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14:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour.

Posted by SnickerFor group 0
Chris K
player, 558 posts
Mon 4 Dec 2023
at 08:08
  • msg #368

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris looks at the guy and says "Wallace, youre still being covered and watched. Don't try and get loose. Dont try and move out of sight, We wont waste any bullets on warning shots. But if you co-operate with us, you'll probably get out of this alive."

He moves outside around the guy, and when hes with Vivian he says "Rose, Sid, Keep watch but close in so we can all hear each other if we talk quiet enough so he won't hear"

He waits for them to close in and then says "I don't want to kill Wallace. Like I said, enough death for today. ANd enough Death generally. I say we hole up here to recover but him, we'll blindfold, drive off somewhere and leave him with his gear. He'll have a chance to survive. But we'll tell him if he comes back here we'll shoot to kill. What do you think?"

should I assume Samindi has gone, if not she can be included in this conversation
GM, 2711 posts
Fri 8 Dec 2023
at 21:50
  • msg #369

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris K

"...Wallace was the guy you shot," the man says, looking up at Chris K. His voice is not accusatory or mocking, just sullenly resigned. "My name's Eric."

He doesn't give any other reaction. When Chris K steps outside, Vivian keeps an eye on him through the window. Sid and Rose move in as requested, Sid with much more alacrity than Rose.

Chris K:
"I don't want to kill Wallace. Like I said, enough death for today. ANd enough Death generally. I say we hole up here to recover but him, we'll blindfold, drive off somewhere and leave him with his gear. He'll have a chance to survive."

Sid breathes an audible sigh of relief. "Okay," she says. "Where are taking him?"

She tenses up slightly. "What if he tries to kill us when we give him back his stuff?"

"He won't," Vivian says, still looking through the window, but then frowns. "Unless he wants us to shoot him that bad. I'll take him."

"What if..." Rose starts, but her voice trails off into a mumble. She wavers slightly, then slumps against the wall and slides down into a sitting position, then slumps over onto her side.
Chris K
player, 559 posts
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 20:16
  • msg #370

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris looks at her and calls "Rose!" looking at Vivian he says watch him, and bends down to check Rose, checking her pulse first to make sure she is still alive, and then checking her wounds to see if they have been bleeding

Not sure what First Aid roll is?

This message was last edited by the player at 20:16, Tue 19 Dec 2023.
GM, 2712 posts
Wed 27 Dec 2023
at 01:09
  • msg #371

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris K

Rose has a pulse and is still breathing; she is not likely to bite Chris K's hand off just yet. Her bandages show fresh blood and should be changed. Other than that, however, Chris K cannot discern the exact reason for her collapse.

"What is it?" asks Vivian, though she doesn't look down.

"Does she need a blood transfusion?" Sid asks, almost jumping out of her skin with nervous energy.
Chris K
player, 560 posts
Mon 1 Jan 2024
at 19:47
  • msg #372

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris says to Vivian "Watch him in there. Sid you help me get Rose indoors and look after her. AS for a blood transfusion, that might help, but do you have any idea how to do one?" Chris bends down to lift Rose from her shoulders and says to SId "Get her feet"


Happy New Year - wasn't aware a change in format was coming, so it was a surprise to me!

GM, 2713 posts
Sun 7 Jan 2024
at 22:49
  • msg #373

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris K

Vivian enters the house while Sid helps lift Rose. Between the two of them, they get her moving, but Chris K is definitely carrying the majority of her weight. As they enter, Eric (if that is his real name) has somehow shifted to a position sitting against the wall, and watches intently as they pass.

"What's happening?" he asks.

"Nothing you need to worry about," Vivian answers, glancing over as they pass.

Sid takes the lead, guiding Chris K to the dining room and helping him lay Rose out on the empty table. Once her hands are free, Sid starts fidgeting nervously, not sure whether to stay or to go.

"There's blood transfusion stuff upstairs," she says breathlessly. "I've never done it, but it's just moving blood from one person to another, right? We just need the right blood type, right?"

She thinks hard for a moment, then looks at Chris K. "Have you ever given blood before?"
Chris K
player, 561 posts
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 08:23
  • msg #374

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris shakes his head at Sid, and says "I have no idea Sid, this is your play. But I don't think I'm the best candidate due to my wounds, anyway." He moves over to Rose and tries to make Rose comfortable by lieing her straight, and once again checks her breathing. HE then Adds "Can you stay here for two minutes while I get supplies to change her bandages. Then you can roll on with the transfusion."

If Sid agress, Chris will head to the pick up and pick up enough supplies to change and clean Roses wounds, and then head abck and start on that. On the way he looks aroudn for any approachign Zeds, and also checks in on Vivian to make sure shes ok.
GM, 2715 posts
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 08:08
  • msg #375

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris K

"Right - right." Sid glances down at Chris K's bandages, then crosses her arms, then hugs herself. "You're right. You're too hurt. Vivian too. It's got to be me, right? No one else can do it."

She glances up. "What about Sami? Is she still here?" She leans against the edge of the table, biting her lower lip, as Chris K leaves to get bandages.

Outdoors, the sun is so bright that it almost dazzles Chris K after the muted natural light of the house. Birds sing at each other as a breeze gently blows through the leaves of nearby trees. There is no sign of any walkers. Chris K retrieves the medical supplies and returns to the house, where he's immediately struck by the copper smell of blood and the heavy, still, claustrophobic air.

When Chris K returns, both Vivian and Eric have moved. Vivian is sitting in a chair, her pistol out but resting on one chair's arm. Eric is lying on a couch, stretched out on throw pillows but looking too anxious to be comfortable.

When she sees him, Vivian motions for Chris K to come over. If he does, she whispers too quietly for Sid and Rose to hear in the next room. "What do you think?"
Chris K
player, 562 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 15:21
  • msg #376

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Keeping an eye on Eric Chris whispers back to Vivian "Rose is alive but ill. Sid wants to try a Transfusion but..." HE trails off and shrugs. He continues "If your ok here, I'll be with Sid trying to help Rose." He holds up the supplies he has to emphasise this and then adds "If anything happens start yelling. I'll come back in quick."

Assuming Vivian is ok, he will make sure the doors on the ground floor are all shut, before heading into the room with Sid and Rose, where he'll stat changing Roses bandages after checking here breathing and pulse
GM, 2716 posts
Wed 14 Feb 2024
at 03:56
  • msg #377

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris K

As Chris K whispers to her, Vivian looks back through the door at Rose. Once he's done, she looks back up at him. She beckons him with a crooked finger, then leads him to the far side of the room, as far as possible from Sid and Rose while still technically keeping an eye on Eric.

"I don't know if this transfusion thing will work," she whispers. "But if we don't do anything, Rose will die. This gives her a chance. But we all need blood and we've all lost blood, except Sid, and I don't know if she can give enough."

She plants a finger on Chris K's chest. "If someone has to die for Rose to live, make it me. I'm older than the rest of you. Do not tell either of them I said this."

"What are you whispering about?" Eric asks, lifting his head above the back of the couch.

Vivian doesn't answer. She gives Chris K a pointed look, then returns to the chair and sits down.

When Chris K checks on Rose, Sid slips out of the room. Rose's bandages are stained with blood - the normal amount for her type of wounds, but troubling nonetheless. Her breathing is laboured, while her pulse is rapid but weak.

"Sid...said we can do...transfusions," Rose says weakly as Chris K checks on her. From the front of the house, Chris K hears the door open and close.

"O-positive," she continues. "My type. I...used to give."


Outside, the azure sky is completely cloudless. It's hot, but a gentle breeze prevents it from being uncomfortable. Birds sing at each other from the gently swaying branches of a nearby tree. There is no sign of walkers or any other human shapes.

The front door of the house opens and Sid runs outside. She looks back and forth, then calls, "Sami? Are you out here?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:17, Wed 14 Feb.
player, 156 posts
Thu 15 Feb 2024
at 22:26
  • msg #378

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Sami had returned to the RV to avoid the confrontation and consider things. She didn't like the violence mostly, it had been something she was able to void up until now with the exception of the occasional walker. But mostly she thought on Callie, and if she could have saved the girl. She didn't know if she could have shot someone, even Callie's Dad, even though it may have saved the girl. She did the right thing, surely. It still ate her up inside, her stomach twisting in knots at the uncertainty. Others were clearly willing to kill, be it for bad reasons or good. She just didn't know if she could do it.

Sid calling out for her caused Sami to look to the house, she sighed and wiped her eyes. She hadn't heard any gunshots so that was a good sign, whatever issues the two men were sorting out seem to be resolved without one killing the other. She grabbed her things and left the RV, giving a hesitant wave to Sid as she walked back to the house. "Hey. Just needed a moment." She looked around the other girl and into the house, "Everything alright" She hoped things were as settled as they sounded.
GM, 2717 posts
Mon 19 Feb 2024
at 23:56
  • msg #379

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour


"We're trying to save, um - " Sid's words tumble out of her mouth in a rush before she belatedly catches herself. "Rose, uh, one of the people I'm with. She was attacked by dogs a few days ago - I mean, all of us were, but they got on her and tore her up. Vivian too, but not as bad. We got her bandaged up, but I think she lost too much blood, so we gotta give her some. Like, a transfusion."

She gestures vaguely to the second floor of the house. "That's what the stuff is upstairs, right? We checked a blood bank and they'd written a letter to some lady who used to work there, who stole a bunch of stuff when she retired. That's gotta be the stuff, right? But we need blood, and Chris K and Vivian are already hurt, so..."

She crosses her arms and sighs heavily, looking at Samindi. "Have you ever given blood? I'm not old enough. I mean, I'll do it, but I don't, like, know how."
player, 157 posts
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 23:26
  • msg #380

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

"Oh." Sami looked a little squeamish as Sid detailed Rose's condition. She had needed to flee from her share of dogs while she had been on her own. "Dogs..."

She considered what Sid knew of the medical equipment in the house. "Huh." She gave a slow nod, as though pieces were coming together. "Guess that explains it. I met up with them yesterday. I, uh,  wasn't feeling good..." She paused, knowing how that could sound, but then hurriedly continued. "Just a tummy thing, ate something bad. I don't need care or nothing." Sounded like they had enough on their plate without having to look after anyone else. "Anyway, said there was medicine here and Callie's grandma, uh, the lady here, had some."

At the question of giving blood Sami blanched a little and shook her head, "No, never. I, uh, I got no idea either." She wasn't volunteering for any of it, didn't really know how she could help at all.
Chris K
player, 563 posts
Thu 29 Feb 2024
at 08:22
  • msg #381

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

In reply to Snicker (msg # 377):

Chris smiles at Rose and saying "Thats good to know, we'll remember that. I am not sure if we'll manage a transfusion, but we'll take good care of you anyway, Rose. You rest up here whilst I treat your wounds. Youve lost blood, so you need to drink plenty of fluids to help your body make more, so make sure you do that for me ok?"

Chris then cleans and dresses Roses wounds. Once done he heads to the pick up and grabs a load of bottles of liquids - for all of them. For Rose he looks for any elctrolyte type drinks they may have picked up.

He gives Vivian and Sid some liquid, saying to Vivian "IF he asks for any, call someone in before you give him some" and then heads back into Rose, trying to make her drink at least one bottle.

AS Chris was in the National Guard, then I am guessing he would probably know his Blood type. Let me know what it is please!

GM, 2718 posts
Mon 18 Mar 2024
at 06:39
  • msg #382

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris K, Samindi

"No, never. I, uh, I got no idea either."

"Yeah," Sid mutters, looking down at the ground grimly. "I didn't think so."

After a second, she looks up at Samindi. "So...did you get medicine from, like - from Callie's grandma? Do you know where her medicine is?"

Chris K does not need to insist on Rose drinking. Though weak and listless, she is eager to take the bottle and drains it almost without pausing for breath. Thirst is a symptom of blood loss, though Chris K doesn't need the confirmation. Vivian is almost as thirsty, but Eric doesn't ask for anything. He only stares at the floor, seemingly lost in thought.

Sid retires to the bedroom where she found the blood transfusion equipment, skimming through whatever books or documents she can find with agitated but focused energy. After about an hour she emerges with some new equipment in her arms, which she brings to the kitchen - neighbouring the living room, where Vivian watches Eric, and the dining room, where Rose lies - and spreads across the countertop.

"You know how blood types work?" she asks, but continues without waiting for an answer. "The antibodies in your blood - the things that check for, like, viruses and bacteria and stuff - will attack blood of a different type like it's an infection. That means it'll kill the blood in your transfusion and give you, like, a crazy allergic reaction, and that's bad. We don't want that. The blood types are R-H, uhhh, actually, forget it, it doesn't matter. Some blood types are 'safe' to donate to others, but that's only because they can separate out the red blood cells - which we need - and everything else, including the antibodies. We can't do that, so any blood we give to Rose has to be exactly the same, because even if her antibodies don't attack our blood, our antibodies will attack hers. Get it?

"Rose has O-positive blood, which is the most common one. That's good!" She holds up some small tubes. "These are testing kits. We put our blood in them and see if it clots up. If it doesn't, it's whatever's written on the kit."

She holds up a thin syringe. "Who wants to go first?"
Chris K
player, 564 posts
Mon 18 Mar 2024
at 09:23
  • msg #383

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris had been tending Rose as Sid worked. After changing her bandages, he found the kitchen in the house and looked for a bin to put the bandages is, before coming back. HE gave ROse some more to drink, and then did a quick internal circuit to look out in each direction for signs of any approaching Zeds, before checking in on Vivian.

Finally, he went back and rested in Rose's room, making sure he drank plenty himself.

When Sid came in he sat up and said "No need to test me, I'm 0 neg - I was in the National Guard so we all had to know. Ask Eric if hes willing to be tested as well. Hes probably the most healthy out of all of us in terms of injuries."

Chris sat and thought a bit and then stood up and added to Sid "Whilst you test people, I'm gonna check out this house a bit more. It looks like we'll be here a while, so lets see what we got"

Chris moves around each floor to see what rooms there are, whats in them, if they have windows etc. Hes particularly keen to see how many exits tehre are, and if theres a basement.

In the Kitchen and bathroom he'll check for supplies, as well as any health risk - rotten food, or rubbish.

09:15, Today: Chris K rolled 44 using 1d100.  Blood Type

player, 158 posts
Mon 25 Mar 2024
at 07:39
  • msg #384

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Sami gave a weak smile to Sid, "She was uh, sick, when we got here." She looked to the ground, "She had to be shot." With a sigh Sami looked back up, "We weren't really here long before you showed up, I figured the stuff would be in the bathroom maybe?"

As the pair walked inside and Sid walked into the bedroom Sami broke off and headed to the bathroom. "I'll check the bathroom while you... ah. Well. I'll check and join you." Sami entered the bathroom and looked around, rifling through the cupboards and drawers to see if she could find anything medical. She searched for medicines more than equipment, trying to find anything she could identify as painkillers or antibiotics.

Once she was done she joined the others downstairs, pausing at the base of the stairs as talk of drawing blood was made. She slowly walked back to the seat she was in previously and took a look to the blood test kit Sid was holding. "Sure, I'll check." She volunteered to go first. She wasn't afraid of being hurt, and wasn't squeamish about blood, only had no knowledge of medical equipment of medicine.
GM, 2720 posts
Mon 8 Apr 2024
at 17:00
  • msg #385

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris K, Samindi

In the bathroom, Chris K finds a simple plastic wastebin, empty but for a single toilet paper roll. The used bandages fill it considerably, though not entirely. Rose drinks as much as he can give her, as does Vivian, who continues to watch Eric with silent, single-minded determination. He only spots one walker around the house - a man with a scarlet bloodstain on his shirt - but he seems unaware of the house's occupants and only wanders aimlessly.

Besides the blood transfusion equipment, the house is quite ordinary - at least, ordinary for before the dead rose. There are no firearms, ammunition, or stockpiled food to be found. There are windows on all sides of the house, but no basement. The medicine cabinet is well-stocked, but only with conventional over-the-counter supplies such as antihistamines, painkillers, isopropyl alcohol, and dental hygiene products, but no antibiotics. There are some canned food in the cupboards, but everyone in the house immediately regrets it when Chris K opens the refrigerator - which was well-stocked with perishable food and drink, all of which has long since perished.

Sid takes a blood sample from Samindi. While she's careful with the syringe, this is clearly the first time she's ever used one, and her movements are both clumsy and painful. She whispers an apology as she dispenses the blood into a testing kit, then grimaces as she does the same with her own arm with a fresh syringe and kit. With a kit in each hand, she steps into the living room.

"Hey, you," she addresses Eric. "You want me to check your blood?"

Eric stares blankly at Sid, who shrugs. "Didn't think so."

"Check me, too," Vivian says. Sid glances down at her bandages, then frowns, but Vivian leans towards her and her voice goes firm. "Me. Too."

Sid repeats the process with Vivian, who frowns at the jab. She returns to the kitchen with the three kits and shakes them vigorously before holding them up before her eyes.
Chris K
player, 566 posts
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 08:04
  • msg #386

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris gathers up the useable food and other supplies and puts them all on the kitchen table, adding the alcohol to his medical supplies.

He lets Sid and Vivian know about the lone zed, whispering to Vivian about it so Eric can't hear - just so they can be aware of it and try not to attract its attention.

If the lone zed is on the other side of the house, Chris will head out to the pickup to start bringing in some of there supplies to stay here - starting with more liquids and medical supplies, then starting to bring in food. He chooses a downstairs room which is not in use and starts sorting it into piles - liquids, food, medical supplies, other stuff, so he can start getting a sense of how many days supplies they might have. He'll be careful to keep an eye on the lone zed, and if its possible he could spot Chris out and about.

If the zed is on that side, Chris will keep an eye on it until it wanders off and then start on the supplies.

He'll check on ROse every so often as well.

As Sid nears the end of her testing he'll say to her "ANy sort of match?"
player, 159 posts
Mon 15 Apr 2024
at 01:35
  • msg #387

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Samindi shook her head as she joined the others once again. "Medicine cabinet is just... uh... medicine. Dunno where the other stuff would be but I can look around." She wrinkled her nose as the fridge was opened  and turned away as if trying to forget the smell.

She approached Sid as the girl prepared the syringe. There was no short amount of wincing as Sid drew blood. "It's alright." Samindi said as Sid apologised, even though there were tears in her eyes from the pain and she clearly seemed to be regretting going first.

Holding her arm Samindi looked to Eric as the man blanked Sid, "It might help you to know y'know..." She could see the benefit in it, especially after what happened with Rose.

She returned to the living room and dropped onto a sofa, still rubbing at her arm while she waited for the result.

11:26, Today: Samindi rolled 50 using 1d100.  Blood Type.
GM, 2722 posts
Wed 24 Apr 2024
at 07:04
  • msg #388

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris K, Samindi

"It might help you to know y'know..."

"You think?" For the first time in a while, Eric's sullen resignation is overcome by frustration. "I've got no idea what's going on! If you think I'm bitten, I'm not."

"Settle down," Vivian says flatly.

Sid holds the first sample up to the window, illuminating it with light from outside. After a moment, she sighs almost imperceptibly and hands it to Samindi. "You're A-positive. That's okay, just...remember that. It could come in handy."

She takes a deep breath before she lifts the next test, inspecting it in the light. After a moment, she sighs, much louder. She scrunches her eyes shut and grimaces for a long moment before speaking. "Me, too. Easiest A-plus I ever got." She puts the test down and leans on the countertop. "...That was funnier in my head."

Her shoulder sag and she sighs again, before suddenly snarling. "It's supposed to be the most fucking common!"

She takes a deep breath, then - hesitantly - holds the final test up to the light. After a moment, she shuts her eyes and whispers, "Fucking ball bal."

She turns towards Chris K and Samindi, looking grim. "Vivian's O-positive, same as Rose, but I don't think she has enough blood to give. She'll do it, anyway, though. If we tell her, she'll kill herself doing it."

Her eyes dart to the door to the living room, where Vivian is watching Eric, before bouncing between Chris K and Samindi. "What do we do?"
Chris K
player, 567 posts
Wed 24 Apr 2024
at 08:11
  • msg #389

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris nods at Sid and sighs "Murphys law says it would be Vivian." He pauses and looks out the window, before looking back at Sid and Samindi.

"Vivian already told me she would want to donate if shes a match. So we could lie to her and tell her shes not a match. Which possibly means Rose dies. Or we could tell Viv, and have her donate and they are both at risk. I think I know what Vivians call is. So heres what I suggest. We take a small amount from Vivian for Rose. If she argues, we tell her she has to stay alive so she can donate more in the future, as Rose will probably need more. Then we hole up here with them resting and us looking after them, while we all heal. We have supplies in the pickup which should keep us going for a day or two at least, and after that we can go out scavenging for more." He Shrugs "I don't want to lie to Vivian so I think thats our best option. Agreed? IF we do that, Sid, you and I are going to be busy watching them and keeping watch. That will be hard"

He looks at Samindi "I'm not counting you in, as this isn't your group. But youre welcome to join us if you like."
player, 160 posts
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 00:18
  • msg #390

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Samindi did give a wry grin at Sid's poor attempt at a joke, it had been a while since she had a reason to smile. It didn't last, however, as Sid was visibly frustrated with the results. Samindi didn't address Eric's comment on being bitten, only giving him a side eye as she looked back to Sid testing her blood.

The revelation that Vivian shared the same blood type as Rose didn't mean a whole lot to Samindi. Sure she knew what it meant by way of the transfusion, Sid had made that clear, but both the women were in pretty bad shape. She chew on her bottom lip as Sid and Chris quietly discussed the situation, not really feeling like she should get involved. When supplies were mentioned Samindi spoke up, "The RV has fuel, uh, dunno how much though... and we found a stash last night so there is food and water too." Found, or robbed? She didn't feel like getting into the details. No one had been there but the collection has surely belong to someone. Maybe that someone was already dead.

At Chris addressing her Sami blinked, "I, uh, don't really have a group." Not after she let everyone die. "But.." She looked between Sid and Chris and nodded, "Sure, I'll hang around." She couldn't drive, so she would only be leaving with what she could carry if she was to go, and Chris and Sid seemed capable.
Chris K
player, 568 posts
Sun 5 May 2024
at 15:38
  • msg #391

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris nods at Samindi "Welcome aboard" he says and then looks back at Sid "Are you happy with my plan SId?"
GM, 2723 posts
Mon 20 May 2024
at 06:23
  • msg #392

Act 5-C: The Violet Hour

Chris K, Samindi

"You really think she can just give a small amount?" Sid glances in the direction of the dining room, where Rose is lying, then looks back at Chris K and Samindi. "I...I don't know. I..."

She crosses her arms, looking troubled. "Fine. Fine, but...can you tell her? I...don't even think I it right." She takes a deep breath. "I'll get her."

She leaves to the living room. Through the door, Chris K and Samindi can hear Sid's voice. After a moment, Vivian enters. As before, she is even paler than usual, nearly corpselike, but the determination in her eyes is like iron. She looks down at the used blood testing kits, then back up at Chris K and Samindi.

"Sid says you have something to tell me." Without waiting for a response, she starts shrugging off her jacket. "If I'm a match, let's get started."
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