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, welcome to Dragon Hold - Council of Dragons

02:55, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 6 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 04:12
  • msg #1


The Under Mountain - This is the ancient mountain nestled in the northern reaches where the player's resident.

The Titans carved an outpost within this mountain thousands of years. The purpose of which has been lost. It was so well fortified that the very walls of their city were that of a majestic mountain, and it was stocked with it's own pristine water supply.

The main map is located here

Link back to this game


The central cavern is a vast chamber dominated by a single city - the original name the titans called it has been lost, but roughly translated it is "Dragon Forge". It was here that they intended to train Dragon Mounts.

The Mithril Keep is an ancient ruin, that is locked away from the players on the other side of a huge lake. The lake is filled with blind fish that are relatively small for Dragon tastes, but feed the Dragonkin and Goblin kind.

There is an Ancient Grove dominated by a single tree in the far corner of this cavern - it's original purpose is unknown, but at times lumber is pulled from this area for new construction.

The upper cavern AKA "Spider Cavern" - It is here that thousands of spiders roam freely - mostly oblivious to the fact that they are simply herded as cattle to feed the Dragons below. There is one giant Spider -Aranea the Gossamer Queen who has made her web in the back between two great stones, she is generally content to remain here undisturbed.

The lower cavern contains a vast gold mine - which still bears precious metals to this day. The goblins have constructed a small ramshackle town named "Drax" where they brew ales, gamble and cavort. All clans are welcome but the River clan are the dominant clan in this village. At any one time, there can be as many as 300-600 adult Goblins in this town.

There is a winding river through this area that is full of fish, and fed by a waterfall coming from the lake above. It ultimately leads to an external cavern and waterfall.

The opening is large enough for a small to medium dragon to fly out, but an elder dragon would have a difficult time managing the small space.

This is the only known entrance to the undermountain, but there are smaller crags and tunnels that could potentially lead into the undermountain - although guards are posted at any known entrances.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 04:18, Mon 11 Mar.
Dungeon Master
GM, 9 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 05:58
  • msg #2

Dragon Forge

This great cavern within the undermountain was once the home to over 10,000 Titans - standing 25 feet tall. The architecture of the ancient structures were designed with great ceilings and most buildings - even single family homes are huge. This map cannot reflect all of the smaller homes, but approximates them.

The Dragons are tended in the great palace - with a spacious grand hall that can accommodate six elder dragons on the dias, and at least  a dozen more in the great court room. Most of the rooms inside the palace are unused, and gathering dust- their purpose long lost through the ages. Despite the great luxury of the design, there was a spartan style architecture - purposeful in design.

Most of the Dragonkin live within the palace chambers, and the great hoard of treasure is located here -under constant guard.

The rest of the ancient city has a similar architecture style, elaborate towers with minaret towers, balconies and courtyards.

Much of the houses remain vacant and even unexplored. The red skull clan has a ramshackle village near the entrance to the lower caverns. The dark moon clan has another one near the mushroom farms and the long journey up the side of a waterfall to the upper cavern.

There is a common fishing village the goblins have made with small homes near the boat yards. There is an island within the great freshwater lake that remains unexplored - consisisting of a ruined keep. It seems ominous and the goblins do not go near it.

The Mithril Keep, appears to have been a stronghold that is protected by great Titan magics and traps, and remains unexplored.

On the far side of the cavern is an ancient grove of mighty trees, some of which are used when wood materials are needed. There is a large tree in the center of the grove that towers above all others.

Inside the city - is a great market area. It once was home to hundreds of merchants hawking their wares from far away lands when the Titan's ruled. Now, the tents are closer together and the goblins maintain a small market.

There is a massive highway running through the city - with highly decorative urns and statues to honor the Titans, archways and stone columns -most of which has fallen into disrepair. There are entire neighborhoods of empty homes - ruined and abandoned ages ago.

The Dragon Forge has a magical fire and is very advanced - the goblin smiths that work here do not fully understand how to use the workshop.

The Dungeon Tower is nearby the forge, complete with torture chambers, and gallows - it is rarely occupied (for long).

The Cenobium is an elaborate temple - perhaps originally to worship some gods or godesses or perhaps the titans built it for themselves. It is now used by Dragonkin priests to pray to their Dragon Lord Masters.

The Archive was once a great multi-leveled tower full of scrolls and books that have turned to dust - almost nothing remains of the ancient knowledge collected from the four corners of the world by the Titans.

An Arena that could house 10,000 Titans with a massive arena was designed not only for gladiatorial games, but also to observe dragons fighting each other for sport. It is largely unused and dust covers the once glorious seating area.

There is a single pleasure garden where the soil is rich, exotic fruit trees grow wild here - the garden has long since been untended, it is now overgrown and wild. The garden is located in a triangle shaped park in the center of the city. it looks like this may have been a quiet repose for Titans to relax.
Dungeon Master
GM, 15 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 19:49
  • msg #3

The Northern Regions

Regional Locations:

The northern regions, a remote and largely unexplored part of the world, sit precariously between the savage lands to the north and the flourishing kingdom of Castlemere. This area is a tapestry of mystery, ancient history, and diverse cultures, woven together by the few who dare to inhabit it. This land may have looked much different when the Titans ruled the lands, but over time it became inhabited largely by human settlers who dared to settle up to the mountain range.

Glamdural, the citadel of the Dwarves, stands as a testament to their might and architectural prowess. Nestled within another grand mountain, its stone halls echo the glory of a race little known to the outside world. The Dwarves, reclusive and formidable, once waged a great war against the Goblins, decimating their numbers and altering the region's political landscape forever. The remnants of the Goblins fled, eventually finding refuge and forming three clans at Dragon Forge, a testament to the enduring spirit of those who survive in these lands.

The Dwarves once served the Titans, and after their fall built their own mighty outposts designed to stand for ages.

Illduran represents a stark contrast to the might of Glamdural. These majestic elven woods are shrouded in an air of mystery and tranquility. The elves, with their ancient wisdom and deep connection to the natural world, have remained isolated, posing no threat or alliance to the mountainous strongholds of their neighbors. Their seclusion has only deepened the enigma of Illduran, making it a place of speculation and wonder among the few humans who know of it.

The elves were created by the Titans as heralds, minstrels and artisans thousands of years earlier - they now remain to themselves as humans encroached upon their ancient woods.

Human settlements dot the landscape, each with its own story and struggle for survival. Ac'Scrin serves as a frontier outpost, the closest semblance of civilization near Dragon Forge and the Undermountain. Populated by hardy frontier colonists and outlanders, its few hundred souls find solace in the modest comforts provided by one large Inn, a beacon of hospitality in the wilderness.

Castlemere, the capital of the Human Kingdom, stands in stark contrast to the remote settlements that dot the northern regions. Home to tens of thousands, this bustling city is the heart of human civilization in the area, ruled by a King under a feudal system. Despite its prominence, Castlemere's influence wanes in the border towns, with Ac'Scrin barely registering in the crown's concerns.

Little is known about the other settlements - beyond their allegiance to Castlemere.

The enigmatic Star Haven adds another layer to the complex tapestry of the northern regions. This coastal human settlement operates as an independent city-state, its affairs and governance shrouded in mystery to those outside its walls.

Together, these locations paint a picture of a region filled with diversity, history, and a delicate balance of power. The northern regions, with their untamed wilderness, ancient citadels, and mysterious forests, remain a place where adventure and danger walk hand in hand, a challenge to those who dare to explore its secrets.
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