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00:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Posted by OverlordFor group 0
Light Redemption, 299 posts
Rank 2, 30/40HP
Dark One of the Stars
Wed 23 Nov 2022
at 07:15
  • msg #51

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Anastaria seemed keen to stay around and begin working in undoing what was possibly generations of harmful views of self worth and acceptance of an unruly placement within the world and its cycle.

She would need a keen balance of both a stern oversight and endearing encouragement to glean closer into their hearts so that they might unfurl in full their burdens and untether them from their souls.

Anastaria spoke with seriousness as if they might possibly draw an unknown ire from her, "Now, I will not hear any more words of unworthiness. Do you draw in question our capability to see your worth for what it is in truth? Is our presence or blessings a mistake, is that what you wish to tell me when you draw in question your worth to me?"

Anastaria shook her head lightly then continued, "I tell you now, that you each hold the capabilities to grasp a shining future within the light. That these issues and problems are ones you can overcome with our blessing. They need not be who you are, but a part of what made you who you will be! So let us work together to grasp a hold of your light and the dreams they may bring forth onto the Nexus and into time!"
This message was last edited by the player at 07:29, Wed 23 Nov 2022.
Dreams, 233 posts
Wed 23 Nov 2022
at 08:08
  • msg #52

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Kairos found himself nodding along as Miritas spoke of the Entity he had faced, which seemed in many ways a parallel to Epilas, but also in how the other divine saw his Domain.

He said as much, when the moment was right, "Dreams, at least the aspect of them that contains Nightmares, has many parallels with Fear, brother. When I speak to my faithful of fear and failure, this is how I speak of it..."

Chuckling at the other's wry and subtle humour as they both attained rulership of the first fragment of their Realms, he smiled as he told of his own challenge, "It seems the Entity I faced was metaphorically similar: a perverse twisting of my own Domain, taking the most unbalanced and unchannelled aspects of it and revelling in them. But where you faced - I my apologies for any presumption - Despair or Terror or somesuch... I faced Madness and bedlam"

"Thankfully the creature I faced was blessed with hubris and pride, and believed he had me cornered. I chose instead to Hope, which is perhaps the other extreme of Dreams, and bound him in a challenge. Hope won out, and he will serve me for a year..."

He sighed, taking in the ruined and scavenger filled city as they entered, "We must clash, he and I, I suspect. But I have a little space with which to work now"

"Let us continue to explore together, brother", he suggested, "We have more in common, I feel, then others might presume... if you see somewhere we might wander, suggest it, otherwise I feel either the Cathedral or the Ebony Tower might be appropriate places to begin. None know us here, yet, but the streets will yield up few secrets for now"
Life Creation, 428 posts
Wed 23 Nov 2022
at 14:36
  • msg #53

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Tal looked out at the island and the home that was occupying the land there, also noting the means of getting across as he turned to address Diamytron.

"I might be able to fly us both across, though it would be tricky. Unless you'd prefer to swim that is," he offered with a bit of a smile. He wasn't certain how well his companion would fare being carried across in such a manner - not to mention it would take a bit of effort on his part to lift both he and Diamytron, but he figured it was doable. It would also leave the other a bit more in the trusting care of Tal during the journey though, and hoping also that nothing untoward happened during the trek.

But the offer was made at least, letting Diamytron decide on how he wished to proceed.
GM, 1534 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 05:23
  • msg #54

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Kairos and Miritas

Miritas nodded, listening to Kairos as they finished their talk about their opponents on their personal realms. As mention of the similarity of their powers, Miritas nodded.

Time will tell, brother. I must admit a part of me is wary of opening up to much to my brothers and sisters, something seemingly innate in myself I suppose if not all of us. Yet your approach to the Dream and that of Fear as a way to inspire others is something I can appreciate. Perhaps I will let those I work with in Dakalnar to also take insight of their Dreams, to not think of them only as the wanderings of the mind but as the potential to be attained.

As they looked at the targets, Miritas pointed to the Cathedral.

It is the closest and a Cathedral in itself is set to deities. Perhaps it will give us some insight on the deities of this realm.

Approaching the Citadel was easy enough as the roads here all seemed to lead to it in some way.

When it came into full view you saw what had seemed like a wonderously grand structure from a distance as being a relic of what it should have been. Folks here were mainly trying to sell their wares or services, the Cathedral itself having a large fountain in front of it which was shattered with nothing but rubble remaining of the statue that had been set within the middle of it.

The fortress itself had no windows remaining on the main core building, the only ones remaining being in the towers themselves and even some of these were missing:  broken.

The doors to the Cathedral were open, these at least still remaining. The symbols upon the arches of the doors were blasted, broken as the stone that had them carved upon was shattered, clear purpose put in removing the signs of their existence.

The duo saw armed men, tiger headed humanoids, baring swords and plate armor with the symbol of a red raven with a sun in the background on their chest. As some people approached they were checked by the guards, the ones wanting to enter showing a necklace or patch to the guards before being let in.

On the outside you could hear a human preaching the "Word of Ravenos" as the true protector of the realm. He had roughly 20 or so humanoids around him, listening to him preach in rapt attention while most of those around simply ignored him.

Talramirez & Diamytron

Diamytron looked at the water and then Talramirez and pondered the offer.

I appreciate the offer, Talramirez. Perhaps a flight offer, with a lift of your part, is not something to scoff at as I am unsure what may lurk within the waters.

Also, it would be improper to meet our host all wet from a swim.

Tal grabbed Diamytron around the waste, finding the deity light in general, as they made their way across the lake.

Landing on the other side, Diamytron thanked Talramirez as they began to approach the home.

As they did they saw a flutter of wings as 5 creatures left from the back of the building, cawing a loud cackle as they flew away. They were somewhat large, about one a half times the size of Tal, their escape following hisses and caws from them as they flew away.  The duo then saw someone coming from around the building. A woman, her features that of a catlike humanoid that was clearly hurt, blood streaming from her arm and chest as she took two steps and fell to the ground, face first and unmoving.

The two of you approached quickly and saw with your Divine Senses, that she was a divinity! Based on her wounds she was close to death, her body losing blood quickly as the gash was deep.

Unknown Major Deity

She would not survive more than a few more seconds.

I have no ability to heal and have no basis to take in that knowledge without seeing it first hand. Can you help her? If not, we can opt for one of the less obvious actions: absorbing her being for ourselves. We would gain that which she has, increasing our own potential in the process. What say you?

His question was serious and he seemed to truly be wanting that option to be chosen yet seemed to want Tal to accept to go ahead with it, as if making it "their" idea was better than he acting alone.

Elise, Anastaria, Ember & Barion

Anastaria continued to talk with those present, her persistence seeming to scare many away yet gather the attention of a few. As she pushed her want to aid them into believing in their worth one of the more elderly ones approached her. He seemed cautious, worried as he spoke.

We understand your words yet you speak words of danger. The Collective will not appreciate such talk. Already it broke that which wanted to aid us and those that remain of the gods workers only look to gain ressource which we have none to offer.

He pointed towards the west, where the river flowed from and hills broke the skyline.

Beyond that first hill is a place of worship. He offers protection and tells of our value and asks only that we offer that which we can for his protection. He does yet he is not always present and his protectors are often unable to fight against the ones who fight for the Collective. Thus they die, we are punished and the cycle restarts.

He then pointed to the east, again down the rivers path yet this leading into the plains.

Down there is a pit with a place of worship of another. He offers protection as well as long as we offer to give his followers supplies to continue their work to protect us. He offers no protectors of our people but does offer protection with his people. Yet they come little here, only gathering offerings and if trouble is about helping to rid us of them. Yet when they leave the Collectives forces will come and punish us for giving to him rather than them.

He thus pointed at her.

If we give to them, we are punished. If we do not, we are punished. If we give to you, how will it be different? We are Slythian. We are nothing. We are worth less than the land. We thank you for gift of the forest and land Lord Xeslin and yourselves have given us. We will take and tend as long as it is here yet when the Collective comes then it will be gone as they will take and punish us for not telling them it is here or some other reason for our useless lives.


Xeslin was brought to the other side, disembarking.

The ruins of the buildings on this side of the river were different, seeing them as only bits and pieces of what must have been a community of 20 or so buildings. Only the dock remained and even it was not truly safe to walk upon. The wood of the buildings that were here were but shards: burnt and rotting. With nothing much to see here, Xeslin began his journey to the Metropolis.

He reached the ruins and as he did he saw that it truly was that: ruins of an age gone by. The road led to a set of doors which were broken, one of them laying on the ground while the other was half open. It was huge, easily 100 feet in height and just as wide, with the second meaning the doorway had been 200 feet in width when fully open. As he approached he saw some movement: humanoids moving about. Lizardfolk were the more common race as they scurried about to hide from anyone close while the others were of various races unknown to him, moving into or out of the doorway of the ruins as they headed out into the wild of the Nexus.

None seemed to take particular attention to him as he approached the gates.

He noted that the doors had markings: faces unrecognizable to him due to his not knowing who they stood for or being too damage to BE recognized. He counted atleast 40 on the door that was still up, the other being face down on the ground not letting him view who it was that was depicted on them.

Entering he saw that within was some form of society. A society of scavengers and beggars and merchants trying to sell wares. It was smelly and noisy as he entered the area. He felt many  bump into him, appologies coming forth yet he also noticed hands passing against his body as he moved through the crowd. He had nothing to have stolen from, the pick pockets finding no treasure upon him.

On the main walkway he saw merchants of every kind, street vendors and those with little shops selling the same or something almost like the one being sold next to them, trinkets or low quality items were the main stay while relics found in the ruins were others: most broken or of no value unless for historical purposes.

Few buildings on the ground floor stood out but some in the distance did.

- A large Cathedral stood out close by, its pinnacle sticking out atop the buildings as the glass windows forming its top reflected the light of the flame in the distance.
- The Jade Citadel in the distance. It stood like a green flame within the city ruins.
- The Ebony Tower, also in the distance between the cathedral and the Jade citadel. It reflected nothing but the darkness of its stone.
- The Golden Oak: A large oak tree rising above the levels of buildings in what seemed like the middle of the city. Its size must be huge as the size of the city was days if not weeks of travel by foot. It stood in the middle, its leaves a deep amber in color as the light reflected upon its leaves and sparkled in the sky.

Light Redemption, 306 posts
Rank 2, 30/40HP
Dark One of the Stars
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 06:01
  • msg #55

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Anastaria seemed a little lost and could feel the weight on her heart as some of the lizardfolk turned away as she spoke. Yet when an elder came before her, he spoke his and the other's minds true. With wisdom questioning and stating their predicament and placement. As well how they view themselves as an aftermath of their woes from trusting others.

Anastaria listened with a tender heart as she considered them fully and what it was that they might have gone through aside from what was told to her. Clasping her hands to her heart, Anastaria bowed her head solemnly for a moment to the elder Slytherin, no to all of the Slytherin around her as she kept it low for moments to passing minutes. Looking up, she spoke to the Slytherin elder, "I care not what the Collective would think of my words. They are no protectors, only swindlers. If they are their gods' workers, they disrespect their deities with such atrocious behaviors. All they do is punish and take that which is not theirs. Those who were kind enough to offer protection from their qualms did so but not with a heart set full of intention of fixing the issue at hand."

Anstaria stood as she spoke with conviction, "If the Slytherin are worthless, then why is it they all take from you? If the Slytherin are worthless why do they protect you? If the Slytherin are worthless, why do they use you?

I shall not ask for what you can offer but only open ears and hearts full of faith. For this bounty is the land's and yours alone. Worthy of only those who you would share it with. Not for them to punish you and steal in selfishness.

I shall offer you my protection, and not just that but extend forth my hand so that you can hold your heads high and protect yourselves. So that you do not rely on another to hold your own to stop their hands. Yet redeem yourselves of your worth, of your bounty, and that of your heritage! Prove it to not just yourselves but to me, and I shall offer you a reward most dear and close to me. A chance to change that which you see has befallen you for good.
Dreams, 239 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 07:33
  • msg #56

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

"Of course, brother", demurred Kairos when the other spoke of his wariness and how he might yet Dreams be perceived as potential in his own province in Dakalnar, "It is too early to know one another well"

"But when you are ready to speak more, I am ready to listen. Terror and malice seem close to this entity, and I fear I will not soften those whilst he serves me"

* * *

Drifting closer to the preacher, Kairos bent half an ear to listen to him, though he paused to stop one off the passersby with a soft-spoken question, "Who are the Red Ravens? What is it they require for entry to the Cathedral?"

Activate his Dreamsight power, studying the preacher
Life Creation, 433 posts
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 14:50
  • msg #57

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Tal considered the creatures that flew away first, but turned his attention to the woman that had fallen first. At Diamytron's suggestion though, Tal shook his head as he reached out a hand to the fallen deity while answering back.

"While power might be of aid, it is knowledge that we came here seeking more. In that, the right thing to do and the care of Life are one," he remarked. He took the moment to let his power flow into the fallen woman, granting her the benefit of Life to aid her in healing. While he had not used his Life Everlasting ability on another deity thus far, it was something that should be easy enough. The power of Life to aid the healing of another. At the least, it would keep Death at bay for a short time and help the woman recover.
GM, 1557 posts
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 02:25
  • msg #58

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Kairos and Miritas

Listening to what the preacher said, it was about the word of his Lord.

Lord Ravenos protects us! He stands watch over the realm! Even in our greatest need he watches from above, protecting us and the realm from the onslaught of The Collective! The Collective and their Masters revel on preying upon the weak! They revel in bringing pain and suffering upon those that wish to live a peaceful life!

Rise up! Rise up and stand with us! Let Ravenos bless upon you his vision of Creation and let yourselves bask within his light! Let He who stands against the Trinity have your support! Let his people stand by his side thanks to your support and faith! Offer him your hearts and souls that he may be strengthened by them! Offer him your sword that he shall have you stand by him in the fight! Offer him your shield that you shall protect those who stand with him that cannot fight by his side!

A few offered prayer to Ravenos as the preacher spoke, a few others dropping some coins at his feet while others took the advice of some within the crowd that were guiding them towards the Cathedral, offering them leather patches wioth the symbol of the red raven and sun upon it.

As Kairos posed his question without gathering to much attention to himself, he was answered that they were Guardians of Ravenos, holy warriors that protected the Cathedral from those that would try and corrupt or hurt those within. As for what they require to allow entry, a symbol of ones faith of course, as long as it stands with the faith of Ravenos or his allies.

Miritas looked at the preacher as did Kairos, turning to Kairos in a silent whisper.

His fears are well hidden yet as with all mortals they are there. He fears not death, at the hands of any here or beyond. Yet he does fear that if and when death comes that his work will not be recognized as valuable enough to allow him to serve his Lord Ravenos in the afterlife.

Miritas paused, letting the Preacher continue his speech before finishing with his last thought.

A blind devotion with the hope of a possibility of reward from a source he has never seen. Such faith is.... surprising.

Miritas was clearly able to see, much like Kairos, into the soul of a mortal and see that which correlated to his own domain. Where Kairos as seen within the dreams and aspirations and base fears of the Preacher, Miritas was able to see deep within the soul of a mortal and see how those fears. A twist on the same power but with differing views to give a whole.

Talramirez & Diamytron

The dying god turned to mist, disappearing as Tal found himself kneeling before nothing but grass. Diamytron put a hand on his shoulder to gather his attention.

An illusion. A powerful one but one I could see through easily. I have to say, I am disappointed in how I was protrayed.

A voice came from the cabin. Turning, the two of you saw a female humanoid. The body of a human female but with the head of a fox, she sipped from a cup as she looked at the both of you, leaning on one of the wooden beams holding up her porch roof.

Sorry about that. I had little time to prepare and did not expect you to see through it so easily.

Appology accepted. I take it you are Nexa?

The woman nodded, signalling for Tal to rise from his crouched position.

I can't say I appreciate the intrusion but now that you're here, and seeing as you ARE divinities, I'll allow you to explain you coming on my island before I decide if I make you leave politely or by force.

Two hounds came to her side from within the doorway of her home, one sitting up beside her while the other standing next to her. Both kept their eyes upon the two deities but their Divine Senses showed them what Nexa was that stood before them, as well as the hounds.

Nexa, Shield of Justice (Entity, Rank 5)

Hounds of Valor, Rank 6
Aspects: Dire I, Intelligent I, Resilient II, Combat III
Nature: Order III

Elise, Anastaria, Ember & Barion

Anastaria poured her heart out as she spoke, her words clearly would have turned the hearts of many on Dakalnar.

Yet here, with the Slytherin, they simply looked at her and then turned as they went about taking what food they could. The elder nodded to her, thanking her for her time and kind words but said nothing more as he joined the others. Not one remained to offer her anything in return for that which she offered. Their true thoughts on that which she offered seeming to be that which they had heard countless times before. They had been promised and used to many times in the past, by many it seemed, and her words carried no more weight than the others had.

Words, it seemed, carried little weight for the Slytherin. They had heard them to often enough in the past.
Life Creation, 438 posts
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 18:42
  • msg #59

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Tal gave a wry smile, almost a smirk, back to the revelations of their newfound 'host', standing back up and giving a nod to the woman in turn.

"We were directed here by the people a fair travel away," Tal remarked, gesturing in the direction of the village that had told them of Nexa's location.

"They claimed that the one who dwelled here was awaiting the arrival of new gods and could tell us more about the Fire, which brought our interest here. The people there were.. not in great shape sadly, but thought that the Fire could help them if the gods wished it. To hear the tale of the Fire and this place is the purpose of our visit," he further details, then glances over to where the illusionary Nexa had been beforehand.

"As to our eventual exit, whether you wish to share your wisdom or not, I'd point out that we did come peacefully.. and despite it being unnecessary, aid was attempted to be given to you all the same," he notes, referencing his initial attempt to heal the 'wounded Nexa' illusion.

"Such action I would hope might be worth some consideration," he concludes. Seeing Nexa's adherence to Justice, Tal was of course playing on that angle it seemed. After all, deceiving and then being more forceful than polite to someone who had attempted to save Nexa - even if it was an illusion - seemed a bit unjust. Or at least bad sport. Though Tal tried to phrase his point of view as diplomatically as possible to not be too blunt about such things. He was making best use of his natural grace it seemed to handle the situation peacefully.
Light Redemption, 314 posts
Rank 2, 40/40HP
Dark One of the Stars
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 21:39
  • msg #60

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

As her words and heart poured out, there want not an ear to lean on within the Slytherin people. They had their trust and faith broken by those around them over and over.

No, if Anastaria wanted to prove it to them, she would have to do something herself. If she could not inspire them to overcome their issues and themselves today, she would have to show it to them.

Light-stepping on the other side of the dispersing group of Slytherin, Anastaria spoke out, "What I offer you is freedom from your shackles. The ability to be more self-reliant upon yourselves, to solve the issues at hand instead of being left at the mercy of those who aid in the problem.

With Redemption comes change to prove your worth. Each are hard worked for and earned, a change of heart, soul, and mind that each requires diligence. Great efforts that are required of one to have a stout body and spirit.

There it is the duty of the strong to help the weak. It is the duty the of feeble to make the best of themselves into something strong.

So tell me, who here will make that first step into change. Into Redemption for not just yourself, but all of the Slytherin. Take my hand and follow my lead, I will grant you the Light to see you redeemed.

Extending her hand then was a shimmering ephemeral ball of light, essence in raw truth. Anastaria was prepared to make one of the Slytherin an elite warrior then and there. Yet if they were still not swayed, she would have to return and prove further with more actions her intent.
Dreams, 245 posts
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 10:31
  • msg #61

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

"Perhaps in time we might be worthy of such devotion", murmurred Kairos softly in response. He quirked one eyebrow, contining in the same low tone, "Yet his words cause me to pause, too. Clearly there is war between the elders, between Ravenos and his allies and those of the Collective. If this city is sworn to Ravenos, in part or in whole, might there be other similar settlements sworn to them. We might tread carefully, knowing not which of them to side with..."

"But, also", he said, perhaps more softly, "Alliances between the divines may also flourish"

Taking a thoughtful breath, he turned to face Miritas more squarely, "Shall we enter, under our own symbols?"
Passion Desire, 483 posts
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 20:55
  • msg #62

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Although Elise had hoped that at least one among the Lizardfolk would have a spine, but when her song -- and then, Anastaria's exhortations -- failed to move them, she sighed and shook her head (if only slightly) to herself. She paused, however, to listen as one of the elderly liszardfolk stepped forward to explain their reluctance.

She cocked her head and pondered what he had said, ignoring, for the time, Anastaria's comments in return. When Anastaria vanished, Elise went after the elder Slytherin, asking him to pause a moment.

"Where can we find this 'Collective'?" she asked.
GM, 1586 posts
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 02:55
  • msg #63

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Kairos and Miritas

Miritas nodded and when asked how they should enter his eyes showed his enjoyment to come.

I would not enter under false pretenses within the house of another, after all.

Thus they approached the gates of the cathedral. The guards stepped forth, asking to see their symbols. Miritas looked at Kairos and then back at the guards.

I have none. I follow my own path.

The guards seemed surprised by that answer.

Only followers of Ravenos are welcome. Any who oppose his faith are enemies of his faithful.

Their hands were on the pommel of their blades. The weapons, the hilts of them, were donned of silver and made of great skill. They remained sheathed and Miritas, for his part, did not even shudder or blink at the obvious threat.

You should take care to keep those weapons sheathed. We mean no harm but I shall not be threatened for seeking entry in the house of fellow god.

The words seemed to make the two guards hesitate, they turning to look at each other before turning back to look at Miritas and then Kairos.

Talramirez & Diamytron

Nexa sipped from her cup, looking at the two of them before turning without a word and walking into the cabin while leaving the door open.

An invitation to enter, it seemed.

The two hounds remained there, looking at them. Diamytron looked to Tal and gestured, making sure the other wanted to go forth as well as he began to move towards the cabins entryway. Tal nodded, moving forth, the hounds watching them both and entering behind them .

Within the cabin the look of it was unlike that which they expected: A large open cave, atleast 10 times the size of the cabin itself, with 4 open tunnels leading into what seemed other parts of the underground structure were present. Books were stacked upon 8 sets of shelves on one wall while a table with 13 chairs carved of wood and lined with silver and gold and other metals unknown to the two deities showed what seemed to be a map upon it, carved deep within the wood yet smooth to the top of it so as not to hinder anything placed upon the table.

What looked like instruments were placed on holders or placed ready to play: instruments of music that they did not recognize and seemed strange to even pick up or use.

A hearth was set in one part of the large cave, a large pantry standing there with so many ingredients and drying meats and herbs and other such items to make any chef envious. The heat from the hearth warmed up the room but kept it cozy.

Nexa went to an opening close to the pantry, entering it for a moment and then returning from within with a bottle in her hands. It was a large bottle, three times the size as one would expect someone her size to hold, and she polished some of the dust off of it as she set it upon the table and then got some cups to pour the liquid in.

She spoke as she prepared to open the bottle, signalling for them to sit if they wished to as she would be pouring some wine for them.

Yes, the folks around here have it rough. The one they call Count Yalik has taken to requesting tribute quite often from them. He's left me well enough alone after I made it clear I would not be bullied into giving anything to one such as he. He's gotten the point but I see him send scouts from time to time, testing my resolve when he thinks I ain't paying much attention.

She smiled as she poured some of the wine into the cups, offering them each one of the cups.

Makes good meat for my hounds when they do.

One of the hounds gave out a low bark and then licked his lips, the other panting with Tal could swear was a smile on his canine face.

SHe took the third cup, raising it to them.

To the return of the gods. I hope there are more than the two of you.

SHe clanked her cup to the two of yours and then drank her cup in one swig. If you tasted the wine you could taste the fruity yet accentuated taste of it, the taste of a deep richness within the flavoring swirling through your mouth. It seemed to warm your innards instantly, Tal noting the smile on Diamytrons lips as he finished his and asked for another cup.

So you came wanting to know about the Fire, huh? They call it the Flame of Ravenos. Now I know all about it but as with anything, information is an commodity I have found to have more value than gold or whatever it is you find valuable in the moment. So tell me, what is it YOU have to offer in return for this information?

Elise, Anastaria, Ember & Barion

Anastaria Lightstepped, appearing 100 feet from her current position in the blink of an eye. The Slytherin that saw her appear cried out in surprise, some tripping over themselves to back away while others cowering down to protect their heads and that of their children or loved ones as they had taken her abrupt appearance before them as an act of aggression.

Yet from them all Anastaria saw one hold a stick before him to protect a child that cowered behind him. He was the only one before her who had even had the instinct to stand up and hold a weapon to defend himself.

As her eyes fell upon him he seemed to buckle, dropping his walking stick and dropping to his knees.

Appologies, oh great one. I do not know why I held weapon pointed at thee. Spare me and my child and I shall do as you ask. Sparre my child and I shall serve you until my death.

His words seemed almost like a mantra, repeated often it seemed. Yet Anastaria felt no fear in his second phrase, in his serving her. It was the protection of the child that mattered to him.

Extending her hand she enlightened him into an Elite Warrior, the essence entering the Slytherins body and changing his very presence. His spine grew straighter and his muscles grew to a more prominent presence on his body as the nourishment from the essence fueled his body into a healthy one. The scales on his body glistened, the natural oils exerted from him making them glisten in the sunlight while the fins on his back, something she had noted were dried up or non existent on other Slytherins, came forth in prominence upon his back and neck.

He looked at his hands, his arms, the others around him looking at him and whispering to one another.

He looked at his daughter behind him, her eyes wide as a slight smile came upon her face, one of awe.

He looked at Anastaria, confusion on his face.

Why? I... know things I did not and am stronger than I have ever been. Is this punishment? To show me what could be and then you take it away?

The others around him seemed  to think the same as this as he spoke it, looking at him and then her with some fear and trepidation in their eyes. Yet as she shook to signal that it was not he looked at himself and then the others around them. They were hesitant at first but then began to bow to him, bowing to him and to her.

Never has one given us such a gift. Alwasy they have asked and demanded and promised protection yet always they protecting us. Protecting the weak ones of this realm. Protecting the rejected of this realm. Yet the protection never was or was never completed.

He clasped his hands, looking at them and the sinew on his arms. The Slytherins, as a whole, were weak creatures yet this one, standing in pique form before her and his people was like a different species. He towered over them not because he was that much taller but because he stood tall and with posture.

You give me this knowledge and this strength. What is it you expect of me?

His question was one with trepidation still present. Yet as he posed his question, she noted the eyes upon her listening to her next words carefully.

As this all happened, Elise watched and saw the change in attitude. She posed her question to the Elder, his attention on Anastaria as the enlightened warrior spoke yet answering Elise's question, as if worried that if he did not she may grow angry with him.

The Collective is everywhere they please. They rule to countryside. Many house within the Metropolis yet others live off near the mountains and others in the plains to the west and others to the east as well. They are where they wish to be for they claim to own all and none truly oppose them save the servants of the gods. Still, even they cannot stop them completely for the Collective is many while the Servants of the Gods are few.

He pointed towards the west, the rivers flow coming from that direction he pointed at.

To the west is the one who claims these lands his. Count Urkanioff. He has ruled these lands for 3 fathers of mine. He will know of this gift of land and then hear of this gift of insight, he said pointing to the enlightened Slytherin.

He will not be pleased.

The last was said with a level of acceptance but contrary to the words spoken by the Slytherin before, the downtrodden and low morale was not present in that last phrase. Instead, she sensed something she had not sensed in anything said by the Slytherin thusfar.

Passion Desire, 492 posts
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 03:21
  • msg #64

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Elise's discerning gaze watched the crowd's reaction as Anastaria empowered the Slytherin into a hardy warrior, and her eye twinkled as she noted the change in demeanor -- in the Elder, yes, but also in those observing. She gave Anastaria a small nod of approval at the action, but her speech was directed toward her fellow deities.

"Hey Barion, this 'Count Urkanioff' guy sounds like he's the strongest one around. You up for checking him out?" She looked at Ember as well. "There might even be some Destruction in store."

She turned back toward Anastaria, but her attention remained on the crowd, watching the changes taking place as they happened. "What do you think, Anastaria? Is your champion there strong enough to protect these folks, or do you think they need others?"
Light Redemption, 316 posts
Rank 2, 40/40HP
Dark One of the Stars
Fri 13 Jan 2023
at 01:09
  • msg #65

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Raising graciously the Slytherin who was before her. Giving him the status of an elite warrior, the changes that took place were dramatic in comparison to the form they had previously a few moments ago. Reassuring them that this was no punishment nor trick as she her head shook lightly.

Looking to Elise as they locked eyes, Anastaria gave a subtle nod back to the Goddess. Giving the Slytherin her attention and a rather warm smile as he questioned her with attentive and fearful eyes.

Anastaria sought to dispel any doubts as she spoke softly. "I shall never take it away that is a promise, otherwise it would not truly be a gift. It is yours to do with as you choose. They are your strength and wisdom now."

In response to the Slytherin's questions of why, Anastaria answered plainly. "I give them to you, because it is only fitting that those who would protect the weak are strong enough to do so. So that you may set yourself free of the bonds of being the protected."

Taking a few steps closer to the raised Slytherin, she slowly moved her arm upwards and placed her hand on his shoulder. "I would not say I have any expectations of you. Instead I hope that you may discover yourself and what is truly important to you more with time. To hope that the devotion to protect your people above yourself, the very same you displayed before a goddess, might continue to remain true. "

Placing her hand back by her side, Anastaria smiled brighter and brushed some of the ebony curls back. "If you instead ask what it is I would request of you. It would be that you might use these gifts for your people and for those who are in need. Helping to guide and show them the way into not just change, but into the light and your redemption. So that you can continue to stand proud as a beacon, but not alone.

Instead as one, with everyone beside you.
" Anastaria then turned to look at all the other Slytherin who bowed, bidding them to raise as she motioned and gestured to them all.

Listening to Elise as she spoke to the other divines and herself, Anastaria shook her head as she smiled softly. "Heavy is the burden of the strong. One could not be expected to carry all that weight upon their shoulders without aid."

"So I shall not abandon them. I will remain as long as I am welcome." Anastaria said that as she then looked at the gathered Slytherin, measuring them as she did.
Life Creation, 446 posts
Fri 13 Jan 2023
at 14:48
  • msg #66

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

In reply to Overlord (msg # 63):

"There are more," Tal confirmed at the question of gods, letting that truth be known by Nexa.

"We are the two who felt a need to visit the Flame. Curious. Called. We can for knowledge and to witness it ourselves. As you suggest, you have knowledge that would be useful to us about the Flame and its true purpose, its history and use. What can we offer?" he asked, smiling then as he looked to Diamytron for him to add his own after Tal finished.

"You hinted at one possibility already. This Count that troubles the lands. And you. You deal with his servants when they come, but if that still doesn't discourage him from stopping completely, what happens if in the years ahead he grows in strength enough and determination to send more than a few? An army? A harsh battle that would entail, but one you may survive. Needless though. The gods have returned to the land, so why not make use of our presence? The people claimed the Flame would help protect them if it could be used. If that is possible, might not the Count become a nuisance you no longer need worry about ever again? I'm sure the Hounds could be fed with other things once the area begins to thrive once more," he added with a smile to the beasts.
Dreams, 248 posts
Fri 13 Jan 2023
at 21:53
  • msg #67

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

"Go", suggested Kairos softly to one of the watch keepers, "Tell the prelate or priest who oversees here that two of the Divine-made-flesh wait upon their doorstep"

Seeking not to overawe the men overmuch, he let a little of his nature flare in his eyes

OOC: Unveil the barest hint of his Aura, using his newfound skill in Divine Mastery
GM, 1662 posts
Wed 30 Aug 2023
at 00:30
  • msg #68

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Sorry about that. I was forgetting about this thread. My bad, considering it IS an important one.

Kairos & Miritas

Kairos spoke his request and the guards saw the flash in his eyes, the tell tale signs of his divinity and stepped back a moment. They looked to one another and one turned, heading within the church to advise of the presence of the two gods while the other remained steadfast before them.

This attracted the attention of others who began to point and mutter about the two and why they were being stopped. This brought forth 4 other guards who were told of what was happening. Two of them began to disperse the crowd, which only brought more attention to them while the 3 remaining stood guard, barring entrance.

After some moments the guard who had left returned, signalling for the two deities to follow. His stance was still one that showed care in case the two deities became dangerous and the 3 guards that had remained there followed, the 4 making the points as they marched the two deities within.

The footsteps of the guards echoed in the halls within. The two deities saw that eyes of all as they entered were on them. Various races were present. They saw that markings within the Cathedral showed symbols of other deities besides that of Ravenos yet those of Ravenos seemed to be the only ones present upon the markings held by those within the Cathedral itself. This may have once been a Cathedral built for the following of a pantheon or many deities, yet now only one seemed to be actively worshiped within.

They were brought before a lion-faced mortal. He stood 7 feet tall, a slight musculature on his frame while his mane was coiffed regally and fell upon his shoulders and down his chest as a great beard.

He looked the two deities, advancing and as he stepped down the 10 steps that brought him from the dais down to the main floor. The guards stopped, took to stepps in opposite directions from the two deities and then turned, weapons drawn and at the ready yet without attacking the two deities. Clearly there was tension within the room and the two deities could sense and feel it as the other members within the large room, priests or other members of the clergy, seeming to be looking on, hands free and a stance showing they were ready for what may come.

I am Cardinal Harhown, Guardian of the Great Flame, Bearer of the All-Sight, Keeper of the Word of Ravenos.

As he spoke his eyes gleamed with divine energy that sparkled as he looked upon the two deities.

You are Trueborns, true Deities?

His words seemed to ease the tension within the room even as they were said with a slight mark of surprise.

What are your names and which Domains serve your will?

The guards had not lowered their stance and the Cardinal made no move to change that, seeming to want to hear what they had to say before changing anything in the actions of others present.

Talramirez & Diamytron

Nexa listened to Tal and laughed a bit.

The Count is no danger to me as long as he understands what will happen if he gets to close. I have lived a long life and know for a fact that the Count will one day be replaced by another and then another. Taking him out would serve no true benefit to me save getting rid of the meat I can supply my hounds during the time a new "Count" is sent to replace the old one.

She poured herself another drink and looked at Tal and Diamytron, the sparkle in her eyes showing the mischievousness in her character as well as the fact she was enjoying the moment.

Deities in their birth are powerful yet will grow more so with time. Right now you probably have little to offer me of interest that I cannot get or make for myself thus I will offer you this: Knowledge for a favor from each of you, to be had when I so deem it time to have that favor honored.

She took a sip and raised a finger.

Before you try and twist words just remember your deities, not Jinn. Play on words and consider my offer off the table and you can leave. A favor without restraint in exchange for the knowledge I have to offer which, I will say, will not disappoint.

She smiled at both of them, enjoying the exchange.


Elise, Anastaria, Ember & Barion

As Anastaria stated that nothing would be asked in return and the powers would remain, her statement of staying was met with looks of curiosity.

You would stay with US?!?

This seemed to cause quite a stir as they seemed surprised and their levels of hope increased dramatically. Yet as Elise spoke to Barion and Ember, asking them to go help in taking on the Count the fear began to return as murmurs asking them to reconsider lest they bring forth the ire of the Count upon them all.

Lassyn, the one who had been enlightened by Anastaria, raised his arms to silence the crowd.

Never have we been granted such gifts without a tax or need met. Never have any ever stood by us as they have thus far. Unlike the others, they ask us not to take on the count but venture to take him on themselves.

We must not hide but stand up for ourselves.

The ones around them nodded, seeming to take his words to heart.

Barion looked on, laughing a bit but Elise's taunt about the Count claiming to be the strongest seemed to have irked his ego as he nodded.

If anyone is willing to walk over those unwilling to fight then their claim of strength and might is a falsehood which needs to be corrected. Aye, I shall join you against this Count. I grow tired of this area anyhow.

Whoever is heading to the Counts "domain" state so. Barion will join you. Those staying here can state what they do here while those going elsewhere can state that as well. The mortals will point you in the right direction to head towards the Counts domain.
Dreams, 267 posts
Wed 30 Aug 2023
at 05:19
  • msg #69

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

"Well met, Sightbearer", offered Kairos politely, though his wings unfurled and stretched a little to emphasise his stature. Dappled light fell upon them and his marginallly unveiled domain, his eyes focused on the cardinal of the cathedral in this moment, though they had taken in the space and its singular worship as they had been brought to him, "I am Kairos, Lord of Dreams. I walk with Miritas, who claims Fear to his own"

"You need not these mortal threats", he continued softly, his rich tones and storytellers intonations seeking to calm the situation further, "Indeed, my brother might consider it impolite"

Glancing up from the cardinal's eyes, which he had held thus far, he drew their attention to the cathedral in which they said, "I see the signs of many here, but all voices look to Ravenos... or mutter of this Collective, this Trinity..."
Passion Desire, 523 posts
Wed 30 Aug 2023
at 15:47
  • msg #70

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Elise suppressed her pleased smile at Barion's reaction. Although headstrong and disdainful of mortals, he was direct and uncomplicated in a way that felt refreshingly... easy. She had said her piece on the matter; she only gave Anastaria a nod of respect and goodbye. She cast a curious glance at Ember, but otherwise stood with Barion. She wanted to see this 'Count' for herself... and a few things more.
Fertility Evolution, 464 posts
Rank 1
Tue 3 Oct 2023
at 00:00
  • msg #71

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Arriving on the opposite bank, Xeslin took in his surroundings. Trying to find a location to spark his interest.
GM, 1678 posts
Tue 3 Oct 2023
at 00:43
  • msg #72

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)


Xeslin was brought to the other side, disembarking.

The ruins of the buildings on this side of the river were different, seeing them as only bits and pieces of what must have been a community of 20 or so buildings. Only the dock remained and even it was not truly safe to walk upon. The wood of the buildings that were here were but shards: burnt and rotting. With nothing much to see here, Xeslin began his journey to the Metropolis.

He reached the ruins and as he did he saw that it truly was that: ruins of an age gone by. The road led to a set of doors which were broken, one of them laying on the ground while the other was half open. It was huge, easily 100 feet in height and just as wide, with the second meaning the doorway had been 200 feet in width when fully open. As he approached he saw some movement: humanoids moving about. Lizardfolk were the more common race as they scurried about to hide from anyone close while the others were of various races unknown to him, moving into or out of the doorway of the ruins as they headed out into the wild of the Nexus.

None seemed to take particular attention to him as he approached the gates.

He noted that the doors had markings: faces unrecognizable to him due to his not knowing who they stood for or being too damage to BE recognized. He counted atleast 40 on the door that was still up, the other being face down on the ground not letting him view who it was that was depicted on them.

Entering he saw that within was some form of society. A society of scavengers and beggars and merchants trying to sell wares. It was smelly and noisy as he entered the area. He felt many  bump into him, appologies coming forth yet he also noticed hands passing against his body as he moved through the crowd. He had nothing to have stolen from, the pick pockets finding no treasure upon him.

On the main walkway he saw merchants of every kind, street vendors and those with little shops selling the same or something almost like the one being sold next to them, trinkets or low quality items were the main stay while relics found in the ruins were others: most broken or of no value unless for historical purposes.

Few buildings on the ground floor stood out but some in the distance did.

- A large Cathedral stood out close by, its pinnacle sticking out atop the buildings as the glass windows forming its top reflected the light of the flame in the distance.
- The Jade Citadel in the distance. It stood like a green flame within the city ruins.
- The Ebony Tower, also in the distance between the cathedral and the Jade citadel. It reflected nothing but the darkness of its stone.
- The Golden Oak: A large oak tree rising above the levels of buildings in what seemed like the middle of the city. Its size must be huge as the size of the city was days if not weeks of travel by foot. It stood in the middle, its leaves a deep amber in color as the light reflected upon its leaves and sparkled in the sky.

Kairos & Miritas

The Cardinal looked at Miritas and the mention of his Domain. Miritas simply looked at him with his unwavering stare, his own flash of divinity sparkly his features.

The Cardinal did not seem phased but others present seemed to buckle slightly at Miritas claim of Domain and current stare.

While this place was once a Cathedral to the Pantheon, only Ravenos remains present within the Nexus.... that is, until your arrival.

The Cardinal seemed not unhappy by your presence but nor enthused by it.

Yet now that you have arrived and are present, I must ask if there are more of you and how it is you came to be here. Did you manifest yourself here through a portal or gate or did you travel the Perpetuam to arrive here?

The question seemed to be of importance, especially the one about how you got here.

Elise & Barion

With Anastaria and Ember remaining here, Barion and Elise took to the area which they were pointed to that supposedly housed the home of the Count Urkanioff.

They would not need to traverse the river but instead travel somewhat back the way they came from yet from the southern side of the small hills that had come from. The travel would take some time, they were told, atleast 3-4 weeks on foot yet little did they know of the speed at which deities could travel.

The two set out, Barion seeming to want to challenge Elise as much as he could in terms of feats of physicality, in her case speed of travel as he seemed to be sure she had no true ability to beat him in tests of endurance or strength. Barion was a deity made for combat, strength being his main attribute. He seemed to enjoy showing this off and while Elise could not beat him in the physical aspects, she saw that his mannerisms were above any mortal, yes, but well below her own.

Still it made the travel at first enjoyable as she watched him show off what he could achieve and speak of how he had dominated those within the realm of Dakalnar, taking on a role of ruler for the humans that dominated the area he had come forth in. Yet as he spoke she could tell he seemed bored of such tasks, seeing the menial needs of humans as a bother to his true desires: to test himself.

In fact that seemed to be what drove Barion: The want to test his capabilities against other foes.

Their travel was uneventful with the conversation growing stale after some time. With no foes to fight Barion grew bored quickly and with their stories told he had little to offer. He was interested in what she spoke of when speaking of the Arokin, seeming interested in knowing more about them such as their location, fighting capabilities and how they seemed to view the world around them.

For his part, he spoke a lot about what HE had done on Dakalnar but little about the humans themselves. Their worship was expected, in his view, as he was the strongest among them and while they seemed to view him as such they were needy, in his view. What they found dangerous was lowly for him to fight against. Yet their faith brought him some more power and thus he tolerated their whims. He spoke about how he empowered 5 of them, pitting them against one another to see who would dominate and empowering the victor more so to then take him on. He was still to weak to challenge Barion himself, a pity according to Barion, but he now served him as the commander of his personal guard. Not that he needed one, yet he hoped the human would learn some things from his presence and be a better challenge some time later.

When asked what the humans name was, Barion shook his shoulders. He knew not, not truly caring as it did not seem important.

The boyish deity she had first seen was clearly a child at heart but a spoiled one in temperment.


The land itself was barren much like they had seen earlier until Xeslin had given life to it. Small shrubs or plants were seen here and there but for the most part their was no life that flourished. Life survived, that was all.

They passed a few groupings of Slytherins on their way to their destination, those they came upon cowering or hiding from their view as best they could. Barion only seemed to feel disdain for such actions. Yet they were able to point, when they did answer, where the Count resided.

After 3 weeks they came to their destination. A keep stuck atop a lifted crevice of land. It had only one way to be reached unless one wanted to climb a steep cliff. The keep was like a slanted jagged dagger stabbed into the crevice itself. As they approached they saw that the land around the bottom of the crevice, about half a kilometer surrounding it all around, was flush with flora. Trees and animals they had never seen before seemed to be walking about freely here. The greenery began where the dust ended and was clearly farmed to be as such for the distinction between the vegetation and the dry land was clearly cut.

Many Slytherins seemed to be taking care of the land while a large town with much activity was present at the bottom of the route leading to the keep at the bottom of the precipice. To go to the keep would mean to go through the town. That was the only way unless you wanted to try your hand at climbing the precipice. Elsie new that, physically, Barion would have no issue doing this but she would be unable to do so even if she was a deity.
Passion Desire, 529 posts
Tue 3 Oct 2023
at 03:18
  • msg #73

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

In reply to Overlord (msg # 72):

For a time, Elise was happy to indulge Barion in racing -- mostly to keep him happy and engaged. She considered summoning her familiar, if only to give Barion a more suitable opponent against which to test himself, but she decided against it. For the time being, she was content to let him judge her based on what he could see... which, admittedly, was not much.

She did not have to feign interest in his stories about Dakalnar, however; to this she paid rapt attention, and asked questions that would both allow him to showcase his physical prowess as well as provide her with a bit more information to assess how likely his people would be a threat to her own in the near future. This thought proved prescient, as he began asking about the combat capabilities of the Arokin. She did not provide information on their location, for she could not -- she had barely traveled the few provinces in which they lived and hunted, and thus she knew nothing of the regions beyond. As for fighting capabilities, however, she demurred. The Arokin were nomadic hunter/gatherers, loosely organized in small tribes that squabbled like children. They were not soldiers. Anyway, she described her efforts to teach them to sing together and play instruments, expecting Barion to  lose interest quickly. She smiled wryly as she thought back on how much she'd fought the Arokin assumptions of what she would or wouldn't know (or be able to do) because of her sex; now, however, she leaned into those preconceptions in order to deflect intrusive questions. Instead, she pointed out that she was a Goddess of Passion and Desire -- what would she know of fighting and conflict? That was Barion's area of expertise, after all.

Instead, she did ask if he could sing, and teased that she should challenge him to a contest of song, just as he had challenged her to a contest of speed. She did not press the point, however; just as he had his strengths, she had hers. So, as the conversation fell off and Barion's mood turned sulky with boredom, Elise began to sing. She made it up as she went, basing it loosely on the stories he'd told her of his activities with his followers as well as what she could observe from him directly -- of the importance of conquest and raw strength, of the thrill of the challenge, of honorable triumph over worthy foes.

For the most part, she took the lead when speaking with the Sytherins. Barion didn't bother to hide his contempt, so Elise played good cop to his bad, using her Instant Rapport to gather the information they needed to find the place they were seeking. When they finally arrived at the keep, Elise was quite frankly relieved; after three weeks, even she had found practical limits to her Desire to sing.

"So, how do you want to do this?" she asked, as her eyes roamed over the cliffs, the town, and the road leading up to the keep. "While there's unlikely to be any worthy physical challenge within the town, there will probably be useful information."
This message was last edited by the player at 03:20, Tue 03 Oct 2023.
Life Creation, 463 posts
Tue 3 Oct 2023
at 11:36
  • msg #74

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

Tal looked thoughtful as he considered Nexa's offer, glancing over to Diamytron to gauge the other deity's consideration of the knowledge on the table. As Nexa said, their powers would surely grow and a little - useful - knowledge right now might go a long way.

"I am tempted to accept your offer. Though a favor 'unrestrained' could be worrisome. No twisting of words or the like, but what would stop you from asking for something detrimental if not harmful to ourselves, our realms or our followers? Or that might break any oaths or other favors that had been granted? You could bind us into a paradox quite nicely if you so desired," he points out, but does show a bit of a smile as he adds.

"Though you have been straight forward with us thus far, so I am disinclined to think you might ask for such a favor; but it is something that has to be spoken of to safeguard the future. If none of that is intended for your future favor, I'd be agreeable to all else," he states. A small constraint on the unlimited future favor that was being asked. One that on its face would hopefully be acceptable. After all, what being would grant someone the power to order their own execution (or worse) with such an 'unrestrained favor' otherwise?
Dreams, 271 posts
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 04:44
  • msg #75

The Nexus (Caelum Realm)

“We woke here, in this Realm and in others besides”, offered Kairos thoughtfully and slowly, wondering how much a mortal mind might be able to conceive, “We needed no portal nor gate, this Realm is … in a way … our birth- place”

Nearly he said ‘birthright’ but he was feeling his way here. Instead, he studied the Cardinal for a moment, seeking to understand the mortal better, then added, “I believe there were nine of us”

OCC: Dreamsight
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