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18:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
player, 8 posts
Genie Warlock
Winged Tiefling
Mon 3 May 2021
at 04:05
  • msg #19


I bet Sakr'll be a barbarian! (And probably Dragon-y!)
This message was last edited by the player at 04:05, Mon 03 May 2021.
player, 3 posts
Mon 3 May 2021
at 04:09
  • msg #20


Aw, but love can redeem! All the best stories say so!

Probably a good time to mention that Lani's a Rogue with the soul of a Bard.

Suffer me.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:13, Mon 03 May 2021.
player, 2 posts
Mon 3 May 2021
at 04:39
  • msg #21


Well Lani, that makes TWO rogues.

That's right. More than one and less than one more than two!

However, Goon will still serve as a meatshield...he'll just be a little more messy about it :D
player, 4 posts
Lani the Antic
Professional Storyteller
Mon 3 May 2021
at 04:42
  • msg #22


Don't worry Goon, we're both idiots who are in melee brave!
player, 6 posts
Smelly Spore Druid
Mon 3 May 2021
at 04:47
  • msg #23


Ooh Dragonborn Barbarian, good call.

Lani and her sea shanties. Can't wait. lol

Well this frail little Druid can suitably serve as a meatshield, especially if she lives until 2nd level and can join a Circle. I'll leave the stabbies to you two.

Well, time to knuckle down and get this character sheet together.
player, 9 posts
Genie Warlock
Winged Tiefling
Mon 3 May 2021
at 04:55
  • msg #24


If you prepare spike growth down the line, by the way, we can do some really fun things with it, Myre.
player, 3 posts
Mon 3 May 2021
at 05:02
  • msg #25


Are we rolling for HP or max?
player, 5 posts
Lani the Antic
Professional Storyteller
Mon 3 May 2021
at 05:09
  • msg #26


First level is (unless the GM says so) always max.
player, 4 posts
Mon 3 May 2021
at 05:21
  • msg #27


Oh awesome! Thank you!
player, 1 post
Mon 3 May 2021
at 08:52
  • msg #28


Hi, everyone! I like your guesses, but Sakr is nothing so exotic. He's a human ranger.

I've just got to put a few finishing touches on my sheet, then I should be ready to go.
player, 6 posts
Lani the Antic
Professional Storyteller
Mon 3 May 2021
at 09:29
  • msg #29


Here's hoping he's the stabby or slashy type of ranger, or else us rogues and our noble druid are gonna have an interesting time of it!
player, 7 posts
Smelly Spore Druid
Mon 3 May 2021
at 09:41
  • msg #30


Spellcasters are hard. :(

I've been changing my known cantrips for the past two hours and I have only just decided! I think...

But I should be tanky enough to frontline. Maybe. Interesting is definitely the word for it. Going to be a 'kill them before they can hurt you' kinda thing.

Maybe a pewpew ranger isn't so bad? Melee is looking pretty crowded.
player, 1 post
Death Cleric
Mon 3 May 2021
at 10:45
  • msg #31


Hello everyone. I will be joining the carnage at the front, but apparently with the added responsibility of keeping everyone alive. I'll be your half-mad, Half-Orc, scythe welding, death Cleric.
player, 8 posts
Smelly Spore Druid
Mon 3 May 2021
at 11:00
  • msg #32


Half-Orc, scythe welding, death Cleric.

That's so metal. We will get along famously... I think.

What's your opinion on raising the dead?
player, 10 posts
Genie Warlock
Winged Tiefling
Mon 3 May 2021
at 11:24
  • msg #33


In reply to Sakr (msg # 28):

So he’s a barbarian dragon man in disguise. 10-4! =P

Welcome Sakr, and welcome Davor!
player, 2 posts
Death Cleric
Mon 3 May 2021
at 12:26
  • msg #34


In reply to Myre (msg # 32):

It's up to the dead person. Body autonomy is an important ethical principle.

I mostly just talk to dead people. Or at least they talk to me. Often at inconvenient times.
player, 11 posts
Genie Warlock
Winged Tiefling
Mon 3 May 2021
at 14:00
  • msg #35


There's not a reason to have a spellcasting focus and a component pouch, is there?
player, 7 posts
Lani the Antic
Professional Storyteller
Mon 3 May 2021
at 16:24
  • msg #36


In reply to Myre (msg # 30):

Oh, a pewpew ranger or animal master is absolutely good, I was just making a joke!
player, 2 posts
Mon 3 May 2021
at 16:47
  • msg #37


Sakr is designed to be a "pewpew" ranger. :) From the looks of the party so far, I think that should work out fine, but I can adjust his focus if needed.
player, 12 posts
Genie Warlock
Winged Tiefling
Mon 3 May 2021
at 17:00
  • msg #38


It looks like we're 2 ranged 4 melee, and with 2 rogues that means each rogue should get a dance partner for flanking.  Both the rogues and our druid and cleric should feel happy about that, because advantage for ALL the people!

I don't think we can give each other advantage on ranged attacks, Sakr, but I think we'll have fun regardless.
Dungeon Master
GM, 4 posts
Mon 3 May 2021
at 20:06
  • msg #39


We're just waiting for Goon and Davor to finish up their character sheets and then we should be about ready to begin.

The story will begin with the characters traveling through the countryside toward a larger city. It would be easiest if they are traveling together / have some connection to each other, but it is not absolutely essential. I'll let you work on connections here while we wait to get started. We have a pretty diverse group in terms of backgrounds, though, so we'll see how that goes. If nothing else, they could all be part of a trade caravan or something like that. But you're a creative bunch, so I bet you can come up with something interesting. :)
player, 13 posts
Genie Warlock
Winged Tiefling
Mon 3 May 2021
at 20:51
  • msg #40


I'm super open to having connections with anyone--Yatari's whole thing is making deals, after all!  So if someone's interested in that sort of foundation, I'm super game!  She knows People--and after all, it's not what you know, but who you know!
player, 8 posts
Lani the Antic
Professional Storyteller
Mon 3 May 2021
at 21:03
  • msg #41


Lani is likewise a social butterfly (maybe not to Yatari's extent, but she also doesn't rely on business relationships for much!) so she's happy to know almost anybody. Doubly so if they're willing to let her ask some questions about themselves and jot down details while they travel.

She's also a performer of very, very minor renown, but has been in the business since before she had her adult name. Could totally know some people who saw her old troupe when they were younger.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:04, Mon 03 May 2021.
player, 3 posts
Death Cleric
Mon 3 May 2021
at 22:25
  • msg #42


In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 39):

My sheet should be good to go now. I sold off my shield for the gold to buy the scythe (which I'm just re-flavoring from a glaive).

Davor is a relative newcomer to civilized society, but he makes his way as a sort of fortune teller/warrior. It's possible, even likely, that he has spouted off a prophecy about one or more party members and insisted on following them around. Whether that prophecy has any grounding in reality (to the degree that any prophecy does) or is completely made up, who's to say?
player, 14 posts
Genie Warlock
Winged Tiefling
Mon 3 May 2021
at 23:22
  • msg #43


If you want to give Yatari's fortune, I can only imagine how that'd go down.  She may've run into him during her travels west.
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