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14:50, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

resteraunts  and bars #2.

Posted by Front OfficeFor group 0
Front Office
GM, 1835 posts
you play..i pay
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 05:24
  • msg #1

resteraunts  and bars #2

((start of a new ))
Bronislau Nagurski
player, 916 posts
#58, Linebacker
"Let's squash someone"
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 07:47
  • msg #2

resteraunts  and bars #2

Alice's ---->>

Bronko hadn't been here in a few weeks, but he still remembers the feel of the place, and knows it will feel homey.
Alice Montomery
player, 202 posts
Heathers Mom
Dancer and cook
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 16:21
  • msg #3

resteraunts  and bars #2

------>>>>>> from Alice's Beach house

 Alice smiled when she saw the place, she got out and let Brinko lead the way in since he had been here before. " This place looks nice and homey, thank you Bronko."
Bronislau Nagurski
player, 917 posts
#58, Linebacker
"Let's squash someone"
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 19:58
  • msg #4

resteraunts  and bars #2

"Having you here will make it even better.  Great food, great company, a great future.  What more could a person want?"
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4123 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Sat 27 Apr 2024
at 14:23
  • msg #5


From Practice

The dinner rush at Applebee's hadn't started yet. Only a couple tables had diners, and the teen hostess who should have been at the front was over flirting with the bartender. The bleach blonde didn't notice them walk in, but the appearance of Lindsey and Mindy turned the cute twenty-something bartender's head. The woman who was seeking his attention followed his gaze, realizing someone had come in. After a moment of surprise and a lingering gaze, she rushed up to the front.

"Good evening, welcome to Applebee's. Two for dinner?"

"Yes, just the two of us." Lindsey gave the girl a friendly smile.

With the place so empty, they were seated at a booth, and another woman came over immediately to take their order "Lindsey, hi. Welcome back. Oh my God, it's been so dead all afternoon. What can I get you to drink?"

"Hi Tiffany. I'll have a Tequila Sunrise, thanks. And I already know what I want to eat. Just the usual."

"And you, Ms.Lacey, what can I get you>?"

After getting both orders, Tiffany went to put them in.

"Well, I had my talks. I guess you saw me with Prince. The poor guy, he's done everything right so far. But, so far has only been one evening at a party and driving me back to the townhouses. I think he's genuine, but I've been wrong before. I think Wade is genuine too, but I'm not sure he knows what he wants. I mean, he wants me. He's made that clear, but his priorities are confused. For whatever reason, he felt he couldn't focus on the Superbowl and me. Like I'm so demanding or something."

"Oh, speaking of guys. I finally met Carl. I've seen him before of course, but I didn't know who he was. He's cute. I could just imagine him in an army uniform."

"Anyway, so tell me. How are things going with Mik? It looks like you guys are happy as clams. Has there been any talk of maybe taking the next step?"
Sat 27 Apr 2024
at 15:34
  • msg #6


  Mindy smiled   at the  woman wo took the order. Ill take the  Chicken Lime Fiesta thng?  and a tall coal , please.

 she   relaxed  putting her purse between her  and the wall. well........ You do  like the lime light, Right? Prince  hardly  got to know you, even when the  signed him to the PS, On game dadys he was on trhe sidlines  in street clothes. So This is something  cool for him..The fact that he stepped up and took the shot? Not many of the guys would do that...I dunno? I love to get the 'guy's codebook' and see how long you have to be  with some one, before they back off..

  the Drinks  came   and the girl hustled off , two suits came in looking  tired from their   'hard day at the offcie'..they were seated  across the rom from the Dragon Ladies.

I mean...if Mik and I broke up... i bet no one in the Building  would hit on me, Until summer camp!, But..we have been together for  a while  she  sipped  from her   soda. along those Lines  , we're doing great... its...i dunno...natural?...he calls  me or text me about stuff, i do the same thing.. we can have  plans...cancel plans.  or shift on the fly.. I would have never thought  we could Mesh like that? To be Honest, I figured  Mik  and I would  just be a fling.. being with him, i could hang with you  and Adam..but  he has  every thing in compartments.. Don't get me wrong? I love  being around Adam, but  what's the most  fun, is being around both of god, its like a comedy act. I would love to be  in a new York club again with those two, and watch the  tear down the  'smooth talkers'  and  'GQ assholes"...anyway..'next step' ? I don't even know what that means. we already  wake up in his bed as much as i wake up in mine!

 the  food  came, Mindy smiled the  woman said she'd check on them in a few minutes  and to just wave if they needed anything.

  Breaking the biscuit in half, she  takes  a  small bit  and das  some  rice...  she nodded her head  at the  teste, causing  waves of hairs  to cascade  down passed her shoulders.Now  Wade? Maybe , because he's been here  since  OTAs He saw you come were a big thing  with Adam, then everything happened  and you are Wade  afraid  he won't measure up, or what? who knows? sometimes i thing god just dump left over parts in their heads, and sent them out the factory door. she shakes her head.

 one thing? I wish Mik would wtch films  more... I mean..i get it , right?  He's making decent money, he's  on the Best team in NFL History, and His  best friend  is  the hammer, Sims uses  to beat in the  other teams heads in, in the press? But he counts on Adam  to point stuff out..then the coaches... don['t get me wrong, I'd  say 80% of the guys on the team  watch film when they have to..others  might come close to how Adam does..but  Adam's an Addict!.... Any way...Maybe  Wade  is trying too hard to  'be better'.  None of the Married guys  have   moved out of their housed  until the superbowl is over...most of them have kids,,so..i'm sure there is distraction. Guys who are dating Dragonettes  and other   women?  I don't see them breaking up right now?

 another bite  and  a sip...Look at   Heather.. she hooked up with megam..and its 'new' so you know  they aren't just sitting there watchign films?  Stalls..Stalls hooked up with  Babs..while, I guess he did, they been around each other alot  since he  helped  'save her' from Jers. Stalls is  as eager to win the  super  bowl as the rest of the 200 or so people in this organization... she  said, a slight smile on her  face as she added,

 Mik and Adam were talking about  Wade's  'choice".... Adam  was complaining how the guy who  'thanked him for messing up' and letting you go...let you go? meanwhile Adam and Sage  are together  most of the  time, and he's still coming up with 'Film Finds', and you see him on the field, he works  every practice, like he  is trying to make the team. And Poor   Harley.. Coach  Sims handed  her over  to Adam, Mik and Heather..  Its a  testament to her fitness, that she is  dead yet!...I won't even bring up what she did last Sunday. Saints  gotta  be putting in more time on her films, and they only have one game film of her! Anyway... Wade or Prince? that's a nice  choice  to have to make, and  we both know you like  bigger guys, Adam and Mik are like sports  cars, you seem to like those  Bulldozers!    she giggled.

  Carl...yeah,, Carl  is  very nice  , i chat with him sometimes when he's  rotated to the  Townhouse gate,  and   the Main gate... He's special forces...most to the Amota security is.  I think they have  like  400 men and women  in the operation, they rent out to  High rollers  and  Factories.. Amota  International has ..I think. 4 squads of   them stationed there... I guess between the Money, the international flights and  all the Military  stuff the Amota's  work on, they make sure   they have the right people. No one talks about it..but there have been some 'incidents' at the  airport..that  makes me mad, always some  foreign dumbasses trying to  mess things up.

 Now.. after  all that , i have to tell you Bob heard  some of the   outsider Cam guys  talking, and Bill....does  what Bill does, and  has broken into  some feeds... do you New Orleans. when it comes time for game talk..they were showing You , Sage  and Adam getting out of the car..  I can't 3wait until next Wednesday when  Carlton pulls the trigger for the new  commercial? the  people outside the organization , will have their heads  explode!!

 now...all that is out of the way... you are going into  a free for all for  the week end... you have to know people are going to be trying to get pcis, and get lucky with the Burger lady/football lady?
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4124 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Sat 27 Apr 2024
at 18:29
  • msg #7


As Mindy talked, Lindsey alternately ate a forkful of Salad and sipped her drink. Mindy talked long enough where Lindsey finished her drink and the waitress brought her second. One of the best things about Applebee's was that most drinks were two for one all day everyday. They weren't as strong, which was good for hanging out and drinking all night. With a flight the next morning, She wasn't going to drink all night, but weaker drinks let you enjoy more without getting stupid drunk.

"I've given up trying to figure him out." She said of Wade "He say s he ants to be with me, but then says he'll fight hard to get me back after the Superbowl. To be fair, I did tell him that I wasn't just going to take him back after he did that to me. To his credit, he respected that, but I don't know. I feel like he's stalling. Like he's afraid or something. I mean, he did say I was scary, for some reason. Am I scary? He never acted like he was afraid before. In fact he was pretty steady."

"Prince wasn't afraid at all. Or, he didn't act afraid. He was very charming. Charming enough that I felt like I could end up sleeping with him. But there was no way I was going to do that. I mean, like, what if he just wanted to get laid and then ran around today running his mouth about it? I don/t believe he's like that, but who knows. He's too close to where I live. I have to get to know him better. He's going to cook dinner for me on Monday night. He said he used to be a seafood cook in Montana. I hope that doesn't mean rocky mountain oysters" She giggled.

"So, what I mean by the next step... Isn't it obvious? Marriage. Have you thought about marrying him? I know it's only been a month, but if you're comfortable. I mean, I wondered about marrying Adam all the time. Yeah, there were ways we were incompatible, but no couple is perfect. Sometimes I thought we could have made it work, then sometimes I thought there was no way. And no, it wasn't because he wasn't a big guy. I do like that, but that  isn't everything. You know, it's a checklist, and there are lots of possible checks. You never expect to check them all. In the end it was more that I had the feeling he didn't really want me. There was often this wall. He was always telling me I could do better than him. God, that pissed me off. I don't know. Maybe Wade feels the same way."

"Now those Hollywood guys? They aren't all athletes. Some are, but what they do have is confidence. Confidence and charm. The burger lady would love to take selfies with them."
Sat 27 Apr 2024
at 19:08
  • msg #8


  Mindy  listened  a  slight nod  as Lindsey spoke, Well?  If you like Wade,  and he comes through, that's a Good thing.'ll get to understand  that. I mean.. when youi started to see him, it  loked a bit shakey, then you seemed  pretty warm to the idea?

  finishing her   roll  and starting on her  chicken, she said,Seafood cok in Montana??  That would be like a Cajaun  Cook in Jersey!. M9omtana!..I mean.. what did they do? Catch cans of  tuna and sardines? she giggled, you have to do the  'food pic  ' thing when  you have  it  on the table.

 that whole thing  with Adam?  He's not like the other guys, right?  Families, homelife.. I mean? I knew i was out  classed bu 80 5 of the girls in Highschool, and ..maybe 60% in  we could buy food, i could get a  nice  drss , sneakers   all that stuff. So, its  not hard to see what he feels that way..Wade..don't know what his story  is, but i bet he has family? bet he didn't see his Mom in a dress you and i would use  for a dishtowel, as she drove away  for  a few days leaving her  kid in a crumbling apartment...  I think of that? I wish i could  find her and pull all of  h hair out

then another shrug,between that,  the people who took advantage of him,and  street life.. he's an Apex predator  right now. I don't think any of the other teams  have a clue  how  dangerous his a Wolverine  or something.

Now?  Me and Mik Married... i don't even think about that. Hit me up this time next year  and i can give you a good answer.  I mean..he was  wild..right?, and if we would split, 5 minutes later  girls  would be all over   him and  he  would most likely, jump into the pile... so..yeah.. I'll wait on that....'s  some Gossip  for you.. Jers?  He hit on me the other  day while i was waiting  for Mik?..i mean.. not  'i think'...he  said   if   Mik was busy he wouldn't mind taking me home...then there was that thing  when he was drunk , chasing Babs all over The Son..don't be surprised if he shows  up , knocking on your door!  He got mad  at me  when i laughed. i thought he was joking!.. he stormed off...

 she  shakes her head, hair  shimmers  again. I like Jenny's  style.. more or less 'fuck off, leave me alone"..unless she's inetrested . Smokey and  her  are prety close.l.who would have guest  Surfer dude   would be a charmer? Got to admit though, he's  fun to hang out  by, just some of the  thing he says  are so funny!
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4125 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Sun 28 Apr 2024
at 04:47
  • msg #9


Lindsey set aside what was left of her salad. It was really just some lettuce scraps and a few carrot shreds left with no dressing. She sat back as she sipped on her drink. "Yes, I like Wade, but we'll see if he comes through. And I'm not waiting forever. But also, I need to see what happens when that Emmy Vice chick starts working here. With a name like that, she's probably trouble."

"Montana seafood." Lindsey laughed again at the idea. "He said he worked in a seafood restaurant and just got good at it. Who am I to doubt him? I guess I'll find out how good he is on Monday. Stand by for a full report."

As Lindsey poked at her drink with her straw as Mindy recited Adam's hardships growing up. All the while she was shaking her head. "I know his history. And I love Adam, you know I do. But I don't know what any of that matters. He had a horrible life, but he turned it around. Now he has to live in the present. Now he's an accomplished professional athlete and a millionaire. He has more luck than anyone I know, and virtually worshiped by everyone around him. If he wants to undervalue himself, I guess he's entitled, but when he kept telling me I could do better it was like saying I was only with him for what he could give me. Not only was it wrong, it was offensive. The only think I ever wanted from him was love."

"You know, when I got you, I could see how much you and he were alike. I thought you two were perfect for each other. You were from the same place, you had... have similar attitudes and prejudices. I was scared he would end up drifting away from me to you. That's why I pushed you Mik's way. I'm glad that worked out for you, but my motives weren't 100% pure. I was protecting my relationship. I've heard that people have said I secretly wasn't attracted to Adam. That's bullshit. But I think there was a lot about me he never liked and part of him was trying to pawn me off. I know that's all past now, but it still bothers me."

"What's weird is I started to feel like you and Adam were perfect for each other and that Mik and I had more in common. Personality and lifestyle anyway. Now he's changed. He's all about you. If you slit, God forbid, I don't think he'd slip back into his old ways. I think he'd mourn losing you for a good long time and then try to find someone to have a similar relationship with. You changed him."

When she heard about Jers, Lindsey raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Oh my God. I had no idea. That's crazy. I wonder why he's starting all this now. I mean, it's not unusual for guys to try and horn in other guys girls, but why is he doing this now? Maybe he's jealous? He better watch it. If other players don't kick his ass, Sims will. It wouldn't shock me if he was traded or booted."

"Ya Smokey." Lindsey giggled. "I love Smokey. We've talked about this before. He's funny, and charming in his own way. And he's a sharp business man as well as a Dragon. He's probably a superman in bed too. The universe has that kind of a sense of humor. I just never saw him as being interested in dating. Maybe because he never seemed interested in any women. Not he's with Jenny. We need to press her for a full report."

"So, you had fun in New York on that commercial. Have you considered doing another one, or any other acting?"
Sun 28 Apr 2024
at 06:00
  • msg #10


 Mindy laughed   and nodded,  seen smokey without  a shirt. and the surfer   abs  and  legs that have to hold him on the  Board..  jenny, for god's sake, she wears those   short cargo shorts, and guys  look at her  legs  and run into walls.. I even saw Mik and Adam check her out. though  Adam is more like a Glance,  I gave  Mik a whap once  after  practice  when she went  running down the track to catch  Payne for a sound  Byte.. he just grinned at me!

 you know what is  funny , when you think of Jers? Maybe  he is the opposite of  Wade..right?  I mean Wade is all worried  about  the distraction of  having Girl friend.. maybe  jers  ..WANTS..the distraction, of having a Girl friend

 The Commerical  was fun, you know? But it was fun , because it was us 4 and a couple extras... I have to hawk some  things  at the beginning  or the end of a Show... like.. 'Now lets  cut to  our Heinz  Ketchup Highlights..' she  shook her head, I  never had the desire to act..public speaking was  fun..debates..when i found out sprtscastig was a thing, that's where my major went.. I think..but its  just ego, you know?
  But i think i could  pull off  a  small part or something , i don't think i could be a would have to be some support thing..but?
  that's not  something i am chasing.. I went from..doing  Tennesse  game, and let face it..who the hell was even listening?.. i did Ladies B-ball, and of course  Volley ball.. i cover soem track and  filed.. then  i get the audition for   Titans. which was fun, until i saw how corrupt they were...I feelt like i had to take a shower  after that game , the dragons  played thanks to you.. I have  my own chir  in new jack ESPN.. i have  a big  say in the programming and the highlights..god that's so much fun..easy too..your team is scoring 100 points,  and  you defesne is making plays  and  you have a kicker chick doing on side kicks  and scoring TDs..harely?  we  could have  had a who 15 minute yeah
 , I'm good I didn't know i wanted  to be here, until i got here.. nothings taking me away.

Alice Montomery
player, 203 posts
Heathers Mom
Dancer and cook
Sun 28 Apr 2024
at 16:09
  • msg #11


In reply to Bronislau Nagurski (msg # 4):

 Alce smiled as they entered the restaurant," That is so sweet Bronko, now lets go have a great dinner."

 They entered the restaurant and Alice let Bronko lead the way.
Bronislau Nagurski
player, 918 posts
#58, Linebacker
"Let's squash someone"
Sun 28 Apr 2024
at 20:35
  • msg #12


Bronko waited to be directed to a table.  He made sure to pull out Alice's chair and asked her what she would like.  He ordered ravioli and a nice red wine, nothing too sweet.  "When I first moved to New Jack, I found this place.  It was nice, especially because it was walking distance from the townhouses.  I didn't have a car at the time."
Sun 28 Apr 2024
at 22:11
  • msg #13


  The  waiter   greeted   Alice and Bronko.... the special are  on the front,   the drinks in the back, , right after the  dessert?.. Free  refills on Coffee... do you have an order in mind
Bronislau Nagurski
player, 919 posts
#58, Linebacker
"Let's squash someone"
Mon 29 Apr 2024
at 00:52
  • msg #14


Bronko looks to Alice, "My dear?"
Alice Montomery
player, 204 posts
Heathers Mom
Dancer and cook
Mon 29 Apr 2024
at 01:20
  • msg #15


 Alice smiled was about to replied when the waiter arrived, Alice smiled and said " I will try the Mama's Italian homemade medley Special please." Alice was fine with the wine Bronko ordered and got a bottle.

" Thank you this is a very nice place." She smiled at Bronko and looked at the waiter and smiled to acknowledge him and the restaurant so far.
Mon 29 Apr 2024
at 01:37
  • msg #16


 After  taking Alice and bronko's   orders, the waiter  scurried off , leaving the menus , opened to the desserts.
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4126 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Mon 29 Apr 2024
at 04:10
  • msg #17


In reply to mins (msg # 10):

"It's almost as if you were meant to be here." Lindsey smiled, setting her drink down. It was almost empty. "Hey, I'm going to order fried mozzarella. Will you help me eat them?" She waved to Tiffany, who came over to see what she wanted.

"Yeah, another round and I want and order of the mozzarella sticks. Extra sauce please. Thanks" Cleaning up all the empty plates and glasses, Tiffany checked if Mindy wanted anything additional before going off to place the order.

"So, I was thinking of getting moving closer to Dragon Studios. Something in the same complex as Sage. After the Superbowl, I'll only need to be at the stadium occasionally until pre-season. The one we have now is cheap enough that I might just keep it too, though. What are your plans? Of course, you can stay as long as you want, but if you plan on maybe moving in with Mik, that might influence what I do."
Mon 29 Apr 2024
at 12:26
  • msg #18


  Mindy Ordered another  soda  as she nodded to sharing the cheese  sticks. They she waggled her  finger back and forth..I spend  enough time at Mik's... I don't think i want to  'move in'.  if we are going to be around  each other that  much, i beet  have something to 'seal the deal'.

The waggling finger, became a pointing  finger,BUT... that doesn't mean you make  decisions based on me...  I canalways  find someplace   to rent, or even  buy, if  i Think NJN will keep me for the long haul. So?  You do what you need to do.. I'll be ok
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