediate threat is the man standing above her with his lethal weapon in hand.

Bex lunges for the shooter, her right hand aiming for the gun, while her left makes a stabbing blow to the shooters side with the screwdriver.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:50, Sun 09 July 2023.
GM, 2684 posts
Sun 9 Jul 2023
at 14:48
  • msg #23

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark


Bex feels the screwdriver hit home as it pierces the man's side.  He cries out in pain and brings his gun to bear, but her hand forces it down and away from her gut. Another muzzle flash lights the kitchen for a split second as he fires, and while she's prevented him from hitting her vitals, Bex feels sudden, white-hot fire in her calf as something pierces through the muscle.

In the muzzle flash, Bex sees the half-shadowed figure of her other pursuer behind the man: a dirty, frazzled woman, half-turned towards the noise of Bex's sudden attack, a pistol in her hand as well.
player, 13 posts
Mon 10 Jul 2023
at 02:18
  • msg #24

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark

Bex let's out a scream from the gun shot as the bullet rips through her leg. Shit. Shit. Shit! The fucker actually shot me!

She grits her teeth, and with as much strength as she can muster, Bex desperately yanks for the mans pistol clenched his hand as she body slams her shoulder directly at the fresh stab wound pushing his frame towards the woman behind him.

Bex takes a quick uneased look towards the woman, before returning her eyes to the assailant directly before her. Please be a shit shot and shoot your friend instead of me.
GM, 2685 posts
Mon 17 Jul 2023
at 16:11
  • msg #25

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark


Bex hears the man shout in pain as she drives her weight into his shoulder wound. He obviously does not expect her to grab the gun, and she takes it from him almost without resistance. In response, he tries to throw her to the ground, but in the darkness he's unable to grab her in any way that provides leverage and only succeeds in yanking at her shirt.

Behind him, Bex sees another muzzle flash illuminate the woman as she fires. It's not even clear if she's firing at Bex or the man; in the darkness, she probably cannot tell them apart. Either way, Bex feels the man stumble and hears him give another cry of pain.
player, 14 posts
Sun 23 Jul 2023
at 12:41
  • msg #26

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark

Not having a single second to spare, Bex takes two quick steps back, her newly found weapon in hand, as she aims the pistol towards the mans head. All the while standing directly in front of the man,  using his body as a shield from the woman standing behind him. With a wild look in her eyes, Bex pulls the trigger.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:03, Sun 23 July 2023.
GM, 2687 posts
Fri 28 Jul 2023
at 02:02
  • msg #27

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark


The man lunges towards Bex, throwing off her aim. The round only barely clips his head, but it doesn't make a difference. Bex sees something spray in the muzzle flash before the silhouette of the man drops limply to the floor like a ton of bricks.

Bex's ears are ringing from the multiple gunshots. She only barely hears the sound as the woman crashes into something as she moves, probably a trash can. Another muzzle flash reveals the woman firing in Bex's direction as she retreats into the living room. Bex also feels the air part next to her neck as the bullet misses her by inches.
player, 15 posts
Fri 28 Jul 2023
at 11:36
  • msg #28

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark

Warm droplets of the victims blood trickles down the side of her pale face. As Bex holds onto the cold steel weapon with an iron grip, she limps her way back around the island taking care to step around the infected's body. Her weapon aimed towards the doorway the woman fled through.

With the ringing still ever present in her ears, Bex follows the woman in a slow pursuit to the living room, her green eyes dilated and breathing shallow, but her hand remains steady. For this time the hunted becomes the huntress.
GM, 2688 posts
Mon 31 Jul 2023
at 13:30
  • msg #29

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark


The house's dark and quiet is eerie after the gunshot and muzzle flash. Bex slowly advances into the living room. As before, she can only barely make out vague shapes in the blackness. Apparently, the same goes for her adversary, as Bex is a full step into the living room when the woman fires again, and Bex sees in the muzzle flash that her eyes are looking just slightly to Bex's right. Behind her, she hears the bullet impact on something metal, knocking it off the kitchen counter.
player, 16 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 00:46
  • msg #30

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark

Bex raises her latest weapon once again and aims at the woman's figure before her. "If you want to walk out of here with your beating heart intact, I suggest you make a break for it now."

Bex fires a single shot not waiting for a reply or retaliation.
GM, 2693 posts
Wed 16 Aug 2023
at 03:16
  • msg #31

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark


It's pretty hard to tell in the dark, but Bex is pretty sure she missed her shot. The figure flinches back, then runs for the window, firing as it retreats. Again, Bex hears the zip as the bullet parts the air near her head.

"Fuck you!" the woman shouts. Bex sees the muzzle flash light up the room, then the woman faintly illuminated by the starlight entering the window.
player, 17 posts
Sat 19 Aug 2023
at 14:54
  • msg #32

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark

"My sentiments exactly." Bex softly whispers into the night as she watches the woman's retreating form leave through the shattered window. Still holding onto the gun with a vice grip, Bex takes a few steps back and waits for the woman to run off with her life still intact.

As her head throbs, Bex grits her teeth, and collides her frame against the side wall. The pain in her leg, what was once numb is now ever present in her mind. The wound seeps steadily, as the blood courses down her leg, pooling into her boot. She does not know if the bullet went completely through, but she knows that if the wound is not taken care of soon, the walking dead will be the least of her problems.

But though Bex knows that she must take care of the wound soon, she acknowledges that the threats are far from over this night. So Bex waits in the dark house for a few minutes, her back pressed to the wall and gun at the ready. Watching for any movements outside of the windows and listening for any movements in the house.
GM, 2696 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 12:51
  • msg #33

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark


As Bex waits, she hears the sound of a vehicle motor outside and light from a moving source stray in the windows. While no one charges into the house, she can tell the truck that originally illuminated her is slowly driving past the house. It eventually parks directly in front of the house and the engine shuts off.

Unless they are being exceptionally quiet, nothing moves within the house itself. She cannot know, however, what they are doing outisde.
player, 18 posts
Sun 3 Sep 2023
at 16:50
  • msg #34

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark

Not wanting to risk her own luck, Bex steps away from the wall and strides with a heavy limp back into the dark kitchen. Eyeing the currently inanimate body on the floor, Bex quickly starts opening drawers till she finds a few frayed hand towels beside the rusted coiled stove.

With quick hands, Bex takes one of the folded towels between her teeth before snagging the second ratty towel, kneeling down and after placing the pistol on the floor, Bex lightly wraps the rag around the bullet wound into a loose tie. Breathing heavily through her noes in disdain at her next move, Bex squeezes her eyes shut, before pulling both ends of the towel in one quick forced motion.

Her cries muffled, Bex blinks away the tears as the she quickly ties the towel, tucking both ends in before spitting the rag out of her mouth.
Standing back up on shakey legs, holding the pistol once more.

Bex rushes to the rear door in the kitchen, unlocking the deadbolt, her pistol at the ready and quickly opens the door to see what lies beyond it.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:49, Sun 03 Sept 2023.
GM, 2698 posts
Tue 12 Sep 2023
at 05:18
  • msg #35

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark


Bex's memory betrays her: the rear of the kitchen has no door or deadbolt, just an empty doorway. Before, through the doorway looked completely black, but after minutes in the house, her eyes have adjusted to the dark. She can just make out the vague shapes of a personal office, including a computer sitting atop a desk and a rolling chair shoved haphazardly towards the corner of the room. Another door leads to an interior hallway with multiple doors, a T-intersection halfway down. Bex sees barely perceptible light in the T-intersection, probably from a window.
player, 19 posts
Wed 27 Sep 2023
at 21:26
  • msg #36

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark

Bex blinks away the illusion her mind had conjured and looks down at the item left in her hand. A rusty nail, torn off easily from the peeling plastered wall beside the open doorway to the little office space. Her makeshift deadbolt no doubt. Bex shakes her head vigorously in an attempt to bring herself back to reality.

Throwing the nail down to the corner of the room, Bex grabs a better hold of her pistol and quietly skirts around through the second doorway into the narrow hallway. As she stares down that small space, Bex lightly groans as the hall dips and ripples to the left and right.

Her knees buckle as her vision warps before her, eyes glassy from exhaustion and fear. Sweat clings onto her already soiled body, and she forces her breaths through her nose. As she clings onto the right wall, Bex listens for any unwelcome movements around her. Specifically the front living room, just beyond the very wall she's pressed up against.

Bex takes a few more steps further down and looks down towards the door on the left of the hall.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:41, Wed 27 Sept 2023.
GM, 2700 posts
Sat 30 Sep 2023
at 15:03
  • msg #37

Act DLC: A Shot in the Dark


Bex looks down another short hallway. This one has one door branching off to another room, but more importantly, straight down the hallway is a door that most likely exits the house. The window is blocked by a thick shade, but she can see faint light bleeding from around its edges. Bex's guess is that it leads to the backyard.

Bex does not hear any movement from the front of the house, but as she takes a moment to listen, she detects a faint crunch of gravel - as if trod underfoot - from the rear of the house, most likely outside.
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