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01:59, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Van Caldwell.

Posted by Editor-in-ChiefFor group 0
GM, 2994 posts
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 03:31
  • msg #497

Re: Van Caldwell

Nah.  I trust ya

Before anyone can say Husker Do!, you are standing before her and have your hands on the elf.

There's an electronic sounding squawk as you wrench the elf off her shoulder.  Seems someone used some kind of adhesive, because you take part of her skin off with it.  But better she have to get some stitches rather than become a bunch of splotches on what's left of the smoldering wall.

The kids all scream and start to throw themselves to the ground, clutching the top of her heads.

Erma screams and starts to fall backwards, her eyes starting to spin counterclockwise and her mouth coming open.

From inside the elf, you hear a telereceiver squawk out pooper... or something like that.  When you suddenly feel the elf start to vibrate in your hands.

Suddenly, something occurs to you...

Wouldn't it be ironic if the elf was also a bomb?
Van Caldwell
player, 252 posts
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 13:41
  • msg #498

Re: Van Caldwell

When you suddenly feel the elf start to vibrate in your hands.

Suddenly, something occurs to you...

Wouldn't it be ironic if the elf was also a bomb?

(Well first of all: This is exactly part of why I specifically said Van rushed forward suddenly to grab the elf and destroy it. The "and destroy it" part was pretty specifically for this part of this situation-- the point was to crush it and/or tear it apart so it didn't say nor do anything else.

If me saying that just now didn't change your mind about anything:

Well, great.

Well, the penalty on the new move is only mitigated by keeping on trying to use Shadow Strength and/or Speed, since that's the only way for me to keep rolling more than 1 die with a 1-die penalty...

08:34, Today: Van Caldwell rolled 3 using 2d4 with rolls of 2,1.  Keep the elf from hurting anyone, especially not me nor the kids.

Well, crap. 2.

If the elf is a bomb, it can't be a huge one. Probably just one that's dangerous for me to keep holding... or throwing toward the kids. So I don't dare throw it toward the windows, where the kids are...

Kids east, kids south, door west, which involves its own problems.

Northern wall seems safe. Van'll try to throw it there.)

GM, 2996 posts
Fri 29 Mar 2024
at 05:19
  • msg #499

Re: Van Caldwell

I should have been more clear in my intentions.  Sorry. It was a bit of a long night and I was rushing to get through posts.

Before you crush it, I wanted to give you the warning it was, potentially, a bomb.  Or something.

If you want to keep trying to crush it, you may.  If you want to throw it, you may.

So am I safe in assuming you are going to crush it?  You can do so easily enough.  But I just want to be sure so I know how to narrate things forward.

Sorry for the confusion.  Thanks.

Van Caldwell
player, 253 posts
Fri 29 Mar 2024
at 19:51
  • msg #500

Re: Van Caldwell

I should have been more clear in my intentions.  Sorry. It was a bit of a long night and I was rushing to get through posts.

Before you crush it, I wanted to give you the warning it was, potentially, a bomb.  Or something.

If you want to keep trying to crush it, you may.  If you want to throw it, you may.

So am I safe in assuming you are going to crush it?  You can do so easily enough.  But I just want to be sure so I know how to narrate things forward.

Sorry for the confusion.  Thanks.

(Got it. BECAUSE i got a 4, you were trying to warn me that in your story, it was already rigged with explosive potential.

Let's try the northern wall.)

GM, 2999 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 02:49
  • msg #501

Re: Van Caldwell

Yep.  Your 4 got you a Spidey Sense moment.  Or Midnight Tingle.  I'm going to be using that from now on.

You hurl the elf at the northern wall.

It hits and blows, though not quite in the way you may have been expecting.  A large mass of foam shoots out, soon blooming into a large, stiff mass about the size of a grown man.

Erma falls on her face, passing out.

The kids are screaming and start running for the exit.  You can hear cops outside shouting.

You have time for one action and then you better figure out how to make yourself scarce.
Van Caldwell
player, 254 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 19:12
  • msg #502

Re: Van Caldwell

Yep.  Your 4 got you a Spidey Sense moment.  Or Midnight Tingle.  I'm going to be using that from now on.

You hurl the elf at the northern wall.

It hits and blows, though not quite in the way you may have been expecting.  A large mass of foam shoots out, soon blooming into a large, stiff mass about the size of a grown man.

Erma falls on her face, passing out.

The kids are screaming and start running for the exit.  You can hear cops outside shouting.

You have time for one action and then you better figure out how to make yourself scarce.

Aw, crap.

There is no TIME to try to save Edna The Unfortunate Bomb-Wearing Person. She'll be okay, or she won't. Probably not, but I've done all I can do. It's time to get out of here NOW.


Whichever kid is last to leave, Van picks the kid up and runs out the door with it shouting "EVERYBODY MOVE! THE KIDS ARE ALL OUT BUT THE BOMB'S STILL ARMED!" because
1. warning them
2. they're gonna be less likely to look at the face of a cop heroically carrying a kid to safety.

Van is running downstairs, carrying the child, in the same direction he came up to this floor...

(14:04, Today: Van Caldwell rolled 4 using 2d4 ((2,2)).

Annnnnd slight fail. Non-disastrous fail. Thanks, dice. Thanks so much.)

GM, 3000 posts
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 03:51
  • msg #503

Re: Van Caldwell

Hmmmm.  I'm going to use this opportunity to make your life a little more interesting.

You grab up one of the kids and hug them, rushing out and yelling.

The bomb squad outside seem shocked, but start pouring into the room as you vacate it.  As you hit the stairs, you keep waiting to hear the Edna-Shattering-Ka-Boom.  But it doesn't come.  Maybe the bomb was a decoy all along?

As you near the bottom of the landing, the kid pushes back, managing to leverage themselves back far enough so they can peer into your face.  The kid's eyes seem to narrow.

But then another cop is running up to you, asking what is going on.

You're soon surrounded by "fellow" cops who are waiting for your answer.  One of them offers to take the kid from you.
Van Caldwell
player, 255 posts
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 18:23
  • msg #504

Re: Van Caldwell

But then another cop is running up to you, asking what is going on.

You're soon surrounded by "fellow" cops who are waiting for your answer.  One of them offers to take the kid from you.

Van hands the kid over. "What about Jackson?" I ask. "Has anyone seen-- hold on! --Stay right there, all of you! Back in a minute!" Van runs to where he left that one officer he knocked out, and his Judge Midnight clothing... (Hoping they don't follow him...)
This message was last edited by the player at 18:23, Wed 03 Apr.
GM, 3001 posts
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 03:44
  • msg #505

Re: Van Caldwell

They all seem to be much too busy with the whole bomb-kids crying thing to worry about you.

You quickly don your Midnight Masque and are soon your own resplendent self!

What now?
GM, 3004 posts
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 04:18
  • msg #506

Re: Van Caldwell

Hey Sir.  Hope you are well.  Let me know if you are waiting on me for something.  If not, I will see you when you get back.


Van Caldwell
player, 256 posts
Sat 20 Apr 2024
at 19:14
  • msg #507

Re: Van Caldwell

They all seem to be much too busy with the whole bomb-kids crying thing to worry about you.

You quickly don your Midnight Masque and are soon your own resplendent self!

What now?

Now is time to get the hell out of here-- unseen, if possible. (Do I need a plan or a roll or both for that?)

Hey Sir.  Hope you are well.  Let me know if you are waiting on me for something.  If not, I will see you when you get back.


(Yeah sorry-- I told all my players, but you were the one person I didn't stop to take time to tell.

On the other hand, that wasn't right away-- by April 9th, I still hadn't gotten around to explaining even to them where I was, I don't think)

GM, 3011 posts
Sun 21 Apr 2024
at 04:53
  • msg #508

Re: Van Caldwell

No need for a roll.  There's so much chaos at the moment, you should be able to slip away without much trouble.

Any idea about your next steps?  Or do you need a lead in?  Your call.


Van Caldwell
player, 257 posts
Sun 21 Apr 2024
at 19:18
  • msg #509

Re: Van Caldwell

No need for a roll.  There's so much chaos at the moment, you should be able to slip away without much trouble.

Any idea about your next steps?  Or do you need a lead in?  Your call.


The first thing Van's gonna do is high-tail it back home, change clothes to not all-black, and then go straight to the office and do some work in case anyone decides to check on where he is!
GM, 3012 posts
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 03:13
  • msg #510

Re: Van Caldwell

You polish off the paperwork in your in-tray and realize the sun went down ages ago.  Outside, the city is lit up like a Christmas tree.  That's right.  It's Friday.  People are going out to unwind.

The evening edition has an update.  All the kids were rescued with only minor injuries.  Edna is being detained at Saint Madeline's hospital under heavy guard.  The Police Chief's office has not issued a statement other then to confirm none of the kids were harmed.

No one shows up to escort you downtown.  It sounds like they haven't connected you to anything.


Mwah ha ha
Van Caldwell
player, 258 posts
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 18:53
  • msg #511

Re: Van Caldwell

You polish off the paperwork in your in-tray and realize the sun went down ages ago.  Outside, the city is lit up like a Christmas tree.  That's right.  It's Friday.  People are going out to unwind.

The evening edition has an update.  All the kids were rescued with only minor injuries.  Edna is being detained at Saint Madeline's hospital under heavy guard.  The Police Chief's office has not issued a statement other then to confirm none of the kids were harmed.

No one shows up to escort you downtown.  It sounds like they haven't connected you to anything.


Mwah ha ha

Whew (for now). Van checks in (from a pay phone) with Judge Midnight's messaging service...
GM, 3014 posts
Tue 23 Apr 2024
at 02:53
  • msg #512

Re: Van Caldwell

You have two calls.  Both from your buddy at the paper.

Wilkins' first message is fairly brief.  Hey Mister Mystery.  Got a tip on that lady you're missing.  Someone saw her after she split.  She was seen in a dinner with a guy a day later.  I'm trying to get the details

The second message is also brief though whinny.  You gotta give me the details on what happened.  And you know what I'm talking about.  I shared info now it's your turn.  Call me.
Van Caldwell
player, 259 posts
Tue 23 Apr 2024
at 14:48
  • msg #513

Re: Van Caldwell

You have two calls.  Both from your buddy at the paper.

Wilkins' first message is fairly brief.  Hey Mister Mystery.  Got a tip on that lady you're missing.  Someone saw her after she split.  She was seen in a dinner with a guy a day later.  I'm trying to get the details

The second message is also brief though whinny.  You gotta give me the details on what happened.  And you know what I'm talking about.  I shared info now it's your turn.  Call me.

Sure, why not. Van switches pay phones and calls 'im.
GM, 3017 posts
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 01:45
  • msg #514

Re: Van Caldwell

Ezra starts right in once he realize's it's you.

"Okay.  Spill.  What happened with at that school?"

You can narrate what you tell him, or you can summarize.  But if you are telling him something, I need to know what you tell him.


Van Caldwell
player, 260 posts
Sun 28 Apr 2024
at 01:00
  • msg #515

Re: Van Caldwell

Ezra starts right in once he realize's it's you.

"Okay.  Spill.  What happened with at that school?"

You can narrate what you tell him, or you can summarize.  But if you are telling him something, I need to know what you tell him.


(Well first: )

"What makes you think I know what happened?"
GM, 3019 posts
Mon 29 Apr 2024
at 04:19
  • msg #516

Re: Van Caldwell

There's a groan from the other end of the line.

"Really?  We need ta play this game?

"Look.  From what I've heard some mysterious person impersonating a cop is the one who took the crazy lady down.

"Does it really take a rocket scientist to figure out you might be the mysterious stranger?

"So give."

Van Caldwell
player, 261 posts
Sat 11 May 2024
at 16:15
  • msg #517

Re: Van Caldwell

There's a groan from the other end of the line.

"Really?  We need ta play this game?

"Look.  From what I've heard some mysterious person impersonating a cop is the one who took the crazy lady down.

"Does it really take a rocket scientist to figure out you might be the mysterious stranger?

"So give."

"...What's to say? Brainwashed naked lady, toy elf on her shoulder giving her radio-transmitted instructions-- it got ripped off her shoulder, got broken, and then blew up-- though not as big as she would have, if allowed. The important thing is that the kids got out okay. So what happened to our brainwashed nudist afterward?"
GM, 3042 posts
Mon 13 May 2024
at 02:24
  • msg #518

Re: Van Caldwell

There's a long pause on the other end of the line.

"If anyone else had said all that ta me, I'd ask 'em what it was they were smokin'.

"The under police guard at Saint Lucile's.  She's being treated for wounds, but from what I gather, once she's better, they're gonna move her to a padded room on the East 4th."

Saint Lucile's East Fourth.  The fourth floor of the east wing.  Or the city's psych ward.  There's a couple of private mental institutions on the outskirts of town, but you doubt a teacher could afford to be committed to one of those.

"One thing the boys in blue are being real hush an' mum about though.  There's a rumor that two cops were waylaid during the operation.  One was found in his skivvies in a classroom, having been knocked out.  The other guy's just disappeared.  He was one of the SWAT snipers.  A joe by the name of...uh...Gregory Gadsby."
Van Caldwell
player, 262 posts
Sun 26 May 2024
at 16:38
  • msg #519

Re: Van Caldwell

There's a long pause on the other end of the line.

"If anyone else had said all that ta me, I'd ask 'em what it was they were smokin'.

"The under police guard at Saint Lucile's.  She's being treated for wounds, but from what I gather, once she's better, they're gonna move her to a padded room on the East 4th."

Saint Lucile's East Fourth.  The fourth floor of the east wing.  Or the city's psych ward.  There's a couple of private mental institutions on the outskirts of town, but you doubt a teacher could afford to be committed to one of those.

"One thing the boys in blue are being real hush an' mum about though.  There's a rumor that two cops were waylaid during the operation.  One was found in his skivvies in a classroom, having been knocked out.  The other guy's just disappeared.  He was one of the SWAT snipers.  A joe by the name of...uh...Gregory Gadsby."

"...If I was the cops, I'd worry about that second guy, Gadsby. I'm getting really tired of this guy kidnapping people, but he's not going to stop doing it, because you can't just walk up to someone on the street and hypnotize them in a minute or two. ...Thank God, because if that was possible, this guy would be doing it. I wonder how the hell he got Gadsby? No I don't-- I'm sure he, or a pawn, just whacked 'im over the head and dragged him to a vehicle. The real question is, I wonder when and where they got 'im? Well, anyway, I don't expect you to know that. I suspect a new accomplice-- masterminds don't risk their own necks if they don't have to, as Erma and all the others demonstrate." Pause. "...What did the witnesses say the guy they saw Erma with at the diner looked like?"
GM, 3064 posts
Mon 27 May 2024
at 03:28
  • msg #520

Re: Van Caldwell

Hey.  Welcome back.  I need to check something.  Will respond tomorrow\


GM, 3068 posts
Wed 29 May 2024
at 03:33
  • msg #521

Re: Van Caldwell

In reply to Editor-in-Chief (msg # 520):

Sorry.  By the time I got back, my power got knocked out due to the storms here in Texas.  Let's continue.

Ezra asks you to hold a second.  You can hear what sounds like him flipping through pages in a notebook.

"Here we go.  About six foot.  Athletic.  But not goon lookin'.  One of the witnesses said the guy looked like he was on the rowing team in college.  That kinda physique.  Blondish hair.  A couple of the ladies said he's got a cleft chin.  Another lady said he didn't.  None of the men noticed that kinda thing.

"A drunk in the alley behind the bar says he saw the two of 'em leave, Erma and our mystery man.  He said they went in the direction of Eastern 11th.  I scoured some of the places on East 11th, but they were all closed for the evening by then.

"Wait.  Just thought a' somethin'..."

He sets the phone down.  You hear a lot of tromping around.  Then Ezra comes back online after a couple of minutes.

"East 11th on that end runs into All Saints Avenue.  A couple a' weeks ago, somethin' rang up on the police channels.  A woman said a handsome guy tried to get her to follow him into an abandoned apartment building.  I don't know what happened after that.  But that sounds a bit too much like a co-inky-dink.  Don't ya think?"
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