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07:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

LESP Offices (continued 1)

Posted by SSOGMFor group 0
player, 1577 posts
Mutant ExoPilot MA15/PB14
HP61, SDC137 J:700 AR15
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 16:32
  • msg #573

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

In reply to Drifter (msg # 572):

{NOTE: This Scene is not IN the LESP Office Firestation Building but outside where it seems the personnel are being evacuated and the building is smoking from a recent explosion, clearly heard is the fire Alarm ~ still rigging}

Justicar notes on his 360 Degree Visual H.U.D. the arrival of Drifter through the dimensional threshold of his powers with Lady Jane but he he does not turn toward him - keeping attention on the approaching vehicle. Briefly, Hikari scans with his Quantum Pulse Particle Detector to see if it registers the dimensional portal anomaly created by a potentially genuine Drifter but for good measure he also takes a reading from his Android Detector scanning the newly arrived Drifter to verify he is real and not a replicant infiltrator/saboteur.

12:31, Today: JUSTICAR rolled 15 using 1d100 with rolls of 15.  Justicar - Read Sensor Instruments 'Scans with Q-P Particle  & Android Detector' [107%]. – 15

Justicar answers, "No. Not a dummy ~ an Android Assassin Duplicate Saboteur with your likeness.  At least two such infiltrator Androids, likely FORCE's Doing, one of YOU Drifter and one of Paragon... possibly more got into LESP HQ and planted an unknown number of bombs.  One Explosive bomb has already gone off... and Killed our newest Team prospect ~ Shockwave in the blast...", his expression is hidden behind his helmet but the anguish in his stricken tone is obvious.

Justicar gestured toward the Medical Gurney with the covered corpse being rolled out of the LESP HQ.

After a pause he continued, "An E-Swat Team is inbound to sweep the building for more explosives, I would not advise entering the Offices until they have arrived and completed their sweep of the building."

Still not turning to directly face Drifter focused on looking for more threats, he asks, "Why are You and Lady Jane here Drifter and not with the team?  Has something gone wrong on the Op?  Do they need backup is anyone injured??"

Justicar backs away from the 'netted' Android-Drifter, and K2 reactivates Drone-Beta's Force Shield boxing Android-Drifter in again...

Questions for GM ~
1. Does the Quantum Pulse Particle Detector register newly arrived Drifter's dimensional transit portal?
2. Does the newly arrived Drifter register as an Android?
3. What progress has the Drone Projected Force Field Baracaded Android-Drifter had with getting out of the net?
4. Did the disk attached to Android-Drifter have any effect?
5. What is the nature of the approaching vehicle?

This message was last edited by the player at 16:49, Thu 04 Apr.
player, 124 posts
How may I be of service?
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 19:17
  • msg #574

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

"Shockwave you say?"
meandering over to intercept the gurney
"would it upset anyone if I took him to The Dragonball verse and revive him?  It would only take an hour or so

If anyone wanted to? they could tag along... Road trips are a good way of broadening your outlook"

This message was last edited by the player at 19:17, Thu 04 Apr.
player, 1578 posts
Mutant ExoPilot MA15/PB14
HP61, SDC137 J:700 AR15
Mon 8 Apr 2024
at 13:15
  • msg #575

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

In reply to Drifter (msg # 574):

Justicar's expression cannot be seen under his visor... though his posture and pause ... give some indication that he is pondering Drifter's suggestion.

A significant pause later he comment's simply, "...I'm not even going to bother commenting upon the absurdity of that possibility... but IF I know anything about that .. 'reality' YOU are proposing to mess with... the KI's of that reality know of alternate dimensions and monitor specifically for such outside plunderer visitations."

"If you think you can help save Shockwave, I cannot stop you from trying... but please Drifter do not start some Inter-Dimensional Incident that might bring trouble to our reality that none of our denizens here is ready for or can deal with! In any case you should ask Detective Broyko before you do ANYTHING like that... and consider the unexpected and unintentional consequences of revealing the existence of our reality to such a universe clearly of different physics than our own?"
This message was last edited by the player at 13:20, Mon 08 Apr.
player, 125 posts
How may I be of service?
Thu 11 Apr 2024
at 04:47
  • msg #576

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

"Justicar you seem to keep overlooking that I am an interdimensional incident.  My very presence here should never have occurred!

But here I am a round peg in a square hole.  To be frank though! I Am not the only one."

This message was last edited by the player at 09:03, Thu 11 Apr.
player, 1579 posts
Mutant ExoPilot MA15/PB14
HP61, SDC137 J:700 AR15
Thu 11 Apr 2024
at 14:10
  • msg #577

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

In reply to Drifter (msg # 576):

Hikari rolls his eyes, As usual Drifter is so 'not here' in any one dimension he doesn't consider the consequences of his actions or galavanting accross time/space because, of course, HE does not have to face any of the results of his actions! He can just go to another reality.  Nothing really matters to him ... its all flights of fancy.

But Justicar is not going to be distracted debating with the dimensional leprechaun over his utter lack of concern for anything but the next big thrill... Hikari can't just skip out to another reality if he doesn't like how things are going ~ he must deal with the realities of the ~ Here and Now!

So the young hero makes no reply ignoring the will'o-whisp dimensional traveler, but focuses on the approaching vehicle sounds and queries the police channel on the ETA of the E-SWAT Bomb sweeping crew.
player, 126 posts
How may I be of service?
Thu 11 Apr 2024
at 16:52
  • msg #578

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

seeing that there has been no confirmation from anyone concerning the welfare of the deceased Hero, Drifter just leaves things as they are.
GM, 1168 posts
Some Sort Of
Game Master
Tue 16 Apr 2024
at 05:40
  • msg #579

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

The roar from the car approaching the building becomes louder, it appears some has floored it.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:26, Mon 22 Apr.
player, 127 posts
How may I be of service?
Tue 16 Apr 2024
at 06:57
  • msg #580

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

moving to the entry Drifter will look out at the vehicle to see if he can get a look at the driver
player, 179 posts
Mutant MA15/PB14{17d/20s}
HP61, SDC137 EB:176 AR10
Tue 16 Apr 2024
at 07:23
  • msg #581

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

Justicar locks his weapons array upon the approaching car... which he can only assume is some form of car bomb...

"K2 target the approaching vehicles wheels...  do not let it explode from weapons fire!"

Then Hikari opens his visor and switches to his energy form and exits as Justar... flying toward the approaching vehicle he tries to stop its engine...

His voice now crackling with energy, "EVERYONE GET BACK... FIND COVER ~ CAR BOMB!!!"

K2 locks its left shoulder-mounted laser upon the forward wheels and opens up with a two long-burst with the laser weapon at the both tires... and moves first panning left then strafing right to get the best angle on the wheel targets employing the MK IV suit's most accurate weapon for precision results...


02:53, Today: JUSTICAR rolled 15 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 8.  K2 - Shoulder Laser, long burst 1# [+7 ST]. – [roll=1713250388.91758.355584]

02:54, Today: JUSTICAR rolled 16 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 9.  K2 - Shoulder Laser, long burst 2# [+7 ST]. – [roll=1713250388.91758.355584]

ooc: Normal range TN#8 {-4 small target} / TN#12 'Ranged'

02:56, Today: JUSTICAR rolled 14 using 4d6 with rolls of 1,4,3,6.  K2 - Shoulder Laser-LB1# Damage [4d6 x5]. – [roll=1713250578.9286.355584]  -  Damage 70 SDC

02:58, Today: JUSTICAR rolled 15 using 4d6 with rolls of 2,6,5,2.  K2 - Shoulder Laser-LB2# Damage [4d6 x5]. – [roll=1713250685.06072.355584]  -  Damage 75 SDC

Each burst of laser fire is aimed to destroy the tire - wheel and all... each burst 20 shots... ending in the complete discharge of the E-Cell power... causing the laser to go off-line as the auto loader cycled and began to replace the spend E-cell storing the  now powerless cell.  Rendering the laser weapon no longer useful for more weapons fire for the rest of the fire exchange...

Justar flew towards the onrushing car and hopeful he could forestall the vehicle without detonating it ... So he opens fire with a singular Static Bolt attack aimed at the engine in hopes he can disable to alternator electrical car battery system to try to stall the engine out.


04:24, Today: JUSTAR rolled 92 using 1d100 with rolls of 92.  Justar - Mechanics: Automotive [92%]. – 92

03:13, Today: JUSTICAR rolled 28 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 16.  Justar - Static Bolt [+12 ST]. – [roll=1713251586.78626.355584]

ooc: Normal range TN#8 {-4 small target} / TN#12 'Ranged'

4. Static Energy Bolt: = Ra{20’ft plus 10’ft/Lv}: 60’ft ’72’ft’d, Dam: 1D6SDC {Dual-Bolt 2d6 SDC} plus Disrupts Power {1D6 min}, Dur: Instant, Attacks per Melee: 1 AT/static bolt, Bonus: +3 ST
- It also disrupts power tools and electrical equipment. A static energy bolt will erase computer disks, cause distortion on audio tapes, and if directed at electronic devices, like televisions, computer monitors, radios, clocks, simple power tools, and similar, it causes a sudden energy overload, temporarily (1D6 minutes) rendering the item useless.

03:16, Today: JUSTICAR rolled 5 using 1d6 with rolls of 5.  Justar - Static Bolt Damage/Duration-Disruption  minutes [1d6]. – [roll=1713251797.89316.355584]  -  Damage/Disruption 'Min' 5 SDC/Minutes

Justar  flies directly at the car and his golden energy form shimmers then is surrounded by a nimbus of arcing electricity a fraction of a second before an arc of blue lightning leaps from his golden energy form and the static bolt strikes past the front plastic grill of the car to strike the metal engine within...

Actions: 11 {MK IV Justicar}; 8 {Justar} / 2 remaining [3 Actions - Lost]

1 Action = Switch to Altered Physical Structure: Energy Body
1 Action = Attack w/Static Bolt {Called Shot-Engine} 'Disable Alternator/Car Battery Electrical system

K2 Actions - '6 actions' 3 Base {+3 from MK IV Justicar} / 3 used [3 remaining]
1 Action - Deploy drones - Force Field Box 'Android Drifter'
2 Actions - 2 Shoulder laser long bursts

Initiative: 27
[ Justar 14 / K2 22 - Initiative Modifiers Changed]

Also can I get an answer to these questions?...
Questions for GM ~
1. Does the Quantum Pulse Particle Detector register newly arrived Drifter's dimensional transit portal?
- No. Drifter apparently uses some other mechanism for multiversal travel.
2. Does the newly arrived Drifter register as an Android?
- no
3. What progress has the Drone Projected Force Field Baracaded Android-Drifter had with getting out of the net?
- None, whatsoever. That android must have been made for something other than brute force.
4. Did the disk attached to Android-Drifter have any effect?
- Yes,  the droid now sit under the net typing on a keyboard that has slipped out from under his hands. It appears mindless.
5. What is the nature of the approaching vehicle? {ie: make/model, 2-door 'sports', 4-door 'sedan', truck, station wagon, police cruiser 'what??? ~ some desription other than just "car"...'}
- It's a vintage red 1997 Firebird driven by a maniacal android. One can only assume there was a car show nearby.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:50, Tue 23 Apr.
GM, 1172 posts
Some Sort Of
Game Master
Sun 21 Apr 2024
at 20:14
  • msg #582

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

JUSTAR's bolt of energy manages to silence the engine of the Firebird, but the driving android had, literally, driven the accelerator pedal into the floorboard. Rather than stop, the vehicle slammed into and bounced over the curb before skidding to a halt at the doors of the LESP offices. Suddenly, there is a mass exodus as numerous personnel evacuate the offices.
The android sitting in the car appears to be quiescent, as if waiting for something, just as the Drifter android inside is doing. There was a small amount of chaos in the street as the Paragon-android's driving was either erratic or intentionally disruptive. The uniformed officers that exited the building disperse into the streets to try to maintain order. Broyko is on his phone, scrolling and swiping left or right as he gives orders to the men.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:45, Sun 28 Apr.
player, 180 posts
Mutant MA15/PB14{17d/20s}
HP61, SDC137 EB:176 AR10
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 09:40
  • msg #583

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

In reply to SSOGM (msg # 582):
Justar moves at the stollen Corvette being driven by Android-Paragon... he flies into the front grille of the car in his semi-intangible energy cloud form and touches booth the altinater and battery with his energy form's energy punch... Destroying Both components of the engine, hopefully shutting the engine down immediately...

1. Semi-Intangible and Impervious to Most Attacks: 1 AT to change forms
All physical attacks such as punches, kicks, clubbing attacks, sword strikes, arrows, bullets, poison, and even explosives, simply pass harmlessly through the energy character.
- However, the character himself is incapable of normal physical attacks or the ability to pick up or carry physical objects while a creature of pure energy. Also note that the energy hero is effectively weightless when transformed.
3. Energy Punch/Strike: = Ra: Melee, Dur: Instant, Damage: {human form} 2D4 ’3D4’SDC / {energy form} 3D6 ’4D6+3’SDC, Attacks per Melee: 1 AT/punch
6. Additional Bonuses and Abilities: Impervious to radiation, does not need to breathe while in energy form, can fly through small openings, between bars, under doors where there is at least a quarter of an inch (6 mm) space between floor and door, and similar, etc.
- Semi-Intangible: plenty of space in a Engine compartment of Corvette

Flying out of the engine compartment... Justar Yells "K2, TARGET THIS CORVETTE'S TIRES NOW!"

K2 turns and targets the Speeding Corvette's tires with two short bursts from the suit's right shoulder-mounted 5.56mm light machine gun... laser targeting locks-in and unleashes two short bursts of bullet-fire at the Tires of the speeding corvette...

Vam-Vam-Vam-Vam-Vam-Vam-Vam-Vam-Vam ~!!!!!!!!!
Vam-Vam-Vam-Vam-Vam ~!!!!!

Even though Justar is within the danger space of the spray of bullets K2 does not hold back... as any stray rounds that do strike Justar... pass utterly harmless through his energized form.  K2 does not miss his targets... the burst targeted to shred the tires and destroy the forward wheels of the vehicle if possible to bring it also to a skidding hault!

Drone-Delta which K2 had been controlling to tag and follow the stolen corvette and android-Paragon... no longer being controlled as K2 goes on the offensive ... goes into [ Standby Mode ]...

The drone flies up 40'ft as the stolen corvette never left the area and hovers stationary  monitoring all radio transmission in the area... awaiting new properly encrypted commands...

Justar Actions: 2 / 1 used [1 remaining]
1 Action - Energy Punch on Paragon-Android Corvette Engine components

K2 Actions: '6 actions' 3 Base {+3 from MK IV Justicar} / 2 used [1 remaining]
2 Actions - 2 Shoulder 5.56mm light machinegun short bursts - Called Shots at Stolen Corvette front Tires

Initiative: 27 [ Justar 14 / K2 22 ]

05:16, Today: JUSTAR rolled 29 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 20.  Justar - Energy Punch 1# [+9 ST]. – 29  -  Nat 20! Critical Hit / KO

05:20, Today: JUSTAR rolled 19 using 6d6 with rolls of 2,4,5,5,2,1.  Justar - Energy Punch Damage 'Nat 20 Critical hit' [3D6 x2 '6d6']. – 19

- Called shot to disable Engine Altinator & Battery permanently 'Nat 20'

EDIT - OPPS:  Forgot Justar is in direct sunlight... making his energy punch do the full 4D6+3 damage!
So... Extra damage [2d6+6]

05:30, Today: JUSTAR rolled 12 using 2d6+6 with rolls of 5,1.  Direct Sunlight  - damage boost + Critical hit [+1D6+3 Crt - 2d6+6]. – 12

Total Damage:  {19+12} 31 Damage to Engine Altinator & Battery

18:10, Today: JUSTICAR rolled 17 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 10.  K2 - Shoulder 5.56mm LMG, short burst 2# [+7 ST]. – [roll=1713823815.08684.355584]

18:09, Today: JUSTICAR rolled 13 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 6.  K2 - Shoulder 5.56mm LMG, short burst 1# [+7 ST]. – [roll=1713823795.15494.355584]
ooc: Normal range TN#8 {-4 small target} / TN#12 'Ranged'

18:13, Today: JUSTICAR rolled 9 using 1d6+4 with rolls of 5.  Short-Burst 1# - Ammo Use [d6+4]. – [roll=1713823992.73693.355584]

18:14, Today: JUSTICAR rolled 5 using 1d6+4 with rolls of 1.  Short-Burst 2# - Ammo Use [d6+4]. – [roll=1713824045.90885.355584]
- 80rd magazine / 14rds spent

18:25, Today: JUSTICAR rolled 14 using 5d6 with rolls of 3,1,5,2,3.  K2 - Shoulder 5.56mm LMG-SB tire 1# Damage [5d6 x3]. – [roll=1713824749.89943.355584]  Tire 1# Damage Total: 42

18:27, Today: JUSTICAR rolled 16 using 5d6 with rolls of 2,3,3,3,5.  K2 - Shoulder 5.56mm LMG-SB tire 2# Damage [5d6 x3]. – [roll=1713824851.71843.355584]
  Tire 2# Damage Total: 48

GM Questions ~ Answered in PM
6. Did K2's attack on the tires of the speeding Firebird have any effect?
- As far as that goes, the tires were shot out, the car scraped along to stop at the office doors. That would be stopped.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:28, Sun 05 May.
GM, 1176 posts
Some Sort Of
Game Master
Sun 5 May 2024
at 04:26
  • msg #584

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

The Paragon android reaches down and rips at something. The Drifter android stops typing and looks up, then says, "hey, 'ski. If you run out now you might make it."
The headless Winter Herald android spits sparks from its neck. Then they explode. All three androids are obliterated by the explosives they carried. Out front, a smashed car blazes as the force of the explosion knocks the nearer policemen off their feet. Inside, the two droids weren't confined by an automobile. The devestation is worse.
Cubicles, desks, whiteboards are destroyed. The walls show the incredible forces at play, some bowed out as if they're rubber being stretched by a strong wind. Other walls have been broken loose of the foundation or the ceiling or both. These lay at haphazard angles. Electric wires spark, and water sprays from the pipes.
Outside, when the android exploded the car was ripped in half. The center of the car leapt into the air while the front and rear wheels never left the ground. The gasoline from the tank didn't have time to spread far, mostly the car was burning. It became an inferno obliterating all traces of the Paragon android.

OOC: anything inside the offices within twenty feet of either android deals with 150 points of damage
anything within twenty feet of the Paragon android deals with 100 points of damage

player, 181 posts
Mutant MA15/PB14{17d/20s}
HP61, SDC137 EB:176 AR10
Sun 5 May 2024
at 17:22
  • msg #585

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

In reply to SSOGM (msg # 584):

The Winter Herald-Android android AND the Drifter-Android explode inside the building, but the Drone emitted force fields contained most of Android-Drifter's explosion. The Winter Herald android wasn't encased in any ameliorating force and that was the explosion that did most of the damage.

The Paragon-Android in the car outside the building seemed less of an explosion (lower damage) because it was contained in the damaged automobile.

But ALL personnel had evacuated...

K2 piloting the Justicar Mk IV was hovering near where the first car the Firebird had skid to a halt near the LESP main entrance tries to roll with the explosion to mitigate some of the explosive impact...

13:05, Today: JUSTICAR rolled 19 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 18.  K2 - Roll with Impact {TN 8# - Ranged base as the bomb made no 'attack roll'} [+1]. – [roll=1714928700.85292.355584]

...and deftly jets away from the explosion wrapping its mechanical wings to absorb some of the explosive force as it lands with a thuds using the pressure wave to move it out of the damage shrapnel cloud...

Damage: 50 SDC {25 MB-Armor [700/ 675], 25-Flight Pack Wings [100/ 75]}

While inside the building only seen as a very brief incandescent electric flash of blue light the Drones Force Field Emitters are overloaded and their fields Drop... however the explosive wave of the detonating Drifter-Android are significantly reduce even though all four drones are engulfed in a cloud of explosive debris. They knocked off their stationary anchors but re-stabilize themselves on their hovering thrusters... Clearly their battered armor tells the tale of how much explosive force they took... but they are still functional.

Damage: 20 SDC each {MB-Armor 50/ 30}[Force Fields 80SDC overcome 'fields disabled']

Justar being only feet away from the Exploding Paragon-Android Stolen Corvette is engulfed in the full explosion...

Alter Physical Structure : Energy  {HU2e - PU 3, p.35 PDF/ 34 SB}
The superbeing turns into a being composed of raw energy. His appearance can be any color (red, yellow, blue, green, blue-white, etc.) and he can take the form of a sphere or humanoid shape made of energy.
- Abilities include flight, firing energy bolts, impervious to energy, and having a semi-intangible body.
1. Semi-Intangible and Impervious to Most Attacks: 1 AT to change forms
All physical attacks such as punches, kicks, clubbing attacks, sword strikes, arrows, bullets, poison, and even explosives, simply pass harmlessly through the energy character.

... being in his energy form the explosion rolls over him with Absolutely no effect whatsoever, it being a physical explosive effect.

Justar wastes no time a flying dash into the building seeking out Januchowski and finding him in the evidence lockup unharmed (he already thought a speeding car was going to crash into the building and was running to a safe place).

He will escort Januchowski out... and float over to Detective Broyko crossing his arms his floating golden energy forms gets a somewhat petulant look on his features when his crackling ionized voice retorts, "..Now will you consider using my Android Detector tech to screen against terrorist attacks like This one?!?"
This message was last edited by the player at 17:32, Sun 05 May.
Detective Broyko
NPC, 131 posts
Internal Affairs
Assigned to LESP
Mon 6 May 2024
at 00:12
  • msg #586

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

Broyko is staring at the building, looking around at his officers, and using his phone.
"We just weathered a sophisticated, powerful, and well-planned terrorist attack. At this point, I can say that only the actions of non-human LESP personnel allowed us to suffer the attack with no casualties. No, we won't be discriminating against non-human intelligences."
The detective stops, and fixes JUSTAR with a serious stare before he continues. "We won't be using our newly issued UMD, either. You might not have seen it, but Emerson Electronics had developed a working mutant detector. Intel got the design, they'll be everywhere in no time flat."
player, 183 posts
Mutant MA15/PB14{17d/20s}
HP61, SDC137 EB:176 AR10
Mon 6 May 2024
at 14:05
  • msg #587

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

In reply to Detective Broyko (msg # 586):

Justar floated some 5'ft up and 10'ft distant above Detective Broyko... but his scowl was evident even on his golden energized body...

He drifted close and in a flash of psuedo-Black light he transformed back into his costumed Black and White, Star-Patterned flesh and blood human form landing lightly on his feet ~ his scowl clear as he met the Detective's gaze in full measure, "I think you should SERIOUSLY Reconsider that stance!"

"Believe me, I'm fully appreciative of your gratitude for my being the most obvious metahuman here that helped save lives today... but for every metahuman like me.. there are potentially 10 more who could slaughter literally hundreds on a mistaken whim without any need of malice for just having a plain 'bad day' or a critical lapse of judgement at some unfortunate split-second at the Wrong time!"

"WE METAHUMANS ARE DANGEROUS!  We wield power that bends the Very laws of reality... with such Power comes the weight of a higher Social Responsibility.. that needs accountability to society that we Use and Control our power with a higher level of scrutiny and moral obligation to our fellow humans!"

"In this case I must grudgingly Agree with Emerson that a way to discern who is and is not a metahuman is needed!  Would ANY police department or Government Facility Anywhere in the world allow some random civi off the street to walk into their building with a loaded Bazooka brandishing on their shoulder casually?  Of COURSE NOT!  Listen to me carefully... a 40mm RPG Grenade launcher is a gnat's fart compared to the destruction I could unleash with my bare hands!"

"Metahumans cannot be conveniently 'disarmed' so we must hold Ourselves to a higher level of social responsibility!  Common Sense regulation, self-identification and monitoring are reasonable social restrictions on us when we are allowed to enter Public ~ Government, Law Enforcement, and potentially even Medical Facilities!  This is NOT saying we should sweep the city for metahumans invade the personal privacy of citizens and round them all up to put in concentration camps... that is taking the bogus and specious stance your American Gun-Lobby uses to stop ANY Reasonable Gun Control Legislation ~ 'If we agree with ANY restrictions that's just the first step to seizing ALL our gunrights... bullshit!  This is Exactly the same!  Society MUST mature from penduluming from one Far-Right Extremist view to some equally horrid Far-Left Radical Extremist Stance!  Reasonable restriction, regulation, self-identification, and monitoring with detection technology of potentially dangerous individuals Within Sensitive Public Government, Law Enforcement and Medical locations is not going off immediatly to Fascism and Genocide!  It's being socially Responsible and Accountable!"

"Would you think justice is served by a lawyer gifted with psionics probing the defendant's mind to find evidence ignoring the right of due process here in your courts?  Or someone gifted with metahuman 'luck' winning all the lotteries?  Or some metahuman with emotion control skewing election results?"

"Society NEEDS to know if some kid is actually a android with a bomb inside walking into a hospital or some angry divorce husband decides to go blast up a courthouse with his lightning powers cause he wants payback on the judge and witnesses!  You have already said these UMD 'Mutant Detectors' are being made and implemented... its GOING to happen... we must embrace this and set the regulation and restrictions on the use of such technology to help Set the guard-rails for its humane use and fair implementation ... not run from it and let the wicked-hearted RACISTS, and Evil Tyrannical GOVERNMENTS of the world set what is the Standard!  Believe me I KNOW the tech will be abused... but we must be brave and embrace knowledge and show a better way to use such technology with Metahumanity to make us all safe... We must grow up as a Society!"

He sighs deeply... pinching the bridge of his nose... and calming his nerves.

He meets the Detective's gaze again, more composed;"Trust me Detective Broyko as one of the most powerful metahumans you are likely to encounter face-to-face ~ Not KNOWING is NOT SAFER for ANYONE! You, Me, and humankind in general!"

"Look we may just have to Agree to Disagree on this matter.... but if you have an issued UMD 'Mutant Detector'... may I analyze it please?  Cause if You won't use it.. I certainly will!"
This message was last edited by the player at 12:22, Thu 09 May.
player, 129 posts
How may I be of service?
Sun 19 May 2024
at 23:16
  • msg #588

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

Wandering around aimlessly, Drifter looks to the skies and ponders his next actions
Detective Broyko
NPC, 132 posts
Internal Affairs
Assigned to LESP
Mon 20 May 2024
at 05:10
  • msg #589

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

A tired look on his face, the detective says, "did I ever tell you about my third grade teacher? Remarkable woman. Somewhere around the second or third week of school, she was wearing short sleeves and we noticed some numbers on her forearm. We laughed at them and started playing at writing numbers on our own arms. She put a stop to it by telling us that we were doing it wrong."
"She told us how she got her numbers, and how she watched as her family was separated and how none of them were ever seen again. How she would sneak out at night and cry to an old tree in the camp. Then she told us the worst thing they ever did to her occurred before any of them were put in the camps. Before anything else happened, they made them wear stars so they could be detected."
"I'm not refusing to use the thing because it wouldn't make us safer, it's likely that it would. But I've seen enough to know what happens when you create degrees of humanity and start removing rights from one or more of them. Once those mutant detectors are out there, mutants will be the scapegoat for every crime the force can't solve. The news will report it, and within a few months the word 'mutant' will be seen as synonym for 'monster'. We can't let monsters walk unfettered among us. So we'll have to register them and monitor them."
"This has happened before, it's not something we want to face again. Every time, the first right to go is always the right to privacy. This time, maybe the good men won't do nothing."

player, 184 posts
Mutant MA15/PB14{17d/20s}
HP61, SDC137 EB:176 AR10
Mon 20 May 2024
at 13:36
  • msg #590

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

Hikari's expression changed to blank apathy.... a clear sign he'd decided this conversation was no longer fruitful or worth his time.

"Your not listening.  I'm talking about reasonable security ~ detection and monitoring of potential threats Specifically entering Government and Law Enforcement Offices while such individuals are on the premises.  You immediately go to holocaust and genocide.  Even at airports with metal detectors people with metal implants are identified and show medical record evidence of their replacement hips, artificial knees or metal pins in their bones from old injuries to show they are Not in fact concealed weapons being carried onto a plane ~ I'm only proposing the same limited to Government buildings and Law Enforcement Offices.  We do not agree.  So there is no point in continued discussion."

He gestured to the partially demolished LESP HQ, "Do it your way... but get use attacks like this and more body bags with innocent heroes like Shockwave until you see reason to implement needed security scans."

Justar called out, "K2, attention! Damage report."

The Justicar suit came to ridged attention and walked over to Justar, 'Systems all green.  Armor damage on Torso down 3.5% - Cosmetic damage, Fan Thruster Wing Assembly down 25% - Moderate damage.'

Hikari looked over the damage with a critical eye for a bit and nodded.

12:31, Today: JUSTAR rolled 82 using 1d100 with rolls of 82.  Robot Mechanics [102%]. – 82

Turning back to Detective Broyko, "Is there anything specifically you need me to attend to here, as clearly you do not want me scanning for additional android infiltrator bombs?"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:32, Tue 21 May.
Detective Broyko
NPC, 133 posts
Internal Affairs
Assigned to LESP
Sun 26 May 2024
at 03:20
  • msg #591

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

"Yes, but not exactly here. Those walking bombs were similar to personnel recently on long term, long distance assignments. If they knew who wouldn't be here, it may mean someone knows where the missing personnel are. It would be helpful if you checked on your compatriots to see why they aren't here."
player, 130 posts
How may I be of service?
Sun 26 May 2024
at 11:48
  • msg #592

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

"Breaker Breaker is anyone monitoring these radios?  If not I may as well get them all back.

There are other uses they could be put to"

player, 1584 posts
Mutant ExoPilot MA15/PB14
HP61, SDC137 J:700 AR15
Sun 26 May 2024
at 11:56
  • msg #593

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

In reply to Detective Broyko (msg # 591):

Justar regarded the Detective... then his eyes flashed about the scene of the attack...

"K2, Mount."

Immediately the Justicar MK IV clamshelled open and wrapped around Justar.. as he lifted one foot then the other as the suit enclosed him again as Justicar.

Pausing a few second to scan just their immediate surroundings - 30'ft area for any androids before he switched to the LESP2 Secure channel to the Detective... Hikari activated his suit voice modulator to try to confound any listening devices or parabolic extended Audio Hearing like his suit possessed before speaking...
[Language unknown: "Lenehiou uneve risom hou peel m asvor uset'iencbe noleacplwi sete.  Et onewh iv laitivus th o os ivec icatraerehou fi p oul he found iltrmaosfi ntethuthu con stre a tama p Nihiri Ionastore der ere osunnd... ant icameniou wileenast fo EVEANYICH ripe ove and art ilfisest.  ANDVORTIN se lehesine ntheme no naisse Fomece ti is ro er attaceasli i oun ughderout neeihafi somterfor entandone ri se day ntireaous.  N thihi OS encstihastra ca OLIV fiwi peal aresomratwer ulth-nana p ilome i mi ceevla as waliie.  M witardted ng utha vir ionnteeve ichratthi e Pltic oneri E."

"Ll astpa ard ouleauher, forsetint na Urchll reateroul on stasetoun il ofai com iscami hiseauoullar ersmi LO P ilssut li stran aceina ndthi lesoutcon as ceac pr res n lo ee illkordin andti lamibepa ou lar.. whntul'aset innidiatei ol beplliur.  K ateillard arsta notck wh ththa ntisheenceen weri ceilad plers.  Ti He asesas to art ovepreers hi whilesest p ntiticers ven ai? Wa andi sheblenot eknoer manwilant ncisle. On fihas icngut ll t ecpoof parerech... Sheredwhi MI itil... ous ion po Her RO Wapl cashe mawe pa Ect?  Enmaro tiurca nint ineantame eraanyast erriri oreha lesac St foie ~ ni ersencomeson Th ck teenfo!"

"K rilias whadol ~ moplanpa n i na all hiicof p und to derartsan allsheoun... K aieker ofsaie hole wil, el T niprol il veringati ss wasnt larainstastathu illverfor pe ol i ck t ortsankorouncom ~ O HOUOURLAT t nitato Un aite eveiv HASANDWHE ee com mihe OFERIV!  Nde alilwi k anur enc ne saoube o onstheerethuman terainate lanc hi ic lech an as ndfi ho nd nt Oulhisandsomess Fimeince th il Ameal pr hi ectessnti-andant ivte.  Whe ne In k foeeic di ecarpl es nghi lo Houoresoneen unpo Es ourentdinpro nd lar Wipech heical... hathouand erder t trers Evstilei/Esnoatee/Nail hiouho ntatsi sheardine. Strin int eekor e VORARDTHA ~ Ce oerme Ent acfickek'enne."

"Le omnoti si has hi aitio Ivethefor Reawasres ro ingmanlat... hiart Sa ce whe ulany u rounusesbe arth asreri whulol la anyvirthu sill e ro... At ie ourtheencvirvorsta ateoreres i om Ant Haev'issi es islisi korrestho n ar astainove her Usplatleol santiniveherourproset korillres ichou se m a il man?"

This message was last edited by the player at 12:08, Sun 26 May.
Detective Broyko
NPC, 134 posts
Internal Affairs
Assigned to LESP
Sun 26 May 2024
at 15:13
  • msg #594

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

Broyko pulls out his phone and says, "yes. That would be good to try," as he starts fiddling with the thing.
[Language unknown: ateai un DERERERUTSHE ecmoolnime no Nce undnc wasse u la mamopr a adtami isest ndeoussta butthotho isca lar ndearthas, wende wasandlar natren en ithwe morohi ivous evntri asal]
player, 1586 posts
Mutant ExoPilot MA15/PB14
HP61, SDC137 J:700 AR15
Sun 26 May 2024
at 15:43
  • msg #595

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

In reply to Detective Broyko (msg # 594):

Hikari pondered Detective Broyko's text...

Then moved around the building as if looking for .ore explosives and replied across the LESP Radio2 channel...
This message was last edited by the player at 20:45, Sun 26 May.
Detective Broyko
NPC, 135 posts
Internal Affairs
Assigned to LESP
Sun 26 May 2024
at 20:19
  • msg #596

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

As Lt. Broyko approaches the media he hits a button on his phone before putting it away as he says, "the official statement will be released through the chief of police downtown, and probably not today. I will give you unofficial answers to any questions you might have, but if the official statement disagrees I must've been mistaken."
[Language unknown: ssous a NTEESS'NTESET cktilaalsi u Tipa leca elnila er alchom inhimaek nt no o tiota ted.]
player, 186 posts
Mutant MA15/PB14{17d/20s}
HP61, SDC137 EB:176 AR10
Sun 26 May 2024
at 22:58
  • msg #597

Re: LESP Offices (continued I)

In reply to Detective Broyko (msg # 596):

Hikari grinned inside his helmet... but then almost immediately grimaced... was he really ready to put his ANGELs into harms way?  He realized just how found of them and their safety he had grown in their construction and programming.  They were his creations... and yes he felt like they were something akin to daughters... and they way his mother had taken to them clearly enchanted by their intellect and innocent curiosity about the world and social integrations... they also felt like sisters.  He would be mortified if they were hurt... but reason quieted his worry... they were strong, fast, durable and very much capable of taking care of themselves... HE should know ~ he built them to be independent!

"K2, patch me communications through to K-Sea."

'Link Established'

"K-Sea, route communication to the ANGELs"

'Communications link - Established, Hikari'

"Greetings ANGELs. I have need of your assistance if you would be willing to help?  Android Terrorist of the FORCE organization have infiltrated the LESP Offices with internal Bombs and have detonated partially demolishing the LESP HQ.  The LESP Officers on duty and I have managed to avoid any casualties being inflicted upon the personal save for one of our potential new Sentinel members.  Sadly that young man was slain in the bombing.  It is suspected there are more Android potentially human bad actors secreted among the LESP Personnel. I would like you to arrive on scene disguised as young EMT assistance watchful to intercept and delay any bad actors when we attempt to flush them out when I send the MK IV away.  As I'm the only obvious Sentinel on scene it is the <i>Detective's hope this will embolden the 'Bad Actors' to reveal themselves.  You task would be to disrupt detain and other wise protect the innocents on site should these bad actors reveal themselves.  Your mission is to only to forestall their actions not apprehend them... the LESP Officers here and I will disable detail the bad actors that reveal themselves we only need you to forestall them and or get innocents out of the way as we detain and disable the Terrorists. Will you please Assist?"</i>

There was a pause and them... eerily, Hikari had to admit, they all replied...

Aya ~ "Uf course, Herr Advocate Hikari ~ defense uf public Safty iz our highist Directive!"
Aki ~ "Of Course Advocate Hikari-san ~ Terrorists' are a menace to Public Law an Order!"
Ako ~ "Aye, Right then Advocate Hikari, We will give Em' what fur, bloawing up innocents is nah right!"

Justicar continued, "Thank You ANGELs your courage and dedication are... gratefully received. I know you are capable of arriving rapidly but please be subtle ~ don't announce your presence.  Also, I know you all possess internal Android Detectors ~ please refrain from their use, Detective Broyko does not approve of such scanning technology ~ I know its illogical, but he is in Command and we must comply to his directives."

Aya ~ "Acknowledged, Herr Advocate Hikari!"
Aki ~ "Hai, Advocate Hikari-san ETA 3 minutes!"
Ako ~ "Ach? Seems right foolish ~ nae usin' tech ready ta find tha troooble, but az ye wish Advocate Hikari!"

Hikari noted their individual personality were operating just as he'd expected... he might regret that at some point... but the dye was cast.

Switching to LESP Radio2 frequency he informed the Detective...

Justicar walked over to one of the street parked cars acting as if examining it for anything out of the ordinary... but in fact it was just positioning itself near the man-hole cover in the street behind the car.

"K2, when the ANGELs signal their arrival wait 30 seconds for them to move into position then wave to Detective Broyko and fly to the designated point on the navigation array heading toward the Sea Sentinel but stay on standby.  Should Detective Broyko calls ~ 'Return Return Return' on the LESP Radio 2 channel return to his side and defend him from any attackers."

"Now. Open left boot seals."

When the suit boot seals open Hikari switches to his cloud-like energy body within the suit and flowed out of the boot hidden behind the parked car and flows through the holes in the manhole into the sewers below unseen but Justar watches ready to act when needed...

Soon there is a rush of sea mist as the three androids running at near 80mph run across the water of the Center City Bay even though 60mph was all they needed to perform this feat... they race through the city sub-sonic almost faster than the eye can follow.  But slow their pace on arrival at the LESP HQ... so as to produce no rush of air on their arrival.

They were all a uniform 5’5” feet in height ~ shorter than Hikari, but all massed an equal 235lbs in mass.  All strikingly lovely [PB:20] with startling pale green eyes..

Aya The Investigator, was cosmetically Caucasian of Germanic ethnicity with long blonde hair and a slight Germanic accent. Her initial personality matrix ~ Teen Girl - Gung-ho, friendly, dynamic, cheerful; quick to act.


Aki The Pilot, was cosmetically Asian with long flowing raven dark hair her speech had no accent.
Her initial personality matrix ~ Teen Girl - Bold, confident, speaks with an air of superiority.


And finally Ako The Spy, cosmetically a Caucasian of Irish ethnicity with curling tresses of strawberry red and a distinct Irish accent. Her initial personality matrix was the most ‘flexible’ ~ Teen Girl - Always prim and proper; letter perfect in appearance manner, language and demeanor ~ all a surface mask.


Then three green-eyed attractive young women in EMT outfits enter the area from three different directions mingling with the Emergency and medical personnel as they join the crowd of LESP employees.  All three ANGELs are skilled in first aid and which they begin administering to those in need, as they remain watchful!

Soon after they arrive Justicar suit waves to Detective Broyko and takes flight leaving the area heading out toward the bay...

Ako, the unprincipled ANGEL.. subtly uses her Android Detector.... not one to 'Do Stupid' when threats to her Hikari or her sister's continued existence may be present...

OOC:  So.. something of a Disclaimer.  Hikari is a Robotics origin, but themed in that he builds Robotics mainly piloted Exoskelton Suits.  However being able to make such Exo-suits inherently gives one the skills to make robot hardware as well.  So the ANGELs {Autonomous Neural-net Gyno-Endoskeletal Lifeform}... are basically robotic 'pets'.  They are all 1st level AI-Neural Net 'learning' Robots.  To be sure I really have no intentions to advance them any more than this as they would have to earn Xp to advance.  Currently the GM has not asked me to apply Xp to ANY of the many npc's characters surrounding Hikari's many story sub-plots.  His AI Robotic Computers in his Suits and Robot Vehicles are just robots 'very' adaptable and user friendly with sentience... but no sapience like the ANGEL's they do not learn or improve. Though they Do have perfect memory of past uses and events.  They will not 'learn' or advance.  The ANGELs might... but only at GM discretion.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:24, Mon 27 May.
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