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22:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Summoned to the Guild hall (formerly Intro thread)

Posted by Guild Master BoggartFor group 0
Sanstree Roust
Winged half elf, 14 posts
Always curious
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 00:31
  • msg #51

Introductions and Signing Up!!

"Is there any specific description or first hand reports of these caves of chaos?"
Unmar Kedgrave
Priest, 48 posts
Priest 1
AC5 HP 8/8 Thac0 20
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 02:15
  • msg #52

Introductions and Signing Up!!

Unmar nods his head in understanding of the information and awaits further instruction.
Grauwker The Wanderer
Ranger-Mage, 31 posts
AC -1/ -1/ 3
HP Current 4 / Total 4
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 11:09
  • msg #53

Introductions and Signing Up!!

It was an interesting name for a set of caves, why hadn't they been dealt with before, what made them so Chaotic, was this because of the internal layout, the external approach or the creatures or nature of such that came from them or set their home there?  Were they just uprooting creatures that meant no harm but the locals didn't 'like' them?

There were too many questions so he asked just one "Do you have a map of the local area, or the wider area and of the caves themselves that is currently known?  All of this could help.  What if we are in the caves and there is a sandstorm, would they be affected?"  He hadn't seen a rain storm yet, let alone stood in one.  Water was more precious than Metal in some parts and look at all the metal here abouts!
Guild Master Boggart
NPC, 7 posts
His one eye aflame
It gives off acrid smoke
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 15:28
  • msg #54

Introductions and Signing Up!!

"The locals have gathered that sort of information, I have reviewed it there, but saw no need to bring it here, just for you to take it back with you.  You will have woodcutters maps of the area, and those together seem to give a whole area map, it was being put together for you when I left."

"My understanding is that some portion of the caves is natural, and some is constructed by some undetermed ancient civilization, likely ones that practiced ritual blood magic and made sacrifices...."
Igor Ytram
Wizard, 66 posts
Wizard 1
AC8, HP 6/6 THAC0 20
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 15:49
  • msg #55

Introductions and Signing Up!!

Igor liked most of the questions so far, so held his tongue until he thought of a question not asked already.
Guild Master
GM, 86 posts
Tue 28 Nov 2023
at 16:36
  • msg #56

Introductions and Signing Up!!

A bundle is given to everyone  who has net yet received the cloak with the guild insignia, and a belt likewise with a strap and end that can be set to hold your weight in an emergency situation...
Some people have already received these in training...

Sanstree is given an alternative to the cloak an add on to the harness he currently has....

The guildmaster appears to be ready to leave the room.
Unmar Kedgrave
Priest, 49 posts
Priest 1
AC5 HP 8/8 Thac0 20
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 01:25
  • msg #57

Introductions and Signing Up!!

Unmar stands up from sitting on the wooden bench where he watched other retrieve their cloak and gear.  He regards the guildmaster questioningly. "Do we follow you guildmaster?"
Igor Ytram
Wizard, 67 posts
Wizard 1
AC8, HP 6/6 THAC0 20
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 01:30
  • msg #58

Introductions and Signing Up!!

Igor was ready for this, he hoped! He'd have to go over his gear to make sure he didn't need anything else.
Guild Master Boggart
NPC, 8 posts
His one eye aflame
It gives off acrid smoke
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 16:10
  • msg #59

Introductions and Signing Up!!

"The briefing is done, tomorrow you will depart the guildhall and be assigned for an extended period of time, each of you will be provided some local currency not a tremendous amount, just a small purse to see you through.  A feast is being brought for you to enjoy, take your time and enjoy late into the evening if you wish, breakfast will be light."

The servants bring each of you a coin pouch as well...

The guild master motions over to Grauwker The Wanderer

The feast begins and the guildmaster takes his leave.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:14, Wed 29 Nov 2023.
Grauwker The Wanderer
Ranger-Mage, 32 posts
AC -1/ -1/ 3
HP Current 4 / Total 4
Thu 30 Nov 2023
at 01:21
  • msg #60

Introductions and Signing Up!!

In reply to Guild Master Boggart (msg # 59):

Grauwker The Wanderer stands to receive his treasured Tribal Weapons, bowing and giving his thanks. "My thanks and gratitude, will the Cloak work over my Feathered one ?" His Tribal Cloak of feather allows him to blends in the right situations,  he thinks of leaving it in his new magical home.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:49, Fri 01 Dec 2023.
Lorian Bookminder
Mage-Thief, 23 posts
Thu 30 Nov 2023
at 01:42
  • msg #61

Introductions and Signing Up!!

Lorian will gather dinner rolls x6 and several large hunks of cheese and wrap them in a cloth napkin for travel. Looks over the meal and decides to eat his fill.  Taking a couple of pieces of fruit for the journey as well.
Guild Master Boggart
NPC, 9 posts
His one eye aflame
It gives off acrid smoke
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 14:55
  • msg #62

Introductions and Signing Up!!

"You are not required to wear a guild cloak, though you should have at least a pin that shows your affiliation, so that you may be recognized.  It is your choice which to wear."
Grauwker The Wanderer
Ranger-Mage, 34 posts
AC -1/ -1/ 3
HP Current 4 / Total 4
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 22:53
  • msg #63

Re: Introductions and Signing Up!!

Guild Master Boggart:
"You are not required to wear a guild cloak, though you should have at least a pin that shows your affiliation, so that you may be recognized.  It is your choice which to wear."

Considering the choices, it occurs to the tall Athasian "Guild Master, I am aware that we are about to set off and other items have, shall we say, been adjusted, would the properties of the Guild Cloak be able to be added to my Tribal Cloak?  I shall wear the Guild one for now, after all, I am no longer welcome in my home tribe."  A look of hurt, regret descends over Grauwker The Wanderer's face as his shoulders sink somewhat.  Having swapped cloaks, "this is my Tribal Cloak now."
Unmar Kedgrave
Priest, 50 posts
Priest 1
AC5 HP 8/8 Thac0 20
Sat 2 Dec 2023
at 00:57
  • msg #64

Re: Introductions and Signing Up!!

Like Lorian, Unmar prepares a bundle of foodstuffs, standard rations.  Enough for a day or two.  Then, he continues to await direction on where to enter this portal to another world.
Igor Ytram
Wizard, 68 posts
Wizard 1
AC8, HP 6/6 THAC0 20
Sat 2 Dec 2023
at 11:37
  • msg #65

Re: Introductions and Signing Up!!

Igor gathers enough food for 3 days and fills his waterskin as well. He readied with anxious energy and trepidation, this could be painful and might prove fatal.
Adriel Light of Diancecht
Cleric, 10 posts
HP: 9 AC: 4
Sat 2 Dec 2023
at 12:01
  • msg #66

Re: Introductions and Signing Up!!

Like the others, Adriel decides to follow suit, before looking over her own stuff.
Lorian Bookminder
Mage-Thief, 24 posts
Sat 2 Dec 2023
at 14:18
  • msg #67

Re: Introductions and Signing Up!!

Good Night all.  I am returning to my room for the evening.  I have a Couriers bag I am trying to finish before we leave. I will be ready in the morrow. No, No, morning is correct.

He returns to his room and works on the couriers bag with a cross body strap.  Working several hours into the night to finish his new leather bag.


09:19, Today: Lorian Bookminder rolled 6 using 1d20.  Leatherworking vs 19 skill.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:20, Sat 02 Dec 2023.
Guild Master Boggart
NPC, 10 posts
His one eye aflame
It gives off acrid smoke
Sat 2 Dec 2023
at 17:02
  • msg #68

Re: Introductions and Signing Up!!

In reply to Grauwker The Wanderer (msg # 63):

"This is a question for the quartermaster, if anyone can deconstruct this question."
Sanstree Roust
Winged half elf, 15 posts
Always curious
Sat 2 Dec 2023
at 17:03
  • msg #69

Re: Introductions and Signing Up!!

"Anyone who wants to test the cloak can join me in my room, it is open to the  outside."
Unmar Kedgrave
Priest, 51 posts
Priest 1
AC5 HP 8/8 Thac0 20
Sat 2 Dec 2023
at 17:17
  • msg #70

Re: Introductions and Signing Up!!

With the feeling that the briefing is over, Unmar excuses himself from the group and exits the hall. He dons the guild cloak, liking its make. He hooks the clasp and makes his way to his room to secure his rations. He will make one last stop for the evening, the library.
Guild Master
GM, 89 posts
Wed 6 Dec 2023
at 02:50
  • msg #71

Re: Introductions and Signing Up!!

The next morning the breakfast is hearty, and there is plenty of loaves of rich bread and fruits, nuts, seeds, and jerked meats that can be taken of packed up for the trip.

There is no sign of the Guildmaster.
Lorian Bookminder
Mage-Thief, 25 posts
Wed 6 Dec 2023
at 11:18
  • msg #72

Re: Introductions and Signing Up!!

Lorian brings his new Couriers bag to breakfast and fills it with fruit and jerked meat. Another 5 days worth.  Returns to his room after eating and places it all in his pack.  Returning spellbook and writing equipment to the bag.  Then searches out the departure point from the Quartermaster.
Igor Ytram
Wizard, 69 posts
Wizard 1
AC8, HP 6/6 THAC0 20
Wed 6 Dec 2023
at 11:24
  • msg #73

Re: Introductions and Signing Up!!

Igor packs and eats as well. He also grabs plenty of bread and jerky to last several days. He joined the others at the departure point with some trepidation!
Grauwker The Wanderer
Ranger-Mage, 36 posts
AC -1/ -1/ 3
HP Current 4 / Total 4
Wed 6 Dec 2023
at 11:45
  • msg #74

Re: Introductions and Signing Up!!

The evening before departure, the Athasian Elf made his way to Santree's room to learn about the tools they had been give, Cloak and any other bits anyone else had tested and wanted to test.

The next morning after visiting the Quartermaster, on his way back to his room, he visited the hall for breakfast, seeing enough food to feed his tribe for months laid out on the table, brought a tear which quickly dried. He ate and collected enough in his pockets that would last about 19 days, his pockets bulging, he also took a loaf.  Headed to his room and packed.

His spellbook went into his slingbag along with a small bag that contained the food he had brought from the hall, then the little wooden cabin. He put on his Feathered hat then thought to take to the Quartermaster, added his weaponry and quiver complete with arrows.

Heading back to Quartermaster then the muster area.
Sanstree Roust
Winged half elf, 16 posts
Always curious
Sun 10 Dec 2023
at 17:54
  • msg #75

Re: Introductions and Signing Up!!

Sanstree also takes to the jerky, the strips of meat that have only been smoked, he tastes and confirms they will be good food for his falcon.....
He fills a pouch with just those pieces of meat....
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