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01:56, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal.

Posted by Editor-in-ChiefFor group 0
GM, 3039 posts
Mon 13 May 2024
at 02:13
  • msg #133

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

I'm not sure about the science of it. But it sounds like something Reed Richards would do on a Wednesday.  So good work

Mother is frowning at you with her frowniest of frowns.  The one she used when you wanted to go skating with those girls.

Dad just follows, obviously perplexed.  But when you glance back at him after the hideout-shaking KA-BOOOOOM, he seems to have a proud, pleased grin on his face.

The room almost melts before it comes apart.  Or at least that's what it looks like.  Have you ever seen an explosion like this from this perspective before?  It's like looking at a screen saver in it's own weird way.

Raksasha didn't skimp on materials.  You have to give that to her.  The flooring doesn't come apart too easily.  It's jagged lumps.  But it still is fused in enough of a formation to be recognized as a "floor".

You can see a tunnel under it.  It's partly caved in in places, and partly not.

There's a vault like door at one end.  The other end of the tunnel probably stretches out into the distance, but it's covered in rubble at the moment, so you can't tell where it goes.
Seraphina Martel
player, 607 posts
Mon 13 May 2024
at 04:15
  • msg #134

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

Thanks! I can link you a couple of relevant things if you want. Just a wikipedia chart for the very basics. For why this sort of thing can only work if you're super-tough, that's more complicated, but the essence is that the laws of thermodynmaics are meanie poopoo heads. Being able to interact with something at the Planck time also allows for massive shenanigans and mind-bending nonsense, like arbitrary acceleration. Unless you rule otherwise, Seraphina has been seriously holding back her entire life, for social propriety, to please her parents, and out of ignorance because her power set is so unusual. If the rest of the world isn't scared of her yet, it should be very soon.

It means a lot to me that you indulge me like this. Thank you.

I can't remember being this furious. I stalk towards the melted, fused tunnel.

I stop outside the vault.

I do not raise my voice.

"Rakshasa. I know you are monitoring this door. If you're in there, come out, and I will not kill you. If you aren't talking to me in the next five minutes, I am going to turn your bunker into very short-lived exotic matter."

There. That will cover whether she is in the bunker or not. If she isn't, well.

I walk outside to look around. Where is this warehouse?
This message was last edited by the player at 05:42, Mon 13 May.
GM, 3043 posts
Tue 14 May 2024
at 02:04
  • msg #135

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

The area the bunker complex is located seems to be some kind of industrial sector.  There's a warehouse looking building on the other side of the street.  It appears to be empty upon inspection.

Raksasha answers, although only verbally.  A small sphere wafts up to you when you are out of Limbo.  It has a small speaker attached.

"What a delightful offer!  But no thanks.  I'll just sit where I am and continue to enjoy my Topo Chico with lime.

"But if you want to talk, I'd be fine with that.  I can hear anything you have to say."

Seraphina Martel
player, 608 posts
Tue 14 May 2024
at 06:20
  • msg #136

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

One foot in the water.

I make a fist and try to calm myself down. But that's the problem: I am calm. I am ice cold, like I usually am, in control of all of my faculties. I'm not experiencing a fuming rage. This is a darker, frigid fury, a dispassionate assessment of a situation. Rakshasa will die.

"Mother. Father. Can you check around and evacuate the area? I'll need about a square block. Get the police and fire departments involved."

I start gathering materials. Tarps, mostly. I'm going to need a lot of tarps.

"All of the studying you made me do is about to pay off."

Tarps won't contain a multi-kiloton bunker buster explosion, but they will shape air. A "shotgun blast" of small rocks inside a tunnel made of flexible material will make a vacuum channel in the air for a few seconds, long enough to ensure that the explosion I am going to shove up Rakshasa's ass doesn't propagate to the surrounding area.

I do all of my materials gathering with languid lack of urgency.

"What was the point, Rakshasa? Why kidnap me? Or threaten my parents?"

She has made herself a threat. A real danger. She must die.

Preferably in an extremely spectacular way so that no one tries this shit ever again.

"...anyone compelled to choose will find greater security in being feared than in being loved...Fear is supported by the dread of pain, which is ever present."

Here's your princess.
GM, 3044 posts
Wed 15 May 2024
at 05:01
  • msg #137

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

Raksasha is either blissfully ignorant of your intentions or oblivious to them.

"Why?  You're their daughter.  That's how these things go.

"Listen.  This world is all about spectacle.  The motives...the 'why's...are just so much window dressing.  It's all about getting the ratings.

"Why else did you spend all that time in those fight leagues?"

Seraphina Martel
player, 609 posts
Wed 15 May 2024
at 05:30
  • msg #138

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

I'm starting to really get into it. I want to go back to posting more than once a day. Weeeeeee.

For the sake of clarity, I'd like to progress past banter if Rakshasa isn't going to surrender, so Seraphina can do her "definitely no going back" move

My parents are being very quiet. A bit of fear twinges, a suspicion that this is yet another test, that I think I am powerful and clever but am neither and have merely been indulged to think so. That it's all an elaborate trick and I'm going to find out, very soon, that I've been played.

No matter. I know now, from experimental evidence, that the method works, and the ideas I've had for years were more than just idle daydreams. If she's recording or broadcasting, good.

"Four minutes," I say, looking at my parents.

"This is your last chance, Rakshasa. Surrender and come out, and I will not hurt you." No matter how much I want to. Word and integrity matter to me a great deal.

I get out my phone and look around for some drafting chalk, then I start making calculations and recording results on the floor of the warehouse. I need to double check that the incident angle and relativistic effects won't interact with the atmosphere in collateral, secondary ways. I will need about three hours of subjective time to do this, but I may as well get the first four minutes done while I give Rakshasa a chance to live.

The ultimatum is more for myself than for her. It's an excuse. A fig leaf. I know it is. I desperately want it to be something else. I am too angry.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:34, Wed 15 May.
GM, 3046 posts
Fri 17 May 2024
at 03:07
  • msg #139

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

The sphere keeps getting in your way.

"Ho ho.  Not going to answer?  Because you can't right?  Because you know I am right.

"There's no point to any of this.  If the game doesn't have a point, you should just play it for the entertainment value.

"Save yourself the three minutes and eight seconds you're still counting down.

"I'm not coming out."

Do what you gotta
Seraphina Martel
player, 610 posts
Fri 17 May 2024
at 04:42
  • msg #140

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

How very meta of Rakshasa.

Alea iacta est.

"So be it."

I count down like I said I would. It's for my parents, now. To get all of the possible "civilians" out of the way. My preparations will keep the explosion from destroying everything nearby, but there will still be a lot of debris and a significant shockwave. The warehouse will be utterly destroyed. I let time count down, then I step Sideways.

It's a metaphor. I don't have to move. I just am there, between life and death, between the ticks of the clock. It will be an interesting experiment. Perhaps her ghost will emerge. I can watch, at the very moment of her end. I don't think I want to. But perhaps I should. I finish my calculations. The walls and floor and even ceiling are covered with chalk and calculations, my mistakes and repeated equations, the part where I had to start completely over.

I mark a spot 10 meters "back" from the vault door, thus above where the first room of the bunker should be. It won't matter, really. But it helps me keep track. Using ladders, I construct a sort of tower, building a superstructure to suspend the tarps with. Not from. With. As soon as I let go of something and will it so, it returns to normal time. Mother made me practice endlessly, for thousands upon thousands of hours, to have extremely precise control. Maybe this is why she did. This...thing I'm doing.

Before the tarps go up, I somersault off the top of the highest ladder and flicker in and out of real time, hundreds of times a second, slashing my hands through the air to shape a wind tunnel that will push down and out, making a partial vacuum inside the tower of ladders to the floor where X marks the spot. I've unleashed something. I feel freer than I ever have before. The ladders won't stay up for more than a couple seconds, but they don't have to. I am between time itself. I am the mistress of my own destiny.

For the first time ever, I am making a decision. For myself. For no other end or purpose. I am going to kill this woman because I want to. Because I don't want her to exist.

Then I hang up the tarps, suspended frozen in time but not attached to anything. They will maintain the vacuum for the hundredth of a second I need. I've built a container. It might resemble a ramshackle railgun, but it's actually a contrivance to contain the brunt of what I am going to do. To contain the energy, focus it, push it down and out into the ground, instead of into the air.

The last piece. Sheet metal at the top of the tower, over the partial vacuum below. A piece of rebar half an inch across. Five kilograms. I use my fingernail to shape the end into a sharp point. It doesn't even scratch my nail. Aiming the iron spear straight down, at the middle of the X, I let it go, to suspend in the air. Then I start hitting it with my palm. Over and over and over and over. Imparting superhuman strength in each blow and greater and greater speed on that piece of metal.

13,587,710 miles per hour. Two percent the speed of like. 0.02c. The Lortenz factor was there. As much energy as a 20 kiloton bomb, concentrated in a single point.

I jump off the scaffold and land, then I walk outside the warehouse, 100 feet away, and I enter normal time.

Faster than the world's quickest supercomputer can add 1 and 1 to get 2, the iron projectile sublimates to plasma. If there was air near it, that alone would have caused a titanic explosion. But there isn't. There's nowhere for the energy to go but the ground. Four microseconds later, the rod hits. Two microseconds after that, the plasma penetrates fifty feet into the ground. Another five microseconds and shockwaves buckle the ground around the impact site, sending out ripples like the ground is made of water. The concrete, steel reinforcement, thin layer of air just above the ground, everything within 500 meters of the impact site and underground superheats to well north of 100,000 degrees, more than twice as hot as lightning. So hot that the affected area doesn't melt or vaporize; it becomes plasma, too, a fluid soup of subatomic particles that try to expand but have nowhere to go as fast as need to.

They ram into each other and impart their energy. Temperature rises farther and farther. Conditions become hellish, hotter than the center of the sun for a single, brief instant. Muons, pions, and exotic particles found only in the hearts of stars and the beginning of time flicker into being, ram into the earth, and disappear in antimatter collisions. Instead of an apocalyptic fireball, there is a small mushroom cloud that claws at the air above, taller and thinner than a nuclear bomb's mushroom cloud, finally blowing off the top of the warehouse. The roof will peak at 10 miles into the sky, a few minutes from now.

A microsecond after that, an electric storm erupts, lasting about a tenth of a second, tendrils of lightning flying out in every direction. Heat finally has time to catch up and spread from the impact, grounding into the earth and making dirt and concrete steam, then erupt, throwing earth and stone into the air. The sound is louder than thunder, a tortured scream of air rushing back into a void and nature creaking under the pressure of an angry goddess.

Anyone else standing this close to the impact would die very, very quickly. I can ground and undo all of the heat, energy, and shrapnel as it flies towards me, by stuttering in and out of Sideways and subtly adjusting position and mass. I could probably just tank it, but I'm not going to try. That smacks of the kind of arrogance that gets people killed.

Nothing remains standing for 300 feet in every direction around where the warehouse used to be, where there is now a glowing crater 80 feet deep at the center, electricity sparking between pulverized rubble. It will take a minute or so for the charge to dissipate into the air. I stand at the edge of the crater, a slim cone behind me the only area free of devastation.

It has been less than a second. Hardened military bunkers wouldn't stand up to that kind of power.

And I wasn't even trying that hard.

I look at the sky and understand that I can't undo what I have just done.

Then I wait for the other shoe to drop.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:42, Fri 17 May.
GM, 3050 posts
Mon 20 May 2024
at 02:12
  • msg #141

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

The other shoe comes in a few moments.

Another sphere (the first one slagged in the intial onslaught) whizzes up.

"Wow.  Good thing I didn't hang around.

"Congratulations are in order.  You're in the big league now."

Raksasha laughs from whatever little bunker of hell she's perched her cowardly ass in.  "All the hype about you was right.  Everyone's going to want a piece of you."

Dad brings down a fist and smashes the orb into the concrete.  He looks down at you, frowning in concern.  " okay?"
Seraphina Martel
player, 611 posts
Mon 20 May 2024
at 04:32
  • msg #142

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

I clench my fists. I want to punch a wall and knock it down, but there are no convenient walls remotely close to me.

"No. I just caused several hundred thousand dollars in property damage, probably scared a lot of people very badly, and I didn't even eliminate the threat."

I'm making fists hard enough to heat up the air around my hands. I didn't even know that was possible. I can't bare to look at Father.

"I've been holding back for my entire life. I understand that now. I can't keep doing that."
GM, 3052 posts
Tue 21 May 2024
at 03:12
  • msg #143

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

Dad kneels over.  Funny how much bigger he is than you, yet you can both bench press the same tractor trailers.

"Sera.  You did okay.  You've never fought Raksasha before.  And you wouldn't have known that she uses clones as well as androids.

"You didn't fail to eliminate the threat.  You...took a bit of an extreme approach to handling it, yeah.  But don't worry about that.  Collateral damage is part of the job.  And we can always blame it on Raksasha.  It is her fault anyway.

"Lissen Sweetie."
  He puts a large hand gently on top of your head.  "You don't have to hold back.  And you also don't have to be perfect.  You just need to try the best you can.  And do the best you can.  That's all.  Do you understand the difference?"
Seraphina Martel
player, 612 posts
Tue 21 May 2024
at 06:03
  • msg #144

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

"I don't know if I do."

I look up at him. I don't like the demeaning way he's treating me, but I don't say anything about it.

"What am I supposed to try the best and do the best I can at? I could be the richest person in history in a month. I could topple a hundred shitty governments oppressing and murdering their own people. But why? What would be the point? Do I make myself dictator of Earth?"
GM, 3055 posts
Fri 24 May 2024
at 04:20
  • msg #145

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

Dad presses his lips together.  He then says, "It wouldn't be right for me to tell you how to live your life Sera.  And I would love to say that no matter what you did, I would be behind ya every step, rooting for ya.  But that's something only normal dads can tell their normal daughters.  It's not like that for people like us.

"Let's say you did take over the world.  Then what?  Make everybody do things the way you want them done?  Honey.  Your mother and I beat up people all the time who think that what they are doing is right.  That the way they see things is the way things should be done.  Raksasha does what she does because she thinks she's getting back at the petruch-i-archy.  Pastoralarchy? that means I-hate-men.  I don't know.  I can never pronounce all those damn words.

"The point here is going down that road is a slippery slope.  You could very easily end up like the ones you're trying to stop.  It's something you have to struggle with when you're in the Life.  Some people don't even realize they tripped and fell..."
  His gaze seems to cloud over for a moment, like he's thinking of someone else.

He shakes his head.  "I want you to do what you think is right.  But more importantly, I want you to be happy.  Sera.  No matter what, I can tell you this.  I will always love you.  And I will always be hoping, praying if there is a God, that you will be happy.  Cos I want you to be happy.

"None of that probably helps, does it?"

He gives you a sad smile and says, "Sera.  I want you to know what-"

Then things get weird.

You are standing in your bathroom, back in the dorm.  You are holding your tube of toothpaste in one hand and your toothbrush in the other.

There's no sign of Dad.  Or Mother.  Or the area you just vaporized.  You're back in the dorm.  In your PJs.  About to brush your teeth.
Seraphina Martel
player, 614 posts
Fri 24 May 2024
at 07:09
  • msg #146

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

What the biscuit.

I'm too disoriented to swear properly.

I put down the toothbrush and paste, step Sideways, and look around for anything suspicious.

I'm starting to feel like exterminating every psychic in the world is a good idea.
GM, 3058 posts
Sat 25 May 2024
at 03:48
  • msg #147

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

Things look the same Sideways as they do frontways.  You are back in your dorm room.

When you check the clock and your cell, you seem to be back at the time you were getting ready for bed and used the doped toothpaste Raksasha left you.  So you are back before you were kidnapped.

When you check the toothpaste tube, it seems odd.  You can't quite recall how much was left in the tube, but the amount in this tube seems different.
Seraphina Martel
player, 615 posts
Sat 25 May 2024
at 05:30
  • msg #148

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

I check the date on my phone and text Mom and Dad in a group chat:

I just had some kind of vision, of getting roofied by toothpaste and kidnapped by Rakshasa. Anything like that ever happen to you before?

Then I take the brush and paste, put them in a plastic bag, leave my room, and go find Ahina. She knows about biology and poison and might have insight.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:30, Sat 25 May.
GM, 3061 posts
Mon 27 May 2024
at 03:16
  • msg #149

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

Mother texts back first.

Seraphina, you aren't taking drugs are you?  Since when did you have visions?

Dad follows soon after.

No.  Sorry.  You OK?

Ahina is playing with a small terrarium.  It seems to be filled with some kind of Venus flytrap.

She grins when you come in.  "Hey!  Feels like it's been a while!  You look a little haggard.  You're not suffering from a Vitamin D deficiency are you?"
Seraphina Martel
player, 616 posts
Mon 27 May 2024
at 08:58
  • msg #150

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

I summarize for Ahina, "I think I had a vision. Maybe of the future. I brushed my teeth, passed out from a drug, and was kidnapped by Rakshasa. Then I nuked her. You're the best chemist and botanist I know, so I came to ask you to test these to see if they're poisoned."

I hold out the toothpaste and brush for Ahina to take.

After a couple seconds, "If that's okay."

I'm not used to asking for things, especially not after developing the kind of conviction I had in that...whatever that was.

I text my parents back, relaying the story again, with more details. It's a few hundred words. I leave in everything and every detail I can remember. Hopefully Ahina is done when I am.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:58, Mon 27 May.
GM, 3067 posts
Tue 28 May 2024
at 03:41
  • msg #151

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

Ahina practically glows at the praise.  She squees, claps her hands together while she prances on her tip toes, and then takes the toothpaste, getting to work on it.

It doesn't take her long.

"'s just toothpaste.  Regular ol' toothpaste.  Tom's of Maine's Peppermint.  Nothing weird about it."

One thing weird about what she just said.  You don't use Tom's of Main Peppermint.  Or, if Sera does, it's a different flavor.  Point here is it's the right brand, but the flavor is not the one Sera uses.
Seraphina Martel
player, 617 posts
Tue 28 May 2024
at 06:08
  • msg #152

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

Is the tube for the flavor she normally uses?

"It's the wrong kind. I don't-wait."

I text my parents again. They haven't answered my story yet, so I presume they're thinking or arguing or whatever.

What kind of toothpaste do I usually use?

"I usually use Tom of Maine's Wintergreen. What about the toothbrush?"

It was the floss though! Right!

I zip back to my room and bring my floss in a ten millionth of a second. Assuming I even have floss still. If I do have floss, I ask Ahina to check that out too.
GM, 3069 posts
Wed 29 May 2024
at 03:37
  • msg #153

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

The tube is for the wrong flavor.  But the packaging is so alike, it would have been hard to tell unless you studied the front of it.  Anyway, now you know.  It's the right brand of toothpaste but the wrong flavor.

You find the dental floss...

Ahina whistles when she's done analyzing the dental floss.

"Wow.  I gotta say someone did good work.  The floss is laced with phenobarbonitrate.  It's at a pretty high concentration too.  Just a little bit would knock a big guy out.  You think some one was trying to knock you out?"
Seraphina Martel
player, 618 posts
Wed 29 May 2024
at 05:28
  • msg #154

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

"Yeah. Rakshasa. I don't know much about her. Have you heard of her? The uh, the vision or whatever, it was of her kidnapping me with poisoned floss."

I want to hit the wall. But it's Ahina's wall, so I control myself. In my current state, I might very well destroy half the building just punching a stud.

"She kidnapped me, put me in some kind of stupid trap dungeon, and tried to kill my parents with robots."
GM, 3072 posts
Fri 31 May 2024
at 03:46
  • msg #155

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

Ahina shrugs.  "I only know what they say about her on the news.  I woulda never thought of using dental floss...I need to write that down.

"That sounds...kinda specific.  You sure it was just a dream?  I didn't find any hallucinogens on the floss when I examined it."

Seraphina Martel
player, 619 posts
Fri 31 May 2024
at 04:19
  • msg #156

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

"I don't know what it was, and the toothpaste is the wrong brand. I might have seen the future or jumped universes somehow. I have no idea how to test either of those, since I don't know how to trigger the effect."
GM, 3075 posts
Sun 2 Jun 2024
at 22:58
  • msg #157

Seraphina Martel 2:  This Time It's Personal

Ahina's eyes go big.  Her mouth makes a wide O and she covers it with the fingertips of one hand.

"Oh my!  I've heard about alternate dimensions and stuff!  But I never thought I'd get to see it in person!

"How would you be able to tell?  Oh!  I know!  If you jumped, I would Alternate Ahina!  So I wouldn't know some of the things you do!  List me some stuff that's everyday for you.  Or important stuff in your past I should know about.  We can test it that way!"

She seems really into this.
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