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Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Posted by Editor-in-ChiefFor group 0
GM, 1523 posts
Thu 28 Oct 2021
at 20:11
  • msg #1

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Moving on to the next act in Jack's storyline.

Another 1000ish

Jack Sharpe
player, 514 posts
Thu 28 Oct 2021
at 23:14
  • msg #2

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack sees that Roger seems to have split from the guard he’d been occupying and sends off a text to the Program folks again: He left the guard he was in, no idea where he went. According to info that Ron gave to Dan, he is looking for information on your systems regarding Sarah ____’s dad, apparently he made Roger?

Even as he sends the text, he starts to scan the area in broad motions of his eyes. Looking over everyone, trying to spot some sort of tell to indicate that Roger has hopped to them.
GM, 1527 posts
Sat 30 Oct 2021
at 02:21
  • msg #3

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 2):

Outside, the Program people have started to mingle with the regular first responders who have started pouring into the parking lot.  Cops.  Ambulance drivers.  Two fire trucks with more on the way.

It's like looking through an ant farm out there, but from what you can tell, everyone is acting as you would think they would.

The guard who ha been Roger's host fumbles with the control panel on the elevator. It starts to move. It reaches the Program level and the guard starts to drag Mrs. Hollister and the other guard out into the hall.  He's tapped into his helmet com and is broadcasting that he was taken over but he is alright now.  His voice sounds like normal.

The few students who haven't made it out yet are struggling to do so.  There are a few who headed for the bathroom once the drugs kicked in.  They seem to have weathered the worst of it.  None of them look capable at the moment of doing anything other than breathing and retching.

Dan has moved into the crowd outside, trying to help people.

You can see Ronald has gotten out of the pool.  He's making his way down the street, cursing under his breath.  He seems to be headed towards the school, but whether that's closer than his home you aren't sure.

The two metas you discombobulated are up but seem to be trying to retreat.  Wisp girl, in her body, is helping the guy out a window.

Kevin has appeared.  He's coming in through a second floor window, headed out for the main hall.  He's fuzzy at the moment.  "What the hell is goin' on? Where is everyone?"

He should be downstairs in less than a minute at his current rate.

Darja has found Colby.  He's got a hand on her shoulder.  "Hey.  Can you reach Jack?  Tell him that's still there.  But it's like faded.  Like it's been covered up or something."

He knits his brows together.  "I don't know if it matters. was different for a little bit.  But now it's back to how it smelled before.  I...can't explain it any better than that."

Your cell ticks twice.

Lydia's number.  This is Marlene.  She's okay.  Got the worst of it out of her.  Called her parents so they don't worry.  I asked Saul to give us a lift to her house.

HT follows up.  You guys did good.  We're five minutes out.  Should be there soon.  Hemi and Jack will be there ahead of us.  Report in to them.
Jack Sharpe
player, 515 posts
Sun 31 Oct 2021
at 05:11
  • msg #4

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Darja, keep an eye on Sarah until she's out of the area.”

Jack, hearing Colby and Darja talking, speaks outloud: “I believe it could be Roger that he's smelling. Ask him if he ever smelled that smell when Sarah was first getting harassed at the beginning of the year.”

He pauses while he waits for Darja to relay the message while he floats above the school, trying to watch as much as he can.

He thinks it might be wise to head underground shortly, but he's still thinking about that at present.

When he spots the two escaping, he relays their escape route to the Program: Meta mercs escaping out of window near room 108. West side of the building, and includes a description of each of them, along with the color of their outfits, hair, and general height and build.

He next sends a message to Kevin, catching him up on everything that has transpired. The two EMPs, the hit list, the machine-gunners, the business with the mercs, and Roger's disappearance. He tries to pencil in all of the details so that Kevin isn't wandering around blind. It's multiple pages of texts long, but it only takes him a normal person's breath to type it all out and get it sent.

To Lydia's phone: Thanks Marlene. Tell her I'll be over to see her as soon as I can.
GM, 1530 posts
Mon 1 Nov 2021
at 02:37
  • msg #5

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 4):

Colby frowns and then slowly nods.  "How can you hear him...anyway.  Tell him...yeah.  Now that he mentions it.  But it wasn't this bad.  Or strong.  This an open dumpster behind a fish restaurant.  In July."

You "see" Kevin roll his eyes at the layers of text and then he calls you.  "Probably take me less time to hear it than read it.  Where are you?"

He makes it to you rather quickly.  He's still speaking into his cell when he lays eyes on you and then rolls his eyes at himself.  "Okay.  That catches me up to speed.  Roger was trying to get down to the Program right?  I doubt he's given up."

Below, there are only a couple of people coming out of the Program bunker.  Two of them are helping the formerly possessed guard take Hollister and the other guard inside.

Kevin shakes his head.  "There are too many moving parts right now.  Whatever he's up to, we can't stop him from up here.  We need to get down there.  Can you open the way?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 516 posts
Mon 1 Nov 2021
at 12:50
  • msg #6

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack smirks at the response and relays his location, lowering himself to Kevin in the process. His luchadore mask and dance tuxedo looking dapper as he stretches his arms out slightly.

"I can, but I'm trying to understand where he might be right now, if they've got the area isolated to prevent him from getting the information he wants,"
he explains to Kevin. Trying to make sense of what is happening.

Thinking for a bit, he responds to Colby, who of course is relayed through Darja.

"Move him away, Princess, then come back and meet with Hemi and the others,"
he speaks into the air, looking away from Kevin for a second.

Looking back to Kevin he's still weighing the pro's and con's, and decides that it's best to head down and get their eyes on the issue without the issues from the meta material.

Picks up the Monkey and flies to the nearest elevator.
GM, 1532 posts
Tue 2 Nov 2021
at 01:38
  • msg #7

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 6):

Kevin frowns as you speak into the empty air.  "You's really weird when you do that.  You do know that right?"

As you lift him up he snarks, "I do have legs...oh what the hell.

"Anyway, from what you've told me, Roger's goal has to be something in the Program.  And if they know he's about, they probably have psych screening.  But I'm not sure how effective that would be.  It'd give him a headache. But I doubt it'd keep him out."

You peel open the elevator doors and the two of you descend down.

I am assuming you told him everything.  If something was not on your list, let me know and I will edit. Thanks

"What's got me worried is this "Manitou" thing.  I think that was some First Nation god.  Or demon or something.  A shapeshifter."

He shakes his head.  "But he can't jump into metas.  So it must mean something else."

The two of you come down to the elevator roof.  The hallway is clear.  The Program people have moved the injured inside.

Kevin considers as you open up the roof.  "If I were him...I think I'd maybe jump...

"Let's head to the infirmary."

The security doors open easily to retina scan.  Kevin frowns and glances around inside the hallway.  "Bad memories.  Bad memories."

You can 'see' inside now.  The guards who had been in the elevator are laying on the floor outside the infirmary.  Neither of them are breathing.

You see Hollister moving into one of the secure areas you haven't been into yet.  She's moving like she's drunk.

"You pick up on anything?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 517 posts
Tue 2 Nov 2021
at 21:36
  • msg #8

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I’d think you’d be used to weird by now,” Jack replies to Kevin as he sets him down a moment later and answers, “According to the info that I’ve gotten so far, he’s looking for a girl named Sarah’s dad. He’s apparently Roger’s creator? Maybe?” he speculates.

Sending off a quick message to Hardtime he texts: Roger is probably in the lower levels still, moving down personally with the Monkey.

He then opens the elevator doors and steps over the edge, letting himself fall and only decelerating a moment before he touches the top of the elevator. He leaves Kevin to make his own way down.

Hearing about Manitou, he nods slowly.

“He’s back in a teacher, Mrs. Hollister. He’s headed that way,”
he replies and starts to move that direction, but at a more sedate pace. “I’m going to send updates to the Program folks so they can take action.”

He passes along updates about Hollister then.
GM, 1535 posts
Wed 3 Nov 2021
at 02:24
  • msg #9

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 8):

Shortly after you hit send, the lights go out.  Your cell dings.  HT

Gut shut down the power.  The security door on the data library will auto lock.  He won't be able to get in. Unless he already got in.

Did he?

Hollister is cursing, banging a fist against the door.

He didn't.

Kevin is shaking his head.  "A girl named "Sarah's Dad"?  Are you sure about that?"

The two of you soon come within sight...sound for Kevin...of Hollister/Roger.

"Son! Of! A! Toothless! Bitch! Shit..."

Roger lays Hollister's hands on the door.  They're bloody and you think he's broken four of her fingers.

"Why is everyone so useless?"

"Sucks to be you, huh?"

Hollister/Roger turns around.  Kevin has taken out a flashlight and is shining it in their eyes.

"Kevin?  Damn.  Thought I blew you up."

Kevin has also taken out some kind of short tube.  He points it their way and a small rope ejects out.  Hollister/Roger grunts as it hits, wrapping around them.  They slump to the wall.

"Cute.  Is this the Monkey Bola?"

"It belonged to Trapmaster.  I took it off him when I beat the crap outta him a couple weeks ago."

"Ha!"  Roger barks a laugh.  "You're still living like a hobo.  Takin' scraps after you bite the hands that feed ya."

He/she squints your way.  "Who the hell are you?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 518 posts
Wed 3 Nov 2021
at 17:23
  • msg #10

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack sends back a text: Nope, stuck outside of it.

He glances over at Kevin at his joke, and like all young men, he half chuckles and half sighs at the dad joke. Looking at Roger in the flesh for the first time, he’s wondering if there isn’t some sort of method to tell that Roger is inside someone and starts using his eyes on the boy for the first time. Trying to suss out and sort of tell besides the voice.

Temperature? Electromagnetic?

“Did a meta whose very essence is being a transient, really just call you a hobo?”
Jack asks Kevin with a snort, his voice deliberately distorted. The hypocrisy is too thick.

Who is he? Well, in his heart he really doesn’t want Roger taking aim at him, even when he’s a full time Cape in the future, so he just says something random in response:


GM, 1541 posts
Fri 5 Nov 2021
at 00:50
  • msg #11

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Now that you're looking for it, you notice Hollister's heartbeat is a bit erratic.  Elevated and it's not in a perfect rhythm.  But you can't be sure it's because of Roger or because of what he's been making her body do.

Other than that, Hollister appears as a healthy woman of middle age.  Nothing else of note.

Roger and Kevin both look at you sideways.  Roger cocks his head.

"You're Manitou?"

The head cocks in the opposite direction.  "Funny. You don't look like a world ending genius.  Must be the stupid mask."

Kevin flicks his eyes at Roger.  "What were you expecting?  A neon sign that says Here's your guy?  You wanted to meet him, right?"

Kevin's tail is reaching around, pulling something from his side pocket.  Kevin is moving slightly to hide it from Roger's line of sight.

"Well this is a huge let down.  I put down a lotta dinero for this shindig.  And the main guest shows up with beans and weenies for the potluck."  Roger sighs.  "I'll just have to chalk this one up as a loss.

"Anyway, either of you guys got the time?  See, I set up five bombs, each within a mile of the school.  Ya know.  To serve as a distraction so I could get away.  Well.  I can do that anyway cos I'm awesome. But mostly just to give a middle finger to the whole cold, cruel world."
  He grins using Hollister's mouth.  "You wanna relay that to your bosses?  I figure they should be showing up here soon."
Jack Sharpe
player, 519 posts
Fri 5 Nov 2021
at 19:03
  • msg #12

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“It’s the mask I use for fools,” Jack answers, playing a mind-game with Roger. He expects that Kevin will figure out that he’s messing with Roger, to get him a little distracted, rather than owning up to being ‘Manitou.’ Though now Jack is intrigued. World ending genius? Dad?

Moving sideways when he catches the movement from Kevin, he seeks to draw Roger’s eyesight away from Kevin so that the Monkey can unleash whatever gadget or trick he has in store.

When Roger asks for the time, he actually checks and as the information comes from Roger, he sends out a quick text with that “information” if only so that they are on alert. He’ll act on it in a split second anyway. Five bombs somewhere within a mile or two, according to Roger. Going off shortly. Monkey is tangling with Roger by the data vault door, he's in the body of Mrs. Hollister.

“I’ll leave him to you,”
he says briefly to Kevin, and then bursts away. Going back the way he came so that he can dart up the elevator shaft and start flying around the area, searching for the bombs.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:04, Fri 05 Nov 2021.
GM, 1544 posts
Sat 6 Nov 2021
at 03:25
  • msg #13

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 12):

"So you wear that mask when you look in the mirror?  Kinda got a fetish goin' on there, don'tcha?"

Kevin makes his move just as you burst away.  His tail delivers a small sandwich bag into his hand.  The hand tosses it.  A fine powder fills the air around Roger/Hollister.

"Oh Come On-"

And then Hollister falls to the ground.

You can see what looks like a mini space shuttle landing on the football field.  The heroes have finally arrived.  HT and Gutshot come running out as well as a few others.  But you don't have time to watch.

Two of the bomb locations are very evident, now that you know to look for them.  One is on the roof of the closest hospital.  The other looks to be on the roof of the elementary school across the road.

Real class act, Roger.

The other three aren't as obvious.  Or they're well hidden to your telescopic/X Ray sight somehow.
Jack Sharpe
player, 520 posts
Sat 6 Nov 2021
at 16:48
  • msg #14

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!


Landing at each of the bomb locations as he finds them, Jack scoops them up and either defuses or disposes of them, depending on their complexity and his confidence to do it.

Using their location and the location of the school, he flies an arc in a similar manner. Looking for large public buildings, since those seem to be the targets, rather than houses. Apartment buildings, churches, department stores and government buildings being the key items he examines as he flies tightly and swiftly.

As he flies, he pulls out his phone and sends off another text: Found one at Lincoln Elementary on 3rd, and Saint Eustace Teaching Hospital.  Still looking for others, he claimed five, but I’ll keep looking.

GM, 1548 posts
Sun 7 Nov 2021
at 23:16
  • msg #15

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 14):

Your reasoning seems sound.  You find another one in a gumball machine at a grocery store.  The fourth one is at a mechanic's, stuck inside a stack of tires.

Roger set them up in a circle around the school.  Going by the pattern, you fly over where the fifth one should be...

And can't find it.  The area is semi-residential.  A couple of apartment buildings set across the street from each other.  A small park.

Darja flies up beside you.  "Caught up.  What are we looking for?  Gutshot said bombs."

Kevin messages you.  <i>Roger jumped bodies.  No surprises there.  Did you find them all?
Jack Sharpe
player, 521 posts
Mon 8 Nov 2021
at 14:17
  • msg #16

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Yeah, they've all been about this big," Jack replies to Darja swiftly and holds his hands up, indicating the rough size that they've been. All likely having been made by the same person, so he expects this one to follow the same pattern. "If it's following the pattern it should be in this area, but that's not guaranteed," he explains to Darja even as he flies.

Hearing the chime from Kevin, he glances at it, and indeed, it is as expected. 4 of 5 so far.
GM, 1550 posts
Tue 9 Nov 2021
at 02:30
  • msg #17

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 16):

Roger might be heading towards it.  He's never been the type to leave things lying around.

I'm heading out. Don't want to tie into it w/Gut Shot.

Buzz me later

You can see things at the school seem more or less under control.  Gut Shot is giving out orders and seems to be taking command of the situation.  HT and the other heroes are moving to help out where they can.

As you're scanning the area, you notice something that definitely could fit into the odd category.  A bat.  It's flying along the street, as it it's following a car.
Jack Sharpe
player, 522 posts
Tue 9 Nov 2021
at 13:11
  • msg #18

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

I'll keep an eye out for him.

When he spots the bat, Jack only takes a split second to remember the mention that Odelia apparently favors that shape. Assuming that it's her, he scans the car thoroughly, trying to make sense of what she might be following a random car for.
GM, 1555 posts
Wed 10 Nov 2021
at 01:59
  • msg #19

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 18):

Darja frowns as she sees you focusing on the car.

"Why is it making that sound? You hear it?

Now that you know to look for it, you can hear sort of a dry scraping sound coming from the car.  It's odd.

The car turns into the parking lot of a supermarket.  One of your classmates...not a guy you know personally but someone you've seen before...leaps out of it and runs into the supermarket.

Odelia Bat is headed for it like a...well...bat out of hell.
Jack Sharpe
player, 524 posts
Thu 11 Nov 2021
at 01:37
  • msg #20

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack immediately scans the car, giving it a thorough examination in particular checking the undercarriage and parts that might be scraping against either the ground or each other. Moving against each other or a newly inserted thing, like for instance, a bomb.

Glancing at the boy running toward the supermarket, he suggests, “Princess, help Odelia with whatever that is about, I’ll check the car and then catch up.”
GM, 1559 posts
Fri 12 Nov 2021
at 04:39
  • msg #21

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 20):

Darja shoots you a glare at the word princess.  But she flys after Odelia-bat.

The car seems normal.  Normalish.  It's been hot wired.  But no bombs or anything in it.

Inside the market, the student is rushing down the soda aisle.  He stops in front of the shelf stacked with 12 packs of Fresca, and reaches in, pushing most of them onto the floor.

He grabs one box near the back.  You can't 'see' into it.

"At last!  I can at least show everyone the really refreshing taste of Fresca today!  Everything else has gone south."

Odelia-bat turns into Odelia-jaguar.  That doesn't go over too well with many of the patrons.  One old woman falls over, grasping her chest.  Darja curses and flies towards her.

Odelia-jaguar is headed down the soda aisle.
Jack Sharpe
player, 525 posts
Sun 14 Nov 2021
at 00:27
  • msg #22

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

A quick text is thrown to the Program folks: Roger hot wired a car and is running around as a student at … the 5th device might be there.

A moment later, when he sees the Fresca, he gets a bad feeling. Nothing ever goes right with Fresca.

Jack calls out, “Bomb in the Fresca!” as soon as he spots it and starts flying in to help intercept the device and Roger-host.

Using the mechanical doors, rather than waiting for the sensor operated doors he zips down the adjacent aisle and then hops over the Frosted Flakes, causing them to shake and start to fly everywhere as he moves rapidly. Objects slowly moving in flight as he touches down and blitzes.

Prepared to assist Darja or act on his own, as necessary.
GM, 1563 posts
Mon 15 Nov 2021
at 03:42
  • msg #23

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 22):

Roger turns as the air fills with fiber rich cereal boxes.

Darja flies past and snatches the Fresca box out of his hands.  She turns and flies straight up, just knocking a hole in the ceiling and keeping climbing.  Seems she plans to throw the box into the river.

"What is with you people?  Can't a guy have any fun?"

Apparently not as Odelia-Jaguar leaps at him, knocking his host body across the floor.

She snarls at the body, which suddenly screams in a higher pitch than a eunech.

A middle aged woman standing at the end of the row rolls her eyes, putting her hands on her hips.

"Seriously.  I thought you types didn't like tearing up the civies."

Roger turns and looks at you.  "What's your story anyway?  Your handle is "Manitou" and you're dressed like a Mexican wrestler?  Identity crises much? Maybe I should take a handle too?  What do you think a good name would be?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 526 posts
Tue 16 Nov 2021
at 02:51
  • msg #24

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Look, you want to light off some bombs in the middle of nowhere, we wouldn’t show up, but don’t blame us for doing our jobs,” Jack replies with that same modified voice, his hands folding behind him for a moment as he pulls out his cell phone and sends off yet another quick text to the program folks. In case they can scramble someone like Omen to actually incapacitate Roger. Verifying his previous text about Roger.

Reaching out, he grabs Odelia-jaguar by the nape of the neck and keeps her from trying to have a go at the Roger-host.

“Damaging his hosts has no effect, don’t hurt her,”
he tells the girl and then lets her go.

Looking back at Roger, he shrugs slightly.

“My other costume is at the dry cleaner. For you? The Creeper? I mean, you do spend all of your adult time harassing teenagers, instead of robbing banks or something normal hoods do.”

GM, 1564 posts
Tue 16 Nov 2021
at 03:29
  • msg #25

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 24):

He laughs.  "What can I say?  I seem to be stuck in the past."

He glances around and seems to fixate on a small, broken plastic tag holder.  He reaches his host's fingers down and picks up a jagged shard of plastic.

"Did you know human skin is remarkably resilient?  Takes more than you think to puncture it."

He jams the woman's thumb down on the edge of the tag shard, only managing to draw out a small rivulet of blood.

"But maybe you have a point.  Maybe I should be like all the other normal hoods.  Yeah."

He drops the shard, looks up at you and grins.  "I think I'm going to start calling myself Meat Puppet.  Yeah.  I think I'll just be like all the other hoods now.  Thanks kid.  You've really helped me find myself." He giggles.

The woman suddenly stops giggling and stumbles forward.  From outside, you can hear a large splash.  Darja chose the river option in terms of handling the bomb.

A moment later Gut Shot and a guy wearing a bandolero filled with several small glass vials come running in.

Gut Shot glances around, then at you and Odeila, who's starting to settle down.

"I take it we're too late."

Odelia manages to roll her eyes.
Jack Sharpe
player, 527 posts
Sat 20 Nov 2021
at 00:47
  • msg #26

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack just eyerolls at the show with the piece of plastic. He doesn’t act when the finger is punctured, but he’s prepared to step in if Roger goes for the carotid or something that the woman can’t come back from. Roger seems like the sort that if he doesn’t get a chance to make that point he’d just switch bodies and Jack would be playing keepaway for the next several hours until Roger managed to gouge someone’s eyes out or something.

he replies to Roger.

When Gutshot and (the Alchemist?) show up, he nods his head slightly. Releasing Odelia, he answers, “Roger was here a few minutes ago. I can take a spin around and see if I can spot any idiots giggling, if you’d like,” he mentions. "Princess took the bomb to the river. Based on what I heard, she made it just fine. In fact.."

He pauses and then clears his breath and speaks in Estonian, "You good Princess?"

When he hears back in the affirmative, one assumes..

"Yeah, she's fine."

GM, 1573 posts
Sun 28 Nov 2021
at 23:28
  • msg #27

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 26):

Gut Shot nods at Mr. Bandelero.  "You haven't met.  Alchemist.  Uh...Titan, right?  Anyway.  You guys did good.  But man, is this gonna be a pain to clean up.

"Hard Time will debrief you and Darja tomorrow.  Oh.  I had someone swing by your place.  Your girlfriend is fine.  I had them contact her parents and take her home."

Odelia turns human and gives you a glare.  But she turns to Gut Shot, hands on her hips.  "Yeah, ain't that all hunky dory. But meanwhile, that whatever the hell he is got away."

Gut Shot gives her a cool look.  "It happens. Our primary concern is civilian safety. I want you to help anyone in here who might have been hurt."

She signals you to skeedaddle.

Darja is hovering over the roof.  She cocks an eyebrow at you.  I guess we did good, ja?

I will let you do anything you may want to do and we can wrap up homecoming. Thanks.
Jack Sharpe
player, 528 posts
Mon 29 Nov 2021
at 01:57
  • msg #28

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack listens and offers another prompt nod of the head. “Nice to meet you, Alchemist,” he greets the man and stands there with his hands behind his back as he listens to Gut Shot. He doesn’t really intend to act like a good little soldier, but he gives that vibe anyhow. He seems mildly pleased that someone went to check on Lydia, but he doesn’t say anything.

He looks over at Odelia’s comment and while it seems like Gut Shot is waving the girl off, as catching Roger is apparently impossible, he struggles briefly with making a contribution of his own. Wanting to point out that he felt that the Guardians were somewhat lackluster on their intelligence briefings. A simple “class” once a week to talk about the local Hoods.

Roger being one of them.

Something to bring up with HT when it isn’t a sensitive topic.

When told to make like a tree, he shoots out of the hole that Darja made in the roof and snorts at her comment, “Yeah, I saw you with that van full of mercs. That was pretty good. I’m guessing they lost the two meta mercs I tapped out,” he muses as he spins, looking in the direction they’d have gone.

“How’s Colby?”

This message was last edited by the player at 01:58, Mon 29 Nov 2021.
GM, 1578 posts
Tue 30 Nov 2021
at 00:15
  • msg #29

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 28):

She grins.  You mean those two you fought with in the school?  We got 'em.  Or the Program people took them from me.  I saw them trying to sneak away.  Who's got your back?

She lifts both her thumbs, pointing them at her face.  This gal!.

Colby's fine.  I saw him getting some treatment.  I was going to go check on him.

She seems to think about something a moment and then says, in English, "Okay.  I can see why you want to wear the cape when you grow up.  There's a kind of high to pulling it off, right?"

Lydia texts you.  Got home OK.  Still feel funny.  Mom and Dad are freaking out.  Your aunt is nice.  Talk to you tomorrow
Jack Sharpe
player, 529 posts
Thu 2 Dec 2021
at 18:25
  • msg #30

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack nods at her when she begins to mention the duo that’d snuck away and then he actually shows a little bit of surprise before he smiles at her words. “Good. What kind of degenerate scum takes a job on kids?” he asks rhetorically and shakes his head.

Looking in the direction of the treatment area, he nods at her words and starts to fly in that direction as they talk. Not pushing the boundaries of speed, just casual flying.

“Yeah, the successes are great, but we need to remember that there are failures too, and sometimes we’ll see the darkness,”
he reminds her, to bring it into perspective. Good with the bad.

Pulling out his phone, he glances at the text and sends one back: Let me know if you get worse, I’ll make sure top people are helping you, just in case.
GM, 1582 posts
Fri 3 Dec 2021
at 02:04
  • msg #31

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 30):

I am so sorry.  I thought I posted the start of a new story line.  Sorry to keep you hanging like that.

Marlene pokes her head in the next morning.  It's still dark outside.  Five AM.

"They just announced it:  your school is closed for the rest of the week.  Cos know."

She is silent a moment and then says, "I liked your girlfriend.  She's nice.  We didn't get the best introduction obviously. But it was kind of cute the way she was so embarrassed."

Marlene opens her mouth to say something and then shuts it.  She shakes her head and gives you a wane smile.

"Anyway.  You're on an early Thanksgiving break I guess."

She's right.  If you're off this week, that means you only have about two days of school next week before the Thanskgiving holiday.

"Are you gonna do anything special today?"

After a moment she sighs. <royralred>"I guess I want to ask...did you get caught up in all that bullshit last night? "</royalred>
Jack Sharpe
player, 530 posts
Sat 4 Dec 2021
at 00:52
  • msg #32

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Looking up from where he is reading from the AER, while listening to language lessons, now working through rarer languages and dialects all while while simultaneously watching anime, Jack nods at her words. “Figures,” he sighs.

Listening to her compliment about Lydia, he nods in agreement.

“I'll try to invite her over this week, since we've got nothing else to do, apparently,”
he tells Marlene idly. Thinking about things as his hands turn to his phone, stopping the AER articles from autoscrolling.

Thinking about his plans for the week and his open schedule, he nods after a moment.

“I'll go visit mom. Date with Lyds. Probably do some more Program stuff,”
he checks off a few ideas idly, ticking a few fingers up.

“Get caught up? Sorta. I saved lives, I guess,”
he answers.
GM, 1587 posts
Sun 5 Dec 2021
at 00:16
  • msg #33

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 32):

Marlene smiles, though it seems to have more than a touch of wryness to it. "Figured. Proud of you for that. Just be careful, okay?"

She turns around then stops, poking her head back in. "Oh. When you go see your Mom, can you take her a package?  She texted me saying she wants me to send her some soap and cream cheese."

Lydia texts you that afternoon.

Thanks for saving the day. What a mess. Folks are overreacting so I need to be the good girl and stay home today. Can we meet up Wednesday for lunch?

HT texts you and Darja.  Good work this weekend. Let's meet up at that field we did the first time. Oh nine hundred tomorrow morning. Not like you guys got school

Around lunch time you "hear" something outside.

"You're just a liar..."

"You should BE honest."

"You kids are being rude. I just asked you a question."

You take a "look".  Saul is downstairs in the breezeway, standing in front of the door to the apartment under his.  A couple of BEs are facing him, some kind of pamphlet in their hands.
Jack Sharpe
player, 531 posts
Sun 5 Dec 2021
at 03:36
  • msg #34

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Sure, just put anything you want me to take in a bag,” Jack suggests, since she still has a few minutes before heading off to work. It’ll save him from trying to figure out which cheese he is supposed to be taking with him, and which is supposed to stay in the apartment.

“By the way, have you given any consideration into the house thing?”
he asks.

Of course.  Want to make it a trip? If you can get away earlier in the morning, I can take you somewhere and we’d be back by late afternoon?

Having said that, he sends a quick text to his mechanic on the other phone: Can I swing by and pitch a project to you? It’d be a quick thing to make. Frankly, I could make it with scrap metal and a welding torch. He’ll need to make a thing if he’s going to take Lydia anywhere more than a few blocks away.

Looking at the text from HT, he replies: Ok.

When he spots the interaction on going between the BEs and goes over to pick up his key and wallet. Stepping out into the hallway and locking up, he walks down the stairs to back up Saul.

“Hey Saul,”
he calls out, then since he has been learning, among all the other things, he adds, "These guys bothering you?" in Hebrew. Just to practice.
GM, 1590 posts
Mon 6 Dec 2021
at 04:08
  • msg #35

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 34):

Marlene nods when you request she bag stuff up but stops at your question. "Honestly, with everything going on, I actually forgot."

She seems to consider a moment. "I dunno. I would feel like I'm selling you for a house. I'm...I'm not sure how comfortable I am with that. Does that make sense?"

Saul blinks as you speak in his mother tongue.

The BEs just stare at you.  You notice they aren't blinking. No. Wait.  They just did.  Once.

Saul cocks an eyebrow, obviously surprised, but shakes his head. "No," he says back in Hebrew.  "When did you learn-Never mind. Hang around if you you a minute though."

He turns back to the BEs"Look. I'm not tryin' to stop you. But Mrs. Kowolski said she isn't interested. She's actually an atheist-"

"Then why do you care?"

The other one nods. "You should BE more concerned with those that think like you do."

Saul frowns. "Is that what you believe? Never mind. Mrs. Kowolski has asked you to leave her alone. She asked me to come down and explain that to you. If you want, we can ask the cops to come explain it to you. Alright?"

The BEs study him.  Then you. Then they look at each other.

Without another word they turn around and move off.

Saul waits until they are headed up the sidewalk and sighs.  Thanks Jack. Mrs. Kowolski talked to one a' them outside the Piggly Wiggly a couple of weeks ago. Now they keep stoppin' by.  She's elderly and served 'em tea and cookies cos she thought she had to be hospitable. But they kinda took it as a sign she was interested.  They...well anyway.  Thanks.

"I heard about what happened at your school.  Were you there? You okay? All your friends alright?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 532 posts
Mon 6 Dec 2021
at 21:21
  • msg #36

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I want you to get the house,” Jack mentions. “It’s not you selling me, it’s me giving you a gift so that you get something out of having a Cape for a nephew.”

“Besides my handsome face.”

Jack looks back at the BEs, not blinking back at them. Playing a staring game with them.

Without looking at Saul, he gathers the rest of the conversation that he hadn’t been there for. They are trying to “convert” her. Weirdos.

Looking back to Saul, he nods at the older man. “I was there, defused a few bombs, stopped the bad guy, no big deal,” he tells the rabbi, acting like he’s joking. Mostly for the laughs. “But yeah, I’m fine. My girlfriend got hit with the ipecac, and she felt off for a bit, but she should be fine now.”
GM, 1593 posts
Tue 7 Dec 2021
at 00:18
  • msg #37

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 36):

"I saw her...well. I'm assumin' it was her. Cute young girl in a bluish dress?..when she was leaving.  I was a little concerned cos the lady she was with seemed kinda...police like.  But Marlene said it was fine so I didn't worry.  Sorry if I'm bein' nosy.  I'm old.  You get nosey when you're old.

"Anyway. Glad you popped up.  I'm goin' out to the facility tomorrow.  Wanted to ask if you wanted me to drop anything off for your Mom."

Jack Sharpe
player, 533 posts
Tue 7 Dec 2021
at 03:53
  • msg #38

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack doesn't bother to add on any other defining traits about Lydia, as the blue dress and the timing are too in line otherwise. “That's her,” he confirms without talking about who the people who picked her up were. It doesn't really matter.

Hearing the second question he nods a little in thought.

“Well, I'm going up too, we can travel together? I'm supposed to bring some stuff from aunt Marlene.”

GM, 1596 posts
Wed 8 Dec 2021
at 02:50
  • msg #39

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 38):

Saul grins. "That sounds good.  I'm gonna head up there about 8:30 in the A M.  That too early for ya?"

Your cell buzzes.  It's Kevin.

Come get a burger for lunch.
Jack Sharpe
player, 534 posts
Wed 8 Dec 2021
at 20:01
  • msg #40

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“That should be just fine, thank you Saul, do you drive or will we be taking the light rail?” Jack asks, knowing that there is an option. He actually knows the answer, since he’s a neighbor and has super senses, but he’d never travelled with Saul so he has to ask. Just so he can act like he’s planning ahead. “Oh, and did she like the sugar skull you brought last week?”

Looking at his phone, he sends back: Sounds good.

There any response from Lydia or Ooter?
GM, 1598 posts
Fri 10 Dec 2021
at 00:50
  • msg #41

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 40):

"Light rail.  Driving long distances is a bit tough on me these days. So why drive when I can make some city worker do it for me. Am I right?"

Lydia texts back.  Sorry. Mom wanted me to make cookies with her. She's been all about bonding time today.

Can we shoot for Wednesday? Folks were really freaked by what happened.  Neither of them leaves me alone for long. I need to let them work the worry outta their system.

No response from Ooter.

Saul chuckles about the sugar skull.  "I think she did.  Maybe. She studied it for a long time an' didn't say much. But she kinda shrugged at the end.

"Don't take this the wrong way but your Mom...she's a...very private person, ain't she?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 535 posts
Fri 10 Dec 2021
at 20:26
  • msg #42

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Well, hopefully riding in a train is a bit more comfortable for you,” Jack says with a smile and reaches out to pat the man on the shoulder before starting to back away. Clearly intending to make his exit now that a plan has been made and the issue with the BEs has been dealt with.

Pulling out his phone, he glances at it and texts while he talks with Saul: Wednesday. Try to get a few more hours free.

With that said, he thinks about her reaction and then how he’d seen his father there. Or maybe had seen his father there. Huh.

“Super brains are like that. She might have been thinking about the molecular structure or all the things she could make with it,”
he shrugs a bit himself. “Anyway, see you tomorrow Saul.”

He decides to head to the burger place.
GM, 1600 posts
Fri 10 Dec 2021
at 22:38
  • msg #43

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 42):

The text is to Lydia, right?

You haven't heard from Ooter by the time you head over to meet with Kevin.

He's got another tray of burgers and curly fries.  He nods at you as sit down.

"How was your date?"  He chuckles as he dips a fry into some ketchup.  "She okay?"

He pops the fry into his mouth.

"So...during all that chaos, I sort of tripped into one of the Program's computer banks.  Sorta accidentally hacked it."

He picks up one of his burgers.

"You said Roger was lookin' for 'Manitou', right?  I've never heard that one.  There is a file on the Program's Mainframe.  But the security was tight.  I mean tight.  I didn't have the time.  But I was able to see where it was being kept.

"The file was where they keep the stuff on Black level MTI threats.  Your file was in there too.  Also tight security."

Kevin picks up his Mr. Pibb. "Whatever Manitou is, it's heavy of the heavys.  Did Roger give any clue as to why he'd be lookin' for something...or I guess that?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 536 posts
Sat 11 Dec 2021
at 22:32
  • msg #44

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!


Jack takes a seat with his milk shake and sips at it a little. “Her parents are freaking out a bit, but I imagine that’s going around for everyone who isn’t in the Program,” he admits, looking at his fingernails for a second as he thinks about everyone else in the school.

Listening to the tale about the story, he waits for the question or point and nods slightly. “It was on a to-do list on his cell phone. The list was: Mess with Sarah noted as ‘done’, Kill Whitefalls noted as being close but not done, Kill Dan, one about whether you’re still breathing, a list of the students in the program which didn’t have me and implied a sixth which doesn’t exist, and the last item on the list was all in caps and italics ‘who is manitou?’” Jack relays the list, in case it’s in any way helpful.

He shrugs.

“Ron had said that Roger was trying to get to the mainframe to look up a girl named Sarah’s dad—who according to Ron, Roger believes created that this guy created him—which would also explain why Roger hates her so much. Anyway, unless Sarah’s dad is also Manitou, I've got nothing.”

GM, 1604 posts
Mon 13 Dec 2021
at 04:06
  • msg #45

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 44):

Kevin frowns and stuffs the last of the burger into his mouth.  He picks up another burger.

"I was afraid it might be another someone in the Program.  But if you haven't noticed anyone new, it's probably not that.

"I'm kinda worried.  Minneapolis usually isn't this exciting, ya know?"

He sighs.  "I had a run in with the Pale Image.  Well. Some of his images.  They were tryin' to break into the records room of that hospital again.  Made me actually break into it just to see what they were after.  Still trying to figure it out.

"And the Feds have somethin' goin' down.  They flew in a couple of big dogs a couple of days ago.  Agent Orange and The Bait.  Don't look at me like that. I didn't come up with their stupid code names.

"Anyway, you may not have heard of 'em,"
You haven't. "But they're with some govie black book operation.  They're both real pains in the ass.  So keep a low profile for a bit.

"Anything goin' down I should know about? Or you got anything you want me to look into?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 537 posts
Tue 14 Dec 2021
at 00:34
  • msg #46

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I have some thoughts on why we have all the recent problems, but it's pointless speculation at this point,” Jack replies, and keeps mum on the reasoning.

After he gets the lowdown from Kevin, and Kevin asks if he has anything to look into, Jack has to take a moment to actually think about it: “No, I think you're pretty much in on everything new to me.” Thinking of how he'd possibly seen his dad, he doesn't really want Kevin to get involved any more than he has to. He also thinks that his dad might be Manitou, maybe? 'World ending genius' and then after the event at the  bodega with the shapeshifting, it fits on that level as well.


Then something Kevin could use his skills for comes to mind:

“You should look for this guy who supposedly made Roger, Sarah _____'s dad. She's his target at Edison, and it'd be good to see if there's any truth. Maybe he's a hood too.”
GM, 1608 posts
Tue 14 Dec 2021
at 02:55
  • msg #47

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 46):

Let's just call her Sara Smith.  I have lost some notes and can't find her surname.  Thanks

Kevin frowns.  He picks up a chili cheese tot and chews on it.  "So...I kinda connected some dots when you told me about Sara bein' on Roger's To Do list.  I don't think her Dad is..."

He shakes his head.  "Hell. If he's who I'm thinkin' he is, he's deader than disco.  He was a researcher at the Program when Roger and I were there-"

He stops chewing on chili cheese tater tots.  His frown deepens.  "Crap."

Kevin is quiet a moment and then shoves a bunch of tots into his face.  "Something just occured to me," he manages not to shower you with tot bits as he speaks. But it's a miracle it doesn't happen.  "I never really thought about why they picked Minneapolis for the first run through of the Program...well.  Never mind for now.  I need to snoop a bit.  I'll fill you in once I know something for sure.

"Have you already told the Program people that Roger was lookin' around for Manitou? Don't if you haven't.  If you have...just keep an eye on things. Let me know if they seem like they're doing anything weird. Well. Weirder."

He gulps down the last of his Mr. Pibb.  "Remember to keep your head down. Ya know. As much as you can. Keeping a low profile never really worked for me. I doubt you've been able to do a bang up job of it.  It's the Life.

"Stay in touch."

Anything you want to ask ol' Kevy before he rockets off?

Moving on.

HT waves as you and Darja land on the ground the next morning.  He's leaning against the back of his SUV parked out in the middle of the field twenty miles outside the city limits.

"You guys enjoying your time off?"

He sighs.  "So I'm guessing you guys have some questions or comments about what went down.  Wanna start there?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 538 posts
Thu 16 Dec 2021
at 04:11
  • msg #48

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack listens to Kevin as he has his epiphany and lets it play out without interruption, and in response to the question of whether he’d given the program anything about Manitou, he replies: “I still have the phone tucked away, pulled apart.”

He’s not sure what Kevin is thinking here, but he trusts that the guy will fill him in when he has leads. He is a bit tempted to ask for a full explanation, as he can probably look for things that Kevin can’t, but he decides that for the moment he’ll just trust the process.

“You’re the one who needs to keep his head out of crosshairs,”
he points out as he starts to get up. Intending to exit with Kevin.

Jack thinks about how he wants to approach the subject: “A few comments.”

Though he does give Darja a little space if she wants to express anything first.

“First: I think the Program needs to include regular updates on the known badguys operating in the Midwest. Like, I had some idea who Roger is because I talk with the Monkey occasionally, but Odelia was about to gut the poor lady he possessed the other night.”

He leaves it at the first point so that HT has time to respond to each point without being hit with a deluge of Jack-thoughts.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:11, Thu 16 Dec 2021.
GM, 1613 posts
Fri 17 Dec 2021
at 02:57
  • msg #49

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 48):

HT gives a dry chuckle.  "Yeah. We've been arguing about that.  Some thought that you guys wouldn't be running into the bad guys. At least not at first.  Some of us thought "Yeah. Has that ever worked out to be the case in these kinds of situations?".  Anyway.  I can guarantee there will be briefings on subjects like that goin' forward.

"Keep in mind though these kinda things are...fluid.  Bad guys might stick around then they might not.  Also..."
  He shrugs. "Minneapolis was chosen for the Program cos this area historically had a low incidence of meta activity.  Obviously, that's not the case."

Darja cocks an eyebrow.  "You mean things are more...super-villainy than usual?"

Now the chuckle has some warmth to it.  "Yeah.  Things are more super-villainy than usual.  Sorry.  Just never heard it put that way.  Remind me ta teach you guys about magnet theory.

"But that's another conversation.  What else?"

Darja purses her lips.  "Is the Program all that secret now?  I mean...lots of security guys were all over the place during all that.  People are gonna wonder."

HT nods. "When they set up the Program, they considered what to do if there was a breech in security.  All I know is they are deciding which protocol to put into place.  I'll let you guys know what it is when I know what it is.


Jack Sharpe
player, 539 posts
Fri 17 Dec 2021
at 18:53
  • msg #50

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack would have made more comments, but HT acknowledges the point and says that they are going to be giving briefings going forward. No need to reiterate his thinking or argue its merits when the goal is accomplished. He slides his hands from his hoody pockets and folds up the sweater, setting it on the roof of the SUV.

Thinking about how he’d handle the situation with the exposure of the Program, he has some ideas, but those too are tucked away. In the end, it seems like the main ‘problem’ with the Program is that the Capes aren’t committed to the Program whole-assed.

“What's going on with Ron and Roger?”
he asks.
GM, 1614 posts
Sat 18 Dec 2021
at 05:03
  • msg #51

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 50):

HT frowns.  Scowls really.

"Ron has been removed from the Program. Obviously.  I'm not part of the debriefing team.  So I don't honestly know much more than you right now.

"All I know is they apparently had dealings at some point in the past.  Don't know if that's Roger got....uh...'inside' Ron or what.  I'll let you know what I can when I know it.

"What else?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 540 posts
Sat 18 Dec 2021
at 22:08
  • msg #52

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I’d like to get privileges to read some files, find out a bit about what we’re dealing with. It’s stupid for me to need to figure some of these things out when people I know, already know the answers. Also, I still want to do training with Omen or a psychic, as a side note,” Jack tells HT. He doesn’t have any more questions though.

He anticipates the answers to the rest of his questions are going to be satisfactory. That the mercs were detained, and that they are going to ..

Even as he thinks through the problems swiftly, he thinks of another question, “What additional measures will be taken going forward?”

GM, 1617 posts
Mon 20 Dec 2021
at 03:48
  • msg #53

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 52):

"You'll be given information that is available during the briefings.  But I'll tell you now: you may not get everything there is to know."

He sighs.  "Here's a quick lesson in the realities of the Life.  There's just as much bureaucracy and government red tape in superheroing as there is in the military.  More actually.  There's been a lotta times I've had to go into the field not knowin' something cos the information was classified above my level.  I will tell ya all I can.  Best I can promise with that one.

"As for the psychic training...Omen is kinda out of commission for a bit.  We're bringing in a couple of people to do some training on the psychic and magic stuff.  I was gonna let you all know this week about it know.  THings got cluster fucked.

"As to how it will look goin' forward...all I know at the moment is this.  They're gonna shut down most of the facility at the school and move the Program to an orbital facility.  At least for now.  Since the Program's been exposed, we want to make sure any Hoods know we've cleared out so they don't show up at the school.  Also it's easier to control access when everyone has to teleport in.

"There's gonna be some substantial changes.  They won't axe the program...mostly cos of you two and Mia.  But now that it's blown up in everyone's face, all the suits will show up and second guess everything.  We already got some big wigs in on the Feds side.  You may have to talk to them.  Gut Shot's still arguin' over that one."

He sighs.  "Anyway.  This may sound like a cop out, but sometimes things just blow up in your face.  It happens.  We're dealing with people and beings that work on wavelengths regular folks don't.  Roger...or I guess now it's "Meat Puppet". I hate when they give themselves names...anyway, Roger is a good example.  He's just..."

HT hunts for the words.  "Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.  The big thing is minimizing the civillian collateral damage.

"Does any of that make sense?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 541 posts
Tue 21 Dec 2021
at 21:33
  • msg #54

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack listens to HT.

“I’ll need to work on getting some sort of top level clearance then,”
he decides, letting HT know his feeling on the matter. He’ll leverage something in the future for it. They’ll want him to do something and he’ll require that they give clearance, that’ll solve the issue. Hopefully.

The psychic training and the status of Omen earns a little disgruntled look, but he doesn’t say anything. He could have controlled that response, but he decides to let it show.

“Don’t suppose you could arrange a meeting with Mia? I don’t have any classes with her, and I still have no idea what sort of asset she is in the field. Like, could she have been useful to us the other night?”
he asks, when the girl is mentioned. “The thing with the orbital—-if you need someone to lift stuff up there, let me know.”

Then as an aside he actually laughs a little and shares: “By the way, that’s one of my get rich schemes. I’m thinking about offering NASA and Elon Musk to haul stuff into space for them, I’m way cheaper than rocket fuel. Did you know that it costs like eight grand per pound to put things in space with rocket fuel? I’d do a huge haul for eight grand.”

(This is all dependent on them still using normal means to do things. I’m actually sort of expecting they can do it way cheaper with meta scientists and other metas, but it’s always been a fun idea I’d thought a guy like him could use if there weren’t that sort of influence by meta scientists.)

“Oh, and I’m fine talking to whoever.”

He nods at the last part about collateral damage.
GM, 1623 posts
Wed 22 Dec 2021
at 03:23
  • msg #55

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 54):

The space thing is an interesting idea.  Let me think on that.

"Do it if you can. I don't blame ya," HT says about the clearance.  "If you end up gettin' one higher than me, will ya let me know what's goin' on? It would be nice if someone did."

He doesn't react much to your harumph over the psychic training/Omen situation.

Darja actually winces when you bring up Mia.  HT nods though. "I'm already schedulin' some training for everyone together.  Mia too.."  He shoots a look at Darja.

Just so long as she doesn't start laughing again...

"Can ya talk in English if you're gonna backtalk me? Thanks.

"Anyway...I know she's...challenging.  But she's a good kid. Ya know.  At heart."

Darja chews her cheek and doesn't say anything.

HT claps his hands together.  "Okay.  They want me to go over your performance during the event.  I think that's a bit crass, considering how things all blew up.  But any learning opportunity in a storm I guess.

"So lemme ask you guys: if there was one thing you yourself coulda done different during all that, what would it have been?"

Darja answers pretty quickly.  "I wish I had been earlier to check out the parking lot.  I heard some noises I thought were weird.  Looking back, I think it might have been the frequencies of the bombs that had been planted out around the parking lot.  But I might be second guessing myself."
Jack Sharpe
player, 542 posts
Wed 22 Dec 2021
at 23:18
  • msg #56

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack nods at the mention of training and getting clearance, he intends to follow through on all of it when the opportunities present themselves. Hearing about Mia, he continues to wonder how her powers work, and decides maybe he should just ask Darja to try to explain it. Maybe he can decipher it from the clues he has been given indirectly.

“I shouldn’t have needled Roger at the end there, I doubt he’s going to have a change of ‘personality’ or whatever constitutes his core being, but it was juvenile, and didn’t gain us anything. I’ll save my needling for the stable ones who need to be put off their game, not the ones who are already insane,”
he answers, thinking about things in hindsight.

“I also could have acted more quickly, and I think I need to stash a more proper Cape outfit nearby. Oh, speaking of which,”
he begins, not actually explaining this tangent immediately, “I need someone to make sure that my homecoming pictures aren’t available to the public. A person with sharp memory would spot that my tuxedo in my pictures with Lyds and ‘guy with mask in tuxedo’ are the same person. Same build.”

He thinks about it a bit more.

“Do you guys have a person who can make us something a bit less Walmart brand, in terms of temporary outfits in case of situations like this?”

GM, 1625 posts
Fri 24 Dec 2021
at 03:24
  • msg #57

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 56):

HT nods.  "Way ahead a' you on the photos.  We've got a media suppressor on it.  Long story short, lots a' cell phones started experiencing technical problems yesterday.  The internet's always  a pain to comb through.  But they combed it yesterday and feel good none a' ours are on Tik Tok.  Or whatever the hell it is you kids use now a days.

"And uniforms. Yeah.  They'll issue ya some.  Heads up: you won't like 'em.  But it's free gear.  Put up with it for now.  I'll work on gettin' 'em ta...ya something that suits you.  If that's how you say it.

"Anyway.  Overall, you guys did solid.  There was a minimum of civie injuries.  No one died, which in my book is always a win.

" was a good idea pickin' up that van and flying it to the cops.  One thing though: you didn't know if those guys had ammo that could pierce the shell of the van.  More than likely they did.  You were shakin' the van as you flew. honest.  Was that on purpose?"

Darja thinks about it and shakes her head. "No. I just...wasn't sure what to do other than to get them away from everyone."

"And that's fine.  You thought it out as you went. And that's what ya gotta do sometimes. But try to keep in mind the details.  That's where the devil is after all.  In all them details.  Goons like that usually have good equipment. If they fired at you through the van, it might not have hurt you. But it could have.  And even if it didn't, it could have travelled towards the ground.  Shakin' the van as you flew would keep them off their toes.  You ended up doing that just from jostlin' it around in flight. But that has it's own dangers.

"Jack.  When you came up on those two metas, you handled it well. You resolved the situation alright, but I think we need to work on how you deal with Caspers.  That's what I call hoods who can go insubstantial.  You threatened her body to make her retreat, right?  And that was solid. But some of 'em don't have that issue with their bodies lyin' around.  If her body had transformed into that ball of light, instead of it comin' out of her, that might have been a different fight.  The other thing was how you handled moving that guy Dan around.  He's in good shape, so there wasn't any harm. But you could've just moved him out of there completely.  You had time.

"But that's more or less nit picky stuff.  Well.  Kinda nit picky.  I thought it would be fair to give you guys a chance to critique."

He grins and brings what looks like a long decorative silver chain out of his pocket.

"As you know, we weren't around for all a' that cos a mission came up.  It's not one that has to be classified.  You guys want to see what happened?  It'll give you a chance to watch us so-called professionals in action.  You can critique how we handled the situation.

"It'll take us a few hours.  And you'll have to plug into my memories.  But it might be instructive.

"You game?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 543 posts
Fri 24 Dec 2021
at 23:16
  • msg #58

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Hearing about the media suppression, Jack nods. He should actually look into writing his own program to do that, it’d give him a coding project to use his novice coding skills on and progress to a new level. In case he didn’t have the Program people to do it for him in the future.

“As long as they aren’t as loud as the luchador mask or have a huge codpiece, I’ll be fine,”
he says when HT talks about the uniforms they’ll be issuing.

Hearing the thoughts about Darja’s van handling, he wonders what he would have done differently. He’d have ripped the door off and bludgeoned them all unconscious. Leaving the Program to clean them up, instead of directly moving them. So he’d have never had that problem to begin with, but like the Mercs who’d run away from the shop, perhaps leaving people loose was a bad idea.

Hearing the critique of how he handled the ‘Casper’ he nods, he agrees. He’d dealt with it in the moment. He could try to explain his thinking, but the fact of the matter is that he agrees with the critique.

“I’m game.”

GM, 1627 posts
Mon 27 Dec 2021
at 03:14
  • msg #59

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 58):

Darja frowns at her critique, but nods at the end of it.  She can't deny she hadn't thought of armor piercing ammo.

She also nods at HT's offer.

I am going to pause us here until I get back next Sunday.

Let me know if there is anything in the game that you would like to see more/less of.

Thanks Sir.

GM, 1631 posts
Tue 4 Jan 2022
at 03:41
  • msg #60

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Editor-in-Chief (msg # 59):

HT holds the chain up by one end and lets it dangle down.  He hasn't released the full length, and it's already dangling inches above the grass.  It's much longer then it should be.

"Alrightie. Lissen up campers.  This here is something Almchemist whipped up for us a few months ago.  It will store a day's worth of memories.  You guys are gonna plug into my head.  Without all the cussin' and such.  Alkie swears it only records like a video camera.  Not like a thoughts and all kinda thing.  You'll be able to go along with me as we went out on the mission that kept us all occupied while the Homecoming shin dig was goin' down.

"Now I'll tell ya upfront.  It got a little squishy.  And that's not edited.  You're gonna see dead bodies.  And not as in the whole "Oh she looks so peaceful in that casket" kinda state either.  This was a definite blood an' guts mission."

He flips up his wrist, sending the chain flying into the air.  HT quickly grabs it, deftly snatching it by it's middle before it has a chance to get near the ground.

"Okay.  If you're still game...grab one of the ends."

Darja studies one of the ends and shrugs, reaching out for it.  Can't be any worse than back home...

Assuming you take an end, but I will pause here so you can ask any questions before Jack does so.  If not, we'll move along.


Jack Sharpe
player, 544 posts
Tue 4 Jan 2022
at 22:21
  • msg #61

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack takes a look at the chain when it is offered up and listens to the explanation, he isn’t sure he’d want to share his memories so openly. Since it might include things like using the bathroom, and depending on when it was made, intimate times with Lydia.

“Will it be a replay of the entire thing from beginning to end or will you have control of what we’re seeing?”
he asks, just to get an idea of what to expect.

Regardless of the answer, he steps up and takes a hold of the chain.
GM, 1634 posts
Wed 5 Jan 2022
at 01:34
  • msg #62

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 61):

"I'll skip over parts, so you don't have to sit through the shuttle ride over or me usin' the head.  We'll start at the briefin'.  You can ask questions.  I'll be able ta hear you and answer back."

As you touch the chain, you feel a slight sharp, cold prick in the fingertips that touch the chain.  And then you hear a soft voice hiss in your ear

not allowed...contingency...

You blink.  You're standing in a small room that has the same kind of floor and ceiling as the training rooms in the Program, but isn't one you've ever seen before.

You're leaning against a wall, looking at a large screen on the opposite wall.  HT and Gut Shot are standing by the screen.

Sitting on a table...a very sturdy a large man in heavy duty kind of battle armor.  You recognize him from the news as Hemi.

Sitting next to him, a tall, nervous looking, thin man is holding a red plastic SOLO cup and pouring a kind of bluish liquid into it.  It smells vaguely like peppermint.  The Alchemist maybe?

Standing next to the screen, touching the lower corner of it, is a young woman in a track suit.  She's frowning as if concentrating.  You have no idea who she is.

Gut Shot points at the screen.  On it is a picture of a group of sheds or warehouses set on the side of a glacier.

"Station Sunspot.  Joint research effort by the US, Canada, and the EU.  On record as researching weather phenomena.  In reality conducting experiments on harnassing planetary gravity as a source of power..."

The Alchemis suddenly jerks and looks around, seeming to be confused.  He looks at the goo he's pouring into the cup and frowns.  What the hell is this... he says in Estonian.

HT frowns as well and looks around, scratching the back of his head.  " guys inside my head?  I don't...uh...'feel you' in there.  Alkie said I'd be able ta tell."

Gutshot keeps talking as if no one has said or done anything out of the ordinary.  "Two days ago, contact with the base was lost.  Marines sent in one of their meta units to check things out..."

HT looks towards the Alchemist.  "Don't tell me you half assed this..."

Alchemist blinks back at him.  "Half assed what?  Where are we?"

HT raises an eyebrow.  "You can hear me?"

ALchemist stands, setting the cup on the table.  "I thought I was supposed to.  You said we could ask you quest-"  He stops.  "Why do I feel taller?"

He look down at his hands.  "Why are my hands hairy? And what happened to my tits?"

HT groans.  "Darja?"

Alchemist looks up. "Yeah?"

HT holds up a hand.  He looks around.  "Okay.  Where's Jack?"

As you hold up your hand, you notice HT seems taller than he was before.  And as you raise your hand, you notice you're...not you.  The arms you're raising are in a t-shirt you don't own.  And their skinnier than yours are.  And older looking.

You have no idea whose body you're in.  But obviously it's not yours.

Gutshot is still going on.  "...last contact stated there was a second man in the complex. And it was him who had wiped out the team..."
Jack Sharpe
player, 545 posts
Wed 5 Jan 2022
at 06:36
  • msg #63

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Finding himself in someone else’s body, Jack quickly makes a few quick guesses at what has happened, though he obviously has no idea how it works. He has begun to unravel the mysteries of the scientific side of things with the help of the AER but the mystical side will have to wait until he can get some tutoring from Omen and the Alchemist.

Out of curiosity, he attempts to use some of his powers passively. Trying to float up off the floor and look through things, just to test the limits of the body occupation aspect of things.

When he is asked who he is, he raises his hand and takes the time to really try to put a name to the body he is occupying. Checking his pockets for an ID, since running out for a look at a mirror seems unlikely.

“Sort of like the pensieve in Harry Potter, in that we are apparently going to be walking around in the memory and not like a few movies I won’t mention, where we have to view everything from HT’s perspective and can’t change what we’re looking at,”
he shares his thinking out loud, using pop culture to really figure out the rules to how this works. “Cool. So, who am I in the body of, HT?” he asks.
GM, 1640 posts
Fri 7 Jan 2022
at 02:21
  • msg #64

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 63):

No hovering.  You have a wallet and the wallet has a driver's license.  Jackson Tollman.

A rather plain looking man with brown hair stares back from the photo.  The only remarkable thing about him is he seems to be missing his left eye.  But you aren't noticing any problems with your depth perception or sight on that side.

HT blinks at you.  "Jack?  So you're there.  That's Jackpot.

"Dammit.  No.  You guys were supposed to be in my head.  Not in...those bodies.  That's the only reason I agreed to this.  Because it sounded like it'd be safe.  Stop rolling your eyes Darja.  It's rude. And Alchemist does that enough on his own.

"Hold on.  I'm gonna get us outta here...and nothin'.  Shit.  Something's really wrong."

Gutshot has finished her briefing and, for some reason, everyone is staring at you.

HT scratches his chin and then snaps his fingers. "Oh.  Jack said somethin' here.  Like asked a question about the number of members on the seal team. I think."

Everyone just stares at you. As if they're waiting.
Jack Sharpe
player, 546 posts
Fri 7 Jan 2022
at 05:12
  • msg #65

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Yeah, I figured,” Jack confirms and holds up the ID for a split second before he packs it away.  Glancing over at Darja when she rolls her eyes, he points out, “Imagine if you have to pee.” Just to tease her a little while they’re waiting for the conversation between Gutshot and her crew to finish.

When he realizes that HT is saying that things aren’t in fact going as expected, he narrows his eyebrows a little.

Replaying the conversation as Gutshot had had it, he tries to figure out a good contextual question based on HT’s prompt: “I expect the SEAL team was running sixteen deep, given the size of the operation? Or were they just running a fire team? In case we need to look for survivors.”

He then turns his body slightly to shrug at HT as if to say: Something like that?
GM, 1642 posts
Sun 9 Jan 2022
at 03:32
  • msg #66

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 65):

HT blinks.  "He's not usually that smart in how he says things."

Gutshot raises an eyebrow. "Did somebody have some IQ points for breakfast?"  She smirks. "Nice to see you present and accounted for for a change."

HT frowns. "She...she didn't say that.  That'"

"What is?" Gutshot puts her hands on her hips and turns the raised eyebrow to HT.  He shakes his head.

"Ah...sorry boss.  You were sayin'?"

She turns back to you Jack/Jackpot"The team was a standard meta-infiltration.  Two front liners. A long range.  Five regs in high tech gear.  A second team with a front liner, a support, and four gearheads were supposed to follow.

"But the first team sent a hold off signal.  Then all vid got cut.  Government won't hand over the footage know. The usual.  So we're going in with pretty much what I told you and nothing else."

She sighs. "We'll look for survivors of course.  That's priority one. But I'm not holding my breath. This may be a The Thing type situation. But we won't make assumptions.  Questions?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 547 posts
Sun 9 Jan 2022
at 21:15
  • msg #67

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack pauses in thought, wondering how he should play this. The way this chain seems to be working is that they need to play their roles and follow along with the action, but he wonders if they can’t break the sequence of events in some way.

Or could this be some sort of weird time travel shenanigans? No, not likely.

He shakes his head at the request for further questions.
GM, 1645 posts
Mon 10 Jan 2022
at 04:35
  • msg #68

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 67):

HT jerks his chin towards a door at the back of the room.

Gutshot gives him and you and Darja/Alchemist a look but says nothing as the three of you head out this side door.

HT turns to look at both of you.

"So I think you guys get that somethin' ain't right here.  Didja notice anything odd when you grabbed the chain? Not that I would know what it meant."

He sighs and rubs his head.  "Can either of you fly know. Bend steel girders?  No huh?  Didn't think we'd get that lucky.

"Okay. All I can think ta do is go with the flow here.  This should be a memory. But..."

He shakes his head. "We're kinda down the rabbit hole here.  I'm gonna keep tryin' to contact Alchemist. Not you Darja. The real one.  But I can't seem to get out to him.

"Lemme give you the run down on your powers.

"Darja...Alkie is mostly just that. Alchemy.  He has all those little bottles in all those pockets and stuff.  Some of 'em are labeled I know.  Dig through your pockets and see what you can find that makes sense.

"Jack, Jack's power...shit this is gonna get confusing. Jackpot's power has to do with luck.  He can kinda wave his fingers and these little disks pop up.  Red ones are bad luck an' white ones are good luck. He'll then pitch 'em at things and stuff kinda happens.  I don't think he knows ahead a' time what will happen.

"The other thing I know if he has to do both. Everytime he does good luck, he's gotta bad luck someone.  And vice versa.  Make sense?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 548 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2022
at 23:22
  • msg #69

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I can remember being somewhat close to this, sensory wise, but it feels like my head is wrapped in a thousand miles of buffers. I can't believe you people have to walk around like this,” Jack relays once the others are out of the room, talking as they walk toward the next step. Listening to Hard Time as they walk.

Discs of luck. Weird, but he thinks he can manage that if his accuracy and coordination aren't taking too much of a nose dive.

As he walks, his foot catches on a doorway and he stutter steps, but manages not to fall.

“So weird,”
he mutters.

“Yeah, it makes sense,”
he agrees with HT.
GM, 1651 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 03:33
  • msg #70

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 69):

Darja has meanwhile pulled out some small vials and is looking at the labels.  \

"This one says moondrake and this one says shrink."

HT watches you stumble and then mutters, "Oh this is gonna be fun on a bun. Well. Whatever.  This is just like a hallucination.  So we can't really get hurt.  And any training is good training.  I guess.

"Alright.  We got a couple minute before we gotta get in the shuttle.  Go on.  Try something.  Jack...let's start with you."

You think about it.  Your left hand starts feeling like it's cold.  The right hand starts to feel...twitchy?  You notice the tips of your/Jackpot's fingers seem to shake a little when you think about his powers.

Then you're holding two small disks, one in each hand.  The right had has one white as milk.  The left has a disk red as a ruby.

They both feel light.  But then they start feeling heavy.  And seem to be getting heavier.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:07, Sat 29 Jan 2022.
Jack Sharpe
player, 549 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 07:05
  • msg #71

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack spends a moment looking at the vials with the alchemical formulas, doing his best to help her figure out what any of them which are labeled are. All other things being removed, he's still the equivalent of a recently trained human-Rosetta Stone, so perhaps he can help her figure out any arcane business.

Looking back at HT when he suggests he tries something, Jack then fiddles around and manages to produce the discs.

Holding them in his hands he thinks maybe they get heavier the longer he holds them and after a moment lobs them off at a nearby wall, just to try throwing them and watching their arc.

After he has heard about the being hurt thing, he tries pinching his arm just to test a momentary curiosity.
GM, 1653 posts
Sun 16 Jan 2022
at 03:16
  • msg #72

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 71):

The two discs have the weight of maybe an Olympic discus.  This Jack seems to have good shoulder and back muscles.

The discs strike the wall and...pass into it.  After a moment, an alarm starts to blare.

HT stares down at his watch.  "The fire alarm system just shorted out.  And...the cleaning robots that had been offline are back on."

Darja is putting some of the vials you helped her decode into a top pocket on Alchemist's uniform.  "Okay. So what was up there at that base?  I mean...we kinda have enough going against us as it is.  Not knowing what we're walking into might be too big a handicap."

HT considers a moment, then looks at you. "Your opinion?  You wanna know what we'll find? Or you wanna see how far you can take it as is?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 551 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 21:08
  • msg #73

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I need a watch that does that,” Jack says when he sees how HT is able to discern the problems in the building with a glance.

Having felt how they fly and their ability to go through things, he wonders how they decide what is lucky or unlucky. Couldn’t a wall be equally as inanimate and also be unlucky? Or did the thing have to serve a more unique purpose? Philosophical luck discs.

Apparently, his pinch hadn’t resulted in any sort of notable pain, so maybe he won’t be feeling it if Jackpot gets hurt.

“I’m fine with adapting as things come,”
he says.
GM, 1657 posts
Mon 17 Jan 2022
at 23:59
  • msg #74

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 73):

HT considers and then looks back at Darja/Alchemist.  "I'll split the difference and give you a hint.  Watch out for mosses."

A loudspeaker pipes up.  Gutshot's voice echoes down the hall.  "Everyone suit up.  We'll meet in shuttle bay 2."

HT groans.  "That's a hike.  C'mon."

He leads you downwards.  You realize the complex is deeper than you thought, the areas below masked against your vision as well as somehow being camoflauged.

There are several long tunnels at the bottom of the stairwell HT takes you too.  He and Darja are chatting about some of the vials she's found, so he isn't explaining much.  You can tell that this area seems to contain the power grid for the complex as well as several transit tubes.

As HT said, it's a hike.  Jackpot's legs are a little tired by the time you get to the end of one of the tunnels.

What looks like a small hanger opens up at the end.  Gutshot is talking to Hemi.  The others seem to be waiting for your group.

There's a hatch set in the floor.  It flips open and everyone starts to go down the ladder inside.

HT whispers to the two of you, "Alkie doesn't talk much to anyone except Hemi.  They're old friends. tend to be chatty.  But just say you've got a headache if you don't wanna say much.  Your call.

"Darja, you take the seat next to me. set up on the second row. Seat near the aisle."

Did you want to chat with any of the memory-heroes?  Or you want to just get to the site of the disturbance?
Jack Sharpe
player, 552 posts
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 19:59
  • msg #75

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack is really not happy with being in such a weak body, but he trucks on without complaint. It would be so much easier if he could just run this distance. That said, he memorizes everything he can as best as this body seems capable of doing it. His memories don’t seem to be affected, as he can still speak Estonian fluently at least.

Moving up into his seat, he stretches and glances around gets a feel for who he can chat with. Figuring it’s a good time to ask a few questions, since nobody will remember what he asks later.

If he can get a word in with Gutshot, he asks, “What’s the latest with Omen?”

Just to try that one out, and maybe get some sort of information about that.

He’ll also ask: “How are those kids in the Program doing?” just to see if he can get any interesting info.
GM, 1661 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 01:36
  • msg #76

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 75):

Gutshot gives you a hairy eyeball and then shrugs, settling into a chair across the aisle.

"Fred is Fred.  He says he's too busy looking into those BEs or whatever they are.  If they're up to something, they're pretty damn good at keeping it under the radar.  I've gone over four of their "safe houses" and nothing.  Just hippie communes. Or whatever they are."

She chuckles when you ask about the kids.

"If I'd known we'd have an omega in the batch, I probably wouldn't have signed on for the job.  The White House wants DNA samples.  Fuckers."

She leans back into the seat.  "Odelia's got the heart, but not the patience.  Darja...I wish I could find the button that'd motivate her.  I'd like to kick Ron's ass.  And Mia?"

She tosses a hand up.

"Poor kid.  She's gonna be that way the rest of her life probably.  It's not fair.

"Well.  If we can get Jack into the Life, we'll have done our duty.  He'll be good I think."

She's quiet a minute.  "I just wish we could find this Manitou and


You can see her mouth move, but her voice is swallowed up in the loud thrumming sound that echoes around the room.  It's painfully high.  You instinctively clutch your hands to your ears to try to block out the sound, but it doesn't help.

The sound stops as Gutshot smiles, looking over at you.

You can hear everyone.  No trace of the Bwaaa sound.

"Why are you so interested all of a sudden?  You gonna actually teach a class?"
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 05:09, Sat 29 Jan 2022.
Jack Sharpe
player, 553 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 02:26
  • msg #77

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

The DNA thing. No surprise there, not that he truly cares too deeply. He’d asked mom several times for clarification but the gist was: ‘You can’t be cloned.’  He was apparently too complicated to re-create like that. Though he does wonder if he can’t figure out some way to make a trip to the White House. That’d be dope.

Jack does his best to memorize the movements of her lips, though he’s really puzzled by the interference there. Someone would have had to have done that, and to have done it to the chain? Maybe it’s a magic thing? Bizarre.

The rest is good to hear. He’ll have to keep an eye out for someone named Fred. He’ll find that dang Omen and get that training if he has to make the guy do it with a boot up his rear-end. Though that is really interesting, that he’s looking into the BEs.

“No reason, just curious,”
he answers, glancing back at Darja and HT to see if they’d heard the noise. He doubts they had, but it’s worth checking. Thinking for a moment about other things he might ask.

Trying to think of any other hot juicy gossip I can get off of her.
GM, 1665 posts
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 02:13
  • msg #78

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 77):

HT and Darja are still chatting about the various vials in Alchemist's bolero.  If they heard the noise, they aren't reacting to it.

Gutshot rubs her eyes and then turns in her seat, glancing back at HT.  She leans towards you across the aisle.

"I'm gonna have you start doing more training.  Especially with Odelia.  Carl's going to do more work with the two bricks."

She shakes her head, seeming to be weary.  "I trust David. But Conrad..."

She waves a hand.  "I've just never had a good vibe about what happened the first time with this thing."

Carl would be Hemi.  You know his real name is Carlton Jakoby.

David Cosgrove is HT.  He doesn't look like a David. More like a Mike.  Or a Todd.  Not a David though. But a David he is.'re drawing a blank on that one.
Jack Sharpe
player, 554 posts
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 21:45
  • msg #79

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“You should talk to Kevin about it, I’m sure he’d have some more notes on how things went the first time,” he points out, not that it’ll have any impact on what she does in the future, but he’s curious what she might say in response.

Later with Hardtime, he takes a moment when they aren’t otherwise busy and asks, “Who’s Conrad by the way, I heard him mentioned a few times by Gutshot.”
GM, 1668 posts
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 03:25
  • msg #80

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 79):

Gutshot is quiet a moment, and then looks over at you.  "Kevin?  You mean Monkey?"

She seems to be studying you carefully.

HT clicks his tongue and then shrugs.  "Guess there's no harm in you knowing this much.  Or maybe it's better to answer then have you gettin' curious.

"Conrad is Red Tiger's civie handle.  Why?  What was someone sayin'?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 555 posts
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 06:35
  • msg #81

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Yes, the Monkey," Jack replies. He could very well go on, but he's really not sure what else to ask. There are certainly many mysteries, but he has no reason to expect that everything is just going to keep pouring out, and, given her latest response, he also thinks that she'd get further suspicious of too many random questions.

Jack decides to just come clean and shares, "Gutshot apparently doesn't trust him."
GM, 1673 posts
Wed 26 Jan 2022
at 03:23
  • msg #82

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 81):

Gutshot seems to let the conversation lapse shortly after that.

You listen as Hemi talks about his son's first day at kindergarten.  Everyone else seems to tune him out.

The shuttle is starting to land when HT nods for you to meet him in back of the shuttle...

HT frowns and rubs his eyes.  It seems like what you just said seemed to confirm something for him.

"Alright.  Thanks for tellin' me.  Let's just say there's some friction between the two groups.  It shouldn't get in the way of the program.  I would appreciate it if you didn' say anything to Darja or the others."
Jack Sharpe
player, 556 posts
Wed 26 Jan 2022
at 05:10
  • msg #83

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"I only talk to Darja, and I only have her best interests in mind. I don't see any reason she needs to know about office politics," Jack answers HT, not promising anything, because he likes Darja more than he likes HT. But he has no reason to download her on every bit of gossip he overhears. Especially given that with her hearing she might already know.

Standing in the back of the shuttle, he thinks about Jackpots power a bit more and wonders, "So Jackpot can hex anything, and en-luck anyone? You should tell this guy to bring a bunch of uh.. spare cell phones or something. Useless devices that frying won't necessarily hurt? Right now, the problem is I have no targets to curse or whatever, but it'd be helpful if I hit everyone on the team with good luck."
GM, 1677 posts
Fri 28 Jan 2022
at 04:37
  • msg #84

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 83):

HT points at both your hands.  "You can luck us all up, but remember. Whenever you luck somethin' you gotta hex somethin' too.  Supposedly it's bad ju-ju if he holds one of them discs too long."

The shuttle rumbles.  HT looks back towards the cockpit.

"We're about to land.  When we did this before...ya know. In reality...Guts split us up inta two teams.  I'm gonna try to stick with Darja, since Alkie's powers have a steeper learnin' curve than yours do.  Gutshot probably won't team you an' Darja up.  Jackpot and Alchemist's powers kinda both fall into the same category.  Ping me on the wrist comm if things get dicey.  And remember you aren't you at the moment."

Gutshot calls out to everyone.

"Alright. We're boots-on-the-ground in 30.  Hemi, you take Jack and swing south up through the storage shed and come up through the workshops.  Alkie, you take David and come in through the main entrance."

"What about you?" Hemi asks her.

She grins at him, pulling out a rather interesting looking zap-gunnish rifle and patting the scope. "I'm gonna go roofside.  They got sky lights here.  I wanna scope 'em out.

"We keep comms open.  We'll plan to meet in the mess hall.  That should be halfway for both groups.  Yell out if you find any survivors.  Our first priority is finding survivors.  Second is securing the installation for the next SEAL team.  Any questions?"

Beside you, HT frowns.  "This is different from before," he mutters.
Jack Sharpe
player, 557 posts
Fri 28 Jan 2022
at 22:01
  • msg #85

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack thinks that HT wasn’t listening to what he said: “I get that HT, what I’m saying is that this guy, Jackpot should carry a bunch of junk he can hex and toss away. He could possibly even weaponize it, just food for thought,” he repeats what he’d already said. That said, he starts to hit everyone when they get close and he’ll just lob the hex off into the distance.

When he hears that Gutshot’s new plan is different, and Hardtime’s concern, he thinks about it for a moment and takes a little gamble with the lucky man.

“I think you should come with us, just my instincts, luck,”
Jackpot calls out to Gutshot.
GM, 1678 posts
Sat 29 Jan 2022
at 05:18
  • msg #86

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 85):

HT starts to say something back, but Gutshot starts her pep talk.

You tag everyone with the good lucks and toss the hexes.

Gutshot considers what you said for a moment and then shakes her head.  "I think I wanna stay mobile on this one.  That's just what my gut's tellin' me.  I can rendevous with either team if things get dicey.

"Okay.  Let's move out."

Darja/Alchemist gives you a wave as she and HT head towards the front of the compound.  Hemi walks over.  "Ready?"

You haven't really interacted much with Hemi up until now.  He's built about as big as HT, even without the armor.  His size makes the armor look bulky, but close up you see the outfit is actually pretty light.  His helmet seems set up with a sensor array which mimics your own set of eyes and ears, though you doubt to the same level.

Well.  Your level as when you're in your own body.  Right now...everything seems sort of dull and faded.

Jack obviously is seeing and hearing the world through normal people vision/hearing.  Up to you if that messes with him or not.

Hemi holds up his forearm and a holographic display lights up the air just over his wrist.

You can see the back of the compound.  There are three storage sheds set up outside a back walkway.  The door off the walkway inside comes in through the compounds garage.  Past that are some kennels and then into a back bunker area.  The mess hall is just past that.

"Once we rendevous in the mess hall, we'll proceed as a full group up this side hall into the lab area.  I'll take point and stay on the ground for now.  You watch my six and handle the relay to the other two teams."

He seems used to giving orders.

The other two teams-HT and Darja, Gutshot solo-have not peeled away just yet. So if you want to do/say something with them, you still can.  Wanted to give you the chance before just moving us on.  Thanks
Jack Sharpe
player, 558 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 06:05
  • msg #87

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack tried. Hopefully the divergence from the original plan doesn’t result in further shenanigans, though he isn’t entirely sure what would happen if one of them were to die in here. He isn’t sure he wants to find out.

He waves at Darja when she heads off with HT.

Following Hemi, he nods his head at him when he starts to give his orders. Watching ‘on his six’ with those muted human senses and feeling a bit like he’s wearing a cloth over his head. Even the colors are so muted. It’s like watching everything on a television. Only the normal spectrum being visible now.

“Team two proceeding along the back of the compound,”
he relays over the radio.
GM, 1682 posts
Tue 1 Feb 2022
at 01:51
  • msg #88

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 87):

The two of you start with the storage sheds.

Two of the sheds seem to be locked up tight.  The third one though...

The door is still locked. But someone ripped through the outer wall to get inside.  Peeking through the hole, you can see the base was using this one as a natural freezer.  A side of frozen beef is thrown against the wall, huge hunks torn out of it.  Several crates that used to hold uncooked chickens are laying smashed against the wall, half eaten carcasses strewn about.

There aren't any tracks in the snow other than yours.  But it may have snowed recently.

Hemi studies it, switching something on his visor.

"I'm not getting anything on ultraviolet or infrared.  Telescopic...huh.  Some scratch marks.  Like buncha little scratch marks.  All over everything.  But...nothing besides that."

The door into the garage is also interesting.  The top portion of it is whole. But the bottom third of it is missing.  Just gone.

Hemi flips his visor again.  "More scratch marks.  Let's move quiet."

HT buzzes in.  "We got bodies up here.  Four...maybe six.  Hard to tell cos they're all...well.  Not together anymore.  Looks like there was a fight near the admin area.  Lotsa bullets."

"Nothing topside," Gutshot adds.  "I'm over the skylight into the mess.  It's just that.  A mess.  More bodies.  But no movement I can see."

Hemi uses a blow torch on his finger to open the back door for the two of you.

The garage is quiet and dark.  At the far end is an open doorway to a hall.  It should be the hall that goes up through the machine shops to the kennels.

A few snowmobiles are sitting in bays.  Various tools lay around on counters.  It's messy but not chaotic.  More like someone forgot to tidy up before calling it a day.

Hemi points at the floor.  "More scratches.  In a path from the hall to here."

You can't see any of these scratches yourself.  Well you can't see anything at the moment because it's dark.  There's a light switch on your right hand side.
Jack Sharpe
player, 559 posts
Tue 1 Feb 2022
at 07:41
  • msg #89

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack looks at the wreckage left behind by the whatever-it-is and thinks about it. “Little scratch marks. A swarm of bugs, perhaps? But why leave anything half finished like this? It smells of intelligent purpose,” he surmises with a shrug and stands back, flipping a lucky chip toward Hemi and an unlucky one toward one of the condenser units for the refrigerator as they leave.

Listening to the feedback from HT over the radio, he relays it all to Hemi.

“HT, did the firefight result in any bits of whatever they were fighting hitting the walls? Can you see any blood or bits left behind?”
he asks, having something to put his mind to now.

As they walk, he nods at Hemi’s observations and relays messages as necessary.

He trusts his lucked-up instincts to flip the switch.
GM, 1685 posts
Wed 2 Feb 2022
at 01:46
  • msg #90

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 89):

HT thumbs back.  "Good question.  Hold up.

"The gunk on the walls looks mostly human.  But there's this...grit all over everything.  Doesn't feel like people nor like any kind of shrapnel or ammo I've seen.  But definitely seems machine made.  Very metallic, rough, and sharp."

You flip the switch.

Every surface is red.  Not blood covered.  The cabinets.  The tools.  The tires on the snow mobiles.  All red, like the sunset.

Hemi tenses up and then flips his visor.

"Hold up...patching my visor cam into everyone's comms...flipping through ultra...infra..."

You can see what he's seeing by looking at your commn.  The red coating has no heat signature of any kind.

"...going telecopic...oh shit..."

The red coating seems to be lots of little machine bugs.  Lots and lots and lots of them.  It's a sold sheet of red colored nano machines that all look like locusts.

Gutshot pipes on.  "They don't seem active...You guys get outta th-"

Your comm goes dead.

But that is all that happens.  The red nanos don't do anything.  Yet.
Jack Sharpe
player, 560 posts
Wed 2 Feb 2022
at 05:19
  • msg #91

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack had actually thought nanobots were on the list, but that seemed even odder given their feeding pattern. In science-fiction they always swarm and devour and expand without limit, but perhaps it's for the best that science fiction is wrong with the case of the red nanites.

Apparently, they'd dealt with this so he has some confidence they'll make it through this in the vision, and obviously did in reality. So nothing to actually worry about.

He starts to back out.


Looking for another path to take so that they can maybe .. shut these things down? What did the AER say about nanites? Oh yeah, haven't read that section yet. Dang it.
GM, 1687 posts
Thu 3 Feb 2022
at 23:39
  • msg #92

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 91):

"Nanos.  Damnit.  There's nothing in the briefing about experiments in nanos going on up here."

"This ain't right..."

Hemi frowns as he backs out behind you, covering your exit.  "Come again David?  What's not right?"

"This ain't what happened before."

You are outside, so you only see Hemi's back as he starts to come through the door.

And then his back is red.  All red.  Like he's been hit by a tidal wave of blood.

There's only a quick squawk.  A sudden "Hukk-"

And then the comm feed from Hemi goes blank.  Through the doorway, the room is suddenly a large wash of red color.  Like the air had turned to red lacquer.

"Hemi!  HEMI!  Copy!  Fuck! Retreat to the shuttle!  Pull back!"
Jack Sharpe
player, 561 posts
Fri 4 Feb 2022
at 00:15
  • msg #93

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

 Jack is a bit confused, but immediately as soon as Hemi starts to get consumed, he starts running. It makes no difference to reality, and he’d rather not experience what it’s like to be eaten by nanites. Running around the compound as fast as this mortal frame can move, he calls out: “Hemi was hit by the nanites, condition unknown.”

And then he’s sprinting again.
GM, 1689 posts
Sun 6 Feb 2022
at 01:13
  • msg #94

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 93):

"We got activity here too!"

HT's comm goes silent.  And then you see the wall from further further up in the compound blast open.  HT has burst through it, carrying Darja/Alchemist under one arm.  Behind him, a large gush of red comes spouting out like some effect in a kid's cartoon.

But the red doesn't pursue far.  It rushes back inside through the hole in the wall.  As you sprint towards the shuttle, you risk a look back.  The red wave has completely disappeared back inside.

Gutshot has landed on the ground and is following behind you.  She waves at you to keep going.

A moment later, HT is beside you.  "Please excuse..."

With that, he sweeps you up under his free arm and leaps forward, covering the distance to the shuttle in one bound.

He sets you both down.  "That's not what happened before.  Something's changed."

He looks back, seeing Gustshot sprinting towards you.  "I don't know what's goin' on.  But it's usually wise to assume the worst.  If anything happens to us here, it might have an effect on us back home.  Questions?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 562 posts
Mon 7 Feb 2022
at 02:36
  • msg #95

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jackpot starts to throw out chips rather liberally, tagging himself with oodles of good luck while throwing lots of the bad luck in the direction of the red plague. Trying to hit the right direction, right through the wall. Hopefully it’s considered a single entity.

When he spots HT, he makes sure to hit him with the good stuff as well while throwing even more bad luck at the red nanites in the hole. Not caring what he hits, as long as it’s in the right direction and away from his team mates.

“Nope, because I’m guessing you don’t have any better idea what is going on than we do,”
Jack answers Hardtime, even as he is picked up and being carried. “So this is what that feels like.”

GM, 1695 posts
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 02:35
  • msg #96

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 95):

Darja looks over at you.  "I know, right?"

HT is shaking his head.  "I don't get it.  Hemi shoulda been able to get outta that.  His suit has force field abbility.  So why didn't he-"

"Get inside the shuttle!" Gutshot is about ten meters out, coming in fast.  "Let's get airborne!"

HT nods and heads inside, shouting at the flight crew to fire engines.

"Shit!" he suddenly yells.  He comes out of the shuttle shaking his head.

"They're dead.  Someone 86'd 'em."

Gutshot stops and stares for a moment before pushing past him.

You can see through the doorway.  There's a body on the ground.  One of the flight crew.  It looks like his arms are missing.
Jack Sharpe
player, 563 posts
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 08:15
  • msg #97

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I think it’s safe to assume that nothing you expect to happen is going to happen, HT. Darja and I are rolling with it, you should too and stop being surprised all the time,” Jack tells the man as he is carried to the shuttle. Jumping free of the man, he goes over to look at the shuttle controls, trying to figure out how to fly it, in case he needs to.

But also to glance at the bodies.

“That’d take some strength,”
he remarks.
GM, 1698 posts
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 03:48
  • msg #98

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 97):

HT glances at you.  "It's hard to watch someone you've worked with get taken apart.  Even if it is just a head trip."

HT nods at your comment on strength.  "You got that right."

"Why tear them apart?"  You both look over at Darja.  She is looking inside, seemingly oblivious to the bloodshed inside.

"If it were the nanos...wouldn't they have just..."eaten" the bodies up?  Like with Hemi...sorry HT."

HT shakes his head. "No apologies necessary.  You're making a good point."

"What point?  The shuttle's been damaged." Gutshot walks back, wiping her bloody hands clean with a towel she picked up from somewhere.  "The pilot's all over the instrument panel.  I went to that guy's wife's birthday party last week.  Now I have to tell her he's dead.  I hate this part of the job."

She looks around.  "The nanos didn't follow us.  Maybe they're territorial.

"I tried sending out a distress beacon, but I'm not sure it's transmitting.  Team Two will send in a recon team after five hours of radio silence.  So we need to hold out until then.

"Thoughts? Observations?  What does everyone think we're dealing with?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 564 posts
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 07:48
  • msg #99

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"I can only imagine, HT. I'm trying to think of it like a really high fidelity video game," Jack admits quietly to the instructor. He's distancing himself from it and trying not to focus on the grizzly aspects of things. Thinking of them instead, as best he can, as a conceptual exercise.

Not as people.

Moving back toward the entrance to the craft, he hells out, "Darja! You and Jack need to come to my voice, it'll fix everything!" in Estonian. Hopefully, Gutshot doesn't understand and the experiment will pay off. He's actually sort of curious.

Maybe it'll work.

In any case, he looks back at Gutshot and shrugs.

"Some sort of mental manipulator, probably. I sort of doubt any of this is actually happening. Hemi shouldn't have been able to die like that, and the idea of multiple hostile forces all in one place, unnoticed, is absurd."
GM, 1699 posts
Sat 12 Feb 2022
at 03:34
  • msg #100

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 99):

Sorry.  It was a long week and I may not be tracking well.  Why did Jack shout that "come to the sound of my voice" part?

Sorry. Thanks

Jack Sharpe
player, 565 posts
Sat 12 Feb 2022
at 09:44
  • msg #101

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack is curious if this "world" would let him call out to Darja, who has her super-hearing, and MIGHT be able to hear him. His instincts are telling him that this is some sort of mind game or illusion (beyond the one that was intended), so messing with the status quo might be a good way to break it.
GM, 1700 posts
Sun 13 Feb 2022
at 04:19
  • msg #102

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 101):

Thanks.  That's what I thought, but did not want to assume

Darja/Alchemist looks over at you, cocking an eyebrow.  Huh?  I'm right here?

Gutshot gives you a look. "What was that?  When did you pick up a foreign language?"

HT cuts in quickly. "I think the idea this is a psychic attack is possible.  But...why couldn't there be multiple hostiles?"

Gutshot is silent a moment and then shrugs.  "Both are valid points.  But I'm wondering why whoever it is is messing with this research facility..."

"You mean why this target?"

Gutshot nods.  "Waiting for extraction is all well and good.  But if someone is getting up to something, I doubt they'll let us leave quietly.  The extraction team may just be more hamburger meat for them.

"I can't fix the comm board quickly.  They...whoever "they" are...did a good job screwing it up.  We can keep the heat on at least.

"For now, I wanna do a recon.  David, you come with me.  There's something I'm curious about.

"Al...your in charge here.  You and Jack try to do what you can getting the systems salvaged.  And...drag the bodies to the back, will ya?"

She and HT get ready to head out.  You see her lean onto Alchemist/Darja's shoulder and speak softly into his/her ear, then nod at HT and lead him out the shuttle door.

Darja waits for a moment and then looks over at you.  "She told me to keep an eye on you.  Jackpot suddenly knowing another langugage freaked her out.

"You think this is just a training exercise?  That maybe HT lied to us about what it was and this is some kinda simulation to teach us...I dunno.  Give us battlefield experience?"

She reaches down and grabs one of the bodies under the shoulders, starting to pull it towards the cargo bay.  Never thought I'd have to do this stuff again...
Jack Sharpe
player, 566 posts
Sun 13 Feb 2022
at 07:07
  • msg #103

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack shrugs, he’d only said as much because it was his gut instinct on the subject, he hadn’t made that call based on some sort of logical conclusion. It felt like the world itself was the trap, and there were obstructions on the various paths.

“Just the vibe,”
he decides to answer.

He nods at the decision by Gutshot and starts to drag the bodies, looking over at her with another slight shrug.

“I considered that. That or that the chain was trapped by some mystic, or that this is all Omen’s doing, since apparently they’re psychic in nature and I’ve been asking for training. That said, I’m not sure how aimlessly wandering around in a mental illusion is supposed to help me train to escape one. I was thinking more progressive-resistance training, since I’ve got an instinct that my ability to resist everything else will eventually kick in to the new source of trauma and help me become resistant,”
he rambles as he pulls the bodies toward the cargo bay.

“Not that I’m sure it’s them, either.”

GM, 1705 posts
Mon 14 Feb 2022
at 23:14
  • msg #104

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 103):

Darja stops dragging the body and looks at you, cocking an eyebrow.  "That is some instinct you have there.

"Really Jack. Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to the President of the United States when I'm with you.  You really-"

She stops as you both hear something new.

klik klik klik klik klik klik klik

It sounds like sharp nails tapping on metal.  Or in this case, something skittering all over the upper hull of the shuttle.  A big something.
Jack Sharpe
player, 567 posts
Tue 15 Feb 2022
at 03:07
  • msg #105

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack is actually curious what she was about to say, and makes a mental note to ask about it later. He'll need to review his 'how to act like a normal person' checklist, though honestly being normal without super-reaction speed is remarkably easier. No pauses between sentences!

When he hears the 'klik'ing, he readies a bit of luck in either hand, hitting Darja first with good luck and then throwing the bad luck in the direction of the skitterer.

"Gutshot, HT, we've got something big and bugg-y sounding on the exterior of the shuttle,"
he relays.
GM, 1707 posts
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 05:37
  • msg #106

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 105):

The comm squawks.

HT starts up "Copy. Can you-"

The comm squawks out. And dies.

Darja holds up her comm too.  Same boat.

The kliking starts skittering about the hull, heading towards the direction of the cockpit.

Darja points at the cargo bay door.

"Maybe we seal ourselves inside until we see what's going on? And I can figure out if I can actually do something useful with all these bottles?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 568 posts
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 08:51
  • msg #107

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack continues to throw good luck and him and the Darjchemist, while he throws as much bad luck as he can at the skitterer’s skittering. He can’t know exactly where it is, but he has to try to do something. This guy isn’t armed or anything. Next time: bring a gun.

“We can try that, or you could lob one at it randomly. I’ve lucked you and hexed it, probably? It might just randomly be the lucky draw we need?”
he proposes.

But all the same he starts to move toward the rear hatch, pulling her along with him. They might throw it, but first he wants to see what it does to the cockpit.

“Let’s see if it can get through the cockpit glass and hull.”

GM, 1711 posts
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 04:15
  • msg #108

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 107):

The answer on whether it seems if it can get through the hull is...oh yeah.

You hear the unmistakable sound of metal coming apart from up towards the cockpit.

Darja sighs and goes to the loading bay door.  She presses the button.  "Maybe now is a good time to re..."

The door doesn't open.  Then the power goes off

"...treat. Well shit."

She takes out a couple of phials.  "We got two choices.  I think this one will act like a bomb.  This one I think will give whoever takes it like...strength or something.  You know. Our kinda strength.  Or there abouts.  HT wasn't sure.

"Which do you wanna try?"

From the sounds coming from the cockpit, whatever it is has come inside and is tearing down towards the passenger area.  From there, next stop would be the cargo bay.

Sounds like it's moving pretty quick.
Jack Sharpe
player, 569 posts
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 05:39
  • msg #109

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

He’d sort of seen that coming, but he might also be responsible with all his crazy throwing of hexes around. So he doesn’t say anything.

“Well, looks like we got nothing to try but fight,”
he decides.

Listening to the report on the vials, he nods his head slowly and then snorts, amused, not actually arrogant though it possibly sounds that way. “They wish it gave them my strength. But I get it, uh, I’ll take the strength, you probably have better accuracy without your powers than I do. I feel so awkward. See if you can land it in the cockpit from here, or wait for it to be in the passenger cabin?”

He leaves her to make the call based on her own estimation of her ability to throw.
GM, 1715 posts
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 04:07
  • msg #110

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 109):

She tosses you the bottle.

The skittering sounds are coming pretty fast.

"I'll toss the bomb.  You charge in.  I'll...see what else I have.  Ready?"

Drinking the bottle?
Jack Sharpe
player, 570 posts
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 22:48
  • msg #111

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack quickly hits the both of them with good luck, throwing the hexes in the direction of the skitterer. Doing his best guess at direction based on the sounds of damage being done.

Once he has thrown the luck as necessary, loading them up for a hopeful ‘jackpot’ he drinks the potion.

“Go for it!”
he says.
GM, 1716 posts
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 23:48
  • msg #112

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 111):

Darja lobs the bomb...

There's a shuttle shaking KA-BOOOOOOOM!.  As the ship rattles, you manage to down the whatever it is you're drinking.  Tastes like grapefruit soda for some reason.  Wait a minute...Fresca?

But by then the skitterer is through the cargo bay door.

It's more or less a giant centipede.  Except it's got human like eyes all over it's front sections.

The bomb obviously did some damage to it.  There are deep gouges along it's top.  A kind of bluish ichor is leaking out from the wounds.

Also, it seems pissed.

It rears it's head, clicking some rather impressive looking mandibles, and launches at Darja/Alchemist.

You feel a warmth spread through your body.  You aren't sure how strong you are.  Definitely not You-you level.  But...well.  Only one way to find out.
Jack Sharpe
player, 571 posts
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 00:08
  • msg #113

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack curses silently about the Fresca.

Then he grabs the nearest thing he can, something big and heavy, and throws it at the skitterer. Trying to force its vision toward the thrown thing. Better to open its guard so that he can proceed to the next step.

Leaping forward, he enjoys having some of his strength back, but it’ll take some getting used to. He reaches out to try to grab for the wounds that Darja had created, and to pry them further open.

Mixing it up with punches and other strikes as necessary as he does his best to combat the thing.

“Look for one that says something about shrinking, maybe?”
he suggests as he struggles with his many-legged foe.
GM, 1722 posts
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 03:34
  • msg #114

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 113):

You grab up a crate.  It's something you should be able to toss across the Mississippi with one finger.  You get it airborne but that's what sore shoulders feels like.  You aren't even as strong as HT.

You land on the centipede and start to dig in.  Whatever kind of illusion you're in, it's pretty sophisticated.  The centipede's flesh feels slippery, rubbery, and gross.  You get some of the goo in your mouth.  The taste is something that will haunt you for years to come.  But even worse is the smell.  It's like old socks treated with nail polish and left to ferment in the summer sun.

The centipede is organic.  You rip into muscles and manage to do some serious damage before it tosses you aside.  Landing, you suddenly hear another explosion.  A second later you're pelted by gooey centipede bits as it comes apart.

"Found another bomb instead.  Just found the shrinking though. You okay?"

You are kind of sore.

"This one says healing.  Anyway.  I can't hear HT or Gutshot on the comm.  Should we go look for them?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 572 posts
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 07:37
  • msg #115

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

As they get the centipede dealt with, Jack rolls his muscles and performs the stretches he usually does to seem more ‘human-like’ but instead now with the purpose of keeping himself limber. This illusion is too good.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just a bit sore,”
he answers promptly as he moves over to crawl past it toward the cockpit and where it’d gotten in. Peering outward. Since they can’t get out through the rear hatch.

‘Keep the healing ready, in case we need it, and normally if it weren’t that the world were configured to screw us apparently, I’d say the smart move for two people of our current powers (but lacking experience,) would be to wait here. But my gut tells me that whatever this place is supposed to do isn’t to act realistic, and if something came once, it can come again. Let’s regroup.”

That said, he starts the effort of getting out of the shuttle.
GM, 1723 posts
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 01:20
  • msg #116

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 115):

It's easy enough to get out of the shuttle.  Almost too easy.

Bwah ha ha

The wind has picked up and whipped up the snow.  You can still see HT and Gutshot's tracks though.

The base is hard to make out.  But you can tell one part of it seems to be glowing red.  Not like on fire red.  But...well.  Kind of glowing red.

You think it's coming from the front section HT and Darja explored.

Darja comes out behind you, studying a couple more flasks.  She/he looks over your shoulder.

That doesn't look good

She/he puts the flasks away and mutters, "You know what's really bad? I gotta use the bathroom, but I'm kind of scared to know. I'm not a guy.

"Anyway. The mysterious glowy part of the compound? Or the part where at least one person already died?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 573 posts
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 01:28
  • msg #117

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack looks over at Darja and agrees with her assessment. It doesn’t look good. Touching his earpiece, he calls out for HT and Gutshot: “Gutshot or anyone hear me?”

In case being out of the shuttle made a difference.

Looking around, he points at the area that isn’t glowing.

“Let’s assume that the glowing red is bad, and go away from that.”

GM, 1727 posts
Sun 27 Feb 2022
at 03:35
  • msg #118

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 117):

She/he nods.  "No arguments here."

No response from HT or Gutshot.  The comm line is just full of static.

The two of you follow the same route you did with Hemi earlier.  Nothing has changed per se.  The sheds are still as they were.  The door to the garage is open partly.  However, inside, nothing is red.  The nanos are either hiding or have left.

Darja peeks around your shoulder.  "Is this where you and Hemi..."

She trails off.

Before you can answer, you hear a loud BAM BAM BAM.

It sounds like gunfire.  It's coming from above and further to the north.  Sounds like Gutshot...she's the only one with a gun after back up on the roof.
Jack Sharpe
player, 574 posts
Mon 28 Feb 2022
at 01:46
  • msg #119

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack leads the way, since he’d been this way before and is watchful of the same nooks and crannies he’d been suspicious of the first time. This time, he’s a bit better at checking things quickly however, since there are fewer surprises about the small amount of architecture they walk past.

As they get to the partly opened doors, he starts to nod when she asks about Hemi. The question is the natural one.

Glancing upwards at the sounds of gunfire, he ponders for a moment and suggests, “Let’s see if there’s a way onto the roof?”

And then he hits them both with some more good luck and throws off a few hexes randomly at the dirt nearby. May that ground be bathed in Fresca.
GM, 1728 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 03:50
  • msg #120

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 119):

You're going to feel bad when you find out Jack's kryptonite is Fresca

Darja give you a boost...she's the taller of the two of you now...and you swing up onto the roof.  You haul her up, but you notice it takes some doing.  Her strength potion seems to be fading.

The snow is still being kicked up by the wind.  So you don't have clear visibility.  But you can see the roof currently seems empty of anyone.  If Gutshot was here, she's gone now.

You can see squares of light ahead on the rooftop.  Skylights.  The lighting inside is shing up through them.  The closest couple are the normal yellowish kind of light.  But the one after that is red.  So are the ones past that.

From what you recall of the map, that means the red glow is filling up the front of the compound and probably down to the cafeteria where you were all supposed to rendevous.  The first skylight is for the garage.  The second aren't sure.  The kennels maybe?

Jack Sharpe
player, 575 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 14:43
  • msg #121

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Let's move forward," Jack suggests with a shrug and starts to do just that. They aren't going to 'solve' this place by standing still and doing nothing. Or maybe they would, but his nature is to progress forward.

Be Aggressive.
GM, 1735 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 04:40
  • msg #122

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 121):

You come to the first skylight.  As you thought, it just looks down into the garage.  No sign of the nanos in there now.  Or, they're hiding really well.

You get to the second skylight.  It looks down into a room lined with cages on one side.  Dead sled dogs are tossed all over the place.

...litapoeg...  She points at the bodies.  "Didn't the nanos...consume Hemi all up?  I mean...I didn't see a body or any blood back there.  So what killed the dogs?  And why didn't the nanos kill that centipede thing we faced earlier?"

Other than the dead dogs, the kennel below seems clear.  You can let yourself down into the room from here or head to the next skylight, which is glowing red.
Jack Sharpe
player, 576 posts
Fri 4 Mar 2022
at 18:06
  • msg #123

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack nods over at the Darja-chemist, thinking about it, “They didn’t kill it because this place isn’t based on reality. The same reason they aren’t consuming everything like a standard grey goo scenario. It’s fiction, remember none of this is what happened. It’s either an attack or someone is playing games with us, or me, or you,” he reminds her as he starts to lead the way to the next skylight.

As he walks at a brisk pace he thinks to his reading in the AER. He hadn’t read more than a few hundred pages on nanites. Just a brushing to give him some idea what he’s dealing with before he’d moved onto a new topic. Aerodynamics of unladen swallows or something of the sort, if he remembers correctly. Though his memory is feeling a bit unusual here. His senses all being linked, and without his speed of mind his thoughts feel a bit muddled to pull to the surface.

“Though, if they were programmed to attack but not consume, only enough to maintain their number, I suppose they might not become a grey goo scenario. The not-attacked targets could be explained if the crawler had some sort of marker on it, or was specifically included as a rule,”
he theorizes a way.

But at the end of the day..

“But I still think the whole thing is nonsense. But for now, let’s just act like it happened this way. Let’s find the controller,”
he decides.

Another pause.

"If I say the word: Manitou. What do you hear?"

GM, 1738 posts
Sun 6 Mar 2022
at 06:31
  • msg #124

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 123):

Someone's been reading ahead in the syllabus

Darja frowns.  "Is this really a good time to talk about Fresca?"

The roof under her comes apart like a bullet traveling through a sheet of paper.  Her/his body flies upwards, one of her ankles caught up in the mandibles of another centipede.  You can see her neck jerk in a direction it shouldn't and can almost hear the snap.

The centipede whips it's body, sending Darja/Alchemist flying.  You can see a thin spray of red as her ankle seperates from the rest of her body.

It rears back and starts to strike dive towards you.
Jack Sharpe
player, 577 posts
Sun 6 Mar 2022
at 09:03
  • msg #125

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack shakes his head as a bit of energy drains from his soul. Fucking Fresca.

As Darja is hit by the centipede, he immediately leaps back and starts to ready the luck coins. Throwing first a bit of luck into his own chest while the other starts to throw hexes at the centipede. Backpedaling all the while, he tries to get some luck over to Darja even as he scrambles and starts to run. Giving her time to get on her foot. Maybe she can use that healing potion.

“I’ll try to lead it away Darja, use the potions!”
he calls out as he tries to run. Jumping over one of the skylights they’d crossed over earlier. All the while, he does his best with this mortal body to throw hexes and luck as best he can. Doling them out as appropriate.
GM, 1739 posts
Mon 7 Mar 2022
at 00:44
  • msg #126

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 125):

The centipede lunges at you as you turn, it's maw making sparks as it scrapes across the rooftop.

You rush forward, leaping like a gazelle over the kennel skylight.

The centipede isn't obviously the smartest of creatures. It tries to charge right at you, and manages to crash through the skylight.  You watch it's body whip through the jagged opening and hear a sick thud sound.

Glancing through, you can see the centipede is still moving, though it appears the glass and fall took some toll on it.
Jack Sharpe
player, 578 posts
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 12:20
  • msg #127

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack leaves the centipede, not able to do anything more than throw a few hexes at it before he departs back toward Darja. They haven’t seemed to do a whole lot, then again, maybe without a hex on it, it would have jumped over the sky light? Who knows.

Running over toward Darja, he calls out, “You still with me Princess? As soon as you can move, we need to keep moving, the centipede is down, but not fully out of the fight.”
GM, 1744 posts
Fri 11 Mar 2022
at 01:17
  • msg #128

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 127):

Princess is not moving.  And she does not seem to be with you.

Darja/Alchemist's neck seems to have snapped.  She/he is dead.

From inside the building, you can hear the centipede starting to recover.  Sounds like it may start rampaging.

In your ear, your comm comes to life.  HT, though there's a lot of intereference.

...Jack...s you...up.  You need to...
Jack Sharpe
player, 579 posts
Fri 11 Mar 2022
at 02:45
  • msg #129

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack runs over to Darja, since he can’t really check for a heartbeat without putting his fingers on her neck. Stupid human-level senses. But then he notices the way her neck is twisted, and the way her neck lolls, and he puts the pieces together. “I’ll probably be right behind you, Princess,” he tells the alchemist’s body even as he starts to loot him.

If it were Darja’s actual body, he’d be a bit more hesitant to search her for loot, but seeing the situation he’s in, he starts to pull out bottles, stuffing them in his pockets. As he takes off running again, he listens to the message and tries to pay attention to the instructions.

Moving in the direction of the red now.

They’re probably defending their controller.

As he hoofs it, he starts looking at the bottles, trying to puzzle out what each of them does. Using his grasp of languages and memory to try to make sense of any labels, and otherwise just relying on colors and similarity to what he’d seen used so far.

"Repeat your last HT."

GM, 1749 posts
Sun 13 Mar 2022
at 02:21
  • msg #130

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 129):

The bottles you can find are labeled







The static comes back, thicker than the blizzard that seems to be starting up.'s all about y...

Your associates aren't very smart, are they?

You've just found a side door that probably leads into the cafeteria when you hear the voice.  It's been a while.  Dad still sounds as disinterested and contemptuous as ever.

If you can judge a man by the company they keep, what does that say about you Son?
Jack Sharpe
player, 580 posts
Sun 13 Mar 2022
at 16:27
  • msg #131

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack pauses when the voice comes through, and sorts out the bottles into pockets so that he can use them when appropriate. Rather than needing to re-read them.

Hearing the voice, he just nods his head to himself.

“I assume all of this has a point, and isn’t just some sort of field test,”
he questions as he continues to examine the area, looking for the controller.
GM, 1752 posts
Mon 14 Mar 2022
at 01:49
  • msg #132

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 131):

IF the controller is around, he/she/it is inside.  At least from what you guess.

On the other side of the door, you hear a steady kind of pulsing noise.  A generator hum.  There's also a sound like...popcorn popping?  You can't tell.  It's a little faint.  If you had to guess, it must be coming from the far side of the cafeteria, right across from this door.

If this were a field test, wouldn't it be a little better organized?  There's no point in testing you in a body that isn't yours, with powers you don't have.

I guess the point is whatever those idiots wanted it to be.  Letting you see "the action".  Like seeing it would benefit you in any way, shape, or form.

Funny.  Instead of letting the advanced students go ahead at their own pace, they are trying to bog you down to match the speed of the slower students.  How that's going to make you a better "hero", I have no idea.

Be honest Son.  Aren't you just a tad bit bored by all this?  It really is beneath you.

Jack Sharpe
player, 581 posts
Mon 14 Mar 2022
at 16:18
  • msg #133

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Oh, so you’re part of the randomness, not actually dad, that makes more sense,” Jack decides as he continues forward. Coming up to the door, he starts to bombard it and whatever lies beyond with hexes. He can’t really explain the entirety of the vibe he gets, but dad wouldn’t do something random without purpose, and he also wouldn’t try to divert the topic so blatantly—and if he didn’t create it, that means the voice is just part of the mass hallucination.

A pause as he considers, lobbing hexes at the door while slapping himself with good luck discs.

“Don’t suppose you can tell me where the solution to this place is?
” he asks.

Whipping open the door, he gives it a quick glance.
GM, 1754 posts
Tue 15 Mar 2022
at 00:00
  • msg #134

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 133):

So if I'm part of the hallucination, does that mean I'm just saying out loud what you really think of everything?

The cafeteria is a mess.  You found Gut Shot.  She's laying on one of the tables.  Well, her top half is.  Her legs are on the floor.

The red glow is coming from the walls.  The nanos again, but they seem to be preoccupied with doing something to the walls.  It's like they are embedding wiring and circuitry into the concrete.

To your left, right, and straight ahead are doors.  You guess the right is the direction HT and Darja originally were supposed to enter from.  The left should take you to the kennels.  And straight ahead would be those labs.

Curious.  They seem to be outfitting the room for some kind of spatial transport circuit.  See that mass over there?  It's going to be a coordinates control panel.  I tinkered with that design myself.

Oh. Don't forget about the centipede.  By my calculations it should come through the doors on your left-

The doors on the left fly open and the centipede you dropped through the skylight comes roaring in.  Obviously none too happy about what went down earlier.

Hmm.  I was off by 2.8 seconds.  I'm getting sloppy in my old age.
Jack Sharpe
player, 582 posts
Tue 15 Mar 2022
at 16:02
  • msg #135

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack picks up one of Gut Shot’s guns, just in case, adding it to his gear. Making the best out of the collection of items. Slinging it around his shoulders and letting it hang from his side, he looks around and seems to be listening to father-illusion.

“I’ll humor you, illusion-dad. If you were involved with this, you’d have made it, and you’d know that I’d know that. So, there’d be a purpose to this,”
he explains to the voice in his head. Even as he continues walking. Looking at the circuitry, he considers tossing a few hexes, but decides to see what the nanos will come up with. “Also, no, I like Darja and HT.”

Spatial transport might ‘get him out.’

“Are the nanos maybe the solution? Everyone we’ve seen that died was killed by methods I’d consider non-nano,” he confirms and nods his head. That seems to make things fit. "But then again.."

When his father-delusion mentions the centipede, he starts to prep a hex and is in the process of fishing out the BOOM when the thing crashes into the room.

Even as he scrambles to get away, he does his best to lob both in the correct direction.
GM, 1756 posts
Wed 16 Mar 2022
at 00:59
  • msg #136

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 135):

I like you.  I like your mother.  I even like your Aunt Marlene.  But "like" doesn't preclude treating someone like a chess piece.  You should remember that.

The centipede charges at you as you start to try to lob the hex and the BOOM.

Problem is you have the good hex and the bad hex in each hand.  You'll need to drop one or other to have a hand free for the BOOM...
Jack Sharpe
player, 583 posts
Wed 16 Mar 2022
at 02:21
  • msg #137

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack throws the good hex at his chest even as he reaches for that BOOM. He isn't clear if he can really affect himself, but it does free up a hand.

"And you should remember that if you ever do what you did to mom again, I'll find you and hit you with a telephone pole from space,"
Jack warns the illusion, fully expecting he's just having a cathartic moment with himself, and not talking to his father. But then again, maybe he's wrong.

Oh well.
GM, 1760 posts
Fri 18 Mar 2022
at 02:07
  • msg #138

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 137):

You've been to a planet where they have telephone poles?  Because I doubt there are any left on Earth at this point in our technological progress.

The centipede takes the bad luck hex as it lunges at you.  You manage to side step as you fish out the BOOOM and toss it.

It catches the centipede on the side.  Predictably, the bottle goes


Your eyes shut involuntarily but you hear the centipede smashing against cafeteria tables and whumping against the far wall.

When you can see, the centipede is still up.  Sorta.  It's peeling itself off the wall, slowly.  Moving like an old woman first thing in the morning.

As far as your haven't done a real bang up job of finding me yet, now have you?

Also, what makes you think


The noise doesn't just burst into your ears. It explodes.  You don't even feel your knees as you hit the ground, hands clutching to the side of your head.  There's a warm sticky feeling on your fingers.  You are guessing the noise was enough to burst your eardrums.

If the centipede or nanos heard it, they aren't acting like it meant much to them.

Your head ringing, you get up on your feet.  Dad isn't saying anything else at the moment.

The centipede seems like it's trying to get itself into moving, but not having much luck with that.  One good hit should finish it off.
Jack Sharpe
player, 584 posts
Fri 18 Mar 2022
at 02:36
  • msg #139

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Dad, anyone ever tell you that you’re like one of those people on the internet who begins every rebuttal with the word actually? Why would I use a telephone pole? I was being illustrative,” Jack rolls his eyes. He actually knows he behaves the same way sometimes, but that’s just the product of being the child of two super-scientists.

He sort of can’t help but think that way. Though he does try to act at least a little normal.

Speaking of which, this better not be taking as long in the real world as it is taking here. Hearing the comment about finding dad-illusion, he rolls his eyes.

“I haven’t been trying to find you, old man.  Just remember what I said the next time you think about messing with mom,”
he replies as soon as the noise goes off, though his voice is dulled by the lack of functioning eardrums. Gritting his teeth against the pain, he fishes out one of the strength potions, downs it and runs over to smash the centipede.

Looking around at the nanos, he continues to debate his options.

If he guessed right and the nanos are trying to fix things, and that’s why the team was attacked by non-nano, then what happened to Hemi? Hemi went silent after they’d swarmed him, and they definitely had swarmed him. But perhaps that was just the attempt to fix whatever was going wrong.

.. but the nanos are also super tech, and doesn’t really scream like a fix to an alchemist’s ‘mind chain.’

Loading up a hex, he starts throwing them at all the circuits the nanos are working on.
GM, 1764 posts
Wed 23 Mar 2022
at 02:43
  • msg #140

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 139):

You shake your fist, flinging away the centipede goo.  That thing is down.

The hexes seem to have an actual effect.  The circuits start sparking or smoking or seem to come apart.

But it's like sweeping back the tide.  The nanos just rush in and fix what goes ker-fluey.

From what you can tell, the nanos seem to be trying to install the circuitry as opposed to fixing it.  They seem to be building whatever around the walls of the room.  Where they got the parts from, who knows?

Maybe from the labs section, which as far as you know, is the only area left.

No sign of HT.

You have doors straight ahead which lead to the labs section.  That section is also glowing red.

Or you can do whatever.  It's your world. I just dance in it.

Jack Sharpe
player, 585 posts
Wed 23 Mar 2022
at 02:46
  • msg #141

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack throws a few more hexes as he walks out of the room, making his way deeper into the lab to look for some sort of control system. He has no idea what he is supposed to do here, but he doesn't feel like he is going to make much progress in this room. So, he progresses forward, checking his remaining elixirs as he travels.
GM, 1765 posts
Wed 23 Mar 2022
at 02:55
  • msg #142

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 141):

The hall past the doors heads straight.  Two large rooms open off each side and there is a large room at the end.

The left door is closed.  There's no light coming out from under it.  There's a sign on it reading <bold>DEAD ROOM</bold>

The door on the right has been torn off it's hinges.  There's a big gaping hole.  Inside, there is a rather spacious lab with three large tubes about the size of pick up trucks in the middle.  Two of the tubes are split open, the floor covered with some kind of mucus-greenish fluid.

The large room ahead has no door.  It's an even bigger lab space.  There's a pillar of red light pulsing in the middle of it.  The space around it has been cleared.  Tables and equipment just pushed out of the way.

HT is on the floor in front of it.  One of his arms are twisted off. He's not moving.

There's someone at a computer near the back of the room.  They look up.

It's not Dad.  It's a tall man with flat plastic-looking red skin.  It's three eyes are really just slits of yellow.  It looks up at you and cocks it's head.

Them of last the are you?
Jack Sharpe
player, 586 posts
Wed 23 Mar 2022
at 03:01
  • msg #143

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I suppose I am,” Jack replies after he takes a moment to puzzle out what the red-skinned man is saying, trying to make sense of things. Looking first at HT and then at the pillar of red light, he isn’t exactly sure what he’s seeing, but his gut instinct tells him that this is the source of the problem. That’s what HT had been trying to tell him.

As he stands there, he makes sure he knows where all of the elixirs are and is ready to throw his luck as necessary. He'll have to make the most out of every split second if the thing could beat HT so easily.
GM, 1769 posts
Thu 24 Mar 2022
at 01:57
  • msg #144

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 143):

Red stands, nodding, and waves a hand.  Nanos peel off the wall and float towards him.

Agree will you?  Host a need I.  Once only and once you to this offer will I.  Time waste not Let's.
Jack Sharpe
player, 587 posts
Thu 24 Mar 2022
at 01:59
  • msg #145

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Not going to happen," Jack says and pulls out a BOOM. Readying a hex with the other hand, he asks, "What are you and where did you come from?" he keeps the questions simple. He'd rather self destruct than let this thing make him his 'host.' But he isn't going to just automatically do that, maybe he can learn something first.
GM, 1771 posts
Thu 24 Mar 2022
at 21:00
  • msg #146

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 145):

End the is beginning the and beginning the is end the.  Again begins everything or forward move to have I.  Backwards am I.

Obstacle an are you, me with not  are you if.

Red Guy raises his arm and the nanos start to form into a cylinder heading towards you.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:00, Thu 24 Mar 2022.
Jack Sharpe
player, 588 posts
Thu 24 Mar 2022
at 21:08
  • msg #147

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack starts throwing hexes and the BOOM at the Red Guy, followed by METAL, because why not, and then takes another of the STRENGTH potions. Once he has finished drinking, he picks up and starts throwing anything he can get his hands on, at the Red Guy. Trying to make sense of the problem. So he’s some sort of time-traveling nonsense entity.

And he’s going backwards?

Doesn’t that mean that Jack already won, since he didn’t encounter him before this? Or is causality broken?
GM, 1775 posts
Sat 26 Mar 2022
at 03:04
  • msg #148

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 147):

The nano swarm breaks around the hexes and BOOM.  Red sidesteps the hexes but can't dodge the BOOM.  As it goes off, you pop the cap on the METAL.

There are several different scenarios where what he's saying makes sense and causality is not broken. Dad chimes in, helpful as always.  Want to hear them?

The METAL tastes surprisingly like Ginger Ale.  As it rolls down your throat, you suddenly feel warm all over.  And your skin changes to....well.  Metal.  It's some kind of liquid metal.

Huh.  That's handy.  See if you can morph.

Note:  you can. You are, for a limited time, a being of liquid metal.

Have fun

Jack Sharpe
player, 589 posts
Sat 26 Mar 2022
at 03:19
  • msg #149

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack is glad this is the result of METAL, to be honest, he’d sort of wondered if it might not be some sort of metal wall. Heck, knowing that the Alchemist is a giant mental case, it could have also been an air-guitar followed by riffs of guitar playing for sonic attacks. With the ability to shift, he hopes that simply imagining what he wants to do is sufficient.

Then he thrusts forward in an attempt to skewer the Red Guy. If he can get a point into the guy, he injects “metal” rapidly and attempts to burst the guy apart. Ripping him apart.

"No one is stopping you from being useful."

GM, 1778 posts
Mon 28 Mar 2022
at 04:22
  • msg #150

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 149):

Are you talking to me or the colony creature over there?

You shove your hands into Red.  He seems to come apart, but then turns into waves of red that start to flow up your arm towards you.

You need to broadcast a jamming wave.  Head back to that other room.  You can use some of the circuitry the nanos were installing on the wall to rig one quickly.
Jack Sharpe
player, 590 posts
Mon 28 Mar 2022
at 05:21
  • msg #151

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack severs his connection with the piece that has begun being taken over by the red and turns to run back into the room that the nanos had been working on. He still doesn't know if it really is his dad, but he does trust that his dad doesn't want him getting possessed by some sort of red-goober monster. So maybe this is the right thing to do? It's hard to know.

Running to the circuits, he considers his options as quickly as he can. Trying to figure out the best way to get access without messing with the nanos.

While he considers it, he pulls out another hex and another luck. Hitting himself and Backwards-Man respectively.
GM, 1781 posts
Tue 29 Mar 2022
at 01:23
  • msg #152

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 151):

I'd recommend sending part of a hand or do what I tell it to.  The rest of you can play with the colony creature.

Red barrels into the room not far behind you.  It seems to morph into a cloud and heads towards you, as if to envelop you.
Jack Sharpe
player, 591 posts
Tue 29 Mar 2022
at 01:32
  • msg #153

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack takes a moment to separate a chunk and reforms his foot as he shuffles sideways, throwing hexes and luck-coins. He also fishes out VINE and throws it at the Backwards Man. Still not sure he trusts, but he'd really rather not find out what happens if he is possessed by the guy.

Maybe I should just blow myself up.

GM, 1787 posts
Thu 31 Mar 2022
at 02:43
  • msg #154

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 153):

Don't ever even think about doing that Son.  Dad jumps on that as soon as the thought crosses your mind.  You are too important

The VINE potion explodes in a mass of...well...vines.  Thick, knotty, thorny ones.  It's not quite effective against a being made up of nanos. But it does give you some cover for a minute.

While your foot finishes reforming, Dad alerts you.  Finished with the jammer.  Get ready.  This thing should have some kind of core.  You'll only have about fifteen seconds to find it and smash it.  Ready?  Go

Whatever he does, Red suddenly drifts apart into a thin mist of redness.

You see two glowing lights where it's eyes were.  One is glowing red.  The other glows purple.

They suddenly split apart and start flying in separate directions.
Jack Sharpe
player, 592 posts
Thu 31 Mar 2022
at 04:22
  • msg #155

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I doubt it’d do anything to me outside this,” Jack answers the illusion-dad with a shake of the head, and prepares to launch himself at the business when it splits apart and the cores go flying in different directions. Forming a knife out of his hand, he throws it at the red one as he chases after it, trying to bring it down from range so that he can double back and go after the other one as well.
GM, 1790 posts
Fri 1 Apr 2022
at 02:28
  • msg #156

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 155):

One thing about this Jack:  his pitching arm is in good shape.  You knife the red dot and it splits apart.

Suddenly, all the red in the room sort of collapses.  It's like someone just poured a dump truck full of Cherry Kool Aid from the ceiling.  It sort of splashes on the floor.

The purple eye is nowhere to be seen.

Well that worked out better than I though.

Anyway.  Good luck Son. And don't say I didn't try to warn you.

The room starts to go fuzzy.

Any parting words for Ghost-Dad before we return you back to reality?
Jack Sharpe
player, 593 posts
Fri 1 Apr 2022
at 03:35
  • msg #157

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"What the hell does that mean?" he calls after the departing voice. Warning? He hadn't told him squat, and if he'd wanted to tell him something he had ample time. Looking around at the world as it starts to go fuzzy, he waits to wake up in his own body. Hopefully nobody is poking at it with anything.
GM, 1794 posts
Sat 2 Apr 2022
at 02:20
  • msg #158

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 157):

They're poking at you.

Poke poke.

You open your eyes.  HT, Gut Shot, and a guy you haven't seen before are standing around you.

You're at the school.  The underground part anyway.  The infirmary.

HT grins.  "About time there Sleeping Beauty."

"See?" says the new guy.  "I told you it wasn't the memory chain's fault."

Gut Shot shoots him a look.  "We haven't really established that yet, have we?"

New Guy sighs.  He looks at you.  "Do you like nachos?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 594 posts
Sat 2 Apr 2022
at 02:32
  • msg #159

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Not my fault you wusses couldn’t handle a red-nano time traveler and some feral centipedes,” Jack replies to HT and reaches up to puff up his collar, clearly being sarcastic, it was obviously a shit-show and he doesn’t think it was easy in the slightest. It was mostly luck and having dad-illusion there that made it possible.

Looking at the new guy, he wonders if this is the Alchemist without the outfit and whatever else he might do, but he doesn’t ask. He figures introductions will happen naturally.

Now back in his body, his mind has sped up again and so he takes the moment to enjoy and rehash all of his memories of the events that have just transpired, making sure that they are actually properly tucked away in his memory and not in some sort of metaphysical variation of it. He also enjoys having his senses working and for a moment hovers in place before setting back down.

“Depends on the nachos, but yeah,”
he replies to new guy. “Who are you?”
GM, 1797 posts
Mon 4 Apr 2022
at 01:01
  • msg #160

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 159):

HT cocks an eyebrow.  "Red guy? Nanos? What're you talkin' about?"

The short guy holds up a hand.  "Hold on.  Before we get into a whole "who's on first" routine..."

He turns back to you.

"You can call me Omen.  Nice to meet you finally.

"Short version of events is this.  The memory exercise didn't work.  Not for you at any rate.  Something happened.  We'll get back to that in a bit.  But you were seperated from Hard Time and Darja.  And your mind.

"Can you tell me everything that happened after you started the exercise please?"

You can summarize if you wish.  Or just tell me if you are telling them everything from start to finish.  What I mostly need to know is if you lie about anything and/or leave anything out.  And yes, that includes the stuff about Dad.


Jack Sharpe
player, 595 posts
Mon 4 Apr 2022
at 01:13
  • msg #161

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

As usual, it's part of his personality or maybe just because he grew up invulnerable, Jack's response to the fact that he was in a seriously dangerous situation is to sort of shrug and nod. "Ah."

When asked, he answers the question completely, not leaving a single thing out. Now that his memory is fully useful again, he will even relay things like dialogues, though he’ll gloss over them if not asked to expand. He does however go into details about the circuit, thinking that perhaps it was the point all along.

He doesn’t speculate on any sort of reasons or what had actually happened, but instead listens to Omen’s explanation if one is given.

“Is your name Fred, by the way? Or was that fiction created by my subconscious when I asked Gutshot about you?”
he asks Omen.
GM, 1798 posts
Mon 4 Apr 2022
at 01:19
  • msg #162

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 161):

Omen frowns.  Over his head, HT and Gutshot exchange a look.  HT doesn't seem too happy about the conversation you had with Gutshot on the shuttle.

Omen nods slowly.  "Thanks for being so forthcoming.  Yeah.  I'm a Fred.  At times anyway.  But let's stick with Omen for now.

"So here's what I can tell happened.  When you tried to open up to the memory chain Al put together, something cut you loose.  You got tossed into what was probably an alternate timeline.  I couldn't find you in this one or any of the close dimensions.

"What's got my curiosity up is...the thing that cut you loose?  Seems to be in here."

He taps your forehead with the tip of one short, thick finger.  "You have quite the little defense barrier up in there.  Or more accurately, you got a sigil cut onto your soul.  That's quite the impressive thing.

"Any idea how it got there?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 596 posts
Mon 4 Apr 2022
at 01:43
  • msg #163

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack listens to Omen, and hearing that he is indeed Fred he begins to wonder about alternate universes and multiverse theory, also about ideas he’d read on AER about shared memories. He nods his head slightly at the explanation, though that does make him curious about Manitou. That name had caused all sorts of static in that world.

“No problem.”

He isn’t the least bit ashamed of asking questions, and doesn’t really care if they don’t like it. They should know better, he’s going to ask questions and try to figure things out. Just the way he is, at least he isn’t outright investigating half the things he clearly knows about. Despite wanting to.

“That’s interesting that I was cut loose, but Darja and HT were both thrown over there, but  .. not. Since they were both still themselves, but Darja was in Al’s body. I have an idea or two,”
he answers, thinking about it a little. Then seeing as it’s Omen and Omen is sort of an expert on these things, he speculates, “Something related to Manitou.  Both when Gutshot brought it up, and when I speculated that there might be a connection to the incident, internally, I mean.. When I said to Darja if she’d heard the name she heard me say,” he pauses, “Fresca.” The word is said with a little growl in his throat.

A pause there as he lets that sink in.

“Which is extra strange given how I feel about Fresca. It was either what I actually said to her, or whoever is responsible was playing further hijinks on her.”

Thinking about the sigil in his head, he shrugs.

“I could speculate, but I doubt I’d be right. My best guess? Time-transcending wizardry,”
he guesses, with a smirk.


"Wait. What does the sigil look like?"
he asks, and glancing to the side looks around the room they're in and with a burst of speed, (oh, how he missed it,) goes over to pick up something disposable and he makes a quick engraving on it with his fingernail. Little flecks of metal moving around his hand as he cuts into it with the tip of his finger."Anything like this?" he asks, holding up a depiction of the reconfigured circuit his "father" had made.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:58, Mon 04 Apr 2022.
GM, 1802 posts
Tue 5 Apr 2022
at 02:35
  • msg #164

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 163):


Omen says the word with a bit of weight.  Behind him, HT and Gutshot look at each other and both shrug.

When you mention Manitou, Gutshot's eyes narrow but she doesn't say anything.  HT looks the same.

Omen is quiet for a long while after you finish talking.  He seems to be studying the tips of his fingers.

"Wizardry is one word for it.  I don't think it was per se related to time travel.  No.  I think it was the sigil."

He looks at you.  "It doesn't have a shape per se.  Not one I can describe.  I don't want to get too mystical sounding.  But carving sigils on souls or minds is less about writing an actual glyph and more about causing a realignment in a person.  Someone tinkered with some aspect of you and that was the sigil.

"If I had to guess, it's meant as a ward.  For circumstances like the one you found yourself in.  I guess a better way to describe it is like a dissociative disorder.  When someone doesn't want to think of something traumatic, their mind will focus on other things.  Like an obsession.  Or a compulsion.  In more extreme cases it can lead to a seprate identity or view of reality. Anything it takes to keep the person from thinking about one specific thing.

"In your case, it's not a psychological condition.  It's a temporal one.  If you had gone through with the training exercise, you would have come across something the sigil...or whoever set it...didn't want you to encounter.  So the sigil threw you sideways.  You were moved into an alternate timeline where the experience was 'safer' in some way.

"Even there, you encountered mentions of whatever it was the sigil wanted to avoid.  And so...Fresca."

He considers.  "Whoever wanted you to not know something meant business. If I try to undo the sigil, you'll probably die.  If I knew what the issue was the sigil wants to hide from you, it would probably attack me.  It's that pronounced.

"There is something you are not meant to know.  And your ignorance is willing to wrack up a body count to keep it that way."

Jack Sharpe
player, 597 posts
Tue 5 Apr 2022
at 02:51
  • msg #165

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack thinks that explains it then, Manitou did it. He wasn’t meant to see something related to their mission that would have given him some clue or something. Though that still begs the question of why his father was there. Was it an alternate universe dad, then? Strange. “I can only imagine it was time travel, since they did it when I wasn’t aware, and I’ve been aware continuously pretty much always. So, time travel to before I was born, or do it later with my consent,” he reckons aloud and scratches his head out of habitual human-behavior tendencies.

That’s not really true, of course, he knows someone with mystic skills could probably do it without him knowing it. Or maybe they can, but he doesn’t like the idea that they could mess with his soul without him knowing, right in front of him. That’s scary.

“Fuckin’ Fresca,”
he repeats.
GM, 1805 posts
Wed 6 Apr 2022
at 01:40
  • msg #166

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 165):

"If all that's true...he didn't see what we actually went through at that base.  Should we show him? Or tell him?"

Omen shakes his head.  "No.  That would piss the sigil off.  No telling what it would do.  I have to figure out a way to get it off him."  He pauses then looks at you.  "Assuming you want me to figure out how to remove it.  Ignorance can be bliss."
Jack Sharpe
player, 598 posts
Wed 6 Apr 2022
at 01:51
  • msg #167

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Yes, please find a way to remove it. Though I’ve also been requesting your help to learn to defend my mind better in general,” Jack mentions to Omen as he walks over to set the metal clipboard he’d scratched back where he’d found it. It’s still a functional clipboard, no reason to dispose of it. Then again, it does have that diagram on it. Out of a concern for safety, he changes his mind, and crumbles it in his palms. Compressing it until it’s a solid cube paper weight the size of a sugar cube.

Looking back at Gutshot, he theorizes.

“It was probably fairly similar to what I experienced, just divergent at a certain point. HT’s consciousness was copied over somehow, so he recognized when it changed and was pretty alarmed,”
he mentions as he returns to where he'd been standing originally. Checking his phone for a moment to see if he'd missed any calls during the Trip.
GM, 1809 posts
Thu 7 Apr 2022
at 22:26
  • msg #168

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 167):

She shakes her head. "There are similarities, yes.  But in yours everyone died.  At least Hemi and Alchemist did.  In what really happened, everyone was fine.  Jack Pot got a sprained ankle, but that was it."

Omen shrugs.  "It could have been a reality where the Jack Sharpe there was going into the exercise as was the HT...I mean Hard Time and Darja.  Don't sweat that too much.  When you're dealing with alternate realities, trying to catalouge the differences can become a real headache.

"As for your request for training, I heard.  But I've had some things that came up which took a higher priority.  Still have one going on.  We'll start training right after I wrap it up.  Should only be a week or so more."

Marlene called.  Darja sent a text asking if you were okay.  Lydia texted a few times.  Her parents have her under lock down.  Not that she's in trouble.  They just seem to be worried/scared over what happened at homecoming.  Was that only a week ago?  Or was it two weeks?  Time flies when you're hopping bodies.

Kevin also texted, using the code you two worked out.  We need to talk
Jack Sharpe
player, 599 posts
Thu 7 Apr 2022
at 22:35
  • msg #169

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack as always is multitasking like a boss. Not even seeming the least bit distracted as he replies to his texts, his thumb blurring over the digital keyboard without breaking eye contact or apparently breaking eye contact as he can glance down so quickly:

To Marlene: What’s up?
To Lydia: That sucks, are we still on for that date?
No response from Ooter, so he sends a follow-up. He’d like to get his project made.
The response from Kevin gets a simple: 10pm.

The talk with Omen earns a nod at the mention of when they should be able to do that training. “Sounds good, you have my info when you’re available.”
GM, 1813 posts
Mon 11 Apr 2022
at 02:29
  • msg #170

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 169):

Lydia is the first to respond back.  hell to the yeah!  I'll sneak out if i need to

Kevin sends back a simple yes

Omen nods.  "I will.  One thing though.  If you think that sigil is acting up again, contact me right away.  Well.  Contact this guy..." He jerks a thumb at HT.  "I can be hard to reach at times."

Marlene responds.  your dad came by.  come home when you can
Jack Sharpe
player, 600 posts
Mon 11 Apr 2022
at 02:36
  • msg #171

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack confirms the words of Omen with a nod, he has no idea what it acting up would feel like, but he imagines it’s one of those things that he’d recognize when it happens. Especially considering that his body runs a bit like a Swiss watch, even the slightest deviation should be immediately obvious. “Will do, nice meeting you Omen,” he says by way of making an exit, though they haven’t officially ‘dismissed’ him, he wants to see aunt Marlene pronto.

The response from Lydia gets a reply: No sneaking out, it’d make it harder in the future. I can come watch a movie with you at your house if they’re being sensitive. Assuming your parents are cool with that.

GM, 1817 posts
Tue 12 Apr 2022
at 03:37
  • msg #172

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 171):

fine.  Be all grown up on me.  I'll ask

Gutshot doesn't put up much of a fuss about you taking off.  HT tells you to check in in the morning.

There's a bottle of tequila on the table.  Marlene isn't a drinker, at least not that you've noticed.  But she seems to have poured herself a couple of shots.

She shakes her head.  "That sonuvabitch.  He just strolls in like he owns the place.  Wouldn't answer any of my questions.  Even had the nerve to forget my name.  Kept callin' me Marion.  Arrogant prick."

She points at an envelope on the table.

"He just came by apparently to leave that for you.  Didn't even ask about your mother."

She starts mumbling various curses.

The envelope is still sealed.  Marlene is obviously curious but didn't snoop.

The letter inside is written in Dad's near, businesslike handwriting.


To start with, I am not your "Dad".  You are not my "Jack".

Short version:  I am from an alternate timeline.  My world ended and I escaped.  I happened upon your consciousness in that other alternate timeline you were in.  I helped you out so I could follow you to your world.  It's not an exact match to my world.  My 'Marion' is your 'Marlene' for example.  Bet she's complaining about me not knowing her name too.

I am not interested in interfering in your life.  I am sure you are not interested in dealing with me.  Normally I would have just faded away.

However, I have been in your world for a couple of weeks now (I arrived a bit out of time sync with you).  In monitoring the current global situation, I have noticed that the problems that lead to the end of my world are occurring in yours.

I do not know exactly what caused my world to end.  I was too busy dealing with some business issues and my Jack's Mother's crazy bullshit to pay much attention.  But as events began to spiral out of control, I was able to determine a couple of things.

First, my Jack was involved.  I do not know how exactly. But he was at the epicenter of the event when it began.

Second, I was able to find out that my Jack and a friend of his who looked like an orangutan were investigating the murders of certain clergy.  Their names are below.  In looking at the recent news, I know the first of these clergy men has been killed within the past week.

Consider this thanks for giving me a roadmap to a compatible world.  Rest assured I have no interest in being part of your life.  You have your "Dad".

Whatever it is that is about to go down, please do a better job with it than my Jack did.


Jason William Sharpe

The Murdered Clergy

Father Ambrose Kileen (already dead)

Sister Mary Francis Smith

Rev. Lucas Billmon

Rabbi Solomon "Sol" Luboski

Paster Nina Hardgrove

Jack Sharpe
player, 601 posts
Tue 12 Apr 2022
at 03:57
  • msg #173

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Seeing Sol on the list given, Jack checks on the old man quickly and then folds up the letter and puts it into his pants pocket.

“Marlene, he didn’t forget, he’s from an alternate universe, he should have just told you, no reason for secrecy. Also, for whatever reason he implies he intends to lay low, which I doubt, but I don’t think you’ll see him again,”
he tells her.

He doesn’t buy that attitude in the letter at all. Like changing universes somehow takes all the fight out of his dad, and everything else is the same? Yeah right.

The timing makes him think that maybe the murders have just begun and that might be what Kevin wants to see him about. He’ll have to bring a copy of the list. Once again, no reason for secrecy.

The big thing now is how much of the Guardians to involve in his investigation of this going forward, alternate-Jack had seen the world end by working it alone with the Monkey. So, including more people would probably be for the best. But he decides to wait until after the meeting with Kevin before deciding.
GM, 1820 posts
Wed 13 Apr 2022
at 02:09
  • msg #174

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Sol is watching reruns of Firefly while seated in his easy chair.  No worries yet.

Marlene blinks at you.  "What? Alternate what? Like in bad sci fi movies? Really?  That's a thing?"

Lydia texts you.  Bowling on Saturday?  My Mom has to meet you to make sure you're not like a serial killer.  So she'll drop me off and pick me up. But it's better than vids at my place.

Kevin is eating light today.  Only two chili cheesburgers and one small order of onion rings.  He must be on a diet.

"Ooter asked me to tell ya he hasn't forgotten you.  The Feds pinched him.  I busted him out and he's holed up in his other secret base.  But he had to start over on your order."

Kevin sips his Diet Crème Soda.  He really is on a diet.

"I wanted to give you a heads up.  Roger's put out some feelers about you.  He was hitting some info brokers with pictures of you.  I scragged 'em.  Fed him some false intel.  But he is interested.

"I also have a lead on that phantom you saw.  The guy who was burying those kids alive.  I'll share more about it when I have something more detailed.  But I think the guy's done it for quite a while.  I've found 22 missing children cases that I think might be connected to him."

He glances at you.  "What's up?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 602 posts
Wed 13 Apr 2022
at 02:32
  • msg #175

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack gets himself a burger and a Dr. Pepper before sitting down.

“Ah, I should have done that mission for him. I had a feeling,”
Jack says when he hears about Ooter getting caught.

The info-broker thing makes him a bit unhappy. “Me-me, or me with a luchadore mask like he’d have run into at homecoming?” he inquires. The former is a big deal, the latter isn’t. He can just replace the mask, and frankly, he isn’t too worried about that. But the former would also be strange, because they’d “been” at the same school at the same time, and Jack does stick out.

“The Sandman, okay, let me know, I’ll do anything I can to help with that,”
he confirms.

Jack pulls out the list he copied with his own hand, rather than explaining where he got it from. “You’re the one who told me you needed to meet,” he points out when the Monkey looks at him expectantly. But he has something to talk about of course.

“So, through means both mysterious and amazing, I have a list of clergy who are going to get murdered by someone. I also have reason to believe that the world might end, and it may or may not be related to that.”

Boom, mic drop.

"Here's the list."

GM, 1824 posts
Thu 14 Apr 2022
at 22:09
  • msg #176

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 175):

"La luchadore version, but don't get too relaxed."  Kevin wipes sauce off a finger and picks up a curly fry.  "The outfit I raided had copies of the school yearbook and footage from all it's surveillance footage.  Including stuff from neighboring businesses.  They had pretty high tech body matching software running too.  I kiboshed it all. But that means Roger was will to pay quite a penny to get the intel. And if those brokers can do it, so can the Feds.  The Program should have your back. But..."

He takes a bite of the burger and then almost coughs it up when you do your little mic drop.

I am assuming you copied the list or tore it off the main letter.  I am acting as if Kevin did not see the note from Alt-Dad.  If that's not the case, let me know

He wipes his mouth with a napkin and takes a sip of soda.  He looks over the list.

"Isn't this Sol guy your neighbor?"

He is quiet a moment longer.

"I knew about Kileen.  Was already looking into it because of how he was killed.  And also why.  Him getting offed isn't making sense.  Shit."

Kevin looks over the list for quite a while.

"Okay.  I'm not gonna pry into how you got this list.  But I am gonna ask.  Are you in on this one?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 603 posts
Thu 14 Apr 2022
at 22:20
  • msg #177

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I try to walk different and slouch more, but I’ll make an effort to go around and scrub footage. Any chance there’s a list of data brokers I could take to the exosphere and make them disinclined to disclose my information?” Jack asks, he takes the safety of his aunt and Lydia, in this case, rather seriously, and they’re his weaknesses with someone like Roger.

Eating his burger and sipping at his Dr. Pepper, he idly nods at the list he copied for Kevin.

“He is.”

Hearing about Kileen, he frowns slightly, this time only slightly on purpose. He’s not pleased that they’re already behind on the count, and he’d like to get out ahead of this.

“I’m here to help, fully. Should I have the Program move them all to the base? If it’s them specifically, and not in general, it could save us some legwork?”

GM, 1829 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2022
at 02:49
  • msg #178

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 177):

Kevin seems to ignore you for a moment, still studying the list.  This must be his "deep in thought" mode.

"The Program wouldn't have jurisdiction to move them.  Citizens can't just be taken off the street and moved to a secure facility because some list showed up from an unnamed source that says they might be targets.

"I'm not saying I doubt you at all. But most hero teams aren't going to do something that could be construed as kidnapping civies by the press without  solid evidence.  You can ask 'em.  But they're gonna wanna know where you got the list.  And if you're not willing to tell me where you got it, are you willing to tell them?"

He meets your eyes and taps the first name on the list.  "Kileen was a Catholic priest who was found raped to death.  I won't go into the details, but someone had used something metallic.

"First thought might be that it's related to the pedophile scandal.  That was my first thought.  But the more I looked into it, the less likely it seemed.  Kileen was not only never accused, he was pretty vocal about victim rights on the issue.  And he had a long history of both trying to work with survivors as well as lodging complaints against the bishops who let it go on."

He taps the next name on the list.  Smith.  "She does a lot of work with soldiers who suffer PTSD.  She actually travels all over the country to offer free therapy and help families get help from the VA.

"This guy..."
The next name on the list.  Billmon.  "He's been working on reconciling urban communities and the police.  He wants tighter scrutiny of police brutality investigations.  But he also wants to make sure cops get more training and counseling.  He talks a lot about how brutal a cop's job is and how that affects them."

The next name.  Sol.  "Mister prison ministry.  Your guy Sol does a shit ton of work with prisoners and the criminally insane.  You heard of Jabberwocky?"

You know the name.  A former hood who supposedly got religion in prison and is now a member of the cape group Star Squad down in Atlanta.  "Your guy Sol is the one who brought him to our side.  Well.  Your side.  I guess I'm technically a cowl.  But Jabberwocky credits Sol with helping him clean up.  Sol's apparently pretty good at that too.  A lot of prisons invite him to work with their populations.

"Lastly is Hardgrove.  She does a lot of work with the gay community.  Trying to reconcile them with the more hardline religious fronts.

"You notice something about all these names?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 604 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2022
at 03:06
  • msg #179

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I was thinking more of inviting them,” Jack mentions when Kevin starts talking about how they can’t just get snatched up, and when he hears about how kind and charitable they are, he adds, “They might do it just to make things easier for us.”

Not that he thinks that’s necessarily the way to play it, but being a teenager, he can’t help but be a bit defensive at the concept. Sol seems like he might be willing to trust Jack on his word, and he could convince the rest? Whatever.

Listening to their credentials he answers, “They’re all the sort that fundamentalists and extremists would dislike, though not of the same religion so probably not an extremist, but could be a person who has a hardline right-wing nutjob vibe to them. Though in Sol’s case, I’ve never heard of someone being anti-reformed hood.

They’re all probably older, I assume? They all have European names, so I would guess they’re Caucasian?  Have they ever done missionary work overseas? Gone to any conferences together?”
he speculates things that might be common among them, they’re all clergy from the Twin Cities area.

He is thinking about whether Kevin really should know about his dad-from-another-universe and makes a decision, “Take out your electronics and lose the batteries.”

Once they’ve fully gone into supre-secret mode, he reveals the details.

“My dad and mom are super-scientists, my mom is actually one of the people Sol visits, coincidentally. She’s at the mental hospital up near Saint Cloud, as of a month or two ago,”
he begins. “My dad is probably the smarter of the two, at least he’s more deliberate and focused, mom is the troubled super-genius, he’s the megalomaniacal. Anyway, I was ..  somehow, sucked into an alternate dimension, alternate-universe dad latched on, followed me back. I’ve been wondering if he’s the one who drew me over there to begin with? Hard to say. He gave me the list and told me that you and I were investigating it, and then the world ended. He wasn’t there to see it.”

GM, 1833 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 02:51
  • msg #180

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Kevin listens to your explanation with a deadpan expression.  Then says,

"Anyone ever told you you're a fun date? Cos they should.  They should tell you you're a fun date. Cos all that sounded like nothing but fun."

He sighs and reaches for his drink.  "You hear about end of the world scenarios. But actually being in one...

"Okay.  That info changes things yet again.

"Off the top of my head, I can see one of three scenarios.

"First, your alt-Dad is behind it.  When did all this stuff with the alternate reality go down again? This morning? Never mind then. It's not him.  Kileen was killed a week ago.

"Then second, someone is offing religious people who don't tow the line. But to your point, they're all of differing faiths.  So while it could be extremists, the theory loses some ground on the fact it would have to an extremist who cares about both Judiac, Catholic, and Protestant religions.

"Which leads us to the last theory."
  He finishes off his soda and shakes the cup, listening to the ice jingle.  "Someone needs the blood of the righteous or something like that as part of some big ritual.  Magic isn't really my bag.  I've only had to deal with some low level types before.

"We need to talk to Omen. He in town?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 605 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 03:15
  • msg #181

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I am a fun date, my girlfriend says so,” Jack says as he drinks from his Dr. Pepper in a manner that somehow conveys he’s cocky about this fact, in a humorous way.

Listening to the Monkey then list off the suggestions, he nods at each and the follow-up.

“He was, I'll have him meet us somewhere if he's around,”
he mentions and starts to put the battery back into his phones. Turning them back on.

Getting up from the booth, he walks out of the restaurant and then walking into a blindspot where no cameras can see him between buildings, he shoots off into the sky and then horizontally several blocks to make the call.

"Hey HT, can you have Omen call me if he's still in town?"

GM, 1835 posts
Fri 22 Apr 2022
at 01:57
  • msg #182

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 181):

It takes HT a few minutes to respond.

Will do.  Anything up?
Jack Sharpe
player, 606 posts
Fri 22 Apr 2022
at 02:17
  • msg #183

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack sends back: I’ll let him brief you.
GM, 1839 posts
Sun 24 Apr 2022
at 01:37
  • msg #184

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 183):

Omen doesn't ping you back that night.

Anything else you want to do tonight?
Jack Sharpe
player, 607 posts
Sun 24 Apr 2022
at 05:30
  • msg #185

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack goes back to the burger joint and tells Kevin that he'll be in touch once he has Omen lined up, but it'll probably need to be a quick meeting since he's such a busy guy apparently. He'll probably have to swoop them over to find Kevin for the tete-a-tete.  He also gets the addresses for the other members of the clergy and makes a promise to check on them regularly until they can figure something out.

"Do we want to send guards?"
he asks. "I'm sure the Program can put a few undercover sorts on most of them without breaking the system they have, but it'll mean bringing Gutshot and HT in on it, not just Omen."
GM, 1843 posts
Mon 25 Apr 2022
at 02:41
  • msg #186

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 185):

Kevin pushes his tray through the slot on the garbage can, dumping everything on it into the bin.  He sets the tray itself on top of the can.

"If we're talkin' end of all life, yeah.  I think we do need to bring the Program into it.  Do they know about alt-Dad?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 608 posts
Mon 25 Apr 2022
at 03:04
  • msg #187

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Yes, but when you texted me about meeting, I figured we’d meet first since alt-dad had mentioned you being part of it,” Jack explains. He’d been uncertain about bringing them in, because alt-him hadn’t, and maybe there was something he still needed to learn, but he’d been leaning toward it as well. Kevin’s opinion seals the deal.

Running his hands through his hair he nods before they step out into the parking lot.

“I’ll text you when they get Omen, or we'll plan for something the day after tomorrow if he hasn't shown up. The time-table seemed short, so I'd rather not wait too long. Also, do you have addresses for the clergy? I'll start eyeing them.”

This message was last edited by the player at 03:04, Mon 25 Apr 2022.
GM, 1847 posts
Tue 26 Apr 2022
at 19:31
  • msg #188

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 187):

"Yeah.  I'll drop a fileshare with all the info I can gather on the targets by our secure site.  Give me a few hours.  You should have it in the morning."

He looks back at you for a second.  "You mind if I ask you somethin'?  Why do you even go to high school?  Your life is pretty much far from ordinary.  Why not just put on the tights and join a team?  There's plenty that would love to have you."
Jack Sharpe
player, 609 posts
Tue 26 Apr 2022
at 19:45
  • msg #189

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Social interactions to keep me grounded and help me learn to be as normal as I can, when I’m not being a cape,” Jack answers the question, turning to look at Kevin. “There are a lot of things I don’t need to do. Like eating, but I still enjoy the flavors. Life needs to be more than just me in a cape, flying around the world.

Maybe eventually I’ll leave Earth behind, but I’ll have my memories at least, and I’d rather fill them with good things than seeing the worst things humanity has done. I suppose that all depends on how things go in the future. How long it takes us to get to something close to Star Trek, that’s my hope, you know? Get Earth to a Utopia, then go explore the universe..

But until then, I’ll try to find time to be normal and enjoy life.”

GM, 1848 posts
Thu 28 Apr 2022
at 23:16
  • msg #190

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 189):

Kevin purses his lips for a moment and then shrugs.  "Okay.  Never mind me sayin' something.

"Just do me one favor.  If you decide to go the other route, give me a heads up first."

You get the file from Kevin a little after one.  "Looking" around, you see the various clergy, all safe and snug in their beds.  No one seems to be lurking about.

School rolls on.  Class today is fairly boring.  Whitefall is still out from her injuries during that wreck.  Mrs. Hollister is of course out.  You have two subs instead.  Everyone in class is busy speculating about what really went down homecoming night.  Some say it was a government experiment gone wrong.  Some say a hood was trying to take the school hostage.  Others say it was an alien invasion.

Most of the teachers just try to act like nothing happened.  Casey on the other hand...

"We all know the term MIE.  Meta Impact Event.  We see them on the news all the time.  An MIE is defined as any occurrence where meta activity fifty or more non-related bystanders.  So Brain Death shows up at the bowling alley and threatens to hold everyone inside hostage.  Let's say it's league night and there are a hundred people present.  You'll hear about it on the news as and MIE.

"But if there were only say fifteen people's a slow night at the bowling will be termed an LRME or a LaRaMiE.

"Anyone know why there's a difference?"

"Lansing vs. Traveller's Insurance"  Colby on the fast draw.

Casey nods.  "The difference was made because of insurance carriers trying to fudge claims, saying a meta event was not impactful.  Media picked it up and now we have MIEs and Laramies.

"Now of course, as you all know, MIEs get ratings.  One to five."</gray>

"Fives are like when someone tries to blow up Little Rock or take over the internet right?"

Casey nods at the girl three row's over question.  <aqua>"Fives are the big dramatic events.  Your example of when Tempest tried to level the city of Little Rock with tornados is a good example.

"But what makes up a one to four?"

He writes numbers    $    radius on the white board.

"There is an actual equation that's used.  Numbers means number of bystanders involved.  Important to note:  it's bystanders.  People who are unfortunate enough to be at the wrong time and place.  And they can be meta or not.  Anyone who is actively involved isn't counted.  So if the police show up, they don't count in the calculation.  They might be normies. But they are actively involved.

"Dollars...well.  You can guess what that means.  How much damage was done and what's it going to cost to fix things up.

"The last one radius concerns how much area was in danger.  Let's say Bad Guy X threatens to detonate a bomb that can blow up four square blocks.  The radius for htat occurrence will be four square blocks.  If Bad Guy X slugs it out with Good Guy A, and their fight spreads over 10 city blocks, the radius is now going to be considered 10 city blocks.

"Okay.  I mentioned there was an equation that's used to rank an MIE. Which of these three factors..."
  He taps numbers    $    radius, one right after the other.  " you think carries the most weight in that equation? In other words, the equation is X squared plus y plus half of z.  What do you think is X?  What do you think is Y?  And what do you think is Z?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 610 posts
Fri 29 Apr 2022
at 00:16
  • msg #191

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

While he feels a bit bad about the circumstances of his teacher’s not being in school, Jack is pleased not to have to deal with the obnoxiousness of a particular teacher. In fact, he’s fairly certain she was targeted for that very reason. So, maybe he might actually get something done in that class without a negative Nancy to ruin everything.

Jack already knows the answer to the question, of course, he has photographic memory and has read college level textbooks on the subject, but he can engage in conversation, keeping his speculations “normal” guesses.

“Since it's an insurance company determination, it has to be the money, but they’re all tied up. People need insurance payouts, property damage over so many blocks too and I bet a skyscraper is worth more than a hundred people, so they rate the event higher for property,”
he answers. “So, x is money, y is property, z is people. The cold calculus of the cost of human life.”

He shrugs.

He’d tried to make it sound like a guess.
GM, 1853 posts
Sat 30 Apr 2022
at 03:43
  • msg #192

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 191):

"That's actually what most people think.  But..."  Casey draws a Y over the $"'s only the second most important factor.  Lots of commentators get this one incorrect, though their reasoning is sound."

Now that you think about it, all the references you read were pieces by journalists.  You can't recall seeing any kind of official type document or textbook discussing this.

Colby also seems puzzled.  "That sounds...almost too good to be true.  It can't be numbers."

Casey nods.  "That's right.  It would be too good to be true if it were numbers, i.e. people."  He draws a Z over NUMBERS.

He then taps RADIUS.

"This gets the heaviest weight in the MIE calculation.  Anyone want to make a guess why?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 611 posts
Sat 30 Apr 2022
at 03:59
  • msg #193

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Possibly the same reasoning as the Gransy-Moller Scale, the larger the radius that can be affected, the more dangerous that Meta is considered,” Jack once again chimes in with a raised-hand, and a guess that’s meant to help keeping the discussion going. He doesn’t mind being viewed as a teacher’s pet, though it’s mostly with Mr. Casey because he considers this class one of the most important for him. He enjoys the subject because it’s relevant to his life and he can see how it works or doesn’t.

He doesn’t mind not always being correct.
GM, 1855 posts
Mon 2 May 2022
at 01:19
  • msg #194

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 193):

Casey nods his head enthusiastically.

"Correct.  Exactly correct.  Radius is given the most weight because the farther afield a meta can threaten, the more likely these numbers..."  He taps both $ and Numbers in quick succession.  "...will be higher as well.

"So on a scale of 1 to 5, what do you think the incident during home coming rated?"

"Do we even know it was meta related?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 612 posts
Mon 2 May 2022
at 01:47
  • msg #195

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“One,” Jack speculates, once again, to keep the conversation moving. Mr. Casey really likes to ask those questions, but he can appreciate it, it’s probably one of those ways that he’d learn best if he didn’t memorize everything already. It resonates with his way of thinking. “Or a Laramie.” He tries to think of how it would have appeared from a civilian point of view.

The activities in the school itself were probably unknown to someone like Mr. Casey, same with the bombs, and the stuff in the underground base, obviously. The converted assault van in the parking lot had been dealt with by Darja on the downlow.

Roger had just gone after a few people and made like he was threatening everyone, but it never actually amounted to anything. So, would they rate it higher? He doesn’t think so.
GM, 1859 posts
Tue 3 May 2022
at 03:57
  • msg #196

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 195):

Others in the class think two or three.

Casey finally answers.  "It was considered a two.  The numbers are what jacked it up.  Also...and this is something we did not talk about this time...the fact that children...Sorry.  You guys are still considered children for these purposes...were involved.

"But we'll get into nuances tomorrow.  I'm going to assign a project now that will be due in two weeks.  Kind of a creative writing assignment.

"We're going to reverse engineer some MIEs.  You will turn in five situations, one for each of the five levels.  You will detail out how the situation occurs, who is involved, where it occurs, and how it resolves.  You may use real hoods, capes, and cowls in your scenarios, or you can make them up.  You can base a scenario on an actual incident. But you will need to vary it from the factual account in some significant way.  And don't think I won't know which ones are purely factual incidents.  I'm a meta-nerd folks.  I know all the incidents.

"We will work in groups of threes.  I'll let you chose your partners.  Don't rush into it just yet.  We still need to cover some stuff over the next couple of lessons like environmental impact, demographic considerations, and other miscellaneous factors.

"But do start thinking of your scenarios.  Let me know tomorrow who is in your group."

The bell rings.
Jack Sharpe
player, 613 posts
Tue 3 May 2022
at 04:17
  • msg #197

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack turns to Colby and Darja, knowing that they’ll be his group and walks over to them as he slings his bag over his shoulders and slides his hands into his pockets. “I’ll write it up and send it to you guys to review, make suggestions and we’ll add more fluff and change things as we learn more, sound good? Should be done in ten,” he says and pulls out his phone and starts writing up the paper on a Google Doc, sending them the link for it so that they can see him typing in real-time.

Though he does double-check his work on the numbers and radius by hunting down an explanation on the ratios, since their books and his previous reading on the topic had been sub-par. He also decides to make the paper silly, because it’s more amusing to him.

For the tier one, he apparently needs to think smaller for a one. Over fifty, but under the amount at homecoming: a crazy meta wearing an inside out Captain Kirk mask, and keeps showing up all over town looking creepy.. and blowing things up, the number at the end is attenuated for the needs of the assignment as far as he can tell.

For the tier two, he tells the story of a runaway red nanite swarm controlled by a man who goes backwards through time, making sure the numbers line up.

For tier three, a crazy bodyswitching jackhole plants a bunch of devices in random places around town, and threatens a bunch of people. This time, the bombs went off, the numbers and the amount of damage are once again attenuated.

For tier four, a baby is hit by an enlargement ray which makes it super-huge, and it ends up toddling across a huge section of a city before it gets shrunk down again. The casualties are high and the damage is large scale, but not quite city leveling.

For tier five, he tells the tale of a fourteen foot tall multi-armed gorilla alien who set off tsunamis by raising a ship from the Laurentian abyss—and the hero lost his giant spaceship, because intergalactic bureaucrats stole it, oh, and the waves wiped out a bunch of coasts. But the real tragedy was the loss of the spaceship. He wanted that spaceship.

By the time he has reached his locker, he sends his friends a text: Doc is up and editable, feel free to make suggestions or change anything, just thought I'd do the bulk of the work since it only takes me a few minutes. <3
GM, 1862 posts
Wed 4 May 2022
at 01:40
  • msg #198

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 197):

Gotta rejigger something.  Will answer your post tomorrow.  Thanks
GM, 1865 posts
Fri 6 May 2022
at 03:44
  • msg #199

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Editor-in-Chief (msg # 198):

Sorry for the delay

Colby frowns.  "Wait.  That sounds like you'll do the assignment all on your own.  I actually wanna write up at least one of them myself.  Let me do the Level 2 if you don't mind."

Darja nods.  "Yeah. I kinda want to take a crack at this as well.  I can do the level 4.   We'll work ours up and send them to you Jack.  Then why don't we talk it through and decide which ones to use."

You "check in" on the clergy.  They seem to be doing Godly kind of stuff.  One of them is holding hands with a crying woman, apparently comforting her as she recounts a traumatic event.  Sol is teaching a room full of inmates how to read.  Another one is sorting clothing donations at a homeless shelter.

These people are more squeaky clean then you are.

HT texts.  Omen has some time tonight.  Can you come to the gym at 8 tonight?

When you arrive at the gym, Omen and HT are sitting on some workout benches, talking shit.  HT nods at you and jerks a thumb at Omen.  "Here he is.  You want me to vamoose?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 614 posts
Fri 6 May 2022
at 03:58
  • msg #200

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Not like that Colbster, I meant I’d provide the bulk, you guys just help make it pretty and provide your own flavor,” Jack tells Colby, and reaches out to pat him on the back. He nods at Darja, meaning much the same for her as well. He doesn’t mind anyone contributing, but as he demonstrates, it’s just so that they can work on things as they go without worrying, and less so that he can ‘do all the work for them.’

Good to see.

To HT: Yes.

To Monkey: 8pm @the gym.

Jack waves as he walks in and shakes his head, “No need for that, we’re just waiting for tall, dark and hairy. He was already on the case.” And moves over to take a seat on another of the weight bunches, idly picking up a 45lb. plate and flipping it with the tips of his fingers. Like a fidget spinner for the super-strong.
GM, 1870 posts
Sun 8 May 2022
at 01:51
  • msg #201

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 200):

Omen raises an eyebrow.  "Tall, dark, an'-"

"He probably means Monkey.  The Minneapolis one.  Not...that other guy."  HT looks at you, frowning.  "I wish you'd told me ahead a' time.  He's not authorized to be here Jack.  The security team will treat him as a hostile.  And he'll probably smack them around.  I need to let them know-"

"Too late."  Kevin drops from the ceiling, landing softly despite the distance.  He's fuzzed out.  He glances at you and Omen, then nods at HT.  "Relax.  I just turned off your security system for a bit."

"Oh well yeah.  That's muuuuuuuuuuccccch better."

Omen laughs.  He reaches out a hand to Kevin.  "I'll turn it back on.  Nice to meet you.  Omen."

HT and Kevin already seem introduced.  Kevin looks over at you.  "It's your party.  Didja wanna fill them in?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 615 posts
Sun 8 May 2022
at 02:09
  • msg #202

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

 “He can get past security, he can almost sneak up on me,” Jack points out, it’s not arrogance, he just knows his senses are many times better than a normal human’s. He’d almost not heard Kevin on the roof that one time at the University, and he’d gotten way closer than Jack had thought possible. It was like saying that he should have to let the bouncer know he was coming so that HT didn’t get beat up. Or something like that.

Smiling a little, he nods at Kevin as he proves the point rather adeptly.

Jack waits for them to get introduced and then nods and pulls out the list, “Alternate Universe dad hitched a ride from that other universe. He implied that the world was going to end, quite possibly, if we don’t figure out who is killing these people. Monkey has been investigating, Sol, on the list there, is my downstairs neighbor. I’d like to put a detail on all of them, if you have the resources.”

Having said that, he waits for any comments from Kevin, and will solicit with a: “Monkey had a theory,” if necessary to prompt why they are including Omen.

While he’s sitting there listening in, he checks in on everyone. Doing his normal scans of the area and specific people. His friends, family, girlfriend and the “people to watch over” listing.
GM, 1873 posts
Sun 8 May 2022
at 23:31
  • msg #203

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 202):

Everyone seems to be a ok at the moment.

Kevin runs through the options.  Omen listens, nodding his head and frowning, apparently in thought.  HT looks like...well...HT.

Omen waits until Kevin is done.  "This kind of fits with the investigation I have going on.  Putting it simply, about a week ago, someone tried to summon something rather nasty into this plane.  The timing would coincide with that first murder.

"I haven't been able to pin point the what, where, or who.  Just the when and that the attempt was made.

"The manner of death for that sure it had nothing to do with the molestion scandal?"

Kevin shrugs.  "I worked on that angle first. But this guy doesn't fit the profile for a child molester.  No victims had ever come forward against him.  And now that I think it through, framing it in the way that they did, wouldn't we automatically think it had something to do with the sex abuse scandal?"

"Meaning someone wanted to throw everyone off the trail.  Yeah, that is one possible explanation."

"It also raises the question of why they thought it would be necessary to do so.  If they were using his death to bring over...whatever.  Then they must have known there was a possibility they couldn't succeed.  Otherwise, why try to hide anything?"

HT nods. "That makes sense.  So you think maybe in this alternate world, these guys tried five times before gettin' it right?"

"Possibly.  Or they need to complete a certain number of sacrifices.  I can only pick up traces of the magic that was used.  It's not like anything I've come across before.  it's almost...not magic.  More like..."

He shakes his head. "I can't really describe it.  It's more like a zeitgeist is floating around.  It's too difficult to explain."

"Maybe start by using smaller words?"

"It's a prevalent belief that defines a certain era in history.  Like the way people were excited about intellectualism in the Renaissance.  Or the way people were stupid about free love in the sixties."

"Oooooh-kay.  I guess that kinda makes some sort of sense.  So you're saying whatever happened with the way most people are feelin' about things these days?"

"Kind of.  Yeah."

"So...what are people feelin' about things these days?"

Neither Omen nor Kevin seem to be able to answer that one.
Jack Sharpe
player, 616 posts
Sun 8 May 2022
at 23:38
  • msg #204

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

What was Jack doing at the suspected time?
GM, 1876 posts
Tue 10 May 2022
at 01:11
  • msg #205

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 204):

That would have been before the memory trip storyline...I think he probably would have been on a date with Lydia
Jack Sharpe
player, 617 posts
Tue 10 May 2022
at 01:45
  • msg #206

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Well, we talked about how the common motivator any killer would have for all of these targets would be extremist conservatism and religious nut-jobs, though they’d have to be rather eclectic in their views. Monkey has researched everyone on the list and they’re all ‘good folks’ doing hard work to help minorities and such,” Jack says and will repeat any of that explanation, if Kevin doesn’t. “So the common zeitgeist involved would be a negative one?”

He sets the piece of paper down while they think about that.

Once they’ve had a chance to digest that idea, he adds another comment, since they’re all pondering on the first bit: “Also, of note, my alternate-dad said I was ‘at the center’ of the problem when it happened, though he wasn’t sure exactly what happened. So it could just be a coincidence that I was investigating this at the time.”

A pause again as he talks.

“Also, Roger? Monkey here says he's been going to info-brokers about me.”

GM, 1880 posts
Tue 10 May 2022
at 23:55
  • msg #207

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 206):

When you mention the Info-Brokers, things get...weird.

Kevin kind of stiffens up, like you just told everyone some deep dark secret of his.

Omen sits up and glares at Kevin.  "How would you know-"

HT sits up as well, raising a hand in between the two of them.  "O.  We're on the same side here.  End of the world, remember?  Let's focus on what's an actual issue."

Kevin scratches the side of his face and then shrugs.  "Anyway.  I don't think Roger has anything to do with the end of the world thing."

"How can you be sure?"

"It's not his..."  Kevin hunts for the word.  "  He'll try to kill someone, yeah. But not before he's had a chance to fuck with them.  He hasn't really had a chance to fuck with the world the way he wants to."

HT barks a laugh.  "Sad that that's what reassures us."  He glances at Omen.  "So we got a relation with what you were lookin' into.  We need to put eyes on all these holy folks. But-"

"What if that just causes them to switch out targets?" Omen finishes for him.  He thinks.  "Let's go with a bait and switch option.  I'll pose as one of the holy rollers.  Who was next on the list?  Sister Mary?"

"You'll look real cute in a habit.  How 'bout askin' Gutsy to pose as the nun?  You can be Lucas Billmon."

Omen nods.  "Set up security on the last two.  Isn't the rabbi your neighbor Jack?  You can assist with the survey on him."  He looks at Kevin.  They exchange deadpan expressions for a moment.  "I'm assuming you've already looked into the circumstances around Kileen's murder?"

Kevin nods.  "Yeah.  I'm going to keep running that angle.  There's never a perfect crime.  There'll be some clue."

"We agree on that.  If not, you can always go run to a broker."

"O. Knock it off." HT barks this.  He looks at Omen like a drill sarge who needs to beat a mouthy recruit down.

Omen just shrugs.  "I'll get to work then.  HT, we'll coordinate through you."

He then disappears.

HT sighs.  He looks at you.  "I need to talk to Kevin.  Can you head out?  I'll call you later.  And thanks for bringing this to us."

Need to know if you're going to leave and/or eavesdrop on the conversation.


Jack Sharpe
player, 618 posts
Wed 11 May 2022
at 00:09
  • msg #208

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"I meant another being like Roger, not Roger in particular."

What could possibly cause that sort of response? Of course, everyone has their various feelings, but pragmatically, it’s like a spy knowing the name of and snooping on an arms dealer. James Bond isn’t less a spy (not that he’s a good spy) because he knows arms dealers and info brokers. That’s the job, knowing things. Jack doesn’t get it, and he’s fairly certain Kevin hadn’t asked him not to share that tidbit.

Without knowing things, he couldn’t have told Jack about the snooping. It was a benefit, not a drawback.

“Sure, I can look after Sol. Send me a message if anyone sees anything, as always,”
he tells them as he gets to his feet.

Looking at HT when he says he needs to talk to the Monkey and nods.

"Sure, see you guys."

Leaving. Not gonna eavesdrop.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:09, Wed 11 May 2022.
GM, 1884 posts
Sun 15 May 2022
at 00:57
  • msg #209

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Bwah ha ha ha ha is all I have to say.

Moving on.

HT gets some program goons taking shifts, watching the clergy.  Some of them are easy to spot, though to be fair that's because you know what to look for.  Others must be good or negligent because you can't tell they are there.  HT assures you they are there.

Gutshot is an interesting nun.  Her disguise is pretty on point.  If you didn't have a good idea what her voice sounded like and couldn't see the guns she had hidden in holsters on her body, you wouldn't know she wasn't the real nun.

You can't tell any difference in Omen's disguise.  He might not have switched places at all.

Darj and Colby send you draft copies of their scenarios and comment on yours.  The three of you hash things out and you feel fairly confident in the project.

Kevin pings you a couple of times.  He only mentions the info brokers in relation to you.  He doesn't mention what happened at the gym.  Roger has gotten jack and squat thus far.  I'm seeding some false intel.  So if you hear a rumor that you're really a twenty two year old Filipino who likes Sinatra and adores Judy Garland, that's me.

Lydia is wearing a tight, fuzzy sweater when you see her at the bowling alley.  Her face lights up when she sees you.

"Hey Boyfriend!"  The two of you share a fine smooch.  "Feels like forever since I saw you."

The bowling alley is busy, but it is Saturday night.  Lydia has a lane already.

"Hope you don't mind bowling a few games.  I wanna practice cos I'm thinkin' of joining a league.  Yeah.  I know. Very Big Lebowski.  But I like bowling.

"You mind if I ask..."
  Her eyes dart around, as if to make sure no one is listening.  She then leans in closer.  "Do games?  I mean.  I figure you can ace them all know.  You're you."
Jack Sharpe
player, 619 posts
Sun 15 May 2022
at 01:14
  • msg #210

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

On the ones he can’t see, Jack takes the time to try to find them because it’ll be a good learning exercise. He tries not to stoop to the point of looking in their pockets and such, but he feels like he should learn to be at the skill level of being able to spot a high-level surveillance setup.

The message from Kevin gets a response: As funny as that is, you should make them believable, or he’ll know he’s being trolled and will keep looking. I’d prefer he thinks I’m someone from the middle of the jungles in Amazonia and was visiting someone, so he spends three months trying to hack his way through the jungle. I mean, I know you know that, but that’s my two cents. Thanks tho.

Seeing his girlfriend in that tight sweater, he swoons a little on the inside. He's a lucky boy.

“Hey beautiful,” he replies and wraps his arms around her.

He shakes his head at the question of minding.

“You can ask me anything you want, Lyds. Depends on the game, I can hold back in some ways, not so much in others. Like, I don’t think I could deliberately slow my reflexes to the point that I’d ever lose at air hockey, but in pool I only really have good control of my muscles, so I’m fairly normal. Obviously, all contact sports are out.  Why do you ask?”

GM, 1886 posts
Mon 16 May 2022
at 01:55
  • msg #211

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 210):

Remind me not use humor on you going forward.  Of course I didn't use that ID jackass.  I have done this before.  Jeez.

I do want to set up a few fake social network accounts for you.  Talk to you about it later

She frowns, hefting her 8 pd ball.  "Well, I was gonna offer you a bet on the game.  But  I don't want you throwing it on purpose.  So bowling is out.

"You can't read minds can you?  If so, let's play 20 questions while we bowl.  Loser has to give the winner one wish.  I'm thinking of a person.  You guess."

Ask three questions at a time please.

The alley starts to fill up as you begin your two games.
Jack Sharpe
player, 620 posts
Mon 16 May 2022
at 02:07
  • msg #212

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

I guess I just wanted to be sure you weren't letting your personal issues with him cloud your judgment and making it a prank. If he weren't a flippin' nutjob, I'd be fine with you pranking them instead of totally misleading.

“If I would throw that, why wouldn’t I just ask twenty questions and guess wrong?” Jack asks, not sure at her logic, but he doesn’t press her, instead, he smiles at her and puts his hand on her lower back while she’s waiting for her ball to come back. While he’s talking to her and playing the game, he puts on some bowling shoes and picks out a ball that fits his fingers nicely. Adding himself to the scorecard when he has a chance.

“Do you know them personally?”


“Over thirty?”

GM, 1888 posts
Tue 17 May 2022
at 02:48
  • msg #213

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Humor isn't one of your super powers is it?

I'll reach back out once I have more info.  Peace.

Lyds gets a spare on her first frame.  She only manages a seven pin on her second.

"Let's see.

"Nope.  Never met them in person.

"Yep.  A guy.

"Probably over thirty, yes."

You peek in on the clergy.  Saul is clipping his toenails.

The fun game of "spot the security detail" gets a bit easier since it seems to be shift change.  Of the three you could not be sure of, you got two of them right.  One lady catches you completely off guard.

At the shoe rental kiosk, a couple is arguing about what size shoe she wears.  Her jerk of a date is laughing because she wears a size 11.

Two lanes over, there are three guys who are playing.  One of them is telling a long, boring sounding story about work.  He apparently works IT security for a hospital.  Someone keeps trying to track their mainframe.  "Yeah.  The Feds are all over it.  They think it's some big name Hood or somethin'."

"Which one?"

IT Guy shrugs.  "Hell if I know.  Not sure why anyone would want patient records anyway."

Next three questions please.  Thanks
Jack Sharpe
player, 621 posts
Tue 17 May 2022
at 03:00
  • msg #214

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In truth, Jack’s sense of humor is sometimes a little off. He doesn’t know when people are being stupid, and he values facts. Thanks mom.

 Jack thinks about it for a second as he watches Lydia, she’s the cutest thing in a thousand miles as far as he’s concerned and she defines the words : poetry in motion. Leaning his head over onto his hand, he only gets up when it’s his turn and scoots past her unnecessarily close, giving a little squeeze on the sly. “Okay, next questions then..”

“Do they have known superpowers?”

“Do they do whatever they do in the Midwest?”

“Have you seen this person in some way, television, computer, etc. in the last month?”

He glances over at the couple arguing. That guy isn’t getting laid.

The commentary about the computer break in makes him think it’s about the exploding people case, but it doesn’t sound like anything new will be coming out of this guy.

If it was Kevin's hack, he knew the Feds would be "all over it" so that's nothing worth reporting.
GM, 1891 posts
Wed 18 May 2022
at 00:44
  • msg #215

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 214):

Lydia grins as she throws another spare.

"Yep on the superpowers.  Are there any celebs these days that don't have them?

  She frowns, coming to when her ball comes back up the chute.

"Uhmmm...I think.  I mean...yeah?"

At the shoe counter, the girl is laughing at her date because his shoe size is small.  He only wears a 4.

IT Guy's friend nods.  "You guys have been having a lot of breech issues this year, haven't you?"

IT Guy nods back.  "Yeah.  This.  When someone hacked the morgue record archives looking up all the dead kids.  And when gwibble gwotch snorkum hovitz."

Lydia shakes her head.  "Ya know.  I can't remember when I've seen...this person.  Maybe it was on TV or one of the meta podcasts?  You know I don't like sweet potatoes as much as people think I do."

Next questions if you wish
Jack Sharpe
player, 622 posts
Wed 18 May 2022
at 01:38
  • msg #216

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

 As soon as Lydia starts talking gibberish, Jack takes her by the hand, grabs her purse and leads her from the bowling alley, pulling out his phone and sending off a message to HT: Something in play at bowling alley, or everyone here is having a stroke. Need medical and possible quarantine. I’ll keep you updated if I figure it out.

"Come with me Lyds, I think something is wrong."

As he walks out the door, he considers pulling the fire alarm, but that just might end up dumping a bunch of people with exposure and confusion onto the street.

Once he gets Lydia outside, he starts checking her over.

Simultaneously, he’s checking the area, looking for anything that might be attached to the heating system. It’s Minnesota, everyone has one.
GM, 1893 posts
Thu 19 May 2022
at 22:11
  • msg #217

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 216):

Well, let's not get too far outside now...

As you are grabbing her purse, a man in a costume suddenly stands up on the concession stand.  Where the hell he came from, you have no idea.

He's dressed in black.  Well.  His sister's yoga pants and a t-shirt that are matching shades of black.  Too little is left to the imagination.

He's spray painted a big, yellow BD on his shirt.  And he's wearing a ski mask he's tried to spray paint a shade of black that matches the rest of his uniform.

There are guys with shot guns and wearing pig masks (seriously...where the hell did they come from?  They weren't there a moment ago).

"MWAH HA HA HA HA HA!!!" mwah ha ha's Mr. Yoga Pants, yelling out through a megaphone in one hand.  "LISSEN UP BITCHES!!! YOU'RE PARTYING WITH THE BIG BD NOW!!! I'M BRAIN DEATH!!! AND YOU ARE ALL MY HOSTAGES!!!


You find yourself tapping the same smiley emoticon on your phone, again and again.  You're also walking around in a circle instead of outside and holding Lydia's bowling ball instead of Lydia.

She's back at your lane, sitting cross legged on the ground and seeming to think really hard.

Brain Death?  Why does that sound familiar?

So as not to frustrate you too much...

For the purposes of this scenario, Jack can think as intelligently as he always does.

But if he tries to do something, it may or may not go as planned.

Leaving or trying to contact the outside world seem to be two of the "somethings" that won't work so well.

Jack Sharpe
player, 623 posts
Thu 19 May 2022
at 22:23
  • msg #218

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

As he begins to understand what is happening, Jack very carefully moves until he is between “BD” and Lydia. Even if they can mess with his brain, he’s still invincible, and he’s not going to let Lydia get hurt. Though he sort of suspects that the people with weapons are a hallucination, in fact, he sort of wonders if this entire scenario isn’t a hallucination.

Focusing on his phone, he gingerly keeps pressing buttons. Trying to get a message to send.

Anything, to any of the people on the list, especially if gibberish, would be useful.  Anyone on the Program would be a win, they’d investigate why the Black-rated Cape is acting insane on his phone and figure it out. Aunt? Same, she’d just pass the ‘weirdness’ along. Colby would tell Darja. Darja would tell HT.

There isn’t anyone on his phone that would be a fail to get a message, no matter how gibberish to. So, just get a message out, any message.

He doesn’t move anymore than that. He just keeps himself between them and Lydia, and waits. He'd normally want to cover her more directly with his body, but if he does, he risks accidentally pulling her apart like cotton candy. He's honestly surprised a "not fully in control" version of him was walking at normal people speeds. That was usually an act of concentration.

Maybe he's some sort of puppeteer and doesn't know how people work?
GM, 1895 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 02:43
  • msg #219

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 218):

Let's leave it to chance as to who gets your message and what you send.

Pick a number between 1 and 10.  And then pick another number between 1 and 10.  Can be the same number each time.


Jack Sharpe
player, 624 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 02:45
  • msg #220

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

3 and 8
GM, 1896 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 02:49
  • msg #221

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 220):

Aren't you Johnny on the Spot?

Your cell bleeps.  Kevin.

Yr auto correct is a dumbass.  You're at the bowling alley.  What's Bette Davis doing there?  And why are you afraid of bacon?
Jack Sharpe
player, 625 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 03:54
  • msg #222

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack keeps sending emoticons. Trying to make the message make sense, but obviously that isn't doing anything. So he just makes sure to stand between the villains and Lydia, and sends the texts behind his back. His fingers tapping at the keyboard repeatedly as he keeps doing it.
GM, 1897 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 04:53
  • msg #223

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 222):

Kevin again.

OK.  You are either butt dialing or something is wrong.

If something is wrong, try to send a pattern to me.  If you know morse code, use that.  If nothing else, send me one long string of offensive emojis.  Just something that isn't random.

Tracking you in any case.  Sorry if I get interrupt something

Meanwhile the Pig Masks have started herding people away from the doors.  There are about ten of them.

Two of them walk up to BD.  You can "hear" them fairly easily.  You are also picking up heartbeats.  So, if you thought the Pig Masks were illusions, they are either really detailed ones or they are guys.

"Hey.  Ter-"

"Brain Death."

The Pig Mask sighs.  "Brain Death.  You sure you can cover this whole building?"

"I'm sure.  Anyone in this building I wish is no longer in control of their nervous system."

Second Pig Mask looks at First Pig Mask. "What's that mean?"

First:  "It means no one Terry-Brain Death here doesn't want to can do what they want to."

Second seems to consider that.  "I don't get it."

"It's very simple.  They can't do what they want to do cos I won't let them."

"What if they want to do something else?"

"They can't do that either."

Second cocks his head to one side.  "What if they wanna take a swing at one of us?"

"I don't know.  They'd..." BD is quiet a moment and then shrugs.  "...They'd probably start playing Tic Tac Toe instead."

Second scans everyone in the bowling alley.  "So anyone playin' Tic Tac Toe is thinkin' about taking a swing at us."

First seems to have a headache.  "Yeah.  Why don't you go look for anyone playin' Tic Tac Toe.  'kay?"  He turns to BD.  "I'm still kinda worried about any Capes showin' up. "

BD pshaws him.  "Don't be.  My power means I'm the smartest guy in the room."

First seems to swallow what he wants to say and then looks around.  "Alright.  Just in case, I brought some insurance.  I'm gonna set it up.  Keep...doin' what your doing. "

He wanders off.

BD goes behind the counter and starts making himself some nachos.

Let me know what kind of message you send Kevin or if there is anything you want to do other than guard Lyds.  If not, I will move us along.


Jack Sharpe
player, 626 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 06:50
  • msg #224

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

When “BD” explains how his power works, Jack inwardly nods, then actually ends up hopping on one foot.

He quickly maps back everything he has done and the commands he’d sent to do those things, and starts testing if he can send the “wrong idea” to do the thing he wants it to do, just a whole new nervous system map. “Lift my pinky finger means, step forward.” And so on.

He isn’t sure it’ll work, but he has to try.

He sends either of those two things as best he can, to Kevin. He’s just glad that he has somehow managed to work his thumbs when he wanted to.

Trying to re-map action keybindings, so to speak. He'd pause before each action and consider it.
GM, 1900 posts
Mon 23 May 2022
at 01:54
  • msg #225

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 224):

Interesting.  I would bet Jack could go through a number of random actions in a split second due to his speed.

Give me five actions he would prioritize.  You can make them as specific or as general as you like, but the more general, the less likely he'll stumble upon them

I'll proceed once I get that list from you.  Thanks

Jack Sharpe
player, 627 posts
Mon 23 May 2022
at 02:15
  • msg #226

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Wiggling each toe, 1-5. Right foot.
GM, 1903 posts
Tue 24 May 2022
at 01:48
  • msg #227

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 226):

Are you going at it in reverse?  Seeing what action you get for each toe wiggle?

If so...

Big toe wiggle...................You aren't sure but you think your blushing.

Toe 2 wiggle.....................You have a terrific thirst for Fresca!

Toe 3 wiggle.....................You take a deep breath in and exhale.  Mightily.

Toe 4 wiggle.....................You suddenly leap to the left.

Toe 5 wiggle.....................Your left foot sweeps out.

On Toe 3, you of course can blow at the Super level, depending on how bad you wiggle that toe.

Toes 4 and 5, You seem to be in control of the strength level.  That is you could leap at Jack type distances.  But only to the left.  Toe 5 is more or less a leg sweeping motion or sideways kick.


Your cell dings.  Almost there.  Can you send me one character if there is nothing wrong.  Two if there is.  Three characters if I should come in by the roof.  Four for back door.  Five is don't come in.
Jack Sharpe
player, 628 posts
Tue 24 May 2022
at 01:51
  • msg #228

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Oh, yes, if you were offering to let me map out how to move properly, then it'd be move forward, backward, side to side and slap a hoe.

Getting the message from Kevin, he spams the keyboard. It's not about a number, it's just sending a bunch so that Kevin knows that the problem is in the building, and that he should scout before entering.

Scout like a boss.

He'll continue to map out motions, memorizing what each one is making him do. Hoping that he doesn't do anything drastic like.. crush his phone into dust, or unleash a blast of heat from his eyes.
GM, 1907 posts
Wed 25 May 2022
at 00:55
  • msg #229

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

I figure it's much easier for you to tell me what moves you're looking for since Jack can probably test 50 moves a second.  Besides.  It lets me be jerk.

Head Pig has gone to a duffel on the shoe counter.  He's picked it up and is heading for the door that leads to the alley's machine room.

Kevin pings back.  So I'm guessing I need to be careful then?

By the time BD is done with his nachos, you have this figured out.

Toe 4 wiggle...................................................Move left.

Pull your right earlobe........................................Jump back

Lick the back of your upper central incisor tooth..............Move forward

Press your knees together......................................Move right

Think about enjoying the great taste of Fresca!!!!!...........Smack a ho
Jack Sharpe
player, 629 posts
Wed 25 May 2022
at 01:42
  • msg #230

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

During the testing phase, Jack probably looks a bit spastic as he twitches and moves different muscles independently. Figuring out the mental map behind well, all sorts of things, he memorizes the list and basically moves himself like that character from QWOP.

 (You should see the game if you haven’t. It’ll take 2 minutes and the comparison is hilarious.)

Realizes after a few tries that any attempt to send a correct text message ends up as word-salad, or probably does, he can’t actually tell since his brain is reading things incorrectly and how to reprogram that seems like it’d take time. So, after the latest from Kevin, he sends yet another layer of spam.

For the moment, this appears to be a heist, and blowing his cover is unnecessary. Kevin is here.

He waits.
GM, 1909 posts
Fri 27 May 2022
at 02:51
  • msg #231

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 230):

And you wait.  And wait some more.

After a while, you get another text.

So I'm guessing the bad guy in there makes everyone stupid.

Cos I tried to take out the guy in the back room and ended up sucking on the end of my tail.  What I saw when I peeked out the door made me think it wasn't just me.

His power has a wide range.  You can apparently do something since you're spamming me.

Can you make it to the bathroom?

You'd have to walk down four lanes worth of aisle to get there.  There's pig masks wandering about but also plenty of hostages doing the same.  They might not pay attention to you if you did...

You can via the toe wiggle/knees together/put your right foot in and shake it all about/etc.

The question will be will they notice you heading there.

Jack Sharpe
player, 630 posts
Fri 27 May 2022
at 09:56
  • msg #232

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack heads off toward the bathroom at the request from Kevin, deliberately letting himself stumble from time to time, and generally trying to appear like he has no control over what he is doing. Not that he has much control over how he looks. In fact, the stiffness of his posture is probably rather strange, like in his first days at school when someone had first pointed it out. He can’t make himself slump now.

Well, at least he isn’t setting anything on fire with his eyes.
GM, 1912 posts
Sat 28 May 2022
at 03:49
  • msg #233

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 232):

A man screams as he suddenly catches fire from your eyes.

Just kidding

There's a guy in the bathroom with his head in a sink.  He's making sounds like a cockatoo.

The bathroom is against the outside wall.  And there are small windows near the top of the wall, most of them cracked open  to ventilate.  You can see Kevin on the other side of one.

He glances away from his observation of the cockatoo and shakes his head.

"You're a fund date, you know that?

"Can you fight?  If not...I can think of a way to do this.  But it's not gonna be fun for you."

You could fight.  Probably. That's your call.  Fight or Plan B

Kevin looks rather serious for the moment.  "One of these guys...he's got a pig mask on for some reason...he's in the back.  Like in the mechanical room. And he's setting up some kind of device.  I don't think it's a bomb.  But it looked fairly high tech.  So it can't be good.  Whatever it is, I think we need to move before he finishes setting it up."
Jack Sharpe
player, 631 posts
Sat 28 May 2022
at 03:59
  • msg #234

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack takes ten seconds, during which time he spastically starts processing through a few hundred more things. Moving erratically, far too fast for a human, now that he’s out of line of sight from those in the bowling alley. As he starts to wrestle some control back, he tries to breathe in the fresh air from outside and attempts to speak. “It’s cross-wiring nerve FRAUDS, it’s taking me chickens to purple out a proper Fresca. Yoga pants, megaphone, in charge. Brain Death.”

He tries to relay as much information as he can as he tries to regain his faculties by drawing in outside air, since it seems to be air based? With his mouth to the vent, he inhales more air than his body should be able to hold, and he exhales it, then does it again, and holds his breath.

Testing, testing.
GM, 1917 posts
Mon 30 May 2022
at 02:46
  • msg #235

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Editor-in-Chief (msg # 233):

Kevin is silent on the other side of the window.

"Yoga pants, huh?

"Okay.  I guess we'll have to go with Plan B.

"Do you think you can draw the...Brain Death?..guy in front of the glass doors near the entrance?  If you can get him there, I'll try creating an opportunity.  Once you feel back in know. Do your thing.

"If possible, try not to let any civies get near the doors.  But if you can't...we'll just have to do what we gotta do.  I'll be as careful as I can.

"I'm guessing you can understand.  I need about two minutes.  OK?"

You can nod or shake your head.  That will work

Though if you want to talk about Fresca some more, I'm all for it.

Jack Sharpe
player, 632 posts
Mon 30 May 2022
at 04:02
  • msg #236

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!


He pauses and seems to be thinking about whether he can lure the person, he isn't sure. The whole point of getting Kevin here was to do it without doing his thing, since he'd be somewhat memorable, but he has to do what he has to do.


Walking out of the bathroom, he looks around to make sure he has a line of sight on Brain Death, then he starts to walk toward the glass doors, slowly. He needs to give Kevin time to set up whatever his trick is.
GM, 1920 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 02:42
  • msg #237

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 236):

Brain Death is sipping a Diet Pepsi and scratching his butt.  Literally scratching his butt.  Not even being subtle about it.

One of the Pigs...from his voice you think it's the one who had a thing about punching walking your way, mumbling "No one's playin' Tic Tac Toe.  I think they were goofin' on me."

He stops and glances over.  He's looking at Lydia.  She's doing something with the scorecard.

Pig narrows his eyes under his mask.

"Wait a minute...Is she playin' Tic. Tac. Toe?"

He starts heading her way.
Jack Sharpe
player, 633 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 03:00
  • msg #238

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Brain death," Jack calls out when the guy starts to get distracted by Lydia. "Tic tac Fresca."

Standing near the doors, he waits for Kevin and Brain Death. He's also preparing to start intercepting, but he would prefer that the plan goes off somewhat similar to what Kevin had proposed.

He continues to spasm a bit here and there as he continues to chart out the connections.
GM, 1923 posts
Thu 2 Jun 2022
at 18:42
  • msg #239

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 238):

Pig jerks his head your way.  "Tic Tac Toe an' Fresca, huh?  Buddy...You just bought yourself a ticket ta Pound Town."

Brain Death wanders your way at the mention of his name.  "Careful now Butch.  This one looks like a linebacker."  He giggles.  "All brawn and no brain.  Get it?"


"Cos of me.  My power.  It's making him dumb."

Butch-Pig thinks on that.  "Maybe's he's just dumb to start with."

<yellow>"Well duh.  He looks like he takes steroids at a gas pump.  But that doesn't mean-"

What it doesn't mean you aren't sure.  There's too much noise and breaking glass.

Kevin drives a motorcycle through the front doors.  He screeches across the lobby and slams into Brain Death, hitting him in a pass by with a two by four he's wielding like a club.

Kevin pulls the bike around and kills it, looking at the lump that's Brain Death on the floor.  BD is still alive, but he's not going to be out of traction anytime soon.

"Doesn't matter how stupid you are if you're already in motion."  Kevin asks aloud, not looking at you directly but obviously meaning you when he asks, "You okay? "

As a matter of are.
Jack Sharpe
player, 634 posts
Thu 2 Jun 2022
at 21:59
  • msg #240

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Shotguns,” he warns Kevin.

Jack then glances down at the unconscious form and gives a very subtle thumbs up before he goes for cover and starts to make his way toward Lydia. The room is still filled with thugs with shotguns, and he isn’t about to have to try to cover up how he survived getting hit with a shotgun.

Once he’s behind cover, he pulls out a handful of coins out of his pocket and starts using them as projectiles with quick little, faster than the eye can follow, throws over the top of the bowling ball racks between the subfloor with the bowling alley and the elevated area with all the amenities. Each coin aimed to foul up the aim of those with shotguns further away from Kevin.

But for the most part he’s just trying to make his way back over to his girl.

“Lyds, you okay?”
he asks as he gets close and gets her behind some cover. Taking his coins in hand he continues to make quick little super-speed throws to mess up the thugs.
GM, 1925 posts
Sat 4 Jun 2022
at 03:16
  • msg #241

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 240):

"I just went through a plate glass door.  Would it really kill you to smack these guys around?"

Kevin mumbles that under his breath.  Whether he's forgotten you can "hear" him or doesn't care you aren't sure.

But he does his thing, knocking out the nearest Pig before launching at the others.  He takes to the ceiling, using his tail to swing from rafter to rafter.  It keeps the shotguns aimed upwards and away from the civies, who are scattering.

Lydia shakes her head and huddles up to your back. "FINE!  I'M FINE!  I'M NOT SCARED!"

She's shakier than the plotline for the Disney installments of the Star Wars franchise.  But she's obviously trying to be brave.

You ping out a few of the Pigs easy enough.

Then you "see" something.  The Head Pig.  The one who went into the mechanical room.  He peeked out the doorway as the fighting between Kevin and the Pigs started.

Head Pig has goen back into the room. That suitcase he had before is laying on the floor.  Head Pig kneels by it, and starts fumbling with something inside, acting like he's flipping switches.

There's something mechanical inside the suitcase.  But you aren't sure what it is.

There's a sudden thrumming sound.  It's on a wavelength the human ear can't pick up.  Yours can of course.
Jack Sharpe
player, 635 posts
Sat 4 Jun 2022
at 04:52
  • msg #242

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

To be honest, Jack had expected more finesse out of the plan from Kevin. But one can’t dispute that he’s effective!

Jack makes sure that Lydia is safe, and turns to give her a quick kiss on the forehead. “I need to deal with something, you're safe, you were always safe,” he says quietly and then making sure he’s out of line of sight from those on the interior, he blurs away, moving toward the “Head Pig” before they can flip too many of these mysterious switches.

He knocks them out with a little flick to the head, and then looking down at the case, will turn it back off if possible, and if not, he gets the thing up into the atmosphere and away from downtown.
GM, 1929 posts
Mon 6 Jun 2022
at 01:42
  • msg #243

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 242):

That's the best I/Kevin could come up with at the moment.  He'll be bad ass next time, I promise

The Head Pig barely has time to look up before you ka-flick him into nighty-nighty land.

The case shows a suprisingly sophisticated set of circuitry.  This is Mom level stuff.  You aren't even sure what it does exactly.  But it's thrumming.  And that can't be good.

You take it skywards and hit the atmosphere within seconds.  The case is vibrating and shaking.

Tossing it? Burning it?  You are in the stratosphere.
Jack Sharpe
player, 636 posts
Mon 6 Jun 2022
at 04:10
  • msg #244

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

 Jack does a combination of all of the options, throwing the case into outer space while unleashing a wave of heat onto it to incinerate it to ash. Admittedly, part of him wants to see if he can’t disable it and figure out what it does. That’s probably some inherited trait from his parents. But as he finishes removing the McGuffin, he knows he has done the right thing, it could have done all manner of mischief. Better to just remove it from the equation.

Turning around, he speeds back toward the ground and slows down only as he nears the bowling alley, looking over the situation before he darts back in to be near Lydia. Making sure she sees him before he puts an arm around her.

“Want to go get some pizza?”
he asks.
GM, 1930 posts
Tue 7 Jun 2022
at 00:58
  • msg #245

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 244):

The case makes a rather satisfying KA THOOOOOM sound as it blows up.

Kevin has finished up by the time you get back.  Most of the civies in the bowling alley are streaming out of the bowling alley.

Lydia flinches when you put an arm around her, and then punches you in the side.  "I just about gave myself a heart attack in there.  Is it all okay now?"

She looks up at you.  "Someone coulda died in there.  I mean I know that guy was goofy as hell and everything.  But...that was serious, wasn't it?  Someone could have gotten hurt."

It seems a sincere question.  She's obviously a little more shaken than you may have thought.

Lydia shakes her head.  "I'll be okay.  Nachos.  When you stress, you ate a big plate of El Porton's Supreme Nachos, extra sour cream.  Then everything is okay again."

She gives you a grin.  Then back to the serious type look. "Hey," she asks pitching her voice lower. "That was the Minneapolis Monkey, right? Do you like know him and stuff?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 637 posts
Tue 7 Jun 2022
at 05:52
  • msg #246

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

 The case was a boom-boom, Jack nods a little at himself. Good move then. It wasn’t a magical cure to cancer device they were testing in some sort of deranged move. Looking down into her eyes, he keeps an arm around her and gently walks with her, keeping her close. “All okay!” he answers as he gets her out of the area and based on her words, toward a place with good nachos.

Thinking about her question and whether it’d traumatize her to know, he shakes his head.

“They weren’t suicidal. They had weapons and a guy who could keep hostages, I think they were planning to hold us for ransom or something,”
he explains with a smile. He actually has no idea what their plans were, but it's as good an explanation as any. “In case you’re curious about the villain, he just cross-wired all the nerve impulses. I had to go through and re-chart all the impulses then sort of puppeteer myself by doing things like, ‘move pinky finger’ ‘wiggle ear’ over and over to move myself.”

It was actually sort of a neat power, it’s too bad the guy is a total douche-canoe, or he’d make for an interesting hero. Able to affect someone like Jack no less. Even for a few minutes, it was impressive.

“Oh, yeah, once I figured out how to move my hands, I started spamming him with texts so he’d know I was in trouble. Eventually I could have figured out how to move my fingers and just sent him a proper text, but by then, he’d arrived, anyway, yeah, we’re friends.”

GM, 1933 posts
Tue 7 Jun 2022
at 21:59
  • msg #247

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 246):

Douche-canoe is now part of my lexicon.  Thanks

Lydia's eyes go big.  "Really?  Wow.  That's kinda like knowing a celebrity.  Though I guess he's more of an urban myth.  Well.  I guess since he's real he'd be a celebrity.

"You know any other big names?"

There are three nearby choices for nachos.

There's the nearby mall food court.

There's the place Lydia named:  El Porton.

And there's a divey looking taco bar down the road called Hot Mess Tacos.

Food Court's closer.  Than Hot Mess.  El Porton is across the interstate, so you'd have to walk over the skyway.
Jack Sharpe
player, 638 posts
Tue 7 Jun 2022
at 22:07
  • msg #248

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack heads to El Porton with her, since that’s what she’d asked for. If she wants him to fly her, she just needs to ask, he has indicated that he’d be willing to do it before. So he leaves it to her to feel comfortable with, since flying had made her cold in the past and it’s getting later and later in the year. Snow should be hitting the ground any day now.

“Uh, almost all of GuardStar, several of the Paladins,”
he answers, it is pretty cool. They are kind of like celebrities. “I’ve detained a few hoods, but won’t drop specific names except one from off-planet.”

As he walks, he tells her the story of how he fought a threat that would show up on an intergalactic threat list in a ship at the bottom of the abyss.

“So technically, that guy is probably the most famous person I’ve fought if we go by ‘known by the most intelligent beans' prior to that event.”

This message was last edited by the player at 22:08, Tue 07 June 2022.
GM, 1937 posts
Thu 9 Jun 2022
at 22:06
  • msg #249

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 248):

"It's cold...but it's kinda a' nice night.  Can we just walk?"

It is a nice evening despite the chill.  Well.  Not chilly to you of course.  You're you. But the moon is kind of nice.  There's a single cloud drifting across the bottom of it.  The siren lights from the cop cars pulled up in front of the bowling alley are making the concrete walls turn a pleasant shade of blue.  And the sound of cars speeding underneath the walkway almost sound like ocean waves.  They smell like exhaust pipes of course.  But the sound isn't unromantic.

She squeezes your hand with hers.  And maybe that's nice.  Maybe a walk isn't so bad.

Until you get halfway across the walkway.  Ahead, coming from the other direction, is a weirdo.  He's wearing what looks like a William Shatner mask that's been turned inside out.

He stops walking when you see him and raises a hand.  He snaps his fingers.


The walkway explodes.  Lydia sceams as the path under her feet starts to come undone.  Below, you can hear the screech of brakes as drivers start trying to come to a stop as the walkway begins to crumble into the highway below.
Jack Sharpe
player, 639 posts
Thu 9 Jun 2022
at 22:57
  • msg #250

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Anything you need,” Jack tells her and takes her hand.

The moment Jack sees the Mike Meyers wannabe, he looks through their mask and tries to figure out if he knows who they are from the list of villains faces he has seen in the past. He isn’t going to freak out over someone so close to Halloween wearing a Halloween mask, but—

Then they blow up the bridge, and he instantly scoops up Lydia and moves her away from the area. In the motion however, his momentary rage releases itself in a beam of concentrated heat-beam right across the torso of the person who has attacked Lydia. This was targeted, and nobody gets to target Lydia and live. The rage unleashes itself from his eyes in a searing path of destruction but at least in that brief nanosecond, he targets almost exclusively the target of his wrath and not the buildings behind him.

If the attacker survives, he’ll feel really bad for trying to kill them rather than figure out their motivates about a hundredth of a second later, if they don’t, he’ll feel bad for good while longer, because for all he knew they were under the control of Roger.

He doesn’t think so, Roger is the sort to monologue. Just think of how he handled things at homecoming.

Taking Lydia out of the area, he makes his way to HT’s private apartment.
GM, 1941 posts
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 03:22
  • msg #251

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 250):

You don't recognize the face behind the mask.  Non-descript.  Brown hair.  Brown eyes.

He doesn't live past the nano-second you light him up.

Underneath, there's a pile up of cars as drivers try to brake or suddenly have fragments of walkway fall on their hoods or through their windows.

Cars behind them slam into them from the rear.  You hear people screaming.  Some of their heartbeats go quiet.

HT answers the door, looking surprised.  "Uh...what's goin' on?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 640 posts
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 14:18
  • msg #252

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack would like to have helped those people, but he needs to get Lydia to safety and then he’ll double back for them. Given the option to have saved them and Lydia simultaneously, he would have, but he has to prioritize her. Flying to HT’s, he lands and puts her down outside the apartment door.

“You’ll be safe here,”
he tells Lydia as  he knocks on the door to get the man to the door. “I’m going to protect you.”

Having placed Lydia down, he nods at HT. “This is Lydia, she’s my girlfriend, we’ve just had two people make targeted bomb attacks on us. I went someplace they probably wouldn’t predict. I’ll start in your neighborhood and work my way backwards,” he explains and takes off.
GM, 1943 posts
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 00:12
  • msg #253

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 252):

HT blinks and manages a "What?", but by then you're gone.

He shakes his head and simultaneously starts talking to Lydia, trying to calm her and picking up his phone to dial the program.

First responders are on their way to the highway.  Luckily (????), there were a lot of cops and ambulances at the bowling alley.  And with not many hurt there, they can begin sending ambulances and cops over.

But even then, the first responders are going to need time to assess the situation and suss out who needs immediate attention.  As you study the scene you can prioritize three.

There's an SUV that both rear ended the car ahead and got rear ended.  The driver, a middle aged woman, is dead.  No heart beat.  But there are two kids in the back seat.  They're both in safety seats, but the younger child, a girl, got a shard of glass in her leg.  It's severed a vein and she's starting to bleed out.

The second is an older woman.  She managed to swerve her car so as not to rear end any one.  But that caused her car to spin sideways.  She got hit broadside by the car behind her and is now trapped in her car, all the doors pinned shut but one or another car wreck around her.  From the sounds of her heart beats, she's having a heart attack.  Or a stroke.  You can't analyze in too much detail at the moment.

The last top priority is a family.  Their car got plowed by an eighteen wheeler, yet miraculously, they're all still alive.  But their car has been bent around them.  They are badly trapped and the dad and maybe one of the kids is bleeding.

Oh, and there's what appears to be an insect swarm descending towards you from the sky.  You can hear a kind of odd metalic buzzing sound.  And when you glance upwards, you can make out the shape of them.  At first it almost resembles a cloud at night, but it's much looser.  Using "your" vision, you can make out the individual components of the cloud.  It's made up of a bunch of red nano bots.

Recognize what's going on yet?
Jack Sharpe
player, 641 posts
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 00:29
  • msg #254

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

As soon as he arrives at the scene of the explosion-accident, Jack immediately begins pulling people out and administering first aid. Using strips of cloth he rips out of seats to make tourniquets. He does his best to triage and save as many people as possible as fast as possible. First, stabilize. Second,  take the woman having the stroke or heart attack to the nearest ambulance …

Third, deal with the nano swarm.

“Am I still in the damn chain? What in the fluffercluckin’ heck is going on around here?”
he asks the air, but all the same he takes off into the air, and begins to annihilate the bots. Unleashing waves of heat from his eyes as he flies upwards.

He can’t have them descending on the people below.
GM, 1944 posts
Tue 14 Jun 2022
at 02:40
  • msg #255

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 254):

You handle most of the records on the hurry.  The EMT is surprised when a woman having a heart attack lands almost at his feet.  And then a little girl with a severed femoral.

Then you are up in the sky, shooting off heat beams and getting all pyrotechnic up there.

It's strange.  This nano-swarm gives you almost no trouble.  Their movements aren't well coordinated, if they are even trying to coordinate at all.

Below, the first responders have descended on the scene.  There are choppers arriving.  Mostly news crews.  Bystanders are busy documenting everything on their cell phones.

The whole thing is a big mess.

As you finish up, you see a couple of people flying towards you.  Darja and Hemi.

It's your first time meeting Hemi, at least in this reality.  His suit is a lot more bulky this time.  It looks like he's wearing a fire engine on his arms.

"You're Sharpe, right?" his voice squawks at you over his suit's intercom.

"What's going on?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 642 posts
Tue 14 Jun 2022
at 02:52
  • msg #256

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“There are several possibilities, none of which are the least bit helpful. There have been three attacks directed at me, or I’m just a walking coincidence today,” Jack answers, he isn’t entirely sure either is true, but he’s rather confused at the moment. The man with the bomb and the Meyers mask neither seemed like they were reincarnations of the red-swarm controller like in the first case.

He continues to consider. In the base, the base had kept throwing up problems in his way. The creatures, then the disappearing team members, then finally the red-tide Backwards guy.

“There may be a nanite controller somewhere in the area, the remains of the swarm are here,”
he pointed out some of the less than totally decimated remains on the ground. Most of it was completely evaporated, but some of it might still be useful with super-tech.
GM, 1947 posts
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 03:01
  • msg #257

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 256):

"Your homework."

Darja is floating there, arms crossed, head cocked, lips pursed in thought.

"Excuse me?"

Darja shakes her head.  "Today in one of our classes, we were talking about MIEs-"

"This isn't the time to review study notes."

"I'm not. Sir.  Just listen." She looks at you.  "Remember what Mr. Casey was talking about? The example he gave us?  A guy takes hostages in a bowling alley?

"And then we had that homework assignment?  You jotted off some scenarios.  I was looking them over when they called me.

"A guy wearing a Captain Kirk mask who can blow things up.

"Then one based on that chain exercise we went through.

"Next was one based off what happened at homecoming."

As if on cue, there's an explosion about a mile away.  A park by the river.

You can "hear" a voice.  It's saying, "Ha ha! I can now escape by jumping into someone else's body!"

Messages 190 and 197
Jack Sharpe
player, 643 posts
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 03:32
  • msg #258

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack thinks back on it. Perfect memory is only worth something if he doesn’t think the idea is so preposterous that he’d never even think back to the idea in the first place, but Darja is right. It lines up perfectly with the things he’d proposed in his write-up.

“Right, Darja, get the bomber,”
knowing that she’d have heard it too, “Hemi, you’re going to need someone with a shrinking ray or device, you’ll know where it’s needed when it happens, and I need to go,” he declared. Not taking the time to let these things go any longer than they will.

He doesn’t know how this is working, because he certainly doesn’t have some sort of reality warping power to make things happen, and he isn’t prescient. . or is he?

“Better have aunt Marlene buy a lotto ticket on the way back,”
he says as he takes off into the atmosphere and then angles back toward the abyss at maximum speed. Making use of space and his ability to move faster outside the atmosphere to maximum effect before he darts back through the ocean.
GM, 1951 posts
Fri 17 Jun 2022
at 03:06
  • msg #259

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 258):

Darja sighs but speeds off, in the direction of the voice.  "You had to make him a body switcher, didn't you?" she mumbles.

Hemi squawks.  "Wait. What? A shrinking ray?"

But by then your in the mesosphere heading up to the thermo.

You hit the water, causing a small tsunami yourself.  But it only covers an atoll far off the coast of Mexico.  There will be some nice waves for the surfers out this afternoon though.

The ship is easy enough to find.  Almost like it's not even trying to hide from you.

It looks more like something off the original Star Wars than the one you came across before.  Large.  Triangular.  You can almost hear the March of the Empire music playing.

"Looking" inside, you can "see" a tall, six armed gorilla checking instruments and bellowing orders to minions who look like the winged monkeys from the Wizard of Oz.

"BWAH HA HA HA HA BWAH HA HA!" Fourteen Foot Multi Armed Gorilla chortles.  "Soon we shall drown this flimsy planet and wash it clean from it's hateful race!"
Jack Sharpe
player, 644 posts
Fri 17 Jun 2022
at 03:14
  • msg #260

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I didn’t make anything, this was clearly aliens or something,” Jack grumbles as he takes off, leaving Hemi to figure it out. Hopefully he’d get on that quickly, or there’d be a baby taking a waddle across the Twin Cities or something like that-assuming it’s local.

Punching down through the water, he actually does attempt to do it without setting off any crazy tsunamis by hitting the water with a blast from his eyes first. Evaporating and disturbing the top layers to hopefully mitigate some of the sudden energy his insertion will cause. But then again, anything his slim body might cause is going to be a pebble in a pond compared to the damage the fake galactic destroyer might cause.

Darting down through the water, he punches straight down into the ship, hoping that the susceptibility to salt water holds out.

If not, it’s time to kick ass and chew bubble gum.

Seeing as these things are all fictional beings, he just sort of cuts loose, destroying everything to keep the ship from taking off, and sparing no expense in how he takes out the “gorilla” guy.
GM, 1955 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 02:49
  • msg #261

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 260):

The salt water doesn't seem to pan out.  Other than causing the monkeys to drown.

You plow through wave after wave of them.  Then Six Arm Magilla Gorilla wades in.

He may be fictional, but he's got quite the punch.  Punches.  He throws several into you that feel.

You manage a wild swing that connects with his chin and sends him reeling across the hallway the two of you have landed in.  The hull is groaning as enough saltwater has plunged in through the hole you made to be sloshing knee deep in water.  That is if you weren't kind of hovering in mid air.

Gorilla stands, wiping bluish looking blood off it's lips and says, in a voice that's somewhat soft and well as sounding a little emo..."You're not so tough.  They talk about you all the time.  But you're not really all that."
Jack Sharpe
player, 645 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 03:12
  • msg #262

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack continues to battle it out with the gorilla beast, impressed by his strength. “Who talks about me? And who are you?” he asks, he feels like there might be some way to manipulate this conversation to get them to open up, but he’s too busy trying to deal with them before this can get out of hand. As the fighting tends to distract him from forming that sort of plan, and to be honest, it isn’t his specialty.

He needs to learn to do that.

“Also, you’re talking a lot of shit for the one who is bleeding.”

GM, 1960 posts
Tue 21 Jun 2022
at 23:48
  • msg #263

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 262):

Fourteen Foot rears back and delivers an uppercut you feel.


He then grapples your arms with two of his and starts landing gut punches with one of his lower sets of arms.

And he starts speaking in that other voice too.

"They all talk about you!  Jack's shit doesn't smell!  He can control his powers!"

Fourteen Foot seems to grow a bit.  He's more like Eighteen Foot now.  And no longer bleeding.

"Bite your head off..."
Jack Sharpe
player, 646 posts
Wed 22 Jun 2022
at 00:11
  • msg #264

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack doesn’t stop fighting, using his eye-beams and different attacks. Piercing whistles, claps, directed joint attacks, anything to try and figure out if this thing has a weakness. In either case, he starts trying to pull the attacks up and down the ship, destroying it and mitigating the threat from the story he’d written for the assignment. No ship to move means no risk of tsunamis.

“Who says that?” he asks again, curious if there is some sort of mysterious cabal behind all of this or if it’s just some feverish nightmare and he’s going to wake up at some point.

It’s so weird.

If "it' goes to bite him, he blasts it through the back of the mouth with eyebeams.
GM, 1964 posts
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 22:37
  • msg #265

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 264):

It doesn't try to bite you. But it keeps changing it's voice.



"Jack..." You can "hear" Darja.  "I got the bombs taken care of.  Hemi and Gut Shot are dealing with this giant baby...It's really creepy.

"Anyway.  Did you tell anyone about your homework?  Only I and Colby knew about it.  I wouldn't think Colby was doing this.

"Do you have a copy in your back pack? Or on your phone? Or in your locker?

"Maybe if we can figure out who saw the assignment, we can figure out what's going on."

Jack Sharpe
player, 647 posts
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 22:55
  • msg #266

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“It’s on a shared google doc, I only sent the link to you two. Ask Colby if he showed it to anyone,” Jack replies as he continues to fight the monstrosity, pulling off arms if it insists that he does. As they fight, he continues to wreck the ship. Reducing it to slag. He’d wanted to keep it, but he was fairly certain that if he did manage to keep it intact, the stupid bureaucrats would somehow show up and say it was theirs again.

Never letting him keep his fancy spaceships.

“Okay, crazy person,”
he replies to the beast as he continues to wail on it, using super-speed and everything else at his disposal as he hunts for weaknesses.

He’s guessing this thing is an idea more than a biological beast which means that it’s only working this way because someone wanted it to. Though that’s some major mojo.

“Darja, run it by eveyone: maybe that guy Alcome could do this?”
he theorizes.
GM, 1965 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 01:11
  • msg #267

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 266):

"On it..."

You double down on the "idea".  Mental projection or not, it seems to have a limit.  You stuff it into what you think is a thruster tube as the room you're currently in fills with water.

It stops moving and bwah ha ha-ing.  You seem to have won.


Oh, and your also really, really wet.

Darja pings back.  "Colby's clear.  I met Monkey and he's checking on your Google Docs account.  I didn't ask how he knew about it.

"Jack...I checked my stuff to. Just to be sure.  My locker at the program was open.  I know I didn't leave it open.  And there was a hard copy of the assignment inside.

"Do you think this coulda been someone from the program?

"Oh.  The giant baby is taken care of too.  But a lot of people have been hurt and died.

"I think this is kinda serious."

Jack Sharpe
player, 648 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 01:18
  • msg #268

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“In your locker, that could be anyone. It’s not exactly Fort Knox,” Jack answers as he thinks about it. Or maybe they would. If they could create projections capable of fighting him, the idea of knowing something about what Darja keeps in her locker probably isn’t too outside their capabilities. He continues to monitor the situation with the trapped gorilla.

He had done what he could, and as far as he knows, he hadn’t broken some rule about writing theoretical ideas down with the creation of these things. He hadn’t even taunted someone like Alcome, and that’s the only person he has met who at least seemed like they could do something like this. Assuming it’s not all a giant hallucination again.
GM, 1969 posts
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 03:25
  • msg #269

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

HT pings you.

Darj filled me in.  Events followed some homework assignment you did?

Meet me at the following.  We need to figure this out ASAP.

He sends you what looks like a parking garage.  It seems to have been near the path of destruction left by the baby.

You can "see" HT standing on the top level, tapping on his cell.
Jack Sharpe
player, 649 posts
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 04:09
  • msg #270

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Flying back across the ocean at superhuman speeds, Jack allows himself to enjoy the flying. He seldom goes out far from home like this, and flying over the trench takes him deep out over the ocean. Flying down close to the water, he can’t linger long or the cumulative effect will cause a possible tsunami, but he lets his fingers touch the water for a moment or two before he sails high again darting up over the horizon and into the heights of the atmosphere before circling back across the continent.

The sound of his passage a sonic boom far behind him, but still audible to him. Somehow. It doesn’t make sense in a physics sense, being able to hear sound traveling slower than him, then again, he can hear Darja and it wasn’t her yelling out a few hours earlier.

Meta senses ain’t gotta make sense.

Flying down toward the parking garage, he decelerates to let the pressure of his passage fade as he always does before landing gently. The sound of booms only distant as thunder somewhere a hundred miles above Lake Superior.

“Long story short: I wrote a paper for a class, made up events to fit the rubric. Somehow, it’s now ‘being made reality,”
he explains to HT as he fishes out his phone and brushes off some of the sea-water. Hopefully the thing still turns on, if it does, he hands it over.
GM, 1970 posts
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 22:57
  • msg #271

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

HT looks at you.

"You're not so great," he says in a voice that's not his.

Then a big fist comes out from where his face was.  It smashes into you, sending you flying back, bouncing off the pavement.  Your phone goes flying off to one side, busting open and becoming so many pieces parts.

A big, grayish mass in the shape of a fourteen foot tall man is climbing out of HT, who is becoming limp like old clothes with no one inside them any longer.

"You just think you're soooooooo hot, don'tcha?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 650 posts
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 23:40
  • msg #272

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Okay, this has to be a mental attack. Jack has no real "active" defenses against mental attacks, besides speeding up his thoughts to a level they can't keep up with, which has the effect of slowing down the world around him.

"I think I have a pretty reasonable opinion of myself,"
he answers.
GM, 1974 posts
Wed 29 Jun 2022
at 02:10
  • msg #273

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 272):

The next few punches feel more physical and less mental. But maybe that's your brain being told to register pain.

It slams into you, knocking you through the top level of the parking garage and into the next level.

"It's not fair.  You're even good looking.  Why do you have to be hot too?"

It's coming through the hole you made in the ceiling after you.
Jack Sharpe
player, 651 posts
Wed 29 Jun 2022
at 03:08
  • msg #274

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack defends himself but seeing as this could very well just be a hallucination, and he’s in the middle of town, he needs to be controlled here. He continues to try to break out of the situation mentally, but also starts to hit back.

“Are you not hot? What do you even look like?” he asks, trying to get the nonsensical voice to give them something to work with.

So far his clues are:
  • Darja’s Locker
  • Teenage behavior
  • Considers him hot (so by percentage, a girl, but could be a guy, one supposes.)
  • Maybe in Mr. Casey’s class
  • Maybe a connection with the program to not be surprised at his powers

“Darja, check on the other girls in the program,”
he calls out.
GM, 1976 posts
Fri 1 Jul 2022
at 00:17
  • msg #275

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 274):

There ya go Jacky boy.  Now you're cookin' with gas

"Girls in the program?  There's only three of us.  Me.  Odelia.  Mia.

"Why do you ask...oh.  Yeah.  That fits.  You're good at this."

The big gray mass body slams you into a load bearing pillar.  Part of the upper deck collapses on the two of you.  The fight stops for the few seconds it takes for you both to get out of the rubble.

"Odelia is helping with the situation on the highway.  She's wearing a costume.  Did you know she has her own costume?  It's kinda weird how into this she is.

"I'm not real sure where to look for Mia honestly.  I've only met her twice.  They keep saying she's in independent training.  I kinda overheard them saying once she's not really ready for team dynamics.  Something about feelings of insecurity and jealousy.  Blah blah.  I mean aren't all teens kinda angtsy by nature?

"You want me to look around town for her?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 652 posts
Fri 1 Jul 2022
at 00:26
  • msg #276

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“No, tell the Program people, and then go looking. She can hit pretty hard, if it’s her and you will probably need back up,” Jack answers as he continues to contest with the gray mass, as he continues to keep the damage from spilling over onto other people. Out of curiosity, he flies out of the immediate range of the thing as soon as he’s free, just to see if it can follow.
GM, 1978 posts
Sun 3 Jul 2022
at 05:45
  • msg #277

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 276):

It does follow you but in a weird way.  It raises it's arms at you and they kind of surge forward.  Then the rest of it follows after.

Now that you think about it, this thing hasn't really kicked you much.  All of it's attacks have been arm and hand based.  Well.  Most would be.

"I've got HT here.  He told me to relay to you know.  You can't text at the moment.  Though I guess you could.  You are you.

"Oh right.  Sorry HT.  Sorry Jack.  I should pay attention.

"They're going to check on Mia.  But if it's her, her powers center around her hands.  She-"

There's a pause.

"Really?  She can do that?  That's...kinda weird.

"Uh.  So Jack.  Her power is she can create large scale mental projections with her hands.  They can form any kind of shape or have any kind of effect.  But they have to be based on something she picks up telepathically from somebody else.

"So...I guess she can shape your thoughts into real life with her hands?  Is that how it works?

"Something like that. Anyway HT is saying she's ticklish.  Did you really just say she's ticklish?

"He's nodding his head.  So.  I guess she's ticklish.

"Not sure how that helps."

Jack Sharpe
player, 653 posts
Sun 3 Jul 2022
at 06:54
  • msg #278

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

The battle continues as he listens in, and hearing her weakness, he shakes his head. Of course that’s it. The hand thing had been something he might have worked to fight anyway, but now he can come up with a strategy. Dipping down, he moves to dart through the ground and tries to evade her senses for a moment or two before he comes up in an attempt to grab her from underneath.

As they continue to battle, he goes for a grapple, and tries to get his arms into position to start tickling her in any number of spots.

Inside of the elbows, armpits, backs of the knees, even just lightly tracing his fingers over her forearms.
GM, 1981 posts
Mon 4 Jul 2022
at 00:58
  • msg #279

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 278):

She shrieks when you start, flailing away, throwing herself backwards to try to slam you against the ground.

But slowly, the gray mass seems to start to lose shape.

Soon, the violence is over.  And you're tickling a small...actually rather small.  Dainty might be a better word...Ameriasian girl of maybe fifteen or sixteen.

She snarls at you between ga-fahs.  "You bas-ha ha ha-tard..."

You hear jets.  Hemi and Omen are flying in.  Omen waves a hand, and Mia is covered in a soft blue glow.

Hemi sets down.  "Alright.  We got her now.  You okay?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 654 posts
Mon 4 Jul 2022
at 02:02
  • msg #280

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack continues to idly tickle her as he recovers his spent energy and slides his hand through his hair with one hand while the other continues to hold her and keeps her weakness in play. It’s a weird way to think about it, but he has to use what he can. Looking at Hemi and Omen, he nods his head slightly, “I’m fine,” he answers and then replies to Mia. “Said the person who just killed a bunch of people in a tantrum.”

He can’t help it, he should probably learn not to respond to jabs with his own needling, he’d done it to others in the past and it didn’t help. It only made them angrier at him.

Looking back to Omen and Hemi he hands her off by whatever measure they want, and takes a few steps back.

“I need to go check on my girlfriend and get her home, she’s going to be a bit upset about all of this and I’m sure HT would like her off his hands,”
he tells them.

Assuming there are no further inquiries at the moment, he takes off, flying up into the air after a brief check, and then darting off toward HT’s apartment to pick up Lydia.
GM, 1985 posts
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 23:59
  • msg #281

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 280):

Hemi adds in, "That Lydia girl?  She's home.  We got her an escort and have someone watching her.  She's safe and seems to be handling things pretty well."

Not that you can text her.  With your phone all in pieces.

Do you have a spare?  Can't recall if he does or not?

Just so I know if Jack can get any texts until the store opens tomorrow.

Jack Sharpe
player, 655 posts
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 00:29
  • msg #282

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

He has the Monkey Phone!  Not to be confused with the Bat Phone.

Before he goes, Jack mentions to Omen, pulling him aside for the few words so they aren't overheard by the girl who apparently needs other people's ideas since he's there, "I feel the need to remind you that I've been asking for training against this sort of thing, and you're apparently the one who should do it," he points out. Just sort of leaving that out there.

He can handle the fact that every atypical villain in the world seems to be making their way to the Twin Cities, but he'd really rather not imagine the mayhem that could happen if the wrong one somehow managed to get him to go crazy.

"I'll swing by her house then, and do the window drive by kiss scene from all those teen hero movies," Jack says with a smirk, and is thankful that his list of random occurences hadn't included a girlfriend being possessed by some sort of super-virus or something disastrous for Lydia.

Not to self, do not even think about that sort of thing.
GM, 1988 posts
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 01:10
  • msg #283

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 282):

Omen shrugs.  "There's really nothing I could have taught you that would have helped you here.  Her powers are reality bending for the most part.  The telepathy is erratic.  I understand she broken into Darja's locker to get the source material for...all this.  Not scanned it from your brain.

"But yeah.  I do have you on my calendar.  Things have just been keeping me busy.  Like those clergy."

You get a buzz from Kevin on the Monkey Phone.

They tried to whack another clergy.  Rev. Billmon.  The program guys stopped them, but they got hit pretty hard.  I'm on my way over there now.
Jack Sharpe
player, 656 posts
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 00:32
  • msg #284

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Sounds good, and I guess that’s where I’m going from here,” Jack says to Omen when he mentions the clergy. He can check on Lydia on his way over.
GM, 1989 posts
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 15:13
  • msg #285

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 284):

Lydia answers the knock on her window.  She gives you a smile.  It's shaky.  She's still trembling a little.

"Hey.  You okay?"

You fly over the crime scene.  It's crawling with cops.

Apparently the Reverend was at an evening business meeting at his church.  When he went out to get into his car after it was over, two men and a woman approached him.  The men tried to force him into his car while the woman took his keys and got behind the wheel of it. In one of the few goood instances of the evening, the giant baby happened to crawl near by of a sudden, causing enough confusion for the Billimon to escape.  The two men got into his car and the woman drove them off.

You notice a couple of people from the program are mixed into the crowd of first responders.  They seem to be talking with what you guess are the detectives in charge of the scene.

You also notice a guy in a suit with sunglasses on, even though it's night time, wandering about, looking at everything.

Lastly, you see Kevin.  He's furry and in skulk mode, sneaking about the scene so no one who's not you can see him.  Currenly, he's ducked behind a bush, studying something on the ground.
Jack Sharpe
player, 657 posts
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 22:24
  • msg #286

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I’m okay Lydia, how are you? I know you’re bound to feel a bit shook up and that’s okay, let yourself process your emotions, what you felt, what you are feeling now. Don’t try to bottle it up. We caught the person who was responsible,” Jack explained as he floated idly outside her windows. The cool fall breeze blowing across the yard and into the windows.

He feels bad for not being able to keep her away from these things.  It might almost be better to break up, but he decides to leave that power with her. She can decide if she has had too much. At least he can safely say that the only direct attacks that she has had to deal with were today, and the events at homecoming were broad.

“I can get you the names of Program therapists, you should talk it out with someone who isn’t me. I mean, we can also talk, but you should have someone who you can be open with and not worry about feelings,” he mentions softly.

Checking out the crime scene, Jack, hearing the story from the conversing cops who are explaining what had happened, does his best to piece it all together.  The guy with the glasses is clearly some sort of investigator. Or it’s an MIB, and they’re recording the end of the world for posterity.

Landing behind the bush with Kevin, he makes sure not to land on whatever he was looking at.
GM, 1993 posts
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 01:02
  • msg #287

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 286):

Lydia sighs and runs a hand through her hair, pushing her bangs off her forehead.

"No psych talk please.  I'll feel...I don't know."  She gives you another weak smile.

"Like you said. I just need to process.  Give me a good night kiss and what you need to do I guess.  Do you sleep?"

Kevin glances up at you with an irritated looking expression, but it seems to be more a general irritation and not directed just at you.

He's examining what appears to be tracks.

"Someone was watching from here," he sotto voce's.  "They didn't get into the car.  Instead, went off back around the church and probably down the street."

He jerks his chin in the direction of the suit guy.  "The Feds.  Or I guess THE Fed.  The one I was telling you about earlier.  We need to keep off his radar."
Jack Sharpe
player, 658 posts
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 01:17
  • msg #288

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack will just bring it up again in the future, so that he can get her seeing a therapist. Don’t want any of these events becoming PTSD later, she can dislike it if she wants, but it’s better that than hearing about her being a basket-case in thirty years at the class reunion. Assuming the world hasn’t blown up by then. At the request for a kiss, he leans in and gives her a good one, sneaks a little squeeze and then drifts backwards, “An hour a day, or I can push it all into one lump at some point. Though I think the amount I need changes with time, making me stronger, as everything else does,” he explains idly.

He doesn’t get into his understanding of meta physiology, just leaves it at that. Turning his head slightly to look off into the distance.

“Put your phone on vibrate when you go to sleep, I’ll send you a text later when I’m done,”
he suggests softly and then gives her another quick kiss, waits for any last goodbyes, and takes off.

Ducking at Kevin’s words, Jack examines the track and does his best to compare it to the size of his own foot. Trying to get an estimate on shoe size.  “I can try to follow it?” he suggests quietly. “Maybe we’ll get lucky and they walked in front of a camera?”

He doesn’t say anything about ‘THE Fed’ but he does nod slightly.
GM, 1994 posts
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 02:40
  • msg #289

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 288):

Kevin grins and motions for you to follow.  The two of you slip away.  He's good at the whole ninja through the bushes thing.

You regroup on the roof of a donut shop that's closed for the night.  Kevin waves a finger up and down the street.  "The cops will pull all the camera footage. I'll break into police HQ tomorrow and snoop around.  Make copies.  It's easier to let them do all the foot work.

"Honestly, if I didn't know this business was involved in potential end-of-the-world shit, I wouldn't be here.  What went down tonight...all that stuff with the baby and that overwalk blowing up...that was serious.  I want to be out there looking through the rubble to try to find more survivors.  Or bodies."

He looks over at you.  "Was what went down related to the program in any way?  I noticed it happened near you.  At least the first two events did."
Jack Sharpe
player, 659 posts
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 03:42
  • msg #290

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Following Kevin, Jack keeps low to the ground, but leaves no tracks. Instead choosing to simply hover just above the grass, making it a bit of a game to skim the grass with the bottoms of his shoes. He follows closely behind the Minneapolis Monkey. Using the fact that he can disobey the law of gravity to provide for some of his stealth, and otherwise just sort of shadowing Kevin so that he might learn some new tricks.

Perhaps he should try walking.

He thinks the idea that it’s easier to break into the cop station is harder is insane, since he feels like he’d be risking it if he didn’t do it at super speed. Even knowing the layout and where all the cameras are, it’d just be a huge risk.

“Think that might have been what did it in the other timeline? Everyone being distracted from the occult thing by the crazy thing happening elsewhere?”
Jack asks. “I feel like other-dad would have been more clear if it was caused by Giant Baby.”

GM, 1997 posts
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 00:30
  • msg #291

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 290):

Kevin studies you a moment.  "I don't know your Dad.  Or your other Dad I guess.  Is he the type to not mention important information?  Or would he consider a giant baby important?"

Kevin looks out at the skyline.  "If you think about it, there could be an extinction level event going on right now in some corner of the world.  And we wouldn't know about it until it hit.

"One way or the other, we can only do what we can do."
  He stands up, stretches, and looks down the road at the cop cars.

"They would have taken Bilmon to St. Luke's.  It's the closest hospital.  I don't think he was heavily wounded. But apparently he did get hit in the head.  I'm going to try to talk to him.  Get some more info.  Then..."

He purses his lips.  "There's a few leads I want to check out.  You can tag along or I can keep you up to date.  Your call."
Jack Sharpe
player, 660 posts
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 11:15
  • msg #292

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

The question makes Jack think it through, and after a moment he replies, “It was a short letter. I don’t think he’d include anything that might distract me, also, it could be that in that universe the responsible party is living in Iowa, not Minnesota.”

Thinking about it, he considers whether the whole thing is a goose chase meant to distract him from other-dad, but he can only operate on the assumption that there was some honesty there. Simply going around on the basis that the whole thing was a lie wouldn’t be helpful here. Worst case scenario, he’s paying extra attention to crimes in the area.

“I’ll come with you,”
he says. “Let me go get my cowl uniform, since we’re going to be skulking.”

I was doing a re-watch of the Boys in prep for finally watching season three, and I had been meaning to share this:

This message was last edited by the player at 23:01, Wed 13 July 2022.
GM, 1998 posts
Fri 15 Jul 2022
at 01:33
  • msg #293

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 292):

Kevin studies your uniform.  "Isn't that get up a bit...snug?"

He met you on the roof of the hospital.  He chuckles and stares down at his phone.

"Alright.  The cops have guards posted outside his room.  They aren't an issue.

"But...the Program has a couple of drones outside the room window."

Peering over the side of the building, you can "see" a couple of small sphere shaped doo hickies, just hovering outside a room window on the fourth floor.

"If we take those out, the Program will alert the cops.  Probably send someone over pretty quick to investigate.  And the last thing I need is Gutshot hunting me down.

"Any ideas on how to deal with the drones?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 661 posts
Fri 15 Jul 2022
at 08:28
  • msg #294

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“How else am I supposed to show off my package?” Jack asks, making a joke as he lands next to the Monkey. His garment black and blacker, his mask plain and featureless, just a flat surface with two slits for the eyes, curved for his nose and nothing else. Running his hands over the material, he approves of how it feels. It may be a bit tight, but it keeps him from being noticed in the sky.

Looking over the toward the spheres, he thinks for a moment and shrugs slightly.

“A few. Diversion a few rooms down to draw their attention, hacking them, spoofing the signal, calling and telling them that we’re going to talk to the guy,”
he goes on, thinking that the last is the easiest, but probably not going to fly, which is why Kevin hadn’t proposed it.

"You not into Gutshot? She's a strong independent woman, athletic,"
he lists some positive qualities.
GM, 2001 posts
Sun 17 Jul 2022
at 01:49
  • msg #295

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 294):

Kevin doesn't chuckle at your listing of Gutshot's good points.  "You forgot self-righteous.  Petty.  And a miserable example of a human being.  Let's just say she and I won't be exchanging Christmas cards and drop it.  Sorry I brought it up.

"I'd prefer they not know we're talking to this guy.  Especially with that Fed snooping about. But I'll let you make that decision.  I'm gonna head down.  Gimme ten to get past the cops and then do whatever you want to with those drones.  Fair enough?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 662 posts
Sun 17 Jul 2022
at 03:56
  • msg #296

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Won’t they know if the guy tells them?” Jack asks and lacking his personal cell phone, since it was destroyed in the altercation, is forced to improvise. Going down into the hospital, he finds a computer in an otherwise empty office and attempts to interface with the drones using the local WIFI and his knowledge from the AER and other previous encounters with hacking.

Give it about five minutes to see if he can even connect to them, since he knows they are there.

If that doesn’t work out, which he expects it won’t because he lacks the specialized equipment, he waits another few minutes, getting into position on the roof and then will attempt to do it by hand. Seeing it he can interact with the spheres from behind by hiding in their blindspot.
GM, 2004 posts
Tue 19 Jul 2022
at 00:45
  • msg #297

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 296):

You do end up going with option 2.  You found a computer, but whoever's it is isn't the type to hide their password on a cheatsheet tucked under their tape dispenser.

You find out later, the password is FRESCARULES.  But by then, it does you no good.

You do your hyper speed thing and get behind the orbs.  It's decent level tech, but Mom used stuff like this to automate the garbage disposal back at the cabin.

What are you going to hotwire them to do?  You can in fact hotwire them.
Jack Sharpe
player, 663 posts
Tue 19 Jul 2022
at 07:47
  • msg #298

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack grumbles about the Fresca, but doesn’t vent about it. Instead, he moves swiftly. Arriving behind the orbs, he watches the angle that they are watching of the person’s hospital room and attempts to load the video from the onboard SSD buffer, which is hopefully at least ten minutes or so. There’ll be a brief hiccup on the viewer’s end, but the “loop” will hopefully show a continuous boring hospital room for the next ten minutes or so. Sort of an oldie but it should hopefully give them several minutes to talk to the person inside.

Once he has done that, he flies up to the roof and starts to descend the stairs.
GM, 2005 posts
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 00:59
  • msg #299

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 298):

You "listen" in on the interview.

"Reverend Billimon...please calm down."

"I just never really thought you were real!"

"No one ever does.  Now...can you tell me what happened?"

The Reverend sighs.

"Well.  It was weird.  I was stepping out to my car.  And these three people came up to me."

"What did they look like?"

"Well.  Two men.  One girl.  I don't think the oldest of 'em was more than twenty one.  All were white.  Kinda...normal lookin'.  They had on nice clothes.  The girl even was wearin' a skirt.  Don't see many kids her age these days wearin' skirts no more.  Honestly.  When I saw 'em, I thought they might be Mormons.  You know. The whole clean cut image thing.

"But then one of 'em...the biggest of the guys...walks a bit quicker.  And I see he's got this weird lookin' glove on.  I didn't see too much.  Cos he hit me.  And..."

Another sigh.  The Reverend sounds a bit tired.  "Honestly.  After that.  Everything got kinda hazy.  I remember them tellin' each other to get me in the car.  Something about the start of something or another."

"Did they talk to you when they walked up?"

A pause.

"Well...yeah.  I mean they called my name.  And said...what did they say exactly..."

"Did it have the word "Be" in it?"

"Oh yeah.  It did.  Sounded weird too.  One of 'em...the other guy than the one who hit me I think...he said

BE over with soon you faker."
Jack Sharpe
player, 664 posts
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 07:59
  • msg #300

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack has a look pass over his face. Of course. They do act a bit like a cult, but he’d assumed that it was some sort of fungal hivemind or something, not an actual cult. That makes sense. And who would object to a religion? Other religious zealots, like they’d talked about, and the BEs aren’t just cult-like, apparently they really are a cult, so maybe some of them, or all of them, are really the problem.

Then again, he still doesn’t see how they could be the reason for some sort of apocalyptic scenario.

He’d have to figure that out, and soon.

Watching the drones and the area, he makes sure nobody is coming to get Kevin, and that he has exited the room and then resets the drones back to default broadcast. Putting them back at ‘current time’ without the Monkey lurking over the reverend.

Once Kevin returns to the roof, he goes to meet him.

“So, the BEs,” he mentions.
GM, 2008 posts
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 23:24
  • msg #301

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 300):

Kevin walks onto the roof, frowning in thought.  He doesn't answer you for a moment.

"I gotta admit.  When you mentioned doomsday...and I saw all the targets were religious figures...I kinda thought we might be dealing with some fanatic or cult.  But..."

He shakes his head.  "I guess I shoulda been paying more attention to them.  It's always been weird how everyone hears them say the word BE differently.  Even when we're quoting them.  If I just say "be", it doesn't sound weird.  But if I say it when I think of them sayin' it...



"B-..Well.  You get the idea.

"What research and digging I've done on them has never made me think they were violent.  That whole gun thing spooked me.  But when I checked into it, all the guns I could trace back to them, they sold.  Legally.  It's like one of their businesses.

"But now that I think about it."
  He looks at you finally.  "There's one thing I've never been able to associate with them.  God.  They never talk about God.  Jesus.  Mohammed.  Never heard them speak about prophets or quote the Bible.  Nothing."

He looks out over the city.  "I also don't know how they go about recruiting.  I've talked to relatives of members.  They all tell similar stories.  One day Bobby is all American guy.  Next, he's suddenly saying BE.

"At first I thought it was just the relatives didn't realize how vulnerable Bobby was or whatever. But now..."

He shakes his head.  "I guess I know what I'm doing for the next couple of days.  What about you?  What have you got going on?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 665 posts
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 23:35
  • msg #302

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

It was omen that was investigating them recently, right?
GM, 2017 posts
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 01:28
  • msg #303

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 302):

That was one of his investigations, yes.  He's been a busy beaver lately.
Jack Sharpe
player, 666 posts
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 07:30
  • msg #304

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“We should talk with Omen about them, he was investigating them the other day, and might have some information,” Jack suggests. Omen was already linked into the investigation about the people killing the Clergy, so it’d just be putting two and two together, but Omen from what he’d heard was some sort of meta’s-meta, and worth keeping up to date. “I can also swing by their building and businesses, and look in at what they’re doing. I’m even up to trying to talk to their leader.”

He runs off a few things he might do without committing to anything just yet, he wants to field some ideas before he runs off half-cocked.

“Also, stop trying to parrot them like that, we don’t know the nature of the ability, and it could be contagious when you start parroting it,”
he points out, trying to keep his “partner” from winding up like one of them.

They can’t know how it works, and he certainly isn’t going to fool around with their mind-foolery.

Sweeping his hands through his hair, he thinks and then adds, "And I need to replace my phone."
GM, 2025 posts
Sun 31 Jul 2022
at 23:42
  • msg #305

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 304):

Kevin sighs.  "It's not like I'm trying to say-to say that word.  But it's suprisingly tough not to once you're aware of it.

"Anyway, you have my number memorized I'm sure.  When you get your new phone, text me with the line.  I'll see if I can track down Omen and look into them a bit closer as well."

He thinks for a moment.

"Can you keep an eye out on the remaining clergy too?  If I don't have to, it'll free me up to look into the-those guys better."

You going shopping for a phone in the morning?
Jack Sharpe
player, 667 posts
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 02:18
  • msg #306

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack is fairly certain he has managed not to do it, but then again, maybe he has been this whole time and just didn’t realize it.

“Will do,” he confirms when he is asked to text with the new line. He’d actually used the Monkey Phone to contact Kevin here to begin with, but it didn’t hurt to give him the other number as well. “Do you want me to try to get you with Omen, again?”

The request for the clergy earns a considering look.

He could, obviously, but doing it while still keeping up his life as Jack the high school student was harder. Then again, maybe it was necessary, given the recent events.

“I can try. The Program will too, I’m sure.”

GM, 2029 posts
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 03:11
  • msg #307

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 306):

Kevin shakes his head.  "I'll get ahold of Omen.  Would rather Gutshot not know I'm involved in all this as much as I am."

He listens to your I can try and shrugs.

"The Program had agents watching Billimon.  How'd that work out?"

Kevin steps towards the roof line. "I'm not trying to be a prick here.  But the Program has well trained agents watching the targets.  Not Hard Time or even Gut Shot.  Not blaming them.  They have to respond to nuclear bomb level stuff all the time.  So I get it.  But-"

Kevin glances back.  "This is end of the world type stuff. And something you brought up in the first place.  Do your best, okay?"

He leaps over the side and goes on his Monkey way.
Jack Sharpe
player, 668 posts
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 22:33
  • msg #308

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Usually when your first attempt fails, people change things to improve the previous preparations, plus they know what they’re looking for now,” Jack answers the Monkey. Their targets could change their appearance, of course, but in his mind’s eye, he tends to see them as rather recognizable. Like he feels like he could recognize one even if they were just walking around on their own. Something about their gait, hair style, clothing choices.

He nods at the Monkey’s words and takes off into the air, flying a loop around the area and then heading back to his apartment to make sure that Aunt Marlene isn’t staying up all night waiting for him.

Once he has made sure of that, he starts checking in on the ‘targets’ and then flies over closer to the BE building. Scanning it again.
GM, 2031 posts
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 03:51
  • msg #309

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 308):

The clergy all seem to be okay at the moment.  Saul is in his boxers, cleaning out a closet.  Not gonna be able to unsee that.

The BEs have at least two buildings you know of. An apartment building, and a building across the street that has an ice cream shop on the ground floor, with a couple of apartments above it.  Will be referring to them as Apartment Building, Ice Cream Parlor, Ice Cream Apt 1, and Ice Cream Apt 2

You can "see" into the Ice Cream Parlor except for what looks like a freezer in back the back.

Ice Cream Apt 1 seems to house a family.  You can't "see" into Ice Cream Apt 2.

Most of the Apartment Building is fairly ordinary.  The BEs are all very tidy.  Every single apartment is spic and span, cleaner than most hospitals.

There are two dead areas in the Apartment Building.  An area underground, roughly the same size as the apartment complex, and one of the top units on the third floor.  Even the curtains on the window are impervious to Jack-Vision.
Jack Sharpe
player, 669 posts
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 14:02
  • msg #310

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack, who has been trying to learn to get around the anti-meta materials, uses this as an opportunity to try to come up with a way to cheat around the stuff. Trying things like making sounds that will penetrate through the walls and possibly give him a sense of echolocation. He hasn’t ever really tried to hone that sense before, but blind people can apparently learn to do it without supernaturally sensitive senses, maybe so can he.

When he isn’t experimenting, he sends off a listing of all the places in question with anti-meta materials to the Monkey.

Maybe Omen can get around these spots.

He’d rather not punch through the walls, though he might have to.
GM, 2036 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 00:16
  • msg #311

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 310):

Hmmmm...Echo Location huh?

I can see it.  But as to the point you raise yourself...Jack doesn't have much experience with it.  But he is Jack...

I'll give you this much then

Ice Cream Apartment 2 seems to be the most secure.  You can't even get a whistle into it.  It's that tight.  You get nothing from it.

The freezer in the back of the Ice Cream parlor is not as secure.  You can get a "ping" in through cracks in the wall.  It looks like there are large boxes, some as long as eight feet long. All stacked up and sealed up tight.

The underground area of the apartment complex seems to be an amphitheater.  At least that's what the lay out and the sound blobs that resemble stadium seats suggest.  There is a stage of some kind there.  But nothing else you can "ping".

The top unit in the Apartment Complex is also pretty tight on security.  But you can get a partial image from a "ping".  Some kind of console with chairs in front of it.  There's people in there too.  You "listen" as closely as you can.  Five distinct heartbeats.  There's tapping as is they are all working on keyboards.  No light hearted banter though.  Their breathing is fairly steady.  They seem focused.
Jack Sharpe
player, 670 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 00:52
  • msg #312

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack passes along his findings on those rooms, sharing that it was all he could figure out was inside without getting more hands on. He could step up his infiltrator game on the ones with exterior walls and insert a camera of some sort, but that might upset the table if he messes things up and he’s reluctant to kick the hive over too quickly.

All of the rooms get equal attention in his notes to Kevin, and he delivers them in the order that he determines what he determines.

Once he has finished that, he goes back to patrolling and keeping an eye on the clergy.
GM, 2040 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 03:04
  • msg #313

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 312):

Thankfully, Saul is in his PJs by the time you check on him again.

Morning arrives with the news of school being closed.  Seems a giant baby crawling through town equals a snow day or three.

Less funny are the reports about the damage.  Luckily only fourteen fatalities.  But the hospitals are packed full and the mayor is requesting the National Guard be deployed to assit with some of the harder hit areas.

You get an e-mail from Gutshot.  It looks like it's copied to all the members of the Program.

I will not make excuses for what happened last night.  None of you are at fault for what occured.  The perpetrator is solely to blame.  I want to thank all of you for your hard work last night. Because of your involvement, we were able to save some lives and keep the damage down from what it could have been.

That being said, we need to address the four ton gorilla in the room.  This is the second time someone involved with the Program has gone rouge on us.

I do have faith in all of you.  But faith needs to be tempered with caution in this business.

Therefore all students and faculty will be required to submit for a bi-annual psychology evaluation.  We will schedule a time for each member to meet with a carefully screened counselor.  This is mandatory for continued participation in the Program.  This will be a bit different than the regular monitoring we conduct already.

I understand you may have questions and concerns.  I am more than willing to address them.  But I would prefer to speak with each of you one on one first.  So if you would like to meet with me about any concerns, reply to this message and we will schedule a time.

I want to stress no one is under suspicion.  Nor are we considering ending the Program.  But as anyone of us can do major damage to the civilian population, and we have had two incidents already, we need to reevaluate some of our processes and procedures.

I appreciate all of you.  Let's keep up the good work.

Jack Sharpe
player, 671 posts
Mon 8 Aug 2022
at 00:03
  • msg #314

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Once the morning rolls around, Jack goes to buy himself a new phone and switches over his number to it. The first thing he does then is check to see what, besides this email, he has gotten while his phone was out of service. Updating anyone who needs to know of any changes to how to contact him, as necessary.

With the rigamarole of dealing with the mobile company dealt with, he buys himself a donut and finds a building to stand on and keep watch. Still wearing his matte black cowl gear.
GM, 2045 posts
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 02:54
  • msg #315

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 314):

No reaction to the mandatory psych session, eh?  Was curious how Jack would react to that.

Lydia texted you.  She says she's okay.  Wants to meet you for breakfast tomorrow if you can.  Her folks are keeping her on lockdown today apparently.

Colby texted you and Darja, asking if you're alright.  Why did all that stuff sound like what was on our homework assignment?

Sharp one, that Colby.

The attempt on Sister Mary Francis happens so fast you almost drop your Bavarian Creme.

She's crossing a street.  A van suddenly rushes forward, aiming to run her over.

Two people dive out of the crowd.  One grabs her and rushes her out of the way.  The other one pulls a weird looking pistol and fires at the van.  It doesn't do anything, at least not obviously at first.  Then you hear the "ping"

The gun fired a tracker.  Seems the Program decided to let the assailants go and follow them back.

The van rushes through the intersection.  The driver and passenger are both wearing ski masks.  The passenger drops something out of the window as the van passes Sister Mary.

It's a grenade.  They just tossed a grenade out into an intersection covered by pedestrians.
Jack Sharpe
player, 672 posts
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 03:41
  • msg #316

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In regards to the email about psych eval, his mental response was, 'Okay.' They won't bench him, he's never done anything really crazy, and he doesn't anticipate it will amount to much. It's mostly just a waste of time he could be doing something productive, but not everything can be productive, and that's something his mom has made abundantly clear to him many times growing up.

Jack sends back a text to Lydia: Of course, you feeling okay?

To Colby, Darja: Sorry about the late response, my phone got hit. No coincidence that, but everything should be handled now.

Throwing the ice-cream straight up, Jack just has to hope he can make it back before the ice-cream lands! Grabbing his helmet he’d had balanced on his knee, he slides it on as he takes off flying at nearly maximum speed, intending to save the woman from being hit, only to spot the intercept team as they make the save.

He breathes a breath of relief at that, and then sees the grenade.

He changes targets, not bothering with the van—though he does scan it to make sure that there isn’t some third-option they intend to employ if the grenade fails. He grabs the grenade out of the air and twists, throwing it into the atmosphere.

Instantly, he blurs away, returning to his roof-top perch, looking upwards as he does, to catch his ice-cream on the descent, before looking back toward the attacker’s van.
GM, 2048 posts
Wed 10 Aug 2022
at 03:55
  • msg #317

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 316):

I meant Bavarian Creme donut.  Not ice cream.  But it works either way.

Very slick post by the by.

You "see" the face of the program person.  They saw the grenade.  Then there's a brief blur and the grenade is gone.  You can "hear" the guy mutter, "Thanks," under his breath as he helps the Sister up.

You catch the donut on it's descent.  Over head, the grenade goes off harmlessly.  Another two fisted morning adventure done.  And you still got your sugar high.

The van had one more person in it.  That person had an assault rifle, but was training it on the back door.  More as if they were prepared in case someone tried to enter the back of the van rather than as a third contingency plan.

The van peals down the street. They get to the parking lot behind the local super market and squeal into a spot, the three of them abandoning the van and heading in seperate directions.

The driver moves towards a fence along the back of the lot, apparently intent to hop over it and into a drainage culvert.

The guy with the rifle quickly steps out and heads to a nearby parked car, unlocking it with his clicker.  He tosses the rifle into the backseat and starts to get behind the driver's side wheel.

The woman who dropped the grenade peels off her jacket, stuffing it into a trashcan, and moves to head inside the store.
Jack Sharpe
player, 673 posts
Thu 11 Aug 2022
at 20:38
  • msg #318

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack catches his donut and pulls off his helmet again as he keeps watch on the three people, when they go to stage two to switch vehicles for their second part of the getaway, he sees them ditching the vehicle. When the fellow with the rifle moves to a secondary vehicle, he decides to interfere and flies over.

Flying a distance away, he waits for them to be moving again, and switches the dart off of the van to the car. The woman who’d moved to the store and the man who’d gone into the drainage culvert are now his primary targets to keep an eye on.

The woman he just checks to make sure that she remains in the store, while he flies overhead of the person who’d gone into the sewers.

Eating his donut while he flies, he appears as a bird in the sky if anyone notices him at all.

The weather of a Minnesota in this month tends to be cold, and he is still waiting for that first snow.
GM, 2049 posts
Fri 12 Aug 2022
at 02:39
  • msg #319

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

The woman goes in and grabs a small carton of milk and some grocery store sushi.  She hurries to the self check out and is soon leaving the store.

The guy in the culvert doesn't head into the sewers directly. He follows the culvert a short ways and then scrambles up the other side, climbing a fence and dropping off into the back yard of an apartment complex.  He starts to head into the complex.

The woman comes out to the curb and looks around.  A car honks.  A new man pulls up a Mitsubishi Mirage and she trundles into the passenger seat.

"Did it go okay?"

"No," the woman responds as he pulls away from the curb.  "Something got in our way.  I think we have a meta on us."

Driver B laughs and pulls out into the street.  "Well...the Doctrine did warn us.  Relax.  It will all BE okay in the END."

There's a definite something to the way he said END.  It's not a vague weirdness like when they say BE.  This feels more like a chainsaw cutting down on hardwood.

The culvert guy is walking out of the apartment complex.  It fronts onto a busy street.  He comes to the curb, looks at the incoming traffic, and steps in front of a pick up truck going roughly 42 mph.
Jack Sharpe
player, 674 posts
Fri 12 Aug 2022
at 03:17
  • msg #320

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack continues to monitor, taking pictures of the license plate and memorizing their faces as he swings around to pay attention to each group in turn now. The discussion between the duo pretty much seals it. It’s the BEs and they have some sort of apocalyptic thing going on. Listening in on their conversation

To Kevin: Definitely the BEs, definitely some sort of apocalyptic thing. They just used the word “END” and it had that weird flavor to it if you know what I mean. They tried a hit on the sister. I think it's time to sneak and peep those meta-proof rooms.

Flying around, he goes to wait for the morning so that he can go to breakfast with Lydia.

Generally just idling his time and keeping an eye on the culprits. They aren't really the targets now, now that he knows who is responsible, it's a matter of taking on the group.

But he still keeps an eye on them, in case they're a splinter-cell or something.

Occasionally, he departs from his roof to fly a bit closer.
GM, 2058 posts
Sun 14 Aug 2022
at 03:45
  • msg #321

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 320):

Let's have that breakfast with Lydia

There's a strip mall within walking distance of Lydia's house, next to Methodist East hospital.  There's a little diner type place in it.  A mom-and-pop breakfast and lunch stand that caters mostly to the hospital staff.  The food is nothing spectacular, but decent and cheap.

Lydia's wearing sweats and has her hair tied back in a pony tail.  She seems a bit nervous and isn't making a terribly large amount of eye contact.  She orders a chocolate milk, a bowl of cheese grits, a side of bacon, and some scrambled eggs.

The waitress takes your order and trundles off.  Lydia puts her hands around her chocolate milk the way some people might put their hands around their coffee cup on a cold winter morning.

"So...I kinda wanted to talk  About what we started talkin' about before.

"I guess I'm sort of understanding how...intense dating you is gonna be.  And I'm not breaking up here or anything. But...I guess I'm kind of looking for more information maybe?

"You know. You see in movies and stuff that when someone dates a Cape, there's always lots of confusion.  "How come I never see Bill and Walrus Man in the same place at the same time" kinda thing.  So thanks for being upfront with me.  The fact you trusted me with your secret...that means a lot to me.  I won't betray that trust.  Ever."

She purses her lips a bit.  Lydia seems to do that when she's thinking about how to say something.

"I guess I have questions.  And I guess my first one is...why?  Why do you wanna do this?  I know you can do amazing stuff.  And I"m not saying you shouldn't.  But...that guy blew up that bridge.  He coulda blown you up.  Or at Homecoming with all that craziness.

"Why get involved?  Why do you want to do it?  I...I'd like to hear your why if I can."

Jack Sharpe
player, 675 posts
Sun 14 Aug 2022
at 07:32
  • msg #322

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack sits across from Lydia and orders a steak omelet and a glass of orange juice which he sips at a few times as he listens to her explain her feelings, listening attentively even as he occasionally flicks his eyes in one direction or another to check in on the people he needs to keep safe. His ears open.

“Fair enough,”
he admits when she says she wants more information and continues to listen, maintaining eye contact and gently reaching across the table to surround her hands around her drink. Providing some comfort for a moment or two before he withdraws with a smile.

It’s all good.

“Well, as to the blowing up, I’m unblowuppable. Anything that would hurt me would vaporize the Midwest and cover the earth in nuclear winter for a year or two. I think. Honestly that’s just theoretical, never really had a chance to test that, but the kinetic energy of some of the things I’ve done is .. a lot,” he trails off, realizing after a moment that he was talking too much. “Never mind that. Let me start over. The why? Imagine that instead of being me, that I was instead a thousand times smarter than Albert Einstein, and I know how to make machines that could end world hunger, provide shelter and education for anyone who wants it. Would it not be irresponsible for me to do nothing with that knowledge?

For me, I’m that guy, but instead of being able to solve those things with my mind, I can help the world with my hands and by stopping the guy who’d stop that version of me. I can keep people safe from things that would kill anyone else.

And maybe that’s not why either.

I think that at the end of the day, if I did nothing and you or my mom or the people I care about were hurt, and I could have done something, I don’t know what I’d do. So I do what I can, when I can. I’m trying to keep my nose clean and not go full-cape and act on all my hunches, but it’s hard.”

This message was last edited by the player at 07:32, Sun 14 Aug 2022.
GM, 2060 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 02:49
  • msg #323

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 322):

She seems to consider all that a moment.  "I...didn't really follow all that nuclear war stuff.  But I think I get the gist of it.  And yeah.  If I sat by and did nothing when I coulda done something, the guilt would probably eat me up."

Your food arrives.  Lydia stirs her cheese grits and then takes a big mouthful.  "I think...I'm still not sure.  But I get where you're coming from I think.  At least as much as anyone who can't do the things you do can get it."

The two of you eat in companionable silence for a bit.  Across town, HT and The Alchemist start fighting some guy whose hair shines with blue light.  He seems to have light type powers.  HT and Alchemist seem to have it under control.

You see Kevin stop by the university in his civvy clothes.  He hands a paper into a professor and gets a lecture about missing class.

Colby is at the pizzeria, wrestling with a large glob of pizza dough.

The remaining clergy are going about their lives.

"I have to admit...but I got scared when all that stuff went down last night.  And at Homecoming.  I know none of it was your fault.

"I'm just not sure how comfortable I am being part of it when it goes down.  I...I don't want to watch people get hurt.

"Do you think we can keep dating know.  Every date turning into a superpower fight?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 676 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2022
at 18:37
  • msg #324

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack starts eating his omelet, cutting off pieces with his fork and finally enjoying his orange juice in more than just sips. He debates briefly whether to explain the concept of nuclear winter, just for her general education, but refrains. She’s smart, if she wants to learn the phrase, she’ll do it on her own later.

“It’s perfectly reasonable to be scared in those situations, and to not want to be ‘part’ of it, it’s why I took you out of both situations as soon as I could, to keep you safe. As to keeping dates from being a super power fight, that’s outside of my control, so I can’t make promises,” he explains softly as he eats, looking off into space for a moment as he thinks about things.

Biting another piece of his omelet, he chews slowly.

“But I think it should be uncommon. Dating me shouldn’t mean more attacks, as long as my private identity is maintained. The attack the other night was, I hope, a rare targeted thing,” he explains, being honest.
GM, 2061 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 03:18
  • msg #325

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 324):

Lydia seems to chew on that, as well as her bacon.  Then slowly nods.

"Yeah.  That makes sense.

"But...lemme ask.  What if your identity does get blown?  What are you gonna do then?"

She waves her spoon.  "I'm not askin' about me.  I'm askin' about you.  Will you give up school or something?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 677 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2022
at 05:12
  • msg #326

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Probably just keep living as a cape, but without worrying so much about being seen. That and if I were married or in a deep relationship at the time, I might encourage my partner to move somewhere like,” Jack thinks about it and after a nod, says, “New Zealand. Somewhere with low hood activity that I can deal with on the sly, and then reliably come home to without people assuming I’m part of the cape scene. Minnesota used to be a good option for that, but it’s been a hotbed of stuff lately. Maybe get a disguise device made by a meta-genius,” he considers the possibilities for several moments.

Eating his omelet still, he sips at his juice, enjoying the taste of the steak in with the eggs and other ingredients.

“I’m not sure if I’ll go to school after high school. I mean, I’m fairly certain I could study to pass most degree sum-total final exams in a weekend, and get a doctorate in the same. Sort of a question if I want the experience, less than if I want to keep learning, which I do anyway,” he answers honestly. He’s fairly certain he’d talked about that when she talked about becoming a gerontologist/geriatric doctor.

Opening his phone, he shows her the article he was last reading on AER: String Theory and Multiversal Continuity.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:12, Tue 16 Aug 2022.
GM, 2064 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 02:27
  • msg #327

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 326):

Lydia studies the article and sighs.  "Great.  Now I think I'm dating outta my league.  Thanks."

She gives a short, semi-spirited giggle and scoops up the last of her cheese grits.

"Okay.  I appreciate you being so honest about...well...everything.  I need to sort through it.  In the meantime...wanna try another date?  I mean...we gotta get it right at least once, right?"

The rest of the morning passes quietly.  The Program people follow the car thanks to your quick thinking.  It parks in a lot behind the ice cream shop.

You notice a lot of the BEs are gathering in the apartment building.  It's noon, so you would expect the older ones to be at work or younger ones to be out and about.  But they all seem to be sticking close to the building.

Kevin pings you about one.  His message includes an audio file.  A police call.

You listen, recalling the codes being used.

Two guys abducted a young man who is a student at the Bethlehem College and Seminary.

Did a little research.  This guy Patrick Evans fits the profile.  Works a lot with   drug addicts and setting up halfway houses.  The MO is pretty similar to what happened before, except instead of killing him there, they threw him in a van and drove him away.

I found the van.  They had dumped it and must have moved him to another car.

He gives you Patrick's description.  You can't "see" Patrick anywhere.

Don't know if he's still alive, but we should move like he is for the moment.  I called Omen.  Cops need probable cause before they can raid the apartment building. And there's not enough evidence to get one. Guardstar can't go barreling in either for same reasons.

Wanna get some practical experience?  Consider it a field trip.

Jack Sharpe
player, 678 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2022
at 00:38
  • msg #328

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I have super-powers, and you’re super-cute, so it balances out,” he tells her with a smile and finishes off the last of his omelet. As he talks with her, he starts to clean up his side of the table with a napkin and a bit of the condensation off the side of his orange juice glass, wiping up the small number of crumbs and leaving the table cleaner than he’d found it.

Thinking about her question of another date, he smiles and nods.

“Of course, but I need to sort something out with a guy to get something made before our date, since I want to take you somewhere. You’ll see, that is, if I can get it put together,”
he explains with a smile and acts a bit mysterious about it.

He’d have to try pestering Ooter again about it.

Jack reads the messages from Kevin while he searches for any sign of Patrick: We have multiple locations to check, any thoughts on order to check them? They’re definitely piling up an unusual number at the apartment building at the moment, so I’d say start there.
GM, 2067 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2022
at 03:31
  • msg #329

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 328):




Jack Sharpe
player, 679 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2022
at 03:52
  • msg #330

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack decides to simply fly to where Kevin is so that he can talk with him in person. His body still coated in the layer of alien-made matte black super-suit.  His face obscured by the mask.

“Bodies might be in the freezer at the ice cream parlor, eight foot long boxes, and then there’s an attached apartment that’s meta-proof. To me, it’s the only place that seems to outright suggest: they kill people there.

The apartment complex has a control room that undoubtedly has camera feeds from other places, and that amphitheater—which is where I’d do the final big deeds for a ceremony if I was a crazy guy leading a cult,”
he mentions as he thinks it over.

Trying to put everything together with Kevin.

“I can get you into the underground area from outside by making you a tunnel, and then go check other stuff. It might let you investigate on the sly, since you’d slip in at the back end of their security. Maybe. Might help if you can get together a disguise that fits with their usual style.”

GM, 2071 posts
Sat 20 Aug 2022
at 01:47
  • msg #331

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 330):

Kevin blinks when you show up, but sighs, seeming to accept that this is now his lot in life.

But he's grinning when you talk about tunnels.

"Oh no need there.  There's already a tunnel!"

He brings out a tablet and after a few swipes shows you a map of the city's sewer system.

"You see this line here?  It runs under both the ice cream store and the apartment complex.  I know they don't seem to be connected though.  But if you take a look at the specs..."

You look at the builder's plans he pulls up.  If that amphitheater is sunk as low as it appears to be, it's floor is the ceiling of that sewer tunnel.  Odd, because the two didn't appear to be connected when you looked before.  Same with the ice cream shop.  And the sewer line looked too small for a person.

But looking at the plans, it's easily large enough for a person to fit into.

"It'll smell...but let's go in through the sewer line.  They've probably got it trapped up.  So you'll take point."
Jack Sharpe
player, 680 posts
Sun 21 Aug 2022
at 04:24
  • msg #332

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack looks at the tunnel and then looks at the Monkey and then back and forth a few times, like he’s confirming that this is actually his preference to following a tunnel that Jack might dig. “You’re sure you’d prefer this thing to me just digging us a tunnel? I can move through most materials at about a quarter the speed I can fly, and leave behind a worm tunnel easy enough,” he reiterates, just to be certain.

That being said, he doesn’t mind. It’s a new experience, and his mask should be able to filter out a majority of the physical aspect of the scent.

“I’ll need to hold my breath through the whole thing though and probably seal off my nose and mouth,”
he mentions after thinking about it. “But sure.”

GM, 2072 posts
Sun 21 Aug 2022
at 22:47
  • msg #333

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 332):

"We'd still have to tunnel through some of the sewer lines.  And we should as possible that might cause damage to the surrounding buildings or environment.  Besides, they're already there.

"I like your disguise idea.  But I'm not sure they have uniforms other than khakis and button down shirts.  Also, I don't know how well they know each other.  You ever seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers?  That's the kinda vibe I get from them.  They know their own.

"I do want to hit that ice cream store..."
  He sighs.  "But priority one is finding the guy they kidnapped."

He considers.  "They should have somewhere that houses their security console.  If we get there, we might be able to get a looksie at everything going on."
Jack Sharpe
player, 681 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 00:53
  • msg #334

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Yeah, I mentioned it a few minutes ago. Top floor, security room. I’m fairly certain anyway, it was anti-meta coated; but I’ve been experimenting with learning to figure things out through those materias using echo-location, but it’s new, so..” Jack replies when Kevin mentions the security room. He wobbles his hand in the air to indicate his lack of certainty on the subject.

He’s still fairly certain he could get past those sewer lines by coming in at other angles or from bedrock to a spot that isn’t near any sort of utility, but he hasn’t actually eyeballed the place with that in mind in the past, and he didn’t pay attention to those areas. So he’s mostly just relying on memories of his senses.

“And yeah, I thought so too, but maybe if they only see us at range or on a camera?”
he proposes with a shrug.
GM, 2076 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 02:04
  • msg #335

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 334):

Kevin grins.  "How fast can you move?  Fast enough they can't really react even if they do see you?"

He scratches his chin.  "How 'bout this?  I'll land on the roof.  That should distract them.  You think you can just zip in and knock 'em out?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 682 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 07:22
  • msg #336

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack moves at full speed behind Kevin and taps on his shoulder once, just to let him experience a full-speed movement. The air in the area disrupted by the sudden displacement. “That fast,” he answers, hoping that the demonstration is sufficient as a demonstration rather than needing to justify things with an explanation.

Hearing the plan, he nods a little.

“So, secure the security room and figure out what we can from there,”
he reiterates.

He’ll take a moment then to try to plot out a course of entry and how to get from entry into the security room without being detected.
GM, 2078 posts
Wed 24 Aug 2022
at 03:15
  • msg #337

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 336):

There's two means of "easy" entry.

There's a skylight that opens onto the roof.  A ladder from a maintenance room leads up to it.  The maintenance room door opens on to a hallway.  You could go down the hall to the security room.

Or you could simply go through the lobby door, up the stairs, and down the hall, moving at super speed.
Jack Sharpe
player, 683 posts
Wed 24 Aug 2022
at 06:23
  • msg #338

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Which entry were you thinking was best for entry to the security room? For me, I mean," Jack asks, wondering if Kevin had thought this through. He thinks he might opt for checking to see if he can disable security on the sky-light, just to give Kevin a means of easy escape if possible, but he leaves it to the Monkey, given his experience on this sort of thing.
GM, 2080 posts
Fri 26 Aug 2022
at 01:30
  • msg #339

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 338):

"Either has advantages.  There's probably some kind of trip alarm on the skylight. But it's gonna feed into the security console most like.  If you're taking out everyone there, it's not an issue.

"The front door is longer.  But for you...that'd be easiest.  You can zip all the way through and up without anyone seeing you, right?"

He grins and waves a hand.  "Don't worry about me.  I'll get out.  It's an apartment building. So there's always plenty of windows."
Jack Sharpe
player, 684 posts
Fri 26 Aug 2022
at 05:20
  • msg #340

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack decides that the first thing he’ll do is examine the skylight, there’s a chance he can just disable the alarm with a combination of skills. Either by peeling away the exterior of the window before he lets the magnetic strip separate, or shorting the whole thing. He’ll give it a look from a ways away, but it seems like the best bet is to zip up from the ground floor.
GM, 2083 posts
Sun 28 Aug 2022
at 03:24
  • msg #341

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 340):

The alarm on the skylight seems fairly rudimentary.  You should be able to take it out quickly.  Being you and all.

Skylight then?
Jack Sharpe
player, 685 posts
Sun 28 Aug 2022
at 04:14
  • msg #342

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack assesses security on the roof and then approaches the skylight with Kevin, after his examination he glances to Kevin and nods. Then he moves swiftly to disarm the alarm, drops in and blitzes the security personnel inside. Knocking them unconscious and removing any sort of devices that might be used to alert others to their current status, followed by any weapons, phones, and generally anything besides their clothes which all gets tossed away from them.

He hopes the whole hive-mind thing isn't literal, or it's a pointless gesture.

Using whatever restraints they might have on them, or just their belts, he restrains them and leaves them tangled up together.

He nods then to Kevin and turns to look at the screens.
GM, 2084 posts
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 02:29
  • msg #343

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 342):

Kevin walks into the security room, seeming to be depressed.  "Hell. I didn't even need to act as a distraction..."

The console set up is rather high end.  It seems to be home brew too.  There's no logo or company name plate anywhere on it.

Kevin frowns at it, but soon hacks it and the two of you start glancing through.

Most of the cameras are focused in apartments or hallways.  The BEs don't believe in privacy.  Several of the cameras focus on bathroom activity and you can't unsee some of the things you see.

Kevin taps the desk beside you and points at his screen.  It seems to be focused on a large amphitheater.  You surmise it as the space underground.

Currently it is empty save for a few BEs who seem to be setting up some structure on the stage.  You can only tell it seems to be a hexagonal board that is being stood upright.

Kevin points at another screen.  You aren't sure where it is, but that guy you saw once at the school is seated before a makeup mirror.  Two women are fixing him up.

You find one that looks like it's focused on the steel door of a refrigeration unit.  This camera is stuck in place and you can't move the screen off it.  The door is tightly barred and chained.  There's a complicated set of computerized locks on it.

One more screen catches your attention.  It's the parking garage under the apartment.  There's a van there you can't "see" into.  A man is loitering in front of it.  He has a shotgun in the crook of an arm.

"Whaddya think?"  Kevin drawls as he studies that thick metal door.
Jack Sharpe
player, 686 posts
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 04:30
  • msg #344

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

As to seeing people via camera on the pot? He’s had the ability to see through walls since he was young and photographic memory, he has seen the worst things people have ever done.  Honestly, very little phases him. It’s why he reacted so strongly to ‘the Sandman.’ It was so brutal and unexpected.

“I’ll drop you where you want for the parking garage, you check that van, it has anti-meta materials on it, and he’s clearly guarding it for a reason,”
Jack answers, thinking about how to divide and conquer. A single dude with a shotgun is easy enough for someone with Kevin’s skills. The guy won’t even see him coming.

Looking at the other two options, he peers through the floor and ceilings of various rooms. Zipping his eyes around as he assesses locations.

“That guy getting his make-up done is the leader, I think, just context clues,”
he adds.

He looks between the freezers in the building and those in the ice-cream store, comparing and contrasting.

“Can we disable the security alerts, so that I can hit the freezer unit? I think it’s the one in the ice cream store. I’ve been wanting to look in there for a wile now anyway,”
he proposes and goes over to a console to see if he can’t help Kevin with any necessary computer-skills.
GM, 2087 posts
Tue 30 Aug 2022
at 03:52
  • msg #345

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 344):

Kevin runs through some of the files on the console's computer.

"Looks like that on it's own security system.  It's pretty slick stuff too.  Looks like it's on a code to disable and no. The code isn't here."

He glances towards the van on the camera.  "Will do.  I can get down there on my lonesome.  You hitting that vault will be a good distraction."

He goes through a few more files.

"The only info on that freezer I can find...huh.  They have it completely off the grid.  It's got it's own power source and everything.  There is a schematic...looks like it's a fairly bare fridge with one long container in it." He barks a dry chuckle.  "Coffin shaped."
Jack Sharpe
player, 687 posts
Tue 30 Aug 2022
at 07:01
  • msg #346

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Huh, if this were a video game, I’d say vampire thing maybe? BE. Blood Evolution, Bloody Eclipse,” he speculates on some vampire related stuff, but doesn’t get it. “Anyway, sure, I’ll get in there, I’ll come to you if I’m free after checking it out, otherwise, you might go snag the leader,” he proposes and waits a moment to see if there aren’t any last points of discussion from Kevin.

Opening the door of the security room, he zips through the building, headed toward the ‘vault.’
GM, 2092 posts
Wed 31 Aug 2022
at 02:46
  • msg #347

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 346):

I'm going to pause us there.  Will get you to the ice cream freezer when I get back next week.


GM, 2099 posts
Fri 9 Sep 2022
at 00:12
  • msg #348

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Editor-in-Chief (msg # 347):

You zip over to the vault.

There's a lack of customers inside the ice cream shop.  And only one employee on duty.  He's standing behind the counter, studying his cell phone.  So he even if he could see you, it's likely he would still miss your arrival.  He seems glued to it.

As Kevin said, the freezer door looks high tech.  The lock is a key code, probably seven digits long.  The plating on the freezer is battleship level armor.  Nothing you can't rip apart like so much tissue paper. But it's still kind of impressive given the context of it's surroundings.

Tearing into the walls?  Or trying to pick the lock?
Jack Sharpe
player, 688 posts
Fri 9 Sep 2022
at 06:31
  • msg #349

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Opening one of the cabinets at the far end from the kid at the counter, Jack scoops out a bit of rocky-road into a waffle cone and leaves five dollars on the counter, out of his line of sight before zipping into the freezer area.

Rather than making a mess of things, Jack first makes an initial attempt at understanding the wiring and electronics involved with the locking mechanism. Sometimes people make things utterly complicated but then fail to account for things like going through the drywall next to it. He lacks the meta-scientist’s knack for such things, but he has plenty of processing power to really plow through ideas. Considering every wire and bolt for a few moments.

Should he find that he can’t just bypass the business, he goes around to the side of the freezer unit and uses a finger to punch a hole into the ‘battle ship armor’ and then sticks his eye up to the hole. Peering around inside.

From what he has been told, this sort of ‘eye to hole’ thing tends to make normal people uncomfortable, apparently his willingness to expose his eyes to things is unnatural. He usually avoids it, but he’s wearing his mask now and it “provides some protection” so maybe nobody would think he’s weird.
GM, 2101 posts
Sat 10 Sep 2022
at 04:02
  • msg #350

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 349):

The wiring is indeed complicated.  Needlessly so.  Or perhaps that's part of the security.  Most people would spend hours deciphering what wire went where.

That's not an issue for you though.

What is an issue though is that the interior of the lock mechanism is screened.  You can't see inside it.  So knowing what wire isn't possible

The keypad is a different matter.  You can see the build up of oil from human finger tips on the buttons for 3,9, and 4.  The other buttons are much cleaner.  So that means the combination is probably some mix of those three numbers.

You being you, you could punch in all the possible combinations in a speedy manner.  That might pop the lock.

You go ahead and finger poke the battleship armor and give it the steely eye.  Just to be safe.

The inside of the freezer isn't used for ice cream.  There's some complicated looking machinery you think has to do with keeping the interior temperature well below freezing.

And there's a long, rectangular box, about seven feet long, occupying most of the space.  The box is you-proof.  So you can't see inside.  But there does seem to be some kind of window on the top of it.  You can't see through it from here.  But if you get inside, you should be able to see what's inside the box.
Jack Sharpe
player, 690 posts
Sun 11 Sep 2022
at 04:14
  • msg #351

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack looks around as best he can and then walks back around to the front and decides to examine the oil residue for a moment before he tries all of the combinations. He’s looking to see if the old rule from the detective shows holds true: whether the first key has slightly more oil on the finger, and then less on subsequent pushes.

With whatever evidence he can gather, he speed-runs the button pushes.
GM, 2107 posts
Fri 16 Sep 2022
at 02:49
  • msg #352

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 351):

It turns out the detective shows didn't take into account some people might have something sticky on their fingers when they punch buttons.  It turns out to be 4493.

There's a thrum and a whrr and a loud, deep click.  Then the door swings open.

Inside, it's what you saw before.  The room seems built to keep the long rectangular box cold.

You walk up to the box.  It's more like a coffin seeing it from this angle.  Except it's a coffin with a clear plastic window set along the top.  You warm the window, whether with your burning eyeball o' love or your hand or whatnot.  The frost blurs and runs off.

Through the lid of the coffin...well, maybe a cryogenics Mom.  Just older by about 10 years.  And with some scars on her face that shouldn't be there.  And dead.  You can "see" her through the window and there's not a doubt her organs are dead.  She's just being kept on ice to...


Huh.  Why is she being kept on ice?
Jack Sharpe
player, 691 posts
Sun 18 Sep 2022
at 20:08
  • msg #353

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

As the door to the cryogenics ‘chamber’ is opened, Jack floats in, wary of internal measures meant to destroy the world or something. Floating up over the container, he tilts his head sideways. The scarring and aging on the body makes him think that she isn’t a clone, and his mother certainly isn’t a clone. He’d have noticed something.

So, she’s from another universe, or the future?

Ripping the cover off of the coffin, he pulls her out and exhales to encase her in ice, just in case, and then flies her out. Carrying her rapidly toward the facilities belonging to the Program—or in this case, temporarily into the walkin freezer at the high school.

He’ll take care of the body after he has determined what is happening with Kevin.
GM, 2111 posts
Mon 19 Sep 2022
at 03:25
  • msg #354

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 353):

You stow "Mom" easily enough.

Kevin has wrapped up his fight.  The guard is laying on the ground, neatly bound and gagged.  Kevin is currently pickign the lock on the van door.
Jack Sharpe
player, 692 posts
Mon 19 Sep 2022
at 15:47
  • msg #355

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Once he has finished with the freezer, Jack closes it up, curious if and when they'll figure out what he has done.

Jack pauses to scan the pockets of the guard to see if the Monkey had missed the keys, and will toss them over if necessary. Otherwise he simply goes around the vehicle, looking for new angles to get past the anti-meta materials on it. As he settles in to watch Kevin work, he scans for signs of listening devices.

"It was a copy, or maybe a future version, of my mom but from the future, maybe?"
he explains sotto voce. "Relocated her to another freezer."

Doing a scan upwards toward the leader, he considers, looking for signs that any alert has gone off about the break-in on the freezer.
GM, 2118 posts
Tue 20 Sep 2022
at 01:24
  • msg #356

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 355):

No keys.  Jeez.  Has he come as that incompetent before now?

Kevin glances your way.  "Did you just say your mom?"

He takes the file he had in the lock out and puts it between his teeth.  With the hand he's freed up, he jiggles the handle.  The door clicks.  He wraggles his fuzzy eyebrows at you and swings open the door.

Inside is the missing seminarian.  He's trussed up head to foot in rope.  A blindfold, gag, and even headphones are keeping him sensory deprived.  He doesn't seem wounded.  Just scared.

There's also something under him.  You "look".  It's a bomb of some kind.  He's on a dead man switch.  He moves and it goes off.
Jack Sharpe
player, 693 posts
Tue 20 Sep 2022
at 16:36
  • msg #357

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Sometimes even experts forget to check for the easy answer, that and Jack would be surprised if the keys for the guarded subject isn't within thirty seconds of walking distance. In case something weird happened and he needed to verify the guy was still inside.

"Yep, mom."

Moving closer to the truck, Jack looks at the man and the device underneath him. Without the van's insulation to block his line of sight, he can see at least some of the device, if not the full wiring inside it.

But what he's really looking for is the method that the BEs would have used to deactivate it so that they could remove him.

Probably something with a cell-phone or remote, maybe? In any case, he tries to figure out how he can help, short of just moving the guy away at super-speed.

"Let me see if I can see how to deactivate the device, if not that, I might be able to get at it from underneath, and contain the blast with my body,"
he mentions softly.

Just in case the headphones aren't entirely soundproof.

With that said, he leaves it to Kevin to decide if he wants to spring the guy's senses before the job is done.
GM, 2119 posts
Wed 21 Sep 2022
at 02:38
  • msg #358

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 357):

I figured.  Just wanted to bust your chops a bit.

Kevin scratches his chin.  "So he's on a dead man's switch right?  Can you go under the car, tear through the bottom, reach up and hold the switch down?  I can pull him off and duct tape the switch closed."

He shrugs.  "Duct tape and WD40. There really is no problem you can't fix with one or the other."
Jack Sharpe
player, 694 posts
Wed 21 Sep 2022
at 14:41
  • msg #359

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack considers and nods his head, he can do that. He’s fairly certain there are other ways to do this, and he can think of several, but all of them come with their respective risks and benefits. This is the way that lets him get his hands on the device the fastest without needing to go through the hostage, so he decides to go with it.

Sliding under the van, takes a few moments to cut and move aside bits of undercarriage machinery. Keeping it all as structurally intact so that it doesn’t shift dramatically, while giving him a better shot at the location of the underside of the device.

Once he has the situation prepped, he uses a fingernail to carve a few small holes to give him spots to look up at the area above and then works his hands inward, metal peeling around his fingers like butter as he reaches up and inserts his hands under either side of the man. Pinning down the pressure pad.

“I believe I have it,”
he calls out, once he thinks he has it figured out.
GM, 2123 posts
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 02:34
  • msg #360

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 359):

You feel some thumps and the car makes shifts a bit.  Then you hear Kevin call out, "Clear!  Hold on a moment and I'm gonna defuse it."

More thumps as he goes back inside and after a bit, "We're good.  You can let go."

He steps out of the back, holding the deactivated bomb, studying it.  " actually kinda sophisticated.  I wasn't expecting them to have something like this.  It's definitely high end."

He glances at you.  "I get the feeling that they're gonna be upset that we stole their hostage.  And I wanna get him outta here.  Do you want to call it a night here?  Or should we press a bit further?  See if we can figure out what the hell these guys are really up to?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 695 posts
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 23:54
  • msg #361

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"I can take him somewhere safe and then come back, Saul can help get him squared away," Jack suggests. "I'd like to finish clearing their meta-proof rooms if nothing else. If we don't act now, they could destroy evidence and move things," he answers.
GM, 2125 posts
Sun 25 Sep 2022
at 01:12
  • msg #362

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 361):

Kevin nods.  "I agree.  I also think we need to take a look at their  Whatever that room is down below."

He taps his chin.  "Divide and conquer?  Or do you think we need to watch each other's sixes?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 696 posts
Wed 28 Sep 2022
at 20:19
  • msg #363

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Stick together, but I’ll move us along at me-speed,” Jack replies after a moment of considering his options. There are still a few rooms that he was unable to see through, and he wants to check them out before they sate their curiosity about the amphitheater and whatever might be happening down there. “I’ll take him to Saul’s then, be right back, you can start heading to one of the other mystery rooms,” he decides after a moment.

Picking up the recently kidnapped man, he takes him to Saul’s, knocks on the door and then removes the sense impeding items on the kidnapee.
GM, 2137 posts
Fri 30 Sep 2022
at 01:43
  • msg #364

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 363):

Saul blinks when you show up at his door, carrying a half unconcious seminarian.

"What?  Wha's goin' on?"

Kevin went to the closest mystery room, which would be the room over the ice cream shop.  He's studying the door knob when you arrive.  A quick glance shows why.

The door is bobby trapped.  There's enough explosive to punch out the walls through the next building over.  Kevin starts fiddling with the detonator.

"Jus' a sec..."

The door clicks open.

Inside, the apartment has been converted into a large hospital room.  A single bed is against one wall.  An older man lays on it, tubes in his nose and arms.  A heart monitor beeps along beside him, though at a rate that shows he's barely alive.  He's unconcious.

Aside from machinery meant to extend his life, the only thing of any interest is a framed photo.  In it, a young blond man who is not your dad is kissing Mom.  Though she's much younger.  Maybe in her late teens.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:38, Sun 02 Oct 2022.
Jack Sharpe
player, 697 posts
Fri 30 Sep 2022
at 03:30
  • msg #365

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack, who is wearing his Ooter made hood costume, is a bit confused how Saul can tell who he is. So, assuming that he didn’t actually know, ( :-P ,) the tall young man indicates the man, and speaks in his fake superhero voice. “Sir, this man has been recently rescued, please give him shelter until proper authorities arrive.”

And then he blurs away.

He knows that Saul will do the right thing.

Arriving back with Kevin, Jack examines the area and nods his head. His only preparation is to be ready to protect Kevin if necessary, shielding him with his body in case those explosives go off.

As he walks into the room a few moments later and sees the picture, he picks it up and examines it for signs of a forgery. Another picture of the other version of his mom, he assumes. Maybe she wasn’t from another world. She doesn’t fit as a grandma, though… if she’s half as smart as mom, she could have faked it.

He can’t ask the man questions however, and considers the room in general. Was the measure meant to keep the man inside, or to keep others out? The response would have killed the man?

After a long thought, he takes the picture out of the frame and folds it, putting it into his costume.

“Moving him to a secondary location might prove difficult, but this man is kissing the woman from the freezer, the copy,” he mentions, keeping it vague because this room, unlike the random spot he’d mentioned that it was his mom might actually be being monitored. His voice being slightly distorted again.
GM, 2141 posts
Sun 2 Oct 2022
at 01:44
  • msg #366

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 365):

Sorry.  Wasn't paying attention.  Edited my post to take out the "Jack"

Kevin looks over the scene and then studies you as you fold up the picture and explain.  He uncrosses his arms.

"Okay.  So I don't doubt you didn't know anything about all this.  And that your Mom being somehow involved is blindsiding you as much as it is blindsiding me.  But you know...other people may not be as trusting.  I don't know if you can ever tell anyone about this.  It's too..."

He frowns, studying the old guy on the bed.  "Things have just been weird in this town.  And...don't take the wrong way...but it all kinda started when you showed up.  Well.  The BEs were around before you.  But...

"Once this is over, I'm gonna have to look into your life.  Like more so than I've done.  Sorry man.  Not tryin' to be an asshole.  But I just think I gotta.  Fair warning."

Jack Sharpe
player, 698 posts
Sun 2 Oct 2022
at 03:15
  • msg #367

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Sure, though I was trying not to say .." Jack trails off and shakes his head. Looking down at the man as he tries to decide what to do here. He thinks maybe they should move the man, but he doesn't know if he can do it and maintain the life support, and if he can't, then that reduces their options.

While he thinks about that he adjusts his helmet slightly.

"While we consider what to do with this guy, I had a thought just a moment ago. What if it's B.E.E. and not B.E? Have you ever heard them spell it? They do act fairly 'hive like,"
he points out idly.
GM, 2145 posts
Mon 3 Oct 2022
at 02:21
  • msg #368

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 367):

He chuckles.  "Great minds do think alike.  That did occur to me a few weeks ago.  But I was able to lay my hands on some old pamphlets they used to distribue. B. E. It's spelled out, and always capitalized in the literature.

"Besides.  When you say it...can't you just tell?"

He's right.  When you've heard it, it always seemed to be BE in your mind.  There was just no room for doubt.

Kevin glances at the guy.  "I think until we can get a medical team in, we should leave him as is.  Whatever hook up they have him on seems to bee keeping him alive."  He nods at the heart monitor.  "Best not mess with that.

"I think it's an acronym.  The
B. E. But of what...I can't guess."

He shakes his head.  "For now...there's only one place left to look.  That amphitheater.  And since we haven't seen a peep of anyone really, I'm guessing they're all there."

He grins again.

"Ready to go see what all the hoopla is about? And do you wanna sneak in?  Or make an entrance?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 699 posts
Mon 3 Oct 2022
at 18:31
  • msg #369

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack acknowledges the B.E. thing is more likely, so he doesn't really have any ammunition worth debating. It was more of a passing thought as he'd thought about it. "Yeah, I assumed it was an acronym as well," he agrees.

As he considers the matter a bit more, he walks over to the walls and eyeballs the explosives there, and debates whether he could defuse the mess.

"My vote is for stealth, I'm already breaking rules by being here, best to keep it lowkey,"
he answers.
GM, 2148 posts
Tue 4 Oct 2022
at 00:30
  • msg #370

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 369):

Now that you are inside the room and can "see", defusing the explosives would be fairly easy.  You can tell where the detonator lines are easily enough.

Kevin nods, reaching into one of his pockets and pulling out a map of the sewer lines.

He points at one.  "This one should run under the both this building and under the amphitheater room.  I think we can follow it until about here..."

He points to a section on the map.  "This should lead us to what I think is a side room off the space.  You poke a finger up through the floor.  Take a look.  And if it's clear, make us a hole we can climb up through.

"How's that sound?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 700 posts
Tue 4 Oct 2022
at 01:04
  • msg #371

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack pulls the smallest tool off of Kevin’s belt to make holes in the drywall, hoping to keep them as inconspicuous as he can, and then again to defuse the lines leading to the detonators and their various triggers. As he works, he listens to Kevin about his ‘sewer’ plan again, and decides not to argue this for a second time. He doesn’t think Kevin fully appreciates how well he can dig a tunnel, but he isn’t going to use today to make an example.

“That sounds like a plan,” he confirms as the last of the explosives are disarmed and he puts the tool back into Kevin’s belt of ‘stuff.’

Picking the man up by the armor then, he moves swiftly to the entrance to the sewers. Taking a route that should go unnoticed.
GM, 2154 posts
Wed 5 Oct 2022
at 00:12
  • msg #372

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 371):

Kevin pulls up something on his cell phone.  It's a an ap that tracks the GPS along sewer lines.  They really do make an ap for everything.

He stops you at one point and points up at the ceiling.  You poke your finger through.  You can "hear" lots of voices.  But they aren't directly overhead.  Checking, it looks like you are under an unused area.  You make the hole bigger and up you both go.

You've come out under the bleachers more or less.  The BEs are filling up the amphitheater, excitedly taking amongst themselves.

"Is it here?  Is it here?"

"I never thought it would arrive!"

"We shall at last be free."

Lots of similar talk.

You would guess almost all of the <BEs have arrived.  The last few stragglers are finding seats.  The lights start to dim and the crowd quickly goes quiet.

The show it seems is about the begin.

The stage lights up, and that guy you saw back at school that day walks up on it.  All the BEs  catch their breath.

He stops in the middle of the stage and holds out his arms.

"Tonight.  Tonight my children.  We are to <BEcome.  We are to rise above.  At last. We will put aside myth and superstition.  We shall over come all ignorance and fear.  There will BE nothing left.  It shall all come to and end."

He raises his hands above his head.

"What are we?"

The crowd answers as one.  Each voice rings out at the exact same moment.  There's no one who lags a breath too late or finishes ahead of anyone else.  "We BE!"

"What are we?"

"We BE!"

"What do we stand for?"

"The BEGINNING of the END!"

Kevin elbows you.  "Told ya it was an acronym."
Jack Sharpe
player, 701 posts
Wed 5 Oct 2022
at 00:57
  • msg #373

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack does what he can once he has slipped up through the hole to plug it temporarily, grabbing perhaps a rubbish bin or something of the right shape to cover the hole and prevent the scent from the storm-sewer from drifting up into the auditorium. He imagines it must run all the way to the Mississippi, given the location, but he hadn’t had the time to really eyeball it that much.

“I recognize that guy, I had a feeling he was in charge, somehow,”
he remarks to Kevin at a quiet volume. Given the number of people here, as long as anyone is talking, it’s doubtful that conversation will lead to their discovery, but he keeps it quiet all the same.

The talking earlier about ‘it’ being here, has him looking around, trying to look through the building and then outwards for signs of arriving ‘things.’ Beings, spaceships, meteors. Something apocalyptic.

GM, 2167 posts
Fri 7 Oct 2022
at 00:37
  • msg #374

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 373):

The are assuming that's who this guy is...takes something out of his pocket.  It's a small glass vial filled with what you think is blood.

"BEhold!  The blood of the foolish!  The Factoticians have determined it is enough!"

Kevin raises an eye brow.  "Did he really just say Fact-O-Tish-ins?  What is this?  Milo and the Phantom Toolbooth?"

"BE brave my children!  Tonight, we will BEcome as stardust!"

All of the BEs start pulling out knives.

"Okay.  This just went south." Kevin looks at you.  "Can you disarm them?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 702 posts
Fri 7 Oct 2022
at 20:36
  • msg #375

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

As the leader starts speaking, Jack tilts his head too at the word. Prognosticators? Some sort of psycho-history thing? "Blood of the foolish and they're going to bleed themselves?" he points out the manipulation being played out before their eyes.

He doesn't wait for Kevin to finish asking the question, he zips out of the bleachers at high speed.

First he takes the vial of blood from the speaker, and any others that are stashed on the man or near him. No second chances! He then goes to start disarming people.
GM, 2171 posts
Sat 8 Oct 2022
at 20:56
  • msg #376

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 375):

The Leader blinks as his vial of blood is violently grasped from his hands.  He doesn't have any others on him.

Some in the crowd near the front can tell something is wrong.  They act surprised, and their hesitation helps you disarm them "quickly".  The people towards the back aren't as fazed.  They have their knives and are gazing at them eagerly. But they haven't been commanded to do anything yet.  So they are just gazing at them.  That is until you take the knives from them.

But even you being you, it's a lot of knives.  Noise starts to erupt from the crowd as people realize their knives are being taken from them.  An uproar is commencing.

The leader raises his hands.  "We are BEing oppressed!  There must be a meta here!  Do not-"

Kevin leaps out from the side, rushing up onto the stage and tackling the leader before he can finish the command.

You're almost done collecting pointy objects when you "hear" a woman on the right side of the stage call out, "Bite your tongues!  Quickly!  Bite down as hard as you can!  We must bring about the BE!"

And the BEs start trying to bleed themselves through any means necessary.
Jack Sharpe
player, 704 posts
Sat 8 Oct 2022
at 21:39
  • msg #377

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Part way through his run, Jack is disposing of the knives by sticking them into the ceiling, aiming for random bits of wooden ceiling beams above the auditorium. He isn’t a professional knife thrower, but he can throw hard enough to get rid of some pieces of metal by throwing them through standard apartment building construction!

When he hears and sees how Kevin takes action, he nods to himself and continues to disarm people and then to start subduing them in reverse from the back.

He would have tried to stop the woman but her first action was to yell to get them to bite. It was already too late, so he can only continue with operation ‘knock everyone unconscious.’ But to prevent anyone from getting off any more orders, he has to take action, "MONKEY! EARS!" he yells.

He glances to make sure that the Monkey has covered his ears.

And then he whistles loudly enough to give everyone a serious case of tinnitus, and to leave their ears ringing loud enough to let him get through the crowd.

As he goes, he looks for any sort of ‘collection’ circle or signs of sorcery on the masonry and surroundings. They have part A of the recipe, he wants to figure out where point B is. Hopefully point B requires the vial in his hands.

All the while, patches of people fall unconscious as he gives them taps on the head.
GM, 2174 posts
Mon 10 Oct 2022
at 03:07
  • msg #378

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 377):

Kevin is fairly quick on the uptake.  Within moments of you yelling, he's put in ear plugs of some kind.  He really carries too much junk in his pockets.

You "whistle" and the room falls to their knees.  Well.  Not all of them. But some do.  Everyone however is clutching their ears and too busy dealing with the vertigo to bite or do self harm.

But some has already been done.

Small droplets of blood are flying through the air.  They are peeling off the ground or off the cheeks of the few people who were able to draw blood before you sonic blasted them.

The drops of blood are collecting in mid air.

Kevin sees it too.  He's pulling a plastic sack out of his pocket and starting to run across the stage.  You guess he's going to leap and try to place the bag around the blood...clot? Sure.  Let's call it a blood clot...that floating in mid air.
Jack Sharpe
player, 705 posts
Mon 10 Oct 2022
at 12:34
  • msg #379

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Operation: Knockout

The operation continues but now Jack is also trying to evaporate droplets of blood as he does so, which is pushing his ability to do everything at high speed. His eyes flashing with bursts of orange as he unleashes controlled radiation toward the floating drops.

Looking above and below the droplet, he attempts to figure out the what, who, why, how of the floating droplets.
GM, 2181 posts
Tue 11 Oct 2022
at 01:59
  • msg #380

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 379):

Your controlled eye blasts are fairly precise and accurate.  Just not effective.  The droplets seem to shrug it off and continue to fly towards the clot.

Kevin leaps up and slaps the bag around the clot, which is now as big as a fist.  The clot doesn't like that.  It suddenly rockets upwards towards the ceiling, taking him along with it.  It's obviously going to try to smack him against the roof.

The BEs are recovering a bit. Or at least regaining their equilibrium.
Jack Sharpe
player, 706 posts
Tue 11 Oct 2022
at 16:17
  • msg #381

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack continues to knock people out until the last moment and then seeing Kevin's predicament with wrangling the blood-bag, he flies over everyone's head and grabs hold of the bag and the Monkey. Getting him out of harm's way, and letting him go do something else while he himself takes over the task of trying to wrangle the blood.

Pulling it a bit before he begins to unleash a full-powered eye blast at it.
GM, 2186 posts
Thu 13 Oct 2022
at 21:10
  • msg #382

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 381):

Kevin gives you a thumbs up and leaps into the crowd, doing his best to take over your prior job of "crowd control".

The clot moves sideways, dodging your eye blast.  More little blots are coagulating to it.

It seems this clot isn't going down with a fight.
Jack Sharpe
player, 707 posts
Fri 14 Oct 2022
at 01:41
  • msg #383

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack uses a more area-effective attack to try and control the blood, since heat doesn't seem to be doing anything to the clots. He breathes a breath of freezing air upon the blood as he continues to try and keep it from accomplishing whatever it was that it was trying to do.

Still looking for any signs of what or who might be doing all of this.
GM, 2193 posts
Sat 15 Oct 2022
at 01:43
  • msg #384

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 383):

Cold seems to have an effect.  Or at least it freezes the air around the clot.  The small flecks of blood land on the ice and seem to be trying to melt their way through it.

Now that the Clot's not moving, you can see there's been a change to it.  It's...more 3D.  There's a bulge in the middle of it.  Like something is trying to push out.
Jack Sharpe
player, 708 posts
Sat 15 Oct 2022
at 22:02
  • msg #385

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack continues to layer on the ice, if the thing wants out, he'll make it even harder for it to get out. That's the goal now. Since he has no idea what any of this means, who or what is responsible, he just acts contrary to whatever these people and this ball of blood want. "There's something in the blood," he calls over to the Monkey as he the guy continues his karate demonstration, knocking out all of the cult members that Jack himself hadn't yet.

As he blasts the freezing breath at the blood, he attempts to get things cold enough to destroy the cells and the blood itself.

Although he was certain he'd already checked, he attempts to use his meta-vision to peer through the blood to try and spot whatever might be moving inside.

He also spins in place so that he can try and form a general idea of its chosen direction. Maybe a person or thing it might be trying to draw itself toward.
GM, 2194 posts
Mon 17 Oct 2022
at 02:24
  • msg #386

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 385):

"Of course there's something in the blood...why wouldn't there be something in the blood..."

Kevin kicks one man, tail slaps a woman, and punches another man in one move.

"Any idea what it is?"

You "peer".  As only you can.

The clot seems to have another side.  Or an interior.  It's like looking through a crack in a wall to see a panoramic view on the other side.  If the panorama was all bloody.

There is  Someone...on the other side of the hole in the wall.  What first appears to be a giant eyeball pulls back.  And now a finger is trying to push through.  And then another finger.  And another.  The hand coming through the clot is slender.  LIke a woman's.

"BEhold!" cries the Leader from the stage.  "She comes!  The one promised to bring an end to all superstition and fallacy!  The one who will lead us in pure sweet reason and make all dreams go away!

"Come Doctor Sharpe!  Come save us from faith and feeling!"

"Oh great." Kevin knocks four more down.  "It's like an old Star Trek episode. Wait."  He glances up at you.  "Doctor Sharpe?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 709 posts
Mon 17 Oct 2022
at 02:34
  • msg #387

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack slams his fist into the fingers as they start to push through, not aware yet of who might be on the other side. It’s some sort of portal, and he’s going to do his best to keep them from crossing over. Hearing the words of the ‘Leader’ he rolls his eyes at the beginning of the sermon. Unhinged fantasy or mass mind control. He’s not sure how that leads to the end of the world as other-dad had seen it, but apparently this multiversal thing is just spiraling.

Pulling off his helmet, he tosses it to Kevin and then starts trying to reverse the process. Pushing part of himself through the portal so that he can yell at whatever version of his mother this is.

"Hold my beer."

Because of course, he's of an age to make it a meme.
GM, 2202 posts
Tue 18 Oct 2022
at 03:12
  • msg #388

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 387):

Kevin catches the helmet, and then throws it against the head of a cultist who's charging him.

"You are so answering my questions when we are done with this..."

You push at the outstretching alternate-Mom hand.  You get to the wall hole.  It is as you thought.  Mom.  Or Alternate Mom.  She's bloody red like the rest of her universe.

She stares back at you through the knot hole. And frowns.  X 10 B was previously expunged.  Records related to that particular period are fragmented.  Small memory loops remain.  Accessing.

She cocks her head the same way your Mom will whenever she seems genuinely puzzled by something.  Not that that happens all that often.

Retrieved.  Hypothesis offered.  Hypothesis reviewed.  Validated.  You are Jack, correct?  That world's Jack?  Then please stop blocking my entry into your version of reality.
Jack Sharpe
player, 710 posts
Tue 18 Oct 2022
at 03:37
  • msg #389

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“It’s not that complicated,” Jack replies. His mom is a meta-genius, of course there are alternate versions of her in other universes that are also meta-geniuses. Duh.

Stuffing himself partly into her portal, he wonders if he’ll need to see a shrink after this. Oh right, there’s one planned already, he can describe this to them and watch their head explode.

Looking at red-Mom, Jack shakes his head at her. “I am, and not going to happen. Not if you intend to do the things that the crazy cultists here are claiming you intend to do,” he tells her as he continues to hold the portal open, looking around the interior of the place he has found himself inside. If the powers on his side weren’t responsible for the blood-portal thing, then it must be on her side.

Maybe there’s some sort of McGuffin that he can zap, but he also doesn’t mind holding a brief conversation with RedMom, maybe he can reason with her.

“If you want to do what they’re claiming, give a universe reason? Pick a universe that isn’t already running along just fine. Some place apocalyptically bad, my world has problems, but it doesn’t need a total re-write. Go somewhere where you're doing them a favor.”

GM, 2206 posts
Wed 19 Oct 2022
at 03:09
  • msg #390

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 389):

The area Red-Mom is in seems to be sort of outdoorsy.  Lots of stone and canyon looking places.  Like she's standing in Death Valley.  Just nowhere near as hot.

In fact it's quite cold.

There are several apparatuses behind her.  They all look quite sophisticated...she is your alt-version Mom after all.  Of course they are high tech...but as to which one might be the issue here...not so evident.

Red-Mom cocks her head the other way.  Just like your father.  Lots of talk.  Little action.  If only you took after me. Or your version of me.  Anyway.

She gestures. One of the devices suddenly launches itself into the air.  It unfolds in a split second into a vaguely man shaped android and slams into you.  Yes.  It's moving that fast.

The android is trying to pull you through to the Red Side.  And it seems like it's strong enough to maybe get the job done.

Red Mom is using an Android Jack on you.  Fair fight time.

Poor Jack really does have a messed up family tree, don't he?

Jack Sharpe
player, 711 posts
Wed 19 Oct 2022
at 22:09
  • msg #391

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

As soon as Jack spots the apparatuses, he starts to blast them to slag as fast as he can. Not wanting to give her a chance to do anything more than necessary. He aims for essential pieces as far as he can determine and tries to reduce them to uselessness.

Running contrary to the cooling action of the area, hopefully, if nothing else.

“I crossed between dimensions, and tried to have a reason-able conversation because they suggested you were all about reason, I guess they were wrong, stay out of my dimension and stop messing with the locals,” he warns, he’s fairly certain she’s nothing like his mom except for the intelligence, and while it’d be weird to fight her, he will if he has to.

As the Jack-Bot emerges from its box, he throws a counter punch at it, and starts trying to determine where its power source is.
GM, 2211 posts
Thu 20 Oct 2022
at 23:01
  • msg #392

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 391):

The boxes seem to have a mind of their own.  And some moves too.  You manage to blast the first one.  The others move to avoid your hairy eye ball.

The Jack-Bot takes the counter punch.  In that it absorbs your fist and starts to flow up your arm like some bad James Cameron special effect.

"Liquid metal has it's uses." Red-Mom chirps.

The Jack-Bot slithers up your arm and then starts to squeeze.  Hard enough you can feel it.  It's actually rather painful.

You study Jack-Bot but it's power source isn't something obvious.  None of it's circuitry is know...liquid metal.

Red-Mom starts to move towards the opening.  "People who claim they are trying to be reasonable are usually only doing so because they're in a losing position.  It's an effort to justify their lack of power.  They say it's morally okay they are on a sinking ship.  But that's foolish.  There are no morals.  Everything is logical.  It should be logical.  I think therefore I am better."
Jack Sharpe
player, 712 posts
Fri 21 Oct 2022
at 00:44
  • msg #393

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

The eyeroll Jack throws at Evil-Alternate-Mom is something. He didn’t come here because he was losing, he came here to see what he could do, and tried to reason with a being based on Reason. Her response tells him that she isn’t.

There’s something fundamentally wrong with her.

Jack continues to duke it out with the Jack-Bot. Blasting it with heat and freezing breaths, and continuously probing for weaknesses as he fights with it. He can’t really do anything but that, and he isn’t going to engage on Mom-Bot’s side. When she continues to argue her point, he waits for her to be a bit closer and then blasts her full-bore. Aiming to destroy.

Along with continuing to blast at the other caskets of machinery.
GM, 2215 posts
Sun 23 Oct 2022
at 01:49
  • msg #394

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 393):

Jack-Bot starts to try to crawl up your arms towards your mouth.  You snap him apart, but the pieces seem to have a mind of their own.  You manage to flick them off, but just like the specks of blood flying towards the clot on the other side of the barrier, the bits of Jack-Bot head towards you with an annoying amount of accuracy.

Red Mom gets within range...or she seems to have her guard down...and you let loose.  She flies backwards, hitting the landscape and bouncing a time or two.  She gets back up.

"Now you're acting out.  I knew there was a reason I had you aborted."

She shakes her head.  "Reason must prevail.  When did you become so much like your father?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 713 posts
Sun 23 Oct 2022
at 14:44
  • msg #395

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Acting out? Said the woman who sent the robot version of me to attack me,” Jack replies and resumes the process of trying to destroy the caskets/servers/whatever they are. Since he can’t destroy Jack-Bot outright, he needs to take out the technology holding the whole thing together, with her hubris she’d probably never let a version of anything like JackBot run around without the ability to control it.  So he needs to take out her controller.

Same with the portal.

He is trying to figure out how it is being supported.

Glancing downwards and above, he makes an effort to look for any structure above or below that might have otherwise been outside of his line of sight.

"Also, given that you're insane, I'll take comparisons to others as a compliment."

GM, 2222 posts
Mon 24 Oct 2022
at 04:38
  • msg #396

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 395):

She seems puzzled when you mention Jack Bot resembling you.

"What? No.  That model is just a preferred design.  All variants are based on that same design.  Don't flatter yourself."

Now that you're giving some attention to "scanning", you notice that Mom's body is probably artificial.  You can't "see" inside her.  But that in and of itself is odd.  She also isn't giving off a heat signature.  And you can "hear" all kinds of frequencies being broadcast from various joints on her body.

Some of those frequencies seem to be aimed at the portal.

"Sanity is an outmoded concept.  Once rationality is the only available option, there will be no need for measures of sanity or insanity.  Everything will be pure."
Jack Sharpe
player, 714 posts
Tue 25 Oct 2022
at 00:10
  • msg #397

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack continues to try and keep the bot from gaining any ground as he blasts at the caskets, even if the source of the sound is coming from her, he wants to set her back long enough for the Metas on home-Earth to take care of keeping her from coming around.

Memorizing the frequencies, he then attempts to emitting random loud noises to try and disrupt her control. Simultaneously, he prepares to pull back at a moment’s notice.

The sounds he produces include a wide range of whistling from the lowest possible frequency all the way to an ear piercing shriek, a few claps, snaps and other assorted noises he can produce in short-order.

All of the noises would be deafening to a civilian, but the fact that he hasn’t been hearing anything from behind him means that his body must be doing a pretty good job in combination with the portal of keeping the sounds isolated to their respective dimensions.

"And is that why there's a meat clone of you over on this side, too? Preferred design?"

This message was last edited by the player at 00:11, Tue 25 Oct 2022.
GM, 2223 posts
Tue 25 Oct 2022
at 02:45
  • msg #398

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 397):

Red-Mom flinches at some of the frequencies.  The portal starts to get a little wonky.

"Meat clone?  What are you referring to?"

Unfortunately, a little bit of Jack Bot has gotten into your right ear.  Feels like it's trying to expand.  It hurts, but your ear canal is pretty tough.
Jack Sharpe
player, 715 posts
Tue 25 Oct 2022
at 21:32
  • msg #399

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack continues to try to dial in the method of control until he has the ability to repeat it on demand. Hearing her answer, he nods his head a little internally, and makes a note to figure out their plans with mom. So many boxes need checking. When the Jack Bot gets in his ear, he plugs his nose and forces pressure through his ear canal by exhaling sharply, pushing at the invading Jack Bot’s metal fluid.

Once he has the chance to expel the bots, and has the frequency memorized, he’ll withdraw through the portal and start trying to repeat the frequency.
GM, 2229 posts
Wed 26 Oct 2022
at 02:39
  • msg #400

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 399):

Would I make it that easy?

You start to blow.

The Jack Bot bit seems determined. You can feel it sort of grip inside don't know...little Jack Bot claws or something.  It feels like it's struggling to stay in there...

YOu blow and suddenly feel a tremendous pain shoot through the side of your head.  You see the Jack Bot bit fly out of your ear. As well as some traces of fresh blood.

You have the sequence down.  Diving back through the portal, you sound them out on this side.

The portal snaps shut.

Kevin is below, breathing hoarsely.  He's knocked out almost everyone you hadn't.  There's maybe 10% of the population left standing.

You can "hear" the sound of reinforcements arriving upstairs.

Well.  You can "hear" out of your left ear.  Your right feels...funny.

You also feel a little wobbly.
Jack Sharpe
player, 716 posts
Wed 26 Oct 2022
at 16:47
  • msg #401

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Reinforcements are here," Jack says as he waits for his regenerative abilities to kick in and restore whatever damage was done to his ear canal. He'll need to have his ear examined at a later date. Feeling wobbly as he does from the damage to his inner-ear, he walks over to Kevin, and holds out a hand for his helmet.

Putting it back on and obscuring his face yet again, he quickly blitzes the remaining ten percent to put them to sleep.

"It was evil-mom from another dimension. She was using some manner of frequency manipulation to open the portal, not sure what the significance of the blood is,"
he shares his thoughts.
GM, 2236 posts
Fri 28 Oct 2022
at 03:12
  • msg #402

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 401):

"You really do have family issues, don'tcha?

"Anyway.  I think we can leave these guys for your program buds.  Are you gonna hang here for them to show up?  Probably be a couple of minutes.  I'm going to make sure they get here and then scoot out.  I don't really wanna say hey to Gutshot."

Your ear is starting to itch.  Probably a sign your body is healing itself.
Jack Sharpe
player, 717 posts
Fri 28 Oct 2022
at 03:38
  • msg #403

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack nods at Kevin and then zips off, returning with a piece of paper and a pen on which he writes down all of the details of the portal, what was beyond it, and Evil Mom’s methodology. He also hands over the vial of blood he’d taken off the leader, and gives it to the Monkey. “I’m not sure what to do with this, destroy it?” he asks while holding it out. It does seem like the thing to do.

“And then there’s the clone body, she didn’t know about it, over there,”
he mentions.
GM, 2241 posts
Sat 29 Oct 2022
at 05:53
  • msg #404

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 403):

"Give the blood to the Program.  They'll be better equipped to keep it."

Monkey cocks an ear.  Even he can now hear the sound of approaching boots.

Glancing at you, he gets near the way you both came in.  "It's your Mom's body.  I'd say it's your call. If you need somewhere to stash it, I have a storage unit.  Well.  Several.  But one that has a...uh...well a deep freezer I use to keep corpses in.  Don't look at me like that.  It's only if I need to examine them before I turn them over to the cops.  I'll give you the address and the code to get in."
Jack Sharpe
player, 718 posts
Sat 29 Oct 2022
at 18:06
  • msg #405

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Still weird, but okay."

Jack finishes writing the note about the frequencies, and the plan of mom-bot and nods and then says, "Text it to me."

Leaving the BE building, he proceeds rapidly out of the area and then goes to pick up the Future Apocalypse Mom from the freezer at the school. Checking the address and code as he flies, he brings the frozen MomSicle to Kevin's storage place.

Once there, he actually starts to examine her.
GM, 2247 posts
Mon 31 Oct 2022
at 02:51
  • msg #406

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 405):

You start to examine your cold, dead, naked Mom...

Oedipus much?

Seriously. You and the Program Shrink are gonna have oodles to talk about.

It is Mom, though she looks to be in about her early 30s here.  And before the Johnny Walker.  This Mom's liver is pristine.  In fact all her organs are.  Except her left kidney.  It's not there.  There's a surgical scar that probably indicates someone harvested it at some point in time.

But other than brain activity.  In fact most of this Mom's higher level brain functions look to have been damaged.  Like someone wanted to make sure if this Mom woke up she couldn't do more than breath and swallow.
Jack Sharpe
player, 719 posts
Mon 31 Oct 2022
at 03:43
  • msg #407

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

When Jack finds that the woman who he had dubbed 'Apocalypse Mom' has regressed in age and has apparently healed in all aspects, he decides that she must have used her mind to adopt some powers. If this continues, she might wake up, so while he does continue to examine her at a cursory level, he doesn't freeze her and in fact takes her out of the freezer.

Checking to see if this causes decay or growth.

In fact, the more he thinks about it, the more he decides that she might have been fighting the BEs. The fact that they were keeping her on ice and hadn't healed to this state makes him think she wasn't their friend, and that's good.

Further telling, she hadn't fought through them before they froze her, which means she should be manageable on a physical level if the regular-Joe level BEs could handle her.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:38, Tue 01 Nov 2022.
GM, 2249 posts
Tue 1 Nov 2022
at 02:49
  • msg #408

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 407):

No you didn't.  She just looks different now.

Glad to see you're on your toes.

Does that change anything on your post?  I'll wait before responding.


This message was last edited by the GM at 02:49, Tue 01 Nov 2022.
Jack Sharpe
player, 720 posts
Tue 1 Nov 2022
at 16:38
  • msg #409

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

GM, 2253 posts
Wed 2 Nov 2022
at 02:25
  • msg #410

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 407):

As you see her "warm up", you can see via infrared that parts of her body seem to be experiencing a boom in metabolic activity.  The area where her liver used to be is in fact going gangbusters.  It looks like her body is actually growing a new liver.

Her brain activity seems at a minimum though.  Whoever did this to her rigged it so she couldn't do more than regulate her body functions on a subconcious level.

Apoco-Mom isn't going to be able to tell you anything.

As you come to this conclusion, the storage door opens and Kevin steps through.  He glances at Apoco-Mom and shuts the door behind him.

"The Program and the Cops are rounding up the BEs...huh.  BEs.  Now that I say sounds normal...Anyway.  That seems to be over with.  At least for the moment."

He comes to stand beside you, staring down at Apoco-Mom.  "How's this going? You okay?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 721 posts
Thu 3 Nov 2022
at 02:36
  • msg #411

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack continues to examine the regenerating woman as her body recuperates, and glances over at Kevin when he enters. Then he goes back to looking at the body, idly considering his options while he does so. Pulling out his phone, he opens AER and begins to read books on brain surgery and some relevant topics that might let him undo this. The screen scrolling rapidly while he reads, he replies to Kevin, “Good.”

The question about how things are going, he shrugs at. “She’s regenerating on a cellular level, but her brain has been tampered with so that it won’t repair. I’m reading now about how to reverse that, though I expect it might have been genetic tampering, which would require a great deal more reading and technology than I have access to.”

Pushing his hand through his hair, he glances at the body again and then back to Kevin.

“I’m fine. It’s a bit weird, all the moms everywhere, but in some ways their differences help. Robo-Mom in the other world wasn’t like my mom at all, and with my perception, the differences basically just made her ‘similar,’ this version is a bit the same. Though I want to help her, even if I perhaps shouldn’t.”

GM, 2261 posts
Fri 4 Nov 2022
at 01:04
  • msg #412

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 411):

Kevin cocks his head.  "She's regenerating?  Except her brain?  Regenerating what exactly?  Just dead tissue from being in cold storage?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 722 posts
Sun 6 Nov 2022
at 19:19
  • msg #413

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“When I first saw her, she’d been terribly scarred. I’ve been calling her ‘apocalypse Mom’ because she looked ten years older than my real mom, and was covered in scars. Now she’s ten years younger than my mom, and has only the one surgical scar,” Jack explains.

He pauses.

“I don’t know the source of the damage, but I expect she’s from the future in some world and went through ‘the shit.’ Right now, she’s growing a new liver,”
Jack replies and nods his head at the first question. Indicating the location of her liver, even though it can’t be seen. “And it’s more like her brain has been messed with to prevent her from every regaining true consciousness. Oh, and her kidney has been removed. I expect she had it removed for some reason prior to gaining the ability to regenerate, or I’m not sure how it wouldn’t be replacing itself. Also, notice the scar,” he indicates that as well.
GM, 2268 posts
Mon 7 Nov 2022
at 04:27
  • msg #414

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 413):

Kevin cocks an eyebrow.

"So to make sure I'm on the same page...her brain has some damage and a kidney is missing, but neither of those are repairing themselves.  And she's growing a "new" liver?  Which implies the old one is...what?  Damaged?  Not there?"

He doesn't wait for your answer, instead heading to a locker in one end of the space.  He pulls out a doohickey...part of it looks high tech and part of it looks like it's been wired with parts from an old Nintendo system.

He places a screen from it on Freezer Mom's abdomen.  "Got this offa Lab Rat when I was living in Detroit.  It's one of the few gadgets I got that can do biological shit.  I really gotta finish up my pre-med degree..."

He taps on the device in a few places and soon the screen winks blue.  There's bright flashes of light.  Read outs soon start popping up on other screens.

The machine seems to be examining Freezer Mom's body for signs of past traumas.  The most recent seems to indicate her liver was recently removed.  Then the machine keeps running.

Overall, the scan seems to find that Freezer Mom has undergone sixteen seperate surgeries, though you doubt that number is too accurate.  The error factor appears to be plus or minus four surgeries.

Each time, the trauma markers would indicate a body part was removed.  The liver on several occasions.  The heart at least once.  The pancreas a time or two.

Kevin sits back and pulls the doohickey off Freezer Mom.

"Jack...I'm gonna ask two questions.  And don't get pissed please.

"First, how old is your Mom?  I mean the real one.

"And...second.  Isn't your real Mom an alcoholic?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 723 posts
Mon 7 Nov 2022
at 20:34
  • msg #415

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack simply nods his head at the questions when appropriate and clarifies as best he can using as clear as terms as Kevin seems to understand, which is to say, quite in depth. As he answers, he continues to read on AER about brain surgery, regeneration and tries to reverse engineer how the damage to her was done.

“She’s 40 now, and yes, an alcoholic,” he answers as he continues to examine the body and looks at some of Kevin’s output on his .. Medical Tricorder.

Once he answers Kevin, he turns and looks in the direction of the facility where she is being incarcerated. Focusing his vision to the utmost degree to try and spot her from sixty miles away. He normally doesn’t need to look at someone from this far away, so he rarely gets to exercise his vision to this degree.

“Honestly, I’m sort of tempted to bring her in to helping us with this, my mom. The puzzle might be good for her. Hard to say,” he reckons.
GM, 2271 posts
Tue 8 Nov 2022
at 05:43
  • msg #416

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 415):

Kevin sighs.  "I would prefer to keep this in house for the moment."

He pauses for a moment and then goes back to wrapping up the tricorder.

"You may wanna check on her though.  Make sure she's still present and alright."

He nods his head at a meat freezer.  "I'll put"Mom Sharpe" there.  It may look tacky.  But it's a fully functioning cryo chamber.  Something else I got off Lab Rat."
Jack Sharpe
player, 724 posts
Wed 9 Nov 2022
at 02:35
  • msg #417

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Seeing as he apparently can’t see her from here, Jack is a bit annoyed at his lack of efficiency, but it’s not the end of the world. It also isn’t conclusive, there are some areas of the hospital that are impossible to see through, and she could also have moved around.

“I will, as recently as a few days ago my neighbor should have seen her, so I trust she hasn’t had a bunch of surgeries that looked years old and formed scars in the past few days, but I’ll double check,”
he points out why he isn’t panicking about his mom’s welfare, despite the fact that he couldn’t find her at a glance.

Moving Apocalypse Mom into the freezer, he nods his head.

“It’ll slow down her healing, but should give me more time to research fixes for her brain. I’m tempted to just pull it out and see what happens, but that might not be the best course."

GM, 2273 posts
Wed 9 Nov 2022
at 03:17
  • msg #418

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 417):

Kevin studies you a moment, an odd look on his face, and then shuts the lid on Freezer Mom after stuffing her inside the freezer.

"This is kind of a guess on my part. But...

"I don't think getting this one's brain in working order is going to get you much.  My guess is she's never had a thought once in her life.  If you can call it a life."

He shrugs.  "I'll try to track down Ooter.  Maybe I can talk him into doing something.

"Lemme ask one more thing Jack.  Can you give me a description of your Dad?  A sketch would be better.  I think I need to keep an eye out for him."

Jack Sharpe
player, 725 posts
Wed 9 Nov 2022
at 22:06
  • msg #419

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"You think she was engineered this way? And sure, but I haven't seen him in years, I doubt he has anything to do with this," Jack asks as he removes his phones at the request and checks for any other ways that his dad might be surveilling the room with AI or whatever else he might use to keep track of Jack or mentions of himself. Reaching into Kevin's pocket, he pulls out his phone as well and takes them both out of the freezer and then shuts it. Now carrying a pencil and a piece of paper.

On the paper he writes. Never discuss my father outloud or in visible range of anything electronic. Assume he can find a way to monitor you, no matter what. Analog only. Assume he's as dangerous as you can imagine.

That said, he quickly starts to draw a picture of his father as he'd last seen him in the market a month prior.

Beneath that he writes: He can change how he looks with tech.
GM, 2281 posts
Thu 10 Nov 2022
at 22:26
  • msg #420

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 419):

Kevin reads, cocks an eyebrow, but only nods.  He seems rather quick on the uptake.

He motions for the pencil and writes back, Understood.

I think this mom of yours was engineered that way yeah.  I can't think of many reasons to take out someone's liver other than to replace a bad one.

Jack Sharpe
player, 726 posts
Fri 11 Nov 2022
at 03:15
  • msg #421

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"I had the same thoughts about her liver but there was also the possibility it was occult. Organs and the occult in stories always go hand in hand, and the whole thing was rather bizarre. Thought maybe they were harvesting parts to power their ritual," Jack explains, since they aren't on the topic of his father, no need for communication via pencil.

The whole pencil-based conversation had been carried out in about fifteen seconds, so it stands they could just be moving around.

Hopefully it'd be unnoticed by his father, if he was watching.

"But yeah, what you say makes sense."

Continuing the conversation, he opens the door again.

"No unusual waves on the body," he says in earshot of his phone as he picks it up again and slips it into his pocket. Maybe that'd help explain the phones.

Stupid dad making things complicated.

"Anyway, I should check on mom, then."

GM, 2286 posts
Sun 13 Nov 2022
at 04:11
  • msg #422

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 421):

Kevin seems to consider what you said then slowly shakes his head.  "But we didn't see any organs at their little rite.  Just some blood.  And they were trying to shed their own blood.  I dunno.  Maybe.  But sometimes the obvious solution is the right one.  And it's sad that we are in a situation where organ harvesting is the obvious solution.

"I'll plug away at my end.  Lemme know what you find."

You zip upstate to the hospital.  Mom's not in any of the areas you can see.  Or "see".

She's either in one of the shielded dead zones.  Or she's not there.

Going in to check?  And if so, sneaking in?  Or going in like you're visiting?
Jack Sharpe
player, 727 posts
Sun 13 Nov 2022
at 05:10
  • msg #423

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack changes out of his meta-uniform and into some of his more respectable street clothes. He doesn’t like the fact that he can’t see her, and a touch of anxiety begins to creep into him. If someone had done something to his mom, there would be an apocalypse on Earth after all, except that he’d be the one doing it, and the ones being Apocalypt-ed would be those responsible.

“I’m here to see a patient,”
he tells the reception desk.

While he waits for the desk to find out about his mom (and he listens to any phone conversations they have,) he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone.

To Saul, he sends a text: Hey Saul, I assume when you were at the hospital on the weekend, you saw my mom, right?
GM, 2291 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:46
  • msg #424

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 423):

I have completely blanked on what Mom's real name is.  For the purposes of this post, Mom is Mildred Sharpe


The desk nurse checks the records and frowns slightly. She asks you to hold on for one moment.

She goes back to the office and you hear her on the phone.

"Hi.  It's Betty downstairs on the front desk.  I have someone asking to visit Mildred Sharpe.  But I'm showing she was released yesterday.  Is that right?"

On the other end of the phone.  "Jus' a sec."  There's some shuffling of papers on the other end.  "Yeah.  Huh.  I didn't know that.  But the court issued release papers Thursday and she checked herself out yesterday.  Damn.  I thought she was gonna be a lifer."

Betty comes back to you.  "I'm sorry.  She's no longer here.  She was released yesterday."
Jack Sharpe
player, 728 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 06:16
  • msg #425

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"At what time," Jack asks and considers the logistics. "And did she leave behind any letters or personal effects? Also, do you happen to know who picked her up, was it a cab?"

He starts playing the game of 'find mom' with the reception desk, trying to find any useful clues as he sends off a few more texts:

Kevin: Mom checked herself out yesterday. Not sure the timeline fits with the deep-freeze operated body version of Apocalyptomom..  I'll check up here and her local haunts, and then see if I can't trace where she went like an old timey detective.

To Saul: Can you check to see if anyone is in the apartment now?

Those messages sent off, he gets what he can from the facility, though whatever they're doing behind those meta-proof areas is going to be seeing some investigation sooner, rather than later.
GM, 2297 posts
Tue 15 Nov 2022
at 02:59
  • msg #426

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 425):

Betty makes a couple of calls and comes back.

"Well her room is empty.  They already cleaned it, but that was the morning shift.  So I don't know if they threw anything away.

"And we don't discharge anyone and let them take a cab.  All discharges have to be picked up by someone."

She gives you a once over.  "I can't release much more information.  Did your Mom not get home okay?  Do we need to call the police?"

You can "see" her computer screen.  It shows Mom was discharged and her things were signed for by a Judith Kopy.

Saul texts back quickly.  Your Aunt's home.  She's asking if you're OK.  You need to call her.
Jack Sharpe
player, 729 posts
Tue 15 Nov 2022
at 03:36
  • msg #427

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack thinks for a moment and then glances in the direction of their disposal area, trying to sort through the bins mentally while he talks with 'Betty' and also sends off a few more texts. His unease growing.

"She is not at my home, and neither myself or my aunt picked her up. Who is it saying took her?"
he asks.

He'll go to their security room and review security footage, if necessary. But first he wants to start chasing every lead.

To Kevin: APB: Find out who Judith Kopy is, and where she took my mom.

To everyone on the list on the Program, but from the non-Monkey Phone: Find out who Judith Kopy is, and where she took my mom.

To Saul: I'm trying to find out who took my mom, tell my aunt that I am looking for her. Do you happen to know the name Judith Kopy? Ask my aunt.
GM, 2303 posts
Thu 17 Nov 2022
at 00:39
  • msg #428

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 427):

Betty frowns.  "Okay. That's not good.  If you or a family member didn't pick her up..."

She reaches for the phone.  "I think we're gonna have to report this."

HT texts back.  Sorry.  Im lost.  What's going on?  Need deets to help.

You didn't really give the Program folks much of a lead in.

Kevin texts back.  U at the hospital?  Don't make a fuss.  If someone there is involved, making a scene may just tip them off.  Bail out as quick as you can.  Say this text is from her or something.

That place should have vid of people coming and going.  You want me to get hands on it or you got it handled?

Jack Sharpe
player, 730 posts
Thu 17 Nov 2022
at 16:49
  • msg #429

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack reads the text from Kevin and though he sort of feels like he should be putting everyone on the case, he knows that the Monkey has a knack for this sort of thing. "Oh, that's her, never mind. All good, thank you Betty!" he tells the woman behind the counter.

Stepping back out of the hospital after making sure that the woman isn't about to make a phone-call, he is listening to people inside the hospital as he walks. Listening for anything like sighs of relief or wonderment. Just in case someone had been watching.

Finding a secluded spot, he grabs his gear and then flies back to Minneapolis.

Going to pick up the Monkey.

As he flies, he texts back to Monkey: OMW to pick you up, need ninja skills, not wall-smashing skills, and I don't trust myself to do it stealthy. I'm also putting the Program on the case of digital searching.

Well, he was going to put them on the case, but he waits to see if Kevin thinks that's a good idea first.
GM, 2310 posts
Fri 18 Nov 2022
at 04:18
  • msg #430

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 429):

Betty seems confused and concerned.  But apparently not enought o make a call.  She does log your visit into the visitor record though.

No one makes any reaction you would consider overtly concerning.  It's hard to filter through all the various actions and reactions going on though.

Kevin is waiting for you.  "So I'm a ninja?  That's fine.  I don't mind being a ninja.

"If you wanna call the Program in...well.  That's your call.  Anything I have to say about it is gonna be filtered through my bad experiences with the Program and how well me an' Gutshot get along.  But you do what you think is best.  I will say this though.  The Program and the people who are behind it are probably very interested in your background.  I mean very interested.  I don't know where you came from or how you got all the power. But you gotta keep in mind there are people who will want to know the answers to those very questions.  Do you wanna feed them a clue?"

He shrugs.

You drop him off near the facility.  He takes thirty two minutes to return back with some thumb drives.

Back at the Monkey Shed, he plays them on a laptop.  Forwarding through the reels, you get to Mom's discharge.

A doctor and a nurse walk her down to reception.  They chat a bit.  There's no sound and the image quality isn't good enough to read lips by.  But they seem friendly.

Then Marlene walks in.  Except it's not Marlene.  She's too tall.  And her nose is a little too thin.

Mom embraces Marlene.  Something Mom would probably never do.  They leave after Mom signs some papers.

The vid follows them out to a car.  A Kia.  Marlene doesn't drive a Kia.  You read the tags.  Kevin will search them only to find that they've been reported stolen.

Mom drives the car out of the lot.  The Marlene in the passenger seat doesn't say anything as they leave.
Jack Sharpe
player, 731 posts
Fri 18 Nov 2022
at 04:26
  • msg #431

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

While the video plays, Jack is aware that his mother would spot the same things. The hug is the giveaway as far as he's concerned, but he can't rely on that. Instead he focuses on trying to look for any clues his mom might give. Touching things, hand movements, the way she moves her head or her feet.

"How long ago was this?"
he asks as he watches the video. "And yeah, send this to me, I'll give it to the Program. It's my mom, also, they already knew she existed, and .. well, someone took her, and that means the cat is already out of the bag."

Once he has the copy of the video, he sends it off to HT and the Program: Mom taken from facility at _________. This is not my aunt, the car is stolen.
GM, 2316 posts
Sun 20 Nov 2022
at 04:46
  • msg #432

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 431):

If Mom is trying to signal something somehow, it's not apparent.  She's acting too lovey dovey, yeah.  But nothing that screams I have a gun pointed at my head.

And she was the one driving the car on the way out.

Kevin calls up the video log.  "Looks like it was about 10 AM yesterday.  Give or take."

He looks over at you.  "You want me to look into it?  I mean more than this?"

HT texts back.  Got it.  Will get people on it.
Jack Sharpe
player, 732 posts
Sun 20 Nov 2022
at 17:49
  • msg #433

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack is fairly certain, based on the timeline, that the woman in the freezer could not have been his mother. The aging of everything, the scars not being pink and stitched over, but weathered, being the key factor. Good.

“I want everyone to keep looking,” he answers Kevin. “Until I find my mom, everyone I can get to look, should use whatever powers they have to find her."

Pausing for a moment he mulls over the information he has.

"There are two explanations for the tape, well, two that strike me as the most obvious. The first explanation is that the affection I'm seeing on the tape is a message to me, or it's someone who can make themselves look like her. Can you perhaps figure out what is in the upper wing, there," he points. "I can't see inside there, or there. Just message me regularly on the sly, in case they catch you, I will come in and get you directly."

Looking around, he considers.

"Also, we should find her things, she might have left something there. I'm going to go and check the dumpsters for a bag containing her books and science magazines. I sent her quite a few over the past few weeks," he explains. "Let me know if you find anything."

Zipping off toward the dumpsters, he stands at a distance, hidden from view for the examination, peering through the tough steel as he checks the bags of trash visually. Looking for the one that contains the remains of her room. Looking for the aforementioned items.
GM, 2319 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 00:52
  • msg #434

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 433):

Kevin just nods as you leave.

You do find a bag filled with what you think were Mom's stuff. But nothing related to the magazines or anything of importance.  One of her old shirts that has a coffee stain in it.  Some cosmetics and "personal" items.  Nothing any woman her age might not have decided to do without.

HT messages you.  We got some video of the car.  Tracking down more of it so we can determine it's route.  Looks like it was headed out of town.  North on 94.  But haven't gotten footage yet to determine if they kept going after the 252 junction.  Will get back to you.

Your phone rings.  It's Marlene.

Picking up or letting it go to voice mail
Jack Sharpe
player, 733 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 01:23
  • msg #435

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Pulling out the bag, Jack takes it north with him and stops at a truck-stop. Landing near a picnic table which he uses to start examining each of the items, looking for any sort of clues she might have left. He doesn’t take long to go through it all before he puts it back into the bag and stashes it on the roof of the truck-stop.

Nobody should find it there for months or years, though the weather would get to it long before then. He’ll come back for it later.

Pulling out his phone at the call from Marlene, he answers: “Hey Marlene.”
GM, 2323 posts
Tue 22 Nov 2022
at 00:56
  • msg #436

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 435):

The junk in the bag is just that.  Junk.  Again, if she was trying to leave a message in here, it's not an obvious one.

Marlene starts in pretty quick.  "Jack!  What is going on?  Why is Saul asking me if I'm okay?  What's going on with your mother?  Where are you?  What the hell is going on?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 734 posts
Tue 22 Nov 2022
at 02:55
  • msg #437

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"I'm looking for mom. She was taken by someone, probably a meta or someone working for a meta, yesterday," Jack answers as he flies along interstate 94 toward Fargo. His eyes scanning wide of the freeway by several miles as he looks for any places someone might have dumped the first car to swap for something else or any other variety of common tricks.

"You don't need to call anyone, I've already got the Program and another Meta-friend who is a good investigator helping me, and I'm out flying around myself. Just let me know if you get anything there at the apartment. Calls, texts, mail.

Also.. Dad, if you've got this line tapped, which I imagine you do. If you're not involved, you'll help me find mom,"
he just says it out lout for Marlene to hear. He doesn't have the patience to play games.

Marlene should have suspected it anyway.

He, like Kevin, sort of suspects his dad. But just in case they're wrong, he wants his dad on the case. He hasn't made this sort of request before, audibly, like this, so perhaps the old man will do the right thing.
GM, 2325 posts
Wed 23 Nov 2022
at 15:34
  • msg #438

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 437):

Interesting.  Like how desperate you're roleplaying Jack right now.  I feel kinda bad for him.

Marlene is quiet for a bit.  "Jack.  Maybe you should let these friends of yours handle looking for her.  Just...just come home for now.  Okay?  She's gonna be fine I'm sure.  She always is."

HT texts.  Found the car.  He sends you an address.

You have to double back.  The car had left the interstate right before the junction and gone west.  It's parked in a lot by Eagle Lake all the way down 63rd Avenue.

The car is clean.  Suspiciously so.  A couple of Program people are there, going over it with equipment.  One of them stands when you arrive and nods, handing you a tablet which contains what little information they have thus far.

"It's been here for five or so hours at least.  We're still looking, but it's clean.  No prints.  No hair.  Nothing found yet.  We haven't found any witnesses who saw anything but we just started canvassing the neighborhood."

There's not much to the neighborhood.  It's a public park.  There's a small apartment building on one side.  But from what you can "see", most of the apartments that face this side seem vacant.

Your scan confirms no clues in the car.

The tech continues.  "It seems the car is stolen.  Two days ago out of Saint Cloud.  Tags are also stolen from another car here local.  They just switched them out."
Jack Sharpe
player, 735 posts
Wed 23 Nov 2022
at 19:24
  • msg #439

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Marlene, I’m basically indestructible, don’t worry about me. Just call me if there are any updates from there, okay?” Jack reiterates and then says, “Talk to you later!” and waits a breath before hanging up. He isn’t going to humor her now, this is his mom, and he won’t rest until she is found.

The location of the car, as given is a bit confusing for an initial travel on 94, but perhaps that was the point.

Flying to the car, he looks around the area, searching for alternative tracks on the ground. It’s late autumn, approaching winter. No heavy snows yet this year, though he keeps expecting it, but there is enough moisture in the air to make the ground soft enough to take tire tracks.

Peeling the hood open, he puts his hand directly on the engine and assesses the heat of the car. Trying to pin down when exactly it had turned off.

Expecting, after a bit of winding, it came directly here, he anticipates it was here around noon or one yesterday. Closer than he was.

“Check for other stolen vehicles on the same day, they may have been sloppy and went for multiple steals in one day? Footage from nearby stores? I saw a Casey’s on the way over,”
he advises the technician as he scours the ground for tracks. The fact that they were able to find the vehicle at all, before him, means that he really feels like they’re on top of things here.

Reading the tablet he’d been given, he continues to scour the area.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:24, Wed 23 Nov 2022.
GM, 2330 posts
Sun 27 Nov 2022
at 05:04
  • msg #440

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 439):

The Tech nods and leaves you to it.  The engine is cold.  It's been parked here a while at least.

There are tracks on the ground.  But it is a park.  Nothing that seems suspicious.

The Tech tells you they are cross referencing all stolen car reports.  It will take some time to check against the footage.

Surprisingly, one of the people living in the apartment building did notice the car in the parking lot.  She didn't see anyone get in or out of it.  She only noticed it because she owned the same make and model a year or so ago, and it happened to remind her of her car.  All her information does is confirm the time frame.  The car was probably parked here sometime around six or seven hours ago.

There's no sign of Mom.

HT pulls up in his SUV.  He comes out, zipping up a windbreaker.  He looks you over.  "How you holding up?  Let the techs handle the scene for a bit. Come talk to me over here."

He leads you over to a picnic table near the lake.  "They told me what they'd found thus far on my way over.  But why don't you tell me what you think is goin' on here.  And if you can think who might be involved here.  Sometimes talking it out loud can help clarify your thoughts, ya know?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 736 posts
Sun 27 Nov 2022
at 05:37
  • msg #441

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I don’t know who is responsible. The way my mom acted toward the woman in the video was overly friendly, not the way my mom would act at all. I’ve got Kevin working the hospital to see if he can find anything more there. He’s a good investigator,” Jack answers HT as he thinks his way through it. Pushing a hand through his hair, he stares off into space and then resumes looking over the tracks while he thinks and talks.

Looking for patterns.

All of his problems in life would have been easier if he had also had some sort of detective powers. Clue Vision.

He smirks to himself and then resumes explaining, “The corpse I took from the BE’s base looked like my mom, but given the timeframe I’d pin it at ‘super-duper unlikely’ she had scars that my mom doesn’t have, and the age was off. Also, she regenerates. But the timing of the two is conspicuous,” he mentions idly.

Sorting a bit more he continues to go over the facts.

“It’s possible that someone cloned mom and had been harvesting organs to replace them in realMom? Maybe? A kidney missing to replace in mom, the clone being made brain dead to make it ethical- - ish. That’s my working theory on the clone, assuming it’s a clone.”

Leaning over he picks up some of the dry fall leaves off the ground and crinkles them between his fingers. He doesn’t mention to HT that this is somewhat remnisicent of what he plans to do to whoever touched his mom.

Pulling out the Monkey Phone he sends off a quick text: All good?
This message was last edited by the player at 05:38, Sun 27 Nov 2022.
GM, 2335 posts
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 03:43
  • msg #442

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 441):

Kevin doesn't answer right away.  Then clicks back.  Working.  Let me get back to U

HT chews on all that.  "Okay.  So someone is harvesting organs from this clone.  The clone is being kept by the BEs.  Your Mom checks out about the time the body is discovered and the BEs are stopped from doin' whatever they were up ta.

"Jack.  If your Mom is as smart as you say she is, and I got no reason to doubt ya, wouldn't she know if someone was putting good organs in her body?  What I mean is...if the organs being taken from the clone were going into your Mom, wouldn't she know it?

"Also...why were the BEs involved?  You said before your Mom is a super scientist type.  Right?  Omen looked into what the BEs were trying to do.  It was definitely a magical ceremony.  They weren't using tech.  They were using magic."

HT is quiet a moment and then says, "We got more questions than answers.  But based on what we got thus far...Jack.  Whatever's goin' on, I think your Mom is a participant.  I'm not saying she wasn't kidnapped. But I am saying it is possible she ran voluntarily.

"Does that make sense?  You know her better than I do.  Would she run like that?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 737 posts
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 06:22
  • msg #443

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“She’d know they were doing it, but that doesn’t make her complicit. There are things she knows, things like how she made me, for instance, that having her healthy for would require,” Jack explains to HT as he mulls things over, continuing to examine the ground. Putting the phone back away when he gets a response from Kevin.

Looking over HT at the question of her actions, he shakes his head.

“Doesn’t fit.
1. The business with the BEs was literally apocalyptically bad, if I hadn’t done what I did when I did it, you’d be dealing with some sort of magical red-goo scenario. The one that destroyed the alternate universe I visited the other day, I expect. All other things aside, that isn’t what my mom would do to me. She has her issues, but she loves me and Aunt Marlene, if nobody else, so I can safely say, she wouldn’t do that to us. She was not part of whatever that was.
2. Why “run”? Why ditch the car?  If mom wanted out, she’d have just told me, I’d have taken her anywhere she wants. No delay. I’d get her a stack of cash as tall as she is to boot, and she knows it.
3. It doesn’t fit with her MO. She’s a meta-genius, and her plot involves a local stolen car and license plate? I mean, it’s not exactly 100% fool proof when you can literally get caught by a random cop who runs your plate, even if it was only the first leg of the plan. I’m not as smart as my parents, but even I could get you a rental vehicle with a stolen identity in under 24 hours.
4. She was acting weird. Unless it’s a deliberate trick by her to mislead me, the way she acted on the video didn’t fit. In fact, I sort of suspect a tiny bit that it wasn’t even her on the video at all, and this is all a ruse using a shapeshifter, illusion or similar technique to distract from whatever actually happened, and that’s why I have Kevin checking out the hospital.
5. Sort of a weird tangential comment on what I imagine she’d be thinking, but I also can’t imagine she’d ever deliberately agitate me like this. Even if she had some plans she wanted to carry out, does making herself appear to be a hostage fit? Why not just leave a note for me? Or any of a hundred other methods to communicate? If she doesn’t want me Jack, the MTI level black, looking for her until I find her wouldn't it be better not to mislead me? And by extension, bringing you and whoever else gets involved, in on it? Would she require the same response if she had just called and said, 'I'm feeling better, I'm out of here, I'll come visit in a few weeks'? Would you guys have been investigating for me? And by extension whoever else you might bring in?”
he tells the man. His voice slightly agitated, but it does help to talk through it, thinking things through.

Pushing his hands through his hair again, he turns in a circle, continuing to examine things for miles in every direction.
GM, 2337 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 03:13
  • msg #444

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 443):

HT listens calmly.  He lets you walk the circle a couple of times and then puts a hand on your shoulder.

"Okay.  First thing, take a deep breath.  I know anxiety probably doesn't mean much to a dude with your makeup, but you're literally walking around in a circle right now.  That isn't gonna help her.

"Okay.  I'm gonna lay a couple a' things on ya.  Things we haven't told ya yet."

He scratches the back of his neck.

"One of our top priorities has been keepin' word about you under wraps.  Anytime a new meta pops up, particularly one who takes on a costume, the community lights up about it.  Everyone wants ta know who the new kid in town is.  You've already made a bit of a splash with some a' your extracurriculars.  Not blamin' you for doin' 'em.  But...

"Our main hypothesis right now is someone's figured out what you are.  And they found out about your Mom.  So they've kidnapped her so she can make you a little brother or sister.  We're checkin' on any organizations that would have the ability to find out about you an' her and could pull this off.  There aren't that many.  Particularly where your mom's background is concerned.  She's like a friggin' ghost."

He makes sure to meet your eyes.

"I don't think your mom's in immediate danger.  Whoever it is took her cos they need her.  I don't imagine a Jack Jr. is something she can whip up in the microwave.  It's probably gonna take time.  And if your Mom is the genius you say she is, she's probably already worked out how to make that work in her favor.  Even if they're usin' mind control on her, if someone's got a I guess you'd say, it's tough ta keep 'em under complete control.  You know your mom.  Do you think she's gonna bend to mind control without a fight?"

He nods at his truck.  "I want ya to come with me.  Let these guys do their job.  I think our best bet right now is try to come up with a list of suspects.  Those people an' groups who could pull this off.  And we need to learn what we can about your Mom's background.  We honestly ain't come up with much.

"Have some faith in your Mom.  Alright?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 738 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 03:31
  • msg #445

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

The part of Jack that is in search-and-destroy mode responds internally to the hand on the shoulder. He really ought to write a code of conduct for metas. No touching. It’s bad form. There are too many metas who can do things through touch, and others who can conceal themselves. Put them together and letting people touch you unexpectedly is a bit of a faux-pas as far as he is concerned.

He schools his features however and it never shows even a twinge. Instead, he smiles.

“I appreciate the work you guys are putting in, and it’s good to know that my theory isn’t entirely random,” he confirms.

Thinking about the offer to go back with HT he thinks for a moment, making a show of it, since HT probably still doesn’t understand on a subconscious level that for someone like Jack, he doesn’t need a visible amount of time to think things through. So he does it visibly, so it appears he has put some real thought into it.

“Let me finish with Kevin, just in case, and then I’ll join you,”
he replies. “I have him investigating a place where I suspect they might be keeping metas, and that means I need to have his back.”

GM, 2341 posts
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 04:27
  • msg #446

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 445):

HT smiles.  "Alright.  Just don't tear the place up if you can help it."

Kevin doesn't get back to you for a few hours.  He finally texts.

Meet me for chili dogs in an hour

When you get there, he's ordering two trays full of food.  He glances at you.  "Getting something for yourself?"

He takes his trays back to your usual table.

"So I took a look around.  And looked into some other stuff.

"Some questions first though.

"Was your mom sent to that place by the court?  Or did she check herself in?

"You ever met the doctor who was treating her?

"And describe for me what your dad looks like. A picture if ya got it."

You may decide what the answers to those questions are yourself.  Thanks
Jack Sharpe
player, 739 posts
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 05:29
  • msg #447

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack is tempted to just fly down and slide into Kevin’s truck while he’s driving down I-94 past Clearwater, instead he goes on a long flight checking out the majority of Minnesota. Timing it so that he arrives when Kevin does at the restaurant. Ordering a drink, burger and fries, he walks out and takes a seat across from the Monkey. His clothing now swapped for civilian clothes.

“Yes, she hit someone while drunk,”
he answers the first question. He could ask some questions of his own, but instead he listens.

“No. She was coherent and if she needed help she could ask for it, even if someone was ‘threatening’ her in the next room.”

As to the request for description of dad: Jack had hand drawn with his inhuman precision, a picture of his dad for Kevin in the freezer a few hours before this. So The following based on whether you’re forgetting, or this is a deliberate omission and he’s been fooled with/replaced.

In the case that he actually is asking, and you didn’t forget..

Jack reaches across the table and grabs Kevin’s throat, squeezing just enough to keep him steady. “Who are you?”
GM, 2347 posts
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 02:07
  • msg #448

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 447):

I didn't forget.  But Kevin would ask the question in any case.  Let's go with what you have if you don't mind.

Kevin looks annoyed and tries to move your hand aside.  It doesn't work, but he still looks annoyed.

"Calm down Jack. You're you.  You probably have my retina patterns memorized for Christ's sake.  Also, just cos this place is shielded against meta senses doesn't mean there aren't people around."

He cuts his eyes towards the front room and the few customers in the place.

"So get frosty man.  I get you're keyed up because of your mom. But you're not doing her any good by jumping at shadows.  Just listen.

"I asked about the doctor and your dad because I helped myself to the video logs at the hospital for the last month.  I also grabbed your mom's file.  And there's a lot not making sense.  But first..."

He reaches into a jacket pocket and pulls out the picture you'd drawn.  He unfolds it and lays it out on the table.  "That's your Dad, right?"

He waits a moment.  "That's also a picture of Doctor Jude Rorst.  He's the guy who's been handling your mom's therapy."
Jack Sharpe
player, 740 posts
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 03:41
  • msg #449

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I have to imagine a Thing-like copier would be able to copy all the visible stuff, and yes, you’re identical, but you asked for the same thing a few hours ago,” Jack reiterates as the picture is brought out of his pocket and he relaxes back into the seat. The fact that Kevin knew where it was already before he’d spoken means that he’d remembered it, but was just wanting to double-verify the picture.

After a pause and an eaten fry, he actually admits a small sheepish, "Sorry. Yeah, on edge."

He doesn’t give the Monkey any guff for it, but resumes eating his food.  Sipping at his drink as he picks up the picture and nods. That would make a certain amount of sense, though.

“I take it that Doctor Rorst hasn’t been in to work today?”
he questions as he looks at the picture. The odds are too low that it’s a coincidence, though it could be that his dad had arranged the guy to be there. That’s barely even a “little difficult” for someone with a four digit IQ (or whatever it is) and resources to back it up.

“Not that it’s my dad, but this guy looks a lot like him. Could be an intentional red herring by dad as part of this gambit, assuming dad is responsible and that the similar looking doctor wasn't just planted there to mess with my mom. Something to look into at least. Did you find anything out about the meta-dark rooms I pointed out?”
he asks.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:41, Fri 02 Dec 2022.
GM, 2352 posts
Sun 4 Dec 2022
at 06:40
  • msg #450

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 449):

Kevin doesn't mention you choking him either.  It seems to be water under the bridge.

He tosses what's left of one of his chili cheese burgers into his mouth and picks up his Mr. Pibb.

"Surprisingly, he was. He had left by the time I got back there.  But he'd been in to make his rounds and keep his appointments today.

"Yeah, I did find out what's in the dark room.  Now at least.  A whole lotta nothing."

He pops some tater tots into his maw and chews them.

"It was a restricted area.  And the only person who had access?  If you guesssed Dr. Rorst, you guessed right.  The room's not restricted now.  Door was open and there was nothing inside.  Looks like equipment had been there. But it's all gone now.  And if there was any kinda secret doors or shit, I couldn't find 'em."

He's quite a moment.  "I am going to ask a few questions.  Then I'm going to make a suggestion. But first..."  He unwraps his second chili cheese burger.  "If you ever thing the Kevin you're talking to isn't me, ask what my usual order is here at this place.  If I say anything other than, "I don't eat there.  I'm too worried about my cholesterol", it's not me.  Alright?"

He takes a bite.

"First.  Draw me a picture of your Mom.  Second, couple of questions about her.

"Did you and she get along?  I mean I know you weren't the typical Mom and Son. know.  Do you think the two of you have a good relationship?

"How secretive is she?

"How long ago did your Dad split?

"Before he split, did you two get along?

"Does the song "Aimee" by Pure Prarie League mean anything to you?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 741 posts
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 00:06
  • msg #451

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack, as usual, listens to Kevin and takes the drawn picture of his father, flips it over and starts to draw out the picture of his mother. Pretty much exactly what she looks like in the video. Pulled from his mind as per their last visit.


“Hard to say. We spent so long living together in the cabin, but keep in mind that she knew my limits at the time, so she would know how to hide something from me, and she’d forbidden me from using my powers,”
he explains.

“Ten years go.”


“Not out of context, no. If you think it’s a clue, I’d guess something like ‘Apple’,”
he shrugs.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:18, Mon 05 Dec 2022.
GM, 2353 posts
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 03:51
  • msg #452

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 451):

Kevin nods, seeming to take mental notes as you answer his questions.  He finishes off his last chili cheese burger.

"Alright.  Here's what I'd like to do.  I'd like to handle this further on my own.  I want you to work with the Program.  They're gonna be all over this like stink on shit.  But the eyes that are gonna be on you will be less focused on me if I'm working solo.  I'll touch base.  But you're gonna need to trust me.

"Also I want you to look into something.  Consider it a way of relieving some stress.  You remember that guy who was burying the kids alive?  I got some clues on him.  I want you to look into it.  Game?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 742 posts
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 09:33
  • msg #453

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

After the guess about the Pure Prairie League, Jack pulls out his cell phone and starts the music playing, while he quickly browses the lyrics. The phone kept at a low reasonable volume for a family restaurant, not like an obnoxious person on subway car, more or less just for him and Kevin to hear. “As long as you call me in when it’s my time to do things. Yeah, my skillset isn’t up to match yours yet when it comes to this sort of thing, so I’m gonna trust you to do your thing. But if you get close, you need to let me know. For your safety. Anyway, what’s the context with the song and the repeated requests for pictures?” he asks.

Hearing about the alternative, he nods his head.

“What have you found?”
he asks.

Simultaneously, he is suppressing the memory that emerges from his eidetic memory. A perfect memory of that haunting experience.
GM, 2359 posts
Tue 6 Dec 2022
at 03:24
  • msg #454

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 453):

Kevin seems to be thinking about things.  But he finally picks up what's left of his soda.

"Trust me when I say I will be givin' you the high an' low when and if I know more.  If your Mom and Dad are the ones that made you, then I don't wanna mess with anyone who could take 'em all by lonesome."

He finishes his soda.

"I got three theories.  I don't wanna tell you any of 'em because I want to look at 'em objectively.  If that makes sense.  Your input might muddy the waters.  I'll explain everything later. Promise.  As for the song..."

He gestures at your phone.  The guitars jangle along as the singer croons country style

I can see why you think you belong to me
I never tried to make you think
or let you see one thing for yourself

"I told ya I snagged your Mom's file.  Have only glanced through it.  But the lyrics to that song?  They're all over it.  It's in a woman's handwriting.  So it may be your Mom having written it down.  But there's just pages and pages of it. Those lyrics.  Repeated over and over.  I'm looking for any patterns.  But..."

He shrugs.

"I'll shoot you a file on the guy who buried the kids.  What I found out.  But I think the Pale Image is wrapped up in it.  You need to find him and his wife.  You remember them right?"

Going to pause here.  I will get back to you Thursday as I need to rejigger something for your game.


GM, 2361 posts
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 02:09
  • msg #455

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Editor-in-Chief (msg # 454):

Kevin slips out his phone.  After jiggering on it, your Monkey phone vibrates.  He's sent you a file.

"The info's there, but I'll give ya the straight.

"I back tracked any child abduction cases around the Minneapolis metro for the years that fit with what"saw".  I don't know how else to describe it.

"Anyway, I was able to get three cases I think have a high likelihood to be associated with what you saw.  Of them, Pale Image was in town at the same time it went down.  One of them was before he was Pale Image."

As you flip through the attachments, you come across an old photo.  A bunch of guys, five of them, all in lab coats.  They look very seventies or eighties.  You can't quite make up your mind which.

"Before he became Pale Image, Pale was Herman Oft.  A physicist specializing in light.  He was part of some research project over at the university.  Honestly, I haven't had time to look into what was goin' on with it.  All I know is that it was financed by GE.  You know.  The lightbulb people."

He wipes his hands.

"Back to those three kids.  They were all kids for one of the researchers on the project.  Pale's kid was one of them.  All three of the kids disappeared within a year of each other.  The families all moved out of town.  The cops never made any kind of connection, which frankly is weird.  Cops aren't that dumb no matter what movies say.

"Pale came back to town this time as Pale Image, not Oft, when the third kid disappeared.

"Now the two researchers who's kids didn't disappear?  They're both still in town.  Neither of them have kids.  Dr. Jerry Humboldt..."

Per the photo Humboldt is an average sized man with thinning blondish hair and a droppy mustache.

"And the other one is Dr. Harold Waymen."  Waymen is another average sized man.  Blackish colored hair.  Clean shaven.

Either of them could be the figure you saw in the "vision" you had at that old house.

"Neither of them is up to much at the moment.  Humboldt is actually in a nursing home.  Waymen lives by himself.  Widowed.

"I'm gonna tell you my theory.  Take it for what it's worth.

"The guy you saw with the gas mask?  I don't think he's just killin' the kids cos he's a psycho.  I think they're sacrifices of some kind.   And I think Pale's out for revenge.

"I think you need to find Pale Image.  And maybe find out more about this project they were working on.  Ironically, it was called Project Murky Waters."

He sits back, waiting to see if you have any questions.
Jack Sharpe
player, 743 posts
Sat 10 Dec 2022
at 23:53
  • msg #456

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Can you get me addresses for where they’ve lived over the years? I think we have to assume there won’t be a gap for that old house, but I can check the other houses for anything buried or hidden in the walls,” Jack, listening to the story, nods his head slowly.

A  pause.

“But like you said, it’s weird. Oft is clearly a genius of some variety, not maybe up to my dad’s standards, but a very smart person, and you’d think he’d have made his move already if it were such an obvious connection. Didn’t you tell me that he’d been trying to figure it out?”

Another pause.

“That assassin HT fought from the other day was after Oft, which suggests the killer is still paying attention to things, and maybe in the area,”
he ponders over it. “Anyway, I’ll go check these two out then, and try to spot Oft again, and the project they were working on," he confirms.
GM, 2364 posts
Sun 11 Dec 2022
at 00:35
  • msg #457

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 456):

"An address list for both is in the attachments.  I was gonna go check out the houses as well.  But...ya know.

"Yeah.  I was kind of thinking along the same lines.  If had more info on who hired the hit on Paley, we might know more.

"I think Paley knows who our guy is.  But...for some reason he can't get at him?  I dunno.  It's confusing.  I also don't know get why Paley has taken this long.

"Anyway.  I'll be in touch once I know more.  And try not to worry about your Mom too much.  She's crafty?  Right?  She'll think of a way to keep her head above water."

Marlene has texted.  I'm worried.  Come home

HT has also texted.  Come by after school tomorrow.  Let's go over everything and see if we can find some solid leads

Lastly, Darja has texted you.  Hey.  I heard.  You OK?

I'm going to let you drive here for a bit.  What do you want to handle first in your investigation?  Thanks
Jack Sharpe
player, 744 posts
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 06:58
  • msg #458

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Before he goes to do anything else, Jack flies home to meet up with Marlene. He’d like to get her to relax and understand that he’s fine, and that he has a whole bunch of meta-backup working the case on their end. Landing well out of everyone he can spots line of sight, he changes his clothes at super-speed and then takes off at a jog toward home.

Using his key to get into the building, he does his usual scan of the tenants, Saul and aunt Marlene. Making sure no body-snatchers have grabbed them, or android replacements or that their whole apartments are now filled with bees or something.

He tries not to invade people’s privacy, but when you’re neighbors with Jack, it’s just a part of the package.

A little privacy invasion.

“Hey Marlene,” he says as he steps in.
GM, 2373 posts
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 02:59
  • msg #459

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 458):

They're all androids!

No.  They're all human.  But they do all have either Fresca or Mr. Pibb in their apartments.  Must be a Minneapolis thing.

You see the Program security guy in the parking lot.  He nods at you and then goes back to what he was doing.  Saul is praying you guess.  He has his head bent, eyes shut, chanting the maariv.  Marlene is seated at the kitchen table, staring at a packet of Sweet n' Low that's just sitting there.

Your stomach feels a bit tight.  Maybe you're nervous.  Or just pissed.  It has been a long day.

Marlene jumps up as you step in.  She looks you over.  "Okay.  What happened?  Those people came and asked me a lot of questions about your Mom and Dad.  What's going on Jack?  They said she' did she get out of there?  Is it your Dad?  Give me something here Jack!"

Her heartrate is elevated.  Pretty high actually.  Marlene seems wound up.
Jack Sharpe
player, 745 posts
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 22:31
  • msg #460

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Have a seat,” Jack says and guides his aunt over to her couch, and then goes into the kitchen to get her a drink. Coming back, he hands it over to her and takes a seat. “In short, mom was taken from the hospital, but I have everyone who is going to be good at finding her looking into it. I need you to help me stay calm, not keep me amped up, okay?” he requests. Trying to get her to calm down.

He has sort of calmed a bit now, and has people looking into everything. Hopefully the Program people can call in some specialists. But having her act hysterically will not help him maintain his chill.

“You with me?” he asks.
GM, 2378 posts
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 00:57
  • msg #461

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 460):

Marlene looks at you, looks at the drink, closes her eyes, sighs, and frowns.  "Alright.  Maybe I am a tight wound."

She mumbles that more to herself than to you.  Marlene sets the drink down and rubs the bridge of her nose.

"Okay.  Lemme be honest here Jack.  I'm worried about your Mom.  Yeah.  But really?  I'm not that surprised.  Since we were girls I knew one day somethin' like this would happen to her.  She'd be in her room, talkin' to the air.  And I never once thought she was crazy.  That came later.  But it was never about all the shit she could do."

She looks at you.  "But I'm not worried about her.  Yeah, she changed.  A lot.  But that's...I dunno. I tried to understand what she was doing with you and him...out there in the middle of the sticks.  But whatever.  That's the past."

Marlene takes a deep breath.  "I'm more worried about you.  Jack.  This isn't normal.  I don't care if you can shotput a fucking bus over the river.  You wanted to have a normal, high school life.  Does this seem like a normal high school life to you?"

Marlene shakes her head. "Ever since you got involved with  Everything seems to have gone all weird.  Jack.  Maybe we should leave.  Maybe we try starting somewhere else.  Your Mom will take care of herself."
Jack Sharpe
player, 746 posts
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 05:54
  • msg #462

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack listens to her explain her point of view with an attentive expression and a slight nod of the head here or there. He urges her to take another drink from the glass when she finishes and settles back into the seat beside the couch, putting his feet up onto the coffee table and relaxing a little for the first time in a few days.

He doesn’t really get tension as a human experience, or headaches, or aches of any kind, but there is a mental sort of tension that he can relax when he puts his mind to it. Counter-intuitive as it is.

“I did want to have a normal life, but then as soon as I arrived here it’s been nothing but non-stop psychopathic world-ending bullshit. Just yesterday I stopped the end of the world as you know it, and I’ve got a serial killer I’m almost certain nobody will find if I don’t pitch in at least a little, and that’s just today and yesterday,”
he answers.

Taking a breath, a deliberate sort of thing to give her the time to process..

“What I want doesn’t matter when there are lives at stake. Once things slow down, I won’t go out patrolling, heck, I’ve never really gone out patrolling for crime. I’m not looking for things to fix,”
he explains. “As to ‘the place’ as you call them, I knew of them for weeks before I called on them because they give me an avenue to legitimacy and access to official resources. I asked them to help find mom, and they found her car within an hour, faster than I could, and that’s impressive. They’ve been far more helpful than they’ve been a detriment.”

The last bit about leaving is given some consideration and he nods a little.

“Until I know mom is safe, I won’t stop looking for her. Do you know the song..”
and he mentions the song, singing it if necessary.
GM, 2387 posts
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 01:48
  • msg #463

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 462):

Marlene makes a grim expression, but takes another hit off her drink and then says nothing else.

She cocks her head as you hum.  "Isn't that "Aimee" by Pure Praire League?  It's been a long time since I heard that one.  I remember it was playing on the radio the night your Grandfather passed away.  Your Mom kept singing it even with all the paramedics and cops and everyone else who was tromping through the house.  Why do you ask?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 747 posts
Wed 21 Dec 2022
at 02:48
  • msg #464

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Tell me about where he died, where were you guys living then?" Jack asks a few questions, just to get some more details that he'd never had before. He's curious about the places. He can maybe send some of that info to Kevin.

Pulling out the Monkey phone, he sends off a text with that information. Maybe he can do something with it, maybe not.

Jack can also maybe fly over those areas, just in case it was a clue that required looking in person.
GM, 2391 posts
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 03:36
  • msg #465

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 464):

Marlene sighs.  "How much do you know about Da-your grandfather?  Not much?  Figures.  He's not worth telling much about.

"Dad was a drunk.  He didn't beat or anything.  Mom did that.  But he was pretty much useless.  Could play guitar though.  He'd play that song...Aimee...all the time.  When we were kids, we liked to sing along with it.  It's about the only good memory we have of him honestly.

She rubs her eyes.  It seems to be more from stress than sadness.  If Marlene had tears in her eyes, they dried up before they fell.  "When I was 10...your Mom woulda been eight...your Mom's class was doing a science fair at school.  Your Mom had done a project about probability.  We thought she just liked to say big words without knowing what they meant.  That project was what made everyone realize your Mom's...uh..."gifts" I guess you'd call 'em.

"Momma and Dad took us to the fair.  Dad stayed sober or as close as he got to sober.  But we stopped at Red Lobster on the way back.  Dad had a few.  Mom had to drive us home.  She was yelling at us the whole time back.  Mom...your Grandmother was not a nice woman.  I don't think your Grandfather drank because of her.  He just drank.  But she mother was the devil himself.  She just wasn't nice.

"She especially didn't like your Mom.  I think she felt...intimidated?  I dunno.  It's been too long and we never talked about it. But your Mom...she had been quiet the whole trip back.  She didn't eat any of her Shrimp Alfredo, even though she loved her some Shrimp Alfredo.

"I remember her project was this..."
Marlene holds out her hands, like she's holding a posterboard that wasn't there. " was like this big chart.  And it had all these...variables?  I dunno how to explain it.  I couldn't even tell you what it proved.  But in the car ride back, your Mom started singing Aimee.  She just started in the lull when your Grandma had to stop shouting to take a breath of air so she could start shouting again.

"Dad joined her.  He and your Mom just started singing that song.  Your Grandma kept telling them to shut up, but they wouldn't do it. They just started singing louder and louder.

"When we got home, Mom...your Grandma parked the car in the garage.  And then she pulled us out of the car and beat us.  She really laid into your Mom that night.  She actually beat her with that chart.  It got all bloody."

Marlene is quiet a moment.

"I took your Mom inside.  To clean us up and get us in bed.  I thought it would be a bad night.  And if we hid under the covers, the worst of it would pass.  Grandma stayed out in the garage and yelled at your Granddad.

"Your Grandmother later told the cops that she left Dad in the garage.  In the car.  She had left the keys in the ignition because she was upset.  Maybe she did.

"But they found him in the morning.  The car had been running most of the night.  Garage door was shut and all locked up.  He'd run a tube from the exhaust pipe into the back passenger side window.  Dad had just...fallen asleep.  And didn't wake up.

"So.  That's how come me and your Mom know that song."

Jack Sharpe
player, 748 posts
Mon 2 Jan 2023
at 19:56
  • msg #466

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack listens to the story and asks, “Mom never really talked about her, where is grandma now? I assume she’s buried somewhere in an unmarked grave, based on that story.”

Even as he talks to Marlene, he transcribes the story verbatim to Kevin. Clues. Maybe.

Or maybe it’s just a sign that mom was working through some things.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you girls, but I think that sort of story just makes me want to do my job more. I can help people. Speaking of, I need to do some investigating still, today. Are you feeling a bit better now?”
he asks. “I mean, aside from dredging up old wounds.”

GM, 2399 posts
Tue 3 Jan 2023
at 03:43
  • msg #467

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 466):

Marlene laughs weakly and bitterly when you talk about being there to help them.

"You do know parents are supposed to help the kids and not the other way around?  Oh never mind.  Thanks.  And your Grandma is buried in a plot down in Nevada.  It's where we grew up."</royalred.

She sighs and shakes her head.  <royalred>"No. There's nothing else.  You go do what you gotta do.  Just...try to be a teenager.  When you can.  'kay?"

Let me know what you want to do first.  Thanks.
Jack Sharpe
player, 749 posts
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 23:47
  • msg #468

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack sends off the information about the plot in Nevada and makes sure to get as much information out of Marlene on the topic as necessary. "And grandpa?" he asks. Might as well get both of them. Need to check them both.

To Kevin: I can check these burial sites and the house where 'it happened' with grandpa, if you think it's relevant otherwise I can send you details?
GM, 2402 posts
Fri 6 Jan 2023
at 04:28
  • msg #469

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 468):

Marlene grins wryly.  "He's buried next to her.  Even in death he couldn't get away from her."

Kevin gets back to you in a bit.  In middle of something.  Will look into NV later and get back to you.  For now, focus on that Kid Killer
Jack Sharpe
player, 750 posts
Sat 7 Jan 2023
at 17:15
  • msg #470

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack accepts the information, and also makes sure to get the address where it happened. Their childhood home. That would also be worth looking at, given the connection. He doesn't pass that along to Kevin however. He thinks, in hindsight, that he should start observing some infosec measures since his mother (and potentially father) are involved, and that means that technology is not secure.

"Love you, Marlene," he tells her and scoots back out the door, checking in on his neighbors as he goes.

Once out the door, he starts flying toward one of the two potential murderers homes.
GM, 2405 posts
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 03:04
  • msg #471

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 470):

Humboldt is in a nursing home.

Waymen lives by himself.

Which one firstly?


Jack Sharpe
player, 751 posts
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 15:34
  • msg #472

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

GM, 2409 posts
Mon 9 Jan 2023
at 03:11
  • msg #473

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 472):

Wayman's address is a cul de sac in New Prague, a suburb in south Minneapolis.  Not the bst neighborhood but certainly not the worst.

His two bedroom bungalow is kept neatly enough.  The yard is mowed and there's a garden which is bare due to the winter.  There's a single tree in back.  A tire swing is hanging from a branch, but the rope looks old and weathered.  You think if a kid actually got into it, the tire would fall right off.

Wayman has jowls.  They hang loose and make him look grumpy.  He's sitting at his kitchen table, apparently balancing his check book (silly boomer.  Who does that anymore?).  A brown dog is laying by the fridge, sprawled out.

There's nothing that obviously screams serial killer.  But he has a trunk in his bedroom closet you can't "see" into.

There's also a filing cabinet in the spare bedroom which seems to serve as more of an office.  The papers are jammed so tight into it, you can't "read" any of them from just flying over.
Jack Sharpe
player, 752 posts
Wed 11 Jan 2023
at 17:40
  • msg #474

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack considers for a long moment whether to try and sneak inside while the man is in the house but opts instead to fly over toward the other fellow to check him out as well. He will want to wait until Waymen leaves the house before he checks out that trunk and those files.

He also notably checks the neighborhood and any empty lots nearby for bodies or other evidence.

Heading over to the retirement home, he floats off at a good several thousand feet, wary of aircraft, but otherwise not too worried about being spotted. Just a dot in the late fall sky.
GM, 2415 posts
Fri 13 Jan 2023
at 02:44
  • msg #475

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 474):

No bodies buried around Wayman's place, other than the skeletons of a couple of dogs in one of  his neighbor's backyard.  You would guess someone's pet died and they wanted to keep them close to home.

Humboldt's nursing home is depressingly full.  The old people are stacked up like out of fashion sneakers piled up in a display stack marked with a clearance sign at a shoe store.  Nurses and attendants move through the hallways.  A few with a robust step like they are busy.  Most with a shuffle even slower than the residents.

Humboldt has a room on the ground floor near the back corner of the building.  It seems to be a private room, though it's more like a hospital room than a dorm.

He's laying in bed, chewing on his lip and doing a crossword.  He seems stuck on a 7 letter word for "Not A Cop, But A".  Fourth letter P.

His belongings are all normal.  No Jack-proof boxes in sight.
Jack Sharpe
player, 753 posts
Fri 13 Jan 2023
at 13:47
  • msg #476

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Seeing as both places are temporarily a bust, one because there's nothing to find, and the other because the owner is still stuck inside, Jack thinks for a moment and then goes off to check their former addresses.

His clothing only faintly snapping in the wind as he changes direction and takes off, flying at sub-sonic speeds as he isn't in any particular hurry at this point.

(I believe that was one of the things Kevin had given, right? Former addresses to check out? Or did I just ask for it.)

GM, 2421 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 03:01
  • msg #477

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 476):

Of course it was in the intel Kevin gave you.  A thorough one, that Minneapolis Monkey.  Yes sirree.  A real gem that Kevin

Wayman hasn't moved too much.  He and his ex wife had a nice house out in the western suburbs.  It's now home to a Mexican family.  The kids are playing, the younger ones in the yard, the older ones on a computer.  The parents are discussing whether to buy a new car.  Nothing in the house is You-proof.

The basement is of interest.  There's a section of floor that is laid with iron.  It's about a 10X15' slab.  The family has a ping pong table set up on it now.  Nothing per se ominous about it.  Just...odd.  You don't see that in many homes.  Or at all.

After the divorce, Wayman lived in a rented trailer.  Apparently he went through a bit of a depression.  The trailer doesn't seem to exist anymore.  Per Kevin's records, it burned down in a fire twelve years ago.  Wayman by then had gotten out of his funk and bought the house he's currently in.

Humboldt moved around a lot.  He never owned real estate.  Always rented.  It takes longer to check all the places he lived.  Some were apartments.  Some houses.  None of them have anything suspicious.
Jack Sharpe
player, 754 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 04:59
  • msg #478

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack checks over each residence from afar, floating idly in the atmosphere, his hands in the pockets of his hoody. He really ought to change back into his cowl costume for this sort of thing, if only to prevent himself from being identified by a particularly vigilant bird watcher with a high powered camera.

Wayman’s iron floor is made a special note of, if only because it’s weird. But he’s also vigilant of things like unexpected sandboxes where they don’t belong, and nearby places where bodies might have been dumped.

The fact that whoever the killer was had just buried them in their backyard, to Jack, indicates a sort of lack of planning. The sort of planning that might make a nearby grave. That said, finding nothing, he isn’t surprised.

Once he has had a chance to check over each of the homes at length, he flies back to Wayman’s current home and waits for the man to do something that might give him a moment to sneak inside.

Even if it means waiting for the old guy to take a shower or bath. A minute inside would be more than enough to check the trunk and filing cabinet.

Though as he eyeballs the trunk, he makes note of its lock or lack thereof. He’ll need to come prepared to pick a lock, perhaps.
GM, 2425 posts
Tue 17 Jan 2023
at 03:10
  • msg #479

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 478):

The filing cabinet has a rather sophisticated but antiquated locking mechanism.  It's not a simple key affair.  Not that it will pose a problem for you.  But it is out of the ordinary.

The trunk looks to be a keypad lock.  You don't think you'll have trouble figuring it out.

A few hours later, Wayman gets up and puts his shoes on.  He picks up a shopping list and looks to be heading out to buy stuff to make a beef stew.

Filing cabinets or trunk first please.  Thanks
Jack Sharpe
player, 755 posts
Wed 18 Jan 2023
at 03:59
  • msg #480

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Once Wayman leaves the house and is at least far enough away that he can't 'sneak' back into the house and somehow evade Jack's senses, the teen flies down like a lawn-dart, and proceeds inside, cheap Luchadore mask now covering his face--if the dog starts making noise or becomes aggressive, he'll just grab it by the scruff and gently toss it into the bathroom while he does his work.

Moving into the bedroom, he goes first toward the trunk, examining it first before he starts to open it. Wary of traps or trip wires.

Once he has ascertained the safety of the operation with some measure of accuracy, he gets to work on the lock.
GM, 2426 posts
Wed 18 Jan 2023
at 04:39
  • msg #481

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 480):

The dog sniffs you, tail thumping.  Wayman doesn't keep him around for security, that's for sure.  Who's a good boy for the burglar?  Yes you is.  Yes you is.

After giving the dog a few pats, you move to the trunk.

If there's a trap on the lock, it's more advanced than you can imagine.  There is an alarm, but that's easily dealt with.  Honestly, the tech here is at least a decade old.  You have no issues opening the cabinet.

Inside are an old scrap book, an old legal pad, and an odd looking metal box.

The scrap book seems to be a collection of newspaper articles.  And they are all about missing children.  It's more than just the ones Kevin identified.  The papers the articles are clipped from come from across the country.  Seattle.  Boston.  Chattanooga.

There are notes scrawled beside each story.  Connected?

When did they meet?

Not the right hair color.

The notations are more or less random like that.  Just little blurbs that could be interpreted in a number of ways.

The legal pad is filled with mathematical equations.  Each sheet is jammed with computations, many of which seem to make no real sense.  If there is some kind of overall pattern or proof going on with the equations, it's beyond you.

The box is made of black metal with a sort of greenish shine to it.  There's a gold inlay that is shaped like an old cameo, depicting the silhouette of two children, a boy and a girl, facing each other, holding a string taut between them.  The box feels hollow.  But it's you-proof.  You shake it, but nothing inside rattles.  It could be empty.

There's no obvious way to open it.
Jack Sharpe
player, 756 posts
Thu 19 Jan 2023
at 02:17
  • msg #482

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Good boy!

Jack starts taking photos with his phone of each of the pages of both the scrap book and notepad, setting aside the metal box for the moment. The fact that this guy is puzzling over these kids either means he killed them because of that puzzle—seeing in them some sort of conspiracy or something he had to stop—or he’s innocent and trying to figure it out as well.

Might have to ask him, but Jack would run it by Kevin first.

Setting the box aside, he moves to the file cabinet while he lets his phone continue to click away at the pages of the scrapbook. He can remember all of the stuff he reads of course, but he’d rather not have to re-type everything for Kevin.

Once he has a copy of everything, he uploads it to a Google drive and sends a link to Kevin.

Then he’s on to the cabinets. Giving them a cursory examination as well to check for traps or tricks before he gets to reading whatever is inside those.

As he goes, he idly plays with the cameo with his hand. Trying things like gently squeezing the two kids toward each other and other manipulations of the characters, thinking that they or the cameo itself might be the objective. If that doesn’t work, he’ll probably try something with a magnet.
GM, 2430 posts
Fri 20 Jan 2023
at 04:11
  • msg #483

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 482):

The cabinet is stuffed full of files.  Most seem to be old records.  Phone bills.  Checking account statements.  Things most people throw away after a while.

But there's a drawer full of note pads filled with those weird equations.  In fact, there are two drawers full of them.  They take up half the cabinet space.

The string between the two kids seems to be some kind mechanism.  But it's not one you easily manipulate.  It's like there's a piece missing.  A slider of some kind that would fit in the groove.  You try using your fingernail and a paper clip. But neither one takes.  It's like the box sort of moves away from the foreign object.

The dog starts to whine when you mess with the box.  It then scuttles out of the room and hides under the bed.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:11, Fri 20 Jan 2023.
Jack Sharpe
player, 757 posts
Fri 20 Jan 2023
at 04:46
  • msg #484

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack resumes taking pictures of the equations, though he isn't sure what he can do with them. If his mother or heaven forbid, father, were around, he'd just bring the pictures to them, but given that they seem to just be pages and pages of rambling mathematics, he isn't sure what to make of them.

Hearing the dog's whimper, he checks for signs of Wayman and then goes back to his task. But now he looks for something that might work with the mechanism, leaning in real close to give it an eyeball.

He looks at it from every angle, and then around the room.

He could just pluck the whole thing open, but given how well its designed it might destroy the contents if he does that.

So weird.
GM, 2433 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2023
at 04:29
  • msg #485

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 484):

Whatever the slider is, it will have an end with a snake's tongue shaped joiner.  That's how the slot inside the grove it would fit into seems to be shaped.

Nothing like that handily laying around in full view.  Or "Jack" view either.
Jack Sharpe
player, 758 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2023
at 19:38
  • msg #486

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack makes note of the design and continues his work, copying anything interesting onto his phone. He's torn about the mystery box. Part of him just wants to abscond with it, it didn't seem like Wayman was the sort to be revisiting this thing often, and even if he is, is tipping the hand really the end of the world? Would him knowing that he's being investigated and had the thing taken out of his house be an issue?

Pulling out his Monkey-Phone, he sends off a text: Lots of notepads full of rambling nonsensical (to me) math equations, a book of scraps from news papers where kids went missing with speculations written on it, possibly trying to figure things out, possibly trying to understand his crazy side? Who can know..

Anyway, he also has this totally sealed box with a weird AF opening mechanism involving a string and I believe some sort of snake-tongue or pitch fork shape.

Guy's dog reacted badly when I started playing with it, though I don't hear any pitches that makes me think it's a physical response, maybe touching it usually gets the owner agitated and abusive? Speculation.

GM, 2436 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2023
at 03:34
  • msg #487

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 486):


To Kevin's point, while there is only one box, there are two drawers full of notepads.
Jack Sharpe
player, 759 posts
Fri 27 Jan 2023
at 07:03
  • msg #488

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

While he isn’t certain he wants to leave the box behind, Jack decides to follow Kevin’s advice. Putting the box back he puts everything back, save two of the notepads, and makes sure to reset the trip wire that’d been on the box. As he starts to back out of the house, he makes sure to replay everything he’d touched in his mind, erasing fingerprints with his sleeve and putting everything back exactly where it belongs.

Moving into the kitchen, he finds one of the dog’s treats or some food, and lures it out. Giving it a few pets to get it back to ‘normal’ before he makes his exit.

As he goes, he also makes a second check for signs of something like a nanny cam. He’d already looked for that sort of thing, but he’d like to be able to say he did his best.

Exiting the house, he moves off at superspeed to avoid being noticed coming and going, and then takes off into the atmosphere once he has put some distance between him and the house.

From the air, he takes the time to start the process of uploading all of the pictures to an album and then sends the link as securely as he can to Kevin.

A message follows: Got two hard copies, here’s all the pictures.
GM, 2445 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 03:51
  • msg #489

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 488):

As you're finishing typing the text to Kevin, you "hear" HT.

"Jack...Darj...Hopin' at least one of you two can hear me.  Need your help.

"Short version of events.  I'm on a mission wit' Net.  Here's the coordinates.

"I need one a' you to get here.  There's a complex.  About fifteen levels under a mountain.  On level 12 you need to find door number 16.  There will be two buttons on the door.  A black one an' a blue one.  Press the-"

There's a grunt, and he stops talking.

The coordinates he gives is for a mountain in the Urals.  There's a large chunk of the mountain that is you-proof.  You can see about ten meters through the rock and then...nothing.  The area you can't see into conforms to what HT described.  A large, underground complex.

You can see there is an entrance.  Looks like it's disguised as a mountain cabin.  There also seems to be a deep tunnel that probably serves as an escape tunnel.  You'd have to dig down to it and then come back up.

Darja "talks" to you.  "So...uh...Jack?  You there?  I'm lookin' up this place.  And it's just a mountain supposedly.  I just called the program.  All the teachers are out.  There's some kinda big emergency.

"Should I meet you there?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 760 posts
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 00:24
  • msg #490

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

As Jack listens to HT, he turns his head and immediately starts trying to probe; only to discover the rough shape of the place. He will eventually figure out some trick to see around that material, but for now, he just settles for figuring out what he can from what he can see. The fact that whoever is holding him was able to stop him talking like that was modestly impressive.

Taking the notebooks he has in hand, he flies by the apartment and tucks them into his bedroom, and changes into his cowl uniform, before taking off toward the Urals. Not really opening up to full-speed until he is high enough in the atmosphere not to shatter things.

“I can go by myself, let's assume this is legit.  But I’m investigating so many things and my mom is still missing, so pulling me out of position may be a prelude to some other move they don’t want to make when I’m on alert and in the area,” he answers as he flies out across the Atlantic.
GM, 2452 posts
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 00:42
  • msg #491

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 490):

"If that's the case, do you want back up?  I mean...I know you're you. But it might not hurt to have a friend on your six.  Is that how you say it?  I've been watching cop shows and wasn't sure if I had that right."

There seems to be activity on the mountain cabin.  A few guards dressed as locals are securing the perimeter of the cabin.  You note, under their civy clothing, they are wearing high end body armor and carrying an array of high tech weaponry.  There's a patch on all their armor.  It looks like an eagle of some kind.  The colors of it suggest plummage like that of the Imperial Eagle.

You don't know of any hoods using the Imperial Eagle as a gimmick.

There's activity in the tunnel below the surface as well.  Seems like they are closing various gates down there.

You can't hear any radio traffic.  However they are communicating, it isn't through the typical comm lines.
Jack Sharpe
player, 761 posts
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 02:24
  • msg #492

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack gives it some thought, and says, “Sure.”

And waits for her to show up, then has her follow him down.  Keeping her close as he tunnels down through the ground. Coming in from a good distance away to avoid seismic sensors, and then starts to tunnel upwards into the base. Aiming, as best as he can reason, for the twelfth floor. Though he doesn’t mind looking for shafts they may have used to go up and down.

As he gets closer and closer, he slows down. Trying to avoid being detected.

“I don’t know what the business is with the button, so I’m just going to figure out if HT or anyone else is in here,” he explains. "Could be someone trying to get me to bust them out," he thinks of another possibility.
GM, 2454 posts
Tue 31 Jan 2023
at 02:01
  • msg #493

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 492):

You come to the first "security gate" they lowered over the tunnel.  It's view-proof.  So you can't see beyond it.  But you can tell it's rigged to sensors.  Once you bust through it, alarms will go off.  Looks like they are set to go if they get tampered with as well.

Darja cocks an ear.  "I think HT is here.  I can hear a heart beat pattern that sounds like his."

You going to bust through the security doors in the tunnel and set off the alarms?
Jack Sharpe
player, 762 posts
Wed 1 Feb 2023
at 06:34
  • msg #494

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Get me as close as you can through the tunnel," Jack suggests and has her point in the direction of the heart-beat and then attempts to come at the room from an exterior wall, if possible, and if not, at least breach into the tunnels as close to that room as possible so that he can blitz directly for it.

Darja and her hearing really is something special.
GM, 2458 posts
Fri 3 Feb 2023
at 02:14
  • msg #495

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 494):

Darja nods and leads you outside.

She indicates a section of the base that would be about a third of the way from the top.

You plow into the mountain and soon pop through a wall into a large, open room.

The room screams Super Villain.  Walls made of metal with all kinds of weird displays and control panels on the wall?  Check.

Lots of goons standing around with zap beam laser rifles?  Check.

HT and another guy in costume you're not seen before laying on the floor, unmoving, surrounded by some weird energy field?  Check.

A guy in thigh high boots wearing a costume that screams Why Yes! I am the Bad Guy In Charge or BGIC!  Thanks for asking!


All of them, except for HT and the other energy field bound guy, look at you.

"Kto ty, chert voz'mi?" Mr. Thigh High asks.  In Russian.
Jack Sharpe
player, 763 posts
Fri 3 Feb 2023
at 03:23
  • msg #496

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“There might be some blue or black button to push, your job is to find out which one HT wants you to push, I’ll do whatever else needs to be done. One might be bad for them or I’d just go in blasting,” Jack explains as they get ready to burst through the wall.

The wall bursts apart for him, and he lets loose a very deep voiced:

“Ohh yeaaahhh.”

Because he’s way better than the Kool-Aid man.

Looking at the man in the fancy boots, he answers, “Politsiya mody, vy arestovany.”
GM, 2468 posts
Tue 7 Feb 2023
at 01:40
  • msg #497

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 496):


Fashion Disaster smirks back.  "Ya vyglyazhu potryasayushche.  Ty vyglyadish' yeshche ne sovsem mertvym."

And with that, he makes a hand signal.  And the blasters start blasting.

Not that they do much.  Looks pretty though.

Darja sighs.  "What you want me to do here?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 764 posts
Tue 7 Feb 2023
at 06:24
  • msg #498

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack already told her to find out which button HT wants her to push. But..

"Find out which button you need to push to get HT out of there,"
Jack replies in Estonian as he starts darting from mook to mook, slapping them into unconsciousness. Making his way steadily toward the Fashion Disaster as he disposes of the villains. Destroying their guns as he goes past, as well. Just so that they can't be used on Darja or HT.
GM, 2472 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 03:05
  • msg #499

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 498):

Oops.  Sorry.  Got distracted after my return

Darja darts off to find the button, weaving in between the zap beams.

It's easy for her, as most of them are trained on you.  And then they're knocked out by you.  Which makes it even eaiser.

You get to Fashion Disaster and...can't touch him.  There's a force field around him.  And it's actually pretty well done.  You ain't touching him.  For the moment at least.

"Pogodi.  My prosto tratim usiliya.  Vyvedi petukha."

And I'll switch to English next post.

You hear something click behind you.  Glancing back, a section of the wall swings open and...

It's a guy with the head of a rooster.  Big guy.  Works out a lot.  But.  Yeah.  Rooster head.

Rooster runs towards you.
Jack Sharpe
player, 765 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 06:23
  • msg #500

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack glances around underneath Fashion Disaster, listening to him talking idly about whatever. Briefly, he considers giving the ground a stomp but he doesn’t want to set off whatever is holding HT if there’s some sort of fail-to-kill-mode type setting if he disrupts everything in the mountain with a forceful stomp.

When the wall spins to reveal Mr. Rooster, the teen flies around to the opposite side of Mr. Fashion Disaster and plays keepaway while he continues to assess the situation. Knocking out anyone else he can spot.

Grabbing pieces of metal up out of the ground and lobbing them at people if he can’t break away from Fashion Disaster’s forcefield for too long.

Once HT is free, he’ll cut loose but he doesn’t want to risk whatever those fields might do.
GM, 2478 posts
Sat 11 Feb 2023
at 03:31
  • msg #501

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 500):

Mr. Rooster is fast.  He can take a chunk of steel floor too.  He shakes it off, and comes back, faster than before.

Fashion Disaster watches as you tear apart his base.  The fields are proving resistant as all get out.  At least one thing about all this is impressive.

"OK.  Think I found it.  Here goes."

Darja speaks from where she is so you can "hear" her.  You get the sound of a door opening from where she is.

"What the hell-"

Klaxons start to go off.  Fashion Disaster blinks and looks panicked.

"Oh crap.  Jack.  You need to see this but I guess you can't come look at it now.  I'm going to get him out of here.  I think this is big."

Meanwhile, Fashion Disaster sits in his force field but his panties have obviously been wadded and wadded hard.

"Prisoner is free!  Dispatch all war units!  We must recapture him at all costs!"

He glances at you.  "Prime the bomb.  In two minutes, the town of Perm will be a smoking crater."
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:31, Sat 11 Feb 2023.
Jack Sharpe
player, 766 posts
Sat 11 Feb 2023
at 22:45
  • msg #502

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Once HT and companion are no longer under the threat of the shields, Jack takes the fight to the Rooster. Advancing on the giant bird-man with a fist and a blast of heat. Intending to put the target down so that he can resolve this bomb problem.

“There’s a bomb somewhere Princess, I’ll try to find it, keep your ears open,”
he says.

Once he has dealt with the jive turkey, he turns his attention to Mr. Forcefield and starts to squeeze it from both sides. Putting all of his considerable strength into the act even as he starts to fill the field with heat-vision warmth. Warming the air to an unbearable degree.

“Where is the bomb?”
he asks.
GM, 2482 posts
Sun 12 Feb 2023
at 03:32
  • msg #503

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 502):

"Yeah I heard him.  Perm's a town not far from here.  About four km.

"But Jack..."

Rooster takes the hit and bounces back a little...then shakes his head and drives forward, landing a haymaker.  It feels like some kid knocked into you with his bike.

He takes another solid jab and...bounces back and upper cuts you.

This time it feels like the kid grew up, got his driver's license, and maybe drove his dad's Honda into you.

Darja continues.  "...I've got the fucking President here.  The actual President of the United States.  He's a lot shorter in real life."
Jack Sharpe
player, 767 posts
Wed 15 Feb 2023
at 08:43
  • msg #504

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Kinetic absorption? Some sort of ability to take damage and use that to increase their damage output? He ignores the Rooster and continues to focus on the man in the bubble for the moment. Squeezing with all of his might as he continues to attempt to dislodge it from the ground.

Blasting the bubble with heat vision.
GM, 2490 posts
Fri 17 Feb 2023
at 04:50
  • msg #505

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 504):

As you squeeze the man in the bubble, the Rooster squeezes you.

Fashion Disaster seems a bit perturbed as he glances at some kind of screen near him. It must show the field generator reaching critical.  You're hearing a high pitched whine like something technical is working hard.

Rooster starts pecking at the top of your head as well as squeezing.  It's uncomfortable for sure.  You aren't blacking out or bleeding.  But...damnit that's annoying.

"I'm coming through to get HT and that other guy.  Should be there in a sec.  Not sure how fast I can go with the President.  Does that sound weird?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 768 posts
Fri 17 Feb 2023
at 22:59
  • msg #506

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack just continues to squeeze, staring at the man in the bubble menacingly, "Where is the bomb?" he asks again as his eyes flash brighter as he continues channel more and more heat into the forcefield.

Listening to Darja, he replies: "Don't break the president."
This message was last edited by the player at 23:00, Fri 17 Feb 2023.
GM, 2492 posts
Sat 18 Feb 2023
at 04:48
  • msg #507

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Rooster continues to squeeze your neck.  Though since you aren't powering him up anymore, it just feels like you're wearing too tight a collar.

Curse you for figuring out every kinetic absorbers weakness

Fashion Disaster goes from cocky smirk to hey-why-isn't-this-guy-dead-yet panicked expression.

Darja whips through, snatching up HT and the other guy, whoever he was.

Finally, a fine sheen of sweat forming on his brow, just moments before his field fails utterly, says, "Parm has a nuclear reactor.  It's in the core."
Jack Sharpe
player, 769 posts
Mon 20 Feb 2023
at 01:35
  • msg #508

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack continues to squeeze the shield. It's good exercise, which is a rare thing when one is The Strongest(tm). Grabbing the guy once the shield pops, he takes off back out through his tunnel and calls out to Darja, "Princess, I'm on my way topside. I'll toss this guy over to you to hold, just play keep-away with him if the Rooster shows up. I'm going toward the reactor."

When he spots Darja, he tosses the Fashion Disaster over toward her and then zips across the landscape.

Pointing himself toward the bomb.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:35, Mon 20 Feb 2023.
GM, 2494 posts
Mon 20 Feb 2023
at 04:14
  • msg #509

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 508):

A moment before the bubble bursts, Fashion Disaster flicks a switch and...I kid you not...a trap door opens.  He leaps through it.

Let me know if you take the time to go after him

You speed across the mountains, finding Parm in the quarter blink of a hyperactive kid's eye.

The reactor is pretty obvious.  It must be Soviet era.  It looks like they're keeping it running with twine and grade school paste.

You can "see" inside the reactor...

There's a glowing dot in there...

So let me know about whether you went after Fashion Disaster before we proceed with the glowing dot please.


Jack Sharpe
player, 771 posts
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 23:17
  • msg #510

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack is disappointed with himself for not having collapsed that tunnel with all of his smashing the ground and cutting up the ground in an attempt to disable the shield, but the shield had kept him from getting to the tunnel and he couldn’t see it because of the anti-meta materials involved. He moves on. He can try to find the Disaster later.

Need to save people first.

“Fashion Disaster went through a trap door in the room. Rooster, he’s a kinetic absorber, still on the loose. If you try to take him, go for a grapple or get yourself a spike,”
he suggests as he flies toward Parm. "How are HT and the President?"

Seeing the dot of light on the bomb, he rolls his eyes.

Of course, Fashion Disaster with his trap-door and Rooster, would have a bomb with a blinking light on it. When will these people learn to make their bombs look like they belong?

Darting into the silo, he looks to see if he can remove it directly without messing with any of the rods or other cooling issues.
GM, 2509 posts
Sat 25 Feb 2023
at 04:06
  • msg #511

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 510):

It's even more cliché than that: the blinking light is blinking is actually a countdown timer.  You're at 4...3...

"HT...ugh...and Mr. him "Mister President" right?  Anyway, I think they're both fine. So's the other guy. I it...he's that tecnomancer guy. Something like that...

"Ow!  Okay you.  Hold on Jack."

You whisk into the reactor.


"Sorry.  Rooster was giving me trouble.  I threw him on top of the mountain.  But yeah. I think we're good here."

How are you disposing of the bomb?  You got a second, but you being you, that's like an hour.
Jack Sharpe
player, 772 posts
Thu 2 Mar 2023
at 23:39
  • msg #512

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"I mean, assuming he is the President and not a look-alike or shapeshifter? Yeah, Mr. President."

Jack grabs the device and shoots straight up with it, cupping it in his arms against his chest and curling more around it as he soars upwards into the sky. The damage from the bomb was likely meant to be as a sort of combination with the reactor.

Smothering whatever reaction might be from the device, he waits for it to go off and then bolts off in the direction that Fashion Disaster had run through the trap door.

"Did they wake up, by the way?"

GM, 2516 posts
Fri 3 Mar 2023
at 03:25
  • msg #513

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 512):

Darja doesn't respond immediately to your question.  You can hear her catch her breath.

You rush towards Fashion Disaster's last known location.  The tunnel heads down into a high speed escape pod.  He may have no fashion sense but he's got amazing tech.  He's already traveled out of the Urals and headed under the Black Sea.

You are about to jet after him when Darja says

"Jack.  He's not breathing."

After a pause.

"I'm not hearing a heart beat.  That guy who was with HT...I think he's dead."
Jack Sharpe
player, 773 posts
Fri 3 Mar 2023
at 05:59
  • msg #514

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Hearing about the guy with no heart beat, Jack considers whether to continue in pursuit. "He may have been dead all along, or maybe he just doesn't have a heart beat to begin with, you didn't do anything wrong Princess," he calls out to her and spins around and darts back to join Darja.

He isn't going to leave her in a pinch, and he doesn't want to leave the President unprotected with the Rooster on the loose.

Flying over to her, he lands nearby and walks the remaining distance. Looking toward the four people present.

"Did you hear a heart beat earlier?"
he asks, for clarification and will start CPR if she had.
GM, 2520 posts
Sat 4 Mar 2023
at 05:17
  • msg #515

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 514):

She stops trying CPR and puts her ear to his chest.  "Jah..."

She shakes her head.  "I...I don't know what else to do here."

HT groans and is trying to sit up.  "Damn.  What..."

He blinks, peers at you, and shakes his head.  "Jack.  Darj.  Thanks for coming.  Sorry ta ask. But it's important.  The President...oh.  I see you met."

The President is unconcious.  But you "scan" him.  He seems mostly uninjured.

HT looks at his partner.  He frowns and after a moment says, "Net's chest...It's not movin'. Is he..."

He shakes his head and massages his temples.  "Shit shit shit shit shit.  Call the Program for me please.  I...I need a sec."

Helicopters and various hovercraft descend like fleas on a stray puppy.  The President is whisked off by guys with sunglasses who still manage to let you know that they're glowering at you even though you can't see their eyes.

They take The Net away on a stretcher covered with a blanket.

HT is talking to a guy dressed all in red.  You recognize him from vids.  Red Tiger. Leader of the Paladins.  He is as good looking as they say.

Gutshot comes over to the two of you.  "Sorry you two had to get mixed up in this.  You okay?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 774 posts
Sat 4 Mar 2023
at 06:35
  • msg #516

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack feels sympathy for HT and the potential loss of a friend. He isn't sure he'd call it a certain loss, given the powers and techniques out there, but he knows he can't do anything about it even with his considerable powers.

The call goes out to Gutshot and the Program.

Jack just smirks at the Secret Service mooks, though they can't see it with his jet black outfit and mask on. His face covered by that featureless mask.

"There's a Rooster-man on the loose somewhere over in that direction, I believe. Darja can fill you in. He's a kinetic absorber, short of killing him," he pauses, "Or it, I suppose. I didn't want to just fuel the thing up. Darja tossed him toward the mountain," he explains. Even as he explains, he takes a moment to try and spot the thing.

A pause and then he hooks a thumb toward the Black Sea.

"And Fashion Disaster, the one who planted the bomb and did all this, I think? He disappeared under the Black Sea. There's a tunnel under his base. I was about to follow, but didn't want to leave Darja alone with the President, just in case,"
he explains.
GM, 2526 posts
Mon 6 Mar 2023
at 23:57
  • msg #517

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 516):

Gutshot sighs.  "No.  You made the right call.  The President's safety needed to come first.  I know Darja is capable.  But...I would rather you both have been there."

She seems to consider something a moment.  Then she looks straight at you.

"HT is out.  I can't go into it. But he made a bad call.  I imagine he's going to be cut from the Paladins."
Jack Sharpe
player, 775 posts
Tue 7 Mar 2023
at 07:22
  • msg #518

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Kick a guy when he’s down, huh?” Jack questions. He doesn't know the specifics, but he expects that 'The Net' was a friend, and whatever had happened here had been something he'd regretted deeply. It seemed punitive to kick him off the team unless it was a pattern he was unaware of.

Considering Darja for a moment, he looks at her for a moment before looking back to Gutshot.

"HT is the one that I trust."

GM, 2531 posts
Wed 8 Mar 2023
at 03:02
  • msg #519

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 518):

Gutshot shakes her head.  "I like him too Jack.  But it's not my call.  Red Tiger's probably going to cut him.  I can't pick him up.  Can't afford to recruit any new members for Guardstar.  I'm already over budget as is.

"If he's not on a team, he can't be part of the Program.  I'm sorry Jack.  This isn't my call and there's not much I can do about it."

She pauses.  "You going to bail on the Program if that's the case?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 776 posts
Thu 9 Mar 2023
at 01:05
  • msg #520

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"I'll heavily be considering it," Jack answers.
GM, 2535 posts
Fri 10 Mar 2023
at 00:33
  • msg #521

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 520):

She sighs and rubs the bridges of her nose.

"Look.  I'll do what I can.  But that's all I can promise."

She stares back at you.  "This would be easier if...never mind.  Bad idea.

"I'll do what I can."

With that she walks off.

Darja comes over.

"Okay. So.  I heard all that of course.  Would you really bail?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 777 posts
Tue 14 Mar 2023
at 03:18
  • msg #522

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack looks to Darja as Gutshot goes to resume business.  He walks a bit closer for their conversation, “Yes. HT has personally done as much for me in his capacity as ‘old reliable dude’ as the Program has, if not more. I like him, and don’t know if I’d like whoever they send to replace him. They were helpful in finding mom’s car, but it’s not like Gutshot is going to tell me no if I ask her for help,” he answers mildly as he pushes his hands through his hair.

Looking around one last time, he gives her slight pat on the shoulder.
GM, 2544 posts
Tue 14 Mar 2023
at 03:37
  • msg #523

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 522):

Darja sighs.  "Yeah.  I know.  That guy...Red Tiger?..He's really giving HT a ration of shit.

"I can't go anywhere.  Cos of me and my uncle's VISAs.  But I'll back you up as well as I can. And..."

She glances around, to see if anyone's overhearing.

"My Dad?  He's gonna be back in orbit in a couple of weeks.  Lemme know if they stil haven't found your Mom by then.  He might be able to help."

HT wanders over.  He slaps you both on the back.

"Good job you two.  Let's hit the showers!  You guys gonna head back with us in a shuttle?  Or you gonna fly home yourselves?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 778 posts
Wed 15 Mar 2023
at 04:46
  • msg #524

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"If they hold you in the Program on the premise that you need to stay to maintain your VISA, I'm going to have wholly separate words with some people," Jack says. She had been living in the country just fine prior to the Program, and her dad is a Space-ship, she probably qualifies for some sort of diplomatic reason to stay in the country. "In fact.." he goes on to explain his logic about how her dad might be able to get her diplomatic coverage.

Since the US probably wants to maintain positive relations with the Ship-People World.

Looking over at HT, he claps the man back.

"You okay? And you want me to give you a lift? Save some time sitting on the shuttle."

GM, 2546 posts
Thu 16 Mar 2023
at 01:51
  • msg #525

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 524):

HT sighs.  "You two heard, huh?  Nah.  It's alright.  I need to deal with it.

"There will probably be a hearing of sorts.  You two may have to give statements.  Just tell 'em what you saw and did.  You know the drill.

"Don't worry about me.  I'm pretty tough."

He seems to think about something for a moment, and then after glancing around, leans a bit closer.  "You guys still talk to Monkey right?  Kevin?

"Tell him I think he's right, but about the wrong thing.  The guy's not in the Program yet.  So I don't know how his friend found out about it.  But the chance of it being a conincidence is like nil.  He'll be able to tell ya more."

He slaps you soundly on the back.  "Whatever happens, we'll all keep fightin' the good fight, right?"

They call for everyone to get aboard.

I'll let you say anything you want to to Darj and HT and then tell me what you want to look into when you get back to Minneapolis.  I'm assuming you want to keep investigating the Sand Man guy.  But never like to assume.


Jack Sharpe
player, 779 posts
Sat 18 Mar 2023
at 19:44
  • msg #526

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I’ve made my opinion on all this known to Gutshot,” Jack says, not giving any sort of positive vibe to his words. He is clearly disgruntled.

Pulling out the Monkey phone, Jack’s fingers quickly whisk over the hard old-fashioned keys on the cheap phone, and then he holds up the message which is just exactly what HT had said verbatim—just with the words, “HT says” and quotation marks. Once he gets confirmation that that is what he wants sent, Jack hits send and puts the phone back away.

In the future, he needs to replace the Monkey phone with a red version. To complete the joke.

“Sure. Say, do you know anyone who can look at pages of math equations and just go, ‘Oh, this means..’ super-brain style? I can memorize and figure things out, eventually, but my parents are both in the wind at the moment, as you know,” he mentions to HT.
GM, 2553 posts
Mon 20 Mar 2023
at 02:52
  • msg #527

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 526):

HT grimaces.  "Net coulda.  But...not now."

Darja gives him a pat on the arm.  HT shakes his head.

"Right.  Uh...try Anne.  She's Guardstar's science whiz.  You guys haven't intereacted with her.  But if you ask at the Program, they'll se up a meeting.  I gotta get aboard.  See you guys State side."

Darja watches the shuttle take off and waves at you.  "Let me know if I can do anything."

She starts to follow behind them.

Your Monkey Phone chimes.

Knew it.

Roger's after one of our classmates.  Someone who can sense other metas.  Let me know if you come across anyone like that.

You doing okay on the mystery guy thing?

Jack Sharpe
player, 780 posts
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 01:47
  • msg #528

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

It's just one thing after another, if his dad is behind this, he's going to kick the guy's teeth through his head for organizing things like this. Never giving him a chance to stop.

I know who it is.

Taking the feedback from HT, he nods and waves.

"Darja, that guy who can body jump is after Colby, tell Colby about the signs to look out for and to use his best poker face since they're a crazy person and will try to use people to make him do things,"
Jack calls out. He'll relay the signs, if necessary, to Darja in case she hadn't heard about Ron's tells before. The giggling and humming classical music and whatnot.

Zipping toward the program, he intends to see if he can get 'Anne' to start looking at all the pictures of the notebook pages.
GM, 2560 posts
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 02:50
  • msg #529

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 528):

Anne is realitively easy to find.  She apparently never leaves the equipment shed.

She's a small woman, maybe in her thirties, with bushy red hair that looks more like some variety of fern than actual hair.

She's wearing a visor and soldering a blaster rifle for some reason when you show up.

She looks up at you.  Frowns.  Then goes back to soldering.

"You're our 9CU aren't you?  John or Jason or something.  What can I do for you?"

She frowns again when you show her the sheets.  Her frown goes deeper as she points to one of the sections.

"This looks like a formulae for caramel banana ice cream. And this looks like a sequence based on Feigenbaum's Constants.

"I'm gonna have to build something that can extrapolate all this crap, classify it, and catagroize it.  Uhmmm...can you come back Tuesday?"

Darja whispers to you from where she is.  "Colby's been out of school since Wednesday.  He was sick.  I can hear him at his house.  He sounds fine.  Should I ask someone from the Program to keep an eye on him?  When I'm not around?  Kinda worried about that though.  He's not exactly keen on people knowing about his...nose."
Jack Sharpe
player, 781 posts
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 11:50
  • msg #530

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

When he isn't around Anne, Jack answers Darja: "Monkey seemed to consider it a serious threat. Roger is a psycho.  Maybe we should have a meeting with us, Colbster and Monke? He can be trusted to be discreet."

Back to Anne:

"It's Jack."

"That's fine. They may or may not belong to a serial killer who buries kids alive in sandboxes, so I'd go at it with whatever," he pauses for a microsecond to think of the correct word from the AER, "Memetic hazard protections you need. I didn't get hit with it, so I have no reason to think it makes people into slathering psychos, but I was doing like ten other things at the same time--and as you said .. I'm the 9CU, though given that I rescued the President today, I don't know what else a guy needs to do to qualify as an 'E'."

Silly rating systems.

The last was just a gripe he shares as he stares down at whatever she is sodering, trying to make heads or tails of it.
GM, 2562 posts
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 02:51
  • msg #531

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 530):

She seems to be amplifying the rifle in some manner.  To what extent you can't tell at first glance.

"Ugh.  I hate the ones that go after kids.  They suck."</red.

She seems to think a second then goes over to a cabinet.  She rummages inside it and comes pack with a pair of goggles.  Frowning, she adjusts one side of them with one of those tiny screwdrivers, then hands them to you.

<red>"If you're worried about ideas getting into your head, wear these.  They aren't perfect.  A strong telepath can break through if they try.  But it will stop casual scanning of your surface thoughts.  And should keep any random mind control from taking over.  But like I said...someone who knows what they're doing..."

She shrugs.  "If you let me scan your brain, I can try to come up with something stronger."

Darja whispers back.  I'll talk to Colby

Monkey's texted you.  Yeah.  Figured it was something like that.

I'm fighting a squid right now.  Not a big thing.  But shoot me your friend's address.  We need to keep an eye on him.

Found a witness who saw your Mom yesterday.  I'm fairly certain they're on the level.  She was at the Hilton on S 4th.  By herself.  You may want to scan that when you get a mo. But I'm betting she's not there.

We'll talk tonight

Jack Sharpe
player, 782 posts
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 23:16
  • msg #532

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack takes the goggles and then reflects mentally on his mask and tries to fit the two together. “You can scan, never hurts to protect my mind, and by extension, everyone else. Though frankly I’ve always hoped that my mental defenses are as stalwart as my resistances to energies and kinetics, just untested. No reason to think they’re not. That or that my mind works too fast to be easily grappled with,” he shares idly as he tries to put the pieces together and then slides them back onto his head.

"I just wish you'd come up with a way for me to slap Roger's brain into a puddle."

The request for the location gets a response: I’ll check for her. I’ve handed off digital copies of the notebooks to Anne with the Program, since I needed super-science eyes on them.  She already spotted a random recipe. As to the person’s address, I’ll see if they’re up for meeting, but the Princess and I will keep an eye on him until then.

He's fairly certain Kevin can figure out who Colby is from texts and a little spying, but just in case Roger has his phone and is just pulling some 4D chess, he doesn't send anything. Yet.
GM, 2564 posts
Fri 24 Mar 2023
at 02:49
  • msg #533

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 532):

"Wow.  Someone thinks a lot of themselves..." she mutters.  Then makes you sit in a chair and comes out with something that looks like a price scanner from a grocery store.  She starts waving it all over your head.

"Roger's not logical.  He shouldn't exist.  I can't do anything about something that shouldn't exist."

The Hilton has seen better days.  The rooms are probably overpriced for what you get.  And it's not the greatest part of town.

No Mom.  Nothing that looks like Mom.

But there is something in the basement that's you-proof.

A quick investigation shows an old locker that you can't see or hear through.  It's unlocked, which is odd.  But there you go.

On the other side of the locker is a shaft that just descends downwards.  You're reminded of one of those pneumatic tube systems.  The shaft is smooth and frictionless just like those.  It's a little wider than a normal sized person.  It'd be a cramped fit for you.

The tube leads to a tube system.  It's pretty vast.  Probably traveling all over the city.

I'm assuming you haven't gone down the tube just yet.  Just gazing down it.
Jack Sharpe
player, 784 posts
Tue 4 Apr 2023
at 02:16
  • msg #534

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack shrugs. “You’re right, let’s see, ‘I, who have always been practically invulnerable to everything should expect that I am unprotected against one of the most common forms of attack, and that my unusual mental processes would not at all be effective as a defense against a psychic,’” he snarks back at Anne with a smile. Amused and leaning into the comment she’d made.

Taking the stairs down into the basement, Jack moves the locker out of the way and searches around in his pockets. As always, he has some coins he can use in case he needs to throw them at someone or something.

Pulling out a quarter which he sends zipping off into the tubes, curious to see how the tubes will interact with the coin.
GM, 2581 posts
Wed 5 Apr 2023
at 01:09
  • msg #535

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 534):

She barks a laugh.  "Must be nice."

But that's all she says in reply.

The quarter drops down the shaft.  As it strikes the sides, you see sparks.  A current is running through the metal walls of the tube.  The set up reminds you of a subway's "third rail".  Except the entire tube is the third rail.

You would guess the tube is a transport device.  There must be some kind of pod or such that fits into it, which uses the power to move itself.

It's really a pretty sophisticated system.  And surprisingly large.  It must cover the whole of the city.  And you can swear it wasn't there a week ago.
Jack Sharpe
player, 785 posts
Wed 5 Apr 2023
at 18:15
  • msg #536

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Looking around the room, Jack looks for some sort of buffer or suit or tube that someone could use as an insulator. The person who constructed it (mom, maybe? Or someone she is looking in to,) might have some sort of device they wear that would let them just jump in and not need to swap over into a new thing.

That’d be smart, as an escape measure. Since stopping to put on a new device or jumping into a pod would be an additional step.

Looking toward the locker that’d been sitting over the shaft, he investigates. How would they have moved this out of the way? Does the whole thing drop in? A secret interior compartment?
GM, 2589 posts
Thu 6 Apr 2023
at 20:57
  • msg #537

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 536):

The locker has a base that acts sort of like a fork lift.  It seems that by triggering a mechanism, the locker would normally lift itself up and out of the way.  Then the tube could just be stepped into.

There is a switch on the wall marked with two positions.



You could turn the switch to one of them and see what happens.
Jack Sharpe
player, 786 posts
Sun 9 Apr 2023
at 16:46
  • msg #538

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack takes the time to think about what the P or O could stand for, but there are just too many options. He decides to just hit the P button and prepares to step into the tube. His eyes open for anything he needs to do to make the process work correctly.
GM, 2593 posts
Mon 10 Apr 2023
at 02:43
  • msg #539

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 538):

P apparently stands for "Platform".  You find this out because, moments after pressing it, a platform whizzes up, waiting for you to step onto it.

So?  Stepping on to it?  Or just flying through the tunnel on your own?
Jack Sharpe
player, 787 posts
Wed 12 Apr 2023
at 00:07
  • msg #540

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack steps onto the platform, curious if he'll need to push the O button now, or if it's just going to whisk him away automatically.
GM, 2596 posts
Thu 13 Apr 2023
at 02:58
  • msg #541

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 540):

It seems the answer is "automatically".  The platform dips a bit under your weight and then whooshes off.

You are guessing it's a magnetic propulsion system.  It's definitely cutting edge.

The platform moves quickly, sending you a mile away before you are actually aware of it.

It comes to a stop before an open archway.  On the other side is what looks like a darkened basement.  There's bric a brac and junk about.  Nothing that you wouldn't expect to find in someone's storage area.

"Looking" around, you can see that you seem to be in the underground section of a mall.  The same mall you and Lydia went to on your date.  There's another O/P switch by the opening.

Heading to the next stop?
Jack Sharpe
player, 788 posts
Sat 15 Apr 2023
at 16:21
  • msg #542

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack looks out through the apartment and memorizes, as best he can, where it might be situated in town. He's also double check for things like a secondary escape chute, since one trick someone might play would be to have this one take a few stops and then go into an incinerator, with the intention that they'd get off and switch to a different "track" before then.

Perhaps he's being a bit paranoid.

Not seeing anything, he continues along to the next stop.
GM, 2602 posts
Mon 17 Apr 2023
at 03:08
  • msg #543

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 542):

Next you come out...

In an apartment across the street from Marlene's building.
Jack Sharpe
player, 789 posts
Tue 18 Apr 2023
at 21:41
  • msg #544

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack looks around, actually checks on the situation in Marlene’s building, and then steps from the platform. Looking around the apartment he has found himself in, he investigates briefly. Looking to see if there is any indication if someone is actually living here or if it’s just a set piece as part of some sort of surveillance operation.

Perhaps he should check if there is some sort of setup at the mental hospital up north.

Had mom been keeping watch, or had she just found this?

After a look around, he steps back onto platform.
GM, 2607 posts
Wed 19 Apr 2023
at 01:59
  • msg #545

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 544):

Everything at the apartment looks okay.  Marlene and Saul seem to be present and accounted for.

The apartment is clean.  To the point it's almost unnatural.  The sink is so dry, water hasn't probably been run in it for days.

There's a robot plugged into the wall socket.  It's an actual robot robot.  About knee high.  Tentacle arms.  Sensory range similiar to yours, but only on a local scale.

The platform zooms again.

This time you come out into what looks like a sewer line.  It's right near a maintenance door that leads up to the sidewalk next to a bus station.  Looks like a stop not far from the University.
Jack Sharpe
player, 790 posts
Wed 19 Apr 2023
at 02:32
  • msg #546

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

The nearness to the university makes him curious about the Case of the Exploding people, and he reminds himself to get updates on all of the major local cases from Kevin at some point. So many plates being kept in the air all at the same time, it's not difficult for him to remember them all, but finding time in the day to do anything meaningful with them was becoming a bit tedious.

Seriously, if his dad is responsible for all of this, he's going to kick the guy to the Moon.

GM, 2610 posts
Fri 21 Apr 2023
at 01:54
  • msg #547

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 546):

The next stop is an empty office building that looks like it's about four days from being demolished.  There's a big wreckers and some bulldozers outside.  Nothing inside it though.

The stop after that is behind an employee locker at a grocery store.

The stop after that...

It's your school.

The tube is snuck into the weave of tunnels that the Program has built under your school.  The tube leads up behind the hidden elevator in the shop class you've used before.  You didn't see it because the Program's elevator is You-proof.  And the tube is hidden behind it, also You-Proofed.
Jack Sharpe
player, 791 posts
Sat 22 Apr 2023
at 14:40
  • msg #548

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack isn’t even that shocked, though he has to wonder what sort of machine whoever built this thing is using to go from place to place. The Program clearly needs to be a bit more dutiful with their non-electronic surveillance. Then again, maybe it’d never been used.

Reaching over, he continues to explore.
GM, 2614 posts
Mon 24 Apr 2023
at 01:34
  • msg #549

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 548):

That...seems to be it.  The pipeline itself seems to go for miles and miles.  But most of the distance are just loops.  The pipeline tracking back on itself.

If there's another stop on this line, it won't take you there automatically.
Jack Sharpe
player, 792 posts
Wed 26 Apr 2023
at 03:39
  • msg #550

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack considers things and then experiments by attempting to fly along in the direction of the moving platform, but exceeds its speed. Slowly pulling away from it to see what sort of response the system has to him doing so.

He’ll have to check out the rest of the thing manually on his own two-flying-feet.
GM, 2621 posts
Thu 27 Apr 2023
at 00:50
  • msg #551

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 550):

The system reacts.  Defensively.

The sides of the tube suddenly convulse and pull inwards.  Like the tube is trying to hug you.

That of course doesn't work.  You're you.

So it tries to shock you.

That doesn't work.

So it tries it again, upping the voltage.  And then again, upping the voltage.  Again.  Again.



Ouch.  You actually felt that last one a bit.

The shocks seem to be distractions.  Torpedos have been released into the tube.  They are coming at you from both sides.
Jack Sharpe
player, 794 posts
Sun 7 May 2023
at 01:06
  • msg #552

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Even though he’s not the least bit intimidated by a missile, Jack does his best to avoid the oncoming hit by rolling and accelerating past it at the last moment and continues onward. Hoping to explore something here. He still has other things to do today, but he’d like to know that he has at least fully searched this before he moves on to anything else.
GM, 2635 posts
Sun 7 May 2023
at 03:01
  • msg #553

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 552):

This system seems to be much more extensive than you had first thought.  Almost too extensive...

It takes a while, but you figure it out.  The system isn't built out.  It's moving on it's own.

It's like the tunnels are alive and moving to different destinations, collapsing things behind them as they pass through an area.

These tunnels are more like worms that are programmed to move to various sites rather than pre-built passages that lead to those sites.
Jack Sharpe
player, 795 posts
Sun 7 May 2023
at 16:14
  • msg #554

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack searches for another ten minutes, looking for some sort of control center and throws a few quick glances at the known nodes to look for control boxes that might let the user control the destinations.
GM, 2639 posts
Tue 9 May 2023
at 03:16
  • msg #555

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 554):

The tunnels twist and divert you.  You can "hear" signals being broadcast to it, but they are on multiple frequencies.  You can't pin any single one back to a reliable source.

These tunnels are frustrating.  They don't seem to be leading you anywhere.

Almost like they're just here to confuse you.  Or keep your attention.
Jack Sharpe
player, 796 posts
Wed 10 May 2023
at 22:40
  • msg #556

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Surging back to the surface after he has finished his examination, Jack flies out through the ground and spins a few times randomly over a park to get rid of the majority of the dirt that’d gathered into the handful of spots it might gather in his custom-made suit. A spray of rocks and small bits of dust and dirt flying in every which direction before he takes off again, zipping across the sky.

With that feeling that perhaps this was a distraction there, he has decided to check up on everyone.

Lydia, Marlene, Colby, Darja, etc. Just a quick fly around to make sure that nobody is in dire peril or in the process of being kidnapped.
GM, 2642 posts
Thu 11 May 2023
at 22:40
  • msg #557

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

You panic for a bit when you can't find Lydia.  But it turns out she's at one of the public libraries.  It was difficult to "see" her from all the shelving, which oddly, is you proof.  Just the shelves.  Nothing else in the building.

But she seems find.

Colby and Darj...are off grid.  You can't find them at all.

Marlene and Saul are a-okay.  Marlene is at work.  Saul is ministering to some street people.

Kevin is fighting a couple of goony looking guys on top of a blimp that's over the city to the west.
Jack Sharpe
player, 797 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 02:53
  • msg #558

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack decides to keep an eye on Lydia. The shelf thing is weird, but perhaps not a reason to alarm her, given recent events, he'd rather not have her being paranoid about random objects she can't really control.

He does decide to send a text to Darja: Where you at? What's up with C?

While he's texting, he flies over toward the blimp and hovers there. "You need a hand?" he asks.
GM, 2644 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 02:15
  • msg #559

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 558):

Kevin gives you a quick glance and then shakes his head.  "Nah but thanks.  This is almost over."

"You think so?" says Thug 1.  But then he goes down.

Kevin whacks the other thug and says over his shoulder.  "If you do wanna do something, there's a bomb somewhere on this blimp.  Can you zip around and find it real fast?  It'd save me a lotta headache."

Inside the flight deck, Kevin has tied up two other goons and a man dressed like a pinata.  Really.  Crepe paper streamers and everything.  A pinata.

You throw the bomb into the ether and blow it up with your heat vision.  By that time, Kevin has the whole crew rounded up and tied up.  He sighs.  "Some guys get galatic overlords as villains.  I get The Pinata.  Thanks for the help.  You just slumming it?  Or were you looking for me?"

Darja has not responded.
Jack Sharpe
player, 798 posts
Sun 14 May 2023
at 00:52
  • msg #560

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack sends a text to Colby, before he signals any sort of search parties: Hey man, what you up to?

Hearing Kevin, he nods his head and flies off to find the bomb, disposing of it as per the usual tactics of getting it away from the area with maximum speed. Opting to detonate it rather than fling it off into space, this time.

“What the hell?”
he asks, looking at Pinata man and then looks back at Kevin and answers, “I just found a series of freaky tunnels I think one of my parents must have built. One of them popped up across the street from my house, but weirder thing is, they can move around,” he explains idly as he helps to secure the prisoners.  Going on to explain some of the particularities of the tunnel system, just to share with Kevin and think out loud.

Glancing at his phone, he thinks about things.

“I feel like I’m one of those side-show acts where they used to keep all the plates spinning.”

GM, 2647 posts
Mon 15 May 2023
at 01:04
  • msg #561

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 560):

Kevin shrugs.  "I just saved the city from a stupid blow-up-the-blimp plot, stopped wait...two muggings, took a World Civ 2 final, and met with two info brokers.  And it's what?  2:34 PM?

"It's the Life man.  It's the Life."

He gestures towards the ground.  "Don't suppose you would mind pushing this blimp down into a nice, big, empty field, wouldja?

"Anyway.  I wanted to talk to you.  Your Dad.  This may sound kinda weird, sure he really exists?  Also, your Mom.  Did she ever talk about something called Project M-word I'm not supposed to say out loud with you?"

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:12, Wed 17 May 2023.
Jack Sharpe
player, 799 posts
Tue 16 May 2023
at 05:01
  • msg #562

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

I swear Jack wrote a note telling Kevin never to say ‘manitou’ outloud around him or even in general, given the forceful responses he’d gotten in the past to it. It was something to do with the red world, right? I'll respond once I have clarification on that, and I think it might be time for me to re-read everything, I've started to lose track of some of our storylines. So many plates spinning! (Not that I mind. It's why I'd asked for those Who's Who threads to begin with, forever ago.)

Jack just nods a little at those words. This does seem to be the life. “I understand that, but at least your problems are checked off. I feel like my problems just keep piling up, and every time I take a breath another one pops up. I think the only thing I’ve resolved since I moved here is the BEs.”

Getting the request to push the blimp down, he suggests that Kevin secures himself and his prisoners in case things go awry with this unusual method of landing a blimp.

Then he starts to push it toward a field that should be large enough to accommodate.
GM, 2653 posts
Wed 17 May 2023
at 03:17
  • msg #563

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 562):

Nope. YOu're right.  That was me screwing up.  I updated my post.

Kevin laughs.  "You've probably accomplished more than you think you have.

"Just think about someone's life you saved.  Even if it's only one person.  At least that's what I tell myself.

"Anyway.  The reason I ask is...I'm not turning up anything about either of your folks.  I mean zilch.  So much so it's suspicious.  The only thing I did find was a reference to a woman with your Mom's name.  She was attached to that M-word project.  What that M-word project is, I dunno.  The fact Roger's looking for it worries me.  And now the fact you may be tied to it, even obliquely, worries me.

"I'm going to double down and try to find out more about the M-word...jeez.   Can we just call it something else?  I feel like I'm trying to avoid saying a racial slur...but if you know anything at all, it might help."

Jack Sharpe
player, 800 posts
Thu 18 May 2023
at 03:19
  • msg #564

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“Matyroshka,” Jack supplies an alternative when requested. Nesting doll. He even says it with a proper Russian accent, as of course, he speaks fluent Russian and impersonating an accent once one has a good handle on a language becomes easier. “And if you’re doing it electronically, my surprise amounts to zero? If you’re doing it in person? I suppose that makes some sense, if you really want to snoop I could point you at the cabin me and my mom lived in,” he suggests idly.

Jack had glanced at it a few times when he’d looked for his mom and could verify that she wasn’t there.

Not that he thinks she’d hurt the Monkey, but he’d prefer not to send a friend into a trap.

“Just be wary of her having set some sort of traps for anyone who might snoop. Never know. Actually, if you want, I can just take you there,”
he says with a shrug.
GM, 2654 posts
Fri 19 May 2023
at 03:21
  • msg #565

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 564):

"Okay.  I'm just going to call it "Fresca".  Because saying "Matyroshka" sounds really hard to type."

He frowns in thought, and then nods.  "Actually...yeah.  Let's go see this cabin."

It doesn't take you long to return to the hold homestead.  It's still where you left it.

Kevin eyes the cabin from behind the stand of trees you set down in.  He points to the family that's barbecuing in the back yard.

"So...did you guys sell the cabin?"

It is the definitely the same building.  But there's a family doing a suburban family vacationing vibe going on.  Someone's painted the cabin white.

There's even a pink flamingo in the yard.

I'll let you tell me if you sold the cabin or not
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:21, Fri 19 May 2023.
Jack Sharpe
player, 801 posts
Wed 24 May 2023
at 18:36
  • msg #566

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!


He withholds his thoughts on that word choice.

“No, and aunt Marlene would have had me picking stuff up if she had done it for mom,”
Jack answers Kevin as he stares around, looking for anything that might have been left behind.

He has some thoughts, given the weather and the fact that snow has to be appearing any day now--grilling in Minnesota is an all-seasons thing, but something about this seems sort of like someone is trying too hard.

Maybe the dad there is trying to make up for a mistake, so he went overboard on the new vacation spot, or maybe Jack is just reading too much into it.

"I can check to make sure it isn't a projection."

GM, 2664 posts
Wed 24 May 2023
at 20:43
  • msg #567

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 566):

It isn't a projection.  It is real.  You can hear their conversation.  It feels natural.

If they are actors or AIs, they're damn good ones.

As you scan, you "see" nothing that harkens back to the old homestead.  You search your memories...

Will leave it to you if Jack ever carved his initials into something, etc.  Some memory like that.

Let me know and I'll tell you if it's there.

Jack Sharpe
player, 802 posts
Thu 25 May 2023
at 23:09
  • msg #568

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack scans the house for some time, looking at things and then considering things, he looks for some of those little things that living in a house for years--with an eidetic memory--would avail him. Like a small chip in the underside of a railing, a spot where he'd burned a bit of the drywall when his heat-vision had first started to develop and a dozen other small spots besides.

Little things that an attentive homeowner might find individually, but is unlikely to find all of within the short time that Jack has been away from the place.

Not unless they're Sherlock Holmes with OCD.
GM, 2667 posts
Fri 26 May 2023
at 03:38
  • msg #569

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 568):

You do see some of the marks.  Like the heat vision scar.  But wasn't it on the other wall?

And the chip in the railing is there.  But it used to be shaped like a squid.  Now it's more like a crab.

The details are there.  But they aren't matching exactly.
Jack Sharpe
player, 803 posts
Fri 26 May 2023
at 18:31
  • msg #570

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack relays his findings to the Monkey. "It's like someone went and swapped the house for something close, alternate universe style," he explains.
GM, 2670 posts
Sat 27 May 2023
at 03:21
  • msg #571

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 570):

Monkey frowns and considers.  "Alright.  Let's think about that.

"It could be that you've wandered into an alternate universe.  It happens.  It's just so similar to your original one that you only now noticed it.

"Someone wants to screw with you.  They changed things up because maybe they thought it would be a good way to get into your head.

"You're not remembering things correctly.  Something's messed with your memories.

"You have the wrong house.  Don't look at me like that.  I'm just listing all possible explanations.

  He shakes his head.  "I'm not coming up with any alternate theories.  You got any?

"Let's go through them.

"I doubt you have the wrong house.  You're pretty anal about stuff.

"You have had some run ins with high powered folks lately, right?  So it could be that your memories got mixed up.  Just sayin'.

"If someone was screwing with you...what does this get them?  What does poking you in this particular manner get them?

"And the alternate universe thing..."
  Another shrug.  "I've never gone through one myself.  But I would think if this was an alternate universe, you'd have noticed some other discrepancies before this.  Alternate shouldn't mean exact.  And you shouldn't have to travel all the way out here to find them.  Make sense?"

He looks at you.  "So?  What do you think?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 804 posts
Sun 28 May 2023
at 23:24
  • msg #572

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack takes the time to try and figure out how long these people have been here. Looking for signs that might make him think the paint is recent as opposed to something that has been there for years. Signs of chipping or wear and tear where there wouldn’t be if the changes were recent.

“The only thing that makes sense for the ‘screwing with Jack’ approach is that it distracts me. There has been a lot of that recently, I think,” he mentions. “But this isn’t urgent, I care about the place, and it’s weird, but it’s not like it keeps me here for hours. Worst case scenario, you and I are out of here in ten minutes tops. Can you check to see if my mom had a different address listed with her intake forms with the cops?” he suggests.

While Kevin probably does things on his phone, Jack thinks about the other proposed ideas.

“As to being an alternate universe. Aside from when I went into the BE mom-pocalypse universe partially, I got no reason to think I went elsewhere. No blackouts, no missing time. They’d have had to do it seamlessly. Maybe in the vacuum tubes I mentioned earlier? Maybe it was taking me to alternate universes? I didn’t see anything when I was doing it that was like.. the Third Reich won, or anything, so the universes are all similar, if so,” he mentions. “And apparently you and I are still buds and still use the same phone numbers in this universe, if so,” he glances around, “And I haven’t caught any whiff of alternate me, yet. You could try calling other-me, if that were the case?”

The memories thing..

“I mean, possible, but unlikely. I have an eidetic memory and unless their power was somehow actively re-writing everything as I go back to look, the amount of time I spent in that house is in the category of years,”
he says.
GM, 2674 posts
Mon 29 May 2023
at 02:12
  • msg #573

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 572):

Kevin frowns.  "This property was sold three months ago.  The seller was JSMF Holdings.  I can't find anything on JSMF Holdings.  The company is registered out of Nevada, and you don't have to file much to start a company in Nevada.  Lots of people start companies there to hide the ownership.

"All I've got on it is the name of a lawyer...who apparently does not exist.  No one in the Nevada bar named-"

He stops, then shakes his head.  "Let's head back.  There's something I need to check out. me on it.  Okay?  For now, keep plugging away at that Sandman thing."
Jack Sharpe
player, 805 posts
Wed 31 May 2023
at 06:04
  • msg #574

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!


Jack lets that one roll around for a split second and then speculates, "It's an alternate version of me, isn't it? JS is me?"

He leaves it alone though, even if Kevin answers.

“I’m waiting to hear back on the books, I’ve got someone looking at the codes,” Jack answers about the Sandman thing, he doesn’t think he has anything else he can follow up on, short of going and actually questioning the current suspect. His instinct makes him think that he should wait to have some sort of evidence.

Though he could go and watch the guy for a bit.

He sends off a quick text to Anne: Any chance you had a look at those weird books?
GM, 2676 posts
Thu 1 Jun 2023
at 01:41
  • msg #575

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 574):

Kevin doesn't answer.  But from his look, you'd guess you're at least in the ball park.

Anne calls.  Turns out she has a lot to say.

"Where the hell did you come up with this?  I haven't had this much fun in a while.

"It's not just one code.  Or really any code.  It's more or less an attempts to define mathematically the relationship between an individual's immediate life span and a super massive black hole.

"I think someone was trying to figure out a way to harness a singularity in order to extend a life span.

"But there was more than one of them trying to figure it out.  At least three of them.

"It's fascinating stuff in a weird-sci-fi way.  None of it is plausible.  The biggest problem with each theory is finding a way to harness the singularity's power.  A force like that isn't something you can just plug an extension cord into.

"All of the theories seem to fall apart on this point.  Well.  On a lot of it. But this is the thing none of them could solve.

"One of 'em even gets all hippie about it and talks about using "life force".  Like that's something that can be mathmatically quantified.

"Anyway.  This was fun.  Bring me more stuff like this in the future.  'kay?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 806 posts
Sun 4 Jun 2023
at 07:04
  • msg #576

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack replies to Anne: “Would a serial killer be able to use the energy of their victims, young victims, to get that energy?”

After he has that information, he considers.

If they could have, then he’s looking for the third member of that group, the one that Kevin thought was dead. They could have faked their death however. He’d have to check their grave and examine their life to find where they might have hidden in the time since.

He might just have to go and visit those old men, too.
GM, 2682 posts
Mon 5 Jun 2023
at 01:02
  • msg #577

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 576):

She's quiet a bit, and then shrugs.  "I mean...yeah.  Maybe?  When you get into mysticism, the math gets real funky."

The grave is empty.  The coffin is just full of rocks.

Who do you want to visit first?
Jack Sharpe
player, 807 posts
Mon 5 Jun 2023
at 05:28
  • msg #578

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

I had to go back and find the post where you talked about them..

.. that coffin should be Pale Image's and we know he isn't the killer, since they went after his kids, right? Does that mean PI is trying to find the two that Kevin found?

GM, 2687 posts
Thu 8 Jun 2023
at 00:49
  • msg #579

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 578):

I thought there were four guys in the project, which would leave one unaccounted for.

My initial impulse is to say "You'd have to ask Pale Image that".  But this storyline has gotten way more complicated than I thought it would.  So let's throw you a bone.

There's two possibilities here.

One:  PI doesn't know exactly which of these two guys killed his kids.  And he's not taking action on them until he knows for sure.

Two:  Pale Im. knows these two guys didn't kill his kid.  So he's after someone else.

My advice is this:  find Pale Image.  You find him or his wife, you'll probably find out what's going on.

Jack Sharpe
player, 808 posts
Mon 12 Jun 2023
at 22:37
  • msg #580

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

From the clues he has gathered, Jack has put enough together to feel like he knows what he is looking for. But now that he knows, he takes off toward the Mall. Perhaps Pale Image has kept that mirror active.
GM, 2692 posts
Thu 15 Jun 2023
at 04:21
  • msg #581

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 580):

Ooohhh.  Good one.  I'd actually forgotten about that.

You arrive at the mall.  The store is still open.  As you study the mirror, it seems to still have the same kind of signals coming from it.

Looks like it's live.

Zipping in, you study it a moment.  You aren't sure how it works exactly.  There seem to be two studs on the back.  An upper and lower stud.  Pressing them seems to operate it.  It's just not obvious how pressing each stud operates it.
Jack Sharpe
player, 809 posts
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 08:11
  • msg #582

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Fifty-fifty shot. Jack presses the upper stud and then gently pushes his hand against the surface of the mirror. He could try and figure out more, maybe even hover in he air over this place for a few days when he isn’t going to be going to school until he spots someone coming and going from the thing and put it together.

But when the odds are fifty-fifty that it forms the connection, or perhaps, one in three if pushing both at the same time is a thing.. in any case, he has other matters to attend to.

“Ground control to major Image,” he croons at the mirror, doing his best impression of Bowie. “You’ve really made the grade, the papers want to know whose shirts you wear..

I’m stepping through the door..

Ground control to Major Image,
Your circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong..”

He's really selecting only the lyrics that make sense contextually at least, the rest is just sort of hummed along.

Maybe he can go float above the earth afterward and talk about how blue it is.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:12, Sun 18 June 2023.
GM, 2699 posts
Tue 20 Jun 2023
at 00:03
  • msg #583

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 582):

You step through the mirror.

You step out into a living room.  Typical suburban looking set up.  Little statuettes of frogs cover numerous knick-knack shelves.  An electric fan is blowing on an empty recliner.

A recognize her as Mrs. Pale standing by the chair, holding a glass of strawberry lemonade, and blinking at you.
Jack Sharpe
player, 810 posts
Fri 23 Jun 2023
at 03:01
  • msg #584

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!


“Do me a favor and send a message to your husband? I’d like to discuss the human shaped thing that killed your children, I’d like to help,” Jack says companionably to the woman and walks over to take a seat in the empty recliner. Patting his pockets and making sure that he is always aware of where they are. Pale Image strikes him as the sort of person who might be able to do something with his phones, so he has to keep them tucked out of sight.

Of course, he’s wearing his vigilante suit at the moment, as he has been for almost a day now. Which means, since both HT and others have seen it, that it’s now his Cape suit. He’ll need to get another one made for his cowl work.
GM, 2702 posts
Fri 23 Jun 2023
at 04:06
  • msg #585

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 584):

She opens her mouth, shuts it, opens it again.  When you mention her child, the glass in her hand shakes, spilling strawberry lemonade all over her sleeve.

She then drops the glass and runs out of the room, heading for a cell phone on it's charger.

Long story short, Pale Image is soon standing in front of you, obviously a bit angry.

"You don't tough my family you bastard," he says.
Jack Sharpe
player, 811 posts
Fri 23 Jun 2023
at 18:42
  • msg #586

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"She lied to me the last time we met, and I thought I was rather gracious then as I am now by sweeping it under the rug rather and moving on. I also dealt with that assassin," Jack replies with a light shrug. He's not really intimidated by anyone, and it shows. "Anyhow, I recently looked into two of your partners on that project. One of them had rather extensive records on past victims and a collection of notebooks pertaining to the project, the other seems insensate. Can you tell me about the third? I'm assuming that's who I'm looking for, the mystery person," he says.
GM, 2706 posts
Sat 24 Jun 2023
at 04:57
  • msg #587

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 586):

Image frowns.  "Why are you concerned...oh.  The kids.  Funny.  One of you hypocrites finally cares about the kids, huh?  Fine.

"Here's the short version.  We got conned by a spy.  It was our fucking secretary.  The lady we hired to do our clerical and make us coffee.  Turns out she was some kinda spy.  She had all these weird theories that were...are...just outside anything any of us could have come up with.  She slowly fed her theories into our research.  Slipping in a note here.  Making us think it was one of the others who added it.

"She worked us.  Enticed us.  We started running risky experiments.  It was textbook from then on.  One of those experiments finally blew up in our faces.  I became this.  And Victor...

"Victor was one of us.  He got thrown into some kind of pocket dimension.  He's still there.  He thinks that if he can capture enough souls, he can come back home.  Where he got that idea I don't know.  But I can hear him sometimes.  He tried reaching out to the three of us first.  Me especially since I'm now a meta.  We all resisted him.

"But he could reach out to others.  It takes him more effort.  So he's got to rest between tries.  But he'll slip into someone's mind and...well.  I guess you know.  Kids are easier for him to target."

Paley gives you a bitter smile.  "But why am I telling you this?  You already know right?  Did that asshole send you to shut me up?"

If you're confused, you should be.  He's assuming you know something you don't.  I'll let you figure out what next steps to take.
Jack Sharpe
player, 812 posts
Sat 24 Jun 2023
at 16:48
  • msg #588

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

The woman and Victor.

“Do you have pictures of either of them?”
Jack requests, since that might help him put some puzzle pieces together. He never saw the Sandman’s face, but there’s a chance he might be able to determine who he is looking for. He ignores the bitter rambling and paranoia, he has already said why he is here, and he’s trying to puzzle things out.

Based on Pale Image's description, he's almost certain he understands the who-dun-it portion, now he just needs to find a way to murder the guy.
GM, 2710 posts
Thu 29 Jun 2023
at 01:22
  • msg #589

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 588):

Pale stares at you for a bit.  Then he waves a hand.  Images form in the air.

The first is a man.  He's nothing special to look at.  Kind of a weak chin and eyebrows are a bit thick.  Judging by the height and shoulder width, he could definitely be your guy.

The secretary is Mom.  Younger version.  But yeah. That's her.  No doubt.  The secretary on the project was your mother or someone/something that looked like her.
Jack Sharpe
player, 813 posts
Sun 2 Jul 2023
at 00:12
  • msg #590

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Of course it’s mom, though how Pale Image hadn’t found her when she’d gone into the system he has no idea- he’s a tech genius as far as Jack can tell and she’d gone into a permanent file several months ago. He had to imagined he’d been looking for her almost as much as ‘Victor.’ “So, Victor is the one who did it? What about,” he gestures at the woman, “Is she responsible for any of the killing or is that just a result of his accident and his derangement?”
GM, 2714 posts
Mon 3 Jul 2023
at 03:39
  • msg #591

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 590):

Paley frowns, but after a while shrugs.  "Depends on how you want to define responsibility.  Did she actually line the kids up and bury them?  No.  At least not that I've found.  Did she cause the situation that stuck Vic where he is...yeah.  She absolutely did.  The rest of us have some blame to bear in that as well.  But she manipulated us into that experiment.

"Not sure I wouldn't like to see her under the wheels of a car.  But Vic's the problem.  I need to find the person he's hooked into.  And I need to find a way to cut him off from this reality completely."

He cocks his head.  "Alright. I've answered you.  Now you answer me.  What's any of this to you?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 814 posts
Fri 7 Jul 2023
at 00:48
  • msg #592

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

“I was walking along a lane in Minneapolis..” Jack begins his tale, and then lists the lane in question with the murder house, “When I saw a child who clearly wasn’t alive, I was intrigued of course because I’d never seen a ghost before that. So, I asked what they wanted and they showed me a vision of their death at the hands of who I now assume to be Victor. He was wearing a mask and drowned them in a sandbox. I then scanned the yard afterward and found two bodies which have since been reported to the police, who opened a file on the subject,” he explains.

A pause as he gives the Pale Image a chance to respond.

“I contacted another friend who is an investigator who helped me locate your other research partners, which led me to learn about the algorithm you’d all come up with for life and death? That whole thing? I’m missing some connecting knowledge to really make sense of it, and spending weeks learning all of that is just not how I want to spend my time for something I’ll never need to understand,” he explains. “Anyway, I was sort of at a loss on your fourth member so I came to ask about him, and you spilled the beans. Which brings us to now. I didn’t know he was the one, but that is rather clarifying. Though I’m not sure how I can help, now,” he admits.
GM, 2720 posts
Sun 9 Jul 2023
at 01:07
  • msg #593

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 592):

Paley studies you for a time.  He then, very slowly and deliberately says, "What you can do, huh?  Are you really interested in getting justice for those kids?  If so...

"I can get you into the pocket dimension Vic is in.  I can't go in myself. The laws affecting light are different there.  I tried to go through once and it about tore me apart.  But you could be able to handle it.

"If you go in, find him.  Stop him.  I'll hold the portal open.  Honestly, I've sent people in before.  But they all get offed.  Vic is tough.  And he has home court advantage.

"So what's it gonna be?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 815 posts
Sun 9 Jul 2023
at 07:53
  • msg #594

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"What assurance do I have that you'll bring me back?" Jack asks. "And can you be more specific on his advantage? If it's dark in there, I can see through it, I see every wave length I've heard of and can operate by sound if necessary, but if he has no body to speak of, then it's just going to be me waving at a shadow," he mentions.
GM, 2724 posts
Mon 10 Jul 2023
at 02:50
  • msg #595

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 594):

"I'm not gonna know if the monster who killed my kid is dead unless I bring you back.  How's that for assurance?"

He sighs.  "All I can tell you is Victor has some control of the reality in that pocket dimension.  He can control light for example.  Which is why I can't accomplish shit in there.  I don't think he can control everything.  But..."

Paley shrugs.  "That's the most I can tell you."
Jack Sharpe
player, 816 posts
Wed 12 Jul 2023
at 01:42
  • msg #596

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

The young Mr. Sharpe considers the words of Pale Image at some length, looking between him and his wife as if he might divine the truth of his words. His gut instinct tells him he can trust this guy on this move. He'd come here with and looking for information, and was genuinely looking to catch the guy. He hadn't made any moves to grab Pale, or his wife, for crimes of the past.

"If I'm successful, you turn a new leaf, try to keep your nose clean,"
he tells the guy, finally.
GM, 2726 posts
Thu 13 Jul 2023
at 02:07
  • msg #597

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 596):

"The only reason I'm in the life is to get justice for my boy.  You get that for me, consider me retired."

He motions for you to follow him and heads into the complex.

He stops before a door and opens it.  Inside is a lab.  A platform with various devices and wires attached to it is at one end.

"Stand there.  I have to power the gate.  But my wife will man a communication device.  Here."</goldenrd>

He hands you said device: a small ear jack.

<goldenrod>"That will only work as long as Vic doesn't notice it.  So don't make it too obvious for as long as you can.  Once he cuts that off, we won't be able to hear you until Vic's out of the picture.

"I'll hold the door as long as I can.  But if it does shut don't panic.  Just use the device to signal us as soon as you are able to.


Jack Sharpe
player, 817 posts
Thu 13 Jul 2023
at 05:23
  • msg #598

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack takes a moment to study the device before he puts it in his ear. "Yeah," he replies. "How fast will he notice your portal is open? Any chance I can blitz him before he has a chance to up his defenses or are they always in place?" he wonders. He doubts that Pale has any answers, given that he'd never had anyone come back alive, but it's going to be his methodology here to begin with.

With that in mind, he monitors the situation and starts zipping back and forth across the room, preparing to launch through the portal the moment it opens.
GM, 2731 posts
Fri 14 Jul 2023
at 02:24
  • msg #599

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 598):

Pale walks over to the wall of devices and begins to flip switches.  His wife takes a seat at a chair near a scanner.

"I don't think he knows someone's there until they're there.  But I can't say that's the case with one hundred percent certainty.  I can only go off what we hear from through the earpieces before the person we sent gets beaten to death.

"But it sounds like the landscape there changes.  I don't think Victor is sane anymore.  Go fig."

He walks over to a rod sunk into a small pedestal.  He motions for you to take your place on the platform.

Jack Sharpe
player, 818 posts
Sat 15 Jul 2023
at 01:15
  • msg #600

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Warmed up, speed wise, Jack moves onto the pedestal as he watches Pale Image get ready. His focus intense as he intends to hit the guy without even giving him time to form a coherent thought. He's angry enough not to hold back, at all. All it takes is one glance at the perfect clarity of his eidetic memory to remember how much rage he feels toward 'Victor.' He also has some choice words to level at his mom, but he doesn't blame her as fully as Pale seems to. Her experiments might have been part of the process of creating Jack himself.

That said, he's still a teenager, so he jokes from Rick and Morty: "Oh boy, here I go killin' again."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:16, Sat 15 July 2023.
GM, 2732 posts
Sat 15 Jul 2023
at 02:41
  • msg #601

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 600):

"And that's what I like to hear...Powering up in 3...2...1-"

There's a wrenching sensation.  You actually feel it.  It's like being hit by a plane you didn't see coming while in mid air.  Annoying but not devestating.

The scenery twirls and tears and reforms.  Into a park.

Your standing on the shore of a lake.  It's a pleasant spring afternoon.  Dotted along the lake shore are families and couples enjoying the sun.  Some lay on blankets, enjoying picnics.  Some are swimming in the lake.  A couple of older looking guys are fishing.

They all seem dressed in the wrong era.  No one has skinny jeans on for example.  Several of them are wearing Converse high tops.  A couple of the guys have mullets.

No one has any faces though.  Not a single one of them.  They're just milling about, going through a pantomime of Saturday afternoon off park like activities.

Under your feet you can see a slightly glowing circle of gold.  The portal gate.  Paley seems to be keeping it open.

The only sound you can hear is music.  It sounds like some old rock song being played too loud on a car stereo.  A crescendo of drum toms and a monotone singer.

I don't care if you hurt me some more
I don't care
If you even the score

Your earpiece buzzes.

"This is Mrs. Image.  Are you in?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 819 posts
Sun 16 Jul 2023
at 02:03
  • msg #602

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Dipping into the prodigious depths of his memories, Jack pulls up the reference he wants to make: “I’m in,” he replies, because he’s always thought it was a funny thing said in movies, “In case I fail, get word to the Monkey, he’ll know who to tell. Anyway, it’s clearly a dream-state. Reminds of Seurat’s, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte. Faceless people. It’s playing music. From the Cars, I think,” he actually doesn’t remember the name of the band for certain because it was just one random memory but without proper tagging because he can only identify the music based on composition and vocal qualities which are hardly one hundred percent accurate.

“Anyway, the period would be the 80s, I assume. Mullets, Converse high-tops,”
he explains over the radio as he walks forward, checking for identifiable differences across different wavelengths. The guy probably isn’t also changing their expression in things like X-rays and infrared if he can’t perceive in those wavelengths, so he looks for ways to spot his target as he moves.

He also listens for anything out of place, besides the music. Though he does move closer to the sound of the music, his voice going more quiet.

“I’ll try to pass along any additional information I can,”
he shares.
GM, 2735 posts
Mon 17 Jul 2023
at 03:24
  • msg #603

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 602):

Other than the music, there's no other sound.  The faceless people don't rustle the grass.  The breeze doesn't cause branches to creak.  Birds open their beaks but don't chirp.

You come through the woodline and into a parking lot.

There's a single car there.  A BMW.  An M5 you think.

Both doors are open and the keys are in the ignition.  The radio is blaring out that song.

<i>You can mock me
and I don't care
And you can rock me
just about anywhere

It's all riiiiiiigh-riiiiiight<i>

There's a guy in the car, face slumped onto the steering wheel so you can't tell if he's another faceless person or not.

There don't seem to be any roads leading into this parking lot.  In fact, as you scan out past the park itself, everything is just blank space
Jack Sharpe
player, 820 posts
Mon 17 Jul 2023
at 06:09
  • msg #604

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack doesn't know what will alert Victor, so he keeps looking. He does keep an eye on the guy in the car because the year of the car seems off slightly, perhaps because there is something actually happening with it and it isn't just another case of randomness without faces. Though according to a random memory of a newspaper from 2006, he knows that the M5 has a 1989 edition, which means the car is likely not anachronistic.

The source of the music however, does make him keep watch. His eyes moving over the area as he moves at a walking pace. Perhaps if the guy knows he is here, he can surprise him with his speed if he doesn't show too much, too soon.

"Found a guy crashed out in an M5, might have no face,"
he reports quietly.
GM, 2741 posts
Thu 20 Jul 2023
at 03:04
  • msg #605

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 604):

Ms. Image pops back, "Careful about cars.  Vic was a car nut.  Anything car related he was into."

As you look around, the car suddenly shudders.  The door opens and the guy behind the steering wheel slumps out.  He crawls across the lot a bit, face still looking down, and then lays face down on the asphalt.

You're all I've got tonight
You're all I've got tonight
You're all I've got tonight

I need you


The guy laying on the parking lot isn't moving.
Jack Sharpe
player, 822 posts
Fri 28 Jul 2023
at 23:17
  • msg #606

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

With a continuous assessment, Jack takes a moment and then cuts the car in half with a glance. Severing it directly from the front bumper to the back with a sweep of his eyes. He can't be certain what is happening here, but it seems that he isn't just going to walk into an answer, and the world is reacting to him now, so he had might as well start acting.
GM, 2750 posts
Sat 29 Jul 2023
at 03:35
  • msg #607

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 606):

You sizzle the car...

And it leaps backwards, sort of morphing into a man's shape for a moment.  Not like in the Optimus Prime way.  But more like in a odd "did that just happen?" way.

The park around you gets blurry...

And you're suddenly standing on a race track.  A cavalcade of racing cars...all of them from the 80s...are barreling down the track towards you...
Jack Sharpe
player, 823 posts
Sat 29 Jul 2023
at 04:56
  • msg #608

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

As the man begins to get blurry, Jack moves toward him and attempts to bisect him with another attack, but alas, he's doing that Freddy Kreuger thing. Looking toward the cars coming at him, he kicks up off the race track and flies up into the air and simply continues to cut the cars in half. In fact, he pretty much starts heat-visioning everything moving.

A car?

Heat vision.

A waving bit of grass.

Heat vision.

"The car was him, he's controlling the environment now,"
he relates over the ear-piece, in case he can be heard.
GM, 2753 posts
Sun 30 Jul 2023
at 02:02
  • msg #609

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 608):

"He's done that before," Mrs. Image tells you.  "There's two things we know.

"First, that environment reacts to a strong will.  He's been there so long that it's easy for him to manipulate it.  But we had a couple of people who said they figured out how to make that space do what they wanted, at least on a small scale.  They both died. But it can apparently be done.  Don't ask me how.  I don't know.

"The second thing is it's almost useless to destroy everything there.  It just tires you out. Vic can jump from manifestation to manifestation in there.  That's how almost all of the people we sent through before died.  Vic just threw everything at them.  They tired themselves out and he could pick them off easy.

"But one lady got a hit on him.  She said she figured out how to tell when he jumps from one manifestation to another.  She said it was something about the way he breathed.  I don't know more than that.  Apparently he's only really vulnerable when he's moving from one manifestation to another one."

The racetrack shifts into the air so no matter where you go, you're standing on it.  Or hovering right above it.  You slice and dice car after car.  All of them are blaring out 80s music.

Here in my car
I feel safest of all

It's loud synths this time.

You try focusing on the sounds of breathing.  You guess the music is to try to hide the breathing.  Too bad.  You may not be as good at listening as Darja.  But you're not bad yourself.

You pick it out.  A man's breathing under all the roaring of the cars.  The man is breathing like he's undergoing stress.  The way an athlete would breath while training.

Then suddenly the breathing goes...very....slowly.....

And then he's panting again.

It starts to....slow....

You zero in on the car and blast it.  It flies up into the air and you think you can hear a scream.

The scene shifts.

You're standing in what looks like a hospital hallway. A long line of sickbeds are lined against the wall.  In each sick bed lays a man on a respirator.

Faceless nurses holding machetes and flame throwers come running down the hall at you.
Jack Sharpe
player, 824 posts
Sun 30 Jul 2023
at 15:41
  • msg #610

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In the words of a character from another multiverse entirely: “I can do this all day.”

He doesn’t pass along that information, not when he has spotted the tell. The guy may have additional tricks he thinks he can pull, instead, Jack continues to blast seemingly aimlessly and waits for a perfect moment to hit.

He debates which of his tricks to use to destroy these projections, but he wants to save showing off as many of his abilities for as long as possible. In case Victor can adapt to them. So he sticks to using his heat vision and flight, whisking himself along through the rooms and cutting holes through walls when he needs to go further to extend his reach.

All the while waiting for that perfect change and proximity so that he can blitz the guy with more than just a single pass of his heat vision.
GM, 2755 posts
Fri 4 Aug 2023
at 02:42
  • msg #611

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 610):

The nurses begin going at you with the machetes while others torch you with the flame throwers.

Victor's breathing takes a bit for you to hone in on, what will all the fake breathing-on-a-respirator going on.  But you manage to track him down.  Second bed from the end, northern end of the hallway.

You find that sweet spot.  Firing off over the head of one of the nurses, you get him once and then follow it up with a few more blasts.

Vic actually grunts and the scenery changes again.  Next comes a bowling alley where pot bellied men try to spray your face with cans of shoe disenfectant.  After that you're on the floor of the room where giants try to river dance on top of you.

You score hit after hit.  Then you're just in a big open field.  A middle aged man is at the other end of it.  He seems to be breathing heavily and looks haggard.

He glares at you.  "What are you?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 825 posts
Sat 5 Aug 2023
at 23:25
  • msg #612

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"In the words of a guy in a movie one time: I'm Vengeance," Jack replies as he continues to fire off an endless stream of obliterating heat and fury. There is an endless well there, driven by his anger at what he'd seen caused by this man. Even if he knew how to bring this guy in alive, which he's almost certain he can't, because the guy can't be removed from whatever this place is according to Pale'y, he isn't certain he would.
GM, 2757 posts
Sun 6 Aug 2023
at 03:57
  • msg #613

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 612):

Vic laughs.  He's moving much faster now.  Every time you fire away a car or a faceless nurse or a tuba or an exact replica of Rodin's The Walking Man pops up, taking the blast before it can reach Vic.

He holds up a small child.  "Here.  You can save this one I'm sure."

He tosses the child to the side, towards a giant industrial sized microwave that suddenly appears.
Jack Sharpe
player, 826 posts
Sun 6 Aug 2023
at 20:20
  • msg #614

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

The man clearly can't just be snatching anything or anyone, this is all just him. He continues to fire off attacks, only increasing his own pace as necessary to continue to inflict wounds and wear down the man--which might happen to include destroying the microwave, but isn't the focus here. If the guy can just grab people from reality as hostages like that, he needs to keep him on his toes, not start fighting to the other man's tempo.

"Oh, I got another one," he realizes. "I am Inevitability."
GM, 2759 posts
Tue 8 Aug 2023
at 03:38
  • msg #615

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 614):

"You smell just like Fresca.  That damn woman-"

He's cut off as you manage to land a nice searing cut.

Victor roars and throws an ocean at you.  The water does help cool down your beams slightly.

He flees into the wreck of a submarine laying on the bottom of the ocean floor.

You notice something odd.  Well, odder than having an ocean thrown at you.

It's like the edges are crumbling.  Just at the periphery of your vision things have gotten hazy.  And the air seems filled with cracks.
Jack Sharpe
player, 827 posts
Wed 9 Aug 2023
at 05:35
  • msg #616

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Doing his best not to grind his teeth at the mention of Fresca, Jack pursues, speeding up not just his senses but his flight speed as he starts to deploy all of his abilities. The cracking air and withering around the edges, to him, means a weakening of Viktor's mind and ability to hold up this dimension.

"He's weakening,"
he reports over the radio as he chases, firing off more of his anger-fueled blasts of energy from his eyes.
GM, 2765 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 03:41
  • msg #617

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 616):

-kay. Now's when he usually...most danger...

You're getting all kinds of static on the headset.

...usually...controls the laws...careful. Don't assume he can't...reindeer...

The lights go out.  Quite literally.  Everything goes dark.

You can't see anything.  You flip through all the spectrums.  Nothing.  Firing off heat blasts doesn't do anything either.  You can feel them shoot out of your eyes.  But you don't see them as they fly through the air.

Everything is dark.

The air is filled with the sounds of labored breathing.  Like ten thousand asthmatics are scrambling for their inhalers just beside your earlobes.

Something smashes against your back.  It doesn't do anything of course.  But you still feel the impact slightly.
Jack Sharpe
player, 828 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 17:38
  • msg #618

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Oh, he's reindeer gaming the hell out of this," he replies, not sure what Mrs. Image was going to say, but it amuses him to make jokes.

The only solution that Jack has to total blanket attacks in a void like this is to attack everything, everywhere, all at once. So he starts spinning in a tight pirouette, moving his eyes up and down and then rotating his whole body 90-degrees randomly so that he can cover the top, bottom and everything else. All the while, his eyes continue to blast out.

If he could be seen, there’d be an expanding cocoon of light around him as he becomes a miniature sun of heat and radiating blasts flying from him in all 360 degrees.
GM, 2768 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 04:08
  • msg #619

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 618):

You get pelted as you spin, not that that means anything to you.  But the attacks decrease and then stop.

So does the breathing.  In fact, soon you can only hear your own heartbeat.

When Victor finally says something, it sounds like it's coming from everywhere around you.

"I didn't ask for this you know.  It's not my fault."

There's a pause.

"Are you gonna kill me?  Will that make it all better?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 829 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 04:32
  • msg #620

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Whatever you might have been; fallen by your own hubris, a fool, or a victim, it stopped being relevant the moment you took children and tortured them to death for your own gains, Victor. If I had a certain way to contain and stop you from doing it again, I would take it, but to my knowledge, nobody does. Either you die today, or I let you live so that you might kill again, there is no third option," Jack explains. He really feels no remorse about the man. With his memory, he'll forever live with the memory of those children buried in the sand, as if he were there.


Even now, it fills him with a rage that he knows this won't quench.
GM, 2772 posts
Mon 14 Aug 2023
at 02:45
  • msg #621

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 620):

"Maybe.  But there's much worse in this life.  You don't know what it's like to be afraid of something you can't even understand.

"Fine then.  It's obvious I can't defeat like I did the others.

"Let's do this then."

The scene changes one last time.  This time it's a colleseum.

Across the way from you is a guy who looks like some kid's dad who's had a bad day at work.

He glares at you, with his five o'clock shadow and beer gut, and waves at you.

"Well? Come on then."

I am going to make you work a little bit for this one.

Give me three moves.  Heat vision.  A left hook.  Shot to the gut.  Whatever.  Give them to me in the order you take them.


Jack Sharpe
player, 830 posts
Tue 15 Aug 2023
at 04:25
  • msg #622

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Not for those kids, there wasn't," Jack replies and let's be honest, what more need be said to the evil bastard. His eyes flash white as the scenery changes. Constantly mindful for last ditch efforts.

As the fight begins he comes in fast with a feinted sweep of his heat vision at head level to get Victor to duck.

He follows that with a leg sweep. Keeping his opponent off balance.

Aiming to finish the thing with a spear hand through the heart.
GM, 2776 posts
Wed 16 Aug 2023
at 03:23
  • msg #623

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 622):

Victor ducks the heat ray as you planned.

You sweep the leg.

But as you pierce his chest with your Jack-Spear, you notice the issue right away.

His skin gives way too easily.  His bones give easily like making indentions in wet sand.

Victor begins to come apart and slide up your arm, going liquid metal.  He covers your arm and shoulder and slithers up your neck to your ear.

"This is my world.  Everything in it.  Including myself.  You exist here too.  Now."

He's trying to slither into your ear canal.
Jack Sharpe
player, 831 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 06:10
  • msg #624

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack ignores the dead man walking and starts to blast at his own arm and all the surfaces of the Victor-goo with his heat vision. If it'd killed Victor before, it'd kill him now, and now he's gotten so close he can't possibly dodge.

As to the approach on his ear, he lifts his hands and cups them over his ears. He doesn't actually think getting in his ears would do anything because it's not like his membranous tissue is somehow weaker than the rest of the tissue on his body, but it doesn't hurt to make the guy think it's a vulnerable target.

If there is no attempt on one ear or the other, he uses that hand to pull off and cook all the Victor goo, rapidly. Right out of his hand.
GM, 2790 posts
Tue 29 Aug 2023
at 03:16
  • msg #625

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 624):

The goo tries slithering into the spaces between your fingers, and does a reasonable enough job of it.  But...alas Poor Victor...he doesn't know you have eardrums of steel.

You feel the pressure as Goo Victor tries to pierce your eardrum.  But it does him no good.  You manage to dig the bits of him out and cook off the bulk of him.

Soon, the goo falls off, collecting and turning into a sad looking old man.  He glares up at you.

"It's not my fault.  I shouldn't have to go away over something that's not my fault."

I'll let you decide how to coup-de-grace him.  And then we will wrap this one up.

Unless there is something else you want to do here?

Jack Sharpe
player, 832 posts
Tue 29 Aug 2023
at 23:56
  • msg #626

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack had already explained to the man his reasoning. He’d already explained that if there were any other method to contain the guy, reliably, and to be certain he would never hurt anyone else, he would chose that. He might not want to, but it’s better than sinking to the guy’s level. But he doesn’t have any of those options and to his knowledge, there’s nobody in his circle of acquaintances who could.

Maybe that guy with the localized reality warping powers? Short term at least, but long term? No.

“Tell the devil I said hello,” he replies and then reduces the man to ash. Lifting his hand to his ear as he continues to hunt down even hints of floating ash in the air and burn them further until he can find nothing that remains.
GM, 2793 posts
Wed 30 Aug 2023
at 01:49
  • msg #627

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 626):

You sizzle every part of Victor you can find.  And you have really good eyesight.

There's a squawk in your ear.  The earpiece has started working again.

".....lo?  Hello?  Can you hear me?  I'm going to try broadcasting for another two minutes and then assume we've lost you too."

Sounds like Mrs. Image is used to giving up on guys they send in here.
Jack Sharpe
player, 833 posts
Wed 30 Aug 2023
at 08:08
  • msg #628

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Hello Mrs. Image, please open a gateway. Victor is dead," Jack answers, realizing after a moment that if Victor had gone for the earpiece, it could have been a real pickle. He'll have to make sure the guy hadn't snuck into the ear piece once he is back on the other side. In fact, he'll probably just blast the thing to be certain, and then double check his equipment.

Just to be certain.
GM, 2795 posts
Fri 1 Sep 2023
at 02:58
  • msg #629

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 628):

There's nothing but silence at the other end of the earpiece.

For a loooooooong time.

Then the space in front of you starts to glow.  Soon, the same portal you stepped through opens up.

You come out somewhere different than where you started.  You are on top of a building.  That hospital across from the mall you and Lydia had your date at.  No sign of Paley or Mrs. Paley.

You vaporize the earpiece.  No other indications Vic has attached himself.

It seems to be over.

Your cell phone starts pinging like mad.

Marlene is asking where you are.

Lydia asking why you haven't been in school

Same with Kevin and Darja and HT and several others.

Checking the date, you can see why.  It's been four days since you went through the portal.
Jack Sharpe
player, 834 posts
Fri 1 Sep 2023
at 22:27
  • msg #630

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

To everyone, with personalize additions to follow: I was in another dimension, back now. All good now.

To Marlene: Sorry about not letting you know, I didn't know there was a time dilation problem, it's only been a short while for me.

To Lydia: We should get together, soon! Sorry about not telling you I'd be gone.

To Kevin: Sandman is done. Pale Image should go out of business, he said he would in exchange for dealing with the Sandman.

To HT: Time dilation sucks. The Sandman case is done, Pale Image should go out of business on his own as part of the deal.

To Darja: You didn't answer before: How's Colby?
GM, 2799 posts
Sun 3 Sep 2023
at 02:02
  • msg #631

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 630):

Lydia texts you back a heart and a WOW!!! emoji.

Marlene calls.  She has a few words to say, but it's mostly overprotective parental speak.  You handle her easily enough.

HT pings back.  They'll want to debrief.  Took care of your abcense with the school.  Stop in tomorrow after classes

Kevin: Got a lead on Manitou.  Can't talk tonight cos of doings.  Need to meet tomorrow

Darja.  He's in the hospital.

It's not the hospital you're standing on top of.  This one is across town not far from his house.  She gives you the room number.
Jack Sharpe
player, 835 posts
Sun 3 Sep 2023
at 04:44
  • msg #632

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack sends off an: OK. to pretty much everyone except Marlene and Lydia.

To Darja, he has outstanding questions: Clarify, please, Princess.
GM, 2802 posts
Mon 4 Sep 2023
at 04:13
  • msg #633

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 632):

He got beaten up.  Not sure by who.

's pretty bad.  He had to have surgery.

They tried to cut off his nose Jack

Jack Sharpe
player, 836 posts
Tue 5 Sep 2023
at 22:57
  • msg #634

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Didn't we have Darja watching him and he was being protected because Roger was after him?
GM, 2807 posts
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 02:38
  • msg #635

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 634):

I believe that was how things were before you jumped into Vic-Land, yes.

You'd have to talk to her to get the specifics

Jack Sharpe
player, 837 posts
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 01:04
  • msg #636

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

What happened? Clearly some things happened while I was elsewhere.
GM, 2809 posts
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 04:01
  • msg #637

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 636):

Instead of a reply or your phone ringing, you "hear"


Darja sounds exhausted.  And a little bitter.  She almost sounds like Mom did when she got really drunk and started talking about how Dad left.

"Sorry.  I-

"So somethings happened.  Roger came after Cody.  He hired this guy.  Kinslayer.  HT says Kinslayer is a bad ass."

You know the name and quite a bit about him.  Kinslayer.  On the Meta Threat Index he's a Black.  Not quite your level, but he's serious enough to give the average superteam trouble.

"And he was.  Kinslayer came after Cody and I fought him.  HT and some of the teachers showed up, but by that time Roger got in.  He'd taken over Cody's father.  Kidnapped Cody and drove off in their delivery truck.

"By the time I found them, someone had intercepted them.  Cody's Dad was knocked out.  Cody was...they beat him pretty bad.  It was like they were trying to do surgery on his nose.

"I must have scared them off, because they were gone by the time I landed.  But Cody...

"Anyway.  Program has Cody under guard.  They say Roger's gone from his Dad.

"Jack, they're saying Cody is some kind of special meta.  That he can sense other metas.

"Did you know anything about that?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 838 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 03:57
  • msg #638

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Colby, btw.

Jack would have thought Darja could handle a guy of that level of strength, but apparently not, he doesn’t regret going to deal with Victor, it needed to happen—only that the time dilation had resulted in an injury to his friend. He doesn’t say anything for a moment as he listens to her explanation.

“I do, he asked me to keep it between us, so I did, as I would hope you would too, friends or not,” he tells Darja. He’d told her to watch out for him, the psycho’s reasoning is sort of irrelevant, and that he’d brought in ‘Kinslayer’ is just a reason to be more annoyed with Roger.

He’d have to step on that nerd eventually. Just need to find a way.

Staring off into space for a moment, he blitzes a change of clothes, and a wipe down with a moistened toilette and some fresh deodorant. He doesn’t sweat, or really expel anything, and he has no oily skin to speak of, ever, but he had definitely gotten a little Victor on him—so a little clean-up is necessary before he flies to the hospital fast enough to ever so briefly crack the sound barrier before he lands on the roof.

“I’m going to go see him now, if you want to join me Princess,”
he adds, “He won’t blame you for what happened,” he adds before she might express something stupid.
GM, 2811 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 21:11
  • msg #639

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 638):

Sorry.  I was actually talking to someone named Cody as I was typing that post up.

I'm old.  I get confused easily

Darj draws in a sharp intake of breath.  Obviously she does blame herself.  But she just says, "Yeah.  I'll see you there."

You arrive first by 2.4 seconds.  Darja looks like hell.  Her arm is in a sling.  She has a black eye.  There's a patch over one of her ears, which under the padding is a bit of a mess.

She gives you a feeble smile and opens his door.  "He's awake I think."

The program has a couple of guards in the hall. They've tech'd up the room with plenty of monitoring.  And they seem to have people stationed at various choke points on the floors above and below.

Colby is very bad.  From below his eyes to above his upper lip is completely bandaged up.  He's on a respirator.

He blinks at you once.  Pause.  And then once again.

"He can't talk," Darja explains.  "Blinks like that for Hello.  Rapidly for get a nurse.  Otherwise, it's two blinks for yes.  Three for no."
Jack Sharpe
player, 839 posts
Sun 10 Sep 2023
at 17:56
  • msg #640

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Seeing Darja coming from a few miles off, given how fast she flies and how far he can see, Jack pulls out his phone and sends off a message to HT: Do we not have someone on speed-dial with the ability to heal others in the case of a massive clusterfluffle? Darja looks like she got hit by a bus.

When Darja lands, he steps close and puts an arm around the uninjured side in a sort of pseudo hug. Taking a step back, he then spends a moment assessing the damage to her.

Perhaps a blood donation would help her and Colby, he’d need to cut himself to donate a single drop, but it might put her back to rights rather quickly. If only mom wasn’t a crazy person and hadn’t escaped from her prison, he would have just asked her.

Looking toward Colby, as they walk into the hospital and get past the Program people, he nods at his buddy.

“Hey dude,” he greets. “Sorry I couldn’t be there to help you guys, I was in another dimension.”
GM, 2814 posts
Mon 11 Sep 2023
at 03:56
  • msg #641

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 640):

Colby blinks twice.  You guess that's as close as he can get to No worries.

Darja smiles wanly at him and you.  "I'm glad you're back. I...didn't think it would that tough.  Anyway." She changes topic as quickly as she can.

"The doctors say the news is good.  He should be here for a while, but they expect him to mend."

Colby blinks twice.

Darja nods her head towards the hall.  "I'm gonna get us some sodas.  Mr. Pibb, right?"

She whispers so only you can hear come outside when you can

HT texts back.  Not right now.  Omen's on a mission.  Working on it
Jack Sharpe
player, 840 posts
Mon 11 Sep 2023
at 19:29
  • msg #642

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack nods to Darja and decides he'll need to reiterate his earlier comments, he won't tell her to stick around Colby just to make him happy, but she needs to know that this sort of thing can happen. He can't guarantee he can protect Lydia, and he'd made sure to warn his girlfriend that there was a small chance she could be targeted because of who he is--but the world is full of supervillains that could target the whole city.

People get hurt.

"Yeah, Pibb," he confirms, pleased that he hasn't been offered a g-d Fresca.

Standing next to the bed with Colby, he checks him over with his hands on his hips and then looks back up at his buddy.

"Okay, first, do you need me to change the channel? Get you a USB drive with a bunch of movies on it to stream? Maybe catch up on some anime?"
he proposes, making an offer for several things and making note of whatever Colby wants to watch. Deciphering things and working down a list of possible shows that Colby might like. Audiobooks, shows, whatever he asks for, Jack will get.

He doesn't mention working to get a healer, but doesn't want to get Colby's hopes up by over-promising, and it'll just be cleaner to bring them in and have it done than make a production out of it.

Talking with his friend, he asks about things like how the jello is, whether there are any cute nurses, and if he needs to beat anyone up.

"Now that they know, they talk to you about the Program?"
he asks after a bit.
GM, 2817 posts
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 03:07
  • msg #643

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 642):

Change the Channel No

USB Drive Yes

Anime Yes but it seems non-commital.

Program.  There's a long, long pause.  And then Yes
Jack Sharpe
player, 841 posts
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 17:21
  • msg #644

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Cool. I'll get the drive for you as soon as we're done here," Jack mentions with a thumbs up and then glances toward the door. "In fact, let me go get that real quick--I'll want to set it up myself, these nerds don't know what they're doing," he moves his head to indicate the Program people, they undoubtedly could have done it themselves, but he might as well do it. "Back in a few."

Heading into the hallway, he goes over to Darja and looks at her expectantly.
GM, 2820 posts
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 04:01
  • msg #645

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 644):

Darja is drinking a Grape Fanta Zero...who stocks these vending machines anyway?..and holds out your Mr. Pibb.

"I know he's glad to see you.  I'm glad too."

She glances down the hallway towards the Program guards.  She then speaks sotto voce

"Jack...something's weird.

"First when that Kinslayer guy showed up.  Something was off.  The fight wasn't...right.  I can't explain it.  It was hard to throw punches at the guy.  It was like I didn't want to throw punches at him.  I checked up on that guy.  He doesn't have psychic powers.  And it felt like...I dunno. Someone else was there.  I don't think it was Roger either.

"And speaking of...Roger wasn't the one who hurt Colby.  I think he was actually trying to protect him.  I was still fighting Kinslayer when Colby and Roger got ambushed.  And I couldn't hear the people who attacked them.  There was this weird chirping sound.

"I think they had some kind of device that masked their voices.  I'm saying that because the Program people have the same device.  I've been hearing it when they talk.  If I try to listen in to conversations between Gut Shot and Hemi, they both sound like they're chirping. "

She takes another drag off her Fanta.  After swishing it in her mouth a moment, she swallows and throws this little bombshell.

"Jack.  I did hear one thing.  Red Tiger...the guy from the Paladins? He showed up.  In fact he was the one who kiboshed Kinslayer.  And I heard him say to one of their other guys

"It's that woman again. She's trying to snatch the Manitou."

Jack Sharpe
player, 842 posts
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 18:31
  • msg #646

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Listening, Jack thinks about it while he sips at his Mr. Pibb.

The psychic effect or person is a new one, so he stows that away for later. “Where did it happen? Can we get some footage of the area? Maybe we can figure out who it was if they made you forget them, by looking at some cameras?” he suggests.

“Roger has some plan for Colby, but I’m not sure what  it is. Though that he’d protect him until that plan is realized, makes sense. Though it’s odd that both groups would show up at the same time, maybe one was watching him to wait for something or someone?” he shares idly as he sips at his Mr. Pibb and moves to lean against a wall and stay out of the way of the nurses and other staff moving up and down the hospital hallway.

Listening to the explanation about the people who did the attacking and the chirping sound, he does wonder. HT would never be on board, but the others he doesn’t know so well.

“Huh..” he sort of just stares off into space, replaying memories of past events, trying to make sense of some of the clues.

The Manitou.

he says, he has some ideas on what it could all mean and not one of them really makes for a coherent whole. He needs to hear from Kevin. "That name keeps on popping up, and there's this whole psychic attack that went with it the first time."

(All whispered.)

This message was last edited by the player at 18:31, Fri 15 Sept 2023.
GM, 2824 posts
Sat 16 Sep 2023
at 04:41
  • msg #647

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Let's just assume you and Darja as whispering unless otherwise specified

"Honestly I've been too busy to check into cameras.  And I can't talk to HT.  Every time I try to get near him, someone from the Program seems to get in the way.  I...maybe I'm being paranoid about that.  They've been asking me a lot of questions.  And doing a lot of checks on me.

"I dunno about the timing.

"I think I've heard that name before.  Manitou. But..."
  She shrugs.  "Maybe it's the pain meds.  I can't seem to focus on it."

Did you have anything else for Darja or Colby?  If not, I will move us along to Kevin


Jack Sharpe
player, 843 posts
Tue 19 Sep 2023
at 00:32
  • msg #648

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

From Colby, Jack has only one last question: "Did you recognize anyone who cut on you? Anything you can tell me, but you don't want anyone else to hear?" he asks, getting close to his friend so that his voice can be heard.

Jack walks over to a nearby nurse's station and speed procures himself a pen and a piece of paper from their printer which he promptly uses to write out HT's address for her: "HT's home address. Just call for me if you figure anything out. I can have the Monkey check into the sneaky aspect if you want him to get the video, he's keen on Roger's case, so I'm sure he'd be up for it," he mentions quietly and hands the paper over.

Leading her up to the roof, he suggests, "Let me go get something for Colby. It'll have lots of movies for him."
GM, 2827 posts
Tue 19 Sep 2023
at 03:32
  • msg #649

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 648):

Colby blinks no.  He seems rather stressed when you ask him that question.

You drop off the thumb drive and head out.

You find Kevin wrapping up a fight with two guys dressed as jesters in the middle of a junkyard.  He nods at you and tosses the second one into the first one.  The two jesters groan and stay down.

Kevin slaps some restraints on them and walks out of their earshot.  "Those two have been a pain in the ass for a while.  Glad I got 'em.

"So I got some news.  Not sure if it's good or bad.  But I found out a bit about this whole 'Manitou' thing.

"First, there was some kind of project called "Project Manitou" over at the University.  It was back in the 90s.  Someone has done a real good job of stripping all records of it.  But they missed one thing.  There was a mention of it in the records of the Religious Studies department.

"According to what I could tell from that record, Manitou was some kind of cross departmental experiment between the Physics Department, the Religious Studies Department, and the History Department.  It must have had a big budget too.  It looks like the Frankner Science Building was built just for this project.

"The record was from a professor named Lebowitz.  He apparently was a Rabbincal Scholar.  Was is the operative phrase.  He's dead.  Died twelve years ago.

"I looked into him.  Which is where I found the second intersting thing."

Kevin seems to hesitate, but takes out his phone and calls up a picture.  "Found this picture in the University Archives.  It was some kind of faculty party."

He shows you the picture.

A guy with curly hair and a thick beard is standing there, smiling at the camera.  The legend says he's Liebowitz.

It doesn't identify the man and woman standing on each side of him, smiling at the camera as well.  But you don't need anyone to tell you who they are.  You know them very well.

Mom and Dad look very happy in that picture.
Jack Sharpe
player, 844 posts
Fri 22 Sep 2023
at 19:27
  • msg #650

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Listening to the tale of the Manitou, he nods slowly as he digests, looking at the phone when it is produced Jack nods his head.

In response he segues to begin by quickly explaining about Colby’s recent attack and what was overheard by Darja, the mention of the Manitou and how ‘the woman’ was after it. Simply passing the information along, and adding that “Princess” could use help locating if there was any footage of who had been doing the cutting on the victim. That passed along, he leaves it at that. She hadn’t asked him to include her, but he figures he can try to improve relations between his fellows—he also warns that Roger might have a new bodyguard in the form of Kinslayer, something the Monkey might want to keep an eye out for.

Finally, he points at the picture and says, “Mom, dad,” and then warns again, “Be careful with them. Super intelligence is like wizardry, you can beat them if you can surprise them, but the longer they have to prep the worse it gets, and I wouldn’t be surprised if every word I’m saying right now is being overheard.”

There might be a bit of over-estimation on his part, but Kevin looking into things he’d normally look into is one thing—him getting killed by Jack’s parents would be devastating.
GM, 2835 posts
Sun 24 Sep 2023
at 03:04
  • msg #651

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 650):

Kevin frowns, studying you for a moment.  He then scratches the back of his head.

"I'll look into Kinslayer.  And try to find out about who attacked your friend.

" sounds like you suspect your Mom as well as your Dad?  I'll be blunt.  I do too.  But  in case you didn't, I'll tell you this upfront.  I don't make judgements until I have evidence.  But the circumstantial is weighing pretty heavy against her.

"Do you think she's involved here?"

Jack Sharpe
player, 845 posts
Sun 24 Sep 2023
at 07:14
  • msg #652

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack tilts his hand back and forth.

"I guess that depends on what you mean by suspect her. I know she's involved in things, that's beyond a doubt,"
he doesn't expand on her connection to Pale Image or Victor. That is done. Pale Image is clear and he certainly isn't going to heat-vision his mom for being a whack-a-doo scientist back in her youth. Though he will almost certainly be looking to throw her in a secure facility before all is said and done.
GM, 2836 posts
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 02:14
  • msg #653

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 652):

Kevin nods after a moment.  "Alright.  I'll get on it.  Or...ya know...more on it."

That leaves you with Lydia.  She's texted you a few more times.

So we should talk.  Not a I-don't-think-this-is-gonna-work type talk.  But I do need to talk.

Do you have time for a date?

Jack Sharpe
player, 846 posts
Sat 30 Sep 2023
at 23:45
  • msg #654

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Unfortunately, Ooter has not contacted him back. A fact which he quickly reminds Kevin of, to see if he has any further details, in any case, it means he can't do any of his planned date ideas with Lydia--

Anyway, texting her back his fingers whip over the keyboard as he flies to Aunt Marlene's to take a shower: Sure. When?

Walking in,  he takes in the current status of the neighborhood, looking through walls, checking for signs of upgraded wiring or security. Any sort of steps his parents might need to take to do things--like put in secret vaccuum tube transportation inside of the house across the street.

He apparently needs to learn to spot this sort of thing better.
GM, 2845 posts
Sun 1 Oct 2023
at 02:02
  • msg #655

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Marlene is at work.  From your scan of the neighborhood, everything seems to be in order.  The Program has a couple of people watching your apartment.  Saul is out, but he could be off doing volunteer work, so nothing surprising there.  No signs of a struggle in his apartment.

Kevin texts you while you are in the shower.  Ooter has bugged out.  I'm trying to track him down.

Lydia texts back.  After school.  Peony's Pizza.

You get the address off Peony's website.  Lydia is already there, saving a booth.

She waves at you, giving you a big, adorable, goofy grin.

The waitress comes over and gets your drink order.  Lydia is just having soda water with a twist of lemon.  Which you don't recall her having before.

"Thanks for meeting me.  I wanted to see you.  I...

"...I wasn't sure how I should tell you this.  Or even if I should.  Cos it's all worked out now."
  She holds up her hands, as if telling you to calm down.

The waitress sets your drink down as well as your order of Crazy Breadsticks.

Lydia picks one up and nibbles on the end, frowning, and then setting it down.

She takes a deep breath.  "So.  I was late.  But I'm not...that.  But...I did get scared."
Jack Sharpe
player, 847 posts
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 02:41
  • msg #656

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack makes note of the different drink and checks her over for anything hidden. It doesn't necessarily mean anything, but on the off-chance, and given their recent issues with Roger he has to be prepared to save her if the nut-job tries something. As he settles in and places his order for his drink and a pie, he checks out the rest of the restaurant--in case of something explosive.

"If we're going to do anything else, in the future, you might want to consider something, patch or pills or IUD, if your parents wouldn't freak out,"
he suggests, being his usual unflappable self as he listens to her explanation. Not looking too worried. Ever supportive.

Though he has to search back through his memory for a moment, hadn't he not risked it? He does have rather impeccable control of all of his muscles. Superhuman, even.


"How are you otherwise? Sorry I missed school, anything happen?"
he asks.
GM, 2859 posts
Fri 13 Oct 2023
at 01:33
  • msg #657

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 656):

She's her. As far as you can tell.

She stops drinking when you bring up birth control. Then says' "Uhm...'secure me. You were there too. Condoms. Heard of 'em?"

She moves on before you have a chance to respond. "'s been weird since Homecoming. They made us Doan assembly and told us it's okay to cry. Yeah. I didn't get it either.

"Are you coming back? To school I mean"

Jack Sharpe
player, 848 posts
Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 01:33
  • msg #658

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack laughs. He does like Lydia. "Yes, I will- uh, if you want to, you know, again," he tells her and glances around, studying the others in the restaurant and the various items in the walls, the kitchen, and the neighborhood. Sort of just absorbing all of the information in every direction.

The question about school gets a nod.

"Once things stop being crazy. I've prevented an apocalypse and stopped a guy who kills kids in the past few days,"
he tells her.
GM, 2870 posts
Tue 24 Oct 2023
at 03:16
  • msg #659

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 658):

Lydia looks at you with a neutral expression, then starts sipping her soda water.  "Most girls have to listen about video games.  My BF talks about the apocalypse."

She cocks her head and gives you a cute, inquisitive look.  "Are you religious?"
Jack Sharpe
player, 849 posts
Wed 15 Nov 2023
at 23:56
  • msg #660

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"Fact of the matter is, the world is always just one or two steps from falling apart. Just the nature of things," Jack mentions softly as he pushes his hand through his hair again, glancing around idly between peaks of conversation. "No, if I were born 4000 years ago I could have handled a lot of, if not all of, the various pantheons over the years like kittens, and I imagine a lot of the other stuff is just interdimensional.."
GM, 2896 posts
Fri 17 Nov 2023
at 04:31
  • msg #661

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 660):

That seems to give her some pause.  Lydia fiddles with her straw and mutters, "That's kinda heavy."

She shakes her head.  "I don't know about any of that.  You're my boyfriend.  You're nice to me.  That's all I know."

Lydia finishes off her food and looks at you directly.  She has a kind of slight pout, as if she's trying to think of a word.  She then says, "This woman who said she was your Mom came to see me.  Actually, she kinda came in through my bedroom window.  I'm not making that up.

"She said she wanted to get a look at me.  She asked me a couple of questions and...I don't think I answered right.  They weren't anything weird.  What did my parents do for a living.  Do I make good grades.  What was I planning to study when I went college.

"She showed me this picture of you as a kid.  Your Dad was in the picture.  I could tell cos you look just like him.  Well mostly.  Anyway.  Your Mom said something weird.  She said

"Why is he screwing someone in this instance

"Then she just left.  Went back out the window and left.  It...was weird."

There's a small pause, and then leans closer and whispers, "Did you tell your Mom we had sex?  Cos...that's kinda weird."
Jack Sharpe
player, 850 posts
Sat 18 Nov 2023
at 23:56
  • msg #662

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack nods when she mentions that it's 'heavy' though he resists the temptation to quote Back to the Future at her.

"My mom is super-smart, you shouldn't try to puzzle over her, or my dad's behavior, if you ever meet either of them. Just be polite and yourself, you've got nothing to prove. Just remember that it's sort of like you're talking to uh.." he inserts an appropriate pause to appear to think of a relatable personality for her, "Sheldon from Big Bang Theory, but smarter and with access to super-tech. She probably just figured it out.."

He makes that clear by more clearly stating. "No, I didn't tell her. Though I wouldn't have avoided it if it'd come up, I'm not ashamed of you and, at least before, I'd have said that mom was a rational person about that sort of thing. But now, I'm not sure."
This message was last edited by the player at 23:57, Sat 18 Nov 2023.
GM, 2899 posts
Sun 19 Nov 2023
at 02:26
  • msg #663

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 662):

Lydia blushes and looks away.  She fiddles with a stray strand of hair, finally pushing it aside and peeks back at you.

"I can't really decide if that's really nice of you to say, or really weird of you to say.  I guess I gotta get used to these things.  And...I'm not ashamed of you either.  In fact...I guess you should meet my folks soon."

I need to catch myself up on your game.  Will post more to move us along when I am back on 11/27.


Jack Sharpe
player, 851 posts
Tue 21 Nov 2023
at 01:49
  • msg #664

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

"It's possibly both? Something can be both nice and weird. Like someone complimenting your gums," Jack jokes with a smirk as he reaches across the table to take her hand.
GM, 2902 posts
Tue 28 Nov 2023
at 03:39
  • msg #665

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

In reply to Jack Sharpe (msg # 664):

Your cell vibrates at that moment.  Your official cell. Not your Monkey/Kevin cell.

It's HT.

Hey.  On a plane heading for Salt Lake City.  Been reassigned.

Wanted to say adios, for now at least.  Hope to be back in a few months or so.  I made sure to drop off the school assignments you missed with your Aunt Marlene.

Red Tiger will be working with you all.  He's good and you'll learn a lot.  So pay attention.  You're good but you aren't that good.

Keep your nose clean and tell Darj I told her to keep hers clean too.  Also, can you keep an eye on the other kids?  I know you haven't had much interactions with them. But they're good people.  They could use a helping hand.

Keep on your toes.

Jack Sharpe
player, 852 posts
Wed 27 Dec 2023
at 08:06
  • msg #666

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack reads the message and immediately relays the message to Darja, since he doesn't want to forget and end up not passing it along before turning his attention back to Lydia. He'll need to follow up with finding the others at some other point, probably once he goes back to school.

"So, want to go see a movie or something?"
he asks.
GM, 2925 posts
Sat 30 Dec 2023
at 03:25
  • msg #667

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Lydia grins and nods.  The two of you make plans for a movie later.

You kiss your goodbyes and watch her walk towards her Mom's car when your cell rings again.

This time it's a call.

"Is this Jack?  This is Cal.  Red Tiger.  I understand Hard Time sent you a text about the reassignment.  I'll be your trainer for the next few months.

"I'd like to meet with you and the rest of the students, sooner rather than later.  I'd like to take you all on a patrol as a bit of a training exercise.  A chance for me to assess your level on my own.  Are you free this evening?  I know you've been juggling a lot of events over the past few days."

Jack Sharpe
player, 853 posts
Mon 1 Jan 2024
at 06:31
  • msg #668

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Jack replies to Red Tiger a bit more tersely than he needs to: "I can do a night patrol for sure." He does have a lot of things seemingly happening all at once and while with his eidetic memory and superhuman brain, he can keep track of it all, it is rather a full plate at the moment and he'd rather not have to squeeze something in to make it work. A night patrol would be preferable.

He's going to do his best to treat 'Cal' like he isn't responsible for HT's reassignment, but he is going to take a few days on it, since he's sort of annoyed at their decision. It was a stupid decision.
GM, 2929 posts
Tue 2 Jan 2024
at 02:28
  • msg #669

Jack Sharpe II:  BE AGRESSIVE!

Great.  Looking forward to working with you.  Here's the address.  I'll see you at 7

That's only in four hours.  You have time to rush back home. Marlene is making bean soup.  She seems a bit stressed, but passes it off as work.  "We've got a new professor starting in the department.  And getting him set up is just a little bit much.  I'll be fine.  You staying in tonight?"

Kevin pings you.  Onto something.  Will give you details later

Darja pings you.  Did you get the IM from Red Tig?  Are you going to be there tomorrow night?

The address Red Tiger sent you is a rooftop of a seven story office building on the outskirts of downtown.  To the west, across the interstate, starts the projects.

There's a hawk on the rooftop as you touch down.  It glares at you, shimmers, and changes to Odeila.  She crosses her arms and looks you up and down.

"Ho.  The High an' Mighty doing night duty, huh?  You slumming it?"
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