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21:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Altdorf - Return to grace.

Posted by StorytellerFor group 0
GM, 300 posts
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 12:46
  • msg #1

Altdorf - Return to grace.

Its been days, long hours on the roads.
Sun, rain, clouds all passing by, with all of you in various stages of anguish, pain and fatigue. The hamlet of damnation, of Juno's tireless grip on it and it's cursed end to Bianca, the druidess and maiden of the woods, Karl who left behind family and friends, most notably those whom hired you, sister and the guard captain both seeking his return, only to likely be faced with a horrid story, a grim tale of loss, fear and demise.

Life in the realms of the empire was at it's core. Hard.
Brutally hard.
Words could not entail it better.

In the distance, you noticed an outline, gates - walls, tall and impressive, with guards on top. The signature gates into the city of Altdorf were unmistaken to anyone who had set foot here.

At the gates you were, briefly, questioned and led in, mentioning the call as per the watch captain - it seems he had left open words with them to let you in if mentioned.

The streets inside remained bustling and every nook and cranny had a sight to behold.
Wandering rascals, thugs, citizens - merchant stalls high and low and storefronts littered throughout.
Coming in southwards, the place of initial interest, the watch headquarters, lay north of your, through two bridges and some of the most busy streets the city held.
Along part of the Reik, that in standard fashion reeked of waste and what else could hide beneath.

You had arrived. Alive, for some more than others, and with scars on your mind.
Juno had fled, the mutants dead, the civilians from Faltdorf either cursed to return and or freed to rebuild. Witch Hunters would, inevitably find the place, and turn it to cinders unless something was rectified.

The city was overwhelming - going from silence and fresh air for weeks, to being confined in organized chaos and a constant noise - it was at best tolerable, although for some, it allowed for them to truly grow and find cause. Ranald blessed everyone differently and the way used made all the difference.

Before you lay many choices.
Would the route, through busy streets to the Captain Hartesel be the first call? You knew 40 gold crowns awaited you which could be helpful for next steps.
Would departing to find Karl's sister, Frau Helena Magnussen, be of relevance?
Perhaps the wounds, and dire need of resourceful aid would be of key to some.
Whatever choices you made, you had for once, and for a moment - air to choose actions that refer to you and no one else and to gather ones bearings. What would happen next? No one knew....

Vague, but with lots of things to do, XP to spend, healing to be done, see this as a brief interlude to handle whatever is likely needed post one long trip before new matters could rear it's ugly head.

Marie Arceneaux
player, 159 posts
Knight of the Realm
For the Lady and the King
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 14:09
  • msg #2

Altdorf - Return to grace.

The journey back to Altdorf had been a long, lonely, and difficult road, especially for the two wounded women. Indeed, despite being a fearless, tenacious warrior, Marie had only awoken from her wounds in the past day. Despite that, she was already sitting high and proud on Josette, despite the look of exhaustion on her face. For her part, the Bretonnian Charger was in a much better mood now that her rider was ambulatory, and the fine steed actually looked a bit more confident in the aftermath of their last battle, if such a thing was possible for a horse. Marie might enjoy the company of these Imperials, and Albioni lover, but she was still of Bretonnia. She had buffed and polished her plate armor as best she could, and tried to wring as much blood and mud from her surcoat, but that would take a professional launderer to revive.

Still, despite the lingering wounds, the filth from the road, and the horror of their recent battles, things could have gone so much worse. The young noblewoman had prayed hard to the Lady of the Lake for their deliverance, even if they had only been delivered to the shit-filled streets of the Imperial capitol.

"Should we not seek out Captain Hartesel before all other business?" she asked weakly after they had passed through the guards and their questioning.

She was a woman of duty and honor, so it was unsurprising that she would suggest the completion of their agreement before all else.

OOC Mechanics
Wounds: 1/15
FP    : 4/4

Etain Seanait
player, 211 posts
04/15 Fa.3/3 Fo.2/3
Artisan Weaponsmith
Sat 24 Sep 2022
at 16:05
  • msg #3

Altdorf - Return to grace.

Etain spent most of their travel time fretting over Marie, fussing about her state, how she felt and trying to make sure she got enough rest and didn't over exert herself. One night after Marie had fallen asleep, Etain took her surcoat and went to a nearby creek and tries to wash it a bit better than the Knight had done and tried polishing her armour but it ended up being too noisy.

From the cart as they walked into the city she helped guide the cart aside and out of the way and said "Agreed, we should meet the Captain but I think after that we need to find lodgings and perhaps a doctor for you and Milly. I would also like to find a forge I can work at and some materials."

W: 9/15
F: 3/3

Cecla Crownshield
player, 107 posts
Dwarf abroad
Science and Magic
Sat 24 Sep 2022
at 19:51
  • msg #4

Altdorf - Return to grace.

"Aye, best to nip that particular business before anything else can get away from us. I'll have to see if my own master has made his way back home or is still visiting. Can probably find a nice enough forge for you though long as the greybeards aren't feeling too territorial." Cecla offered with a rueful grin at the thought of clan and the heat of a forge. Not that the men of the Empire knew how to build them proper but they were getting an idea as the years stretched on in her opinion.

She set her own measured pace with the journey back but did what she could to keep their camps in order and help with the wounded. She'd come off light and easy when it came to the brawls they had found themselves in and there was a thought to reviewing her own choice in equipment with one of the more martially minded of her kinfolk.

W: 9/15
FP: 2/3

Etain Seanait
player, 214 posts
04/15 Fa.3/3 Fo.2/3
Artisan Weaponsmith
Tue 27 Sep 2022
at 22:53
  • msg #5

Altdorf - Return to grace.

"That would be appreciated, finding a forge space is generally hard enough for most, even more difficult for with those who these Imperials view as lesser" she tells the Dwarf before looking at the lengths of wood on the cart "It would be good to strike steel while we recuperate for a while.
Jareik Schneider
player, 289 posts
Tue 27 Sep 2022
at 23:06
  • msg #6

Altdorf - Return to grace.

A few days trip isn't that long but with the wounded in tow travelling back was a miserable slog.
Jareik kept expecting the forest beast men to chase and harass them during their retreat but no incident happened thankfully.

"Ah nice to be back at civilization." he said cheerfully as they arrived, oblivious to any of sights and smells that might offend some of his companions. After all as far as he was concerned, there was no place greater or grander then Altdorf.

"Sooner we give in our report, sooner we get paid and sooner witch hunters can be dispatched."
he said agreeing with the others about visiting the captain first.

Hearing Etain bringing up the necessity to look for accomodations prompted him to make a suggestion:
"Can  always put in a good word at the merc's guild if ya want. They take a cut of the jobs but otherwise cover lodgings and basic supplies, can't ask for a fairer deal. Heck, they see so many foreigners coming and going all the time you lot probably wouldn't even be the oddest pair they've accepted."

W: 2/16
F: 4/4

This message was last edited by the player at 23:06, Tue 27 Sept 2022.
Milly Minhelm
player, 129 posts
Wed 28 Sep 2022
at 19:01
  • msg #7

Altdorf - Return to grace.

Milly on her end didn't enjoy the journey back in the slightest, although the closer they got to their destination the more bearable it became. All in all, by the time they arrived to Altdorf, she still looked like the picture of misery. "I couldn't agree more, we were hired to report back too and that's what we ought to do. Besides, there is much more to do with a fuller pouch and no shortage of dues eager to make it light again." And on that she wasn't joking, the Orders were seldom known to suffer members skipping their payments.

"Should we then? It is only right that all of us go and I am as good as certain that the Captain will have no qualms about entitling you two with a share otherwise belonging to those who didn't make it." She reassured the dwarf and the knight.
Health: 1/12
Fortune: 2/2

This message was last edited by the player at 19:02, Wed 28 Sept 2022.
Etain Seanait
player, 217 posts
04/15 Fa.3/3 Fo.2/3
Artisan Weaponsmith
Thu 29 Sep 2022
at 14:39
  • msg #8

Altdorf - Return to grace.

***Post meeting the captain and fining shelter***

With Cecla's help Etain finds a forge that is willing to accept her and allow her to work for a few days while the party heals up. She buys the metals she'll need start her work, the wood she will need she uses the fallen limbs of the Oak tree from the grove, carefully working the wood while the metals heat and allowing it to rest as she beats the metal, folding it in on itself and removing impurities with each strike and honing the shape to her desired work. Sometimes the metal moved with her and other times it did not, snapping as it overheat in one spot or refusing to form the way she wanted.
GM, 305 posts
Mon 3 Oct 2022
at 09:13
  • msg #9

Altdorf - Return to grace.

A small walk through the city, over the current of the Reik twice, and the maintained yet worn bridges you eye the large structure that the watch headquarter is, near the government of Altdorf itself.

You see patrols, guards and soldiers preparing and watchmen running shifts, and a large door stand open behind you.
A few nod at you, making no effort to halt you but quickly check you out, as you enter.

Within you are halted at the desk - and at your request, a clerk is summoned.
Asking for the paperwork originally made to align on the task at hand, but also to verify that the captain could be disturbed, he nods.
"This way please. He is busy with his sister, but this relates so I will lead you on. Stay close."

Walking into the large compound you are lead down and right, to a large guarded office.
The door is opened and upon entering you see the watch commander, look up. In the seat before him, his sister, Karl's wife.
They both look at you all and sigh in relief.
"You return. Alive. And I hope with some assurance and information on what happened? Sit, stand, but do share what you saw and know."
Cecla Crownshield
player, 112 posts
Dwarf abroad
Science and Magic
Thu 6 Oct 2022
at 18:32
  • msg #10

Altdorf - Return to grace.

It probably wasn't much of a surprise that a dwarf might know how to find a good forge with space for a strong hand in Altdorf when one put much thought to it. It was probably more of one that she'd joke about the stereotype as she did it but her own plans in the city hinged around access to a forge and a bit of privacy with fire, coal, metal, and tools to be about her own craft. That would have to wait though until after their meeting with the guard captain but it sat heavy on her mind as they were led through and into the office.

The greeting of relief was met with a rueful grin on Cecla's part as they didn't much in the way of good news about any of it given how deep the rot had set into that place but there was a glimmer of hope when it came to the business of the glade and tree. Burdened with gear as she was though, she opted to stand and spare the furniture the test.

"Not a lot of good news on the matter. The blunt of it is we managed to face the heart of whatever damned thinking took root there but she got away to be a problem for ironing out later. After that, ever soul still standing fled to the winds. Also crossed paths with more than a few beastmen... Tried to put the lot of us to the torch." Cecla offered as a framing for the others to pipe up given she'd only caught the climatic tail end of things.
Jareik Schneider
player, 293 posts
Sun 9 Oct 2022
at 20:58
  • msg #11

Altdorf - Return to grace.

"Looking uglier every time I see you Konrad." said Jareik with a cheeky laugh as he stopped to exchange pleasantries with one of the guards he knew sporting an eyepatch and a scar running along his face.

When the cleck prompted for them, Jareik already had the papers in hand, he knew the drill since as a merc he was practically a regular at the watch quarters.

Once in the office, he arranged his thoughts whilst the dwarf broke the ice, before taking over from her.

"We discovered that the villagers had been led asway by a heathen witch of considerable power who corrupted their faith, to what means other then the sick twisted pleasure of a heretic, I know not. Not only did this witch have the ability to sway people's minds and get into their heads but we saw firsthand one of her servants turned into a monster.
Through this heathen corruption the villagers became subtly enthralled to her and hostile to outsiders aswell as those of their number who were resisting the witch's influence, burning them alive in barbaric rituals.
I regret to report this was the ultimate fate of Karl, just another victim of Sigmar knows how many, we found a lot of burned bodies."

As he said that he slided Karl's ring on the table and let that sink before continuing.

"We eventually confronted the witch but she escaped before we could finish her off. The villagers have also vanished, so there is one powerful heretic at large with a small flock, no idea where they went or what they could be up to now but there is no question she is a dangerous one. The village itself will need to be cleansed for sure and we did encounter beastmen the likes of which i had never seen before so who knows what manner of beasts still infest those woods."

He decided that bringing Rhya's direct help was best left unmentioned for now, and he wasn't sure if that part of the story would be believed anyways.
GM, 307 posts
Mon 10 Oct 2022
at 11:05
  • msg #12

Altdorf - Return to grace.

Helenas tears appeared and ran down her face before Jareik finished his words, at the mere sight of the ring. Whimpering at first before breaking down fully, the commander turned around, walked to her and embraced her.
It took a good moment for her to gather any bearing, and she asked, calmly to rest in an adjacent room.
She was lead there by the commanders assistant.

He sat down, on the edge of the table and sighed heavily.
"Thank you for this - the cause and impact hit hard. I will request the town to be investigated by the right authorities."
He extended a hand.
"Contracts please - I have to pay you for your perilous and dangerous work. You need it I am sure."
He eyed the rest.
"You are with them, but hold no contract, yet I offer reward regardless, fitting the return fee akin to the rest here. The empire honors and respects those who aid it."
You are all rewarded with 40 gold crowns in separate pouches.

He turned and rose.
"So a chaos sorcerers or similar is on the run....that is concerning. I will have a bounty placed on her, and watches kept on her, but the empire is large and for someone crafty, easy enough to hide within. We will do what we can  but keep a watchful eye out."

He found some documents and handed them off.
A guard appeared.
"Excuse me, commander, your sister is muttering in a strange tongue and is unwell...she claims horrid dreams filled her her as she touched the ring...."
The commanders face turned odd and his eyes went to you briefly.
"My apologies. I shall return. This is most strange."

You hear cries and guards trying to hold what appears to be a woman in turmoil, not of sadness but as if possessed and tormented.
You hear faint words among the screaming, resonating throughout.
"Deep below; three for one; Mad dog Pass...he watches!"
She is put to rest in a bed, guards placed at a door and kept under watch as the commander returns.
He shrugs and appears lost in thought.
"I...don't know what to make of that. She claims the ring you gave her caused her pain. Visions of whirling dervishes of dirt, sand and heat, of voices beckoning...very strange....I wonder if the grief has broken her, Karl was a great man and loved by many, including myself. I am sorry. The coins are yours and for now, you are free to leave. I hope she will recover soon, after some rest and aid. Thank you, and please, explore the city and find your way. You have proven yourself worthy of praise and respect."

It is as if he tries to say more, but his thoughts, many in his head overwhelm him for now.
Konrad leads you out and at Jareik in particular he voices..
"Never seen him nor Helena be out of sorts like that...concerning. you later for an ale?"

You are lead out, richer and more established. For now, midday, with the sun out high, and a  sweet, yet strong scent in the air, underlining how rich in texture and complexity it was.

Alot rummaged through your head. What happened, and what purpose did the ring offer.
Please roll a hard -20% perception check
GM, 310 posts
Wed 12 Oct 2022
at 12:24
  • msg #13

Altdorf - Return to grace.

Etain stands around outside with the rest, and experience and thought to mind. Barely anyone got to talk - nor advise much, due to the hectic events inside.
Konrads advise to the group was one of concern, and intent to meet up with them later on.
Jareik knew of the Hangman’s Tavern, a middle of the range bar, used by many of those who took up arms, watch and fought for the empire, and found close to the Three Toll Bridge not afar from the Headquarter. Meeting at end of daylight seemed sensible.

Etain notices a stringy man, ruffled hair and a scar from his forehead, across his nose, to his mouth in the far distance, eyeing them, only to vanish shortly after, into the shadow.
The distance to him makes it hard to catch up if not impossible, yet she is sure of one thing - his eyes were on them and for reason. That look was unmistakable.

His clothing is working class, and he could be anyone, belonging to any order or guild or just be a random stranger, yet his look unsettled her. A curious glare in his eye and a scar few would get out of the blue.

It is late midday. Coin is heavy in your pouches and with the commander handling what is frankly a concerning event, you are able to make next steps with this in mind.

-- I assume with your intents to stable animals, heal up, buy, create, forge, restock, that the rest of the day is spent on this. Unless anyone disagree, I will go forward to the hangman's inn, where anyone on top of Jareik whom I assume come, can join along or choose not to --

Arriving as the lamplighters appear, with the long metal staffs, with a bend lock to hold the lit flame, you notice few outside, baring watch groups - with the markets closed down, the sound also drains out like the Reik itself.
The inn, used by pirates, lawyers and high rising citizens has in the last few years seen a change in who vacate it, as this level of society have sought to private clubs and establishments.
It is a two storage building, build into the sides near the bridge, with overhang and guardsmen outside. A small leads into the main serving hall, and bar, with plenty of spaced seating and two stairs to the rooms offered upstairs.

As Jareik(and perhaps others) peak in, you notice a secluded table, near a window, at the far end, private and thus impossible to sneak up on unnoticed.
Konrad waves as he takes a deep sip from his ale. He looks troubled.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:02, Mon 17 Oct 2022.
Etain Seanait
player, 220 posts
09/15 Fa.3/3 Fo.2/3
Artisan Weaponsmith
Fri 14 Oct 2022
at 01:59
  • msg #14

Altdorf - Return to grace.

After finding stabling and an inn to stay in with the others and getting a suitable forge space set up she follows Jareik and the others to the bar, ordering a pair of ale for herself and Marie as the make to the spot with the watchman.
Cecla Crownshield
player, 115 posts
Dwarf abroad
Science and Magic
Fri 14 Oct 2022
at 03:55
  • msg #15

Altdorf - Return to grace.

It was a lead to more trouble after everything but Cecla wasn't sure where that path would lead but she wasn't about to leave the rest of her new peers to their fates to chase after her studies if there was something else that could be done to tie this up so life could go one. Much as curiosity and dutiful obligation wanted her to plumb the depths of the mysteries of the runes. So it was she made herself available, though not armoured, for a visit to this inn. It's scenery and set up hardly something she'd call inviting given dwarfen sensibilities.

Still, the etiquette was much the same as anywhere else she imagined as she fell into step with Jareik and notes the troubled man in the corner booth inviting him to join them. She'd let the wiser folk to this place take the lead though and that much was conveyed with a glance to Jareik.

For the previously requested Perception check:
15:53, Today: Cecla Crownshield rolled 30 -- a simple failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 28.  Perception - 20.

Jareik Schneider
player, 294 posts
Fri 14 Oct 2022
at 21:31
  • msg #16

Altdorf - Return to grace.

"Assuming that she didn't take some of the villagers with her, it's a safe bet she would find a new flock soon enough with her bewitching sorcery. Hope the witch hunters will have better luck then we did."

It was a shame for Karl but he was dead before the group ever arrived so there was nothing more they could have done.

"Our pleasure, just a shame we couldn't reach a happier outcome but least we know what went down." he said as he took his share of the money.

When the commotion happened it sounded like something truly unholy was happening but it abated quickly enough thankfully.
"Hope it ain't contagious, I touched the ring too and didn't get any visions. Still considering some of the weird things we saw down there, maybe there's something to it, we did after all recover the ring from a site full of people burned alive by heretics in some foul ceremony."
Would be just their rotten luck to find out they bought back a cursed object.

With that they left the watch hq 40 gold richer.
"Eh considering the story i told them it would put anyone on edge. Tell you all about it over a drink, meet you at the Hangman after your shift." he said to Konrad on his way out.

01:40, Today: Jareik Schneider rolled 53 -- 3 degrees of failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 19.  perception -20.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:52, Fri 14 Oct 2022.
Jareik Schneider
player, 296 posts
Fri 14 Oct 2022
at 23:37
  • msg #17

Altdorf - Return to grace.

"And after a succesful job, comes the drinks, ha! First round's on me." proclaimed Jareik as he led the group to the bar and placed their orders.

Looking around for patrons he knew, Jareik left the group to exchange pleasantries with acquaintances before coming back and taking a sip of his drink.
"Got some lads about to start a card game, 2 silvers to get in on the action." 

That's when he finally spotted Konrad waving at them.
"But that can wait until after we drank a bit, let's stop by my mate first."

Whether the group followed or stayed at the bar, Jareik went to grab a seat opposite Konrad.
"Why the long face mate? I just came back from a village of heretics and monsters yet you look more down then I do."
This message was last edited by the player at 18:32, Mon 17 Oct 2022.
GM, 312 posts
Tue 18 Oct 2022
at 09:01
  • msg #18

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Jareik Schneider:
"But that can wait until after we drank a bit, let's stop by my mate first."

Whether the group followed or stayed at the bar, Jareik went to grab a seat opposite Konrad.
"Why the long face mate? I just came back from a village of heretics and monsters yet you look more down then I do."

Konrad eyed Jareik, brief smile and then sighed.
"Things are a tad saw the events of Helena and well the Capt' wasn't pleased at all - worried and understandably so. But it stressed him out. We kept watch of her, call the Sisters of Shallaya even. Took the bloody ring off. Not much helped. Or well, after watching her for some time it did....but the Captain asked to find you again, as he wanted you to find out more about it. He also asked if anyone among you had any means to see the unseen, and decipher runes, magic the know Jareik? He needs you this morning, kinda under the radar thing. Find me at the gates, and I will let you in via the side entrance, west bound, the one you know but we rarely speak off.  Use it to take high profile folk in and out, good as bad."

He took a huge sip of his drink.
"Sorry...I have no right to ship all that on you. You have been through hell and back, and now I am giving you more troubles for it. For your troubles I was allowed to offer you some gold and means for further work if of interest...hell, would remove my headache as well."

He eyed around.
"Curiously so, there is rumors also, purely rumors, of foreign envoys from said area...the borderlands, which we learned from the cartographers guilds is near the area she called out....mad dog pass. The pass itself is a key route between that and other foreign areas..but no clue why she of all would say it out. Helena has barely left Altdorf her whole life. A short trip to Middenheim according to the Capt' and little else...Well they are here now it seems...strange at least - Anyways, you in?"

The inn is lively, lots of folk inside, with more coming in. All sorts, from humble men and women, to a quite tall man, brown hair and strong dark eyes, who sit roughly in the middle of it all.

Konrad turns.
"I have to hang up this when time permits. Need folk to engage with said envoys. They come, seeking assistance with a cause and assignment few can handle they claim. Seems they have been through many places before this, and sent many groups, with limited effects. If you hear or need coin, these people are a good bet. One is a ruler of an area it seems..I dont know...might be something or not..."

Konrad sighs, sits back and is obviously tired and worn.
Marie Arceneaux
player, 167 posts
Knight of the Realm
For the Lady and the King
Tue 18 Oct 2022
at 18:32
  • msg #19

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Marie joined the gathering, for once bereft of her plate armor and colorful surcoat. Having been so long on the road and in such rough company, the noblewoman had taken to wearing protective gear at almost all times, so it was rather shocking to see her in normal clothing. For she wore a simple white tunic, with tan breeches and simple but rugged knee-high boots covering them. If it wasn't for Lumière D'Argent sheathed at her side, her unusual pursuit of being a knight might not have been apparent in any fashion. As it was, with her hair up in a simple bun, some might mistake her for a androgynous looking academy youth, until they looked closer and noticed her more feminine features, which she took no pains to hide. And despite her injuries and slow recovery, all of you know that she was more than willing to settle matters with those that assaulted her with accusations of cross-dressing.

"Merci mon amour," Marie said to Etain with a smile, sitting with her and taking the ale that she had gotten for her.

She listened to Konrad intently, but did not say much at the moment. Perhaps her injuries were draining her initiative, or she was simply tired, but she couldn't think of anything constructive to add at the moment. Knowing the group, they would more than likely look into the matter. So she might as well enjoy as much downtime with Etain as possible in the short term.
Gille Milroy
player, 2 posts
Breton Bowman
W:12/12 For:3/3
Tue 18 Oct 2022
at 20:58
  • msg #20

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

The quite tall man that was sitting in the middle of room got up and approached the colorful group that was seated near the window at the far end of the Inn.

"Bonsoir and please accept my apologies for stumbling in on your affairs, but I could not withstand the sound of Bretonnian being spoken. It has been quite some time that I heard someone talking it." Gille spoke when nearing, both hands open towards them, both as a informal gesture and to ensure that he did not have a weapon at hand.

"But I'm unpolite, my name is Gille." He then made a little bow towards Marie and addressed her personally. "Mademoiselle, I take you are from Bretonnia as well? Or like we say in Bretonnia: Oruvaq zr ng gur bgure raq bs gur Vaa ner gjb zra qerffrq va qnex teborf jvgu n fpne ehaavat npebff gurve snpr. Gurl unir orra sbyybjvat lbh gb gur jngpu ubhfr rneyvre guvf qnl naq ner abj gelvat gb rnirfqebc ba lbhe pbairefngvba."
Gille offered a polite smile to the others. "Yes I know, we Brettons tend to use too much words."

As language groups are not setup I inserted a private line to Marie. Unless the group already agreed to put everything in the open, then I'll edit this message.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:26, Tue 18 Oct 2022.
Jareik Schneider
player, 300 posts
Tue 18 Oct 2022
at 23:10
  • msg #21

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

"Bloody hell, sounds to me like we should be melting that damned ring."
 Jareik shook his head and took a sip. He could understand the captain wanting to do anything he could to help his sister but it all sounded like a wild goose chase and he was no smith or mage.

"Ain't gonna lie, seems to me like a shot in the dark and i'd say this is outside my field of expertise but as it happens..." He pointed towards the exotic group around him. "might actually know the right people for the job."

Granted they would have to actually agree first. Or most of them anyways. "So what say you lot? Up for another job? Miss Milly we would need you for sure , and if either of you smiths are in then I'd say we are sorted."

Failing that, other opportunities presented themselves.
"I'm liking the sound of those special jobs." An assignment few could handle equalled higher coin.

A tall man came up to their table, after his introduction Jareik looked at Marie then at the man and tipped his hat whilst offering a polite "Well hope you're enjoying your evening mate."

Figuring that the breton was just trying to flirt with his country woman, he wondered if he should say anything? Bah, Marie's a big girl and she already has a bodyguard.
Cecla Crownshield
player, 118 posts
Dwarf abroad
Science and Magic
Tue 18 Oct 2022
at 23:49
  • msg #22

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

It was a lot to take in with a single sitting but it wasn't anything too far outside of what she had been taught and learned at the old longbeard's feet. Not here or back home, for that matter. Still, her expression was a particularly grim kind of thoughtful as the questions started to burn like well stoked coals about this ring and everything surrounding it. It had already lingered from everything she gathered in a damned dark place for more than was healthy for anything or anybody. As seemed habit, more than anything, the Dwarfess toyed with the thick braid of copper hair that she seemed rather proud of before the newcommer, babbling in Breton, who seemed to be playing a dangerous game barging in and making overtures alongside Jareik's own pointed question managed to draw her out of her thoughts.

"I'm not one for letting mischief have it's way if you're asking for how I feel about lending a further hand. You may want to thank your ancestors though as while I ain't the master of all such things... I know a thing or three about runes. You wouldn't happen to have a rubbing or anything of what you're looking to untangle?" Cecla concluded with a note in her tone that suggested she found something deeply amusing despite the gravity of the moment and it managed to set a sparkle to her eyes... and cut through the typical dour nature of the mountain folk.

As for the Breton, the Dwarf offered a bob of her head in greeting. The gesture downright cheerful in it's way. "Long as the words mean something, no such thing." Cecla added by way of acceptance of anyone being a little too wordy here and there. Ancestors knew she'd gotten off on a tangent when it came to one topic or another.
Etain Seanait
player, 225 posts
09/15 Fa.3/3 Fo.2/3
Artisan Weaponsmith
Wed 19 Oct 2022
at 00:22
  • msg #23

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Like Marie, Etain had changed, leaving her dirty clothes in a bag, waiting to be washed, she has her kilt, scandalously short by Empire standards but of a traditional length for her people, a thick shirt on top and she places the coat on the back of the chair. Upon giving the mug of ale she says "Sláinte" before kissing her on the forehead and taking her seat.

Listening to the job off she nodded and said "We could definitely do this while we recuperate, and the extra pay can't hurt. Spend some time forging and getting our equipment in order"

As the man talks she takes the opportunity to look past the newcomer and at the men in question Etain tries to see if one of them was the person she saw following them earlier before looking at the new arrival and Marie "I had a suspicion that we were being followed once we left the watch house but I wanted to make sure before I brought it up." If she sees Marie shift to move or get up she will put a hand on her leg and slightly shake her head.
Gille Milroy
player, 5 posts
Breton Bowman
W:12/12 For:3/3
Wed 19 Oct 2022
at 18:44
  • msg #24

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Gille noticed Etain looking pass him to the two shadowy figures and raised an eyebrow. He mentality noted that the red haired woman could understand Bretonnian as well.

20:42, Today: Gille Milroy rolled 46 -- 1 degree of success using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 58.  easy perception.
Marie Arceneaux
player, 169 posts
Knight of the Realm
For the Lady and the King
Thu 20 Oct 2022
at 13:02
  • msg #25

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

When the tall man approached their table, Marie had readied herself for either a drunken comment, or a chastisement from a conservative soul who did not approve of her manner of dress, or company. So she was pleasantly surprised when not only was in none of those things, but it was clear that this person was a fellow countrymen. And while Etain spoke the Breton tongue beautifully, her accent was not of Bretonnia, so it was nice to hear it after being so long from her homeland.

But then his words caught up with her exhausted and injured brain. And it was a good thing that Etain's restraining and reassuring hand held her back. For even in her current condition, her first instinct was to draw steel and call out the two men that Gille had indicated. She didn't know exactly why the fiery-haired woman had stopped her, but the noblewoman trusted the woman's instincts. Instead, she simply addressed Gille in her native tongue in order to not raise suspicion.

[Language unknown: "Uredinhou pamen thero ble ulmaas Iefiivis Redsonshe. Moil olen. Sa atnce il Ssilch Osin'onec, traithratorencente la Eveinelartic Ioninist, Stanceone p Tofilose. Eenerswhi, P hi out u iv, everi thudi wit u ne thoearich mencte hasicaint statraint, undin utrom wastedtho ri li o ble mentedwitonsers?"] the Bretonnian noblewoman asked with a cocked eyebrow.
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