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Home Brew rules.

Posted by Hand of FateFor group public
Hand of Fate
GM, 343 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 11:25
  • msg #1

Home-brewed House Rules

Please abide by these simple rules within the game. Posts which break these rules are subject to editing, deletion, or angry rants from the the GM. The Main Rule is bolded below, with clarifications and examples following:

• Keep up.
You must post 3-5 times every week. If you cannot, let the GM know in advance. Fourteen days without posting will get a Player booted from the game, so please let the community know if you will have an extended absence.

Be sure to read and pay attention to the DM's and other players' posts so your post reflects what's going on currently.

• Write well, write in a narrative style, and proofread.
The preferred method in this game is that each player writes in third person present-tense. I'm strict about the third person bit, if not the tense, so do not write as "I" or address information to "you" but instead describe from a third-person point of view wherein they are in the act of doing something, not having done something.

Proofread to make sure the worst mistakes are caught, that any color tags used in the post work properly, and so on. The GM will is not going to bust players for misspelling a few words. Be aware that the GM will edit posts to correct mistakes or correct game guideline mistakes. An edit from the GM is not a criticism in any way. The GM merely wants the storyline format to be consistent and readable.

• Be descriptive.
Don't try to cover all possible outcomes of a situation with vague generalities. That is, don't say, "He searches the door in the usual manner," or "She looks around and takes anything valuable she sees unless it looks dangerous."

*Important* Players must write in such a way as to convey their character's emotions, feelings, traits, temperaments, or descriptive actions in reaction to the current scene from the GM. You, as a player, are participating in the telling of a story. One-line sentences, or a post with only an OOC chat is not acceptable.

• Don't use formatting in place of clear writing.
Do not use color in place of quotation marks for speech -- use of color in addition is allowed, but proper punctuation is still required. Double quotes (" ") are for speech, and italics for thoughts, in broadest strokes. Please do not re-define these standard punctuation marks.

Italics are for thoughts, or internal dialogue and bold is for deliberate loud speech, and bold caps is for shouting only.

Repetitive, consistent failure to meet these requirements may result in the removal of a player from the game.

Posting Format

Use a color (except red or orange) for your character's speech, or don't use a color at all; your choice.  Out of character comments and dice rolls are written in orange color after a hard rule, <hr>.

An eExample post might be written as--

<serif>Judge faces the pale vampire and raises his whip. <blue>"Perish beast, this land is no place for you! <b>GET OUT!</b>"</blue> he shouts as he lunges at the undead. <hr><orange><small>
Today: Judge rolled 19 using 1d20+3.  Atk Vampire1.
Today: Judge rolled 4 using 1d3+2.  Damage.
OOC: This seems kinda familiar... Hits AC1 for 4 damage.</orange></serif></small>

--- yields ---

Judge faces the pale vampire and raises his whip. "Perish beast, this land is no place for you! GET OUT!" he shouts as he lunges at the undead.

Today: Judge Beltom rolled 19 using 1d20+3.  Atk Vampire1.
Today: Judge Beltom rolled 4 using 1d3+2.  Damage.
OOC: This seems kinda familiar... Hits AC1 for 4 damage.

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:00, Sat 12 Aug 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 344 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 11:29
  • msg #2

Home-brewed House Rules

In combat you will roll initiative -- a 1d10 -- to determine who does what when. The individual with the lower number goes first; if the die rolls are the same, actions are considered to take place simultaneously. In a fight time slows: Combat is played out in rounds, each of which is estimated to last about ten seconds.


When I make my DM post, it ends the previous Round (usually with a summary of events) and begins the new Round. Because it's online and you don't see me rolling the dice it can be a little confusing, but after I make my post all characters may take their turns (unless I send you a Note stating otherwise).

There is no set order in posting. You will have ample amount of time to post your intended actions for the round or turn of events. I may re-arrange things slightly when I write my DM Post and summarize the Round. This will take into account individual character speeds (where appropriate -- based on your character's Dexterity Bonus), and the actual flow of things int the storyline.

In one combat Round a character can:
• Move their Running Movement distance (if they are not in melee); or
• Move their Combat Movement distance and make a Melee attack (if they are not already in melee); or
• Move their Combat Movement rate and make a Ranged attack (if they are not in melee); or
• Move their Combat Movement rate and Cast a spell (if they are not in melee); or
• Make a Fighting Withdrawal and a melee attack (if already in melee); or
• Retreat (if already in melee); or
• Perform some other action (such as drink a potion, read a scroll, etc.)

** NOTE: Any movement before action is a loss of initiative, unless the other side moves as well.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:44, Tue 09 May 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 346 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 11:59
  • msg #4

Home-brewed House Rules


A spell is a formula for collecting and using magical energies (mana or spell points). A caster controls these energies with a memorized set of words, hand motions and/or use of spell components. Each spell has its own special set of words, gestures and/or components as described in their respective descriptions. A PC caster can be a magic user, cleric, or elf.

This game utilizes the spell lists from the AD&D 2nd ed. rules, modified as necessary by the DM.  Second, I think it will be more fair and make game play a little better for play-by-web gaming if we use the following allowances in lieu of spell memorization.

Casters can take the time to recover their well of spell energy or mana. It takes 1 turn per spell point to recover mana. At any time after a spell is cast, spell energy can be recovered by spending the allotted time in prayer or study.  Regaining mana this way, instead of a full night's rest comes only with a successful CON check with +1 to the roll, cumulative, in relation to the number of times attempted before a full night's rest. Failure means the caster is too tired and weary to recover until a full night's rest is obtained.

 For example; Belkar, a 3rd level cleric can cast 3 spells. Two first level and one second level (for a total of 4 spell points). There is a confrontation and he needs to recover all his spell energy. It will take him forty minutes total to recover all the spell points he has used. After resting forty minutes in uninterrupted prayer he rolls a d20+1 and it is below his CON score. He recovers his spell points. If at any time, he is interrupted (e.g. random encounters) then he must start the prayers again. Some time later, he wants to recover his mana again. The adjustment to the die roll goes up every time he tries regaining mana.  A failed roll means the character is too tired and spent from mana burn to recover until eight hours continuous, uninterrupted rest is attained. 

Spell Energy

A cleric is bestowed mana through prayer.  In recompense for the cleric's devout worship and keeping faith in their tenet, a Deity will gift a cleric with a source of a spell, such as a spell scroll, scroll of spells, or some other religious source found through adventuring or as defined by the GM. A cleric may cast any spell that has been learned if they have the spell power to do so.

A magic user gains mana through the study of their grimoire's magical script.  In this game, mages do not memorize a set of spells in the day. They can cast any spell learned as long as they have the spell energy it takes to accomplish the task.

For Both
Time required to study or pray is dependent upon the number of spell points you have. Ten minutes per spell point or eight hours, whichever comes first.

* Mana Burn *
There is an inherent risk for a spellcaster casting the same spell repetitively within the same encounter. Each additional instance beyond the number spells allowed for that level requires a roll against the spellcaster's INT or WIS with a cumulative +1 penalty to the d20 roll. If failed, the spell caster suffers a massive mana burn, a release of double the spell's mana cost at once. The resulting effects of the spell is determined by the GM (as wild magic). The spellcaster then must have eight hours uninterrupted rest before casting that spell again.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:13, Fri 22 Sept 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 350 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 12:11
  • msg #8

Home-brewed House Rules


The assumption is that characters in combat are constantly exposing themselves to some risk; trying to get a clear view of a target or looking for the opening to make an attack. There are times, however, when this is not the case. Sometimes, the only thing a character wants to do is avoid being hit.

In order to make himself harder to hit, a character can parry--forfeit all actions for the round--he can't attack, move beyond 5 foot, or cast spells. This frees the character to concentrate solely on defense. At this point, all characters gain an AC bonus equal to half their level rounding down. A 7th-level wizard would have a +3 bonus to his AC (lowering his AC by 3). The minimum is a bonus of 2.

Note that the benefit is not a perfect all-around defense, and it's not effective against rear or missile attacks. It applies only to those characters attacking the defender with frontal melee or frontal thrown weapon attacks. This optional defense has no effect against magical attacks, so it wouldn't do anything to protect a character from the force of a lightning bolt or fireball, for example.

For those of you familiar with the fighter combat option maneuvers in OD&D, this rule replaces that rule.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:38, Sat 08 Apr 2023.
Dungeon Master
GM, 351 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 12:12
  • msg #9

Home-brewed House Rules


All classes, except the dwarf and halfling, have a movement rate of 120(40). Dwarves have a 90(30) rate, and halfling have a 60(20) movement rate. The first number is normal movement rate and the second number is the combat or encounter rate.

Meleed opponents (those with enemies within 5' of them) may only move defensively. A character who wants to use Defensive Movement must say which type of Defensive Movement they are using. Defensive Movement is the only movement permitted for a character within five feet of an enemy. There are two types of Defensive Movement:

A Fighting Withdrawal may be used in combat if the defender wishes to back up slowly. Movement backwards is limited to ½ the normal movement rate per round (or less). There must be enough room to back up. In crowded situations, characters or monsters behind a creature attempting to use a fighting withdrawal will prevent this form of defensive movement.

A Retreat is any movement backwards at more than ½ the normal movement rate. If a creature tries to retreat, the opponent may add +2 to all "to hit" rolls, and the defender is not allowed to make a return attack. In addition to the bonus on "to hit" rolls, the attacks are further adjusted by using the defender's Armor Class without a shield. (Any attacks from behind are adjusted in the same manner.)
Hand of Fate
GM, 352 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 12:22
  • msg #10

Home-brewed House Rules


Your character sheet will list a base THAC0 (to hit AC 0) value. Roll a d20 and apply any modifiers. Some modifiers include range: short range is +1 "to hit", and long range is -1 "to hit", or your Dexterity score may have a modifier. Subtract your modified roll from your listed BASE THAC0 value to determine the armor class you hit. Include this as a private message to GM in your post.


In this game, a character may make two shots with a bow as long as they are not moving in the same round. In other words, shooting "flat-footed". At any other time, they may only shoot one arrow per round. Also, the rule about bows always going last in the round because it is a two handed weapon is out.

Everyone rolls initiatives (unless held), even those using two handed weapons because circumstance may dictate a use for the initiative roll for some reason. Normally, a user of a two handed weapon goes last in the round (unless hasted, and then they go on their initiative rolled).

With bows, the first arrow will be shot on the initiative roll, but the second arrow will always go last in the round unless otherwise magically enhanced (haste).

This system works best for me, since I do not use the D&D Combat Sequence Checklist. I use initiatives.

A PC may nock an arrow, meaning put arrow to string in readiness to shoot. This will gain a PC a modifier of -1 to their next initiative roll after stating their intention to do so.

No assumptions are made by the DM regarding arrows and their draw. The only time a PC with a nocked arrow gains automatic initiative is with a nocked AND pulled arrow at the readiness. Keeping a pull on a bow is not an easy thing to do and requires a strength check at the time of stating the intention to pull an arrow. A pulled arrow WILL be fired in the next round as described by the DM.

A character may opt to only shoot ONE CAREFULLY AIMED arrow while standing "flat-footed". This will give the character a +1 bonus to hit with the arrow at the expense of his second shot and initiative. The shot will go last in the round.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:20, Sun 09 July 2023.
Dungeon Master
GM, 353 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 12:24
  • msg #11

Home-brewed House Rules


Player Characters never need to check morale. Monsters and NPC's though, will have Morale checks occasionally to see if they wish to continue fighting, barring any special circumstances, such as Charm spells.
Dungeon Master
GM, 354 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 12:25
  • msg #12

Home-brewed House Rules


Certain types of spells, attacks, or magical effects can stun a character. The duration of the stun is determined by the type of attack; the description of each type of attack that can stun will describe its duration. A stunned character suffers the following penalties:
• The stunned character cannot attack anyone for the first turn he is stunned (or until the stun wears off, if that is faster); after the first turn, he is at a -4 to hit until the stun wears off.
• He moves at one-third movement.
• He suffers a -4 penalty to all saving throws and a +4 penalty to AC.
• He cannot concentrate, cast spells, or use magical items.
• He cannot use general skills or proficiencies.
• Any weapon mastery the character possesses above Basic level is reduced to Basic level.

The clerical spell cure light wounds can be used to remove the stun effect, but will not cure any damage when used for this purpose.
Hand of Fate
GM, 356 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 12:37
  • msg #14

Home-brewed House Rules


A character who has fallen (e.g. been knocked over in combat) is easier to hit; Attackers receive a +4 bonus to their attack rolls when attacking a fallen foe.

A fallen foe also has a -4 penalty to all saving throws and a -2 penalty to attack rolls while on the ground.

A character on the ground loses initiative in the round to stand up.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:09, Wed 15 Mar 2023.
Dungeon Master
GM, 357 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 12:46
  • msg #15

Home-brewed House Rules


A sleeping character is helpless. If an attacker can come up to a sleeping character without waking that character, he can reduce the sleeper's hit point total to 0 minus the weapons max base damage with a single blow of any edged weapon, regardless of the victim's hit points or the attacker's level of skill with weapon. The process of dying begins at that point.

For example: If a thief attacks a sleeping character (6 hit points) with a dagger (4 points max damage) the sleeping character is reduced to 0 hit points (automatic hit) minus the weapons base damage (1d4) for a total of -4 hit points beginning next round.

Attacks on a sleeping character made with other (i.e. blunt) hand to hand weapons automatically hit; ranged attacks are made against the victim as if he were AC9.

Any sleeping creature, including one hit by a sleep spell, can be awakened by force, such as a shake, slap, or kick.

Some types of sleep are so heavy that the character will not awaken when disturbed; they are defined with individual spell or combat-result descriptions, and are normally referred to as unconscious.
Dungeon Master
GM, 358 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 12:48
  • msg #16

Home-brewed House Rules


A character made deaf by magic (a curse or horn of blasting, for example) is certainly inconvenienced. Since he cannot hear, he will miss many warnings shouted at him by his allies (the deaf character should make a save vs. death ray; if he fails, he is facing the wrong way when the warning is called). A curse of deafness would be cured by a remove curse spell, while deafness caused by a horn of blasting could be cured by a cure-all or heal spell.

Furthermore, spells requiring a verbal component will require a save vs death ray for completion.
Dungeon Master
GM, 359 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 12:49
  • msg #17

Home-brewed House Rules


Character can be blinded by a variety of effects. A character who is completely blind, for whatever reason, suffers a -4 penalty to all saving throws, a -6 penalty to all attack rolls, and a +4 penalty to his armor class for the duration of his blindness
Dungeon Master
GM, 360 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 12:50
  • msg #18

Home-brewed House Rules


Various types of spells and monster attacks can paralyze, or "freeze" , a character. If a character is hit by a paralyzing attack and fails a saving throw vs. paralysis, the character is immobilized and unable to do anything. The character is not dead, and a character cannot die from mere paralysis.

A paralyzed character remains awake and aware of what is happening around him, but cannot do anything that requires movement (including speaking, spellcasting) until the paralysis ends.

Hand to hand combat on a paralyzed character automatically hit. An edged weapon attack will set the PC's hit point total to 0 and the process of dying will proceed from there (See sleeping and unconscious rule above). Ranged attacks are made against the victim as if he were AC9.

The cleric spell cure light wounds can be used to remove certain types of paralysis (i.e. ghoul touch), but will not cure any damage if used for this purpose.
Hand of Fate
GM, 361 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 12:57
  • msg #19

Home-brewed House Rules


Most dungeons are dark and it is necessary for characters to bring their own light source with them. A torch or lantern will cast light 30 feet in all directions. A torch will burn out in 6 turns (1 hour); a lantern filled with one flask of oil will burn out in 24 turns (4 hours). It is important to remember which characters are carrying light sources. A character could not, for example, carry a lit torch, a drawn sword, and a shield at the same time.

As defined within this game, Dark vision is the extraordinary ability to see with no light source at all, out to a range specified for the creature. Dark vision is black and white only (colors cannot be discerned). It does not allow characters to see anything that they could not see otherwise—invisible objects are still invisible, and illusions are still visible as what they seem to be. Likewise, dark vision subjects a creature to gaze attacks normally. The presence of light does not spoil dark vision.

Characters listed in the PHB or DMG with infra-vision, have dark vision in this game.  No characters have infra-vision.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:15, Thu 09 Mar 2023.
Dungeon Master
GM, 363 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 13:03
  • msg #21

Home-brewed House Rules


Any attack that is a natural rolled 20 may be a critical.  If the roll hits by +5, it is critical. Critical hits do full weapon damage plus 50%, then adjustments added, if any.
Hand of Fate
GM, 381 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 20 Dec 2022
at 22:34
  • msg #22



Fighters at first level receive four weapon slots, Elves and Dwarves receive three, and all others receive two.  All characters receive another slot every other level.  These can add up and skills do not come automatically after first level.  They are trained formally.

Ambidexterity can be purchased with one of the initial slots, or it can be purchased later with a slot indicating training to be ambidextrous.

Ambidexterity offsets the negative penalty of -2 main, -4 off to that of +0 main, -2 off hand.

Hope that clears up some confusion on weapon slots which are separate from non-weapon proficiencies or skills.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:25, Wed 19 Apr 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 382 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 20 Dec 2022
at 22:46
  • msg #23

Unskilled use of a weapon (all characters)


Any character can use any weapon.  But, they have basic skill with it or more, or none, meaning they are unskilled.  For example: Having nothing else, a mage picks up a crossbow and uses it to attack an incoming foe.  The mage has no skill with the weapon at all.  Rather than banning outright the use of a weapon because it is not a dagger or staff, I use the following:

Any unskilled use of a weapon hits only 5% of the time.  So, a natural 20 will hit.  It's called luck.  No bonuses are applied.  The attacker loses initiative, and does only half damage rounded down (minimum of 1 point).
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:23, Wed 19 Apr 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 605 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 18 Feb 2023
at 00:31
  • msg #27

Spell Component lists and costs

An Item Distasteful to the Target---BanishmentNPHB2174 
Adder's stomach8 gpMelf's Acid ArrowNPHB2592 
Agate1,000 gpAwakenYPHB2165 
Agate10 gpDarkvisionNPHB2302 
Alum soaked in vinegar0.05 gpAntipathyNPHB2148 
Amber, Glass, or Crystal Rod20 gpChain LightningNPHB2216 
Amber, Glass, or Crystal Rod20 gpLightning BoltNPHB2553 
Ammunition0.10 gp per arrow, bolt, etc.Conjure BarrageYPHB2253 
Ammunition0.10 gp per arrow, bolt, etc.Conjure VolleyYPHB2265 
Ammunition0.10 gp per arrow, bolt, etc.Cordon of ArrowsYPHB2282 
Artistic Representation of Caster5 gpProject ImageNPHB2707 
Artistic Representation of Target500 gp per hit dieImprisonmentYPHB2529 
Ashes of Mistletoe and Spruce0.50 gpPass without TraceYPHB2642 
Bell (tiny)1 gpAlarmNPHB2111 
Bitumen (a drop)0.05 gpSpider ClimbYPHB2772 
Black Onyx Stone150 gpCreate UndeadNPHB2296 
Black Pearl (as crushed powder)500 gpCircle of DeathNPHB2216 
Blood (a drop)0.10 gpAnimate DeadYPHB2123 
Blood (a drop)0.10 gpBaneYPHB2161 
Bone0.02 gpMordenkainen's Faithful HoundNPHB2614 
Bone dust0.10 gpAnimate DeadNPHB2123 
Brimstone0.10 gpFlaming SphereNPHB2422 
Brimstone0.10 gpGuards and WardsNPHB2486 
Butter0.20 gpGreaseYPHB2461 
Caterpillar Cocoon5 gpPolymorphNPHB2664 
Chalks and Inks infused with precious gems50 gpTeleportation CircleYPHB2825 
Charcoal, Incense, and Herb mixture10 gpFind FamiliarYPHB2401Must be consumed by fire in a brass brazier
Chrysolite powder50 gpMordenkainen's Private SanctumNPHB2624 
Clay0.10 gpConjure Elemental (Earth)NPHB2255 
Clay0.10 gpEarthquakeNPHB2368 
Clay0.10 gpFeeblemindNPHB2398 
Clay0.10 gpStone ShapeNPHB2784The clay must be worked into the desired shape of the stone object
Clay Model of a Ziggurat5 gpTonguesNPHB2833 
Clay Pot of Brackish Water1 gpCreate UndeadNPHB2296 
Clay Pot of Grave Dirt4 gpCreate UndeadNPHB2296 
Cloak, miniature1 gpResistanceNPHB2720 
Cloth wad0.02 gpMordenkainen's Private SanctumNPHB2624 
Cloth, Tiny white strip0.02 gpAidNPHB2112 
Club0.50 gpShillelaghNPHB2750May substitute a quarterstaff
Coal1 gpDarknessNPHB2302 
Colored Sand (red, yellow, and blue)10 gpColor SprayYPHB2221 
Copper Piece1 cpDetect ThoughtsNPHB2312 
Copper Pieces2 cpGentle ReposeNPHB2452Copper pieces must be placed over corpse's eyes for the duration
Copper Wire0.10 gp per footMessageNPHB2590 
Copper Wire0.10 gp per footSendingNPHB2743 
Cork0.02 gpWater WalkNPHB2873 
Corn, powdered0.05 gpRope TrickNPHB2722 
Cricket0.05 gpSleepNPHB2761 
Crystal Bead0.50 gpLeomund's Tiny HutNPHB2553 
Crystal Hemisphere120 gpOtiluke's Resilient SphereNPHB2644 
Crystal or Glass Cone25 gpCone of ColdNPHB2245 
Crystal Sphere, small20 gpOtiluke's Freezing SphereNPHB2636 
Crystal Vial of phosphorescent material20 gpHypnotic PatternNPHB2523 
Cured Leather0.10 gpMage ArmorNPHB2561 
Detritus from the target creature---SimulacrumYPHB2767Fingernail clippings, hair, etc
Diamond50 gpChromatic OrbNPHB2211 
Diamond1,000 gpCloneYPHB2228 
Diamond5,000 gpGateNPHB2249 
Diamond500 gpRaise DeadYPHB2705 
Diamond1,000 gpResurrectionYPHB2727 
Diamond (as dust)200 gpGlyph of WardingYPHB2453 
Diamond (as dust)100 gpGreater RestorationYPHB2465 
Diamond (as dust)25 gpNondetectionYPHB2633Sprinkled over target
Diamond (as dust)100 gpStoneskinYPHB2784 
Diamond and Opal, powdered mix1,000 gpSymbolYPHB2807 
Diamonds300 gpRevivifyYPHB2723 
Diamonds25,000 gpTrue ResurrectionYPHB2849 
Dirt---Flesh to StoneNPHB2436 
Distilled Spirits0.05 gpFalse LifeYPHB2391 
Divinatory Tools100 gpFind the PathNPHB2406bones, sticks, cards, teeth, runes, dice, etc.
Dried Carrot0.05 gpDarkvisionNPHB2302May use Agate as a component instead
Dust---Control WaterNPHB2274 
Dust---Ice StormNPHB2524 
Dust---Sleet StormNPHB2763 
Earth, Wood, and Water mixture---Control WeatherNPHB2288 
Eggshell0.30 gpBigby's HandNPHB2185 
Eggshells5 gpRary's Telepathic BondNPHB2705Requires eggshells from two different types of creatures
Exquisite Chest, 3' x 2' x 2', made of rare materials5,000 gpLeomund's Secret ChestNPHB2544 
Exquisite Chest, tiny replica50 gpLeomund's Secret ChestNPHB2544 
Eyelash in gum arabic5 gpInvisibilityNPHB2542 
Fan, tiny0.50 gpWind WallNPHB2883 
Feather0.10 gpEnhance AbilityNPHB2372 
Feather0.10 gpFeather FallNPHB2391 
Feather0.10 gpTasha's Hideous LaughterNPHB2801 
Feather from any bird's wing0.10 gpFlyNPHB2433 
Feather of hummingbird2 gpForesightNPHB2449 
Feather of owl0.50 gpIdentifyNPHB2521 
Feather, exotic3 gpWind WallNPHB2883 
Feather, white0.10 gpFearNPHB2393 
Feldspar0.10 gpMoonbeamNPHB2612 
Firefly0.10 gpFire ShieldNPHB2424 
Firefly0.10 gpLightNPHB2550May use phosphorescent moss instead
Flame---Heat MetalNPHB2502 
Flame---Wind WalkNPHB2886 
Fleece0.05 gpMajor ImageNPHB2583 
Fleece0.05 gpMinor IllusionNPHB2600 
Fleece0.05 gpPhantasmal ForceNPHB2642 
Fleece0.05 gpProgrammed IllusionNPHB2696 
Fleece0.05 gpSilent ImageNPHB2761 
Flesh---Animate DeadNPHB2123 
Flesh, a cubic inch---CloneYPHB2228 
Focus1,000 gpScryingNPHB2735Crystal ball, silver mirror, etc.
Food morsel0.01 gpAnimal FriendshipYPHB2121 
Food morsel0.01 gpAnimal MessengerYPHB2122 
Forked Metal Rod250 gpPlane ShiftNPHB2667Must be attuned to a particular plane of existence
Forked Twig0.10 gpLocate ObjectNPHB2562Dowsing rods are often forked sticks
Fur0.30 gpChain LightningNPHB2216 
Fur0.30 gpEnhance AbilityNPHB2372 
Fur0.30 gpLightning BoltNPHB2553 
Fur of Bat2 gpArcane EyeNPHB2144 
Fur of Bat2 gpDarknessNPHB2302 
Fur of Bloodhound1 gpLocate Animals or PlantsNPHB2562Divination
Fur of Bloodhound1 gpLocate CreatureNPHB2564 
Gauze0.10 gpGaseous FormNPHB2443 
Gem or other ornamental container500 gpMagic JarYPHB2576May also be a reliquary, crystal, etc. The container is destroyed when the spell ends, not upon casting
Gem-Encrusted Bowl1,000 gpHeroes' FeastYPHB2506 
Gem, as powder10 gpWall of ForceYPHB2855Gemstone must be clear
Gems, as powder5,000 gpSequesterYPHB2747Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire
Glass Eye100 gpClairvoyance (Seeing)NPHB2223 
Glass or Crystal Bead0.10 gpGlobe of InvulnerabilityYPHB2456The bead shatters when the spell ends
Glass Sliver---Cloud of DaggersNPHB2222 
Glow worm1 gpDancing LightsNPHB2300 
Gold dust25 gpArcane LockYPHB2152 
Golden Wire2 gp per footLevitateNPHB2552 
Granite0.50 gpWall of StoneNPHB2875 
Grasshopper's Hind Leg0.10 gpJumpNPHB2541 
Graveyard Dirt (just a pinch)3 gpFeign DeathNPHB2403 
Green Plant0.10 gpHallucinatory TerrainNPHB2494 
Guano0.10 gp per ounceDelayed Blast FireballNPHB2307 
Guano0.10 gp per ounceFireballNPHB2413 
Gum Arabic0.50 gpTrue PolymorphNPHB2669 
Gum Arabic Hemisphere1 gpOtiluke's Resilient SphereNPHB2644 
Hen's Heart1 gpFearNPHB2393 
Herbs, Oils, and Incense mixture1,000 gpHallowYPHB2495 
Holly Berry0.10 gpConjure Woodland BeingsNPHB2264One per being conjured
Holy Symbol0.10 gpSpirit GuardiansNPHB2783 
Holy Water1 gpDispel EvilYPHB2335 
Holy/Unholy Water1 gpBless/CurseYPHB2191 
Holy/Unholy Water1 gpCommuneYPHB2235 
Holy/Unholy Water1 gpForbiddanceYPHB2436 
Holy/Unholy Water1 gpMagic CircleYPHB2563 
Holy/Unholy Water1 gpProtection from Evil/GoodYPHB2701 
Holy/Unholy Water1 gpRegenerateYPHB2717 
Holy/Unholy Water1 gpTrue ResurrectionYPHB2849 
Holy/Unholy Water1 gpWind WalkYPHB2886 
Honey (drop)0.10 gp per ounceAntipathy (Sympathy)YPHB2148 
Honeycomb1 gpMagic MouthYPHB2572 
Honeycomb1 gpMass SuggestionYPHB2586 
Honeycomb1 gpSuggestionYPHB2792 
Incense100 gpCommuneYPHB2235 
Incense100 gpConjure Elemental (Air)YPHB2255 
Incense400 gpControl WeatherYPHB2288 
Incense200 gpDivinationYPHB2344 
Incense120 gpForbiddanceYPHB2436 
Incense60 gpGlyph of WardingYPHB2453 
Incense120 gpGuards and WardsYPHB2486 
Incense60 gpHypnotic PatternYPHB2523 
Incense250 gpLegend LoreYPHB2545Also requires 4 x Ivory Strips worth 50 gp each, not consumed
Incense150 gpSpeak with DeadYPHB2773 
Ink5 gpDreamNPHB2365 
Ink, Lead-based10 gpIllusory ScriptYPHB2521 
Iron0.02 gpHeat MetalNPHB2502 
Iron0.02 gpHold MonsterNPHB2515 
Iron0.02 gpHold PersonNPHB2512 
Iron Blade2 gpMove EarthNPHB2636 
Iron filings or powder0.02 gpAntimagic FieldNPHB2138 
Iron filings or powder0.02 gpEnlarge/ReduceNPHB2372 
Iron filings or powder0.02 gpFlaming SphereNPHB2422 
Iron filings or powder0.02 gpReverse GravityNPHB2727 
Ivory Portal (miniature)5 gpMordenkainen's Magnificent MansionNPHB2617 
Ivory Strips x450 gp eachLegend LoreNPHB2545Also requires 250 gp worth of incense, consumed.
Jacinth1,000 gpAstral ProjectionYPHB2159 
Jade Circlet1,500 gpShapechangeNPHB2749Circlet must be placed on head before casting.
Jade Dust10 gpMagic MouthYPHB2572 
Jade Dust25 gpProgrammed IllusionYPHB2696 
Jewel1,000 gpPlanar BindingYPHB2655 
Jeweled Horn100 gpClairvoyance (Hearing)NPHB2223 
Kernels of Grain0.02 gp per ounceInsect PlagueYPHB2545 
Knotted String---Guards and WardsNPHB2486 
Lead, a thin sheet0.06 gpMordenkainen's Private SanctumNPHB2624 
Leather Loop0.50 gpLevitateNPHB2552 
Leather strap, bound around arm or similar appendage0.50 gpFreedom of MovementNPHB2444 
Legume Seed0.10 gp per ounceGust of WindNPHB2482 
Licorice Root Shaving0.10 gp per ounceHasteNPHB2503 
Lime0.10 gp per poundFlesh to StoneNPHB2436 
Lodestone10 gpDisintegrateNPHB2336 
Lodestone10 gpMendingNPHB2590 
Lodestone10 gpReverse GravityNPHB2727 
Magnifying Glass100 gpSunbeamNPHB2796 
Makeup1 gpFriendsYPHB2440Applied to face as spell is cast.
Marked Sticks or Bones25 gpAuguryNPHB2152Alternatively, tarot cards, tea leaves, etc.
Mercury5 gp per ounceSymbolNPHB2807 
Mercury5 gp per ounceTenser's Floating DiskNPHB2821 
Mercury5 gp per ounceTrue PolymorphNPHB2669 
Mica chip---ShatterNPHB2752 
Mistletoe sprig0.10 gpGoodberryNPHB2461 
Mistletoe sprig0.10 gpShillelaghNPHB2750 
Molasses (a drop)0.10 gp per ounceSlowYPHB2773 
Moonseeds20 gpMoonbeamNPHB2612 
Nut Shells (3)---ConfusionNPHB2244 
Oak bark---BarkskinNPHB2172 
Oil0.10 gp per ounceGuards and WardsNPHB2486 
Oils and Unguents1,000 gpReincarnateYPHB2715 
Ointment for the Eyes25 gpTrue SeeingYPHB2846The ointment is made of mushroom powder, saffron, and fat.
Opaque Glass0.50 gpMordenkainen's Private SanctumNPHB2624 
Parchment, as a twisted loop---Rope TrickNPHB2722 
Parchment, with holy word written upon it---Shield of FaithNPHB2751 
Pearl100 gpIdentifyNPHB2521 
Petrified Eye of Newt15 gpHexNPHB2511 
Phosphorescent Moss1 gpLightNPHB2550May use a firefly instead.
Phosphorus1 gpConjure Elemental (Fire)NPHB2255 
Phosphorus1 gpDancing LightsNPHB2300 
Phosphorus1 gpFire ShieldNPHB2424 
Phosphorus1 gpSymbolNPHB2807 
Phosphorus1 gpWall of FireNPHB2854 
Pickled Octopus Tentacle8 gpHunger of HadarNPHB2513 
Pitch, a drop0.05 gpDarknessYPHB2302 
Platinum Rings, two50 gp eachWarding BondNPHB2872 
Platinum Sword, miniature, with grip and pommel of copper and zinc250 gpMordenkainen's SwordNPHB2627 
Polished Marble Stone5 gpMordenkainen's Magnificent MansionNPHB2617 
Pork Rind or other fat0.02 gpGreaseYPHB2461 
Pork Rind or other fat0.02 gpInsect PlagueYPHB2545 
Prayer Wheel10 gpRegenerateNPHB2717 
Quartz0.10 gpWall of IceNPHB2856 
Quill plucked from a sleeping bird50 gpDreamNPHB2365 
Quiver, with at least one piece of ammunition1 gpSwift QuiverNPHB2795 
Reed---Water BreathingNPHB2873 
Reliquary containing a Sacred Relic1,000 gpHoly AuraNPHB2818 
Rhubarb Leaf, powdered1 gpMelf's Acid ArrowNPHB2592 
Rose petals0.10 gp per ounceSleepNPHB2761 
Rotten Egg---Stinking CloudYPHB2783 
Ruby (as dust)50 gpContinual FlameYPHB2272 
Ruby (as dust)1,000 gpForbiddanceYPHB2436 
Ruby (as dust)1,500 gpForcecageNPHB2437 
Ruby (as dust)1,500 gpSimulacrumYPHB2767 
Sacrificial Offering appropriate to deity25 gpDivinationYPHB2344 
Salt0.10 gp per ounceComprehend LanguagesNPHB2241 
Salt0.10 gp per ounceGentle ReposeNPHB2452 
Sand0.05 gp per ounceConjure Elemental (Water)NPHB2255 
Sand0.05 gp per ounceCreate/Destroy Water (Destroy)NPHB2291 
Sand0.05 gp per ounceDreamNPHB2365 
Sand 0.05 gp per ounceSleepNPHB2761  
Sapphire1,000 gpDrawmij's Instant SummonsYPHB2356Sapphire is crushed to activate, consuming it at that time, not upon casting.
Sesame Seeds1 gp per ouncePasswallNPHB2645 
Silk Square2 gpNystul's Magic AuraNPHB2632 
Silver and Iron, powdered mixture5 gpDispel Good[varies]PHB2335 
Silver and Iron, powdered mixture100 gpMagic CircleYPHB2563 
Silver and Iron, powdered mixture5 gpProtection from Evil/Good[varies]PHB2701 
Silver Bar, ornately carved100 gpAstral ProjectionYPHB2159 
Silver Mirror, small5 gpSanctuaryNPHB2721 
Silver Pins (3).1 gp per pinChain LightningNPHB2216 
Silver powder5 gpSee InvisibilityNPHB2742 
Silver Rings, as a linked pair5gp per ringTelepathyNPHB2818 
Silver Rod10 gpGuards and WardsNPHB2486 
Silver Spoon, tiny5 gpMordenkainen's Magnificent MansionNPHB2617 
Silver Whistle5 gpMordenkainen's Faithful HoundNPHB2614 
Skunk Cabbage Leaves0.10 gpStinking CloudNPHB2783 
Snakeskin glove5 gpBigby's HandNPHB2185 
Snaketongue---Mass SuggestionNPHB2796 
Snow, enough to make a life-size copy of the target creature---SimulacrumYPHB2767May substitute ice
Soil mixture in a small bag0.05 gpMove EarthNPHB2636Clay, loam, sand, etc.
Soot---Comprehend LanguagesNPHB2241 
Spheres of glass, crystal, or mineral2 gpFeeblemindNPHB2398 
Spider---Spider ClimbNPHB2772 
Statue of the caster, carved from ivory and decorated with gems1,500 gpContingencyNPHB2276 
Stem of a Thorny Plant0.05 gpThorn WhipNPHB2820 
Stone---Hallucinatory TerrainNPHB2494 
Straw---Water BreathingNPHB2873 
String---Unseen ServantNPHB2841 
Sugar0.30 gp per ounceInsect PlagueYPHB2545 
Sulfur0.10 gpConjure Elemental (Fire)NPHB2255 
Sulfur0.10 gpDelayed Blast FireballNPHB2307 
Sulfur0.10 gpFireballNPHB2413 
Sulfur0.10 gpFlame StrikeNPHB2425 
Sumac Leaf1 gpFlame BladeNPHB2422 
Sunstone20 gpSunburstNPHB2798 
Sweet Oil, a drop1 gp per ounceMass SuggestionYPHB2796 
Sweet Oil, a drop1 gp per ounceSuggestionYPHB2792 
Talcum powder0.50 gp per poundSee InvisibilityYPHB2742 
Tallow0.30 gp per poundFlaming SphereNPHB2422 
Tarts0.15 gpTasha's Hideous LaughterNPHB2801 
Tentacle of giant octopus or giant squid---Evard's Black TentaclesNPHB2484 
Thorns0.10 gp per dozenWall of ThornsNPHB2876 
Thorns, seven0.10 gp per dozenSpike GrowthNPHB2772 
Thread0.10 gp per spoolMordenkainen's Faithful HoundNPHB2614 
Tiny Piece of Target Matter---CreationNPHB2295 
Twig0.05 gpHallucinatory TerrainNPHB2494 
Twig from a tree that has been struck by lightning25 gpWitch BoltNPHB2891 
Umber Hulk Blood80 gpGuards and WardsNPHB2486 
Vessel to contain a Medium-sized creature2,000 gpCloneNPHB2228Urn, sarcophagus, coffin, etc.
Water---Armor of AgathysYPHB2151 
Water---Conjure Elemental (Water)YPHB2255 
Water---Control WaterYPHB2274 
Water---Create Food and WaterNPHB2293 
Water---Flesh to StoneYPHB2436 
Water---Ice StormYPHB2524 
Water---Sleet StormYPHB2763 
Wire of fine silver1 gp per footAlarmNPHB2111 
Wisp of Smoke---Gaseous FormYPHB2443 
Wisp of Smoke---True PolymorphYPHB2669 
Wood0.10 gpUnseen ServantNPHB2841 
Wychwood5 gpDancing LightsNPHB2300 
Yew Leaf1 gpDetect Poison and DiseaseNPHB2311 

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:50, Sat 18 Feb 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 700 posts
Teller of Tales
Thu 9 Mar 2023
at 00:54
  • msg #28

Home-brewed House Rules

Some of the ways a DM can assist with long range wealth transportation is by Trade Guild Writs or Trade Bars. These are usually backed by pretty strict laws against fraud and forgery by both the guilds or players alike. As long as you're in the same kingdom under the same laws, there shouldn't be a problem unless you're trying to pass off a forgery (which requires more information than just scribbling some words on some paper). These will generally be of no use in small villages or in the wilderness, but any trade-hub town or city should have guild offices.

Trade Writs are a service offered to Guild Artisans/Merchants in good standing. This is a simple voucher for a certain amount of value credit, which can be exchanged for gold within another Guilds' means, but largely for goods & services. All these records are maintained in guild ledgers.

A 'Trade Bar" is a serial-marked bar of brass or a wood token (weighing no more than 1 lb.) that can be exchanged for a value of 100, 500, 1000, 5000, or 10000 gold. Players can exchange trade bars for gold once the local Adventurer's guild has received an updated ledger marking its serial number as having been issued, usually taking no longer than 30 days. These can be an alternative to the 'sack of gems' style of wealth compression, since truly valuable gems are both rare and in high demand by people of means. This is generally a safe means of transport, as the bars can have a variety of simple security features to ferret out all but the most elaborate forgeries. These are more 'liquid' than writs, assuming a merchant is willing to accept it, and they usually will prefer a simple bar of fixed value over a pile of gems of suspect value.

Innkeepers often have a strongbox that can be rented for a small fee of a few silver and can look after small amounts of wealth or small items during your stay. It's generally considered safe, as long as you're not a wealthy-looking individual paying for a room in a low-rent area to cheap out on expenses. The better the accomodations, the more secure you can safely assume it would be.
Hand of Fate
GM, 827 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 18 Apr 2023
at 13:54
  • msg #29

Home-brewed House Rules

Fx of Majik on Encumbrance

Normal armors weigh normally.  Just a fact of fantasy life.   Magical armor weighs magically less.  In this game, it is defined thusly....

Armor +1 will weight 10% less than its normal value
Armor +2 will weight 20% less than its normal vlaue, etc...

Same with shields and weapons.

Magical armor and weapons are not very common in this game.  Not because the magic is not there, but because it can be destroyed so easily.  Do not get too attached to your magic items.  On high damage situations I roll the die.  This includes critical damages.  If you sustain a critical hit, your armor could be destroyed.  It balances the game in respect to the amount of magical items you can find in adventuring.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:08, Tue 18 Apr 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1051 posts
Teller of Tales
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 23:25
  • msg #32

Home-brewed House Rules


Firstly, the spell Read Magic is considered a class skill in my game called Transcribing (INT+WIS/2).  The ability to read and write magical script. It is an important skill for researching and learning new spells.

Spellcasters, no matter their flavor, start the game with two spells plus a number of spells equal to their adjustment for ability score (WIS for clerics, INT for mages). He may then gain more spells either by training with a higher level NPC, or from successfully transcribing a spell from a scroll (learning it), or spell book for mages.  NOTE: Spells transcribed from a magical scroll destroys the scroll.  Spells transcribed from spell books or spell scrolls do not.

Additionally, a new spell-level spell is gained if a character acquires the required XP. This spell is selected by the player and listed on the character sheet. On reaching the required XP for a new spell level, the caster automatically gains the spell and it can be recorded.  These are the ONLY ways a spell caster may obtain new spells.

Transcribing (learning, recording) takes two hours per spell level and costs 50gp per spell level.  The cost represents material components you expend as you experiment with the spell to master it, as well as the expensively fine ink you need to record it.  Some spells require exotic or rare inks and therefore cannot be transcribed in the wilds of adventuring and will cost much, much more gold.

Magical scrolls are destroyed regardless of the learning outcome, therefore you may have to find it again to try learning it after failing to do so. You can attempt to learn the same spell multiple times with a mage's spell book or a cleric's spell scroll, which do not get destroyed, at -1 to the d20 roll per attempt beyond the first (assuming you have time and money/ink to do so). If you are unlucky and cant learn within the attempts, you can try again on gaining a new level at normal chances again.

1) Rounding down I assume?

2) If your intelligence or wisdom stat increases can you reroll for a spell you failed earlier?

3) If you purchase a skill increase at a later level for this skill can you reroll for spells you failed earlier?

4) if being taught a spell is desired by a character from an NPC is a charisma check required to see if the NPC likes you or should persuade or intimidate checks be used?
It will be roleplayed. Variables include charisma scores, racial biases, reputation, etc.  A dwarf may be unwilling to teach an elf PC. The PC can then try to persuade or intimidate, whatever they have a flare for.

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:29, Sun 14 Jan.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1107 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 9 Jul 2023
at 23:15
  • msg #33

Home-brewed House Rules


In general. the higher a character's level of mastery with a weapon. the more damage he does with the weapon and the greater number of special results he can achieve with the weapon.  Once the character has spent his 1st level choices, to gain additional knowledge of the use of a weapon he must be trained by someone who has equal or greater knowledge of that specific weapon.

After finding a trainer who will provide the necessary instruction, the student must pay all of the required costs before training can begin. The costs and time required for weapon training vary by the level of mastery sought, and they are listed in the Training Times and Costs Table.

Success is determined with a roll from the player after the cost is paid. After one week of training, the character is informed by his instructor of his training results, letting him/her know whether they are ready or not.  If the character fails, they have the choice of continuing their instruction for another week at +10% on their chance of success after paying 1/2 the costs again, or changing to a more experienced trainer (for more money, of course) and listed chance of success. This is all simplified from the core rules for "play by post" gaming.

Level ofTime (wks)Cost Per
Skill SoughtRequiredWeek (gp)
Basic (new weapon)1100
Grand Master121000

Student'sTrainer's Knowledge
KnowledgeBasicSkilledExpertMasterGrand Master
Grand Master--------1%

Frequently Asked Questions::
Does the training require 8 hours per day?
Yes, it requires eight to ten hours a day.

Is it possible to both train and be trained in the same week?
No, it is not possible to both train and be trained in the same week.

How many students can an instructor train at one time?
Past BASIC skill level, instruction is one-on-one training.

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:39, Sun 05 May.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1117 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 11 Jul 2023
at 14:40
  • msg #34

Home-brewed House Rules


WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Axe, HandBS10/20/301d6----
P = MSK15/25/351d6+2M-1AC/1--
 MS30/40/50P:2d4+4 S:1d6+4M-3AC/3--
 GM40/50/60P:2d4+7 S:1d6+6M-3AC/3--
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
P = HSK15/25/351d6H-1AC/1Double Damage (20)
1HEX20/30/452d4H-2AC/2Double Damage (19-20)
 MS25/35/50P:3d4 S:2d4+2H-2AC/2Double Damage (18-20)
 GM30/50/60P:4d4 S:3d4+1H-3AC/3Double Damage (17-20)
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Hammer, ThrowingBS10/20/301d4----
P = HSK10/20/301d4+2M-1AC/2Stun (s/m)
1HEX20/30/451d6+2M-2AC/3Stun (s/m)
 MS20/30/45P:1d6+4 S:1d4+4M-3AC/4Stun (s/m)
 GM30/50/60P:1d6+6 S:1d4+6M-4AC/5Stun (s/m)
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
JavelinBS30/ 60/ 901d6----
P = HSK30/ 60/ 901d6+2H-1AC/1Delay (s/m)
1HEX40/ 80/1201d6+4H-2AC/1Delay (s/m)
 MS40/ 80/120P:1d6+6 S:1d4+6H-2AC/2Delay (s/m)
 GM50/100/150P:1d6+9 S:1d4+8H-2AC/2Delay (s/m)
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
NetBS10/ 20/ 30Nil--Entangle
P = MSK15/ 25/ 35NilA-2AC/1Entangle(Sv-1)
1H/2HEX20/ 30/ 40NilA-4AC/2Entangle(Sv-2)
 MS25/ 35/ 45NilA-6AC/3Entangle(P:Sv-4 S:Sv-2)
 GM30/ 40/ 50NilA-8AC/4Entangle(P:Sv-6 S:Sv-3)
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
SpearBS20/ 40/ 601d6--Set
P = ASK20/ 40/ 601d6+2--Set
1HEX40/ 60/ 752d4+2--Set + stun
 MS40/ 60/ 752d4+4--Set + stun
 GM60/ 75/ 902d4+6--Set + stun
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Tossed, ObjectBS10/ 30/ 50Stone 1d3--Stun (s)
P = ABS10/ 30/ 50Oil   1d8--Ignite
1HBS10/ 30/ 50Holy Water 1d8----
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
TridentBS10/ 20/ 301d6----
P = MSK10/ 20/ 301d8+1--Skewer (up to 4HD)
1HEX20/ 30/ 451d8+4--Skewer (up to 7HD)
 MS20/ 30/ 45P:1d8+6 S:1d6+6--Skewer (up to 10HD)
 GM30/ 45/ 60P:1d6+9 S:1d4+8--Skewer (up to 15HD)

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:25, Tue 07 Nov 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1118 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 11 Jul 2023
at 14:41
  • msg #35

Home-brewed House Rules


WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
P = MSK--1d8+2M-2AC/2Delay
 MS--/5/10P/1d8+8,   S/1d8+6M-3AC/3Delay + stun
 GM5/10/15P/1d10+10, S/1d8+8M-4AC/4Delay + stun
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Club or TorchBS--1d6----
P = MSK--1d6+1A-1AC/2Deflect(1)
 MS--/15/25P/1d6+5, S/1d4+5A-3AC/3Deflect(2)
 GM10/25/40P/1d6+6, S/1d4+6A-4AC/4Deflect(2)
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
P = HSK--1d6+2M-2AC/2--
 MS--/10/20P/1d8+5, S/1d6+4M-4AC/3--
 GM10/20/30P/1d8+7, S/1d6+7M-5AC/4--
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
P = ASK--2d4H-1AC/1--
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Sword, BastardBS--1d6+1----
P = HSK--1d6+3H-1AC/1--
 MS--P/1d8+8,  S/1d6+7H-3AC/2Deflect(1)
 GM--P/1d8+10, S/1d6+8H-4AC/3Deflect(2)
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Sword, BastardBS--1d8+1----
P = HSK--1d8+3--Deflect(1)
 MS--/--/5P/1d10+8, S/1d8+7H-2AC/2Deflect(2)
 GM--/ 5/10P/1d12+10,S/1d10+8H-3AC/2Deflect(3)
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Sword, LongBS--1d8----
P = HSK--1d12H-2AC/1Deflect(1) + disarm
1HEX--/ 5/102d8H-2AC/2Deflect(2) + disarm(Sv+1)
 MS--/ 5/10P/2d8+4,  S/2d6+4H-3AC/3Deflect(2) + disarm(Sv+2)
 GM5/10/15P/2d8+8,  S/2d6+8H-4AC/3Deflect(3) + disarm(Sv+4)
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Sword, ShortBS--1d6----
P = HSK--1d6+2H-1AC/1Deflect(1) + disarm(Sv+1)
1HEX--/10/201d6+4H-2AC/2Deflect(2) + disarm(Sv+2)
 MS--/10/20P/1d6+7,  S/1d4+7H-2AC/3Deflect(2) + disarm(Sv+4)
 GM10/20/30P/1d6+9,  S/1d4+9H-3AC/4Deflect(3) + disarm(Sv+6)

Hand of Fate
GM, 1119 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 11 Jul 2023
at 14:42
  • msg #36

Home-brewed House Rules


WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Blowgun, ShortBS10/20/30Nil--Poison-
P = ASK15/20/30Nil--Poison(Sv-1)
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Blowgun, LongBS20/25/30Nil--Poison-
P = HSK20/25/30Nil--Poison(Sv-1)
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
P = HSK25/40/601d3H-1AC/1Strangle(20)(Sv-1)
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Bow, LongBS70/140/2101d6----
P = MSK90/150/2201d8+1H-1AC/1Delay (s/m)
2HEX110/170/2301d10+2H-2AC/1Delay (s/m)
 MS130/180/240P:3d6 S:1d10+4H-2AC/2Delay (s/m)
 GM150/200/250P:4d4+2 S:1d19+6H-2AC/2Delay (s/m)
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Bow, ShortBS50/100/1501d6----
P = MSK60/110/1601d6+2H-1AC/1Delay (s)
2HEX80/130/1701d6+4H-1AC/2Delay (s)
 MS90/130/180P:1d8+6  S:1d4+6H-2AC/2Delay (s)
 GM110/140/190P:1d10+8 S:1d6+7H-2AC/2Delay (s)
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Crossbow, HvyBS80/160/2402d4----
P = HSK90/160/2402d6M-1AC/1Stun(s/m)
 MS110/170/240P:3d6+2 S:1d12+4M-3AC/2Stun(s/m)
 GM120/180/240P:4d4+4 S:1d10+6M-2AC/3Stun(s/m)
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Crossbow, LgtBS60/120/1801d6----
P = HSK60/120/1801d6+2M-1AC/1Stun(s)
 MS75/130/180P:1d8+6 S:1d4+6M-2AC/3Stun(s)
 GM90/140/180P:1d6+7 S:2d4+5M-3AC/3Stun(s)
WeaponLvlRangesDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
SlingBS40/ 80/1601d4----
P = HSK40/ 80/1601d6H-1AC/2Stun(s/m)
 MS60/110/180P:3d4 S:1d8+2H-3AC/3Stun(s/m)
 GM80/130/180P:4d4 S:1d10+2H-4AC/4Stun(s/m)

Hand of Fate
GM, 1120 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 11 Jul 2023
at 14:42
  • msg #37

Home-brewed House Rules


WeaponLvlDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
P = ASK2d2--Knockout (save-1)
1HEX1d4+1--Knockout (save-2)
 MSP/1d4+3, S/1d6+2--Knockout (save-3)
 GMP/1d4+5, S/1d6+2--Knockout (save-4)
WeaponLvlDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
CestusBS1d3--No off-hand penalty
P = HSK1d4+1--No off-hand penalty
1HEX2d4--No off-hand penalty
 MSP/2d4, S/1d4+3--No off-hand penalty
 GMP/3d4, S/2d4+3--No off-hand penalty
WeaponLvlDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
HalberdBS1d10--Hook + Disarm
P = HSK1d10+3H-1AC/1Hook(Sv-1) + Disarm
2HEX1d10+3H-2AC/1Hook(Sv-2) + Disarm + Deflect(1)
 MSP/1d8+10, S/1d8+8H-2AC/2Hook(Sv-3) + Disarm + Deflect(1)
 GMP/1d6+15, S/1d6+12H-3AC/2Hook(Sv-4) + Disarm + Deflect(2)
WeaponLvlDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
LanceBS1d10--Mounted Charge
P = MSK1d10+3M-2AC/1Mounted Charge
2HEX1d10+3M-3AC/2Mounted Charge
 MSP/1d8+12, S/1d6+10M-3AC/2Mounted Charge
 GMP/1d8+16, S/1d6+12M-4AC/2Mounted Charge
WeaponLvlDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
P = HSK1d12+2H-2AC/1Deflect(1)
 MSP/1d12+9, S/1d10+8H-3AC/2Deflect(2)
WeaponLvlDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
P = HSK1d10+3H-2AC/1Deflect(1)
WeaponLvlDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Shield, HornedBS1d2A-1AC/1Second Attack
P = ASK2d2A-1AC/1Off-hand attack
1HEX1d4+1A-1AC/2Off-hand attack
 MSP/1d4+3, S/1d6+1A-1AC/4Off-hand attack
 GMP/1d4+5, S/1d6+2A-1AC/6Off-hand attack
WeaponLvlDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Shield, KnifeBS1d4+1A-1ACOff-hand attack + breaks
P = ASK1d6+1A-1ACOff-hand attack + breaks
1HEX2d4+1A-2ACOff-hand attack + breaks
 MSP/3d4, S/2d4+2A-2ACOff-hand attack + breaks
 GMP/4d4, S/3d4+1A-2ACOff-hand attack + breaks
WeaponLvlDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Shield, SwordBS1d4+2A-1AC/2Off-hand attack + breaks
P = ASK1d6+3A-1AC/2Off-hand attack + breaks
1HEX1d6+4A-2AC/3Off-hand attack + breaks
 MSP/1d6+7, S/1d4+7A-2AC/3Off-hand attack + breaks
 GMP/1d6+9, S/1d4+9A-3AC/4Off-hand attack + breaks
WeaponLvlDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
Shield, TuskedBS1d4+1A-1ACOff-hand attack + breaks
P = ASK1d6+2A-2ACOff-hand attack + breaks
1HEX2d4+2A-2ACOff-hand attack + breaks
 MSP/2d4+4, S/1d6+5A-3ACOff-hand attack + breaks
 GMP/1d8+6, S/1d8+3A-3ACOff-hand attack + breaks
WeaponLvlDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
P = ASK1d6+2A-1AC/2Deflect(1)
 MSP/1d8+5, S/1d6+4A-3AC/3Deflect(3)
 GMP/1d8+7, S/1d6+7A-4AC/4Deflect(4)
WeaponLvlDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
P = ASK2d6+1--Stun + Deflect(1)
2HEX2d8+2--Stun + Deflect(2)
 MSP/3d6+3, S/2d8+3--Stun + Deflect(2)
 GMP/3d6+6, S/3d6+2--Stun + Deflect(3)
WeaponLvlDamageDefenseSpecial Effects
P = ASK1d4M-2AC/2Entangle(Sv-1)
 MSP/1d4+3, S/1d3+2M-4AC/3Entangle(Sv-3)
 GMP/1d4+5, S/1d3+3M-4AC/4Entangle(Sv-4)

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:49, Tue 11 July 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1197 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 30 Jul 2023
at 13:16
  • msg #38

Home-brewed House Rules


A perception roll (WIS) has to do with the character's senses.  What do they see, hear, smell, taste, touch or otherwise sense from their environment.  A investigation roll (INT) has to do with logical reasoning or how you interpret the information provided by your senses.  Either can be used to find hidden things depending on the circumstances and it is up to the DM to decide which is applicable.

Here are some examples:

Finding doors or traps via perception checks:

- noticing a hair thin line that defines the edge of a hidden door would likely be a perception check.
- feeling a slight breeze around the edge of a hidden or secret door might be a perception check.
- hearing the faint sound of running water from behind a hidden door might be a perception check.
- looking into a lock and noticing that there appears to be an unexpected sharp object at the top of the lock might be a perception check.
- examining a lock and smelling a faint acrid smell associated with poison might be a perception check.
- noticing a concealed hair thin wire running across the floor might be a perception check.

In the above cases, the challenge is noticing something associated with what is hidden but once noticed it is usually pretty obvious that you are dealing with a door or a trap or something hidden.  However, sometimes the clues are pretty obvious but what they MEAN is not and that requires an investigation check.

Finding doors or traps via investigation:

- examining a desk drawer. The drawer is perhaps oddly shallow. Investigation check to find the hidden compartment at the back of the drawer.
- there are some scrapes on the floor. These are pretty obvious but it might require an investigation check to determine that they are caused by a hidden door opening into the room.
- a lock contains an odd black substance. Investigation check to determine that the substance is flammable and will likely explode if the chest is opened.
- a chest has three key holes. Investigation check to examine the mechanism and deduce the proper order to insert the keys.
- a book on a bookshelf protrudes about 1/2" farther than the others. Investigation check might determine that this is attached to a release mechanism for a secret door.
- Carpet isn't lying perfectly flat. Investigation check to determine that this is caused by something specific under the carpet... perhaps a hidden trap door.

So from my perspective... perception is used for things that are difficult to detect but usually fairly easy to figure out when found while investigation is used for things that are fairly easily found but harder to figure out what they mean.  Investigation uses logical reasoning to deduce the existence or location of something hidden while perception is related to directly sensing something related to the hidden object.

There are cases where both a perception check and investigation check might be required to figure something out.

Perception checks are obviously required because a player can never know what a character can sense... it is all abstracted.  However, investigation is a "hybrid" skill in that some players are good at deductive reasoning and when the DM gives them what the character sees they immediately start looking for the hidden item.  However, the player is not the character and not all players are the same... so making an investigation check allows for the characters ability to reason logically and figure out puzzles and clues to be taken into account when resolving an in-game task.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1270 posts
Teller of Tales
Wed 30 Aug 2023
at 07:23
  • msg #39

Home-brewed House Rules

Please abide by these simple rules within the game. Posts which break these rules are subject to editing, deletion, or angry rants from the the GM. The Main Rule is bolded below, with clarifications and examples following:

• Keep up.
You must post 3-5 times every week. If you cannot, let the GM know in advance. Fourteen days without posting will get a Player booted from the game, so please let the community know if you will have an extended absence.

Be sure to read and pay attention to the DM's and other players' posts so your post reflects what's going on currently.

• Write well, write in a narrative style, and proofread.
The preferred method in this game is that each player writes in third person present-tense. I'm strict about the third person bit, if not the tense, so do not write as "I" or address information to "you" but instead describe from a third-person point of view wherein they are in the act of doing something, not having done something.

Proofread to make sure the worst mistakes are caught, that any color tags used in the post work properly, and so on. The GM will is not going to bust players for misspelling a few words. Be aware that the GM will edit posts to correct mistakes or correct game guideline mistakes. An edit from the GM is not a criticism in any way. The GM merely wants the storyline format to be consistent and readable.

• Be descriptive.
Don't try to cover all possible outcomes of a situation with vague generalities. That is, don't say, "He searches the door in the usual manner," or "She looks around and takes anything valuable she sees unless it looks dangerous."

*Important* Players must write in such a way as to convey their character's emotions, feelings, traits, temperaments, or descriptive actions in reaction to the current scene from the GM. You, as a player, are participating in the telling of a story. One-line sentences, or a post with only an OOC chat is not acceptable.

• Don't use formatting in place of clear writing.
Do not use color in place of quotation marks for speech -- use of color in addition is allowed, but proper punctuation is still required. Double quotes (" ") are for speech, and italics for thoughts, in broadest strokes. Please do not re-define these standard punctuation marks.

Italics are for thoughts, or internal dialogue and bold is for deliberate loud speech, and bold caps is for shouting only.

Repetitive, consistent failure to meet these requirements may result in the removal of a player from the game.

Posting Format

Use a color (except red or orange) for your character's speech, or don't use a color at all; your choice.  Out of character comments and dice rolls are written in orange color after a hard rule, <hr>.

Example Post might be written as--
<serif>Judge faces the pale vampire and raises his whip. <blue>"Perish beast, this land is no place for you! <b>GET OUT!</b>"</blue> he shouts as he lunges at the undead. <hr><orange><small>
Today: Judge rolled 19 using 1d20+3.  Atk Vampire1.
Today: Judge rolled 4 using 1d3+2.  Damage.
OOC: This seems kinda familiar... Hits AC1 for 4 damage.</orange></serif></small>

--- yields ---

Judge faces the pale vampire and raises his whip. "Perish beast, this land is no place for you! GET OUT!" he shouts as he lunges at the undead.

Today: Judge Beltom rolled 19 using 1d20+3.  Atk Vampire1.
Today: Judge Beltom rolled 4 using 1d3+2.  Damage.
OOC: This seems kinda familiar... Hits AC1 for 4 damage.

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:26, Tue 07 Nov 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1316 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 24 Sep 2023
at 11:23
  • msg #40

Home-brewed House Rules


Normally, if a character swaps weapons, meaning put one away and bring out another, there is a loss of initiative in the action. A character may, however, retain their initiative if they simply drop the current weapon and draw the other. The Alertness skill negates the loss of initiative.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:54, Fri 12 Apr.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1406 posts
Teller of Tales
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 00:25
  • msg #41

Home-brewed House Rules

Skilled Weapon Special Effects Descriptions
The special effects listed or weapons in the Weapons Mastery Table are described here and arranged alphabetically for your convenience.

BREAKSWhenever the wielder of a shield weapon or his foe rolls the exact number needed to hit the other, there is a chance that one of the shield weapons blades will break.  With a subsequent roll of 5 or less on 1d10, a blade breaks.
CHARGEIf the wielder charges 20 yards or more and strikes his target, the victim takes double damage.
DEATHThe victim is reduced to -10 hit points.
DEFLECTIn addition to any attacks, the wielder of this weapon may attempt to deflect the number of melee and thrown weapon attacks indicated in one round. To deflect each attack, the character must make a saving throw vs. death ray.
DELAYThe victim hit by this weapon must make a saving throw or lose initiative the next round.  If the type of saving throw is not specified, it is a save vs. paralysis.  For missile attacks, this effect occurs only at the indicated ranges.
DISARMThe wielder of this weapon may attempt to disarm an opponent instead of making a normal attack.  The attacker must roll to hit the target.  The victim can save his weapon by rolling less than or equal to his DEX .  If the attacker has the Disarm Combat option, the victim must add a +5 penalty to his die roll. The DM should determine DEX scores for NPCs and monsters or else assume a DEX score of 11.  In addition, for each level of mastery the attacker has gained beyond basic, the victim suffers a penalty of +1 to his roll vs. the effect.
DOUBLE DAMAGEOn a natural roll of the number(s) indicated, the weapon inflicts double damage.
ENTANGLEAn entangled victim cannot attack, cast spells, or move. The victim may make a saving throw vs. death ray each round to escape.
HOOKInstead of making a normal attack, the wielder of this weapon may attempt to hook and pull down a foe. The attacker must roll to hit.  this causes the minimum damage possible for the weapon; the victim must make a save bs. paralysis or fall down. A +4 bonus to attack rolls applies when attacking a fallen foe.  A fallen foe also has a -4 penalty to all saving throws and a -2 penalty to attack rolls while on the ground.  A character can stand up next round, but loses initiative.
IGNITEFire has a chance to ignite anything flammable that it hits. The chance is equal to 5% (rolled on d100) per point of damage caused in each round.  If an item ignites it will burn for d6 rounds causing 1d4 points of damage each round.
KNOCKOUTThe victim is rendered unconscious for d100 rounds.
NO OFF-HAND PENALTYWhen using the two weapon combat rule, the cestus does not take a -4 penalty or the -1 weapon mastery level penalties when used in the off-hand.  If the character uses two cesti, he can strike with both weapons at the same chance for success.
PARALYSISFreezes a creature in place for d6 turns.  A paralyzed creature is aware of what is happening but cannot move, attack, talk, or cast spells.  Any curing spell can negate the effects of paralysis, but they do not cure damage in addition to removing the paralysis.
SECOND ATTACKThe wielder is able to make a second attack with this shield weapon while attacking with another one-handed weapon in his other hand.  This second attack is made with no off-hand penalty.
SET VS CHARGEIf the wielder is aware of a charging enemy, he may set this weapon against the charge. A charge only takes place when the enemy rushes the wielder at 20 yards this round.  If the wielder's weapon hits the charging foe, it inflicts double listed damage.
SKEWERIf the target has no more than the number of HD indicated, the wielder of this weapon may decide to skewer him instead of strike him normally. A normal attack consists of striking the target and withdrawing the trident for another attack; with the skewer, the attacker thrusts his trident into the target and twists it so that it is not easily extracted.  Once the weapon hits, it is stuck; it will remain stuck for 1d4+4 rounds, after which time the victim's movements will causing it to come free. For each round a victim remains skewered, he automatically takes 1d6 points of damage.
SLOWThe victim is slowed and can move and attack at only half his normal movement rate.  He can cast no spells while slowed.
STRANGLEIf the attacker makes a natural roll of the number(s) indicated, the victim must make a successful save vs. death ray or become immediately paralyzed and die in 1d6+2 rounds unless rescued. If the victim escapes, he survives but remains paralyzed for 2d6 rounds.
STUNIf the victim is approximately the same size as the attacker or smaller, he is stunned if he fails a saving throw vs. death ray.  A stunned character moves at 1/3 speed and cannot attack or cast spells.  The character also has a +2 armor class penalty and a -2 saving throw penalty.  A stunned character can make a saving throw vs. death ray each round to recover from the stun effect.  For missile weapons, this effect occurs only at the specified ranges.

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:29, Fri 10 Nov 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1427 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 12 Nov 2023
at 14:37
  • msg #42

Home-brewed House Rules

Light and Continual Light spells (Reversible)
First off, apparently there are NO SHADOWS in an area affected by this spell.... The last paragraph in the description of a Halfling's Hiding ability. It is stated in the 1991 D&D Game Rulebook, "Also, if someone casts a magical Light spell in an area where the Halfling is 'frozen' in the shadows, the shadows disappear and the Halfling's presence is automatically discovered."

However, since there are two ways to cast the spell (either on an object or as an area effect), and since a popular practice is casting a Light spell on a small object, and then covering that object when the light needs to be hidden (which wouldn't work if there were no shadows...), I allow the two modes to operate differently.

Home Brewed Rule
When the spell is cast as a stationary area effect, there will simply be no shadows in that area, and the light will seem to exist without any light-casting source. Hiding in the shadows will obviously be impossible in such an area.

Whenever the spell is cast on a small object or at a creature's eyes, it will cause a bright glow to surround the object (if the object is not too large), or cause a glowing ball of pure light to be attached to the object at the target point. This light source WILL cast shadows as it illuminates the surrounding area. The object can be covered to hide the light, and this variation will not automatically ruin hiding attempts. However, I only  allow this functionality for the Light spell, and not for Continual Light. If Continual Light is cast on an object or at a creature's eyes, it will still create the brightly-glowing light source as above, but consider this more powerful light to be of a highly magical nature, capable of penetrating solid objects as it illuminates them, leaving no shadows in the area and making it impossible to hide the light without magical means. This is because the Continual Light spell has an unlimited duration and better range than Light. It would make it far too easy for anyone and everyone to carry around bright, everlasting light sources that remain easy to conceal, and which are freely created with a low-level spell.

As for the reverse of the spell, Darkness, notice that it mentions infra-vision can penetrate the area when cast as an area effect, but if cast at a creature's eyes, it will blind the creature (creatures with infra-vision are not excluded from this blinding). Also, it's not specifically stated in the spell description, but the functionality of casting Darkness on an object so that the spell effect moves as the object moves, can be inferred from reading the effect of the Onyx Dragon's breath weapon.

Home Brewed Rule
When cast as a stationary area effect, Darkness will function as stated.

When cast on an object or at a creature's eyes, it will create a tiny point that absorbs all light (even magical light) in the area around it. You might think of this as a mini, magical Black Hole effect; all light in the area will be gathered into that one point, and no light will escape outward from that point, so no light will be visible to anyone within the darkened area. If that point is attached to a creature's eyes, the creature might see that one bright point of light in a field of darkness. For creatures with infra-vision, that point of light would prevent the infra-vision from functioning, explaining why they are blinded in this

Whenever either of these spells is cast at a creature's eyes and the creature makes its Saving Throw, the spell "misses" and becomes an area effect version of the spell, centered where the creature was standing.

Read the individual spell descriptions of Continual Light and Continual Darkness to note some other differences in functionality (e.g., Continual Darkness blocks all infra-vision, and only the Cleric's version of Continual Light is as bright as full daylight).
Hand of Fate
GM, 1485 posts
Teller of Tales
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 13:44
  • msg #43

Home-brewed House Rules


Magic items are claimed by a declaration by a PC in game with an associated roll of dice. If there are two or more characters vying for a magic item, the players will make a d100 roll. High roll wins the item.

NOTE: Orphaned PC or party member NPC will not roll for magic items, but may use magic items not allocated to a party member.

Magic items not acquired by any PC will go into the bag of holding and be sold for collective gold and XP.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:27, Sun 05 May.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1626 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 12:56
  • msg #44

Home-brewed House Rules


When exploring a dungeon with a larger sized party things can become crowded quickly when in corridors and small spaces. There are rules in later editions concerning this, but none in the basic ruleset.

When characters are 2 abreast in a 10ft corridor, they are generally not much more than 2 feet wide, giving 6 feet of active space for a character behind to move through. If characters are co-operative, then movement back and forward should be allowed.

The difficulty comes with combat resolution. I will continue to resolve the combat scenes by initiatives. That means that it is still possible to be blocked if there is not enough room for all movement in a space, including opposition movement. If there are three open squares and five moving, two will be blocked. That sort of thing.

Simply as a game mechanic, a forward character cannot block movement past them into an open space by another character, nor can a character be "forced" from a position by another character.

Movement through a crowded space, generally a corridor, is at 1/2 movement.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:18, Sun 05 May.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1628 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 19:44
  • msg #45

Home-brewed House Rules

Non-Lethal Combat: Fisticuffs
When one character hits another in unarmed combat, this is called striking or fisticuffs. An unarmed strike may end in a stunning or a knockout.

Striking Procedure Checklist
1. The player announces in their post the intent to strike. The character can strike with fist, foot (kick), head (butt), or knee. If he intends to use a fist , the character must be empty-handed, or may drop or put away an item in his striking hand
2. Normal initiative and attack roll procedures executed.
3. If the strike hits, the character does the base damage of 0 plus bonuses from high strength.
4. A victim hit by a strike must roll a d20, subtract CON score from the roll. If total is 1 or more, the victim is stunned for a round. Also, a save vs death ray with a +4 bonus to the roll, or suffer a knockout. The duration of a knockout is simply the resulting difference in the d20 minus CON roll in combat rounds

Stun Effects
● Cannot attack until the stun wears off.
● Movement reduced to one-third normal.
● -4 penalty to saves.
● +4 penalty to armor class.
● Cannot concentrate, i.e. cast spells, etc.
● Cannot use general skills.
● Weapon mastery reduced to basic level.

Knockout Effects
● Unconsciousness duration of rounds equal to the d20 minus CON value in minutes.

Home-brew Rules
● A character may pull their punch when striking (if one has STR bonus) to do no damage.
● An attacker's STR bonus is applied as a penalty for saves vs deathray for knockouts.
● Objects in hand (roll of coins, etc.) inflict a -2 penalty to a victim's save vs deathray for knockouts.
Regeneration will reduce duration of knockouts.

Non-Lethal Combat: Wrestling

Each opponent involved in wrestling (attacking or defending) makes a simple d20 roll each round. If the character is trying to wrestle, he adds his WR to the roll. You can find your WR score on your character sheet. If he is trying to do something else (such as strike, use a dagger, etc.), he does not add his WR to the roll that round. The highest roll wins the round. Ties are considered a draw for that round, neither gaining advantage. Wrestling can take several rounds to resolve to a winner.  Contestants move up and down a status scale depending on how well they are doing. The scale moves from free, to grabbed, to takedown, to pinned.  Both targets are considered "free" when the wrestling begins.

Status Scale
FreeBeginning of wrestling combat
GrabA character grabbed can still do many things. The easiest being drop everything and counter-grapple the wrestling attack. He can also throw a small or medium weapon at a target or attack unarmed or with a small weapon against the wrestler. He cannot fire a missile weapon, cast a spell, use a magic item, etc.
TakedownA character taken down has fewer options. He can throw only small weapons at a target and attack either unarmed or with a small weapon. Counter-grappling against the attacker is still available in a takedown.
PinA pinned character can perform no combat maneuvers. Once per round, he can make his wrestling roll (at -3 penalty) to try to escape the pin. If he beats the wrestler's roll , he breaks the pin and returns to the takedown status.

A pinning character can inflict d6 damage plus STR bonus if he chooses. The victim must make a save vs deathray to avoid all damage that round. A natural 20 indicates an escape from the pin. If a group have pinned a character, they can all inflict damage, but the victim only gets one save roll.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:19, Fri 01 Mar.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1658 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 25 Feb 2024
at 15:47
  • msg #46

Home-brewed Rules

As you have probably noticed, this game has a ten second round. Here is the way we will handle movement.  At a three foot per second walk, you will move 30 feet per round max.  You can move four times that at a run.  (This is inside or outside movement)

So, the mechanics in the game map is such that you can move SIX squares in a round when moving, half that and still get an action like attacking or firing a bow.

If a foe flees the field and you are in close combat, your character can attempt to match the movement and still make an attack OR get a free attack in and not join in pursuit.  If pursuing, whether or not you can attack will depend on the differences in initiatives between the character and the quarry.  If the character's  initiative is equal to or lower than the quarry's, the character can make a running undefended attack at -2 to the roll.  If the quarry gets the initiative upper hand, he moves from close combat to near combat distance and the character chasing cannot make a melee attack until they are able to catch up to them by winning the initiative the next round.

If a quarry gets the upper hand again, they move from near combat to escaped...
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:51, Mon 26 Feb.
Hand of Fate
GM, 1659 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 25 Feb 2024
at 15:54
  • msg #47

Home-brewed Rules

A ranged attack into a crowded situation is a dangerous thing for allies.  In this game, there is a percentage chance of an ally getting hit based on how badly a character misses their quarry's armor class.  The larger the error in missing, the more likely it is an ally is hit, with exception to a "1" rolled.  That is a mishap determined by the GM.

If there is more than one ally present, it is random which is hit.  Determined by GM at resolution of the scene.
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