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01:52, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[13.3] Kethril Introduction.

Posted by Hand of FateFor group archive S
Hand of Fate
GM, 1555 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 18:28
  • msg #1

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

An unknown amount of time has passed since the Grey Eagles company of adventurers were ambushed by a kobold hunting partyr and captured. Kethril,  Tyran Moonsilver, and Edgrin the bard were the only ones to survive. They were bound and forced to watch as their companions were butchered for eating later.  Edgrin was removed from his cage some time ago, leaving only Tyran and Kethril left in the darkness awaiting their time for slaughter.

Dejected by the death of their friends, the two are resigned to their fates, but when children were thrown into the holding pen with them, they grew determined to escape. Tyran and Kethril, though weakened from hunger, were able to overcome two guards with more than a little subterfuge help from a female child named Kimi Eavewalker.

Guided by the elven vision of Tyran Moonsilver, the four sprint for freedom, but the dead kobold guards are quickly discovered by slaves. Behind them, the companions hear the calls of alarm by kobolds looking for them. They are pressed through the confusing tunnels and caverns by the sounds of kobolds getting closer. Cornered, they think its over, when Tyran finds a crevise in the wall of a cavern full of stalagmites. At Tyran's urging Kimi presses through and up until emerging in a very hot cavern that stings they eyes. Jurin, the other child, follows her, then Kethril as the kobolds close in. As Kethril climbs into the crevise, Kethril hears Tyran taken down by kobolds and dragged away alive. Kethril holds still in the darkness sure he would be grabbed any second, but the kobolds, amazingly do not follow. Several minutes pass before he moves, answering to Kimi's for him from somewhere above. Finally, he exits the crevise scraped raw in places and bleeding from cuts in others.

The cavern is filled with a hot brown acrid smoke that chokes. Somewhere off to the right, through heavy smoke an orange glow, and ominous growling and shuffling. The occasional rattle of chains is heard. Kimi and Kethril stumble along after losing Jurin in the smokey darkness. They could hear him calling for a while, responding to their calls, but that stopped suddenly. They follow the contours of a rocky wall through a sea of stalactites and stalagmites, pressing cloth over their mouths to keep the smoke at bay, but only enough not to cough. Their eyes water up continuous, and with the smog creates dirty black streaks on their faces, not that either can see the other.

Its hours upon hours of searching before them, while using senses of hearing and feeling to determine their environment. A change in temperature and the waft of fresh breathable air hints at a change. Unfortunately, it comes with warning noises. Draconic voices. Kimi and Kethril slink to a crouch where they are, waiting for what's next.

A faint orange glow, like that of a torch, grows beyondd a doorway, and due to possibly days of confinement in complete darkness, they begin to make out shapes around them. They are crouched next a rocky crevise in a stone wall. Small wall stones, some broken lay strewn at their feet among other small rocks and boulders. Fresh air wafts inward from the room in front of the, though the smell is not pleasant.  The room in front of them becomes more defined as the torchlight gets closer.

A ten-foot-diameter pitoccupies the center of the chamber. It is the pit they were led to by torchlight before being thrown into the holding pen. Directly over the pit a long chain feeds through a complex pulley system before disappearing into the depths. Kethril sees one of the dark talon hunters and four others standing at the pit. Two kobolds enter the room as the hunter and his minions leave as if they have something pressing to attend to under quick, harsh draconic commands from the hunter.

The other two move out of their way, pulling a bound child with them. They speak harshly at the leaving troupe. In the torchlight, they pull a boy, maybe nine years of age, to the pit. The boy seems withdrawn, probably from shock, but his bright eyes betray intelligence far beyond his years.

Kimi gasps. "That's Sav!" She says ina low voice only Kethril can hear. She puts a hand on one of the fist sized rocks next to her knee.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:29, Sat 20 Jan.
player, 9 posts
Human Fighter
AC 0 23/23hp
Thu 25 Jan 2024
at 23:07
  • msg #3

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

"That's right, but attacking now while we are at a disadvantage is not a good idea. We should follow them, and hope for a better time to strike, but not least we need to find our weapons." whispers Kethril.

OOC: Kethril is trained in military tactics, I'm hoping that we can make use of his strategic skills to pick a good time to ambush
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:28, Sat 27 Jan.
player, 12 posts
Human Fighter
AC 0 23/23hp
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 16:10
  • msg #4

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

Noting the kobolds have departed, Kethril seizes one of the rocks at his side. It would do in a pinch, and he threw it with all his might at the nearest kobold. He hoped that his partner in crime would take the opportunity to follow him into melee in an effort to save the child!

00:07, Today: Kethril rolled 7 using 1d20.  Throw rock. – [roll=1706285254.72311.382011]
Also advancing to engage in melee now my rock is gones]

This message was last edited by the GM at 15:28, Sat 27 Jan.
Kimi Eavewalker
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 17:28
  • msg #5

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

Kimi scowls at the kobolds, a hunger in her eyes. Her fists clench rocks and when Kethril gets up to throw a rock, Kimi races out at two kobolds. She leaps onto the edge of the pit structure, and with the added height, leaps at the first kobold with the rock in her hand.
12:27, Today: Hand of Fate, for the NPC Kimi Eavewalker, rolled 3,13,4 using 1d10,d20+1,d4.  Kimi - init,attk,dmg
Hand of Fate
GM, 1571 posts
Teller of Tales
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 18:02
  • msg #6

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

Kethril and Kimi launch a surprise attack at the two kobolds. Kethril's throw with a large rock goes wide. Kimi's overhead attack is brutal, catching the kobold on the head with a crunch. The kobold slumps to the floor.

The other one shoves the boy into the pot and pulls an iron dagger from its belt. If the edge doesnt kill you, the infection from the rusty blade might. The dagger wielding slaver kobold attacks the largest threat.
Begin combat round one
player, 13 posts
Human Fighter
AC 0 23/23hp
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 00:54
  • msg #7

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

Kethril doesn't think twice. With his innate strength, he has a feeling that he can easily overcome the remaining kobold, with or without the help of Kimi. He closes in, sizing up the opponent and throwing a swift jab, followed by a heavy uppercut that connects with the head of the defender. "Quick, grab the child." he calls out to Kimi, hoping to preserve what life he can.

08:50, Today: Kethril rolled 15 using 1d20.  Attack (fist). – [roll=1706316616.74098.382011]
09:39, Today: Kethril rolled 8 using 1d10 ((8)). - Initiative
OOC: Should hit AC 1 for 4 damage. Also a roll for stun if not dead?

This message was last edited by the GM at 15:28, Sat 27 Jan.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1575 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 14:19
  • msg #8

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

At Kethril's urging, Kimi jumps into the pot and grabs Sav's arm.  "We got you Sav.  Come with us. Let's help him!" she says, looking over her shoulder at the other kobold.

Kethril closes on the approaching armed kobold.  He easily avoids a dagger swipe with one arm, then brings a jab into the kobold's chin with the full force of his strength.  The blow rocks the humanoid back on his heels.  It shakes it's head a moment, then its eyes roll up and it falls to the floor having been knocked unconscious. 
End combat rounds.
The chamber is dimly lit from a torch one was carrying.  It lies on the floor against the low wall corner of the elevator pit entrance.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:43, Sat 27 Jan.
player, 14 posts
Human Fighter
AC 0 23/23hp
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 14:49
  • msg #9

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

Kethril leans over the corpse of the kobold, looking for anything he can use to protect himself with. At the very least he knows there are daggers to be found, having faced off against them. "Grab what you can. We might face more of them as we make our way out. Do you remember where they took our stuff?" he asked Kimi.

Torn between reclaiming his lost gear and finding a way out, Kethril took the selfish path. Although leaving to safety would be life preserving for all three, he really did want to pay back the kobolds for the misery they had put him through, and his armour was nicely sized to fit him. There was no way he wanted to risk more life and limb to get back what he had already worked so hard to get.

"We should probably follow the others that left. There's a good chance they would be heading to a place where we can find our things." he suggested.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:28, Sat 27 Jan.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1578 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 15:43
  • msg #10

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

Kethril quickly searches the two slaver kobolds.  They wear tattered clothing and worn belts.  One carried a rusty dagger.  The other, you find a sling and pouch of ten stones. There is nothing else of use, other than the torch that dimly lights this chamber.  Savram picks it up.  Both of the children look to Kethril, the adult, for direction.

There are two possible exits to the room.  A short corridor to the south with open doors, or to the west with closed doors. 
Group 3 map updated.
player, 17 posts
Human Fighter
AC 0 23/23hp
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 22:11
  • msg #11

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

Kethril considers his choices carefully. The doors could easily squeak and cause a minor alarm that would be investigated. The children, though ineffective in a fight, could be eyes and ears that he could rely on to warn of impending danger. Even if he did manage to reach the exit of the lair, they would likely never make it back to civilisation on their own and would likely run into guards or the likes on the way out.

"Stay with me. It's safer. All I want is for you to keep your eyes and ears peeled. Got it?" he whispers.

And then on down the open passageway he went...
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:16, Sat 27 Jan.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1583 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 30 Jan 2024
at 16:28
  • msg #12

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

Kimi takes the sling and stones, proclaiming familiarity with its use.

The short corridor ends at an open doorway. The chamber beyond is a forty by thirty foot room occupied by stone prayer platforms including well worn knee rests carved into them.  The trio search the chamber under torchlight. Strewn throughout the room are tattered and worn articles of clothing, undergarments making up the majority.  Leather packs, sacks, and a few shattered crates among them.

Among kobolds, size matters. There are many weapons strewn around the room, none wooden, that are large, intended to be wielded two handed. Also are larger version of weapons. Kethril locates an area around one platform with familiar items strewn about, including his sword which a kobold is not likely to use. He finds other items belonging to him and gathers them.

There are two exits in this room. North, which the small trio come through, and west. A set of closed double doors are in the center of the west wall. Interestingly though, a muted noise comes from the east side of the room. All three look in that direction, clearly hearing a muffled female human's voice, ""Dani!  Can I help you out?".

Gear in bold on your character sheet is that which you recover from this area. Non-bolded items are missing.

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:30, Tue 30 Jan.
Kimi Eavewalker
Tue 30 Jan 2024
at 16:47
  • msg #13

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

The east wall is bare with exception to the strange pictures carved along its length. Repetitive images of dwarves toiling in mines, at forges, and pious images of grief stricken dwarves in supplication an evil immortal named Droskar.

Kimi approaches it. That woman's voice. It come from over here. She begins feeling the wall crevices and crags along the carvings, looking for...well, she's not sure, but suspects something. Maybe a hidden door.
Kimi Eavewalker, rolled 49 using 1d100.  Luck (5% or 1 in 20)
This message was last updated by the GM at 16:47, Tue 30 Jan.
player, 18 posts
Human Fighter
AC 0 23/23hp
Tue 30 Jan 2024
at 20:03
  • msg #14

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

Alert to distractions, Kethril was right on the noise that came from the east side of the room. "Do you know somebody called Dani?" he whispers to Kimi. Searching the walls, Kethril also wonders where the supposed hidden door might be. For his mind, he would believe that the focal point of the carved pictures would be the best place to search for some kind of opening mechanism. Perhaps the immortal had a staff adorned with a gem upon it that would serve as a button. Maybe it would be the pommel of the sword that would achieve a similar outcome. Regardless of what it was, Kethril prodded, twisted and pulled upon the various knobbly bits that he could find.

"If we cannot find the opening mechanism, perhaps we will have to capture one of the kobolds and force the answer out of it."
Orange>03:59, Today: Kethril rolled 90 using 1d100.  Luck?</Orange>
Kimi shakes her head.  "I don't know anyone by that name." she replies, still feeling over the surfaces of the carvings.  There has to be a door here.  Both she and Kethril have gone over every surface of the wall.

Savram approaches the door after careful consideration of the effigies depicted on the wall.  There are grisly scenes, pious scenes, and scenes of work.   It seemed obvious to the young mage wanna-be who's intellect far outstrips most others in any ordinary crowd.  He worked the problem out quickly, then walks over to the surface of the wall depicting a class of toilers called stone masons.  The carved relief has a dwarf wielding a hammer before a set chisel, but the shaft of the hammer has an undercut edge.  A recess large enough for fingers.  He flips a catch within and pulls.  A large slab of the wall slides easily and noiselessly outward, revealing a corridor behind.

He gives Kimi a huge grin with daring eyes.

"It was simple.  You just had to think about it."  he says in a condescendingly arrogant childish voice.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:18, Wed 31 Jan.
player, 20 posts
Human Fighter
AC 0 23/23hp
Wed 31 Jan 2024
at 13:40
  • msg #16

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

Kethril smiled in admiration of the fantastic work of Savram. "This body is built for fighting, not thinking. I'm glad you're with us. Now, let's see what lies beyond the door." he says. He makes a mental note of the pattern and location of the catch, just in case he encounters such a thing in the future.

Weapon drawn, Kethril heads down the corridor. His eyes dart at the walls and ceiling, watching for hidden creatures that might lurk within. He wouldn't be the first to fall victim to a giant spider lurking in wait. If he hadn't been previously captured by the kobolds he would be thinking about recklessly hurrying forward, but his recent exploits had taught him well.

"Can you find the release mechanism from this side? With those kobolds dead, I would rather have this passageway closed so that we can move forward with less worry about what might follow us." he asks Savram.

XP: +12
The hidden door opens into a ten foot wide stone corridor leading south. Smiling, Savram points to a torch sconce to the left on the north wall of the corridor in reply to the fighter's question.

"Since you have a sword, sir, can I use that rusty dagger. You know..."
he says, looking above and down the dark corridor into blackness beyond. "...just in case."

Kethril leads the children slowly south, taking care to look for lurking dangers. They come to a "T" junction of the corridor. By torchlight, the corridor extends straight south into darkness. A short corridor extends west ten feet to some closed double doors.

A muffled male human voice echoes faintly from the south. "If we get it cracked far enough, someone throw their weight against the inside to push as there is no more room on the ring. Maybe two of you. Then we'll seek to spike it open!"
Hand of Fate
GM, 1598 posts
Teller of Tales
Thu 1 Feb 2024
at 18:48
  • msg #17

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

Kethril had forgotten about the rusty dagger, but he knew the value of having more than one weapon spread amongst a team, even if they were children. "Don't let your mother know I gave you this." he advises, and hands over the rusty dagger.

"Those voices sound human. Let's head south and hopefully we can find more prisoners looking to escape." whispers the fighter.

He looks upon Savram and Kimi with surprise in his thoughts. They were handling the pressure well so far. A lot of children would have completely withdrawn into their shells by now, but Savram was eager to participate, as was Kimi. "Stay close to me, but not too close. This sword takes skill and precision to use effectively, and I can't afford to hit you with a backswing or flourish."

And then, he moves slowly south.

XP: 11
Kethril and the cildren follow the south corridor until it turns to the right (west). The voices are louder now.
Dwarven accented speech:
"What if I just smash the beard-damned thing? D'you think that will quell it's evil pull?"

At the turn, the corridor extends ten feet and ends at another set of closed double doors. These doors are different from others you have seen, being massively wider and made of iron. Large iron pull rings are set in the face of each near the seam edge.

As you approach, the doors suddenly open slowly as if your presence queued it to do so. The children look at you in surprise.

A chamber beypnd the doors is revealed. A large dark stone oblisk occupies the center of the room. Several people are within, including women and a dwarf.  These must be the voices.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:57, Thu 01 Feb.
player, 22 posts
Human Fighter
AC 0 23/23hp
Thu 1 Feb 2024
at 18:55
  • msg #18

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

Approaching carefully, Kethril gets the children to stand behind him. Although the voices are human, there are always risks when dealing with the unknown. "Keep that sling ready, just in case." he warns Kimi with a whisper.

Sweat starts to puddle in the armpits of Kethril. Perhaps the result of humidity and heat within the cavern, perhaps a response of his body as adrenaline kicks in. His body was clearly getting him primed for potential conflict. His eyes narrowed, focusing on the room ahead. Stealth wasn't an option given his current armour, so maybe a cordial approach was best.

"Who goes there? Friend or foe?" he called out in a voice somewhat louder than normal, but not so loud as to attract the attention of the whole complex.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1600 posts
Teller of Tales
Thu 1 Feb 2024
at 18:57
  • msg #19

[13.3] Kethril Introduction

please start posting in the main storyline thread.
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