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00:47, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Posted by Vaelan NightshadeFor group archive 0
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 152 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Thu 21 Sep 2023
at 18:26
  • msg #1

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

As Lirian steps through the opens the door with quietly with Quentin ready to go she is greeted with a room full of trapped people. You see some familiar faces and some new faces. One man is dead right next to the opening on the right side who appears to have a hole in his chest.

Another man towards the back appears to have been beat or hit with something. As you walk in they see you and you make contact with them.
Quentin Fox
player, 71 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:15
Thu 21 Sep 2023
at 18:32
  • msg #2

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quentin makes a hushing motion and remains in the corridor to watch the other door, which he does not mind to have opened before or after rescuing the people, but, just in case, inspects to see which way it gets open. If it opens into the corridor (like "pull"), it might be alternatively jammed by a dagger or two and that Quentin names as the other possible option.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:29, Fri 22 Sept 2023.
player, 112 posts
Half elven bard
P 5/6 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:10
Thu 21 Sep 2023
at 18:44
  • msg #3

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Lirian looked at all of them. She recognized Hunter (of course) and a man who also was there when the Infernal Jester show (Kai). She saw other people also jailed, but did not know them. In any case, if they were jailed, she had to assume they were not enemies, at least.

Glad to see you” she said to Hunter.

I guess you’re stronger than myself” she said to Daremo. “Can you try to open the cages with the keys we took from the guard, or to bend the bars if not?. I can give you a temporary strength boost if you need it, but try not to be too noisy…

Then she turned to Quentin, after hearing his suggestion. “Or we could watch the door, ready to ambush anyone going out… I must care for the beaten man”. Then she moved to him, trying to heal him if possible.

Are we still in the golden hour? If so, and if he has a wound or more, she attempts to heal him with healing skill, not through magic. I roll it to save time if it’s needed and possible.

20:42, Today: Secret Roll: Lirian rolled 3,5 using d4,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,5.  healing skill, if possible. I guess a wound healed if so.

Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 155 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Thu 21 Sep 2023
at 18:50
  • msg #4

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quentin notices that the door that's on the other side is in facts a pull which allows him to put something through the door to lock it in place. So far he hears nothing but the whispers of the people in the cages as Lirian walks in. Daremo also stands at the ready with Quentin waiting to see if he needs to do something.

OOC: The beaten dragonfolk, yes. He can be healed. A lot of his wounds are fatigue/Wound based so you will be able to ease some of his pain with a successful roll.
player, 13 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:3 PP:15
Thu 21 Sep 2023
at 23:42
  • msg #5

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"Oh hello!"  Piper said cheerily to the people who suddenly appeared in the door and seemed to know at least some of the other folks in the cages.

She hoped that meant they'd be trying to get them all out.

"Watch out for the bars, they react poorly to any magic, at least from the inside."  She warned them with a gesture towards the dead man.
Aeress Veles
player, 16 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Fri 22 Sep 2023
at 00:48
  • msg #6

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Aeress had just gotten her fingertips on a stone...

"Wait, you are not with our captors!?"  Aeress couldn't help but ask.  It should be obvious but she was in a strange headspace.
Rea Moonstone
player, 6 posts
Fri 22 Sep 2023
at 09:25
  • msg #7

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Rea had just been sitting down, lost in her own mind as she was basically waiting to be treated like the dragonfolk had been earlier. Once others come in she looked up and scurries back further towards the bars of her cage, not sure what was going to happen now.
player, 113 posts
Half elven bard
P 5/6 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:10
Fri 22 Sep 2023
at 16:59
  • msg #8

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Lirian saw that she could not apply any healing through the bars of the cage, and was thinking on healing him magically when she heard Pipers heads up about the cages reacting badly to magic.

Then I will have to wait for him to be freed” she answered Piper. “Any result with the keys? Do you need a strength boost to bend the bars if not?” she asked to Daremo.

Finally, she turned to Quentin. “What about just closing the door until we can free everyone? If they try to come, we can ambush them” she suggested. “If we block the other door they will be warned something happens if they try to open it…
Quentin Fox
player, 72 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:15
Fri 22 Sep 2023
at 17:15
  • msg #9

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quentin just keeps watching the door from the corridor until either it's open from the other side or the people in the cages are freed or there is a problem with the later and it needs his help.
NPC, 12 posts
Fri 22 Sep 2023
at 17:58
  • msg #10

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Daremo comes into the room and grabs the cage with his hands. To his surprise they do not shock him nor energize but even with his strength he is unable to break the bars. He then looks around for something with leverage to grab to open the bars.

"Grab whatever you can but be careful."

Daremo grabs a rock and tries bagging the lock itself with a stone. But the stone bounces off the lock and makes a high pitched "ting" as it hits. Still the lock almost looks broken another hit might finish it.

He hits it again with another "ting" but it still does not budge.

His last hit with the rock rings true and he manages to free Aeress.

"Do we continue he asks? That made more noise than I would've liked?"

12:53, Today: Daremo rolled 4 using 1d6+1, rerolling max with rolls of 3.  Hit lock with rock.
12:56, Today: Daremo rolled 3 using 1d6+1, rerolling max ((2)).
12:57, Today: Daremo rolled 2 using 1d6+1, rerolling max ((1)).
Lock hardness 8, raise makes no noise

This message was last edited by the player at 17:59, Fri 22 Sept 2023.
player, 114 posts
Half elven bard
P 5/6 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:10
Fri 22 Sep 2023
at 18:20
  • msg #11

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Trying to sing not too loud, Lirian began to sing a song to Daremo. The song sounds like one to raise the morale in battle (akin those the hooligans sing to the football (soccer) teams).

20:19, Today: Lirian rolled 1,4 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,4.  Performing Song of Might (strenght) on Daremo. Daremo’s Strength dice rised one cathegory- 2 PP spent

Daremo felt energized, stronger than usual
This message was last edited by the player at 18:21, Fri 22 Sept 2023.
player, 115 posts
Half elven bard
P 5/6 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:8
Fri 22 Sep 2023
at 18:39
  • msg #12

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Use it as a chisel to break the locks” Lirian suggested Daremo, handing him the dagger taken from the guard. “It would be less noisy, and probably more effective

She then stood guard at the door along with Quentin
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 156 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Fri 22 Sep 2023
at 19:42
  • msg #13

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

OOC: Okay here is how this works.

You will start with a counter of 7. Each hit against a lock as a chance to make noise. On a 6 you lose one counter. The door has hardness of 10 outside of the cage room.

I will not tell you when guards/attackers are coming. You'll have to try to guess. Or maybe you'll just be that lucky.

Either way I'll need notice rolls from anyone out in the hall who wants to listen for guards. You can also unlock the door and look depending on what you want to do?

NPC, 13 posts
Fri 22 Sep 2023
at 19:56
  • msg #14

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Daremo grabs the knife from Lirian and beings working on Hunters cage. He holds the knife at a slight angle to break the lock. He strikes down with might breaking it much easier than before. It barely makes a sound.

Hunters cage is now open.

14:53, Today: Daremo rolled 13 using d8+d4, rerolling max with rolls of 6,(4+3)7.  Hits lock for Hunter 1.

Daremo moves on the next cage which is pipers a bit smaller but users the same method.

14:55, Today: Daremo rolled 10 using d8+d4, rerolling max with rolls of 3,(4+3)7.  Hit lock for Piper 1.

Pipers cage pops open without a problem.
Aeress Veles
player, 18 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Sat 23 Sep 2023
at 04:06
  • msg #15

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"House Veles will not forget this service!"

Aeress immediately began to look around for anything long to lever the locks with, or any obvious latches or releases.  The more people out of these cages the better as far as Aeress was concerned.

She remembered the torture session, and checked over there for tools or materials.  If nothing else maybe she could find something to fight their captors with?

I don't know if that requires any kind of roll, there isn't much Aeress can do bare handed so she tries to help look for something useful.
player, 116 posts
Half elven bard
P 5/6 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:8
Sat 23 Sep 2023
at 12:10
  • msg #16

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Seeing Aeress looking around, and guessing she looked for something to help, Lirian handed her her own dagger. “Please, lady, could you help Daremo to unlock other people? You can keep the dagger until you have something better to fight if needed” she asked her.

Then she realized they were unknown to each other. “Oh, sorry, where are my manners?. I’m Lirian” she said, as much to her as to other unknown people there.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 14:01, Sat 23 Sept 2023.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 157 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Sat 23 Sep 2023
at 12:40
  • msg #17

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

While Aeress is looking around she notices a bunch of boxes near the door. They seem to be arranged in a certain order. Upon looking you find the gear of likely the people in the cages and then your own gear.

Rocks are scattered all around the floor you notice likely from the cave itself.
player, 14 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:3 PP:15
Sat 23 Sep 2023
at 15:13
  • msg #18

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Piper braced herself as the newcomer went to break the lock on her cage, not trusting the suspended nature of her prison to toss her about as the force needed to break it is applied.

Once the door popped open she relaxed.  "Oh thank you!"  She exclaimed to Daremo.

Moving to the opening she looked out and then down and realized she wasn't actually free just yet.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:13, Sat 23 Sept 2023.
player, 119 posts
Half elven bard
P 5/6 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:8
Sat 23 Sep 2023
at 15:39
  • msg #19

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

As Aeress seemed to have found her own belongings, Lirian kept the dagger. She saw Hunter and Piper freed by Daremo (though she was concerned by the noise, but it was unavoidable, she thought). “Good job, Daremo” she told him, trying to encourage him.

She kept on watch at the door with Quentin, listening for any noise coming from outside. There were two doors that could mitigate the noise (assuming the other door lead to the people that kidnapped Hunter and the others), but she could not be sure they had not heard them…

You better recover you belongings” she said to those freed. “Are you in shape to keep raiding this place now that we have some surprise, or you need to go elsewhere to recover?
NPC, 14 posts
Sat 23 Sep 2023
at 16:07
  • msg #20

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Damero picks up Piper with his hands gently and puts the mouseling on the ground away from the chaos. "Best to stay away from feet. I think the boxes that Aeress is looking at might be the perfect place for you for now."
Aeress Veles
player, 19 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Sat 23 Sep 2023
at 17:04
  • msg #21

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"I'd love to help him, but we can't both push on a lock at the same time we'd just get in each others' way.  I'm trying to find a lever or some rope or something where we could run it through the locks and twist against each other, it'd be a lot quieter and more effective..."

She then made the discovery.

"Hey I think all our possessions are in here!  Did anyone have any tools that might help?" Aeress asked, trying to be heard but not shout.  "This is what I was talking about.  I had rope and a grappling hook on me when they ambushed me, if we can feed rope through the gap between the shank of the lock and its body, we can effect leverage.  At the very least we can grab the opposite ends of the rope and both pull, it'd be more effective still if we had something metal to feed through it that could shear the lock.  Or we may be able to pull off the tops of the cages with the hook."
player, 15 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:3 PP:15
Sun 24 Sep 2023
at 07:07
  • msg #22

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Piper gave Daremo a wave before scampering over to the crates.

She climbed up one of them and began looking into the ones that were already open to see if her meager supplies hadn't been tossed aside or pitched into one of these boxes and then crushed beneath someone else's stuff.
player, 25 posts
Sun 24 Sep 2023
at 14:39
  • msg #23

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Brightkin cleared his throat after all his cage is no bigger than a oil lamp and easy to miss.... "when you have a little time it would be nice to get out of this cage too..." he added
Kai Wasser
player, 43 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:0 B:3
Witch Hunter
Sun 24 Sep 2023
at 14:56
  • msg #24

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

When Aeress shouted out that she had found the possessions of those assembled, Kai called out, waving his hand through the cage's bar.

"Hello, over here. Did you say you found our things? If so, there should be my backpack in there. Brown leather, very worn in. I know that likely doesn't narrow it down. Inside there will be some rations, a tankard, but amongst the various things inside, are my thieves' tools. With those I should be able to get myself out, and then the rest of you."
Aeress Veles
player, 21 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 01:15
  • msg #25

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

In reply to Kai Wasser (msg # 24):

"Yes, yes that's exactly what I'm talking about!"  Aeress excitedly started opening bags until she found his, by process of elimination.  "That'll be much quieter too!  Is it this one- obviously not.  Is it-"

And so on and so forth until we find it.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 54 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 06:06
  • msg #26

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"Thank you, good sir," Hunter smiled at the tall man in hide armour. "Hunter Gallagher, at your service."

He stepped out of his cell, apparently not at all disconcerted to be wearing trousers with only one leg, and waved to the pretty elf by the doorway. "Liriam. We meet again."

As the cry went up that their belongings had been found, Hunter strode over, found his pistols and bandoliers and strapped them on. He walked over to the doorway next to Liriam, and began checking the priming on his guns. "Thank you for rescuing us, my gallant bard. But how did you come here? Did you know we were in trouble, or is this a happy accident?"


With a squeal Jenkins rushed past with a bowl of slop and began feeding it to Quentin's dogs.
player, 121 posts
Half elven bard
P 5/6 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:8
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 07:49
  • msg #27

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Someone saw you being abducted and warned us, and then it was discovered about the one who have met in this place years ago, but we’ll tell you more in detail afterwards, now there are more pressing urgencies.” she answered to Hunter. “Please, keep your weapons ready, but don’t dare to use them unless we’re already discovered. We’re already making enough noise opening the cages, so let’s try to avoid more. Do you have any melee weapon?
Kai Wasser
player, 45 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:0 B:3
Witch Hunter
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 08:49
  • msg #28

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

As soon as Aeress revealed the right bag, Kai waved her over.

"Yes, that's the one! Quick!!"

Once Kai got his bag, he pulled out his tools, and started to pick the lock so he could get out, and start helping the others.

09:46, Today: Kai Wasser rolled 7,2 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of (6+1)7,2.  Thievery.
I'm hoping a success gets me out without problem. Curious what a raise would have gotten me? Quicker, maybe?

Hunter Gallagher
player, 56 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 08:54
  • msg #29

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Hunter cocked an eyebrow, amused. Don't you dare? Who do you think you are, my Father?

But she did have a point.

"Ah, no," He admitted. "I was going shopping when I got accosted by mages on a railroad, or something, as I vaguely seem to recall. It's a bit hazy."
Quentin Fox
player, 73 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:15
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 10:02
  • msg #30

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quentin's dogs, which are indeed outside guarding the entrance, are wary of the goblin and wary of the stuff. They will eventually get to eating, assuming they don't sniff any suspicious stuff, but not before some period of looking at the goblin, sniffing at the food and waiting for the owner's approving or disapproving reaction (which does not come as the owner is distant and ambivalent).
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 10:03, Mon 25 Sept 2023.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 160 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 13:30
  • msg #31

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

OOC: Kai gets out quietly without alerting anyone.
Quentin make a notice roll.

Last people to escape are the:
dragonfolk, brightkin, and Rea I believe?

Kai Wasser
player, 46 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:0 B:3
Witch Hunter
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 14:26
  • msg #32

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Unlocking his cage, Kai safely secured his weapons on himself, before heading to the nearest locked cage and began seeing if he could pick the lock to get the out.

"I'll get you out as fast as I can." He said, as he did his best to get it unlocked and free them, before trouble came their way.

15:25, Today: Kai Wasser rolled 2,11 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,(6+5)11.  More Thievery!
I am the lockpicking king!!

Also, no idea who I am getting out, but not like it would matter.

player, 16 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:3 PP:15
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 14:39
  • msg #33

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Piper disappeared into one of the crates and after a short while made her way back atop it again sporting an appropriately sized backpack that presumably held her similarly sized possessions.  A bit crumpled perhaps but ultimately no worse for wear.

She climbed back down to the floor but heeded Daremo's advice and stuck by the crates in order to stay out from underfoot for the time being.

Piper turned her eyes to the door as she waited for everyone else to be freed via one of the various means now at their disposal, figuring there would be a group exit for safety.

Plus, the one Hunter had called Liriam had mentioned explaining more about what might be going on here.  Piper still wasn't entirely sure if she'd been locked up for the same reason as the others, and just happened to deliver herself to that fate rather than be abducted as the others seem to have been, or if it was out of something like prudence, or just plain cruelty.

Either way if Liriam and the others who'd come with her had answers, Piper wanted to stick around long enough to hear them.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 163 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 14:45
  • msg #34

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

[Private to Quentin Fox: Quentin hears the something rustling behind the door. It doesn't sound like it's moving swift but more like something is stirring in the shadows, whatever it is, it's not completely disturbed just yet.]

Damero goes to Rae's cage and beings trying to unlock it using the same method he used before. He smashes the lock off in silent manner getting the woman out of her cage.

OOC: 09:43, Today: Daremo rolled 17 using d8+d4, rerolling max with rolls of (8+6)14,3.  Hit lock for Rae.

Kai frees brightkin. Leaving only the dragonfolk left.

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:46, Mon 25 Sept 2023.
Aeress Veles
player, 23 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 15:03
  • msg #35

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

The lockpicks seemed to be doing the trick, so Aeress started to space the gear out so it would be easy to reclaim.  And she reclaimed her own, in case they were discovered.
Quentin Fox
player, 75 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:15
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 15:13
  • msg #36

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quentin touches Lirian by the shoulder, points at a few random people in the cage room, in sequence, then makes a wide gesture pointing in the direction of the exit from here. Then he uncorks the potion, keeping it closed with a thumb, and gets ready in a position when he would not be hit by the door if it gets open with force.

[Private to GM: The intent is to be on hold and have the other party consider itself not in combat until it's too late]
player, 125 posts
Half elven bard
P 5/6 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:8
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 15:14
  • msg #37

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Please, someone free the Dragonkin” Lirian said. “he seems to need some assistance as soon as possible…
Rea Moonstone
player, 8 posts
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 18:14
  • msg #38

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Rea smiles her thanks up to the one that freed her and makes a beeline to where their things are kept. Retrieving her pack and weapons, the thing she wanted most was her staff. It's decorated with feathers and other things and is about the right size to be used as a walking stick. Going over to the others she waits for someone to free the dragonkin from it's cage.
Kai Wasser
player, 48 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:0 B:3
Witch Hunter
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 18:34
  • msg #39

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

As Kai unlocked Brightkin's cage, he gave a smile. "Does this make us even for the thugs earlier?"

Hearing a call to save the dragonborn, Kai looked about to see if anyone is already on it, and then began to work his magic on the final lock amongst them all.

"Third time's a charm." kai said, hearing the lock click.

Swinging the cage door open, he turned to the large group. "Is anyone here a healer? I know the basics, but I'd worry about doing more harm than good, especially without a healer's kit."

19:32, Today: Kai Wasser rolled 5,1 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5,1.  Thievery - Final cage!

Rea Moonstone
player, 11 posts
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 18:58
  • msg #40

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Rushing over to the dragonkin, Rea shakes her staff around a bit and mumbles a few words under her breath, gently touching their shoulder as she says the final word. A light flares and envelops their body for a brief moment as Rea's spell takes effect, healing the poor soul a little bit anyway. "There, that's all I can do for the moment. Later on I may be able to do it again, but he should stabilize at least anyway."

14:53, Today: Rea Moonstone rolled 1,4 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,4.  Cast Healing
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 170 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 19:57
  • msg #41

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

The dragonfolk does manage to stabilize his wounds and finally coming to face to face with Rea. "Thank you ma lady.", he says as he stands up.

As Kai opens the last cage their is a loud boom that shakes the foundation of the area you are in. Pieces of earth drop on you as if something big just moved. For a second there is silence and there is a calm that rings through the walls of the earth. Then there is a huge scream that can be heard even from behind the door that Quentin faces. Drums start banging slowly and then faster, and faster.

[Private to Quentin Fox: You notice that your dogs are not responding to your call.]
player, 19 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:3 PP:15
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 20:09
  • msg #42

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Piper jumped at the huge cacophony that seemed to resonate between the whole building.

She decided faster would be better as far as getting out was concerned and ran over to the door as quickly as her tiny legs would take her.

Not wanting to get stuck underfoot if there was a rush she went for the closest higher ground available, which happened and to be Quentin whom she scaled like a clothing covered mountain until she was able to reach his shoulder.

"Hello, I'm Piper, nice to meet you!"  She squeeked at him with a wave.

"You all didn't get followed here by a really really slow moving giant or something right?"  Piper asked, looking between Quentin, Liriam, and Daremo.
Kai Wasser
player, 56 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:0 B:3
Witch Hunter
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 20:12
  • msg #43

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Grabbing his spiked chain, Kai pulled it taught between his hands.

"Look like trouble is coming our way! Those of you who can fight, to the front! Anyone who shoots, or hurls magic, stand far enough back. And for any of you who do use magic, whatever you do, do not cast any on me. It won't end well." Starting with shouting, Kai murmured to himself as he said that last part.

Stepping forward, Kai began spinning one side of his chain, ready to strike.
Rea Moonstone
player, 13 posts
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 22:39
  • msg #44

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Rea stays to the back, ready to cast spells or bust out her real trick, if needed. She was hoping it would and wouldn't be at the same time. She liked using it, but only used it in desperate situations so she was hoping this wouldn't turn into one of those situations. She was going to wait and see.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 57 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 23:27
  • msg #45

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"Out! Out! Out!" Hunter called, grabbing his bag and heading for daylight. "We can fight on the stairs or outside, but let's not get trapped in here! There are no other exits!"
Aeress Veles
player, 26 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 00:18
  • msg #46

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Aeress did not cry out, since the important thing had already been said.  She grabbed her spear however and tried to ascertain whether they had enough warriors to form ranks or not.  She could always use short techniques of course.

"Swift, but careful.  It would be folly to trip or stumble.  Does anyone need help with mobility?"

Despite her attempts to be calm she was moving swiftly herself.
player, 26 posts
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 08:06
  • msg #47

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Brightkin thanked Kai for freeing him "yes I think we are now even" he replied as he spread his wings and took to the air.

He found his gear and secured it on his person before heading to the door with the others
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 174 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 13:55
  • msg #48

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Hunter runs straight past everyone in the hall and out into the world above blinded by the sun and daylight. Surprisingly enough he is not met with anyone leaving the hall leading out. A little ways away he can hear muffled voices coming from above ground the direction he just came.

Meanwhile down in the caged area the earth rocks again this time Quentin notices the door shake as if it's being hit. He stabs the dagger through it to keep it closed but he knows it's a matter of time before whatever is on the other-side comes out. In cramped quarters he is likely to block the only way out if he blows fire.

Back in the cage area some of the people still in the room trying to figure out what is happening hear the sounds of footsteps above. Then you see from the very small hole that is above high up in the ceiling a bottle of something is flung down at you but hits the wall and green fire starts climbing as the liquid drips. You hear above "ready more!"
player, 129 posts
Half elven bard
P 5/6 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:8
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 14:02
  • msg #49

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Lirian looked at hunter, surprised by his comment.

Now we’re already inside, and we have a chance to keep the surprise to raid this place” she said. “It’s dangerous, sure, but we have the initiative. If we retreat, where do we? It’s clear they know us, and they know the city, while we don’t know either, so there it will be them who have the initiative,

She stopped talking a moment, to allow her words sink. Seeing everyone has recovered their belongings she took the ones remaining (probably from the dead magician) in hope of knowing who he was.

If we can raid this place, maybe we at least know more about them, maybe evening the tables. But of course, if you all feel too weak, we may return, in hope to return latter, here or to wherever they hide, and maybe we’ll have another opportunity to learn. Just again, where do we retire to rest that we may be safe?” she finished, looking at the others
player, 27 posts
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 14:04
  • msg #50

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Everyone to one side and keep quiet I might be able to give us an advantage if someone comes in.....

When everyone is within his area of influence he throws up an illusion that the room is now empty

15:03, Today: Brightkin rolled 6,3 using D8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 6,3.  Strong illusion
This message was last edited by the player at 14:05, Tue 26 Sept 2023.
Aeress Veles
player, 28 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 14:30
  • msg #51

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"These chambers are  shaking and falling apart my lady."  Aeress pointed out.  "House Veles is known for its bravery but to try to journey inward would be to enter our own tomb.  I ask you to leave now the same direction."

Aeress knew she should run, but it wasn't like her to save herself until everyone else was clear.
player, 130 posts
Half elven bard
P 5/6 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:8
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 14:42
  • msg #52

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

OOC: Of course the previous post was intended to be before the GM’s, but I wanted to keep it just to make clear Lirian opinion

Seeing the situation, Lirian changed her mind. “I cannot deny your point Lady. Forget all I said, time to withdraw” she said, heading to the corridor. “Quentin, can you help me keeping the rearguard and using your fire if possible should they come through the corridor?

EDIT: She then turned to Hunter “No long er need for stealth. Can you shoot at the hole in the ceinilg? Maybe your handgun is powerful enough to do somethin
This message was last edited by the player at 15:29, Tue 26 Sept 2023.
Aeress Veles
player, 29 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 14:55
  • msg #53

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"Then I will clear the way up front!"  Aeress went ahead, spear in hand.

lol in other words we're leaving because Hunter has the right idea, we just don't have real time communication to make that consensus clear and unambiguous.
Quentin Fox
player, 78 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:15
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 16:10
  • msg #54

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quenin nods. "A rearguard should be about right." Then he proceeds to withdraw, some two yards closer to the surface and on the other side of the corridor relative to Lirian. When he is some way away from the jammed door, he adds. "I still want to see whatever is coming, and I still want to blast it. Covering me?"

Meanwhile, the dogs stop eating and look out in some direction, somewhat wary.

OOC: The intent is to blast whatever is coming and then either watch it burn or run for our lives. The jammed door should be at some 2/3..3/4 of Burst range, and then we'll see how it goes.

[Private to GM: I think they should have noticed something, either over or uder the ground. Not sure if they are to start barking or whining or neither of that.
21:40, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 7,17 using 1d10+2,1d10+2, rerolling max with rolls of 5,(10+5)15. Dogs Notice.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:42, Tue 26 Sept 2023.
player, 28 posts
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 17:10
  • msg #55

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Perhaps being so small no one was paying attention to him.... Seeing everyone running for the door Brightkin sighed and dispelled a very good illusion... Even if he said so himself and followed the others
This message was last edited by the player at 17:10, Tue 26 Sept 2023.
player, 131 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:8
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 17:17
  • msg #56

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

In reply to Quentin Fox (msg # 54):

I cover you Quentin” Lirian answered, taking her staff in combat position. “Just wait for the others to pass through us to the exit, and I’ll remove the dagger

She turned to Aeress, who looked as the best fighter among the others (and could fight with her spear from the rear). “Want to join me in keeping the rearguard after opening the door?

One everyone had left, she took the dagger jamming the door and removed it, ready to throw it to to anyone resisting Quentin’s fire before resorting to melee combat again.
Quentin Fox
player, 79 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:15
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 17:35
  • msg #57

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"We both wait, no need to hurry door opening, it seems like they'll make it through by themselves well enough. And I'm not sure I'd like to wade in melee if this stuff does not work. Just be ready to parry whatever is coming your way and be ready to get out of here, that's all." It should be obvious from the context and a gesture that "this stuff" is a vial in Quentin's left hand.
Rea Moonstone
player, 18 posts
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 18:06
  • msg #58

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"This is crazy, we should be running. All of us. But I will stand beside you all as well. Bring on the ones that locked us in these cages." Rea was standing a bit behind Lirian, her feathered staff in hand and watching the door intently for whomever was going to come through it.
player, 132 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:8
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 18:20
  • msg #59

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

In reply to Quentin Fox (msg # 57):

As you say, but I thought if they charge the door and it opens, they may fall stumble and fall in disorder…” Lirian answered, with a grin.

Nonetheless, she readied herself again, waiting for the door to fall and whoever was behind to enter the corridor.

Rea Moonstone:
"This is crazy, we should be running. All of us. But I will stand beside you all as well. Bring on the ones that locked us in these cages." Rea was standing a bit behind Lirian, her feathered staff in hand and watching the door intently for whomever was going to come through it.

Running where?” Lirian asked. “If we cannot know more about them to even the tables, we must at least weaken them, now they were not ready
Hunter Gallagher
player, 58 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 18:23
  • msg #60

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Hunter exited from underground and promptly sought cover behind a tree, where he stayed until his eyes adjusted. He heard muffled voices a short distance away, and an image came to mind of a flask falling from the ceiling and green fire.

He hissed at Jenkins fussing over the dogs and pointed with his gun at the voices.

He began stealthily moving towards them, making as little noise as possible.

"Me first Master, you too big and slow. And fat." Jenkins hissed by his ear. Shooting forward, she scampered npiselessly over the rough ground towards the sounds.

Hunter returned to the tunnel and waved urgently before following the goblin as quietly as he was able.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 176 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 19:41
  • msg #61

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Outside Hunter goes back to the tunnel to wave people back but notices when he turns around that a number of hooded figures and giant rats are converging upon him from all sides of the trees. They are far enough away to give him time to act but they will soon be at the tree door.

Underneath the door finally breaks open with a smash revealing at first only darkness. There is very little light Quentin holds ready with his potion and suddenly there are a thousand tiny little dots bouncing and jumping his way. He releases the flames lighting the area and burning the first wave of rats coming his way. This has stopped them but only for a short while.

Meanwhile, a part of the wall breaks apart near the cages not close to anyone has a giant arm with claws reaches in. It swings violently trying to hit something when you see the arm retract and look into the room. The creatures red eye gives a huff as if it can't see you and then suddenly there is only darkness in the hole.

Above you hear the footsteps again, "They've escaped!", says someone. "Impossible! Find them!" commands someone above.

The footsteps can be heard moving closer towards the entrance of the tree.

OOC: You have 2 full turns to act before they are upon you and we enter a massive combat. The tunnel is wide enough for two people. So only two can stand and attack without being out in the open. Outside is will leave you surrounded on all sides by attackers without moving. Currently, Brightkin's spell is hiding everyone in the caged area (Moving in or out if this area makes you unseen by the targets). Enemies will get a chance to detect you if they move into the area. Rats are flooding in from the side door which leads to unknown but these are normal sized rats but a lot of them.

What are you doing with your first turn?

player, 133 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:8
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 20:13
  • msg #62

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Let’s get outside” says Lirian, seeing the walls crumbling. Hoping people does so, she keeps the rearguard.
Rea Moonstone
player, 19 posts
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 20:22
  • msg #63

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

With a soft curse under her breath, Rea will do as Lirian says and head outside with the others. She didn't really know any of these people, but at the moment that didn't matter as they all had to work together to get out of this alive.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 59 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 20:55
  • msg #64

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"We've got lots of giant rats and hooded men outside! They'll be on us in seconds! What's it like down there?" Hunter called, pulling a wineskin from his bag.

OOC: I belatedly rolled a scouting roll, but that doesn't seem appropriate now. However, if it's OK, I'd like to keep the roll to say Jenkins is just... gone.

09:40, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 4,3 using d6,d4, rerolling max with rolls of 4,3.  hunter stealth.

09:39, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 4,20 using d10,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,(6+6+6+2)20.  Jenkins stealth.

This message was last edited by the player at 09:32, Wed 27 Sept 2023.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 177 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 21:09
  • msg #65

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

OOC: That's fine. We can go with that.
player, 29 posts
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 21:17
  • msg #66

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

As soon as Brightkin got out into the open he took to the sky to put some space between himself and the rats and to assess the situation and to hopefully give his companions a heads up on an exit route

22:16, Today: Brightkin rolled 3,2 using D8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,2.  Notice
player, 134 posts
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 21:19
  • [deleted]
  • msg #67

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

This message was deleted by the player at 21:20, Tue 26 Sept 2023.
Aeress Veles
player, 31 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 21:20
  • msg #68

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Hearing the call from outside, Aeress made a decision.  The rear was already covered, and there was trouble ahead.  "I am coming!"
Quentin Fox
player, 80 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:15
Wed 27 Sep 2023
at 04:14
  • msg #69

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quentin makes a reasonable haste to end up outside. He breathes fire again, also a big one, to burn whatever is coming and to illuminate the surroundings, but otherwise is on his way.

OOC: It's two empowered lingering firebreaths for 18, 8, 9, 10 damage over the course of 3 rounds to everyone chasing us through the corridor (I don't think they get to evade unless they chose to abandon the chase). Quentin moves away at full pace for two rounds, turning back only to breathe fire, and then maybe runs. It should be bright enough during that time to see clearly.

How many move actions to eng up outside?

09:03, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 10 using 2d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5,5.  Second fire breath lingering damage.
09:03, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 9 using 3d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,2,4.  Second fire breath damage.
08:58, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 1,5 using 1d8,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,5.  Second fire breath (extra damage, lingering).
08:56, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 8 using 3d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,3,3.  First fire breath lingering damage.
08:55, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 18 using 4d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,5,(6+3)9,2.  First fire breath damage.
08:54, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 7,1 using 1d8,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 7,1.  First fire breath (extra damage, lingering).

Hunter Gallagher
player, 63 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Wed 27 Sep 2023
at 10:02
  • msg #70

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"What do I do with this?" Hunter muttered to himself. "Douse somebody with it? Pour it on the ground between two trees? Douse the tree with it? Hmmm, that could be a most excellent idea, or a very bad idea..."

The glowing red roar of flame bursts far down the tunnel interrupted his train of thought. "Hm. Looks like he may have need of it."

"Here! Catch!" He called out to the next person running towards him, tossing them the bladder. "Firewater! Get it to our pet dragon there."

Hunter took up a position by the outside door and leaned against the tree, bracing himself for a carefully aimed shot.

OOC: Hunter will aim until the enemies enter medium range. He will prioritise shooting at anyone with missile weapons or flasks.

22:57, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 3,5 using d10,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,5.  shooting. (+2 aim, -2 medium distance)
22:58, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 9 using 2d6+1, rerolling max with rolls of 3,5.  damage. Conditional damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 10:03, Wed 27 Sept 2023.
player, 30 posts
Wed 27 Sep 2023
at 13:21
  • msg #71

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Brightkin sees what's happening and flies down to hunter "give me some I can fly it further than you can throw it... Tell me where you need it to land and I'll try to drop it on target"
This message was lightly edited by the player at 13:22, Wed 27 Sept 2023.
player, 138 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:8
Wed 27 Sep 2023
at 17:38
  • msg #72

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Lirian exited the door after all the others had and looked at the situation. The corridor was crumbling, so no threat from there, but several giant rats and hooded men were approaching from several sides.

She also saw her comrades using fire blasts to several sides, but others were coming. “Clearly time to use ir…” she thought, taking the scroll Lyrian had given her. “Should I wait for them to close or can I affect a large group already?

She tried to assess the situation. Was any large group worth using it?

OOC: I guess a notice roll will help to see it, so here it comes:

19:37, Today: Secret Roll: Lirian rolled 4,1 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,1.  Notice roll.

Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 180 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Wed 27 Sep 2023
at 19:33
  • msg #73

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quentin blows more flames that lick the walls of the tunnels a high pitched squeaking can be heard as the rats burn in the flames few make it through and are instantly turned to dead burnt bodies as they make it through the fire. The rest of the packs of rats seems to know they should not cross the flames.

Outside when he runs out he manages to kill two giant rats rushing Hunters position. The flames burn near by bushes in the area giving clear vision of the others sitting on the outside looking for a way to reach you.

OOC: Here is a map of the current situation:

Since we are about to begin combat I will give you a chance to do something right before. However pot shots are going to start combat. So if its draw a sword, rush a whatever that's fine just be aware that will be during combat.

Current enemies:

2 Wild Card Cultist (bottom left - unseen)
5 Regular Cultist
5 Giant rats

player, 142 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:8
Wed 27 Sep 2023
at 21:39
  • msg #74

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Lirian keeps on hold with the scroll ready. If they close and many of them enter the range of a large blast, she will use it, with selective modifier to avoid affecting comrades..
This message was last edited by the player at 22:25, Wed 27 Sept 2023.
player, 24 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:3 PP:9
Thu 28 Sep 2023
at 00:46
  • msg #75

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Piper held on to Quentin's shirt for her life with both paws as he set fire to the rats, the tunnel, and just about everything else before running up and out.  The fact they found themselves in some woods was unexpected.  Piper had imagined they were in some dank basement within the city somewhere.

She wondered exactly what that big beast monster thing they'd seen underground was.  If they were lucky it would stay there.

However above ground there was already giant rants and sinister looking guys in hoods that looked like they weren't going to just let them all walk away.

Standing up on Quentin's shoulder Piper raised both her paws and gestured above herself.  As she did so a splash of green motes of light formed in the air and spiraled into the nearest tree.  The tree then began to shake as a flurry of leaves and twigs rained down into a swirling whirlwind that quickly dissipated leaving behind a quintet of large lion sized cat looking creatures formed of foliage, branches, and brambles, all growling at the rats and robed figures around them.

Piper tried to figure out what the large creature underground might have been, but nothing came to mind.  Piper rolled 1,3.  Common Knowledge or Occult

Casting Summon Animal to summon 5 "Large Cats"

Piper rolled 5,10.  Spellcasting

player, 31 posts
Thu 28 Sep 2023
at 06:29
  • msg #76

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Brightkin grabbed the bottle from Hunter and flew it over to Quentin

"this I've been told is for you" as he hovered in the air waiting for the bottle to be taken
player, 143 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:8
Thu 28 Sep 2023
at 07:02
  • msg #77

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Lirian looked at Brightkin flying over them. She could not remember her name (if she even knew it). “You, fairy” she said in fairy language. “ Keep flying out of their range if possible, as you must warn the city dwellers if we fall. Go to the Library and tell what you can to Elysia if so.

Then she turned to the others. “Let them close and I’ll try to affect as many as I can with the scroll. It’s a one shoot weapon. If any of you have offensive spells try to affect the cultists before they release magic on us

OOC: Lirian will use the scroll if:

  • 6 or more enemies can be affected (probably by closing to attack)
  • Any of the cultists reach what she thinks may be spell range, in this case putting the blast where it can affect most enemies (cultists included if posible).

This message was last edited by the player at 07:02, Thu 28 Sept 2023.
Quentin Fox
player, 81 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:3
Thu 28 Sep 2023
at 07:11
  • msg #78

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quentin grabs the bottle and gives it a quick look to see if he recognizes what the contents of the bottle are supposed to be and what one does with these. He's seen a lot of bottles in his life, so chances are good he recognizes this one. Failing that, he intends to ask.

The dogs meanwhile bark wildly, ready to bite anyone who dares to come close.

[Private to GM: 12:02, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 1,5 using 1d8,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,5.  Does Quentin recognize what the contents of this bottle are supposed to be?]
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 185 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Thu 28 Sep 2023
at 15:02
  • msg #79

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Updated map:

Round 1: Initiative:
1. Cultist(WC) - QS
2. Lirian - JS *held action
3. Kai - JH
4. Cultist/Rats
5. Hunter 10S * held action
6. Quentin 6S * held action
7. Aeress 6H
8. Rea 4S
9. Piper/Cat - 3S
10. Damero -2H
11. Brightkin 2S

After 1 day of waiting you will be put on hold automatically if you do not post your action. People with held actions can act as soon as the enemy is in range.

Let the battle begin!

The two cultist to the side move just out of range of your vision from the door. One can be heard casting something but you aren't sure what he cast. Both seem uninterested to join the fight just yet.

The cultist move up from their position seeming to not want to rush the heroes but rather stand back and watch. Each of them holds assortments of weapons like clubs, daggers and short swords. Three giant rats rush the door to attack. Hunter releases a blast as one of the giant rats come in close. A few other rats seem to also be waiting for something. Rat 1 will attack Lirian, Rat 2 will attack Hunter and Rat 3 will attack Quentin. Depending on Hunter/Quentin/Lirian's held actions.

Damero will run forward and attack one of the rats if any are left standing, other wise he will defend.

OOC: Quentin not sure what he gave you? Assuming alcohol. Feel free to post you actions, remember defends is a thing.
Aeress Veles
player, 34 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Thu 28 Sep 2023
at 15:06
  • msg #80

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Aeress turned to Kai, and was strangely energetic.

"These wicked miscreants profane all notion of decency!  They must taste our steel, and the sweet sting of their own deserved comeuppance!  We must strike them switfly, in tandem!"

Aeress mimed the technique with her spear.  She much favored the weapon, preferring its reach and grace.  Aeress was obviously an active warrior, but she wasn't a hulking brute.  The efficiency of the weapon made a lot of sense given her physicality.

"They will outnumber us, but we can use the natural chokepoints of the woods.  I can still attack even if I cannot stand aside!"

It was a rally speech and a tactical discussion all in one.

Aeress is trying to Support Kai's Fighting with some Espirit De Corps rah-rah nonsense and a reminder why spears conquered the whole world.

Technically this is only supposed to effect the current round, but I'm hoping we'll be indulged and maybe Kai can use this bonus for the first action (of course they may not close enough to be able to but whatever).

09:57, Today: Aeress Veles rolled 4,4 using d6+1,d6+1, rerolling max with rolls of 3,3.  Persuasion.

Quentin Fox
player, 82 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:3
Thu 28 Sep 2023
at 16:53
  • msg #81

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

The rat trying to get to Quentin is met not just by its target alone, but also by two loyal dogs. The dogs bite, with varying effectiveness, and then the rat gets pierced by rapier  which should be about enough for the rodent. Quentin does not stick around to make sure of that and withdraws a step back, so that anyone trying to get him would have to move past the dogs...

OOC: I believe it is shaken, then wounded. Ganging up 3-to-1 counted in.
21:43, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 7 using 2d4+d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,3,3.  Quentin damage against Rat 3.
21:42, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 9,6 using 1d6+2,1d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of (6+1)7,4.  Quentin stabs at Rat 3.
21:40, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 7 using 1d6+1d4, rerolling max with rolls of 5,2.  Right dog damage against Rat 3.
21:37, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 7 using 1d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 5.  Right dog tries to bite Rat 3.
21:36, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 3 using 1d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 1.  Left dog tries to bite Rat 3.

player, 145 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:8
Thu 28 Sep 2023
at 17:17
  • msg #82

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Seeing the rats and hooded men closing but realizing they will not group up too much, Lirian began to sing the music in the scroll trying to neutralize the most she could, but not affecting any comrade.

  • 19:11, Today: Lirian rolled 2,1 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,1.  Reading the scroll of Slumber Serenade, option 3 (5 "east", 1 "south" from square marked as 1),  .
  • 19:11, Today: Lirian rolled 23,5 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of (8+8+7)23,5.  Using a bennie to reroll. Wow! Success with several rises (only the one has effect, though)

As she started to sing, she felt the tone was not the correct one, but she was able to rectify, singing a sweet lullaby with perfect tone, amazing everyone as some of the enemies began to feel sleepy…

She then tried to move a little away from the incoming rat and preparing for defense (OOC: as moving is a free action, I guess she can)
This message was last edited by the player at 21:25, Thu 26 Oct 2023.
Rea Moonstone
player, 23 posts
Thu 28 Sep 2023
at 17:56
  • msg #83

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Rea pulls out her sling and puts a stone in it from a pouch on her pack. Twirling it around and around she fires the stone at the giant rat, hoping her aim was true.

Targeted the rat marked 3 for this shot.

13:48, Today: Rea Moonstone rolled 6,3 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 6,3.  Shooting skill.

13:51, Today: Rea Moonstone rolled 3,3 using d4,d4, rerolling max with rolls of 3,3.  Sling Damage.

She cheered as she watched her stone hit her target, knowing it wouldn't do much damage but that every little bit helps.
Kai Wasser
player, 62 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:0 B:3
Witch Hunter
Thu 28 Sep 2023
at 19:15
  • msg #84

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

With his chain in hand, Kai looked at Aeress, as he words of encouragement filled his brooding facade.

Seeing the rats closing in, they weren't what Kai wanted to be trying to deal with, but there was no way he could get past them and to the cultists.

Between the number of things coming their way, and hoping if anything happened to him that the others would back him up, Kai became a whirlwind of spinning as his spiked chain went towards the rat.

Doing two attacks, for -2 to both rolls.
Wild attack (+2 to attack, balancing it out) one rat, and then wild attack the same rat (if it's still up), or the next nearest if the blow defeats it.
+1 to fighting for first attack thanks to Aeress.

20:11, Today: Kai Wasser rolled 6,6 using d6+1,d6+1, rerolling max with rolls of 5,5.  Fighting (Wild+2, MAP-2, Support+1).
Assuming their parry isn't 7+...

20:12, Today: Kai Wasser rolled 23 using 2d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 4,(6+6+5)17.  Spiked chain damage (+2 wild).
I think that will obliterate it!

20:13, Today: Kai Wasser rolled 4,5 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,5.  Fighting (Wild+2, MAP-2).

Assuming I hit again.
20:14, Today: Kai Wasser rolled 9 using 2d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 3,4.  Spiked chain damage (+2 wild).

Kai is now Vulnerable until END NEXT TURN.

Hunter Gallagher
player, 67 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Fri 29 Sep 2023
at 00:19
  • msg #85

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Hunter fired his second pistol.

OOC: if Hunter has already acted this round, then this is the next round's action.
Not sure what happened with the rat that was charging Hunter, I presume Kai engaged it? In which case Hunter will shoot at the nearest cultists that he has a clear shot to. If the rat is attacking Hunter with nobody engaging it, then he will of course shoot that instead.

If Hunter gets a small movement as well, then after shooting he will duck back through the dòr into the tunnel.

13:10, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 11 using 2d6+1, rerolling max with rolls of 5,5.  conditional damage.

13:10, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 7,2 using d10,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 7,2.  shooting.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:20, Fri 29 Sept 2023.
player, 25 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:3 PP:9
Fri 29 Sep 2023
at 00:56
  • msg #86

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Piper chittered from Quentin's shoulder and one of the big verdant cats fell into a guard position alongside Quentin's dogs.

The other four bounded forward and pounced on the next rank of enemies.

Two cats will attack the cultist, and two will attack the giant rat which are both just north of the fire as I believe they are classified as near so the cats should be able to close the distance as part of the turn.

Cats will utilize Frenzy.  I do not know the stats for the cultists, but am assuming the Giant Rats are using standard stats from the book.

Cat 1 Attacks vs Cultist: 9 (Possible Raise) and 6 (Possible Hit)
Cat 1 Damage roll 1 (w raise if applicable): Damage 9 (10 w raise)
Cat 1 Damage roll 2: Damage 6

Cat 2 Attack vs Cultist: 2 (Miss) and 5 (Possible Hit)
Cat 2 Damage roll 1: Damage 11

Cat 3 Attacks vs Giant Rat: 6 (Hit) and 6 (Hit)
Cat 3 Damage roll 1: Damage 4 (Shaken)
Cat 3 Damage roll 2: Damage 8 (Wounded)

Cat 4 Attacks vs Giant Rat: 3(Miss) and 2(Miss)

Piper rolled 9,6 using d6+1,d6+1, rerolling max with rolls of (6+2)8,5.  Cat 1 Attacks vs Cultist

Piper rolled 2,7,1 using d8,d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,(6+1)7,1.  Cat 1 Damage roll 1 (w raise if applicable)

Piper rolled 2,4 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,4.  Cat 1 Damage roll 2

Piper rolled 2,5 using d6+1,d6+1, rerolling max with rolls of 1,4.  Cat 2 Attacks vs Cultist

Piper rolled 1,10 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,(6+4)10.  Cat 2 Damage roll 1

Piper rolled 6,6 using d6+1,d6+1, rerolling max with rolls of 5,5.  Cat 3 Attack vs Giant Rat

Piper rolled 1,3 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,3.  Cat 3 Damage roll 1

Piper rolled 4,4 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,4.  Cat 3 Damage roll 2

Piper rolled 3,2 using d6+1,d6+1, rerolling max with rolls of 2,1.  Cat 4 Attack vs Giant Rat

Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 193 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Fri 29 Sep 2023
at 21:06
  • msg #87

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

As the rats run into the heroes Hunter fires a shot that rings true and strikes one of the giant rats in the head. Kai shreds another two with attacks leaving one alive but stunned. Quentin finally comes in and finished off the last of the rats directly attacking the heroes.

Lirian begins signing which puts 3 of the cultist closest to the fire asleep. In a deep slumber. Rea launches a rock in the air trying to hit one of the other rats and manages to hit one of them but the rat shrugs off the stone and continues it's pursuit of the heroes.

The other two cultist fearing what has happened to the rats casts spells on themselves it seems that creates bone like armor around them that seems to be there for protection.

Piper is able to summon a large number of cats which attacks one of the cultist sleeping completely mauling him and seemingly taking him out.

The other cat misses an attack at a cultist that is awake. One cat slashes at one of the rats tearing him apart before it completely falls down.

The fourth cat completely misses another rat.

Round 2.

Areas with the swords are where I am assuming the large cats are Piper. Updated image.
The potions are resenting magic on those cultist. The other symbol is meaning those cultist are asleep. Hunter has only fired one shot so far. The first shot hit so you still have that extra shot.

1. Cultist/Giant Rats Joker
2. Hunter KD
3. Quentin QD
4. Aeress JS
5. Daremo 10D
6. Rea 7H
7. Kai 4S
8. Piper 3S
9. Lirian 3H
10. Cultist(WC) 3C

IC: As you are waiting for the next wave of attack the fire in the ground seems to go out almost as if something beneath it is putting it out. Seconds later a giant hole forms in the area where the fire was and a huge rat comes out of the ground. It lets a massive howl as it stands before you towering as tall as an ogre. It's green mutations seems to stand out more than anything.

I will post a new map shortly.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:04, Mon 02 Oct 2023.
Aeress Veles
player, 38 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Sun 1 Oct 2023
at 15:12
  • msg #88

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Round 1:

Aeress, seeing several of the cult members fall asleep, ran to engage the others still standing.  However in her haste she managed to trip over her own boots and posed more of a danger to herself than any of her possible opponents.

Though that may have been after they armored up. Oh well!

I think they don't count as the closest range increment, but Aeress, with a spear, can attack one beyond at a -2 penalty and will do so.  One attack, and a Wild Attack at that, to keep it simple.

10:11, Today: Aeress Veles rolled 1,1 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,1.  Fighting.

lol critical failure.  I regret everything!

player, 154 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:8
Sun 1 Oct 2023
at 15:39
  • msg #89

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Al Lirian saw Aeress falling and vulnerable, she moved to cover her, while trying to attract the hidden cultists to attack her while ignoring Aeres. “Wow, a large rat” she shouted to them. “But the true rats are hiding while their men and pets fight. Maybe you want some cheese?”.

17:34, Today: Lirian rolled 9,1 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of (8+1)9,1.  performance to taunt one of the WC cultists to make him distracted (so at -2 to attack). Success with a raise (distracted and shaken), pending his smarts roll.

If taunt is a free action (I'm not sure about it), then Lirian stays close to Aeres on hold, to attack anyone trying to take profit from her vulnerable situation after falling on ground, attacking anyone coming to range.

Quentin Fox
player, 85 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:3
Mon 2 Oct 2023
at 17:46
  • msg #90

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quentin points to north-east where two cats are fighting a cultist and two rats: "Bite! Bite them!" but his dogs are too impressed by the big rat and stay in place, barking and ready to dodge and inevitable attack. Oh, damn...

Quentin himself is on the move to the north-western cultist, but also just defending himself and otherwise doing nothing.

OOC: Quentin would like to end up adjacent to the lone cultist. He and the dogs Defend as per page 100.
The dogs can be used to stand safely behind if people want to go ranged.
Does the big rat seem to have been hit by fire Quentin breathed underground or was it too far away?

Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 198 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Mon 2 Oct 2023
at 18:04
  • msg #91

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quentin Fox:
Quentin points to north-east where two cats are fighting a cultist and two rats: "Bite! Bite them!" but his dogs are too impressed by the big rat and stay in place, barking and ready to dodge and inevitable attack. Oh, damn...

Quentin himself is on the move to the north-western cultist, but also just defending himself and otherwise doing nothing.

OOC: Quentin would like to end up adjacent to the lone cultist. He and the dogs Defend as per page 100.
The dogs can be used to stand safely behind if people want to go ranged.
Does the big rat seem to have been hit by fire Quentin breathed underground or was it too far away?

OOC: The fire went out when the earth collapsed. So basically there is just burnt ground now.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 71 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Mon 2 Oct 2023
at 22:46
  • msg #92

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Hunter looked around and quickly summed up the situation. He decided that the half the cultists were down and the monster rat would likely be far harder an opponent if the remaining cultists could enchant it, and so he fired at a couple who had just appeared round some trees to the south.

OOC: 11:40, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled -1,3 using d10-2,d6-2, rerolling max with rolls of 1,5.  shooting. Should have aimed.

Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 201 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Tue 3 Oct 2023
at 18:29
  • msg #93

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

The cultist and rats assault the large cats taking the fight to them but hardly landing any marks. One cultist and one of the rats do hit one of the cats taking two out completely seemingly vanishing from sight after the marks hit.

13:26, Today: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 4 using 1d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 2.  Rat attacks big cat.
13:25, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 7 using d6+d4+2, rerolling max with rolls of 4,1.  Damage cultist.
13:24, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 5 using 1d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 3.  Cultist fight roll vs cat.
13:24, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 4 using 1d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 2.  Cultist fight roll vs cat.
08:53, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 11 using d6+d4+2, rerolling max with rolls of (6+2)8,1.  Rat damage cat.
08:47, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 3 using 1d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 1.  Rat attacks big cat.
08:46, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 6 using 1d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 4.  Rat attacks big cat.

two cats removed. the one at the very bottom and the one at the very top. Will update map.

Kai Wasser
player, 66 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:0 B:3
Witch Hunter
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 21:14
  • msg #94

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

With the second rat he attacked appearing to still be alive and a threat, Kai continued hitting it, he continued, this time only focusing on the one to make sure it was done with.

Just one attack against the rat, wild attacking it.

22:13, Today: Kai Wasser rolled 4,4 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,4.  Fighting (Wild+2).
Forgot to add +2, so 6.

22:14, Today: Kai Wasser rolled 6 using 2d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 1,3.  Spiked chain damage (+2 wild).

Kai is not doing well...

player, 161 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:8
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 21:48
  • msg #95

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

OOC: If , as it seems the rat has not attacked you, I guess it’s shaken. If so, another shake on it would wound  (and so incapacitate) it. Maybe time to use a bennie on damage (just a suggestion, but if it recovers it can attack Kai while vulnerable)?
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 204 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 15:16
  • msg #96

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

OOC: So I blubbered up the shaken cultist. One unshaken from the sleep other one still shaken so he is still asleep. The people are where I am assuming Aeress and Kai are?

Map: Map

IC:One of the remaining cultist can seem to awaken from the slumber upon waking up he hears Lirian's taunt and runs at her swinging his weapon towards her. His attack missing and just landing on the area but now in front of the group.

Aeress attacks the cultist further north but loses her weapon as he tries to hit his bone armor, it flies out of her hands landing next to her.

Kai is able to stun one of the rats standing hand in hand with the large cats still waiting to attack and ignoring the giant rat.

Hunters shot is fired but hits nothing. Damero holds fast with the rest of the group as the cultist comes in he swings his giant mace slamming the cultist in the head bashing him but completely misses the man.

The two cultist from the side let out bolts of energy one barely missing Daremo's head and another missing hunter. The crackle of green energy burns a bush behind him.

OOC: Hunter you take 11 in damage which should be shaken with a raise so 1 wound. You need to roll to unshake next round unless you want to spend a benny or two. You can also spend a benny to soak a wound I believe? Correct me if I am wrong crew. You'll need to make a soak roll to do that. Spend a benny and make a vigor check on a 4 you soak 1 one.

Piper still needs to roll for the large cat and Lirian still has an attack.

10:12, Today: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 11 using 2d6, rerolling max with rolls of (6+1)7,4.  Damage against hunter.
10:11, Today: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 2 using 1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2.  Cultist bolt againt Hunter d6.
10:11, Today: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 2 using 1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2.  Cultist bolt against Damero forgot d6.
10:11, Today: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 5 using 1d10, rerolling max with rolls of 5.  Cutlist bolt hunter.
10:10, Today: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 4 using 1d10, rerolling max with rolls of 4.  Cultist bolt against Damero.
10:05, Today: Daremo rolled 4,1 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,1.  Attack near by cultist.
10:02, Today: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 2 using 1d6-2, rerolling max with rolls of 4.  Cultist attack Lirian.
09:53, Today: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 10 using 1d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of (6+2)8.  Cultist to resist taunt.
09:44, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 11 using 1d6, rerolling max with rolls of (6+5)11.  Cultist unshake 2.
09:43, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 1 using 1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1.  Cultist unshake.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:09, Fri 06 Oct 2023.
player, 162 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:8
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 15:28
  • msg #97

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Vaelan Nightshade:
Piper still needs to roll for the large cat and Lirian still has an attack.

Lirian action this turn was taunting (but the cultist equaled her roll). As I didn't declare multiple action, I guess she cannot attack.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 205 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 15:48
  • msg #98

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Vaelan Nightshade:
Piper still needs to roll for the large cat and Lirian still has an attack.

Lirian action this turn was taunting (but the cultist equaled her roll). As I didn't declare multiple action, I guess she cannot attack.

OOC: Yup you are right. For some reason I thought you rolled higher.
player, 163 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:8
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 15:50
  • msg #99

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Vaelan Nightshade:
Vaelan Nightshade:
Piper still needs to roll for the large cat and Lirian still has an attack.

Lirian action this turn was taunting (but the cultist equaled her roll). As I didn't declare multiple action, I guess she cannot attack.

OOC: Yup you are right. For some reason I thought you rolled higher.

Just curious, why the +2 to resist taunt (if I can know it)? some Edge? See that without it Lirian would have rolled higher...

Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 206 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 15:59
  • msg #100

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Vaelan Nightshade:
Vaelan Nightshade:
Piper still needs to roll for the large cat and Lirian still has an attack.

Lirian action this turn was taunting (but the cultist equaled her roll). As I didn't declare multiple action, I guess she cannot attack.

OOC: Yup you are right. For some reason I thought you rolled higher.

Just curious, why the +2 to resist taunt (if I can know it)? some Edge? See that without it Lirian would have rolled higher...

Joker - The only ones that didn't get the joker was the giant rat and wild card cultist.
player, 166 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:8
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 18:34
  • msg #101

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

OOC: As per High Adventure rules, Lirian uses a bennie to have one time Counterattack Edge

As the cultist attacked her, Lirian parried the attack with her staff and saw the opportunity to feint and counterattack against him. She didn’t hesitate.

  • 20:31, Today: Secret Roll: Lirian rolled 4,6 using d8+2,d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 2,4.  Fighting: couterattack. Wild attack.
  • 20:32, Today: Secret Roll: Lirian rolled 8 using d6+d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 1,5.  Damage (if hit).

I guess the cultist will be shaken, but as it’s close enough as not to be sure, I leave the explanation to Valean

This message was last edited by the player at 18:35, Thu 05 Oct 2023.
player, 32 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:3 PP:9
Fri 6 Oct 2023
at 00:37
  • msg #102

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Piper squeaked out commands to the cats while using both paws to keep herself secured to Quentin as he shifted about the fight.

The lone cat remained backing up the dogs, apparently eyeing the giant rat as its grassy tail twitched.

The remaining two turned to attack one of the remaining cultists.

One cat will remain with the dogs, defending this round as they have done.

The other two cats will attack the cultist with the potion bottle just north of the two rats.

Cats will utilize Frenzy.

Cat 1 Attacks vs Cultist: 10 (Possible Raise) and 3 (miss)
Cat 1 Damage roll (w raise if applicable): Damage 8 (12 w raise)

Cat 2 Attacks vs Cultist: 5 (Possible hit) and 8 (Possible Raise)
Cat 2 Damage roll: Damage 7
Cat 2 Damage roll (w raise if applicable): Damage 8 (13 w raise)

Piper rolled 10,3,5,8 using d6+1,d6+1,d6+1,d6+1, rerolling max with rolls of (6+3)9,2,4,(6+1)7.  Cat 1 & 2 Attacks vs Cultist
Piper rolled 3,5,4 using d8,d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,5,4.  Cat 1 Damage roll (w raise if applicable)
Piper rolled 5,2 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5,2.  Cat 2 Damage roll 1
Piper rolled 3,5,5 using d8,d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,5,5.  Cat 2 Damage roll (w raise if applicable)

Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 213 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Fri 6 Oct 2023
at 17:28
  • msg #103

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Two more cultist fall to the claws of the cats ripping through them. At the same time Lirian's hit topples the cultist close to hitting Aeress. Leaving behind only the wild card, cultist and a few rats left on the battle field.

map: Link

Round 3
1. Rat Wild Card AD
2. Aeress KD
3. Cultist\Giant Rats KC
4. Kai QD
5. Hunter 7C
6. Cultist Wild Card 7D
7. Lirian 4S
8. Quentin 4H
9. Daremo 4D
10. Rea 3D
11. Piper 2H

The giant Rat lets out a roar as it charges towards Kai and the other cat. It's giant claw sweep the area tearing through the air hitting he and the cat.

Vaelan Nightshade rolled 9,3 using d10-2,d6-2, rerolling max with rolls of (10+1)11,5.  Giant rat sweep attack. Should be a raise on both cat and kai.
Vaelan Nightshade rolled 1,1,4 using d10,d4,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,1,4.  Giant rat attack cat. Cat stunned.
Vaelan Nightshade rolled 7,5,7 using d10,d4,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 7,(4+1)5,(6+1)7.  Giant rat attacks kai. Kai 3 wounds.

Aeress Veles
player, 45 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 3
Fri 6 Oct 2023
at 18:58
  • msg #104

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Finding her opponent vanquished and her hands empty, Aeress deftly swooped to re-arm herself with her own weapon as she hoped no one saw that.  Realizing there were still rats closing on her position though, she turned the spearhead on them.

Unsure if there's any penalty (MAP?) associated with recovering the dropped weapon, but it looks like there's still rats on this position so pest control it is.

13:58, Today: Aeress Veles rolled 3,3 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,3.  Fighting.

LOL it's official throw me in the bin.

Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 219 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Fri 6 Oct 2023
at 20:07
  • msg #105

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

The rat stunned and cultist manage to recover from their status and hold their action. The other cultist and rat attack different parts of the party by the tunnel doors but only seem to hit air. The rat by Aeress attacks her openly but misses it's chance.

OOC: The rat and cultist that were stunned will hold until someone comes close then attack or depending on what happens to Kai.

These rolls are worse: (literally not even joking. I rolled all of that. Granted at least the big monster did some massive damage.)
15:03, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 1 using 1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1.  Cultist attacks daremo.
15:02, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 1 using 1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1.  giant rat attacks hunter.
15:01, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 4 using 1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4.  Giant rat attacks Aeress.
15:00, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 5 using 1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5.  Giant rat spirit roll.
14:58, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 4 using 1d10-2, rerolling max with rolls of 6.  Cultist Spirit roll.

Hunter Gallagher
player, 75 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Fri 6 Oct 2023
at 21:54
  • msg #106

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Hunter didnt have time to reload, instead he grabbed the dagger from the fallen cultist and attacked the rat with it, yelling and screaming and kicking.


Jenkins reappeared behind a tree, looking to see if it was safe to come out.


22:06, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 16 using d6+d4, rerolling max.  damage.

22:02, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 7,4 using d6,d6, rerolling max.  hit cultist with weapon. (-2 two actions, +2 gang up)

This message was last edited by the player at 09:08, Sun 08 Oct 2023.
Quentin Fox
player, 93 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:3
Sat 7 Oct 2023
at 06:47
  • msg #107

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Being no longer surrounded was a bit of relief, but many of the others still weren't in position to run for their lives and the rats might be faster as runners, so... "Tell me when you want to get out of here, good mouse." Quentin makes a step to north-east, drops the bottle of alcohol, takes a vial from one of his bandoliers, this one noticiably smaller than the others he has used before, takes all of the contents in his mouth and breathes fire across the small rat, the big rat and two starred cultists.

Quentin's dogs, now effectively in melee, attack the cultist that has came to them. They fail miserably.

Stepping a bit to better line the fire breath, not out of melee, so should not provoke free attack and will still provide gang up bonus. The fire breath ignores two points of armor.
11:25, Today: Quentin Fox rolled 6 using 2d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,4. Fire breath damage AP2.
11:24, Today: Quentin Fox rolled 7,4 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 7,4.  Fire breath AP2.

The dogs, Hunter and Rea are 4-on-2 against the rat and the cultist, so +2 gang up bonus should apply.
11:44, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 3 using 1d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 1.  Dog attack.
11:43, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 3 using 1d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 1.  Dog attack.

player, 173 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:8
Sat 7 Oct 2023
at 13:26
  • msg #108

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Lirian saw Hunter trying to distract the rat, as if he had no melee weapon. “Take the fallen cultist weapon if you have none” she advised to him. Then turned to Rea“Please, can you attack the magicians with your sling to, at least, distract them?

Then she began to sing again, this time singing her Song of the Might as a battle song, to help herself, Aeress and Daremo to improve their fighting (OOC: If Daremo is not in range, then Hunter).

15:23, Today: Secret Roll: Lirian rolled 4,5 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,5.  Casting Song of the Might to raise Fighting skill as told. 4 PP spent

As she began to sing, all of them began to feel inspired for the combat.

OOC: I decided to raise Fighting so that Parry will also be increased
This message was last edited by the player at 21:25, Thu 26 Oct 2023.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 76 posts
Sat 7 Oct 2023
at 18:20
  • [deleted]
  • msg #109

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

This message was deleted by the player at 09:00, Sun 08 Oct 2023.
Rea Moonstone
player, 27 posts
Sat 7 Oct 2023
at 18:55
  • msg #110

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Rea was getting more and more concerned about the others as the giant rats and hooded ones seemed to keep coming. And then the monstrous sized rat appeared and things really got tense. Unsure what to do at the moment she hesitates in the heat of battle, only able to watch in horror as the fight goes on.

Trying to shake things off, especially when asked to at least try and distract them, Rea tries to concentrate and cast her big spell, the one she'd been holding back until now. Unfortunately she couldn't quiet her mind enough to bring the power forth and nothing happened when she tried to cast it. Sighing at her failure, she looked on in hopelessness, preparing to heal the others when she gets a chance to.

14:49, Today: Rea Moonstone rolled 3,3 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,3.  Faith Roll.
NPC, 15 posts
Sat 7 Oct 2023
at 22:16
  • msg #111

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Damero feels energized by Lirian's music and holds his mace to the sky and brings it down with a crunching noise against the face of the cultist in front of the group. Blood splatters everywhere as he hits him.

17:13, Today: Daremo rolled 2,3,3 using d6,d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,3,3.  Damage cultist. +2 damage for the mace.
17:12, Today: Daremo rolled 17,15 using d10,d6, rerolling max with rolls of (10+7)17,(6+6+3)15.  Attacking cultist.

player, 37 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:3 PP:9
Mon 9 Oct 2023
at 02:20
  • msg #112

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"So long as you don't have some penance to atone for or other weight upon you that means you don't value your own life very highly, I trust you to use your judgement to keep us out of harms way as much as you're able."  Piper answered Quentin before chittering again at her cats.

The remaining trio formed ranks after the flame front went through, and ganged up on the giant rat.

Cat which was hit w sweep, unshakes.

Piper rolled 13 using 1d8, rerolling max.  Spirit

Cats will utilize Frenzy.
Cats will utilize Pounce.
Cats are now vulnerable until end of next turn.
Assumes gang up bonus of +3 (2 addtl cats + Kai)

Cat 1 Attacks vs Giant Rat: 9 (possible hit), 8 (possible hit)
Cat 1 Damage roll: Damage 11
Cat 1 Damage roll: Damage 8

Cat 2 Attacks vs Giant Rat: 16 (possible hit w raise), 6 (possible hit)
Cat 2 Damage roll: Damage 9 (12 w raise)
Cat 2 Damage roll: Damage 12

Cat 3 Attacks vs Giant Rat: 6 (possible hit), 7 (possible hit)
Cat 3 Damage roll: Damage 12
Cat 3 Damage roll: Damage 28

Piper rolled 9,8 using d6+5,d6+5, rerolling max.  Cat 1 Attacks.
Piper rolled 16,6 using d6+5,d6+5, rerolling max.  Cat 2 Attacks.
Piper rolled 6,7 using d6+5,d6+5, rerolling max.  Cat 3 Attacks.
Piper rolled 3,8 using d8,d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 1 Damage
Piper rolled 3,5 using d8,d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 1 Damage
Piper rolled 2,3,7 using d8,d6,d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 2 Damage (w possible raise)
Piper rolled 5,7 using d8,d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 2 Damage
Piper rolled 3,9 using d8,d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 3 Damage
Piper rolled 21,7 using d8,d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 3 Damage

player, 179 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:8
Mon 9 Oct 2023
at 15:23
  • msg #113

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Piper rolled 9,8 using d6+5,d6+5, rerolling max.  Cat 1 Attacks.
Piper rolled 16,6 using d6+5,d6+5, rerolling max.  Cat 2 Attacks.
Piper rolled 6,7 using d6+5,d6+5, rerolling max.  Cat 3 Attacks.
Piper rolled 3,8 using d8,d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 1 Damage
Piper rolled 3,5 using d8,d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 1 Damage
Piper rolled 2,3,7 using d8,d6,d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 2 Damage (w possible raise)
Piper rolled 5,7 using d8,d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 2 Damage
Piper rolled 3,9 using d8,d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 3 Damage
Piper rolled 21,7 using d8,d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 3 Damage

It would be easier if you set the dice roller to dx+dy+z instead of making each roll counted separately (e.g. d8+d6+4, instead of d8,d5+4).

If you just fill this way the manual part (and at most mark the secret roll, if you so wish), it will do it as I say, and you have the totals added and each die (with the exstra rolls if any one aces) shown separately.

Of course, this only Works for damage, where the rolls are added, not for trait rolls...

In any case, it seems that the giant rat will have a hard time (cats are good rat hunters, if you allow me the joke)
This message was last edited by the player at 15:24, Mon 09 Oct 2023.
Rea Moonstone
player, 28 posts
Mon 9 Oct 2023
at 16:55
  • msg #114

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Trying to shake off her last attempt, Rea tries to concentrate on what she is doing. Unfortunately it seems it's just not destined to work and once again she is unable to cast the spell she is trying to cast and so just continues to stand there while the battle rages on around her. Never having cast this spell before, she was sure that if she just kept trying she'd be able to cast it successfully.

12:50, Today: Rea Moonstone rolled 3,1 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,1.  Faith Roll.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 226 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 14:54
  • msg #115

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

As the last of the rats fall to the heroes and cats. The cultist begin blasting the creatures with bolts of green energy flying past one of them. Another hits it's target with making the cat disappear into the ether.

Need a benny from Kai whenever you get a chance to see if you soak those wounds (unless I missed that post). The is down right now as soon as it's back up I'll roll for initiative.

Round 4:

map: Link

1. Hunter JokerS
2. Daremo AD
3. Cultist WC KH
4. Lirian QH
5. Cultist 10S
6. Piper 9S
7. Rea 8C
8. Kai 7C
9. Aeress 6D
10. Rat WC 3S
11. Quentin 2C

Everyone add a benny for Hunter drawing a joker and give him thanks! :)

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:32, Wed 11 Oct 2023.
Kai Wasser
player, 71 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:2 B:3
Witch Hunter
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 15:02
  • msg #116

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

16:01, Today: Kai Wasser rolled 4,4 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,4.  Soak.
2 wounds got through.

Hunter Gallagher
player, 79 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:3 PP:0
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 23:54
  • msg #117

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Seeing the brave man in the hat get horribly mauled was frightening and Hunter had no wish to be anywhere near it. But everybody else was fighting rats and cultists, and he couldn't let the man fight alone. Roaring a battle cry, Hunter charged forward and stabbed the monstrous creature! Hopefully he could hurt it,but at least he could let the man recover and get away.

12:37, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 4,10 using d6,d4, rerolling max.  damage.
18:13, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 3 using 1d6, rerolling max.  extra damage.
4+10+3+2 = 19 damage?

12:36, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 10,3 using d6+2,d6+2, rerolling max.  attack fighting.

Not quite sure where everyone is, so apologies if I got that  a bit wrong. I thought I read "Hunter gets +2 to all rolls" but wasn't sure if that applied to damage, and now I think that post got edited so he shouldn't have had +2 to begin with. Anyway, I added +2 to attack but not to damage, but I think i hit anyway.

This message was last edited by the player at 08:47, Sat 14 Oct 2023.
player, 40 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:4 PP:9
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 04:14
  • msg #118

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Piper's cats turned their claws on the remaining mega rat.

Cats will utilize Frenzy.
Cats will utilize Pounce.
Cats are now vulnerable until end of next turn.
Assumes gang up bonus of +2 (1 addtl cat plus Hunter)

Cat 1 Attacks vs WC Rat: 6 (possible hit), 8 (possible hit)
Cat 1 Damage roll: Damage 13
Cat 1 Damage roll: Damage 14

Cat 2 Attacks vs WC Rat: 8 (possible hit), 7 (possible hit)
Cat 2 Damage roll: Damage 19
Cat 2 Damage roll: Damage 11

Piper rolled 6,8 using d6+4,d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 1 Attacks
Piper rolled 8,7 using d6+4,d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 2 Attacks
Piper rolled 13 using d8+d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 1 Damage
Piper rolled 14 using d8+d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 1 Damage
Piper rolled 19 using d8+d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 2 Damage
Piper rolled 11 using d8+d6+4, rerolling max.  Cat 2 Damage

player, 185 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:3 PP:3
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 14:19
  • msg #119

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

OOC: ITTR a magician may use a staff to touch the target of a spell as if he was touching him, when the spell has a arrange of “touch”, but I cannot find it right now (maybe it was in some supplement?) I will play the round as if this was true. If not (or not applicable to this setting), then Lirian will move to touch Kai, and I will change the writing latter. In any case (direct tocu or staff) I guess no “to hit” roll is needed.

Seeing Kai seriously wounded fighting the monstrous rat, Lirian closed to him, again changing her song to another one, this time more like a mantra or prayer. Keeping at a safe distance after seeing how the rat attacked in Sweep, she touched kai with her staff.

  • 16:08, Today: Secret Roll: Lirian rolled 3,2 using d8,d6, rerolling max.  Perform roll (activating Song of Health on Kai).
  • 16:10, Today: Secret Roll: Lirian rolled 7,7 using d8,d6, rerolling max.  Spending a bennie to reroll performance roll.
  • Lirian’s last PPs (and just received bennie) spent. I guess Kai is healed one wound

Once again, the stress of combat nearly made her to lose the tone of the song, but she took a deep breath and was able to fix it before the spell failed. As her staff gently touched Kai from behind, he felt invigored again, as his pain and bleeding decreased.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:29, Thu 12 Oct 2023.
Aeress Veles
player, 53 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 4
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 21:04
  • msg #120

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Posting a wee bit out of order, but it doesn't look like the remaining cultists can cut me off.  They could get in the way of helping the dogpile effort against the big critter, in which case please substitute opponents lol.

Aeress groaned, this was not her battle.  Well it was, but it wasn't favoring her.  Still they were turning the tide.  The assemblage who had rallied to her and taken out the immediate opponents had descended on a monster of a rodent, though there seemed to be foemen about as well.

Charging to the next obvious target, Aeress did her best.  She lunged in with the tip of the spear again, hoping she'd remember hours spent training with the weapon for once.

16:00, Today: Aeress Veles rolled 4,9 using d8,d6, rerolling max.  Fighting.

A decent roll!  Possibly even a raise if Kai, the cats or others are also attacking the same target since the Gang Up would push that pretty high (10-12).  So I'll roll and present the totals separately.

16:03, Today: Aeress Veles rolled 8,4,2 using d6,d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of (6+2)8,4,2.  Damage - Strength, Weapon, Raise.

12 damage without any Raise
14 damage with Raise


However if I wind up attacking a cultist, that's probably not a Raise unless the Cultists have a Parry of 5 or less, which is possible.

This message was last edited by the player at 21:04, Thu 12 Oct 2023.
NPC, 16 posts
Fri 13 Oct 2023
at 14:32
  • msg #121

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Damero runs at one of the Cultist seeing an opportunity to attack them with his mace he swings it high in the air and lands but the cultist is quickly knocked back from the blow by the attack.

09:30, Today: Secret Roll: Daremo rolled 2,1,4 using d6,d8,d6, rerolling max.  Damage against the cultist.
09:30, Today: Secret Roll: Daremo rolled 8,11 using d10,d6, rerolling max.  hit the cultist.

Cultist WC stunned

Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 234 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 14:47
  • msg #122

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

The giant rat creature let's out a huge howl as Hunter stabbed the monsters stomach. It stumbles back from the blow leaving the creature shaken by the wound holding it's wound.

The cultist see the attack against their beast and let out a human howl. One of the cultist remains stunned not moving. The other two cultist manage to find their strength one blasts Daremo with a bolt of energy that seems to burn the ground around him. The other blasts one of the cats leaving it in a pile of ash.

OOC: Piper one of your cats is gone. I'll let you decide which one he hit but he attacks before their attacks on the giant monster. Giant monster is shaken from Hunter attack.

09:41, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 8 using 2d6, rerolling max.  Cultist damage Daremo bolt.
09:41, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 7,4 using d10,d6, rerolling max.  Cultist attack Daremo with bolt.
09:40, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 15 using 2d6, rerolling max.  Cat attack damage 1.
09:40, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 8,2 using d10,d6, rerolling max.  cultist attack cats with bolt 1.
09:40, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 7,16 using d10,d6, rerolling max.  Cultist unshake 2.
09:39, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 1 using d8, rerolling max.  Cultist unshake.
09:34, Today: Secret Roll: Vaelan Nightshade rolled 2,2 using d8,d6, rerolling max.  Rat Spirit to unshake .

Quentin Fox
player, 98 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 16:00
  • msg #123

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"Bite! Bite you bastards!" shouts Quentin while approaching the big rat with a rapier in hand and also drawing a dagger. That seems to be an encouraging example for Quentin's both dogs, but Quenting himself does not seem quite encouraged given what he has seen from this rat. He lands a calculated stab at the creature's liver and makes a few steps back to break the contact with it.

Of two dogs, one lands a hit with 7 for 14 damage. Then Quentin moves-attacks-moves (I think he is close enough to do so) and relies mostly on this second movement for his defense, going all-in with attack (wild swing). Spending a benny to gain Calculating edge for the round. It triggers, negating half of called shot penalties. This hits with 8 for 12 damage.

20:28, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 12 using 2d4+4+2, rerolling max.  Stab damage.
20:24, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 8,7 using 1d6+4+2-2,1d6+4+2-2, rerolling max.  A stab where it hurts (gang up, wild attack, called shot + calculating).
20:06, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 6,14 using 1d6+1d4,1d6+1d4, rerolling max.  Both dogs damage (as applicable).
20:05, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 6,7 using 1d6+4,1d6+4, rerolling max.  Both dogs attack (maxed up ganking from Hunter, Aeress, one cat and two dogs).
19:56, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 5,3 using 1d6,1d6, rerolling max.  Persuade the dogs to attack giant rat.

player, 42 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:4 PP:9
Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 16:58
  • msg #124

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

We'll say Cat 1 got dusted.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 237 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 14:09
  • msg #125

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

As the giant rat falls back from it's wounds taking hits from all sides, it collapses in a bloody heap. The cultist immediately stand in shock and awe as the creature falls. They rather clump together in a huddle with hands raised showing they mean no harm "anymore" to the heroes.

"Please spare us."
, one of them says.

Any signs of remaining rats or cultist are all gone with the exceptions of these three.
player, 190 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 14:33
  • msg #126

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

LAY PRONE IF YOU SURRENDER!”  Lirian ordered to the cultists, moving to them and, if they obey, tying their hands to their backs and taking their weapons.

Then she turned to the rest of the group. “We must take them to the authorities, but first I’d like to see if we can raid their base here to obtain as much information as we can.” she told them. “I hope no more defenders will remain, and this information may help us to know the nature of the plague, and maybe even some steps to cure Orin and the others. We cannot miss the opportunity ”.

She looked at Kai. “how do you feel now? ” she asked him.
Quentin Fox
player, 100 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 14:34
  • msg #127

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

The dogs spend some time biting the downed rat. It is unable to defend itself and is killed before Quentin is able to save potentially valuable specimen. Well, a dead specimen is also valuable, if only about half as much. The dogs then start to eye the surrendering cultists with clearly ill intentions, but now Quentin is more prepared and gets the dogs to guard the cultists as they are being handled by someone else.

Quentin himself goes around the battlefield, telling the dead from the breathing and dealing finishing blows to all of the dead. If asked, he says this is to mitigate some kind of medical errors. Those alive, both the cultists and the rats, are dragged to one neat heap and accounted for.

"We'll need those f***ers stripped, bound and interrogated, these f***ers stripped and bound and those f***ers stripped." This is all said pointing at the surrendering guys, at the neat heap at Quentin's feet and at the rest of the area, seemingly with no intend of personally doing either. "I'll tend to his wounds."

I think someone is still wounded, so, taking 10 minutes of time...
19:29, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 1,10 using 1d8,1d6, rerolling max.  Using one charge from healing kit.

I'd like to know how many downed survivors we have, both of man and of rat variety, and an account of the loot if someone gets to that. I'd also like to know whether Kai seems doomed.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:36, Wed 18 Oct 2023.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 238 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 16:35
  • msg #128

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

OOC: Kai should not be doomed based upon Lirian's healing and using the healing kit. He is wounded I would say by 1 wound by my calculations but he will heal.

IC:The men lay prone following what Lirian says to do.
player, 191 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 17:37
  • msg #129

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

After trying the men and stripping them of any weapon, potion, scroll or paper or anything that could be sued by them or give information they had, Lirian leaned on her staff. The combat has been stressing and tiring, and she was out of power for more magic, but there was no time to rest if she wanted the base raided for information.

She turned to Piper. “I guess you’re the best to go unnoticed, and even to pass through rubble if needed. Can you lead the way to find their base and retrieve what information we can?

OOC: some points:

  • What can be taken from the prisoners and dead?
  • I understand Piper is small cat or rat sized (I’m still not sure what (s)he is). Right?

Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 239 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 17:48
  • msg #130

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

OOC: Piper is a mouseling which is a heritage that you are familiar with. Very rare race but you are familiar with them or at least have heard of them.

The men carry nothing on the person besides each one carrying a dagger(1) and a pendant that specifically seems to have some strange symbol on it that you are unaware. It's not a god's symbol for sure.

The rubble is pretty dense but a mouse/cat/etc could make it through the cracks. The humans however would not.
Quentin Fox
player, 102 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 17:48
  • msg #131

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quentin, not being distracted from his work, remarks at that. "You let them give you all the information, and only risk someone's life if they bet their lives that it would be safe enough." He also frowns. Amateurs.
NPC, 17 posts
Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 17:50
  • msg #132

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Daremo stands watch over the men making sure that they don't move. His mace is at the ready should any try anything.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 82 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 21:49
  • msg #133

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Hunter let out a sigh of relief when the giant rat monster went down.  "I say, that was quite exciting, hey?" He drawled calmly. "Almost worked a sweat up. Good thing they weren't armed."

He grabbed one of the spell slinging  cultistss, sauing to Liriam "You take care of the others." He unhurriedly went about tying his captive up with his own clothes cheerfully cutting them into rags to do it with. No point in cutting up good rope, even if they had any, hey?

When that was done he plonked him in a sitting position and hauled over a big rat, which he sat on and began casually cleaning and reloading his pistols, taking all the time in the world.
"So we're you working for that thing, or was it working for you, boys?" He asked pleasantly. "Where did it come from?"

OOC: Just to clarify, Hunter is using the cultist's own clothes to tie him up, not his own. In fact, he will probably even replace his one-legged set of pants with the cultist's!

This message was last edited by the player at 00:13, Thu 19 Oct 2023.
Kai Wasser
player, 73 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:2 B:2
Witch Hunter
Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 22:04
  • msg #134

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Kai looked at Lirian, grabbing his chest.

"I've been better, but not as bad as I was, thanks to you. I honestly didn't think your spell would work. You might have sensed magic can find it difficult to get through to me. Would rather have tried to deal with the cultists than that rat, but it seems the rat had other ideas, namedly using me as a chew toy. But what's one more scar?"
Hunter Gallagher
player, 83 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 23:42
  • msg #135

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Jenkins guardedly reappeared from behind a tree, and slowly and cautiously  approaches once she was sure the fighting was over. When she was sure it was safe, she immediately enthusiastically joined in the looting of the cultists, though she didn't twig to the idea of "take prisoners" and had to be physically stopped from killing the captives in cold blood.

She went over to where Hunter was interrogating his prisoner.
"Can has eats now?" She asked hopefully, staring hungrily at the bound man.

"No, only if they don't answer questions."

She snorted disgustedly and turned her attention to the rat her master was sitting on. With little squeals of delight she poked and prodded and finally pulled out an eyeball which she popped into her mouth, chewing contentedly and eyeing the captive specutively just in case Hunter changed his mind.

Hunter was continuing his questioning. "So what's down below?"
Aeress Veles
player, 57 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 4
Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 02:02
  • msg #136

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

The situation was sorted, Aeress quickly saw.  That did not hurt her feelings any.  She might have objected if they'd wanted to kill enemies who surrendered, but that didn't happen.  Normally one to run her mouth, she had nothing to say because it had all been said already.  She was pleased however, everyone was looking for something useful to do and not just thinking of themselves.

The prisoners were guarded, the scouting was being handled, so Aeress watched the interrogation.  She might be of some help, but she didn't wish to crowd the conversation, such as it was.
player, 47 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:4 PP:9
Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 03:28
  • msg #137

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Piper hopped down from Quentin's shoulder and took up a position atop the head of her surviving shrubbery cat.

Looking to Lirian she gave a shrug.  "I could certainly try.  Though I think Quentin and Hunter have the right of it.  We should see what they tell us.  Might make it easier to find whatever might have survived down there."
player, 192 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 06:02
  • msg #138

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Lirian bowed to majority vote. “I doubt those cultists will tell anything useful, but no moment to discuss among ourselves” she thought.

OK, let’s interrogate them then, but I’d like not to lose too much time, as some more could return or appear.” she said. “So let’s only try to know about what may be here, we will have time to interrogate them more in deep latter, or the authorities may want to do it themselves.

She left interrogation to the others, while studying the strange pendants she had taken from then, trying to identify what they might be or what the strange symbol might mean.

You told us this cult brought trouble to your land. Do you recognize this symbol, or at least have you ever seen it?” she asked to Daremo.

OOC:aside from the two daggers from the cultist mages, what other weapons can we take from the other cultists?

[Private to GM: Might a common knowledge help in identifying the pendants or the symbols on them?]
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 240 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 14:53
  • msg #139

Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

OOC: Nothing other the dangers are on the cultist persons. The symbol itself is completely foreign and unknown to anyone that is part of the group. In order to speed up the cultist replies for information I will turn this into a little drama battle.

IC: As you pick up the cultist asking for answers they give hardly anything short of a smile. When hunter assaults the cultist with his words the man laughs.
"Lair? We have no lair boy. We have no home. We are part of no clan or even city. We are legion."
The man's hood is thrown back revealing horns on his head showing him of infernal blood. The other cultist is of elven blood.

The door itself back to the rooms where the cages where are blocked by rubble that has fallen. Only something small can make it through. The hole itself is not the same hole where you were held. You can see looking in only darkness. However when you listen you hear a very faint sound of clawing very very far away.

As Lirian probes for more information the Elven cultist bites back.
"We have tons of monsters. And soon, all of this city will know our wrath. Our faith is our shield and nothing you do to us will stop us. The illness will spread like wildfire under the city until it erupts in a sea of disease."

In order to get more information out of them you will need to make social rolls. Each person can make one roll so make it count and describe your tactic.
Quentin Fox
player, 103 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 15:46
  • msg #140

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quentin takes 20 seconds off bandaging Kai to stick the dagger into the infernal guy's liver. Then he returns to his work without saying a word.

That's the roll and the tactics. I think the guy will have -1 to all trait rolls...

20:41, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 9 using 2d4+4, rerolling max.  Damage.
20:40, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 5,7 using 1d6+4,1d6+4, rerolling max.  Attack with the dagger and the drop.

player, 194 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 16:09
  • msg #141

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Vaelan Nightshade:
"We have tons of monsters. And soon, all of this city will know our wrath. Our faith is our shield and nothing you do to us will stop us. The illness will spread like wildfire under the city until it erupts in a sea of disease."

After hearing this statement, Lirian decided to try another tactics to see if they sliped some more information.

Your faith? A truly faithful whose god has given magic to would have died before surrendering, so I see how powerful it is” she scorned at them. “But it seems you’re expendable rabble to him, as you failed him. I’m sure you don’t even know exactly what this disease is, as you don’t seem trustworthy enough for you failing divinity

18:05, Today: Secret Roll: Lirian rolled 12,2 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of (8+4)12,2.  Performance (taunt) roll, with the intent any of them slips some useful information. I guess a success with two raises

[Private to GM: Not sure if the bonus for hitting their ego where it hurts, as ecplained on page 108, would apply, but I don't believe they make any difference]

Then she seemed to ignore them, while humming a song about the cowards and their punishment
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 18:30, Thu 19 Oct 2023.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 88 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 18:10
  • msg #142

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Hunter is just politely asking questions while Jenkins eats eyeballs in front of them.

07:08, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 3 using 1d4, rerolling max.  persuasion
07:55, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 1 using 1d6, rerolling max.  persuasion, wild die.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:56, Thu 19 Oct 2023.
Aeress Veles
player, 60 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 4
Fri 20 Oct 2023
at 00:52
  • msg #143

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Aeress saw what Lirian was doing and tried to play Good Guard.

"Do not be so hasty, I am sure these must be servants of the great and terrible Glorth Pestilencebringer.  That is the only power who could possibly back such claims as these!"

There was of course no Glorth the Pestilencebringer, but they seemed like proud fellows who would love to correct her about this.
Quentin Fox
player, 104 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 15:29
  • msg #144

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"Aaaand... done! Now go kick them from me, I'm sure they will live."

Having made Kai as good as new, Quentin proceeds with the remaining matters, namely...
1. He tries to estimate how many man-hours it would take to dig into this underground base. He has no idea, except maybe "a lot".
2. Bind the incapacitated rats. He is not sure if we need all four, but he is inclined to err on the side of abundance.
3. Cut the tails off the three dead rats and one dead giant rat and pack them for taking along.
4. Estimate the time of the day and think whether we better occupy or leave the area. While at it, Quentin looks around for any trails and tracks and signs of other entrances. He wants to estimate how busy this site's operations were and whether horses or carts were involved.

20:28, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 2,1 using 1d4,1d6, rerolling max.  Survival.
20:28, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 4,1 using 1d6,1d6, rerolling max.  Notice.
20:20, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 4,2,9,1,9,4 using 1d6,1d6,1d6,1d6,1d6,1d6, rerolling max.  Rats vigor.
20:19, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 2,10,4,1 using 1d6,1d6,1d6,1d6, rerolling max.  Cultists vigor.
20:15, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled -1,-1 using 1d4-2,1d6-2, rerolling max.  Science (engineering).

Hunter Gallagher
player, 90 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 23:21
  • msg #145

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

After questioning the infernal, Hunter made sure he was secure and then walked around exploring the passageway and then the extent of the cave in.

Soon after he announced "There has been a complete cave in. It seems long strenuous work is required to get through, and there are rats on the other side. Maybe Piper could get through but we don't want to send her on her own.

"Right! We return to town!
He declared cheerfully. Take these people to the Guard. Get lights, better equipment. A blunderbuss would be good. I need to see my cousin and see if he can equip me properly for this sort of thing. There was a gun smith and a map maker I wanted to see."
This message was last edited by the player at 04:47, Sun 22 Oct 2023.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 242 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 14:03
  • msg #146

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

The one of the cultist breaks down and knees in front of Lirian's verbal assault. They seem to ignore the Goblin and Hunter but still seem to be scared of the pair.

"This was just a simple base of the operations outside of the city. We used to help create part of the components needed for the disease. But we know little. We don't even know who is making the disease, he never did show his face to us. We just know when people get to close to him, they go missing."

"Shut up!", says another cultist next to him bumping the man to the ground.

[Private to Quentin Fox: Quentin looks at the entrance but releases that if what the man says is true there might be little to nothing special to find underneath all the rumble which could take a few hours to dig out without decent tools.]
Quentin Fox
player, 105 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 15:52
  • msg #147

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quentin comes around the "shut up" cultist and whacks him with the hilt of the dagger right on the back of his head. The guy feels the blow, but it would be unclear to an untrained observer whether there is any lasting injury. He then gags that one and makes a proposal to the other.

"Have a proposal for you, if you are interested. Tell me what exactly you were collecting and how exactly you were processing it, and I will leave you just for myself. This one will go to professionals to work on, so your choice whether you follow his fate."

That does not sound terribly convincing, but maybe the man would want to be convinced, like if he has seen some professionals at work...

All players: Please inform me if you would prefer less torture.

20:40, Today: Quentin Fox rolled 2,2 using 1d6,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,2.  Persuasion.
20:38, Today: Quentin Fox rolled 8 using 2d4+4+1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,1,2.  Damage with a possible raise.
20:37, Today: Quentin Fox rolled 8,7 using 1d6+4,1d6+4, rerolling max.  Attack with the dagger and the drop.

player, 199 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 16:13
  • msg #148

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Lirian directed a disgusted look to Quentin for stabbing a tied prisoner, but she knew better than to argue before them. “You already have failed to your pretended divinity, not time to try to redeem yourself now, as I don’t believe such a pretended divinity will forgive you” she told to the non-cooperating prisoner, trying to make his resolve fail.

Elysia told us the Ancient Covenant was gathered by a member of the city Royal family, and that the Royal Elite Guard once expelled them, but it's not clear if the founder survived. She also told us they met here then, that’s why we could find you, and why I believe we must finish this base.” she told to the others.

Then she turned to Quentin. “I guess your hounds may find the entrance they used to exit. We should raid this base before others come, and you’re the best to discern what to take and what to destroy. Daremo and the dragonman may watch them until we return, and we’ll have time to interrogate them, maybe with the help of the guards… Want to look at their laboratory or whatever they have?

OOC: I suggested Daremo and S’Sikaar to watch the prisoners assuming they have not yet left and to allow any player who so wants to participate in the raid. Should they have left, Lirian would suggest to take them with the party.

@Quentin: Lirian is clearly disgusted by torture.

Quentin Fox
player, 106 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 16:34
  • msg #149

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quentin was more or less convinced that the secret entrance was the only entrance, since he has not found the other (even more secret?) entrance anywhere nearby. Just to be on the safe side, he tries to get the dogs to sniff around, but the site of the battle seems the only thing that they find interesting and they grow increasingly frustrated by Quentin's directions to look for some other stuff, so after some effoert Quentin lets the dogs be.

"Nah. Just too agitated, the big rat and what not. Would wish we could study or carry it..." Quentin sighs, looking at the dead specimen. "Let's go. I say, directly to kingsguards."

21:26, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 1,3 using 1d6-1,1d6-1, rerolling max.  Persuade the dogs.
21:26, Today: Secret Roll: Quentin Fox rolled 3,2 using 1d6,1d6, rerolling max.  Persuade the dogs.

player, 200 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 17:38
  • msg #150

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Seeing the hounds were too nervous to follow the track, Lirian tried to do it by herself

19:35, Today: Secret Roll: Lirian rolled 1,4 using d4,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,4.  Survival (tracking) to find the entrance of the cultists base. Success, unless there are negative DMs. For now, assuming a success, and I will change the post afterwards if not

While the track of those that have fought was too confused, the one for the two magicians, not having been involved in combat (and so no oterh steps messing with them) was a little more clear. Lirian followed it, seeing were they lead her…
Aeress Veles
player, 63 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 4
Tue 24 Oct 2023
at 01:16
  • msg #151

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"There is more to this accursed mess?"  Aeress was disappointed.  She thought they could get more out of them by separating them and pitting the one against the other, but clearly no one had the patience for that.  Although that might not work either, so who could say if it were actually a good idea or not.

But if there were more to this to confront, there wasn't much for it but to confront it.  One of them seemed to know where the point of egress was.  Aeress wasn't exactly covering herself in glory here, but for the honor of House Veles she must try her best to assist.  She reminded herself the best leaders knew when to let others act.
player, 48 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:4 PP:9
Tue 24 Oct 2023
at 04:38
  • msg #152

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Piper's bush cat eventually fell apart and out of existence leaving her standing in the grass.

She listened intently, ears moving back and forth as information was put forth.  She had no idea there was some sort of treacherous plot afoot in the town.  Though the answers so far did not seem to tell them exactly why this cult of whatever it was had kidnapped the lot of them.

Still, Piper wished to know more so she was content to let the others press the cultists for information.

It wasn't as if she'd be able to persuade them to give up what they knew.
player, 201 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Tue 24 Oct 2023
at 21:24
  • msg #153

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Lirian was not sure about the tracks she found. So she decided to turn to the cultist that has spoken. She had to profit before he recovered from her taunt.

Ignore him. He’s not your friend” she told the man. She raised him and, after checking his tied wrists, moved with him following the tracks. “Show us the lab where you produced whatever you did. This false divinity and those false friends have chated you, now is time to attune for it, and maybe the guards are benevolent.” she ordered him. She made him lead the way. Just in case there were traps…
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 245 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Thu 26 Oct 2023
at 14:42
  • msg #154

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

One of the cultist takes the hit from Quentin and lands face flat on the ground. Blood pours from the fellows nose. The dogs seem to not effect the cultist as the one still standing looks at you with fear.

"I can't tell you any more. He will kill me. The enterence won't do you any good, it will only lead you to the sewers."

The man on the ground looks at the man with a glare. "Might as well tell them everything idiot we are good as dead now."

Looking around, you can see that the hole itself in the ground probably leads to what he is mentioning. You can hear the trickle of water far far down below. Picking up one of the cultist you grab him and direct him to show you the location.

The cultist points at the blockage, "That would've been the only way in. Unless you go through the cage area that you were trapped in."

You pick him up and the man takes you around the tree to the other side very far from the entrance. There is a clear hole in the ground but this time you can see down below at the area around where the cages are.
player, 203 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Thu 26 Oct 2023
at 17:31
  • msg #155

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Listening at all this confused Lirian a little, though she tried not to show it. “Then your lab is here or at some other place accessible through the sewers?” she asked the man.

Then she turned to the others: “In any case, I guess we should take a look at the facilities here, take whatever can be useful and destroy the rest, before taking the prisoners to the Guards” she said.

OOC: Again, my suggestion is to leave the prisoners under the watch of those leaving, and leave all participating players participate in the search, if it’s done. Goal would be a swift raid, as said taking whatever can be useful or give information and destroying the base, and then return to the city. If there’s nothing useful (only a way to the sewers), then return to the city with the prisoners and hand them to the Guards.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 94 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Thu 26 Oct 2023
at 21:21
  • msg #156

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Hunter peered down into the hole. "Right. There was that other door down there,  that probably leads somewhere. But how do we get down, and more importantly, how do we get back up?"

He called out loudly "DOES ANYONE HAVE A ROPE? OR AN AXE?"
player, 50 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:4 PP:9
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 01:08
  • msg #157

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"I HAVE A ROPE!"  Piper loudly replied, pulling off her pack and producing a hempen coil of what could pass for very sturdy sewing thread that looked about long enough to tie it off on a person's nose and repel down onto their shoes.

She held it up in offering towards Hunter in all seriousness for several long moments.

Before she couldn't help but start laughing and began putting it away.

"We can always cut up these guys' clothes and improvise."  Piper then suggested, actually trying to be helpful, as she thought to Hunter's earlier exploits down in the cage room.
Aeress Veles
player, 66 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 4
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 01:18
  • msg #158

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"With all respect, I am not trusting a rope made of the shredded robes of dark acolytes with my life or yours.  I have a modest coil as well if that is helpful."  It was one of the few times Aeress would speak in a way that made sense, but this situation didn't lend itself well to her eccentricities either.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 95 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 09:04
  • msg #159

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Hunter regarded the talking mouse seriously. "That is most helpful, I do thank you" he said seriously, and winked. "I am glad that my goblin didn't try to eat you, though it seems he would have gotten more of a mouthful than he was expecting. My apologies for his behaviour, nonetheless."

He turned to the beautiful woman. "Forgive me... is it Erin? Eiryss? Hunter Gallagher at your service" he introduced himself, bowing. "Your offer of a rope is most useful, though cutting cloth strips also has merit. Good lady, we need to tie the rope to a tree and climb down, if you can do that? I would like to push a cage beneath the hole and tie sticks across the bars so as to make a ladder in case we need to make a speedy exit."

OOC If Aeress ties the rope, Hunter will break off several easy to reach branches of an appropriate size and throw them down.

This message was last edited by the player at 10:40, Fri 27 Oct 2023.
player, 205 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 10:06
  • msg #160

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Once again, Lirian felt stupid when Hunter asked for a rope. She had one… with her bow and other belongings, in the inn. After all, she only went to the Temple, didn’t she? Why to carry all her equipment?

She smiled friendly to Piper’s offer, and then felt relieved when Aeress told she also had one (a serious one, this time). She looked at the hole. She thought she could go down by hanging on the border, but the rope would be needed to return. She decided to wait for Aeress to tie it to a tree before going down, though.
Quentin Fox
player, 107 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 15:15
  • msg #161

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"I'll be right here with the dogs until you shout at me that there is more than just sewers. I don't think we do sewers anytime soon."

Quentin expects this uncertainty to be quickly resolved. Either there is an access to some sort of storage or a lab, or there isn't.

"Then we'll decide if it's worth the trouble to haul the dogs down and then up."
Aeress Veles
player, 68 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 4
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 15:44
  • msg #162

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"Aeress of the line of Veles, and I can try Master Gallagher.  Hopefully it is enough rope, it's only a modest coil meant for improvising shelters, but it is rope all the same."  Aeress agreed to the plan, and tied a stout double knot.  Simple but effective.  She tested it with her weight, which was... well more than the mouseling but not as much as some others.
player, 206 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 17:03
  • msg #163

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

I’m just Lirian” Lirian introduced herself, seeing Aress did it. “Good you took a tope, Lady. Want to go first, or I do?” she asked politely.

I can carry you, if you want” she said Piper. “At least to get up latter, mostly if we’re in a hurry

Then she turned to Quentin “OK, we’ll call you if there’s something interesting, as you’re probably the most knowledgeable about any lab material we could find there. Not sure if we should take the dogs, though. As you say, it would be a mess to take them out if trouble arises…
Aeress Veles
player, 70 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 4
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 23:58
  • msg #164

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"I probably should go down first, I'm light enough to be pulled out in a hurry and still..."  She searched for the word.  "... sizable enough to put up a resistance."
Hunter Gallagher
player, 96 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Sat 28 Oct 2023
at 00:23
  • msg #165

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"When you get down, tie a loop in the end of the rope" Hunter suggested. "If need be we can pull you up."
Aeress Veles
player, 71 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 4
Sat 28 Oct 2023
at 00:28
  • msg #166

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"An excellent idea, I believe I shall do just that."  The truth was Aeress had considered doing that already, but it was good to let other people think it was their idea alone, it made them feel better and encouraged contribution when she was genuinely at a loss herself.
player, 51 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:4 PP:9
Sat 28 Oct 2023
at 15:40
  • msg #167

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

With a plan in place, Piper excitedly positioned herself to hitch a ride on Aeress for the descent, anxious to see what mysteries they might find.

"Down we go then!"  She exclaimed.
player, 207 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Sun 29 Oct 2023
at 14:50
  • msg #168

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

I’m going just behind you, Lady” Lirian said to Aeress. Then she took one of the couple of short swords she had taken from the cultists and offered it to Hunter. “I’ve seen you’re mostly a shooter, but your weapons, while powerful, are slow to reload, and you don’t carry a melee weapon. Want this one?

Then she slung her staff on her shoulder and readied to descend just behind Aeress and Piper, not knowing what to expect once down…
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 248 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 10:41
  • msg #169

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

The cultist seems to broken to say anything more. Daremo and S'Sikaar pull the man back to where the group was originally watching over them like a hawk.

The rope is tied and you make your way down below lower yourself into the room with the cages. Parts of the wall are burned from the flame substance that they threw down. As you make your way around the room you can see the entry way to the hall is still very much open to the world. You go through you supplies and find a make shift torch you can use to illuminate the darkness.

Through the door you can see small bits of light at the very end of the hall where the collapse happen. Nothing there but rubble.

But through the second door that was closest to the cages you can finally see with the door broken and shattered on the floor another hallway. You take a few steps listening for noise but here none. You are pretty far from the hole at this point.

What do you do?
Aeress Veles
player, 72 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 4
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 15:27
  • msg #170

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"I want to attempt to scout it a little, but we should tell the others first."  Aeress told the others.  She'd taken point with her spear and had a surprisingly light step.

Aeress has a d8 in Stealth
player, 208 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 18:03
  • msg #171

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

They seemed to have heard us, so they could not be too far” Lirian whispered to Aeress and Piper. “And don’t forget there must be some kind of corridor or chamber above the one with the cages, from where they threw the fire pots… I suggest advancing about 100.150 meters to this corridor and see if there’s any door, hidden or not.

She tried to advance silently also, but hitting the walls with her staff every few feet so see if any of them sounded hollow and could hide a secret/hidden door

19:01, Today: Secret Roll: Lirian rolled 6,2 using d4,d6, rerolling max with rolls of (4+2)6,2.  Stealth roll.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 249 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 18:54
  • msg #172

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

The echoes bounce off the walls of the hallway that was previous locked. You listen for any sounds but hear nothing that catches your attention. As you make your way to the very end the light itself is swallowed but darkness and soon only the light from the torch exists giving you a few feet of vision.

As you reach the end of the hall, you can see that there is a glint of something at the far end of the hall. Something metallic, you slow your foot steps but there is still no noise from the hall or the metallic object which gets closer as you approach. You finally making it to the end of the hall into a circular room.

Inside of the room, weapons racks cover the walls with some short swords, clubs and maces. More than you can possibly carry. In the middle of the room is a huge steal table with straps that look broken. Then you hear it, somewhere in the room there is a sound of something dripping.

You follow it and find a few different cultist bodies piled up and in pieces. Blood covers the floor where they lay. At the feet of one of the cultist is a syringe that is empty with the exceptions of a small drop of a substance.
player, 209 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 19:05
  • msg #173

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Lirian took the syringe, removing the needle if it has it, and wrapped it in any cloth she could find, careful not to lose the drop of whatever it could be. “Quentin will look at this… ” she whispered to the others.

Then she searched the room (even the dead) for any paper or book that could be there, or for any lab equipment or hidden doors/compartments  before returning to where Quentin and the rest were waiting (unless Aeress or Piper suggested anything else)
Hunter Gallagher
player, 97 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 21:42
  • msg #174

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"Thank you, good bard" Hunter accepted the sword with a bow. "I used to hate the martial training my father made me do, especially as guns are far superior to any knife. But it appears that when a wolf sized rat is snapping at your baby makers then swords have considerable value."

Down the hole, Jenkins scampered on ahead, eyes gleaming red, leaving the pitiful clumsy humans behind. Hunter began making a makeshift ladder up to make escape after, but gave up when curiosity overtook him and he followed on behind, walking towards the flickering torchlight up ahead.

OOC: Are there any ropes or clothes down here? Or anything else of value?  Jenkins is looting.
10:44, Today: Hunter Gallagher rolled 3,5 using d6,d6, rerolling max.  Jenkins notice. Loot! Loot! Loot!

This message was last edited by the player at 21:45, Mon 30 Oct 2023.
Aeress Veles
player, 73 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 4
Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 00:53
  • msg #175

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Aeress did a sweep, keeping her spear ready.  It seemed a sensible division of labor to her, one to keep watch, one to search.

"Are we done?"   She asked.
player, 52 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:4 PP:9
Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 02:14
  • msg #176

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Piper kept herself perched on Aeress as the group made their way through the uncollapsed part of the cultists subteranian hideout.  Her eyes could see well in the darkness but they detected nothing dangerous as they went.

Upon finding the oddly shaped room and its grisly contents she wiggled her nose in disgust.  "Needed for the rat monster maybe?  Or, perhaps just unfortunate to have gotten within its reach."  She pondered aloud.

She cast her gaze about for any potential doors or other features that may have been hiding in the darkness, but saw nothing of note.

Piper rolled 1,2.  perception
Hunter Gallagher
player, 98 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 06:45
  • msg #177

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"I'm thinking..." Hunter said slowly, when he finally arrived, "That we should take as many weapons as we can and sell them, and destroy the rest if possible. Those clubs and maces will burn, as will the weapon racks, and maybe a door or two. If we made a pile with wood on the bottom and semi wooden weapons and then swords on top, the fire should burn the handles off and ruin the temper of the metal."
This message was last edited by the player at 06:45, Tue 31 Oct 2023.
Aeress Veles
player, 74 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 4
Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 10:58
  • msg #178

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Aeress considered the proposal.

"I quite frankly am not sure where we are exactly or the situation we're about to be in."  Aeress replied.  "So while I appreciate the thought of taking these for funds, that's a lot of weight of something we can neither eat nor drink, and bear in mind it all has to be hoisted up a rope.  Not that we couldn't do it, but that's a lot of sweat and effort in a situation where we might need to conserve our energy for another fight, or careful movement.  I'm not adverse to anyone taking something useful from this assortment, I may do so myself.  But I don't think I'm going to try to haul a large quantity of it either.

"Likewise I appreciate wanting to deprive an enemy of a stockpile, but I think the collapse already did that.  If they want to retrieve these, they're going to have to go through an awful lot of trouble that's probably not worth it.  I also am not eager to try to build such a relatively large scale fire in here, I don't think the ventilation or air flow will make it a pleasant experience.  I like the initiative I just think it's not practical."
player, 211 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 16:39
  • msg #179

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Well, I trust better my staff, but having some short swords can be good in some instances, though not worth taking too much weight” Lirian said, agreeing with Aeress. She seemed disappointed with what they had found.

But I don’t see anything that can help us to heal the plague, unless what’s in this syringe does, and Orin has little time” she continued.

Burning this place could be good, and would probably provoke a collapse of it, as a mine does on the besieged city walls, but I’d like to return to the city before dark, as night is dangerous there…” she answered to Hunter. “And we still have to decide if we return to the tavern, where we will probably be detected again, or we better try to camp out of the city in hope not be detected by the Covenant… But that’’s a decision others must opine too about.

She made a last search for any paper or document that could have skipped her first look. She turned to Jerkins, seeing she was pillaging the room. “I don’t mind if you want to take what you find, except for anything written and alchemical products that Quentin might identify. If you find any, you better hand them to us” she said in threatening tone.

17:38, Today: Secret Roll: Lirian rolled 1,2 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,2.  Notice, just in case it may help with the search. I guess she does not find anything hidden, even if not too so...

[Private to GM: If she finds anything like pepper or similar (irritant that can fool dogs smelling the track), Lirian takes it too]
Hunter Gallagher
player, 99 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 18:15
  • msg #180

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Hunter looked at the syringe curiously, but made no effort to touch it. "That right there has more value than anything else we might find, if only we can access it.

"You are both quite right, it might be worth doing but it would take a lot of time, time that could be be better spent elsewhere. It's not worth that much, and it could even cost us, should we be caught down here. Best we just tell the guards and they can do it.

"Let's get out of here."

Aeress Veles
player, 76 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 4
Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 18:15
  • msg #181

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"Well let's check it first, anyone take anything that might be useful."  Aeress took her own advice, and searched the pile for daggers or long knives, arrows, longbows and possibly shields.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 101 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 00:57
  • msg #182

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Hunter grabs as many short swords as he can carry, and if there's a rapier he will grab that too.
player, 53 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:4 PP:9
Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 05:02
  • msg #183

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Piper, having no use for any of the potential arsenal or other items, kept a lookout while the others gathered.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 252 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 13:54
  • msg #184

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

You search the room looking for anything of value and find the weapons cache but there isn't much else in the rooms besides what you find. As you leave you are able to get back out in a quick manner with no real signs of anything else living in this hide away place. When you get back up from the ropes you are greeted by the cultist once again and whoever stayed top side.

Night is coming quickly and it will be a matter of time before you are in the dark pretty far out from town. Good news is you aren't far from the road.

What do you want to do?
Quentin Fox
player, 110 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 15:08
  • msg #185

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quentin helps haul up the heaps of shortswords, which is a simple metter if they all have scabbards with leather loops to hang from the belt - you just put each dozen of them on the rope, make a knot, and then haul them up. It would be less than overly convenient to carry the long way, but surely worth it.

Since it's going to get dark, Quentin proposes we end up at the tavern, to head to the kingsguard with the first light tomorrow. Quentin does have extensive plans of what to do in the tavern, but the first thing is to get there.

So, how many shortswords people have been able to haul? I guess a reasonable minimum is 2*6 and a easonable maximum is 4*12, counting between two people hauling half a dozen each and four people carrying a dozen each. That would total 24..96 lbs and $120..480, which is quite a noticiable difference.

Also, we might have to kill some incapacitated rats or people, I'd like to know how many. Quentin would like to keep at least one rat and is willing to drag the thing by himself by the tail, but if we can bring some more without unacceptably slowing us down, that would be good too. Quentin insists we don't leave unattended survivors.

This message was last edited by the player at 15:09, Thu 02 Nov 2023.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 253 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 16:01
  • msg #186

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Quentin Fox:
Quentin helps haul up the heaps of shortswords, which is a simple metter if they all have scabbards with leather loops to hang from the belt - you just put each dozen of them on the rope, make a knot, and then haul them up. It would be less than overly convenient to carry the long way, but surely worth it.

Since it's going to get dark, Quentin proposes we end up at the tavern, to head to the kingsguard with the first light tomorrow. Quentin does have extensive plans of what to do in the tavern, but the first thing is to get there.

So, how many shortswords people have been able to haul? I guess a reasonable minimum is 2*6 and a easonable maximum is 4*12, counting between two people hauling half a dozen each and four people carrying a dozen each. That would total 24..96 lbs and $120..480, which is quite a noticiable difference.

Also, we might have to kill some incapacitated rats or people, I'd like to know how many. Quentin would like to keep at least one rat and is willing to drag the thing by himself by the tail, but if we can bring some more without unacceptably slowing us down, that would be good too. Quentin insists we don't leave unattended survivors.


Weapons found (4) Short Swords, (2) Clubs, and a dagger.

Rats are all dead. All the people are dead that are on the ground. 2 people currently waiting for their judgement. One is wounded.

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:01, Thu 02 Nov 2023.
player, 214 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 17:07
  • msg #187

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Lirian put one of the short swords in her belt just in case, though she preferred to use her staff should combat arise again.

As she reached the top and joined those there, she looked at the sky. Her face showed some concern. “I’m afraid we took too much time here. I see no way to reach the city before dusk, and afterwards we’ve been told rats make it too dangerous. Should we try to find some place to sleep, taking watches?” she asked the rest. “I’d like to put some distance with this place, though, as I’m afraid more cultists might come by night… And the prisoners would be a hindrance if we camp… We better gag them so that they cannot call for help.
Aeress Veles
player, 77 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 4
Fri 3 Nov 2023
at 01:32
  • msg #188

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Aeress scooped up the dagger, always a handy thing to have.  She might not keep it but it was useful for now.

"I think you speak the truth of it.  We must go as far as we can until two hours before dusk, then make the best camp we can."
Hunter Gallagher
player, 102 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Fri 3 Nov 2023
at 09:25
  • msg #189

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"Liriam, Quentin. Did you come across any houses or buildings on the way here? It might be a good place to make a stand."
Hunter Gallagher
player, 103 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Sat 4 Nov 2023
at 00:59
  • msg #190

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"If not, maybe it would be best to push on through dark and make it to the Tavern. The rats aren't supposed to get bad until around midnight. How long did it take to get here?"
player, 216 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Sat 4 Nov 2023
at 19:04
  • msg #191

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

OOC: this post assumes there's time to reach the Tavern. I will change it if they are not true. Was there any otehr posible refuge they saw on the way to the city?

I’d like not to put some distance from here just in case anyone comes, and I guess we can reach the Tavern before midnight, if we hurry a little” Lirian said. “But we should first turn those cultists to the Guards, and then I’m not sure returning to the tavern is a good idea. I’m pretty sure the Covenant has it under surveillance…

Then she turned to Quentin, handing his the syringe. “We found this in the room where they seemed to have the base. I have no idea about what it might be, but I’m quite sure you’re better than myself to take any information from it…

On the way to wherever they go (the tavern or any other place) she explained the rest everything Ezekiel and Elysia had told her (OOC: from now on, other players may use this information, unless the GM says otherwise).
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 256 posts
Master of Stories
B: 5
Sun 5 Nov 2023
at 14:42
  • msg #192

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

OOC: I missed this from Quentin:

Well, did we?

As for the plans, I am a bit at a loss about what time it is, how long before sunset and how much we can walk in that time. Quentin tried to estimate some of that in #144i, that is, after the fight before going down the hole, but had no conclusive results at that time, so probably it should still be a fair (but so far unspecified) amount of time before dark, depending on how long people have been down the hole.

No houses with the exception of right outside of town. It's dusk right now so if you start back to town you will make it before midnight and before the rats come out. There will be nothing to spot you.

If that is the case we are going to start a new scene if you choose to move back to town I just want to make sure everyone is going the same way.

Daremo & S'Sikaar will finally depart.

Aeress Veles
player, 78 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 4
Sun 5 Nov 2023
at 14:51
  • msg #193

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Aeress is all about getting back to civilization, however we go about it!
Quentin Fox
player, 113 posts
Human medic / alchemist
P:5+1 T:5+1 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Sun 5 Nov 2023
at 15:45
  • msg #194

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"Let's hurry up to the tavern and sort the things later. I think we should be able to reach it in time if we are not delayed and the other side works by the clock..."

Quentin is not sure if this would be perfectly safe, but at least way more convenient than camping in the open.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:30, Sun 05 Nov 2023.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 104 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Sun 5 Nov 2023
at 18:07
  • msg #195

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"I for one would not like to be caught in the open by a horde of rats. Let's get going."
player, 217 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:2 PP:0
Sun 5 Nov 2023
at 18:16
  • msg #196

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

OK, let’s go then. We better hurry if we want to be there before midnight.” Lirian agreed. “I hope you have equipment at the Tavern to analyze what’s in the syringe ” she whispered to Quentin, trying to be out of hearing of the prisoners. “I hope it would help to find a cure for Orin and the other people infected…

She checked the prisoners were gaged (mostly those able to use magic) and readied to go, pushing them if necessary to keep them moving at quick step.

Should someone go a little ahead just to be sure we don’t cross any possible hostiles?” she asked. “I’d suggest the mooseling or the goblin if so, as they are probably the most stealthy…
Hunter Gallagher
player, 105 posts
P:6 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Sun 5 Nov 2023
at 22:43
  • msg #197

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

"Hurry Master!" Jenkins called from a hundred yards down the track.  "These woods are dangerous after dark! Ratses! Cultists! Stupid fat Hobbitses! Hurry up!"

OOC: Jenkins is scouting a hundred metres in from of the slow, blind, noisy biggun party.

This message was last edited by the player at 22:44, Sun 05 Nov 2023.
player, 54 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:4 PP:9
Mon 6 Nov 2023
at 18:06
  • msg #198

Re: Chapter 1: Scene 3: The Rescue?

Happy to be going back to town, and in the company of people who know which direction that was, Piper hitched a ride on the next person in line behind Jenkins.

She couldn't see in absolute darkness, but in the waning hours of dusk and first hours of night they would be traveling through she'd have a better than normal chance of spotting trouble from her vantage point, hopefully before it spotted them.
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