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00:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

A return from extinction.

Posted by Capricious WyldFor group 0
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11625 posts
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 17:32
  • msg #18

A return from extinction

"They disappear & set ujp elsewhere & havent boken the law but thedir looking  for something and view the search as absolutely imperative"
Reid McCrae
player, 19 posts
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 18:01
  • msg #19

A return from extinction

In reply to Capricious Wyld (msg # 18):

"How many are there?  Do you know?  Have you or your department personally had any dealings with them?" he asks, curious.  It's unusual, he'd heard about this going on but that they haven't broken any laws is good to hear.  Made him wonder what was so important.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11626 posts
Wed 27 Sep 2023
at 12:14
  • msg #20

A return from extinction

"Theirs about a dozen or so"  "People feel uncomfortable around them"
Reid McCrae
player, 25 posts
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 14:41
  • msg #21

Re: A return from extinction

Capricious Wyld:
"Theirs about a dozen or so"  "People feel uncomfortable around them"

Reid maintained small talk, asking details about protocols, response topics, and such as well as learning more about his officer escort as they continued their patrol ride-a-long.

The morning went by fairly uneventfully, about as he had expected and pretty much in line with what he had been briefed.  There was a routine traffic stop for speeding, a response to an accident, and a high-speed pursuit with full lights and sirens that was called off before they fully joined in as the suspects wrecked before Reid and his escort arrived.

Stopping for lunch at Pieus, a locally famous diner that was featured on the Food Network, he offered to by lunch. He won't be able to help himself, she's pretty, he's single, so why not take a shot?  He'd flirt with her over lunch unless he gets the feeling she's either not interested or otherwise...not interested.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:59, Thu 12 Oct 2023.
Reid McCrae
player, 26 posts
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 16:55
  • msg #22

Re: A return from extinction

/ooc If you would like to start the introduction go ahead.

I've been trying to write a bit more to have a good contact set up but I just can't.

I don't have enough information on what they (this mysterious group) are doing or where they like to start etc. to even begin make a first contact email.  Reid has zero desire to go looking for trouble so unless they find him or his ride-along officer gets a call to investigate something, I imagine it would be a while before he runs into them

I figure being out on a ride-a-long should be a good time to set up such a meeting?  I hope?
Reid McCrae
player, 27 posts
Sat 14 Oct 2023
at 15:38
  • msg #23

A return from extinction

A call came over the radio of a disturbance call not for from their location, cutting their lunch short. "No rest for the weary>" Lacy says rolling her eyes. Reid nods. ,"I'll get it to go." He says with a smile and heads to the counter to pay and get a couple of to-go boxes. "Dispatch, K-338 responding to disturbance call." She says over her radio as they climb in the car. "OK, You get to stay in the car. she says seriously explaining the dangers they might face. Flipping the lights and sirens on she puts the pedal down the engine roaring as they take off toward the disturbance.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:41, Sat 14 Oct 2023.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11648 posts
Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 00:38
  • msg #24

A return from extinction

Your racing to the disturbamce making good time
Reid McCrae
player, 28 posts
Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 12:13
  • msg #25

A return from extinction

Zipping through traffic got Reid's heart pounding.  Lacy, as all deputies, had been through the police academy's defensive driving course as well as the state-sponsored driving school for officers and she took it to heart.  From their conversations at lunch, being an avid NASCAR fan might have also had something to do with it along with brothers who raced the local dirt tracks.

Slowing she turns her sirens and lights off about two blocks from their destination, coming to a stop outside or what looks to be a local laundromat.  Turning to Reid she shrugs. "Nothing immediately dangerous so you can come in and chat with the owner, They are the ones that called in according to dispatch."     Donning her sheriff's hat as she exits, Reid can't help but smile.  Lacy's confident, observant, and no-nonsense as they head toward the front door of the establishment, greeted by the owner just outside the front door. "Dispatch, K-338, show me arrived on scene." she called on her radio just before exiting the patrol car.
"Hello, I'm deputy Lacy McGuire, this is Reid, he's an observer riding with me today.  We are responding to the disturbance call?  What's going on?"

Reid looked around and he didn't see anything out of the ordinary but, things aren't always what they seem.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:26, Tue 17 Oct 2023.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11651 posts
Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 17:06
  • msg #26

A return from extinction

They see the road gang up ahead of them looking for something they know not what.... abruptly  Reid knows without knowing how that it is him
Reid McCrae
player, 29 posts
Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 18:48
  • msg #27

A return from extinction

As Officer McGuire speaks to the shop owner, movement catches Reid's eye.  Backing away from the two for a better view of the road around the corner, he spied a group of riders (assuming they're bikers?) who had stopped and were discussing something amongst themselves.

Without understanding the "why", he had a sinking feeling, that definitive, no kidding, verified, feeling, that they were looking for him.  He couldn't explain it, but there they were.

/ooc  Have they seen Reid yet?
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11655 posts
Fri 20 Oct 2023
at 20:36
  • msg #28

A return from extinction

They've seen him but have yet to identify him as what their seeking.
Reid McCrae
player, 30 posts
Fri 20 Oct 2023
at 20:47
  • msg #29

A return from extinction

In reply to Capricious Wyld (msg # 28):
/00  biker gang, hells angels type or just a group of people on motorcycles?  Can I tell if they're armed?

Reid, not versed in gang or biker colors, can't identify them by their "colors" so nothing they're wearing gives him any clue as to who they are and the distance makes it difficult to say if they're armed or not.

Reid will look over to Deputy McGuire and call her name until she looks at him. "Deputy, I think the source of the disturbance is up the road here a bit." he says, nodding up the road toward the group now looking his way, more than a little uneasy about the whole situation.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11656 posts
Fri 20 Oct 2023
at 22:08
  • msg #30

A return from extinction

He cant make out colors

he feels a burning anger deep within it cant be explained by the dabger so primal it is
Reid McCrae
player, 31 posts
Fri 20 Oct 2023
at 22:25
  • msg #31

A return from extinction

In reply to Capricious Wyld (msg # 30):

I have a feeling of anger toward them? Ok. How many are there?
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11657 posts
Fri 20 Oct 2023
at 23:42
  • msg #32

A return from extinction

Its not towards them as much within a seething rage but these things triggeer it
Reid McCrae
player, 32 posts
Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 06:08
  • msg #33

A return from extinction

Reeling from the sudden onslaught of unexpected rage that has erupted in his chest, Reid staggers against the patrol car trying to figure out why he's feeling this way but it's quickly overpowering his reasoning.  Looking over at the Deputy who has ignored him, further stoking the fire of the seething, deeper, the rage he's feeling.  Why is she ignoring him, what is going on? Who are those people? What? his thoughts are a whirlwind of confusion as he rages internally. "DEPUTY!" he yells, the rage roaring through him.  "Stop ignoring me and call for backup NOW! Those dudes look dangerous!"
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11658 posts
Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 22:34
  • msg #34

A return from extinction

He acts stunned at the vehemence but chamges tone whnen they get off their bikees  and start surroundikng the car he callss the dispatcher but all he gets is static  "Damnit" he goes   their surrounded
Reid McCrae
player, 33 posts
Tue 24 Oct 2023
at 12:09
  • msg #35

A return from extinction

*she*, the Deputy is a woman.

Reid watches the group approach, still fighting the seething rage that's been welling up inside him since he saw them.  "We need to go!" he whispers harshly at the Deputy when her radio calls fall silent.  The edge in his voice was still very clear but that could be passed off unease for someone who was just surrounded by what amounts to a biker gang.

He had opened the door to the patrol car using it as a bit of a shield between himself and the gang.  IF this turned out bad, the Deputy was going to be in trouble for putting him, a civilian in harms way.  SHIT he cursed under his breath, he liked her and didn't want her to get in trouble but that might be too late as the group surrounded them.  Putting on the best possible smile he can despite the rage making it more of a sardonic smirk than disarming smile,  "Hey guys.  What can we do for ya?"

/ooc  Reid has the merit enchanting voice and a few bonuses for talking to people but I'm not sure if he has access to any gifts/merits or such yet.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:37, Tue 24 Oct 2023.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11663 posts
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 10:05
  • msg #36

A return from extinction

"We would like a few drops of your blood" they say  "Tours and the cop your with
Reid McCrae
player, 35 posts
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 11:15
  • msg #37

A return from extinction

Reid, normally a cool, calm. And collected person. Was struggling with the surge in this...unfamiliar rage that was building in him.  Sure, he'd been mad before, like when he came across Ali Withserspoon, his girlfriend in college being practicall raped at a fraternity party. She had maanaged to voice activate her phone and call Reid. Yes he wound up in the hospital and with a record because of how badly he beat two of the others there while breaking his ribs and hand but as theyvsay, you should jave seen the other guy!
That was an injustice that infuriated him bit this, and he could not explain why, was on a whole next level.

Staring at the speaker Reid smiled, a grim, tight lipped smile, his eyes grew hard and he stood up a little straighter. Reid had been in these spots before with his brothers and it always wound up in a scrum.

He glanced across the car at Lacy, she looked nervous as expected. The Deputies radio was dead but she still had her service weapon. He just hoped she knew they'd just reached the tipping point of this conversation especially since Reid was about to punch this dude and he still didn't understand why.

"Well, since you're not a doctor, judging by your clothes, law enforcement, because you didn't identify yourself, and because I just don't like your face, I dont believe we'll acquiesce to your request." "His smile remained tight lipped but hint of laughter in his voice belied the humor he felt at actually being able to quote a movie, and it came out as somethig of a condescending chuckle as he continued. Now, scoot along like a nice little boy before you all get trouble you don't want.

Reid was bluffing his ass off,  it was all bravado at this point because he know a fight was coming. He want much of a fighter himself, his brothers were but he'd been in a scrap or two. He also knew that if it came to it, he was going to the hospital  but he was talking the man talking to him with.

 If he took him down, down, the others might back off enough for them to leave or get away. That's how bullies worked for the most part. Still, no need to not be civil until it wasn't time.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11664 posts
Sat 4 Nov 2023
at 03:23
  • msg #38

A return from extinction

snarls "I tried being nice but we have to do this the hard way fine with me" tries  knocking him down has a lot of strength but... at that moment the fires within consume him and a race extinct for over a millenia returns to the face of Gaia
Reid McCrae
player, 36 posts
Sat 4 Nov 2023
at 12:27
  • msg #39

A return from extinction

Reids heart was pounding in his chest and his beathing labored. He watched as the men circled the car and could tell the deputy had unholstered her pistol.

As the man spoke and approached Reid gasped for air as a ringing in his ears seemed to drown out all other sounds muting them like listening to someone try and talk underwater. Almost lost to his surroundings, he heard the Deputy's weapon fire.

The seething rage, barely kept in check tobthis point,roared now as he was physically threatened. Reid wasn't having it and like a damn had burst, a...something, Reid couldnt explain it otherwise, blew through his very being.

The men,  the deputy, the ride along, none of it mattered. The only thing that mattered was raw power that flooded through him ignighting every nerve and every fiber in his body.  Along with it came...something else.

Reids conscious mind saw it and if he felt fear it was quickly smashed by the blinding rage. Only the rage mattered, only the power that coursed up through his soul and the beast it brought with it. How dare they, HOW DARE THEY!Insignificant fleas!

Laughing almost maniacally at the pure pleasure and simultaneous exquisite pain of fire that burned through him, he was unnable to hold it back any longer, so he let go.

The power, Reid’s power, his birthright, long dormant, long thought lost, roared through his body. The rage burned his body away, a rage felt across millennia and that's when he felt the beast slam into him and roll under his skin where it “stretched”.  Reid arched his back and screamed.

The pain was exquisite and more intense than anything he’d ever felt as he felt his skin split and tear, his muscles shift and move, his bones elongate, break, and reform.  His muscles grew prodigiously as did his size.  His hands grew nails like claws and his feet reformed to hooves and horns sprouted from his head.  The pavement cracked under his fists as he pounded the ground in pain, Hulk smash style, as his body grew.  His scream became a bellow as the change ravaged his body.

It was over in seconds but to Reid it felt like an eternity.  Breathing heavily Reid stood, mind clouded by the rage he felt, the instinct to destroy that which threatened him.

Standing nearly 14 feet tall and heavily muscled with cloven feet and ivory horns protruding from its head, a creature of myth and legend stood where Reid once had, dwarfing those around him.

His eyes, red with rage burned with an inner fire that needed to be quenched. Roarig, bellowing a challenge, the bull-faced Minotaur turned his rage toward the man that threatened him...
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11667 posts
Sun 5 Nov 2023
at 13:37
  • msg #40

A return from extinction

The guy gulps "Think this is what wsed were looking for." seeems nervo us like he sees now he bit off more then he can chew
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:40, Sun 05 Nov 2023.
Reid McCrae
player, 37 posts
Sun 5 Nov 2023
at 13:50
  • msg #41

A return from extinction

Reid, lost to the change barely hears the man.  No one threatens him, no one. The fires of his rage were stoked and it will take more than words to put them out.

The man is close, they're surrounding the car, Reid and the deputy.  Reid is lost to hisbrage and only blood will sate it. He takes the first one he can grab and with a bellowing challenge turns him into mush.

/ooc  The fact that they didn't all go run screaming from the delirium means they're either Kinfolk or something else. Reid is lost in the rage of the first change and it's going to take quite an effort to calm him down.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:44, Mon 06 Nov 2023.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11670 posts
Wed 8 Nov 2023
at 19:51
  • msg #42

A return from extinction

The officer (Who Im sorry I forgot about)  Is deeply afraid and getd out of the police car andc runs
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