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, welcome to Lancer: Starry Skies

00:59, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by GMFor group 0
GM, 3 posts
Because yes, giant robots
are cool.
Mon 2 Oct 2023
at 21:18
  • msg #1


For out of character chat and questions.
Werner Steinn
player, 1 post
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 3 Oct 2023
at 21:17
  • msg #2


Hi folks!  Happy to be taking part in a Lancer game.  I'm playing Werner Steinn, my call sign is Fossil.  Scientist background (Geology to be specific!) and  I plan on bringing the lasers, fire, and explosions to the team once we get some License Levels.
Alis Varn
player, 1 post
Call Sign: Ivory
Tue 3 Oct 2023
at 21:49
  • msg #3


Heya. I'm similarly excited to have a Lancer game as I think it's been the best part of four years since my last on here.

Alis is one of a handful of surviving flash-clones from an extralegal supersoldier project shut down by the New Division, so naturally she's quite a bit less 'super' than her creators desired. She goes by the call sign Ivory owed to her distinctive pale skin, that being one of the more benign side-effects of her origin.

I'm not totally sure about long term plans right now but I think I'm probably leaning towards something in the melee and/or CQB space.
Rolling Thunder
player, 1 post
Volume of fire
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 01:48
  • msg #4


Hey there all

Rolling Thunder here with the heavy armor/suppression-fire side of things (leaning towards the Drake when we start getting us some LLs, to give you an idea). Mechanical/repair/sabotage sub skills

He has burned-out facial nerves as well from some unspecified event, making his face a permanently neutral mask of flesh... And yet he lives - and feels - underneath...

Hey GM, do we know each other at the start of this? Are we an existing unit? Mercs maybe? Freelance or corporate?
GM, 10 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 02:23
  • msg #5


Yes, you most likely would know each other. You guys are a Lancer unit attached to the Union ship Rio Grande, as your first assignment after your training was completed. You could have met on the ship, met while training, or some other point in relation to that.
player, 1 post
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 03:13
  • msg #6


Sunder is a bit of an odd one, she wasn't in training with the others she came to the ship by some other path but doesn't talk about herself much.  Indeed she doesn't interact with other people physically, her only presence on the ship is that of an AR projection or the occasional remote drone.

Her role is that of a hacker so that doesn't impact her mission profile in any negative way, and in some ways she had more control over the ship's systems than the crew.
Werner Steinn
player, 2 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 04:05
  • msg #7


What an interesting set of misfits we make.  I think I'm finished designing Fossil and his starter Everest, but I was wondering just how much of our character mechanics we should share.

Mostly to keep down unintended overlap in skills and roles.
GM, 11 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 14:50
  • msg #8


In reply to Werner Steinn (msg # 7):

You can share as much or as little as you are comfortable with. I don’t want to intrude too much on how you all establish your character’s dynamics in game.
Werner Steinn
player, 3 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 15:55
  • msg #9


It's better to have a team of specialists who know what each squaddie brings, I think.  So I'll reveal what I have for Fossil's build this far.

Skill Triggers are Blow Something Up, Invent or Create, Get a Hold of Something, and Investigate.  Talents are Walking Armory, Grease Monkey, and Nuclear Cavalier.  Mech Skills are currently rank 2 Hull, and Engineering will be the focus as LL increases.

My starter Everest is equipped with a Mortar, Assault Rifle, and Heavy Melee; though I will move away from melee as LL increases.  I'm bringing deployable cover, smoke grenades, and personalizations because it is important that my mech, Unsupported Hypothesis, look like an Allosaurus.
Maya Vost
player, 2 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 16:29
  • msg #10


Hi (again) everyone. Some backstage talk led me to deciding to take a different approach, so it's out with the Varn and in with the Vost.

Maya “Sardine” Vost is a former space pirate who accidentally downloaded a SecCom-era piloting manual directly into her brain while exploring a long-forgotten facility on a dead world. Some sustained misfortune later she's found herself saved not-inconsiderable incarceration by virtue of that latent piloting talent, and she's fighting to retain that limited freedom more than for any ideal or cause. Helps that it's actually pretty fun work.

Still going with the same general archetype, only this time I've got far stronger sense of how and why this character leans into CQB and melee weapons. Very high chance of going with one of Blackbeard, Tortuga or Caliban early on.

And to follow up on Werner's post:
  • Maya's triggers are Assault, Show Off, Take Someone Out, and Word on the Street.
  • Her talents are Combined Arms, Duelist and Vanguard, also starting with 2 Hull for the not-die factor.
  • Her Everest, Skeleton Key, is armed with a Shotgun, Assault Rifle and Heavy Charged Blade. It has a Custom Paint Job and Personalisations, Jump Jets and a Projected Shield.

player, 2 posts
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 17:44
  • msg #11


I am still working out some of the details, but what seems to be staying true is a bit of a tech/Ewar focus

Triggers: Hack or Fix, Investigate, Take Control, Take Someone Out
Talents: Drone Commander, Hacker, Spotter

I am new to this particular system and could probably switch out the Stay Cool, or Engineer for something if anyone has any good suggestions that stack or fill gaps in the party somewhere.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:40, Wed 04 Oct 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 3 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 18:20
  • msg #12


Something to keep in mind if you're new to the system is that each time you level up you're allowed to reallocate all points from one of your Talents to any other Talent, so if you pick something and find it doesn't work for you then it's very straightforward to swap it out for something else before too long. Or you can pick something at low levels that's useful when you're getting started and drop it once you're able to specialise later on.

I can't speak to what weapons you're considering, but in terms of broadly useful stuff:
  • Stable, Steady from Crack Shot is an easy to-hit bonus if you're taking an Assault Rifle.
  • Covering Fire from Heavy Gunner is nice for limiting/punishing movement if you want an HMG or Thermal Lance.
  • Field Commander from Leader is super useful. It's a great way to make sure the rest of the party loves you, especially once you hit Leader 2 and 3 down the line.
  • Integrated Chaff Launchers from Skirmisher is a nice bit of extra defense while you reposition or take non-aggressive action.
  • Particularlize from Spotter is very useful if you're going to be hanging out in the backlines with a long range buddy.

I'd probably advise against taking Engineer at LL0 as the Everest frame already has three mounts (so an extra integrated mount has a lot less value) and you haven't got any of the Talents or fancy tools to really take advantage of your prototype's flexible profile. It's by no means bad, but you're essentially spending a talent on a +2 damage weapon rather than some kind of unique utility.
player, 3 posts
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 18:40
  • msg #13


Fair enough, I really was thinking the higher level engineering things would be handy, but even those it seems like I can only use them on myself so it isn't as good as I had thought.

Consider me a spotter now.
GM, 12 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 19:58
  • msg #14


Hey all,

It looks like everyone has more or less got their characters ready to go, so I will post the adventure intro in the Operation: SOLSTICE RAIN thread.

If you feel that you still need to tweak your characters a bit, please don't worry about posting right away - you can finish up, then introduce your character once you are done.

I am really excited to start playing with you all, and I really hope that everyone enjoys the game!
Rolling Thunder
player, 2 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 01:59
  • msg #15


For me it's :

Hack or Fix, Blow Something Up, Stay Cool and Charm
Siege Specialist, Heavy Gunner and Combined Arms for Talents

Resigned Optimism has Hull 1, Systems 1
and is armed with Heavy machine gun (Underhand handle like the Drake. Folds back on an articulated back-gimble),
Twin Missile launchers (one above each shoulder)
and Charged blade (a plasma panabas in a leather back sheath (similar to Tortuga's shotgun back sheath))

Stable structure
Jump jets
Deployable cover (Heavy shield plates on his left arm and shoulder when undeployed, similar to plates on Tortuga; Used as shields when Engaged, explaining his soft cover melee bonus from Combined Arms)

For on the ground: Heavy hardsuit, shotgun, heavy A/C (from portable welder and punch/crush from 3rd arm). Mag-clamps,  3rd arm, portable printer

Not married to Blow Something Up. If that's one of Werner's main things, I can go with Apply Fist to Face instead?

In fact, let's do that
GM, 14 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 02:42
  • msg #16


Oh damn, I’m so sorry, I completely skipped over your character in this. I apologize, I was going off of character sheets and completely blanked on the team comp conversation here.
Maya Vost
player, 4 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 04:58
  • msg #17


Stray thought, GM: Do you think it'd make sense to set all the PCs to either their real names or call signs? Right now we've got a mix of both.
Werner Steinn
player, 5 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 07:48
  • msg #18


I've been under the assumption that Sunder doesn't have another name, myself.  You're playing an NHP, right?
Rolling Thunder
player, 3 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 11:51
  • msg #19


In reply to GM (msg # 16):

Null perspiration chummer (Oops, wrong system :))

Still getting my character together

EDIT: Stray thought: do we want two portable covers on the same team? (I mean we might)
This message was last edited by the player at 11:59, Thu 05 Oct 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 6 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 12:44
  • msg #20


Rolling Thunder:
EDIT: Stray thought: do we want two portable covers on the same team? (I mean we might)

I could swap out my portable cover for something more offensive, since you're taking a more defensive design.  Maybe frag grenades or turrets.
Werner Steinn
player, 7 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 15:45
  • msg #21


I swapped out my deployable cover for Hex Charges.  Just a little bit more boom for the squad.
GM, 15 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 17:08
  • msg #22


In reply to Maya Vost (msg # 17):

I'll leave it for you guys to decide - I don't have a preference either way.
Werner Steinn
player, 11 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 8 Oct 2023
at 08:05
  • msg #23


I picked an Omnihook as part of my pilot gear, but we're getting one as part of the mission.  Don't think we'll need multiple, so I'm swapping it out.  I'll bring a Corrective and instead, in case a VIP gets shot.
Werner Steinn
player, 14 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 9 Oct 2023
at 09:53
  • msg #24


Maya Vost:
Maya's all too happy to Kool-Aid Man their way out of the wreck...

Kool-Aid Man:
Oh yeah!

And that's all I have to say about that.
Maya Vost
player, 12 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Mon 9 Oct 2023
at 13:22
  • msg #25


Just 'cause I feel like explaining, Maya's call sign is Sardine because "tin can" is one of the many derogatory nicknames for the single-use transports/boarding torpedoes commonly used by small-time pirates in raids on other ships. She's essentially a knock-off marine with a history of being crammed into an ugly metal box and slammed straight into the hull of a target vessel.
Werner Steinn
player, 16 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 9 Oct 2023
at 17:25
  • msg #26


Here I thought it was a reference to a mech's cockpit being so tight it made you feel like a tiny fish in a can.

It's more fun to know that you are the payload in ship-to-ship ordnance!
This message was last edited by the player at 17:26, Mon 09 Oct 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 18 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 18:50
  • msg #27


By the way, who has that Omnihook they gave us before this drop?  Do we need to dig it out of the wreckage?
player, 10 posts
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 18:56
  • msg #28


Would having a 4th piece of gear be a problem to carry?  Or is it more of a cost limitation?  In either case I can probably make it work if nobody else wants it.
Rolling Thunder
player, 13 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 21:01
  • msg #29


Would make sense for Sunder to have it I think
Werner Steinn
player, 19 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 21:07
  • msg #30


Would having a 4th piece of gear be a problem to carry?

Pretty sure the 3 pieces of Pilot Gear is a game balance limitation more than anything else.  Since the Omnihook was given extra as part of our current mission, we just need to select who out of the squad is the Radio Operator.
GM, 23 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 21:16
  • msg #31


That's what I was thinking - add it on extra to a pilot's gear. It's just in a separate compartment on the mech or on someone's person.
Maya Vost
player, 13 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 21:25
  • msg #32


Not totally sure if I'll be in a position to post before tomorrow. As such if y'all would like to pass me over in order to keep things moving forward I'd be totally okay with that.
player, 11 posts
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 22:52
  • msg #33


Sunder is well suited to the 'radio operator' type role, so I will add the mission item omnihook to my list, if we need to redistribute it later we can do that.
Rolling Thunder
player, 15 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 01:14
  • msg #34


I'm thinking we'll likely need to tweak the Lancer turn sequence if we want it to play well in forum-form?

At the very least "Next player available to post goes" (instead of nominating a single next player)?

Or we might go all the way to the classic D&D "Post your intended actions in any order and GM will arrange in a round-result post"? It's less reactive, sure, but maximises posting-availability from everybody...

What do you guys think? Any (better) options I missed?
Werner Steinn
player, 20 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 04:11
  • msg #35


Hmm, I didn't think about that until now.  The standard turn sequence is a lot of pressure on the GM; to post one enemy action after each player action.

In every game I've run on RPoL I've always had all the players take their turns followed by all the enemies with theirs.  Lancer isn't designed to work like that, what with Reactions and 1/turn abilities.
Werner Steinn
player, 21 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 08:47
  • msg #36


Well, Rolling Thunder has gone first already.  I'm willing to go second, after the first enemy action.  Should they do anything other than stand down I know what my action will be.  Hint --> Mortar.

Unless we figure a smoother way to take to Lancer combat.
GM, 25 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 13:36
  • msg #37


Rolling Thunder:
At the very least "Next player available to post goes" (instead of nominating a single next player)?

This sounds good, if everyone agrees we can go with this.
Werner Steinn
player, 22 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 14:05
  • msg #38


While resolving enemy turns between each player turn like standard Lancer combat rules?
GM, 27 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 14:47
  • msg #39


Yeah, pretty much. I'm able to post pretty regularly through the day, so even if things speed up, I should still be able to keep posting when I need to.
Maya Vost
player, 14 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 15:18
  • msg #40


I see you've all been busy!

My one other experience playing Lancer on here before had us taking that approach and leaving the floor open to whoever showed up to post next (unless it was claimed in the OOC first). It's not ideal but it definitely speeds things up compared to trying to follow the regular flow of the rules.
Werner Steinn
player, 24 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 16:01
  • msg #41


I covered a lot of info during the Barrage on my turn.  Tell me if something needs to be explained, but here's the rundown:

4 Kinetic Damage to GL (before Armor)
7 Energy Damage to SG (before Armor) + 1 AP Energy Damage to SG
1 AP Energy Damage to AR2

Unless I'm way off the track in estimating their evasion.
Werner Steinn
player, 25 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 16:08
  • msg #42


I think you shorted yourself 1 point of damage Thunder; two rockets hit Nex (one critical) so you should have dealt 3d3+2 drop the lowest.  But you only added 3d3+1.
GM, 30 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 19:31
  • msg #43


Sunder - firing the cyclone pulse rifle and stabilizing are both full actions. Even with an overcharge, you unfortunately still need to pick one, as overcharging only gets you an additional quick action.
player, 13 posts
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 19:36
  • msg #44


Wacky, just go with shooting, I will do other stuff later.  Where does it say they are full actions on the website?  Or is that something I need to research in the book?
Maya Vost
player, 15 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 20:41
  • msg #45


Would I be right in thinking that AR1 has a Lock On?
player, 14 posts
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 21:04
  • msg #46


As nearly as I can tell lock on is both quick, and automatic, so yes.  If there is some kind of hidden roll for that I would love to know how to find such a thing.
Maya Vost
player, 17 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 21:39
  • msg #47


Lock On is automatic, yup.

As to your prior question(s), I'm not sure what material you've got access to right now but attacking with a superheavy weapon requires a Barrage action (so a full action), and reloading weapons is done through the Stabilize action which is also a full action - at least until you start getting your hands on systems that change that. If you haven't got the rulebook at hand then stuff like that is sort of covered in the Action Economy section of Comp/Con's Compendium, although the interface there isn't exactly the most intuitive. Clicking on the actions there brings up their full text.
player, 15 posts
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 00:19
  • msg #48


I have the rulebook, but I don't see anywhere that it talks about action cost differences for weapons, it just seems like a big list of traits with some vague relationship to flavor text.
GM, 34 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 00:32
  • msg #49


Comp/Con has an active mode where you can go through the turn sequences and keep track of the different actions you are able to take. On the bar where you go to the mech hangar, there is a button that looks like an on/off switch. Pressing that and then pressing "start mission" will put you in.
Werner Steinn
player, 26 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 02:36
  • msg #50


Rolling Thunder:
Speaking of, any faction markings on these mechs, GM? If not, is this usual for what we know about the military of Cressidium?

The Scan tech action should give you deeper information about these guys if you think it's worth a quick action on your turn.
Werner Steinn
player, 27 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 03:05
  • msg #51


Sunder, in my copy of the Core Rulebook, Page 76 is a quick combat reference that describes Barrage as a Full Action where you can fire two weapons or a single Superheavy weapon.  And it also describes Stabilize as a full action.

Page 71 goes into further detail covering what actions are Full Actions.

On Page 104 the Core Rulebook covers Weapon Tags, where it says that the Superheavy weapon tag means that it requires two mounts and can only be fired with the Barrage action.  Also, Superheavy weapons cannot Overwatch.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:06, Thu 12 Oct 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 29 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 03:53
  • msg #52


GM, if Nex moves away I'm going to use my reaction to Overwatch an attack with my Heavy Melee.  Do you want me to roll the attack preemptively or will you roll it on my behalf during the Nex's turn should it come up?
Werner Steinn
player, 30 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 04:09
  • msg #53


Speaking of Overwatch, Maya's Skeleton Key has a shotgun, right?  That means a reaction shot at AR2 once it moved closer than 3 hexes while going into melee.

I might be wrong about this one...was overwatch triggered by moving into the threat range, or by starting a move from within the threat range?
This message was last edited by the player at 04:14, Thu 12 Oct 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 18 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 04:31
  • msg #54


The latter until you hit Vanguard 3, at which point it's triggered by any kind of movement within your Threat whatsoever.
Werner Steinn
player, 31 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 04:56
  • msg #55


That's right.  I remember teaming with an overwatch specialist before, they must have had Vanguard 3.
GM, 35 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 12:30
  • msg #56


In reply to Werner Steinn (msg # 52):

I’ll roll the attack if it is triggered.
Rolling Thunder
player, 18 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 12:56
  • msg #57


What are the rules for firing into Engagement (can't seem to find any, unless you yourself are Engaged)?
Maya Vost
player, 19 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 13:12
  • msg #58


It's just standard shooting, yeah. No targeting restrictions, penalties for shooting into a melee or chance of hitting a random target or whatever.
Rolling Thunder
player, 19 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 16:37
  • msg #59


You sure you want to do that now, Sunder?

That'll give the mechs in opposition one more chance to damage us before Thunder or Sardine can do some damage...
This message was last edited by the player at 16:38, Thu 12 Oct 2023.
player, 17 posts
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 16:52
  • msg #60


Then they should post faster?  That is the whole point behind turn order by post rate isn't it?
Rolling Thunder
player, 20 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 17:15
  • msg #61


Uh... don't quite know what to say to that?

The "post if you're available" system is meant to avoid undue waiting for players who are not available to post at that time. To my mind, that doesn't necessarily mean you have to post when you can, especially if and when, tactically, in game, that may disadvantage your own side?

i.e. I'm thinking it's not, or at least shouldn't be, a competition. We're all in this together

That said, if you disagree that another character taking a shot is more beneficial than Sunder Stabilizing, then that's alright too

Different strokes for different folks and all that
GM, 37 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 13 Oct 2023
at 00:13
  • msg #62


Hey all - I might be a bit slow to post for the next couple of days, as I am going to be out of town for the weekend. I will keep up as much as I can, but I wanted to let you all know ahead of time just in case.
Maya Vost
player, 20 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Fri 13 Oct 2023
at 00:31
  • msg #63


Thanks for letting us know :)
Maya Vost
player, 21 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Fri 13 Oct 2023
at 14:28
  • msg #64


Is it okay if I take Overwatch against AR2 as it's my turn next anyway and it dying to Overwatch wouldn't cause any sequence-breaking problems (with it missing everything), or are we going with the idea that I didn't declare intent so it's not on the table - for flow's sake in any other scenario?

Totally okay with not getting the extra shot, but this feels like a situation where I can spend that available reaction without interrupting things up.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:29, Fri 13 Oct 2023.
GM, 40 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 13 Oct 2023
at 15:16
  • msg #65


Yes, you can do overwatch, don’t sweat it.
Maya Vost
player, 23 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Fri 13 Oct 2023
at 16:36
  • msg #66


I ended up not using Overwatch as I realised that with two available targets it'd require another round of back-and-forth before resolving my turn.

In other news, the Siren's Song supplement just went live and is available to stick on your Comp/Con. It includes the new Empakaai variant frame for Blackbeard and Orator talent, the latter letting you play combat diplomat.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:37, Fri 13 Oct 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 32 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 13 Oct 2023
at 19:23
  • msg #67


Maya was the last to take an action for Round 2.  Does that mean Round 3 will open with an enemy taking the first turn?
Maya Vost
player, 24 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Fri 13 Oct 2023
at 19:28
  • msg #68


Yup. Means players always go first while they're outnumbered, but once things start to even out that isn't always the case.
Werner Steinn
player, 33 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 13 Oct 2023
at 19:31
  • msg #69


Fair's fair, I suppose.  I was planning on taking  my action last anyway.  If these guys get mopped up before my turn, I don't take any burn from the nanite cloud.
Werner Steinn
player, 34 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 13 Oct 2023
at 19:43
  • msg #70


Oh, I should specify that if Nex wants to move away, I still intend to use my reaction to Overwatch with Heavy Melee.

Unless they take up Thunder on his offer of surrender.
Rolling Thunder
player, 23 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 13:32
  • msg #71


Heading out to the field for two weeks starting today (I'm on a 2-2 schedule), so expect slower posting from me during that time; those 12h work-days tend to fill up a lot of your free time :)
Werner Steinn
player, 35 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 18:10
  • msg #72


Have fun in the field!  I always have.

Anyway, setting your reactor to self-destruct is a quick action, but an improvised melee attack is a  Full Action.  So I'm nearly positive this mech isn't set to go nuclear.  That said I don't intend to take my turn yet, but should I roll my Overwatch Reaction for the movement of Nex?
Rolling Thunder
player, 25 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 22:33
  • msg #73


He could have Overcharged though? (I don't think Heat is his biggest concern at the moment :) ) Or have the Initiative core trait?
GM, 42 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 17:53
  • msg #74


In reply to Werner Steinn (msg # 72):

Yes, go ahead on the opportunity attack.
player, 18 posts
Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 18:14
  • msg #75


Would destroying a mech before it's self destruct timer runs out stop it from going boom, or just make it go boom sooner?
Werner Steinn
player, 36 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 19:50
  • msg #76


No reason why it would make it explode right away, but whether or not destroying the machine stops the meltdown is up to the GM more than anything else.  At least, I can't find any rules to cover stopping a mech's self-destruct.
Werner Steinn
player, 37 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 19:52
  • msg #77


Bah, well my Overwatch missed anyway.
Rolling Thunder
player, 27 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 23:08
  • msg #78


I figure it's just the Nexus now so all those who haven't acted can post?

Correct me if I'm wrong
GM, 44 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 23:14
  • msg #79


Yeah, pretty much. I'm going to run it as everyone having a chance to react how they wish (I'm going to assume that any combination of attacks on the guy will destroy the mech, as he's on about 5 hp). After that, combat will end and we can keep going in the adventure.
Werner Steinn
player, 39 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 07:00
  • msg #80


One benefit of shooting up the mech before he can explode himself is that it keeps him from chasing after anyone.  Like a regular Bob-omb.
Rolling Thunder
player, 28 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 22:40
  • msg #81


Between Sunder's shot and Maya's, I think we got him pretty good?
Rolling Thunder
player, 29 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 20 Oct 2023
at 23:14
  • msg #82


Uh, so... Is there going to be a GM post or something? (Feels a bit weird to just assume the guy went Kablooi...)
GM, 46 posts
Because giant robots.
Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 18:35
  • msg #83


Sorry for not posting in a while, there was some personal stuff going on that took up most of my time. I should be able to post more frequently now.
Werner Steinn
player, 40 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 19:31
  • msg #84


Well, you did say to expect 2-3 posts a week.  More than that is just gravy.  Besides, being GM is always harder than people think.
Rolling Thunder
player, 31 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 22:59
  • msg #85


True that :)

Happy to game at whatever pace
Werner Steinn
player, 44 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 00:44
  • msg #86


Do our mech's have insignia marking us as Union?  Wouldn't do to let these guys think we're Vestan.  Unless they're Vestan I suppose.

If they're LSA, we can win some diplomacy points by helping them out, because they seem to be stranded.  I can only think of 2 reasons they would be trying to fix up a civilian bus.

Either they need it to transport their squad quickly, or they are trying to extract civilians.
GM, 48 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 18:31
  • msg #87


I assume you guys have some kind of Union markings, but I’ll leave the specifics up to you.

Speaking of encounters with the LSA, the upcoming one has the option to be run either as an extended skill challenge or as a combat encounter. Do you all have a preference either way? Both would be fights in story, but I wanted to check if you guys had any preference rules-wise in this case.
Rolling Thunder
player, 34 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 19:17
  • msg #88


Just went through a short battle, so… Skill Checks for a change? (With a healthy di”ose of RP, I’m hoping?)
Werner Steinn
player, 45 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 20:21
  • msg #89


I'm interested in having the encounter play out as an extended skill challenge.  Combat is common and expected so going the other way sounds fun.
Maya Vost
player, 26 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 23:03
  • msg #90


Sorry I've gone so quiet lately. My brain has been ... let's say uncooperative.

Trying to get myself caught up, and hopefully I'll be back in the swing of things tomorrow.
Rolling Thunder
player, 36 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 26 Oct 2023
at 13:33
  • msg #91


Glad you're back, Maya. We were missing some spice :)

@anybody: For my own education, can blink space transmissions be detected/intercepted? (I'm guessing you'd need your own omnihook to do something like that?)
Werner Steinn
player, 47 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 26 Oct 2023
at 23:41
  • msg #92


Well, the Omnihook connects you to the Omninet, which to my understanding is a paracausal space magic version of the internet.  Allowing communications throughout the universe, it seems like it would have to be pretty secure.  I'd posit that to intercept a transmission you would have to be able to pinpoint where it is being sent from, or where it is being received.

It's definitely not the same as a radio transmission that anyone with a receiver might pick up.
GM, 50 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 22:12
  • msg #93


Hey all, I wanted to clarify that the artillery mech is about a kilometer away from the group. RT was able to see it due to perching on top of a building.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:16, Fri 27 Oct 2023.
Rolling Thunder
player, 38 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sat 28 Oct 2023
at 11:52
  • msg #94


No answer to Fossil's hail then? (IC post 79)
GM, 54 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 29 Oct 2023
at 13:09
  • msg #95


Because the party has split, I will run the bus encounter and the artillery encounter separately from each other, starting with the bus (I'm assuming it will occur during RT and Sardine's travel time). This will also allow RT and Sardine to return if things go wrong.

The bus encounter will be run as a group skill challenge with Sunder and Fossil.

It is split into three sections:

1. Repair the bus.

2. Scout a safe route ahead.

3. Provide an escort.

For each of these, please put your roll and a description of what your character is doing to complete the task. For each step to be successful, half or more of the party must succeed their roll, and for the whole encounter to be successful, 2/3 steps need to succeed.

I will intersperse posts with the results of your rolls and any complications that may occur.
Werner Steinn
player, 49 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 05:45
  • msg #96


I was wondering how we were going to manage a split team.  This works out.  One question though; is there any kind of circumstantial bonus having the Grease Monkey talent would give me towards trying to repair this vehicle?
GM, 56 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 12:31
  • msg #97


No, but if you have a skill trigger that could be applied here you could use that.
Rolling Thunder
player, 41 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 15:33
  • msg #98


For my own mental image, are the soldiers wearing the local equivalent of hardsuits? Something else?
Werner Steinn
player, 51 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 10:11
  • msg #99


It's my understanding that squads don't receive any kind of armor except as a special feature; and even then it isn't more than adding 1 armor to the unit.  They're described as individually having 1 HP, so I just see them as soldiers in space-age Kevlar with rifles.
GM, 58 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 12:32
  • msg #100


Yeah, that's more or less it. Think of them as wearing something between SW scout trooper armour and a modern soldier's uniform.
Rolling Thunder
player, 42 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 12:53
  • msg #101


Ah, I see it now, Thanks :)

Still don't know what those Vestans are doing with them all though. There's a story there I'd wager
Werner Steinn
player, 53 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 07:34
  • msg #102


Narrative combat as a skill challenge definitely opens up your options.  I think I like it.
Rolling Thunder
player, 44 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 16:21
  • msg #103


It's putting *a lot* of weight on just a couple of dice rolls though....

(Although that sort of depends how the adventure is built/how the GM runs it too. If it's got a Failure = "You succeed, but a sacrifice/complication is needed"-mentality, Dungeon World style, then I can see it working just fine; singing even :) )
Werner Steinn
player, 55 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 12:30
  • msg #104


Question: does my Pilot Gear ( In this case Thermite Charges) restock when I use the Grease Monkey talent?  Or does Pilot Gear even get used up in the first place?
GM, 61 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 13:29
  • msg #105


I think you would get your thermite charges back, even though they are pilot gear.
Werner Steinn
player, 56 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 13:35
  • msg #106


Swell!  I'll mark those up with my HEX and smoke charges.
Werner Steinn
player, 57 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 3 Nov 2023
at 05:38
  • msg #107


The new pathways shown on the map will let Sunder and Fossil deploy in the alternate deployment zone in the next encounter. Additionally, you will be able to use the travel time to rest.

Are we going to deploy at the same time, or get there fashionably late and deploy on the second or third round after RT and Maya have engaged?
GM, 63 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 3 Nov 2023
at 11:56
  • msg #108


I’m thinking that RT and Maya will deploy first, and then you and Sunder will deploy in the second round.
Rolling Thunder
player, 47 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 3 Nov 2023
at 14:49
  • msg #109


That seems a bit early, considering?

Unless we figure Thunder and Sardine took a long time carefully sneaking up to strike distance of the AA mech?

That could work
Werner Steinn
player, 58 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 3 Nov 2023
at 14:59
  • msg #110


I figure Sunder and I mopped up that ambush quick enough, and the soldiers told us about a shortcut to get to the fight.  And like you pointed out, you're sneaking and we're rushing.
Rolling Thunder
player, 50 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sat 4 Nov 2023
at 20:57
  • msg #111


The artillery mech turns back around after shooting down the dropship. This mech has several customizations made to it - most notably the jawbone painted below its visor and the name "RAINMAKER" stenciled on its shoulder.

Very cool intro by the way <Thumbs up> :)
Rolling Thunder
player, 53 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 5 Nov 2023
at 13:47
  • msg #112


Rolling Thunder:
"back towards the river*"

Although thinking about it, a train yard near a big river makes sense; for that inter-modal operability.
Werner Steinn
player, 59 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 6 Nov 2023
at 17:16
  • msg #113


Need to sneak a Barbarossa next.  They'll never see it coming!
Maya Vost
player, 34 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Mon 6 Nov 2023
at 23:08
  • msg #114


Can I just check what's supposed to happen next?

Am I supposed to be making a concurrent attack with RT, waiting for RT's action to be resolved (to see if Rainmaker lives) and then acting, or waiting until after the next NPC turn as normal?
GM, 67 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 6 Nov 2023
at 23:46
  • msg #115


In this case, could you wait and see what happens to Rainmaker, then take your action? I haven't run the calculation yet, but I think RT may have one-shotted him, and I don't want you to waste your action on an enemy that is already dead.

Edit: I missed Rainmaker having the Lightning Reflexes trait when I replied here. Sorry RT.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:25, Tue 07 Nov 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 35 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Mon 6 Nov 2023
at 23:50
  • msg #116


Sure, no problem.
Rolling Thunder
player, 56 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 13:44
  • msg #117


20:04, Today: GM rolled 3 using 1d3.  Rainmaker's Lightning Reflexes.

20:05, Today: GM rolled 3 using 1d3.  Rainmaker's Lightning Reflexes again.

10% chance man... Cool scene though :)
Maya Vost
player, 37 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 16:06
  • msg #118


I'm very happy to go lower down the turn order seeing as my Exemplar's Mark is wasted if I act before anyone puts a shot on Rainmaker (and misses).
Werner Steinn
player, 60 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 16:18
  • msg #119


Ah, and I was just about to offer letting you two act first, since you're already engaged up close.  He has that high-rolling Lightning Reflexes so I'm loath to run into melee with Rainmaker.  Though would Exemplar's Mark force him to roll twice?

Here's a plan: Say I activate my Everest's Power Up.  I could Boost, Initiative Boost, Free Action Power Up Boost, then Skirmish Heavy Melee followed by an Overcharge for another Skirmish with Heavy Melee.  He can't luck his way out of that many Reflex Rolls.

Other option would be to move up and just take a few potshots with my Assault Rifle.

I suppose I could charge any one of the other enemies instead of Rainmaker.  Thrash some of the normal guys with a bit of Dino Melee action.

Rolling Thunder
player, 57 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 17:17
  • msg #120


I'm thinking we need to take advantage of that designator AND that mark while we can? Let me try something

10:18, Today: GM rolled 10 using 1d20+2.  Rainmaker shooting RT with missiles.

@GM: Does Rainmaker have something that negates the -1d6 when he's Engaged? if not, I'm thinking maybe that should be at -1d6 since he fired it while Engaged? (Might make a difference)
Maya Vost
player, 38 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 17:28
  • msg #121


His first action was to Lock On.

Sorry, I skimmed what you said and completely missed the point. My bad.

Slight tangent: it wouldn't have any difference whatsoever but I'm pretty sure his attack against me should still have been at +1 Difficulty as I had Soft Cover (Combined Arms 1) on top of the Engaged penalty.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:39, Tue 07 Nov 2023.
Rolling Thunder
player, 59 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 18:05
  • msg #122


I think his missiles might be Seeking? (At least that's what I get from the description)

Re RT's move, I think I got the sequence right, but any combination of 8 spaces that gets the job done is good enough in my book. Adjust as needed :)
This message was last edited by the player at 18:06, Tue 07 Nov 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 61 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 18:08
  • msg #123


Full Action Target Designator (don't know what it s tohit but here goes)

The Bombardment Reserve doesn't have an attack roll, or even a save.  It just does a bunch of damage to the poor saps within the effected area.
Rolling Thunder
player, 60 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 18:36
  • msg #124


Does it?

OK, I'll amend my post
GM, 70 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 18:47
  • msg #125


In reply to Rolling Thunder (msg # 122):

The missiles gained Seeking due to the Lock On, but you are right about the difficulty from being engaged - I missed that, my bad. I'll roll for the difficulty and see if that changes whether you get hit or not.

14:43, Today: GM rolled 4 using 1d6.  Engaged difficulty

Looks like the missiles missed you, I'll edit the post.

Edit: The missiles have Reliable 2 base, so you still take a couple of damage.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:55, Tue 07 Nov 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 39 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
CQB Assault
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 19:57
  • msg #126


Just to clear up a possible point of confusion:
15:23, Today: GM rolled 20 using 1d20+2.  Nexus attacking Sardine with drones.

These have Seeking, so the ignore the cover granted by Combined Arms.

That was only relevant against Rainmaker's attacks as he was in Engagement range of me at the time. As soon as he created clearance I stopped benefiting from that talent's Soft Cover.
Werner Steinn
player, 62 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 8 Nov 2023
at 00:05
  • msg #127


Did Thunder consume the Exemplar's Mark on his turn?  It gets triggered on a miss, but it doesn't look like his shot triggered it.
Rolling Thunder
player, 62 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 8 Nov 2023
at 00:16
  • msg #128


Quite right: he hit on the first try so the Mark is still there!

(Good catch!)
Werner Steinn
player, 63 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 8 Nov 2023
at 00:26
  • msg #129


Good to know, might come in handy on my turn.  One more question: how much damage can these rail cars take before they are destroyed?  For example, if one was caught in the blast of my mortar, would it be out of the way for a shot from my rifle?
GM, 72 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 8 Nov 2023
at 00:56
  • msg #130


Each has 10HP. You couldn't one-shot it, but a couple hits would take one out.
Rolling Thunder
player, 64 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 9 Nov 2023
at 01:07
  • msg #131


Sardine, you are Impaired.

A good exemple, I think, of a general tactical principle in Lancer (and some other games too)

Everything else being equal, it's usually a good idea to:

Shoot the Greatest Threat
  • Either the most dangerous foe and/or
  • An enemy that *hasn't activated* yet
    If you kill it now, before it can act, the enemy gets less actions this turn
    Every kill therefore removes some of the enemy's greatest resource: Actions

Here the Nexus had already acted, so shooting at the LMG, Sword or Rainmaker had the potential to be most beneficial

(Unless you could only shoot at the Nexus of course? I don't think you posted your loadout, so I can't tell for sure...)
Maya Vost
player, 40 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 9/16 Heat:0/6 Burn: 3
Thu 9 Nov 2023
at 01:56
  • msg #132


Kinda related to that last post, but who (on the NPC side) is yet to act this round?
GM, 74 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 9 Nov 2023
at 03:09
  • msg #133


Rainmaker and the Monowire sword mech have yet to activate this round.

Also, I wanted to let you all know that I might be posting a bit slower than usual over the next couple of days, as I’m getting my wisdom teeth out. I’ll get posting again as soon as I can.
Maya Vost
player, 41 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 9/16 Heat:0/6 Burn: 3
Thu 9 Nov 2023
at 03:18
  • msg #134


Oof, that's totally understandable; best of luck with that. And thanks for the info.

(Werner you're still very welcome to act before me if you get there first. I wasn't asking that because I'll be posting at all imminently).
This message was last edited by the player at 03:18, Thu 09 Nov 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 65 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 9 Nov 2023
at 04:24
  • msg #135


I have to say, that long series of low rolls has me reconsidering the mortar entirely.  -1 accuracy doesn't seem so bad, until you see only 3 attack rolls out of 10 score above 7.  Maybe I'll swap it for the RPG when we get a Full-Repair and deal with the Loading instead.

Good luck with your Wisdom teeth!  I remember mine being an ordeal, to say the least.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:25, Thu 09 Nov 2023.
player, 29 posts
Thu 9 Nov 2023
at 05:39
  • msg #136


Digital dice are always a bit on the finicky side.  That is part of why I went with a reliable weapon even if it doesn't have quite as good action economy against multiple smaller targets.
Werner Steinn
player, 66 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 9 Nov 2023
at 06:51
  • msg #137


That's why my second gun is the Reliable Assault Rifle.  The pros for the Mortar are its long range, blast area, and Arcing trait.  But all those points are moot if it can't land a hit.
Maya Vost
player, 43 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 9/16 Heat:0/6 Burn: 3
Thu 9 Nov 2023
at 22:15
  • msg #138


Jeez, y'all put the fear up them so hard I didn't even get to act that round (not complaining!).

At a glance I'm happy to forgo those Exotic options if other people have things they want. I don't particularly need either of the guns and 3SP is fairly steep for the other options.
Rolling Thunder
player, 66 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 01:15
  • msg #139


That Adjutant looks sweet, though I don't know if I can afford 3SP with my build right now either...

What are you all thinking in terms of LLs?

I'm personally of two minds
  • Could go with one level of Drake for that Main Assault Cannon in one hand and the HMG in the other (talk about volume of fire!). That would be the Classic route
  • OR go for a level of Black Witch for the Ferrous Lash (skinned as a grav-gun arm, Iskander-style :)). Lots of versatility there + prone debuts a plenty, but a little off my planned beaten path...


Either way it's going to be CQB-Trained for talents <Thumbs up!>
Maya Vost
player, 44 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 9/16 Heat:0/6 Burn: 3
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 01:24
  • msg #140


I've already got mine good-as locked in. Sent the changes by the GM earlier.

Short version is that I'm going Tortuga 1 (shocker!) for the Deck-Sweeper and rearranging my Talents for Combined Arms 3/Vanguard 1. Big shotty and more ways to gain accuracy/mitigate difficulty.

Still a bit undecided what I'd actually want to do after that. Tortuga is the Obviously Correct™ frame for this character but there are so many other fun options in the close-range murder-machine space even just from IPS-N, and that's before getting into things like going full Danger Close with Viceroy or eating pain for breakfast as Balor. Too many nice things to choose between :(

I'm a little biased but Black Witch is definitely in contention for my favourite frame. Ferrous Lash is just fantastic.

Don't forget that you could take a level in Black Witch now and then swap it out for something else at LL2 if you want to unlock a different frame. You're in no way locking yourself into any kind of build with this first pick.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:47, Fri 10 Nov 2023.
player, 30 posts
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 02:21
  • msg #141


I started down the License path to HORUS Goblin myself, I have added a few more Tech Attack options so hopefully we will have time to make use of them.
Werner Steinn
player, 67 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 03:18
  • msg #142


There are other great hacker/spotter mech's than the goblin.  I only bring it up because my brother went full in on the goblin frame when I played with him, but was unprepared for its fragility.  As soon as we fought enemies who had Reliable attacks, he spent his turns Hiding.  Really cut in to his ability to lend support.

For my licenses, I've planned what I'll do up to LL 6.  First go Sherman 2 for the frame + lasers, then Saladin 1 for Colony Missiles + Force Field, and finally Tokugawa 3 in order to make friends with Lucifer.  Then he and I can Burn the world together.

I like the Autocannon for you Thunder.  Put two of them on your Everest since it's a main mount, then spin them up and now you can do Reliable damage for 6 on a barrage.  Volume of Fire is your tagline after all.  Of course, now you're managing all that heat, but hey, I'm a Nuclear Cavalier!

Maya, have you considered the Genghis Heavy CQC Flamer, Krakatoa?  So much close range destruction there.

Looking at the exotic equipment, I know right away that I want those Advanced Pattern C Smart charges.  A grenade that also Locks On?  Sign me up.
Maya Vost
player, 45 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 9/16 Heat:0/6
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 03:32
  • msg #143


Werner Steinn:
Maya, have you considered the Genghis Heavy CQC Flamer, Krakatoa?  So much close range destruction there.

I have (and there's a horrifying Plasma Thrower Balor I want to run someday) but I don't think it's really meat-and-potatoes enough for Maya at this early stage of her development. She sees big shotgun and wants big shotgun.
Werner Steinn
player, 68 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 03:33
  • msg #144


There is no argument I can possibly make against that statement.
player, 31 posts
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 03:44
  • msg #145


My understanding is that each license level unlocks gear that you can use on any frame, and or a new frame to put gear on, but there is no other way to get that unique gear.  It may be that I never actually use the Goblin itself and just use the gear on other frames.

I also have no trouble playing a fragile character that stays out of line of sight while still providing important support.
Werner Steinn
player, 69 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 03:50
  • msg #146


That's true, you don't have to be a Goblin to use its unlocked techs.  You could put them on a Metalmark and do a weird hacker-ninja thing if you wanted.  It's all up to your preferred playstyle; and even if you don't like what you get your licenses can always change later.
GM, 77 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 13:49
  • msg #147


In reply to Sunder (msg # 141):

If you want a frame that’s more techy, you do have access to the Cholomungma as well as the Everest. It focuses on tech attack, so combining it with what you got from the Goblin license could lead to some shenanigans. Its core power could especially come in handy, with the new invade options from Goblin.
player, 33 posts
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 18:04
  • msg #148


I considered that, but it doesn't exist on the website and the goblin will be unlocked soon enough so I figured I would just skip it.
Werner Steinn
player, 71 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 18:31
  • msg #149


That frame was just added to the Comp Con application recently.  You'll have to go to Manage Content and install the free content packs.
Maya Vost
player, 47 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 16/16 Heat:0/6
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 18:34
  • msg #150


It's also written up in the character creation thread here if that's more convenient.

Don't feel you have to use it if you'd rather not, but it does give you some more hack-centric tools for now if that's something you'd like to lean into.
GM, 78 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 21:55
  • msg #151


Hey all, when you have finished up with your leveling, could you please let me know? I don't want to start the next section of the adventure before you all have finished up that and any downtime stuff you'd like to do.
Maya Vost
player, 49 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 18/18 Heat:0/6
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 22:49
  • msg #152


I wasn't expecting a goddamn Nat 1 but I had a distinct feeling that roll was going to go badly XD

Really wish Get A Damn Drink wasn't so polarised. You can mess up the roll and still say you had a good time, but it's one of the few Downtime Activities where you straight up lose if it doesn't go your way rather than getting nothing or a (minor) success at a notable cost.
GM, 79 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 23:35
  • msg #153


Oh boy.

I'm going to assume that you find what can't be replaced via printing in the base's lost-and-found, because you are right, that is a bit polarized.

As for the question on how Downtime actions will be done, I figure this time will be a single downtime action. Depending on how long other downtimes are, I'll let each PC do more based on that.
Maya Vost
player, 50 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 18/18 Heat:0/6
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 23:46
  • msg #154


Sorry, I think I mustn't have made myself terribly clear there.

What I meant was is there going to be any RP element to Downtime Actions (whatever form that might take) or will we just be making rolls and rationalising out what they amount to out-of-character?

No problem either way, I just wanted to get a better sense of how you were approaching them and if you needed anything else from me at this time.

I'm totally fine with the fluff side of losing out on Get A Damn Drink (especially with this specific character), but it's definitely a big gamble mechanically when the 'worst' outcome of Gather Information is totally consequence-free, time invested aside, and it and Get Connected both allow you to get results even on a botched roll.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:46, Fri 10 Nov 2023.
GM, 80 posts
Because giant robots.
Sat 11 Nov 2023
at 00:45
  • msg #155


RP-wise, I think I'll have them run in a similar way to the group checks -  make a roll, describe what you're doing (and in this case, the results based off of the roll).
Werner Steinn
player, 72 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 11 Nov 2023
at 01:00
  • msg #156


Never imagined getting a drink with Maya to be so eventful!
player, 34 posts
Sat 11 Nov 2023
at 05:51
  • msg #157


I have implemented the license increase as well as I can figure, I am ready to continue at any time but don't feel like you need to rush on my account.
Werner Steinn
player, 74 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 11 Nov 2023
at 17:06
  • msg #158


I think I'm finished with my License update as well.  Grabbed Sherman 1, placed a rank into Engineering, and did some re-modelling of my mech.  My Unsupported Hypothesis lost the smoke grenades but gained the Smart Grenades.  Then I swapped out the Mortar for a Sol-Pattern Laser.  Need that Heat 1 to assist my Nuclear Cavalier shenanigans!

By the way, I am absolutely equipping the Pattern-C Advanced Charges.  We have 3 pieces of exotic equipment for the squad, right?  It might be good for someone to take that Predator Nexus gun if they don't mind changing out a Main Mount.  In case we come across more invisible baddies in the future.
Maya Vost
player, 51 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 18/18 Heat:0/6
Sat 11 Nov 2023
at 17:23
  • msg #159


Having seen that it has Accurate I'm certainly not opposed to the idea if nobody else wants it (and we have spare picks). Reliable on the Assault Rifle is nice, but seeing as chaining hits is a big part of my build at-present* it'd definitely suit me to up the consistency on landing my opening volley.

*Using Combined Arms 3 for bonus accuracy through hot-swapping.
player, 35 posts
Sat 11 Nov 2023
at 19:24
  • msg #160


None of the exotic gear works for me, so you three can feel free to each take one, or shuffle them around as needed.
Rolling Thunder
player, 68 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 12 Nov 2023
at 00:41
  • msg #161


Sloooowly catching up (I'm back in the field for the week, by the way)

In reply to Werner Steinn (msg # 142):

Thought about that. I can build with and/or around the heat builup, sure, but the Slowed, plus the Quick to spin/re-spin...

Thinking about it, I see Thunder as more of a charge-forward tank right now, rather than as a stationary gun emplacement. *Inexorable* is a nice word there. That'll likely change when he can get the big frames next LL (although I'll probably never be a big fan of the Drake's core power: your big show-off moment is that you sit down? :) ), but for right now... let's go crazy: Black Witch it is! :)

We're likely heading for more cqb-type battles, I'm thinking, close to the city center, so Thunder will also swap his Panabas for a shotgun, skinned as quick grav punches and crushing grips from his new grav arm :)

(I'll also try to see if he can get that exotic AI onboard too, although that'll likely mean dropping his Stable Systems, which I find myself strangely reluctant to do. It fits so well with his Heavy-style...)

Working on his sheet!
This message was last edited by the player at 01:04, Sun 12 Nov 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 52 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 18/18 Heat:0/6
Sun 12 Nov 2023
at 00:50
  • msg #162


Rolling Thunder:
but for right now... let's go crazy: Black Witch it is! :)

Please bear in mind as we move forward that Ferrous Lash grants you the ability to throw me at people :3c
GM, 81 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 12 Nov 2023
at 01:21
  • msg #163


Now you have me thinking up story-reasonable excuses to play mech dodgeball...
Rolling Thunder
player, 69 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 12 Nov 2023
at 01:23
  • msg #164


In reply to Maya Vost (msg # 162):

So noted :D

Sheet done, ready for review. Couldn't get the AI in (had forgotten the Lash was a system, not a weapon... ah well. Managed to keep the Stable System by boosting Systems though.)

Tomorrow: Down Time actions!
This message was last edited by the player at 01:24, Sun 12 Nov 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 75 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 12 Nov 2023
at 17:09
  • msg #165


I saw the picture of her mech that Sunder placed in her description; so I've been messing with an AI image generator to see if I can get it to make cool robot pictures of our squad.  Can we get a Thread to post robot pictures?
GM, 83 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 12 Nov 2023
at 17:46
  • msg #166


Will do!

Edit: Thread is good to go.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:50, Sun 12 Nov 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 80 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 12 Nov 2023
at 18:14
  • msg #167


Perfect!  Mech pictures are up.  You cannot imagine how many I generated just to get those 9 good ones.  AI makes really weird things sometimes.  Lots of times.
player, 36 posts
Sun 12 Nov 2023
at 18:42
  • msg #168


That is why they made the process of generating images free, assuming you tell the AI which pictures are 'wrong' that is part of it's learning process.
Rolling Thunder
player, 72 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 13 Nov 2023
at 00:30
  • msg #169


I really like RT's first one --although it's missing the twin missile racks :)

And the last one for Fossil is the coolest, with the first one for Sunder a close second (very mys-te-rious)

This message was last edited by the player at 00:33, Mon 13 Nov 2023.
Rolling Thunder
player, 73 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 13 Nov 2023
at 00:43
  • msg #170


Can we Help on a Downtime Roll? Maya having company during her Get-A-Damn-Drink adventure might lead to a better outcome (or maybe the exact same outcome but with different people involved :D ).

What do you think GM? Maybe add all the triggers we can justify to Maya's base roll and see where that goes? Something else?
Maya Vost
player, 55 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 18/18 Heat:0/6
Mon 13 Nov 2023
at 01:48
  • msg #171


I'm genuinely 100% okay with Maya not being 100% okay and getting into a fight with someone or just getting herself kicked out because she's trying to drink her way out of a bad state of mind.

Also given that my roll was a 1 before modifiers I think you'd be pretty hard-pressed to convert that into a success XD

Also belated thanks for the mech pics, Werner. I think mine maybe came out a little too generic, although the second's perfectly sound. Kinda surprised you didn't end up with some horrifying skele-bot instead.

I've been doing my own experimentation off-and-on to try and get a different pic for Maya (which is actually in my profile now), so believe me when I say I'm very aware of how much work it can take to get something useable. I think one of the funniest/most bizarre I've seen was one where one of her legs was made up of like ... three different legs from the knee down.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:12, Mon 13 Nov 2023.
GM, 85 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 13 Nov 2023
at 02:50
  • msg #172


In reply to Rolling Thunder (msg # 170):

I'll rule that you can help on downtime actions, but it would use up one of yours. Whether you choose to do so or not I will leave up to those involved in the action.
player, 37 posts
Mon 13 Nov 2023
at 04:43
  • msg #173


Do we get more than one downtime action?
Werner Steinn
player, 83 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 13 Nov 2023
at 07:41
  • msg #174


In reply to Rolling Thunder (msg # 170):

You could just Get a Damn Drink alongside Maya; as your own Downtime action.  You make friends, and she gets in a fight with them!  Classic.

Posted two more robots.  Maya's skeleton horror mech and something with missile pods for RT.  It was surprisingly hard to get the program to do anything resembling missile pods.
Maya Vost
player, 56 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 18/18 Heat:0/6
Mon 13 Nov 2023
at 08:38
  • msg #175


Oh wow. Maybe pushing things a little too far, but honestly that's pretty damn amazing visual.

I've been having a bit of a go at making my own without a massive deal of success. The fundamental problem I've been having is that getting it to do something with a skeletal paintjob rather than being a big ol' robot skeleton is more than a little challenging. Don't really think what I'm working with's up to the task, that or I just have no idea what terms to set for it.
GM, 86 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 13 Nov 2023
at 13:30
  • msg #176


In reply to Sunder (msg # 173):

In this downtime, no. I would let players perform more downtime actions in longer downtimes, but because this is one night,  I am limiting it to one.
Rolling Thunder
player, 74 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 14 Nov 2023
at 01:00
  • msg #177


In reply to Werner Steinn (msg # 174):

Alright, let's go with that then :)

RT Rolled an 11 Get A Damn Drink + 2 Convince/Charm + 4 Stay Cool and/or + 2 Apply Fist to Face as needed
19:38, Today: Rolling Thunder rolled 19 using 1d20+2+4+2.  Get a Damn Drink (Convince/Charm, Stay Cool and/or Apply Fist to Face as needed).

Um, so how about LOOSE A useful item or piece of information and GAIN A good reputation?
Rolling Thunder
player, 76 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 14 Nov 2023
at 01:17
  • msg #178


<Looks at the latest RT pic> Now we're talking! Me like :D
Werner Steinn
player, 84 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 14 Nov 2023
at 04:32
  • msg #179


Say, who are the important people at FOB Saber?  Unless it was already mentioned, because then I was totally paying attention at the time.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:33, Tue 14 Nov 2023.
GM, 87 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 14 Nov 2023
at 13:44
  • msg #180


The important people at FOB Saber are Staff Sgt. Garcia and Vonna, plus Rio and Lieutenant Kim, who are communicating with the base through an omninet link.
Maya Vost
player, 59 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 18/18 Heat:0/6
Tue 14 Nov 2023
at 23:44
  • msg #181


My jaw is actually really sore rn because I have a tendency to subconsciously act out lines and expressions as I'm iterating them and I've been stuck on angry for a lot of today XD
Rolling Thunder
player, 78 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 15 Nov 2023
at 02:19
  • msg #182


Me it's my breathing. People who don't know look at me funny until I explain :)
player, 38 posts
Wed 15 Nov 2023
at 02:23
  • msg #183


The only reaction games ever get out of me OOC is laughter, which can be just as out of place, but is at least easier to explain.  Particularly with meme culture being so common now all I have to do is point at or gesture with my phone and they go back to ignoring me.
Werner Steinn
player, 86 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 15 Nov 2023
at 09:33
  • msg #184


I'm mostly just grinning as I type.  If anyone asks, they get robot pictures.  Though my brother loves Lancer so he likes to know how the squad is faring.

His favorite mechs are the Drake and the Tortuga.  So you two have a fan.
Maya Vost
player, 60 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 18/18 Heat:0/6
Wed 15 Nov 2023
at 10:14
  • msg #185


Aww, that's always nice.

I feel like I'm probably not going Tortuga in the long run (or possibly even at all beyond LL1) but we'll see. Feels like mentally I'm leaning somewhere more aggro.

Slight bit of awkwardness with that last post: RT and myself weren't at the bar. Our conversation was supposed to be taking place immediately after we'd parted ways with the other two.
Werner Steinn
player, 87 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 15 Nov 2023
at 11:04
  • msg #186


Slight bit of awkwardness with that last post: RT and myself weren't at the bar. Our conversation was supposed to be taking place immediately after we'd parted ways with the other two.

Uh oh.  For some reason I had the impression that a few hours had passed and you two were already having your drink.  Hmm, let me see if I can edit some things so the scene makes more sense.
Maya Vost
player, 61 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 18/18 Heat:0/6
Wed 15 Nov 2023
at 11:11
  • msg #187


Obviously I can't speak for Roly but I'd assume we'd be okay accommodating you and just retconning in that change (?). Probably much easier to say this conversation's happening later on than for you to explain why Werner's done an about-face and caught back up with the pair.

Edit: Just for the record, while I'm about atm I'm not going to be posting soon (partially due to having to take this into account and have a rethink) so if you do find yourself coming up with some ideas to change up your post then please feel free to implement them.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:41, Wed 15 Nov 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 88 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 15 Nov 2023
at 12:19
  • msg #188


Yeah, that sounds easier to me too.  I think I jumped the gun on having Werner exit the scene right away and missing all the dialogue.
Rolling Thunder
player, 80 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 16 Nov 2023
at 14:49
  • msg #189


Uh, oops? Should have read OOC before, I guess...

... Although I figure we can just say Maya and RT did [something else] before starting to walk towards the bar so the timelines fit? A game of pick-up basketball or equivalent with the other squaddies in the mech hangar? or chewing the fat/play-by-play combat analysis with a couple of their sempais/fellow riders on the way out? Something like that
This message was last edited by the player at 14:52, Thu 16 Nov 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 64 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 18/18 Heat:0/6
Thu 16 Nov 2023
at 15:44
  • msg #190


Feels like I'm on an absolute rollercoaster here when it comes to locking in why Maya botched her Downtime roll in-universe XD
Werner Steinn
player, 90 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 17 Nov 2023
at 12:05
  • msg #191


It's not a bad roll.  It's an opportunity for making things interesting!

That's one great thing about Lancer.  The narrative is specifically malleable.  Like the narrative cartwheels we all just threw that scene into with misplaced dialogue.
Maya Vost
player, 65 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 18/18 Heat:0/6
Fri 17 Nov 2023
at 12:11
  • msg #192


I mean ... I get what you're saying, but if I go into a place hoping to gather information/make contacts and the dice say I end up losing two of my property/dignity/memory for no gain I think I'm entitled to call it a bad roll.

Can definitely get fun and interesting times out of it, but still not exactly what I was hoping to see.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:16, Fri 17 Nov 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 91 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 17 Nov 2023
at 12:47
  • msg #193


Oh I never said fun.  I think most of the fun comes from being the outside observer to an interesting roll!
Rolling Thunder
player, 82 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 17 Nov 2023
at 14:53
  • msg #194


Hadn't really clicked when I first read through the Downtime section, but I think that's right. If you want specific information: Gather Information; if you want specific gear/contact: Scrounge, Get Connected, Get Creative, etc. Get a Damn Drink seems deliberately *designed* to be the wild card, jump-in with both eyes closed, happen what may and let's make a cool story out of it choice...

It's not a bug, you see, it's a 'Feature' :D

Kind of cool design-choice, actually :)
Maya Vost
player, 67 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 18/18 Heat:0/6
Sun 19 Nov 2023
at 00:05
  • msg #195


Sorry for the delay there. I've been super-knackered today and my brain's been stuck on buffering any time I've tried to string more than a few words together.
Werner Steinn
player, 92 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 19 Nov 2023
at 04:26
  • msg #196


We're mostly just roleplaying narratively right now.  What if we were to open a separate thread for RP?  A place to take our time with inter-character interactions while the primary thread continues the main story?
Maya Vost
player, 68 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 18/18 Heat:0/6
Sun 19 Nov 2023
at 06:04
  • msg #197


Funny story: I actually made a PM thread for myself, RT and the GM way back on late Monday/early Tuesday where I raised my concerns about the possibility of our one-on-one conversation slowing down the game and asked whether it might be a good idea to fork it off if things headed that way. Was back in there on Friday expressing my worry that things had pivoted away from their original direction and that now it wasn't at all clear to me how and when we might be wrapping things up. Very aware that Sunder (and earlier you) may have been feeling sidelined through all this and how that was a real problem.

I'd absolutely like to vote for whatever keeps the main thrust of the game moving along. Happy to get back in the saddle.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:06, Sun 19 Nov 2023.
Rolling Thunder
player, 84 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 19 Nov 2023
at 13:05
  • msg #198


Speaking of that PM discussion, we'd concluded we'd be fading to black fairly soon anyway, to go into something like a GM-driven summary of our Downtime roll results? Kind of surprised Maya didn't call for it at the door just now, honestly, but now seems like a good enough point for that to me?

(Except for one thing. Extra post coming up on that shortly)

Maya Vost:
whatever keeps the main thrust of the game moving along.

I kind of disagree with that, at least on principle. For me, the story IS the main thrust of the game, whether we tell it with guns, fists or feelings?

I don't know that you can be side-lined from RPing if you don't want to be - there's a whole base/world out there to roleplay with if you want to, not to mention each other... So are we saying we don't want to roleplay? (That's a real question: do we want a 100% tactical game? That's a valid choice too)

Personally, I've found that having a mix of tactical battles and RP segments tends to make me most happy in the long run, but your mileage may vary of course...

What's everybody's feelings on this? What do you want out of this game? (I'm thinking of Sunder in particular here, since Maya was mostly worried about having you (and Werner) on the side-lines?)
GM, 90 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 19 Nov 2023
at 15:44
  • msg #199


I am thinking of fading to black with the bar scene, and then resuming the story in the morning, but I want to make sure everyone gets some chance to RP. I can do that now, but I wanted to make sure that everyone was ok with it.

As for what I want out of the game, I prefer the mix of combat and RP, and would like to stick with it.
Maya Vost
player, 69 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 18/18 Heat:0/6
Sun 19 Nov 2023
at 15:52
  • msg #200


Rolling Thunder:
Speaking of that PM discussion, we'd concluded we'd be fading to black fairly soon anyway, to go into something like a GM-driven summary of our Downtime roll results? Kind of surprised Maya didn't call for it at the door just now, honestly, but now seems like a good enough point for that to me?

Honestly the thought that I could've drawn a line under things never even crossed my mind. The GM had suggested before you that we might "...close out downtime with the drinking" so I'd been thinking we'd at least get our drinks and find a table before they dropped the curtain. I wasn't exactly in a coherent enough state of mind to be making executive decisions when I made that post anyway XD.

I'm finding it a bit difficult to articulate my thoughts on all this. On a fundamental level I agree with you, but also I have a really hard time relating to some of what you're saying because it feels like it doesn't reflect my experience.

Any suggestion that we don't want to roleplay here or might want a 100% tactical game feels kinda laughable to me ... like you're the only party member to have acted in more than a single round of combat in the last 30 days. We've been doing a considerable amount of roleplaying on the hoof and talky scenes, planned or otherwise, on the way here, and I wouldn't blame anyone at all if they were chomping at the bit to get back into their frame. It's not like we need to be in a dedicated freeform Downtime scene for character interplay or in order to build the narrative. Downtime doesn't need to be any more or less than people want it to be.

Obviously mileage varies on the proper balance of combat and social, but for me personally the core reason to play Lancer (rather than some other system) is for tactical combat and buildcrafting. I'm in no shape or form looking for wall-to-wall battle scenes, but I'm very eager to get to LL3 and beyond and to experiment with new frames and builds. That's my primary drive for being here.

I'd have been totally happy to make Downtime rolls, talk through what their outcomes amounted to and move on to our next briefing or whatever - our mission is the "main thrust" of things to me. It's fine to do things outside that banner, but this early in the game (and while we haven't even seen combat at LL1) I'd much rather we keep pushing forward and following our unit's active role in the conflict than make downtime scenes any longer than they need to be. I'd have been perfectly comfortable if we'd got together and agreed we wanted to do a scene where the PCs got together in the bar to debrief and de-stress, but as early as last Tuesday (with nobody else actively posting) I was starting to worry that you and I had taken over the game with a scene that was closed off to anyone else. If they felt like they couldn't join in* or just hadn't wanted to do Downtime RP then the whole game was kinda on pause so we could do our thing.

That's why I made that PM thread. I was worried we'd effectively hit the brakes for everyone else.

If I hadn't already established this relationship with you then I'm pretty sure I would've been quietly sitting in the corner waiting for the talky people to wrap up what they were doing too.

*And frankly I hadn't expected either of them to.

To put it another way:

Personally I feel like the combat/roleplay balance is off right now in favour of roleplay. That's not to say that I think there's been too much roleplay - I've enjoyed the actual quantity very much - but that I'd probably have liked another 2-4 turns in firefights before hitting downtime and as such would like to be back in the field sooner rather than later. That impromptu interaction between our characters felt a very natural thing to do in the quiet, but without that I don't think I'd have wanted to spend a moment longer on Downtime than was necessary. I certainly wouldn't have sought out interaction with NPCs for its own sake.

Also just generally I'm always a bit antsy about play-by-post games on here taking their foot off the pedal. Feels like that can be one of the many ways they end up slipping into the void.

I really hope none of this comes across as mean-spirited or overly negative. I'm very much enjoying my time here and you've all been wonderful.
Werner Steinn
player, 93 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 19 Nov 2023
at 17:49
  • msg #201


If they felt like they couldn't join in*
*And frankly I hadn't expected either of them to.

I do enjoy being unexpected.

That's the heart of why I suggested a separate thread for RP.  We can have it open for people to interact with each other or the world at their leisure; while simultaneously progressing into big robot battles.  They wouldn't even need to be chronologically in sync.
GM, 92 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 19 Nov 2023
at 21:53
  • msg #202


I PM'd Sunder, It seems that they are ok with their RP involvement thus far, so I will close out the bar scene and transition into the briefing for the next day. If you want to continue RP, I have posted another thread, as per Fossil's suggestion.
Rolling Thunder
player, 86 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 20 Nov 2023
at 13:27
  • msg #203


In reply to Werner Steinn (msg # 201):

And *perfect* timing on that interruption too: very prime-time soap-opera-ish. Made for a great scene :)

Sadly, I don't think I have time to follow both a combat thread and an RP thread at the same time, certainly not when I'm in the field (i.e. half the time). (That's basically two games). So this solution doesn't really work for me.

@GM: I'm a bit confused about the results of our Downtime rolls too? In my head that was going to be resolved/decided by the GM, but apparently not? So do we describe outcomes and choose our own associated Reserves? Roll for them? Something else?

RE More Combat: Partially my fault for by-passing the middle combat for us two there... Although, on a side-topic, I'm thinking the Combat-as-a-skill-challenge thing is generally to be avoided? Real combat *is* exiting, so I suggest saving skill challenges for non-combat stuff? (Which I strongly hope we'll see again, by the way -- maybe in a combat-engineer/problem-solving part of a scenario? That would be cool). Otherwise: generally agree that combats have been short. This being my first game of Lancer, I'm going to assume this is not always the case with this system?

Side note again: For the "100% tactical" comment, not that important but I was talking about RP segments vs Combat segments. i.e. things whose outcome are determined by rolls vs things determined by roleplay. What proportion of each of those scenes do we want was the question I was trying to ask. Not RPing while in tactical combat didn't even cross my mind. :)

Sorry for the poor phrasing
GM, 94 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 20 Nov 2023
at 15:04
  • msg #204


@GM: I'm a bit confused about the results of our Downtime rolls too? In my head that was going to be resolved/decided by the GM, but apparently not? So do we describe outcomes and choose our own associated Reserves? Roll for them? Something else?

I think I had mentioned this earlier, if I am remembering right. Basically, I want to run them like I did with skill challenges - the player describes what they are doing in character, makes the roll, and narrates the result. If you gain reserves from your downtime actions, you can choose them according to the downtime action.

As for the balance of combat and RP sections, so far I have been running them according to the module. However, I can tweak it somewhat during the module, and more later on once we finish (which shouldn't be too long, as this day is the last section of the adventure). However, this is something I definitely want the group's consensus on, as I don't want to push it too far in any one direction.
Rolling Thunder
player, 87 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 20 Nov 2023
at 17:05
  • msg #205


That seems a bit low risk to me (controlling both the attempt *and* the detailed results), but alright, if that's the way we want to do it.

Something like this?

RT Rolled an 11 Get A Damn Drink + 2 Convince/Charm + 4 Stay Cool and/or + 2 Apply Fist to Face as needed (OOC post #177)

LOOSE A useful item: There *was* some gambling to be had after all, and they founnd it. RT lost his
11:58, Today: Rolling Thunder rolled 3 using 1d3.  Lost gear.
Portable printer in the exchange (Damnit, the most useful one too)

GAIN A good reputation Changing it for A Piece of Information, specifically the Scouting Reserve to be triggered on any mercenary lancers in the theater of operations, if that's alright? (I guess he had some enlightening conversations about Rainmaker and co with other personnel during the festivities).
GM, 95 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 20 Nov 2023
at 22:07
  • msg #206


As far as anyone is aware, Rainmaker is the only off-world mercenary currently employed by the Vestans. If there are others, they have not made their presence known yet.
Rolling Thunder
player, 91 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 20 Nov 2023
at 23:37
  • msg #207


Um, that makes him even more suspicious :)

Scouting Reserve to be used when/if Rainmaker and his gang show up again?

Or is that too specific?
GM, 96 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 21 Nov 2023
at 00:01
  • msg #208


I think that the Vestans would be keeping the details of their deployments under wraps, so you will not gain any specific info on their whereabouts. They definitely are still present, though. Probably arguing for more hazard pay.
Rolling Thunder
player, 92 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 21 Nov 2023
at 00:05
  • msg #209


Suggestions for an appropriate Reserve then? (I'm sort of drawing a blank right now)
Werner Steinn
player, 96 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 21 Nov 2023
at 00:42
  • msg #210


If you wanted specific information about Rainmaker alone, you could get the Tracking reserve.

Or maybe a simple Accuracy Reserve to counter your HMG penalty.
Werner Steinn
player, 97 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 21 Nov 2023
at 09:51
  • msg #211


Out of character, the stompy bitey robosaurus is fun (of course!).  But what I've gathered from the in-character discussion is that the flight-system is a no-go but keep the sniper rifle?  I suppose I wouldn't need the flight system to pick off flyers from the ground; but melee certainly wouldn't cut it.  I could mix the two and do flying melee shenanigans; never thought about that but it seems awkward.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:51, Tue 21 Nov 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 71 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17/17 Heat:0/6
Tue 21 Nov 2023
at 10:24
  • msg #212


I didn't think anyone had said anything against the flight system (?). Maya didn't comment on it, being too distracted by talk of teeth and big guns.

OOC I think it's probably a good idea, especially if you've put any points in Nuclear Cavalier by now. Easy 2 Heat per turn would get you in the Danger Zone pretty darn quick.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:24, Tue 21 Nov 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 99 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 21 Nov 2023
at 10:37
  • msg #213


That's what I was thinking too; builds up plenty of heat to get down to some Nuclear Cavalier Bonus Damage.  Though I probably wouldn't need the Sol-Laser too.

Thinking Assault Rifle, Anti-Material Rifle, and an RPG.  Lean into the loading weapons since I'll probably be stabilizing more frequently.  I think I'll do that, never gone with a flying mech before and it sounds like it'll be fun.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:38, Tue 21 Nov 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 102 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 05:20
  • msg #214


Like I said earlier, neve done a flying mech before so I've been dusting off some rules.  It says that Heat generated by the flight system is applied at the end of my turn, so this rose a question:

If I fly somewhere on my turn and then stabilize, does that clear my Heat only to immediately add +2 Heat from having used the flight system?

Also, after a few combats I've also been wondering how Size 2 and Size 3 mechs were going to be represented in the combat map.
Maya Vost
player, 74 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17/17 Heat:0/6
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 09:00
  • msg #215


Werner Steinn:
If I fly somewhere on my turn and then stabilize, does that clear my Heat only to immediately add +2 Heat from having used the flight system?

I guess. Does seem like that's how it'd work.

Bigger frames take up more spaces on the grid. A Size 1/2 or 1 frame only occupies one space, while a Size 2 takes up 3 spaces and a Size 3 covers a massive 7 spaces.

Could I possibly request some clarification of our win condition(s) in this mission, GM?

Do we need to be holding all the points at the end of the mission, hold each point for a certain amount of time to lock it down, can we win by just taking out all the hostile frames etc?
Werner Steinn
player, 104 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 12:25
  • msg #216


I only asked about mech sizes because I remember having used these demolition hammer guys before, when GMing a Lancer game for tabletop.  Pretty sure they're Size 2.

And I think I can work with (take advantage of) the Heat build up from flying.  Just gets me to Nuclear Cavalier that much sooner after a stabilize.
GM, 99 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 13:15
  • msg #217


Sardine - the main win condition is holding the jammers. At the end of each round, if one side has only their mechs in an objective, that side scores a point for each objective where this is the case. After six rounds, the side with the most points wins. Of course, killing all of the enemies would also win you the encounter.

Fossil - I’ve been running all mechs as size 1 due to roll20’s map text snapping to one space and your everests being size 1. Once you get larger mechs, I may switch out to outlines on the map to better represent the sizes of your mechs (mainly to avoid reducing the area of your attacks or abilities).
Werner Steinn
player, 105 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 13:27
  • msg #218


Works for me.  Keeping things simple.
Werner Steinn
player, 106 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 13:41
  • msg #219


Say, how many Z-levels above the jammers can I be flying and still score an objective point for the round?
GM, 101 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 14:09
  • msg #220


You can fly two spaces above them and still control the jammer.
Rolling Thunder
player, 97 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 14:17
  • msg #221


How tall are the various buildings? (I'd suggest putting Number of Spaces on them if it's a varied lot?)

(I'm guessing those barricade-looking things are Heavy Cover?)
GM, 102 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 14:18
  • msg #222


The building sizes vary, so I’ll throw numbers on them when I post the map next. The barricades are hard cover.
Werner Steinn
player, 107 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 17:39
  • msg #223


Sunder's shot still deals its Reliable 5 damage right?  If that dodge Reaction turned the hit into a miss.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:39, Wed 22 Nov 2023.
GM, 104 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 17:55
  • msg #224


It would, that's my bad. I'll update the post.
Werner Steinn
player, 108 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 04:46
  • msg #225


I'm happy to take the last turn Maya.  I kinda want to see this gravity launch that RT has readied on you.
player, 42 posts
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 05:27
  • msg #226


Where do those dodge rolls come from, and can they be turned off?
Werner Steinn
player, 109 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 06:37
  • msg #227


Based on what we've seen it do, that mech you shot at is an Ace.  They have a Reaction ability that they can use to negate a single hit against them, turning it into a miss.  The GM rolled during its turn to see if the ability has recharged or not, until it rolls high enough to recharge the Dodge Reaction it can't be used again.

How you would turn it off would be to affect the enemy mech with a Slow effect; it can't use this dodge reaction while slowed because it is required to move as part of the Dodge.  Slow prevents the extra movement.

Anything else that might turn off reactions would work too, or attacking it with multiple attacks since it can only dodge one of them.  Also, they are susceptible to hacking; Tech Invasions can't be dodged like that.
Maya Vost
player, 76 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17/17 Heat:0/6
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 08:59
  • msg #228


Werner Steinn:
I'm happy to take the last turn Maya.  I kinda want to see this gravity launch that RT has readied on you.

[thumbs up emoji]

Werner Steinn:
Anything else that might turn off reactions would work too, or attacking it with multiple attacks since it can only dodge one of them.

One annoying thing is that being grappled prevents you from using reactions, but seeing as grapples are initiated by a regular attack roll they can just dodge the grapple attempt :|

Can I just check whether there are any complications I have to bear in mind if trying to melee the Missile Launcher frame? Extra distance from it being in the air or anything?
Werner Steinn
player, 110 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 09:26
  • msg #229


I'm certain it's still on ground level.  The GM said it landed on the jammer to control it, so sounds to me like it's in melee range.
GM, 106 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 11:48
  • msg #230


In reply to Maya Vost (msg # 228):

No, there are no complications for meleeing the missile launcher mech. It’s flight system allows it to fly when it is moving, so it has to land after doing so.

One other thing: the twin shotgun mech can fire twice with its shotguns - I forgot to do that when it shot the drone, so I wanted to let the group know about that so when it targets one of you, you all know I’m not pulling the at out of nowhere.
Maya Vost
player, 79 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17/17 Heat:2/6
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 16:47
  • msg #231


God, that turn was an endeavor. Writing up Combined Arms 3, and having to cover all the conditional Accuracy bonuses, really over-complicates things.

Hope that's not too hard for you to unpack, GM. I did my best to make things clear.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:49, Thu 23 Nov 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 113 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 18:17
  • msg #232


That poor little jet-mech got himself a whole lot of hate this round.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:17, Thu 23 Nov 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 115 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 24 Nov 2023
at 09:32
  • msg #233


I was about to use my new Tracer ammo, but at the last moment I recalled that the Get Creative Downtime action doesn't give me a finished item in time for the next mission unless I roll 20+.  Which I did not, only 14.  So...don't have them yet.

C'est la vie.

I suggest we let RT take the first turn next round.  If he can eliminate that shotgun mech before it takes a shot at Maya, it solves some problems right at the outset.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:33, Fri 24 Nov 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 80 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17/17 Heat:2/6
Fri 24 Nov 2023
at 11:51
  • msg #234


I'm certainly okay with that, but I'm also not too bothered about taking the hit (when I'm at full HP and that enemy's enjoying an additional +2 Difficulty on their attacks) if we want to try anything else. Even in the worst case scenario I can't imagine I'd be taking Structure.
Rolling Thunder
player, 104 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sat 25 Nov 2023
at 15:00
  • msg #235


Maya and me have been talking about what happened last night exactly and have come to some conclusions :)

Following that, I've updated IC post #162 #163 (first few lines and last sentence) and IC #172 (last sentence)
This message was last edited by the player at 15:05, Sat 25 Nov 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 83 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17/17 Heat:2/6
Sat 25 Nov 2023
at 15:03
  • msg #236


Subtle as his namesake, this one...

Also I think you meant #163. #162 is one of mine ;)
Rolling Thunder
player, 105 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sat 25 Nov 2023
at 15:11
  • msg #237


I have no idea what you might be referring to, RT is the soul of sensitivity and tact...
Werner Steinn
player, 116 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 25 Nov 2023
at 15:52
  • msg #238


Well, she did already determine that the night cost Maya her dignity...
This message was last edited by the player at 15:52, Sat 25 Nov 2023.
Rolling Thunder
player, 106 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sat 25 Nov 2023
at 19:17
  • msg #239


How dare you, sir!

But naw, actually we went with something else for the loss of dignity :)
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 19:17, Sat 25 Nov 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 117 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 09:04
  • msg #240


Hmm, wasn't expecting them to get teleported.  Might need a change of plans; since Shotguns is already in melee with Maya, maybe it would be best for her to take her turn first and bring that sword to bear.  You still have +1 to melee from last round's Combined Arms, right?

Don't want to get into melee with that Superheavy Demolition Hammer.

Also, could we get a different color to represent invisibility?  That gray is the same as the hex lines, it took me a while to see that JG was still on the map.
Rolling Thunder
player, 108 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 13:11
  • msg #241


Agreed for Maya having next go. 2SG also has an unconsumed Lock On on him from Werner

By the by, I make it 1-0 for us on the first round :)

>Hmm, wasn't expecting them to get teleported.

From the description I get the impression their previous positions were sensor-lures/distortions of their actual position?
Maya Vost
player, 84 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17/17 Heat:2/6
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 14:24
  • msg #242


Yeah, effects like Swallowtail's Core Power tend to use out of sequence teleport moves for that sort of thing. Can feel a little unnatural when it's doing things like shifting units out of ongoing melee fights, but when it works well it really makes it hard to trust what's in front of your eyes.
Maya Vost
player, 86 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17/17 Heat:3/6
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 15:01
  • msg #243


Keeping things nice and simple, relatively speaking.

In an idea world I'd have saved the Lock On for the shotgun and maybe rolled a little higher, but given it'd lose +1 Accuracy if the HCB missed anyway I thought it made sense to front-load.
Rolling Thunder
player, 110 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 00:48
  • msg #244


@GM: Would the turret drone activate again against 2SG on Sardine's charged blade hit? (We are in a new round, right?)
player, 43 posts
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 02:29
  • msg #245


It should be 1 per round per turret with no connection to my actions after they are set up.
GM, 110 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 02:33
  • msg #246


According to Comp/Con, the drones are one use only and require the spending of a reaction to use.
Maya Vost
player, 87 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17/17 Heat:3/6
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 05:08
  • msg #247


Hey RT, is there some way you're targeting both the hostile frames without hitting me?

Not complaining if that's what you want to do, but I'm not seeing how else they're both within a one-space radius other than if you're throwing the payload straight at me.
Werner Steinn
player, 118 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 08:57
  • msg #248


Looks like he's targeting his missiles at the invisible guy and the hammer guy; Shotgun guy gets a pass this turn.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:00, Mon 27 Nov 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 88 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17/17 Heat:3/6
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 09:02
  • msg #249


Ah, well spotted. I guess that's tunnel vision on my part.

Guess I'm just looking for excuses to think the worst of you, RT :)
Werner Steinn
player, 119 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 09:29
  • msg #250


In reply to GM (msg # 246):

Expend a charge to deploy a turret drone that attaches to any object or surface within Sensors and line of sight. Gain the Turret Attack reaction, which can be taken once for each deployed turret drone. Turret drones cannot be recalled and expire at the end of the scene.

I think this is the relevant quote from COMP/CON.  I'm certain that the text is referring to the fact that each Deployed Turret Drone can be fired once per round by using a separate Reaction.  One Reaction per Turret in the field, but each deployed turret able to make a Reaction shot once per round.

Technically it is using Sunder's Reaction to fire the Turret on another player's turn.  The line in the drone description is just clarifying that it doesn't fire every deployed Turret Drone at once; just one drone per Reaction.
player, 44 posts
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 13:36
  • msg #251


Do we have a limited number of reactions per round, or per event?
GM, 111 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 13:58
  • msg #252


You get one reaction per turn in the round, but some reactions, including using the turret drone, can only be taken once per round.
Werner Steinn
player, 120 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 14:04
  • msg #253


Well, in Lancer Rounds and Turns are different.  A Turn is any individual character's action during the Round.  RT just took his Turn during the second Round.  It's a bit semantic if you aren't accustomed to it.

I say that because the explanation pertains directly to your number of Reactions per Round.  Every character gets one reaction per Turn; but there are as many turns in any given Round as there are participants in the combat.  So you could take a Reaction during the Shotgun mech's turn, then another during Maya's Turn, then again during RT's turn and so on.  The limit is what Reaction Abilities you have available.

For instance, everyone can Brace as a Reaction when they take damage.  But the Brace Reaction, like most Reactions can only be performed once per Round.  You can still take more Reactions, but they would have to be something other than Brace.  You have to look at the specific Reaction to see how often it can be used per any given Round, but usually it's 1/Round.

Now, for example, let's assume Sunder deployed all three of her Turret drones, had a Goblin Autopod gun equipped, and took two hits all in the same Round, while each of her three allies scored a hit against an enemy and one of them consumed a Lock On to do it.  When the first ally hit, you could use your Turret Reaction to attack with a single one of your deployed Turret Drones.  Then Sunder took a hit for damage and Braced (second Reaction) to resist the damage.  Now your second ally scored a hit which allowed you to do another Turret  Reaction.  Then Sunder took a second hit; she's already Braced so she can't use the Brace reaction again this Round thus taking full damage.  Now her Third ally hit but this one consumed a Lock On to do it.  This triggers two different possible Reactions: You can either use the trigger from your Autopod gun to do a shot of your own because the ally consumed a Lock On; or use your Turret Reaction to shoot with your third Turret Drone.

Even though two possible Reactions were triggered in that last turn, you have to pick one or the other.  The exception to this is the Horus Gorgon, which is all about taking Reactions and can do multiple in a single turn; but Horus is all about breaking the rules so don't pay attention unless you actually want to pilot a Gorgon.

Sorry, didn't intend to get so long-winded.  Hope that cleared things up for you!
Werner Steinn
player, 121 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 14:06
  • msg #254


What the GM said
Rolling Thunder
player, 111 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 14:21
  • msg #255


Werner Steinn:
Looks like he's targeting his missiles at the invisible guy and the hammer guy; Shotgun guy gets a pass this turn.

Yeah, he was hoping to take out Demolition-Hammer before he had a chance to act, but no cigar :(

You get one reaction per turn in the round, but some reactions, including using the turret drone, can only be taken once per round.

So, in conclusion, it is 3 more damage on 2SG then?
player, 45 posts
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 14:26
  • msg #256


That is what I thought, each turret fires once per round, each on a different turn.  I hadn't considered the overlap with brace but sure it could play out something like that.
Maya Vost
player, 90 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:1/6 Stress: 3
Tue 28 Nov 2023
at 02:34
  • msg #257


I think I got quite lucky there really. Two times out of three that result would've seen me taking double damage for the time being, which doesn't sound very fun with the hammer yet to fall.
Maya Vost
player, 91 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:1/6 Stress: 3
Tue 28 Nov 2023
at 23:34
  • msg #258


Huh. I guess I must've messed up when I updated my character sheet*, but I've got Hull 2/Agility 1 so I should have Evasion 9 rather than the 8 that's on my sheet, making that attack a miss. That's totally my bad.

At one point I'd been planning to go Hull 3 but I changed my mind about that. It's why I've got 17 health in my bio rather than 19.

*And you can check the edit date to see I'm not trying to pull a fast one on you.

That said, I don't actually mind taking the hit if you're not overly keen about rolling back a "gotcha!" moment like that. I'm totally okay with Maya getting put in her place a bit.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:40, Tue 28 Nov 2023.
GM, 114 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 28 Nov 2023
at 23:58
  • msg #259


The -3d6 was from the difficulty on the attack, and the result was 2, 2, and 1, with the roll before that being a 13, so it would have hit. I can reroll the attack with that as a seperate roll if you want, though, because I don't want it to seem like I'm cheating with the roll.
Maya Vost
player, 92 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:1/6 Stress: 3
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 00:06
  • msg #260


Oh, I totally misunderstood what was in the post as the final result (as an 8 would've hit on Everest's base Evasion). Sorry.

Absolutely no problem. Like I said, I've got no issue with taking the hit; no need to reroll.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:07, Wed 29 Nov 2023.
Rolling Thunder
player, 113 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 00:49
  • msg #261


For next round, if RT goes first he can grav-pull Skeleton Key out of combat, give her a chance to get her bearings back?
Rolling Thunder
player, 114 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 01:09
  • msg #262


Could Maya Brace?
Maya Vost
player, 94 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 7 Heat:1/6 Stress: 3
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 01:15
  • msg #263


It's a nice idea but I don't think there's much point to pulling me out of combat. I'm stunned until the end of my next turn, so there's nothing stopping the enemy from just walking back up to me to take another swing.

I'm fairly sure I can't Brace. The hammer forces a check on hit but you use Brace after damage had been rolled, so the failed Hull check should preclude taking the reaction.
Rolling Thunder
player, 115 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 01:20
  • msg #264


Maya Vost:
so there's nothing stopping the enemy from just walking back up to me to take another swing.

Well, there'll be at least one 'thing' :)
Werner Steinn
player, 123 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 11:12
  • msg #265


That shot should put down the shotgun mech.  Something like 20 damage he's taken so far.  Fingers crossed that our  invisible friend doesn't dodge my other shots, but even if he does that's still 4 Reliable damage.

I kept trying to think of something to interrupt the hammer bro, but nothing I could do this round would have stopped him from having his turn next round.  Decided to go for a Hail Mary shot at the invisible bug.
Maya Vost
player, 95 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 7 Heat:1/6 Stress: 3
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 12:52
  • msg #266


Something I wanted to check: am I stunlocked so long as the hammer frame is able to keep on landing hits on me (against Evasion 5) given that I automatically fail Hull saves while stunned?
GM, 115 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 13:17
  • msg #267


Yeah, I think so. On the bright side, he has 3 difficulty on his attacks, so even with evasion 5, you still have some chance that he will miss.
Maya Vost
player, 96 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 7 Heat:1/6 Stress: 3
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 13:23
  • msg #268


Makes sense as a way to punish this kind of (somewhat) unsupported deep engage. It's a hostile frame type that you can't just outlast in the 1v1, so you need backup in case this sort thing happens to you and you're stuck taking a nap.
Werner Steinn
player, 124 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 14:01
  • msg #269


The Stun lasts until the end of your next turn.  If the Hammer Bro attacks you while still stunned (you haven't taken a turn yet) then both stuns would clear after you did take your turn.  You wouldn't get an action, but it would have to hit your full Evade next.
Maya Vost
player, 97 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 7 Heat:1/6 Stress: 3
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 14:05
  • msg #270


Very good point!
Maya Vost
player, 98 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 7 Heat:1/6 Stress: 3
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 16:42
  • msg #271


The shotgun mech is struck by the anti-material shell. Unfortunately for it, it's made of material.

Okay, that got a laugh out of me.
Werner Steinn
player, 125 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 30 Nov 2023
at 03:06
  • msg #272


I'm fine with your rolling saves on my behalf.  Anything that speeds up gameplay; it isn't as though the dice react differently if I rolled them.

One thing though...on my turn I flew to height 2 and moved to the hex above Rolling Thunder.
GM, 118 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 30 Nov 2023
at 03:23
  • msg #273


Oh damn, I missed that completely. I’ll get that fixed.

I'll put it between you, RT, and Sunder. It's move combined with its jump would get it there, and it has reach 2, so it should still be able to hit you.

RT, I saw that you had taken your turn - feel free to edit your actions according to the new situation.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:32, Thu 30 Nov 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 126 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 30 Nov 2023
at 05:48
  • msg #274


Wow, this guy is fast.  I'm not engaged though, right?  Since I'm at height 2.  This is important because I'll need to know if I can fire my Ordnance RPG when my turn comes around.
GM, 119 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 30 Nov 2023
at 12:06
  • msg #275


No, the two of you aren’t engaged with each other. He is engaged with sunder and RT, though.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:07, Thu 30 Nov 2023.
Rolling Thunder
player, 117 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 30 Nov 2023
at 23:47
  • msg #276


In reply to GM (msg # 273):

RT'll live his life to the fullest: he'll go with his actions as written and try to tank the Overwatch from Heated Blade :)

EDIT: By the by, I make it 3-0 in our favor at the end of Round 2. Winning on points at least
This message was last edited by the player at 00:01, Fri 01 Dec 2023.
GM, 121 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 00:29
  • msg #277


The next turn is posted, HB is saving its reaction for now.
Rolling Thunder
player, 118 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 01:22
  • msg #278


20:21, Today: GM rolled 2 using 1d2.  Invisibility.

17:34, Today: GM rolled 19 using 1d20+2.  Predatory Logic vs. Fossil.

20:10, Today: GM rolled 18 using 1d20+1.  Fossil shooting Sunder.

<Orange>20:16, Today: GM rolled 20 using 1d20+1+1d6.  Blind vs. Fossil.

Man those rolls...
GM, 122 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 02:27
  • msg #279


Yeah, the jump generator ace got lucky. If I hadn't got the invisibility roll off there, you would have smoked him.

SB got lucky too - and is a lot scarier than I thought it would be. A lot of its tech stuff is on recharge now though, so the group should catch a break. For now.
Werner Steinn
player, 127 posts
Call Sign: Fossil
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 03:27
  • msg #280


Well, you're not friends until you've shot each other.  Sorry Sunder!

Blind eh?  I can manage that.  Actually narrows down my turn for me.  Let's get creative!
This message was last edited by the player at 04:21, Fri 01 Dec 2023.
GM, 123 posts
Because giant robots.
Sat 2 Dec 2023
at 00:21
  • msg #281


Sunder, I think you have already acted this round when you hit the hammer mech with the Puppet System and the Eject Power Cores.
player, 49 posts
Sat 2 Dec 2023
at 01:45
  • msg #282


It is difficult to tell when one turn ends and the next begins when there is so much back and forth.
Werner Steinn
player, 129 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 2 Dec 2023
at 21:42
  • msg #283


It was a good turn though!
Rolling Thunder
player, 120 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 3 Dec 2023
at 00:18
  • msg #284

Re: OOC - TURN 3

We could change the subject at the top of the post to indicate the turn? (Like I did with this post for example)
This message was last edited by the player at 00:19, Sun 03 Dec 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 101 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 7 Heat:1/6 Stress: 3
Sun 3 Dec 2023
at 23:36
  • msg #285


If there's any better indication that marking turns was necessary it's that I went the whole day without realising I was the only player yet to act XD
This message was last updated by the player at 23:36, Sun 03 Dec 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 130 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 3 Dec 2023
at 23:52
  • msg #286


Here I thought you were just reluctant to do an 'I'm Stunned' Turn.
Maya Vost
player, 102 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 7 Heat:1/6 Stress: 3
Sun 3 Dec 2023
at 23:55
  • msg #287


Or maybe I was being too method and playing the part by doing nothing!
Rolling Thunder
player, 122 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 4 Dec 2023
at 00:54
  • msg #288


5-0 in our favour at the end of round 3 :)

P.S. Wasn't clear, but the displaced dirt was just supposed to be an indication of the grav-wave punching its way towards the target
Maya Vost
player, 103 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 7 Heat:1/6 Stress: 3
Mon 4 Dec 2023
at 01:14
  • msg #289


Quick question: what's a ram cannon?
Werner Steinn
player, 131 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 4 Dec 2023
at 01:23
  • msg #290


It's a Heavy Cannon with Range 5 that can also be used as a Threat 2 melee weapon.  I think it also has bonus accuracy.
Rolling Thunder
player, 123 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 4 Dec 2023
at 01:27
  • msg #291


 From the description I think DH should be in engagement range with RT (i.e. 1 space to the west of where it is represented now?)
GM, 126 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 4 Dec 2023
at 02:01
  • msg #292


Updated the map, thank you for letting me know about that.
Werner Steinn
player, 132 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 4 Dec 2023
at 08:39
  • msg #293


Start of Round 4...was it our turn or the enemy turn?
Maya Vost
player, 104 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 7 Heat:1/6 Stress: 3
Mon 4 Dec 2023
at 08:42
  • msg #294


Not 100% sure, but given there hasn't been a definite enemy turn since mine I'd assume it's theirs until informed otherwise.
Werner Steinn
player, 133 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 4 Dec 2023
at 08:54
  • msg #295


I'm wondering whether the new targets dropping in might have counted as the first enemy turn.
GM, 127 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 4 Dec 2023
at 12:22
  • msg #296


I’ve been running the enemy reinforcements as independent of the turn order, and just happening at the start of the round before anyone acts. You guys still get the first turn.
Werner Steinn
player, 134 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 4 Dec 2023
at 18:39
  • msg #297


So it's up to which of us wants to take the first turn then.  My guns are unloaded at the moment, making me happy to let others have the initiative.
Maya Vost
player, 105 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 7 Heat:1/6 Stress: 3
Mon 4 Dec 2023
at 18:45
  • msg #298


I'm very happy to wait until after RT if he'd like a crack at finishing off DH, but if he'd rather be freed up to do something else I could try and finish it off instead.
Werner Steinn
player, 135 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 4 Dec 2023
at 18:57
  • msg #299


Sunder's Puppet System would force DH to take Overwatch shots from both Maya and RT.  Might be a slick way to knock him out if everyone is willing.
player, 50 posts
Mon 4 Dec 2023
at 20:15
  • msg #300


That was the goal, I just didn't realize we still had more of the previous turn to go before the new turn started.
Werner Steinn
player, 136 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 4 Dec 2023
at 21:23
  • msg #301


Well, it's a new Round now.  Everyone has a Turn coming again.
Rolling Thunder
player, 125 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 5 Dec 2023
at 00:27
  • msg #302


RT has plenty of potential targets in range, so if DH hasn't acted yet I suggest Maya take a crack at him first?  (With the amount of damage we've piled on him, I'm thinking he's got heavy armor on and Maya + Werner are our only AP at the moment (Miss my Panabas...))

If DH has already acted, RT will say something like "I can take care of him".

Up to her what she does with that information :)
This message was last edited by the player at 00:28, Tue 05 Dec 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 137 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 5 Dec 2023
at 02:18
  • msg #303


DH is also able to brace to gain Resistance to a hit; which is what it did when you struck it with your Heavy Machine Gun.  We'll have to either hit it very hard or hit it multiple times to finish it; it can't brace against the second shot.

Also, does the enemy AM Rifle not have the Ordnance tag like mine?  I hope it's at least Loading so he can't keep making a shot every round for 10 damage.
GM, 129 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 5 Dec 2023
at 02:23
  • msg #304


It does have ordinance, thanks for catching that. I don’t think it would make a difference, as it is range is 25 and it could draw a line to RT, but I will update the post.
Werner Steinn
player, 139 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 5 Dec 2023
at 02:56
  • msg #305


I was hoping that a decent damage roll would finish the guy, but then I only hit for 3 (From 2d6...).  However, I'm seeing that the Hammer Bro has taken about 8 Heat damage now; between my Nuclear Cavalier hits and Sunder's previous Tech Invasions.  If that isn't enough to force him over his cap, it can't possibly take more than another point of Heat.

If Maya or Thunder hit it with anything that does Heat, even just a Fragment Signal Invade, it'll become Exposed.  If it isn't already.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:00, Tue 05 Dec 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 106 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 7 Heat:1/6 Stress: 3
Tue 5 Dec 2023
at 19:38
  • msg #306


Slight misunderstanding there, GM: Prior to this I'd taken a point of Stress (Overheat-related) not Structure (damage-related). Similar but not quite as dire for me as having already lost one of the latter.

I could Brace here and barely cling onto that point of Structure, but with only 2hp left and a single Quick Action on my turn I'm pretty sure I'd be losing it very soon anyway.

19:37, Today: Maya Vost rolled 1 using 1d6.  Structure Damage.

And of course I roll the one-in-six chance of being Stunned again XD

Guess that means you're taking the next turn by default, RT. No particular benefit to me going next.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:49, Tue 05 Dec 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 140 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 6 Dec 2023
at 01:49
  • msg #307


I don't think not moving is an option for me.  Since I'm flying choosing to not move means I fall to the ground; which is movement anyway except I get 6 damage out of the deal.  Unless I'm missing something.

With the Ram Cannon guy, he would have had to move closer to RT and Maya before Boosting through them to do his damage.  Unless he has a Move as high as 12 but I don't think anyone does.  When he Boosted, wouldn't that have triggered Overwatch from Maya?

At least my hit managed to take our hammer problem.  I didn't realize just how close he was to going down for that weak damage roll to finish him.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:23, Wed 06 Dec 2023.
GM, 131 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 6 Dec 2023
at 02:24
  • msg #308


Yes, RC boosting could trigger an Overwatch from her, assuming she wanted to do so.
Rolling Thunder
player, 128 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 6 Dec 2023
at 20:33
  • msg #309


I thought Sunder had Jammed the assassin mech in IC post #207?

And Oh shit: I was convinced Sardine had acted this round for some reason (i.e. that RH and ATM were going to get the drop on us at the beginning of next round).

As that's not the case, what if Sardine double-activates, once at the end of the round,  once at the beginning of the other?
GM, 134 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 6 Dec 2023
at 20:40
  • msg #310


No, the sensor mech was the one who got jammed as part of the Eject Power Cores invade, and Sardine double activating here is totally fine.
Maya Vost
player, 108 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:1/6
Wed 6 Dec 2023
at 21:33
  • msg #311


So help me out here: am I just doing another Stunned! turn, or am I in a position where I might be taking two immediately consecutive turns (?)
Rolling Thunder
player, 129 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 6 Dec 2023
at 21:43
  • msg #312


One Stunned at the end of the round and either activate again on top of the round OR…

On the other hand, I think RT might have convinced RC to concentrate on him next round (?), so if Thunder activates first next round he could Disadvantage both of them, leaving the field open for a surprise return from Sardine on our second activation?

Just a thought. Up to you Maya which version you prefer (double or RT first) :)
Maya Vost
player, 109 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:1/6
Wed 6 Dec 2023
at 21:50
  • msg #313


Well I was partly asking/checking whether there's any hostiles left to act after my turn, although I realise I could've expressed that much more clearly than I did.

I'm totally okay with letting you act first if you'd like. Feels a bit weird narratively to go Stunned -> not Stunned without some kind of break in between (even if there's an in-universe passage of time).
Rolling Thunder
player, 130 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 6 Dec 2023
at 21:56
  • msg #314


I think there’s just the Sensor mech to go after you, and he’s Jammed (Hence the GM go-ahead us my understanding)

(Oh, and I’m in transit in case you guys are wondering :) )
player, 52 posts
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 00:14
  • msg #315


I hadn't noticed before on account of the tiny text but why does the turret drone say 'spent' next to it?
GM, 136 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 00:59
  • msg #316


I put that there when I thought it was a one-use-only, and I forgot to remove it. That is my bad, I'll remove it.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:00, Thu 07 Dec 2023.
player, 53 posts
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 01:31
  • msg #317


Ahh, I was fairly sure it was one use per round, per turret, with only one usable for each triggering instance.
Rolling Thunder
player, 132 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 01:41
  • msg #318


Post updated with RTs rolls
Werner Steinn
player, 141 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 04:30
  • msg #319


SB should still have a Turn coming at the end of Round 4.  Being Jammed means no Tech attacks or weapon attacks, but the thing can still move, Boost, Ram, Grapple, or Improvise Attack if it wanted to.

Saw the picture for Rainmaker; did much to correct the image I had pictured for him.  I kept thinking of him in something similar to a Battletech Catapult
This message was last edited by the player at 04:37, Thu 07 Dec 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 142 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 13:18
  • msg #320


At this point, I think the baddies are more interested in inflicting as much damage to our machines as possible than they are in stopping our virus upload.  Last round puts the score at 6 to 1; with only 2 rounds left on the timer.  End of Round 6, wasn't it?

Going to wait on RT's save result before taking an action.  RPG really needs to know exactly where everyone is positioned!

Edit:  By the way, HB still has a Lock On if someone wants to take that shot.  If Sardine was to go adjacent to Sunder, she'd even benefit from Sunder's Spotter Talent.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:21, Thu 07 Dec 2023.
player, 54 posts
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 13:43
  • msg #321


And my auto turret, that triggers if you use a lockon even in close combat
Werner Steinn
player, 143 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 15:01
  • msg #322


Oh, you equipped the Goblin Autopod?  I'm going to have to keep that in mind.

One thing to note about the map: It still shows me floating at height 6 instead of being landed on the building at height 8.  Must have gotten mixed up with all the variables going around.
player, 55 posts
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 15:06
  • msg #323


The action economy is kinda rough, way more things to do than time to do them in.  I figured the auto cannon and or turrets might help with that, but even deploying or triggering them is its own kind of tricky.
Werner Steinn
player, 144 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 15:11
  • msg #324


We just have to keep them in mind when RT, Maya and I perform our turns.  Since we'd be the ones triggering your Reaction shots.  I'll try to call them out during my combat posts if I think I triggered one, but I don't think anyone would mind your interjecting an Out-of-Turn post to fire off one of your Reaction shots.  That's what Reactions are all about.

Also, keep in mind you can always Overcharge if you need an extra quick action in a given Round.  The first two times you Overcharge aren't that Harsh of a drawback.  Overcharging would let you do 3 Invasions, or drop an extra Lock On in order to prime your Autopod.
Maya Vost
player, 111 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:1/6
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 15:14
  • msg #325


Werner Steinn:
The first two times you Overcharge aren't that Harsh of a drawback.

/laughs in taking Stress on a turn I started with 3 Heat XD
Werner Steinn
player, 145 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 15:20
  • msg #326


Well, we can't all be Nuclear Cavaliers.
GM, 138 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 15:56
  • msg #327


In reply to Werner Steinn (msg # 322):

Fixed it, thank you for catching that.
Rolling Thunder
player, 133 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 17:33
  • msg #328


IC post #215 updated with the grav pull

Save coming up!
Werner Steinn
player, 146 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 17:54
  • msg #329


Well, if RT made his save guess I'll wait a bit more for my Turn.  Nobody is in a good position to RPG, and I don't want to put a rocket up RT's backside.  Go ahead Maya.
Maya Vost
player, 112 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:1/6
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 18:01
  • msg #330


I'm very open to suggestions of what to do with my turn.
Werner Steinn
player, 147 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 18:09
  • msg #331


I figure that between the Lock On we have on HB, mixed with Sunder's Spotter Talent (Allowing you to roll the attack twice and take the better when you are adjacent to her and consume said Lock On) and Autopod dealing 3 damage upon the Lock On being consumed you can probably tear that ninja-mech apart.  He's already taken 5 points of damage too.
Rolling Thunder
player, 135 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 18:18
  • msg #332


Well, greatest threat on the board seems to be AMR IMHO (no offense to RC), *and* he hasn't acted yet.

Low-hanging fruit would be HB, which is closer, while RT does his best tank impression over in the corner :)

In any event, I suggest we direct every damage-dealing attack we do vs whichever target Maya chooses, take them out as quick as we can?
Werner Steinn
player, 148 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 21:46
  • msg #333


HB is more dangerous than the dice have allowed him.  Luckily for us his knock prone move has kept failing.

I'm looking to use my own AM Rifle against their AMR come my turn, but I don't think I would be able to one-shot him on 2d6 and he's out of range for my Assault Rifle.  I think we have better odds of knocking HB out right now, before he gets another turn.
Maya Vost
player, 113 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:1/6
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 21:49
  • msg #334


Got a post underway atm. Personally I'm not too concerned about AMR for the simple reason that they're (presumably) all but disarmed until after a reload.
Maya Vost
player, 115 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:3/6
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 23:01
  • msg #335


Oh. Uh ... I guess I must've missed when they reloaded.
GM, 140 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 23:15
  • msg #336


They reloaded as a reaction to Fossil moving last round.
Rolling Thunder
player, 136 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 8 Dec 2023
at 02:00
  • msg #337


18:34, Today: GM rolled 6,4 using 1d20+2,1d6.  AMR firing at RT. Total of 10.

Does this include the -1d6 for Shield of Blades? If not I think that might be a miss?
GM, 141 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 8 Dec 2023
at 03:14
  • msg #338


No, it does not, thank you for catching that.
Rolling Thunder
player, 138 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 8 Dec 2023
at 04:24
  • msg #339



Updated RT's last port to reflect that
Werner Steinn
player, 149 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 8 Dec 2023
at 06:53
  • msg #340


Quick Tech: Invade (Puppet System) vs AMR
Move: Finish climbing as far up the building as possible then move off the edge

I got a laugh out of this one.  Very amusing image of the sniper in his mech pounding on the controls as it leapt from the top of the building.  Falling from Height 6 should deal 6 AP damage to him; nice move.

I was halfway into my combat post though, guess I'll just have to rethink my turn and reroll my dice after the next enemy action.
Rolling Thunder
player, 139 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 8 Dec 2023
at 14:51
  • msg #341


Nice! Very Looney Toons :)

I'm not seeing Sunder's moves below her post for some reason? Are they privated or something?
Werner Steinn
player, 150 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 8 Dec 2023
at 16:35
  • msg #342


Do I have line of sight on SB with my Anti-Material Rifle?  Or even RC for that matter.  Don't know how much being at height 8 helps here.
Rolling Thunder
player, 141 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 8 Dec 2023
at 20:27
  • msg #343


I'm thinking you likely have line of sight to SB, but not to RC?

Werner Steinn
player, 151 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 8 Dec 2023
at 20:53
  • msg #344


That's a useful visual.  Think I'll take a shot at SB; thanks RT.
Werner Steinn
player, 153 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 8 Dec 2023
at 21:34
  • msg #345


That Fragment Signal should keep RC from being able to use any of his fancy movement abilities on his next turn; not to mention +1 Difficulty to everything.  Hope it helps!
Rolling Thunder
player, 149 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 10 Dec 2023
at 13:11
  • msg #346


Rolling Thunder:
OOC: Since Sunder moved us to the dropship, I'm going to suggest we're in some kind bay, sitting mechs strapped down for transit or the like?

That sort of assumes we'll be spending some time in the dropship (5 to 10 minutes, say), which is not that clear-cut from GM's initial description. If not, we can move this scene back to the "waiting for orders/waiting for the dropship" period if that fits better?
Werner Steinn
player, 155 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 10 Dec 2023
at 13:28
  • msg #347


I thought this was all happening inside the drop ship.  GM said that it was only a few moments after the fighting stopped that we were contacted and picked up via drop ship.

The Rest and Repair takes place in the drop ship during the flight to our next LZ.  A Rest long enough to perform Repairs require at least an hour.  So we would  have to be in transit for at least a full hour.
Rolling Thunder
player, 150 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 10 Dec 2023
at 13:37
  • msg #348


Excellent. Thanks Werner, that makes things simpler :)

EDIT = I'll do a little backtracking from when they entered the craft then

@GM: By the by, I've been perusing the rules, thinking about RT's next LL

2 rules-clarification from that if possible:

1. If you have double Assault Cannons from Drake I, do you need two quick actions to spin them, or can you spin them both with the same Quick action? (The later makes more sense to me physically, but there you have it)

2. For the Monarch Sharanga Missiles, it says "This weapon can attack two targets at a time". Can it also attack the same target twice? Again, I don't see why it physically couldn't, but not clear from the text...
This message was last edited by the player at 13:38, Sun 10 Dec 2023.
GM, 147 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 10 Dec 2023
at 14:56
  • msg #349


I'm going to rule that you would need to spin up the assault cannons separately, and you can can't attack the same target twice with the missiles.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:12, Sun 10 Dec 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 120 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Sun 10 Dec 2023
at 15:47
  • msg #350


Should RT and I be doing this in the dedicated RP thread or do you think it's okay to continue it in the main?

Also I'm not trying to be the fun police here but I'm 99% sure Sharanga Missiles can't target the same thing twice. That certainly seems to be the standard opinion on the Discord server, and if you look through the NPC stat blocks their weapons tend to say things like "This weapon can make two attacks at once, targeting either the same character or different ones" rather than using the Sharanga's wording.
GM, 148 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 10 Dec 2023
at 17:11
  • msg #351


Feel free to continue the RP in either thread - I don't have a preference either way.

As for the missiles, I think I'm starting to agree with you on that. I will change the ruling on the missiles so that they can't target the same thing twice.
Maya Vost
player, 122 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Sun 10 Dec 2023
at 17:42
  • msg #352


Probably gonna stick with the main thread (as we're in a public space rn) until someone requests otherwise, a separate parallel conversation starts up or we move elsewhere.
Maya Vost
player, 124 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Sun 10 Dec 2023
at 22:12
  • msg #353


Changed my mind. Feels like posting in the other thread leaves the floor more open if someone else wants to do/start something else than if myself and RT are front and centre in the main.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:23, Sun 10 Dec 2023.
GM, 149 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 10 Dec 2023
at 22:41
  • msg #354


If you guys are doing that, I may move on to the next phase of the adventure. Does the group have any objections to this?
Werner Steinn
player, 157 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 10 Dec 2023
at 23:10
  • msg #355


Absolutely correct about the Sharanga Missiles.  The weapon system is short and to the point in it's description, "...can attack two targets at a time."  If it wanted you to be able to hit a single target twice, it would be an Auxiliary mount and you'd have two of them.  I researched them for a bit when I was considering what Fossil's main weapon would be, but decided that I didn't want to deal with splitting my Bonus Damage in half.

That said, I'm fine moving ahead to the next phase.  Like Maya said, most of the RP for the scene can be handled in the separate thread.
Rolling Thunder
player, 154 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 11 Dec 2023
at 18:57
  • msg #356


Quick GM Build question: RT has a Reserve in reserve right now. :)

      Could he use it to gain the Rented Gear Reserve on our *next* Mission (at LL2) and pick the Ferrous Lash? So he can get access to the Drake frame AND keep the grav-arm at the same time, at least for that LL?

(Say maybe Mallone from the bar has some hitherto-unforeseen connections with SSC/Union suppliers? Something else?)
GM, 150 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 11 Dec 2023
at 21:05
  • msg #357


Yeah, I think you are good to do that.

On a side note, my posts in the next few days might be spottier than usual - there was a small fire on the power lines outside my home, so the power may go out of our generator has to stop.
Maya Vost
player, 127 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Mon 11 Dec 2023
at 21:38
  • msg #358


Oof, that's unfortunate. Thanks for the heads-up.
Rolling Thunder
player, 157 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 12 Dec 2023
at 02:29
  • msg #359


Yeah, that's when we find out just how much of our lives depend on steady electricity. Shocking really

Hope it's not too cold in your part of the world
Rolling Thunder
player, 158 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 12 Dec 2023
at 14:44
  • msg #360


Good news on the Reserve thing (although now I'm a bit disappointed I don't *have* to choose between the two :) )

Re the next battle, what's our win condition? i.e. how do we disable the sub? (Or is finding that out part of the fun?)
GM, 152 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 12 Dec 2023
at 17:36
  • msg #361


Basically, at the end of the 8th round, if there are more PCs than enemies in the enemy deployment zone, you will win the encounter. Elite enemies count as 2 enemies, and drones cannot hold objectives. If the group holds the objective by the end of the combat, the submarine will be prevented from diving long enough for the ambassador and captain to be secured.
player, 58 posts
Tue 12 Dec 2023
at 17:59
  • msg #362


I assume this is a combination of don't break the submarine, and don't bother shooting it with small arms?

Is there a higher resolution version of the map we can get a link to?  The RPOL uploaded one blurs out quickly when you make it big enough to read.
Maya Vost
player, 129 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Tue 12 Dec 2023
at 18:21
  • msg #363


Not sure how useful it is to you as a stopgap fix but there's a higher res version right at the start of this video:
GM, 153 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 12 Dec 2023
at 19:01
  • msg #364


I updated the map, so it should be a little bit better, but roll20 is being finicky with its image resolutions.

In case it still isn't working for you, the numbers over the terrain on the map are for the height of the objects, and the text on the ramps to the sub just say that they are ramps and allow you to get over the water unimpeded.
Werner Steinn
player, 158 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 12 Dec 2023
at 23:50
  • msg #365


Sounds like we need some strategy here.  This big of a map means we'll have trouble maneuvering and redeploying.  I have my own wings so going up the middle is fine by me, but did you still have those Jump Jets Thunder?  I don't think the Ferrous Lash can be used to move yourself.

On a similar note though, we don't have to get into the enemy deployment zone right away.  We just need to be inside at the end of Round 8; before then what's important is thinning out the enemy numbers and targeting their Elites.  Speaking of which, can we tell who is an enemy Elite or would that require a Scan?
GM, 156 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 13 Dec 2023
at 00:45
  • msg #366


I'd be willing to Rule of Cool ferrous lash being able to target yourself.

Determining who an elite is would require a scan.
Rolling Thunder
player, 161 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 13 Dec 2023
at 00:59
  • msg #367


I do still have the jump jets. Me and Maya can jump-jet over and we can sling Sunder over as needed

It feels a bit game-y to *not* go for the sub right away though?

I guess that's because it's not clear exactly what, IC, we're doing to stop it? Might I suggest changing the victory conditions to something similar to last battle? Occupying the "bridge" and stopping them from doing what they need to do to leave seems to fit the context of the battle better?

OR we could say that something is preventing the ship from leaving for those 8 rounds, something the squad knows about and can therefore take advantage of? Virus from Sunder? LSA/Union Navy action from the rear (mines?) which it has to defeat/clear before it can safely leave? Damaged engine/flotation from a kamikazee LSA civilian boat which it has to repair? Giant sea gates that are slowly opening? Something else?
GM, 157 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 13 Dec 2023
at 01:17
  • msg #368


I figure that whatever preparations are needed for the sub to dive are what is keeping it in place for the combat, or that they figure they can't leave safely while the group is present.
Werner Steinn
player, 159 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 13 Dec 2023
at 01:31
  • msg #369


I'm fine with the objective as-is; we just need to prioritize taking out enemy mechs.  Getting to the sub itself isn't important until we're a lot of rounds into the battle.
Rolling Thunder
player, 162 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 13 Dec 2023
at 02:39
  • msg #370


Yes, exactly. But that makes no story-sense, and that's a big problem for immersion (for my immersion at least, YMMV).

I figure that whatever preparations are needed for the sub to dive are what is keeping it in place for the combat, or that they figure they can't leave safely while the group is present.

Alright that works. So we can have scans (by Sunder? The dropship?) showing the engines are heating back up, but slowly (say they were damaged earlier in the fight?). They'll be back to operating parameters in say 4 minutes/8 rounds.

Now why can't we just blow up the bridge and have done with it? Are Bannerjee and the captain ON the bridge maybe? That would be a good use of hostages there.

So our objective could actually be to hold the mechs *away* from the bridge while a group of conventional forces storms the bridge. Then, when they've succeeded on round seven, we need to rush in and extract them + the hostages (which we can't do successfully if we're outnumbered in the enemy deployment zone, hence the victory condition)... Would that work?
This message was last edited by the player at 02:45, Wed 13 Dec 2023.
player, 60 posts
Wed 13 Dec 2023
at 02:40
  • msg #371


If we got there in time to see humans walking into the sub, and it still has doors big enough for mechs to walk out open we can be sure it will take more than one minute to prep for a successful launch, I presume a 'round' in Lancer is something like 10-15 seconds long at most?

That said we can fight in reverse too, so getting into weapons range leaves us with more room to maneuver.
Werner Steinn
player, 160 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 13 Dec 2023
at 03:49
  • msg #372


Like many things in Lancer, the length of time that a Round takes to complete is narrative.  So it could be ten seconds or ten minutes, depending on what makes most sense for the scene; it isn't standardized.

On to the combat map though, I see FT is taking cover behind what appear to be large red barrels.  Can we get more info on what those are?  My mind sees large red barrels as explosive fuel canisters and if that's the case I expect its something we can take advantage of.
GM, 158 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 13 Dec 2023
at 12:56
  • msg #373


The module isn't super clear on what terrain is what, only describing it as "a mix of shipping containers and deployed barriers." I figure it's some kind of liquid storage, but I don't think it's explosive - if it were, it would be specifically called out in the scenario (if you are looking for things to blow up, the next combat will have you covered).

Rolling Thunder:
Now why can't we just blow up the bridge and have done with it? Are Bannerjee and the captain ON the bridge maybe? That would be a good use of hostages there.

I'd think it would be that and a combination of not wanting to risk sinking the ship the hostages are on.
Maya Vost
player, 131 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Wed 13 Dec 2023
at 15:55
  • msg #374


It only just struck me that I totally forgot to roll Custom Paint Job to avoid Structure Damage in the last mission. Probably wouldn't have mattered, but that's certainly something I won't want to forget a second time.
Rolling Thunder
player, 164 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 13 Dec 2023
at 17:20
  • msg #375


Off to the field again for a week (end of the year close-up)

Slower posting from here on out

RE Paint job: On the bright side, at least that means you still have it for *this* battle?
This message was last edited by the player at 17:22, Wed 13 Dec 2023.
GM, 160 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 13 Dec 2023
at 19:15
  • msg #376


Ok, thanks for the heads up.
Werner Steinn
player, 162 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 13 Dec 2023
at 22:16
  • msg #377


I think there was a mix-up in that last post.  On the map it looks like GL never moved, but FT did.

Also, 3 Armor on FT and Resistance to attacks outside of Range 3 will make FT a Hard Nut.  Probably susceptible to Hacking though.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:18, Wed 13 Dec 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 133 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Wed 13 Dec 2023
at 22:31
  • msg #378


Werner Steinn:
Also, 3 Armor on FT and Resistance to attacks outside of Range 3 will make FT a Hard Nut.  Probably susceptible to Hacking though.

CQB loadout w/Heavy Charged Blade could probably do some work too if my damage rolls can avoid being ass again ... and I actually get to make some rolls this time.
GM, 161 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 13 Dec 2023
at 22:57
  • msg #379


In reply to Werner Steinn (msg # 377):

Fixed the positioning on the enemies, I apologize for the mistake.
Werner Steinn
player, 163 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 14 Dec 2023
at 01:02
  • msg #380


Well, at least our environment is target-rich.  So far we know that at least GL and FT are Elites too.  GL from taking Two turns during the last Round, and the scan on FT revealed 2 Structure and Stress.  This is going to be a messy fight.
Werner Steinn
player, 164 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 14 Dec 2023
at 04:05
  • msg #381


Rolling Thunder:
"I can try tossing Firebug into the drink, see how he likes that?" he proposed. He wouldn't drown or anything, but most jump systems weren't designed to be filled with a million tons of water.

This raises a good point.  Exactly what hazard does the ocean water present in this scenario?  Between RT's Ferrous Lash and Sunder's Puppet System dropping enemies into the ocean might be a workable strategy.  Or even simple knockback.  I know that being under water without a proper EVA or flight system causes you to be Slowed, but how deep is it?  Would dropping them in cause Fall Damage, or prevent them from easily climbing back onto the dock?
GM, 163 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 14 Dec 2023
at 14:27
  • msg #382


If a character falls into the water, they count as being knocked prone, unless they have some kind of propulsion or flight system (like an EVA module). Falling in from the pier wouldn’t cause fall damage, but if someone fell off from the submarine, they would take fall damage, as it is Height 3.
Werner Steinn
player, 166 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 14 Dec 2023
at 23:56
  • msg #383


Happy to nip out sniper problem in the bud.  That P mech seems like trouble now; RT is Jammed and Impaired?  I'm betting that any mech who moves as fast as P will have a high evade; does anyone have a smart weapon to target E-Defense?
Rolling Thunder
player, 167 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 15 Dec 2023
at 00:38
  • msg #384


Does the Ferrous Lash count as an attack for the purpose of Jammed?

Else RT could try to grapple P and bring it within 4 of Sardine?

EDIT= No point in him going next in any event :)
This message was last edited by the player at 00:39, Fri 15 Dec 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 167 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 15 Dec 2023
at 00:47
  • msg #385


Anything that forces a save or requires an attack roll counts as an attack.  I'm willing to be proven wrong, but I think Jammed limits you to only Grapple, Ram, or Improvised attack.  Well, there's also Stabilize...hmm.

You could Stabilize to clear your Jammed condition (plus Heat), then use Initiative or Overcharge and take an action after clearing the Jam.  You'd still be Impaired though.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:47, Fri 15 Dec 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 138 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Fri 15 Dec 2023
at 16:34
  • msg #386


Maya Vost:
Werner Steinn:
Also, 3 Armor on FT and Resistance to attacks outside of Range 3 will make FT a Hard Nut.  Probably susceptible to Hacking though.

CQB loadout w/Heavy Charged Blade could probably do some work too if my damage rolls can avoid being ass again ...

And ass they were not!

(Not against that specific target perhaps but give me time)
This message was last edited by the player at 16:35, Fri 15 Dec 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 168 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 15 Dec 2023
at 22:42
  • msg #387


I think you might have just killed that mech twice with those rolls.  Even if he survived (somehow), Sunder's Autopod should trigger off the Lock On for one more wallop.
Rolling Thunder
player, 171 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sat 16 Dec 2023
at 00:46
  • msg #388


In reply to Werner Steinn (msg # 385):

Went with that :)

Looks like it's RT's turn to be punching bag this time

P.S. Still can't see Sunder's actions for some reason?
Werner Steinn
player, 169 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 16 Dec 2023
at 01:48
  • msg #389


I think she prefers to keep the mechanics of her actions in a private line between her and the GM.
Werner Steinn
player, 170 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 17 Dec 2023
at 00:45
  • msg #390


I don't think we have any Player Turns left for Round 2.  Was that the end of the round just now?
Rolling Thunder
player, 174 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 17 Dec 2023
at 01:11
  • msg #391


Was about to ask the same thing
GM, 168 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 17 Dec 2023
at 02:09
  • msg #392


That’s it for player turns, but GL still has their two.
Werner Steinn
player, 172 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 18 Dec 2023
at 03:09
  • msg #393


I'm confident I can take out the Marker Rifle mech on my turn; between my Reliable damage and Sunder's Autopod.  Don't want to risk shooting through the Firebreak shield and wasting my attack, so I might just Fragment Signal on the Flamer mech to follow up.  Does anyone have a plan for the first move otherwise, or should I go ahead?
player, 62 posts
Mon 18 Dec 2023
at 04:26
  • msg #394


I don't know how the orbital bombardment thing works, but if it can land before the end of the turn we might want the people in it's zone to go first, other than that I don't have a preference.
Werner Steinn
player, 173 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 18 Dec 2023
at 04:39
  • msg #395


The bombardment will land at the end of the round; so it's the last thing that will happen after all Players and Enemies have had their turns this round.
player, 63 posts
Mon 18 Dec 2023
at 05:01
  • msg #396


In that case we should have everyone fall back north east, out of or past the blast area, doing grav gun and me last, so we can stuff NPCs that follow to closely into the blast for fun.
Maya Vost
player, 140 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Mon 18 Dec 2023
at 17:58
  • msg #397


You know I'm only now seeing how against the clock we/I are on this one. I'd been planning to go tangle with MR, but having actually measured things up I'm realising that (as someone who hasn't used Core Power and doesn't want to Overdrive) the earliest I can reach the target zone under my own power is Turn Six. Kinda seems like any diversions could be a bad idea on those terms.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:58, Mon 18 Dec 2023.
player, 64 posts
Mon 18 Dec 2023
at 18:39
  • msg #398


That is why I used the core speed boost right out of the gate.
Werner Steinn
player, 175 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 18 Dec 2023
at 20:33
  • msg #399


Bit of an error in the turn...I targeted MR with the Assault Rifle and Sunder's Autopod would have shot the invisible Marker Rifle mech as well.  FT was only targeted by the Anti-Material Rifle.

MR should have taken 5 points of unavoidable damage from my turn.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:34, Mon 18 Dec 2023.
GM, 171 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 18 Dec 2023
at 21:05
  • msg #400


Fixed it and updated the post, thank you for giving me the heads up.
Werner Steinn
player, 176 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 18 Dec 2023
at 21:25
  • msg #401


Well, that structure check at least revealed MR to be more important than it looks.  Suppose I should have figured it beforehand, what with this Reaction ability it has.

Your Predator Nexus, Maya, is the best weapon we have for dealing with invisible mechs like MR, but you don't need to be close in order to use it.  On the same hand it's Smart, so it's also our best weapon for taking out fast little annoying mechs like that Heat spiking pistoleer.  If you'd rather start moving towards the mission zone.
Maya Vost
player, 141 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Mon 18 Dec 2023
at 21:50
  • msg #402


As much as I'd like to go rampage down the left flank (and probably get isolated and murked) I feel like that'd lead to me being a relative non-factor in the actual primary objective. Gotta stay on task.

Another thing that needs addressing in the game:

Rolling Thunder:
Free Initiative Covering Fire vs Pistols.
The pistol mech moves, hovering into the air beneath Fossil.

Pistol frame is due an as-Reaction attack from RT's HMG. If it attacked Werner before the shot then it would have been Impaired.

nvm I just recognised how terrible his rolls were. I think I'd assumed I was reading them wrong.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:53, Mon 18 Dec 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 143 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Mon 18 Dec 2023
at 22:25
  • msg #403


I've been considering quite a few mid-range skirmisher type frames for LL2, and I have to admit that the thing that's giving me the most trouble committing to that sort of thing is losing out on blindly rushing people like this.
Werner Steinn
player, 178 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 01:52
  • msg #404


Speaking of rushing people, looks like that flamer mech just started a move while within your Threat.  A good Overwatch should finish him off.
Maya Vost
player, 145 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 03:59
  • msg #405


I think that qualifies as a good Overwatch :)
Werner Steinn
player, 179 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 05:54
  • msg #406


I like that!  Should be well enough to put down our Elite flamer problem.
GM, 174 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 19:16
  • msg #407


Yeah, he got smoked.
Maya Vost
player, 146 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 15 Heat:0/6 Burn: 2
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 21:14
  • msg #408


Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding your plans, RT, but wouldn't you be better off just Skirmishing the guy mid-Boost and Overwatching if they try to disengage?

As it stands you won't shoot if they stay stationary and have to pick between Covering Fire and Overwatch (as they're both reactions) if they move.
Werner Steinn
player, 180 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 22:38
  • msg #409


And Overwatch doesn't cut your damage in half like the Heavy Gunner Reaction.
Rolling Thunder
player, 177 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 01:01
  • msg #410


Overwatch damage is just 1d6 for RT though, vs 2d6+4/2 for the Covering, so that's about a wash for the Reaction part if you figure-in the Innacurate.

The big advantage with Covering is the Impaired, really

Would have been different if he knew grav-lance was a "keep your distance"-type beforehand though, granted *. Then the Overwatch was indeed the way to go. As it was he tried to cover as many bases as possible: Impaired if a close-range type, lesser-damage if ranged, and in general: take aggro, get info, do a little damage if you can, survive another round.

Typical tank strategy I would have thought?

* @GM = Ah, actually that prepared tech attack is a clear hint of that, isn't it, and it occurred, in continuity, before RT used Covering Fire... Would you allow RT to have figured it out, GM? Maybe with a skill roll + Stay Cool for noticing things under pressure?
This message was last edited by the player at 01:15, Wed 20 Dec 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 181 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 01:09
  • msg #411


You can overwatch with any weapon, all have a minimum Threat of 1.  You can only Overwatch with your Heavy Machine gun if you are 1 hex from the enemy; but you were anyway when moving into Engagement.

The Shotgun just has an increased Threat to range 3, but that doesn't mean its the only weapon you have which can Overwatch.
Rolling Thunder
player, 178 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 01:14
  • msg #412



OK, NOW I understand what you guys were saying

@GM: I'll go and edit post #279 right now

EDIT: Post Updated

This message was last edited by the player at 01:23, Wed 20 Dec 2023.
GM, 176 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 02:09
  • msg #413


Updated the post for GL to fit your updated post. GL took a bit more damage, but its actions stay the same.
Rolling Thunder
player, 180 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 04:19
  • msg #414


@GM: for my own knowledge, are each space in that orange extrusion considered an object, or is the whole thing considered one object? How much HP would we be talking about in either case?

(Siege Specialist for the win?)
GM, 178 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 04:42
  • msg #415


The whole space is one object, and it has 20 hit points.
Werner Steinn
player, 182 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 05:11
  • msg #416


I'm stabilizing this round; Impaired, Jammed, and weapons need to be loaded.  So don't wait for me, happy to take the last Turn.

By the way, great job on that pistol mech Sunder!  Love using the enemy guns against them.
Maya Vost
player, 147 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 15 Heat:0/6 Burn: 2
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 11:14
  • msg #417


I've basically got a post ready to go but I'm paying from my phone so formatting's a bit of a mare. Do it in a couple hours when I get home.

If anyone (Sunder?) wants to post first then they're very welcome to.
Werner Steinn
player, 183 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 13:44
  • msg #418


Say, would RT be able to use his Ferrous Lash to send Maya over that size 2 obstruction?  It says that allies can be moved in any direction, and up 2 height is a direction.
Maya Vost
player, 148 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 15 Heat:0/6 Burn: 2
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 14:53
  • msg #419


That isn't something we really want/need to do, is it?
Maya Vost
player, 150 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 15 Heat:0/6 Burn: 2
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 22:23
  • msg #420


Something I've been meaning to look into but kept forgetting/putting off:

I had a look back and presently I'm at 2/6 Repairs between prior health-restoration and (previously unspecified) fixing up Structure and Stress damage during the flight to the current mission.

Edit: This wasn't the reason for this post, but in making it I reminded myself that I totally forgot my Engineering check to clear Burn (I failed).
This message was last edited by the player at 22:31, Wed 20 Dec 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 184 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 22:46
  • msg #421


Shouldn't you be at 4/6?  Everest only uses 1 Repair to fix up instead of the standard 2 per point.  When did you stabilize to restore Health?
This message was last edited by the player at 22:48, Wed 20 Dec 2023.
Werner Steinn
player, 185 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 23:11
  • msg #422


And that's it. I don't think I have any other actions worth taking?

Could simply Hide.  Get the drop on them since you're moving from outside their view anyway.
Maya Vost
player, 151 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 13 Heat:0/6 Burn: 2
Thu 21 Dec 2023
at 08:23
  • msg #423


Maybe I've been mistakenly applying what was actually a house rule from another game (?), but I was thinking I could Stabilise between combats.

In mechanical terms it seems it wouldn't have mattered all that much if that wasn't a thing (I took the exact cumulative damage to lose Structure in the last turn of the scenario before our Long Rest), so in the event I've been getting that wrong it's hopefully okay to just continue to be down the two extra Repairs I thought I'd spent (i.e. four total) and learn from this.

Werner Steinn:
Could simply Hide.  Get the drop on them since you're moving from outside their view anyway.

I guess, yeah. Not terribly keen on retroactively applying that though given it'd mean rolling back the GM's actions and wasn't a mistake/misunderstanding.
Maya Vost
player, 152 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 13 Heat:0/6 Burn: 2
Thu 21 Dec 2023
at 15:03
  • msg #424


That's a pretty clever workaround, RT (and some nice rolls!). Feels a little gamey that you're 'Involuntarily' moving yourself, but then the frame isn't traditionally moving so I guess it makes some kind of sense as you're not actually using the systems put under strain by the attack. Never would have thought of that myself.
Werner Steinn
player, 186 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 21 Dec 2023
at 15:11
  • msg #425


I'd say the move be following the Rule of Cool.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:11, Thu 21 Dec 2023.
Maya Vost
player, 153 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 13 Heat:0/6 Burn: 2
Thu 21 Dec 2023
at 15:19
  • msg #426


Very much so.
GM, 180 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 21 Dec 2023
at 15:26
  • msg #427


I have to agree, moving yourself using the lash is a pretty smart workaround.

Edit: RT, I wanted to clarify before I made my post - do you want to move on top of the crates, or beside them?
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:24, Thu 21 Dec 2023.
Rolling Thunder
player, 182 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 22 Dec 2023
at 14:18
  • msg #428


Probably the wrong choice, but Top of the crates for me please.

For the move, as RT said: I blame Werner :)
GM, 184 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 22 Dec 2023
at 16:42
  • msg #429


Just a note, you would have had to take a systems save vs. being slowed due to starting your turn in the hunger/pursuit limpets. I don't think it would have mattered here, as you were using your grav-arm, but I wanted to give you the heads-up anyways.
Werner Steinn
player, 187 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 22 Dec 2023
at 20:53
  • msg #430


I accept your blame.
Werner Steinn
player, 188 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 22 Dec 2023
at 21:05
  • msg #431


It might be expedient to post the Hidden mech's Agility roll in case someone wanted to Search for it on their Turn with a Systems check.  Removes a bit of the mystery, but it would allow for their turn to be done without pausing to ask about the contested roll.
GM, 186 posts
Because giant robots.
Sat 23 Dec 2023
at 00:57
  • msg #432


Edited the roll in, thank you for the tip.
Werner Steinn
player, 189 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 23 Dec 2023
at 20:47
  • msg #433


Does MR get a second turn, or is it down to Sunder and me remaining?  I don't want to mess Sunder's turn by letting MR have another right away.
GM, 187 posts
Because giant robots.
Sat 23 Dec 2023
at 22:21
  • msg #434


MR does not get another turn this round, you two are free to act.
Rolling Thunder
player, 185 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 24 Dec 2023
at 15:24
  • msg #435


Sunder, if you move to the space right under where Fossil is right now, RT might be able to fling you over the water next round?
player, 66 posts
Sun 24 Dec 2023
at 15:43
  • msg #436


Don't worry about me, I am a little bit low on connection and time this weekend, I will probably be reloading this round.
Maya Vost
player, 156 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 13 Heat:0/6 Burn: 2
Mon 25 Dec 2023
at 12:09
  • msg #437


Merry Christmas, y'all.

Also a reminder for RT: I'm currently under that damage-when-moving hack you were, so if you can find the actions to throw that Ferrous Lash you offered Sunder my way that's be lovely ;)
GM, 189 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 25 Dec 2023
at 12:54
  • msg #438


Merry Christmas!
Rolling Thunder
player, 188 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 25 Dec 2023
at 14:07
  • msg #439


Merry Chistmas every one

No worries, he hasn't forgotten :)
Werner Steinn
player, 191 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 25 Dec 2023
at 14:16
  • msg #440


Be happy and eat great food!
Rolling Thunder
player, 189 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 27 Dec 2023
at 13:24
  • msg #441


Either Sunder or Fossil first for maximum impact?

Don't think RT will be able to get within range this turn, and a bit unwilling to feed Sardine to the sharks just yet. :)
Maya Vost
player, 157 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 13 Heat:0/6 Burn: 2
Wed 27 Dec 2023
at 13:29
  • msg #442


Yeah, I'm not going to be doing much this turn seeing as I can't bring most of my weapons to bear without voluntarily Structuring myself.
Werner Steinn
player, 192 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 28 Dec 2023
at 06:21
  • msg #443


Too bad these guys aren't grouped closer together.  Poor RPG can only get two at this rate.

A question about Ordnance weapons.   I know they must be the first thing I do in a Turn, but could I barrage and fire the Assault Rifle followed by an RPG?  Or, for that matter, Barrage with the RPG and Anti-Material Rifle together?  Since Barrage is one Full action.
Maya Vost
player, 158 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 13 Heat:0/6 Burn: 2
Thu 28 Dec 2023
at 07:36
  • msg #444


Checked the rules questions thread on the Discord server and it's yes to both.
Werner Steinn
player, 193 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 28 Dec 2023
at 09:23
  • msg #445


That's good to know.  Just double-checked the map though and it looks like no one is within range of my Assault Rifle anyway.  Except for the Hidden guy, but he's Hidden. Ah well.
GM, 191 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 28 Dec 2023
at 14:34
  • msg #446


 Quick question for Sunder - is your flight system still active? If it isn't, boosting off the sub will cause you to fall into the water.

Nevermind, I misread the original post.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:02, Fri 29 Dec 2023.
player, 69 posts
Fri 29 Dec 2023
at 06:28
  • msg #447


I should also be behind the H3 cover, north of the red box, not sure if the assault rifle can shoot through those boxes.
GM, 193 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 29 Dec 2023
at 22:20
  • msg #448


Would you like me to put you over the barrels?
player, 70 posts
Fri 29 Dec 2023
at 22:28
  • msg #449


There looks to be a mech sized space on the ground behind the red box to the west of the other tall boxes, is that occupied by something I can't see on the map?
GM, 194 posts
Because giant robots.
Sat 30 Dec 2023
at 00:41
  • msg #450


No, I see the spot you mean. I was confused because it would have required more than 6 spaces of movement. I’ll edit the post to put you there.
player, 71 posts
Sat 30 Dec 2023
at 03:27
  • msg #451


I have 8, it just looked like there was a spot to use within 6, the map is super tiny
Rolling Thunder
player, 191 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 1 Jan 2024
at 14:05
  • msg #452


Happy new year everyone :)
Werner Steinn
player, 195 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 2 Jan 2024
at 01:19
  • msg #453


Here's to future fortune!
GM, 197 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 2 Jan 2024
at 01:32
  • msg #454


Stay safe in the new year, everybody!
Rolling Thunder
player, 192 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 2 Jan 2024
at 14:02
  • msg #455


I marked where it was closest to the pier in case someone moves to interrupt.

Up to Sardine on that one :)

@GM: RT wanted to be one space east of where he is now, so the grav-arm remains in range of Sardine? (range 8)
Maya Vost
player, 159 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 13 Heat:0/6 Burn: 2
Tue 2 Jan 2024
at 14:21
  • msg #456


Rolling Thunder:
I marked where it was closest to the pier in case someone moves to interrupt.

Up to Sardine on that one :)

So can I like ... just choose to interrupt and engage?
Rolling Thunder
player, 193 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 2 Jan 2024
at 15:32
  • msg #457


I think you can choose to trigger the grav-move when you want, is how I understand it?

From there CS1's turn would resume normally
GM, 198 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 3 Jan 2024
at 00:45
  • msg #458


In reply to Rolling Thunder (msg # 455):

Fixed, thanks for the heads-up.
Rolling Thunder
player, 195 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 12:38
  • msg #459


Travelling home from my hometown today

Back in the swing of things tomorrow :)
Maya Vost
player, 162 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 11 Heat:0/6 Burn: 2
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 14:09
  • msg #460


Hope you have a safe (and pleasant) journey!

I was reading the update post that went up earlier today in the Announcements thread of the main boards and saw:

GMs can upload (up to 20) portraits to their game for players to utilise (thanks EduRSNH for the suggestion).  Limited slots as you should be submitting portraits to the portrait gallery for everyone to enjoy.

Can the GM possibly confirm that this is indeed a thing and that we could have our own bespoke portraits rather than having to pick a best-worst case from the public gallery?
GM, 200 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 15:34
  • msg #461


This is indeed a thing. The images have to be cropped to 100x100 and under 5KB, but if you want to send a portrait in I can do that on my end.
Maya Vost
player, 163 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 11 Heat:0/6 Burn: 2
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 18:14
  • msg #462


Are you absolutely sure about 5KB being the target? I'm struggling to get something down that small at 100x100.

Like this (just for an illustrative example) is still 5.3KB even after its quality has been annihilated to 5% of the source:

This message was last edited by the player at 18:27, Thu 04 Jan.
Werner Steinn
player, 197 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 20:03
  • msg #463


I can confirm that it won't take anything with a size greater than 5 kb.  Just tried uploading an image into a game where I'm GM and 5.3 kb was rejected.
Maya Vost
player, 166 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Sun 7 Jan 2024
at 22:08
  • msg #464


Why is it that every single time I update my stats I forget to change them in my bio until after posting :|

Really hope I haven't misconstrued what's meant to be a longer scene, but I planted Maya squarely in the "we're getting picked up so I don't see the need to disembark" camp and I'm sticking to that for now.
Rolling Thunder
player, 200 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 9 Jan 2024
at 13:18
  • msg #465


That was RT's initial plan as well ;)
GM, 205 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 9 Jan 2024
at 23:31
  • msg #466


Final boss time! Good luck, everybody.

Around the map are fuel tanks outlined in green - these are explosive fuel. Each has Evasion 5, E-defense 5, and will explode in a burst 1 area if they take any damage or heat. All characters in the area must make an agility save or take 2d6 explosive damage, taking half damage on a success.

After the explosion, the affected area becomes a patch of burning fuel that counts as difficult terrain (marked with pink on the map). Additionally, characters who start their turn in the area or move into it for the first time on their turn must make an engineering check or take 5 burn.
Werner Steinn
player, 199 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 10 Jan 2024
at 00:52
  • msg #467


Alright, Boss fight!  Going to do as many shenanigans as I can get away with to use those in-field bombs.

Question though; did that initial beam come from an off-site weapons platform or is that a weapon mount being wielded by one of the baddies?
GM, 206 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 10 Jan 2024
at 02:16
  • msg #468


That would be unknown to you at the moment.

Also, I realized I hadn’t put down who was who here, so here is who each enemy is on the map.

There are 3 enemy mechs in the combat:

- The leader with a plasma rifle (PR)

- One with a flamethrower (FT)

- One with a Nexus array (NEX)
Rolling Thunder
player, 202 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 10 Jan 2024
at 23:20
  • msg #469


It'll take RT a full action to remount his mech, so no point in him going first I think?

Speaking of:

@GM: Could RT possibly remount as a Quick action instead of a full action using, say, his mag clamps + a successful skill roll?

Back in the field by the way, so expect slower (and less elsborate) posting for the next weeks :)
Maya Vost
player, 167 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Wed 10 Jan 2024
at 23:28
  • msg #470


I'm open to acting first (tomorrow) if nobody else has anything in particular they want to do, but I can't exactly claim to have much in mind beyond moving up either. I've still got my Core Power banked so I can eat up ground pretty quickly but obviously not looking to open up too big a gap from the rest of the group.

Just to check, GM: are there any secondary objectives/turn counters to worry about here or is it just a fight to whatever end?
Rolling Thunder
player, 203 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 10 Jan 2024
at 23:44
  • msg #471


That beam seems to be coming either from an apparently-empty square west, or from off the map to the east.

Since we're at the edge of a peer at the beginning of this, I'm thinking maybe that sub is making a fiery comeback?
GM, 207 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 10 Jan 2024
at 23:58
  • msg #472


I can tell you that the sub was not the source of the beam - it was only armed with the missiles.
Maya Vost
player, 168 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Thu 11 Jan 2024
at 20:31
  • msg #473


Ugh. I'm feeling really conflicted on posting because it feels like I'm totally derailing this conversation now :|
Rolling Thunder
player, 205 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 12 Jan 2024
at 01:17
  • msg #474


Up to you guys, but maybe a middle ground could be a combination of non-combat and readied actions while RT preoccupies himself?

Else RT will go for a mount-up tomorrow :)
Werner Steinn
player, 200 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 12 Jan 2024
at 12:45
  • msg #475


Oh, we're still dismounted?  Guess I thought there would be more time before the last set of jerks showed up.  Suppose my first action will be to mount up as well.
Werner Steinn
player, 202 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 12 Jan 2024
at 21:17
  • msg #476


Love me a good boss fight!  Have to admit, teleporting across the battlefield caught me by surprise.
Maya Vost
player, 170 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Fri 12 Jan 2024
at 22:47
  • msg #477


Reminder for myself as much as everyone else: I have a gun that ignores Invisibility.
Werner Steinn
player, 203 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 12 Jan 2024
at 22:58
  • msg #478


The number of invisible jerks we've had to deal with makes me think that we should have equipped as many of those as we could.
Rolling Thunder
player, 207 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 00:53
  • msg #479


@GM: What do you think of the idea of RT and his opposite each having the equivalent of Data Analist I vs each other, representing their... intimate knowledge of each other?

(That's the 1/round reaction that can boost an allie's attack roll by 1, if it missed by 1 or if it missed being a critical by one. Or words to that effect)
GM, 212 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 02:22
  • msg #480


Assuming you mean Field Analyst, sure - that seems like a fun way to have the relationship between the two of you reflect in combat.

I also had a question about your movement this turn. If you move northeast, you will end up on the edge off the battlefield. Did you mean to move northwest?
Rolling Thunder
player, 208 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 23:38
  • msg #481


Ah yes <blushes>: NW please
Rolling Thunder
player, 209 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 00:26
  • msg #482


Question for you, dear GM: is the beam trace in front of RT dangerous terrain, or has it cooled enough by now?
GM, 214 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 00:56
  • msg #483


The paths where the beam has hit are not difficult terrain, so you are good to go.
Werner Steinn
player, 204 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 21:02
  • msg #484


Wow, did he just shoot that heavy gun three times in one turn?  Or was that both PR's turns back-to-back?

Also, Do you want me to roll my Systems Save now?  Unless someone moves me, I'm going to start my turn in that cloud.  I figure it would be better to know where I might get moved to if my turn begins that way.
GM, 216 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 21:51
  • msg #485


I had PR barrage and overcharge so he could get the three shots off. I didn't realize at the time that you couldn't shoot the same weapon twice in one barrage, but I think I might house rule that away, because it seems a bit counterintuitive to me. I would like to see what the group thinks, though.

Go ahead on the systems save, if you fail you will be moved directly west to where there is a free space between you and Sunder at the start of your turn.
Werner Steinn
player, 205 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 22:17
  • msg #486


Werner Steinn rolled 6 using 1d20+1

Looks like I'm moving.  One space towards Sunder then?

Anyway, I am not in favor of allowing a Barrage to shoot the same weapon twice.  It's a strict game balance mechanic.  Otherwise, it allows players to use their Heavy weapons exclusively; but no frame has more than a single Heavy mount specifically because those weapons are so much stronger than Main mounts.  A lot of NPCs have weapons that specify they can be fired more than once in a single action already; if it doesn't say it can be fired twice then giving it that ability is pretty powerful.  Especially when the weapon DOES say that it can be fired twice or even three times, then you're looking at a six-shot barrage.

It snowballs pretty hard.  If an enemy is meant to fire their main gun more than once, they get the overcharge ability like this Ultra has.

Thinking about it, this ruling would eliminate Superheavy weapons as a workable strategy.  With the limitations a Superheavy weapon already has, being able to Barrage a Heavy Machine gun twice every round nets 4d6+8 damage from that Heavy Mount; where a Cyclone Pulse Rifle deals 3d6+3.  Or an Andromeda Heavy Laser Barraging two shots for 4d6 + 6 Burn, where the Superheavy Tachyon Lance gets a single shot for 2d6 + 8 Burn.

No, I am not in favor of allowing a Barrage to fire the same weapon twice.  If that's what the goal is, then it has to be a weapon you can mount multiple copies of.
Maya Vost
player, 171 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 22:24
  • msg #487


I had a WIP post written up but given the substance was the same as Werner's I thought I'd save you all that.

Basically: yeah, what Werner said. Heavy weapons go a bit crazy if you can shoot them twice per turn and some frames would take a massive nosedive in power (or have to change their gameplans completely) if everyone else was doubling-up on Heavies while their design was incentivizing Skirmish, Loading or Superheavy weapons. Raleigh in particular gets absolutely dumpstered if everyone else is doubling the rate of fire of their big guns (or tripling with Overcharge!) while it's still stuck shooting once every other turn if it wants to get any benefit from its trait.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:55, Tue 16 Jan.
GM, 217 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 00:28
  • msg #488


Fair enough, I hadn't realized the impacts of that would affect so much. I'll replace the second rifle shot with a missile so the barrage still works. IIRC, the overcharge would still allow for another rifle shot, though, because it allows you to take a skirmish on top of the barrage.

Edit: Fixed the post, if I missed anything else please give me a heads up.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:38, Wed 17 Jan.
Werner Steinn
player, 206 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 18:09
  • msg #489


If those hovering pistol mech's are Grunts, like I suspect from the state f disrepair, you could knock them both out of the fight Sunder.  Eject Power Cores on one, the heat from the hack will kill a grunt.  Then the 1 damage to the adjacent enemy will kill the other grunt.

If they aren't Grunts, we'd find out right away too.  Good to deal with them quick, because a Grunt's attacks aren't any less than a regular mech.  That pistol mech in the last fight had some annoying abilities too.
Maya Vost
player, 172 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat:0/6
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 22:49
  • msg #490


Just trying to make sure as I haven't actually got much experience with Fly: Is this valid?
(black = move, blue = boost w/fly)

Feeling a little confused about diagonally-vertical movement.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:49, Wed 17 Jan.
Werner Steinn
player, 207 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 23:47
  • msg #491


Looks correct to me.  You can move one vertical height for every hex moved horizontally.  You're moving three hexes while flying, which gets you enough Height to go atop a size 3 crate.
Maya Vost
player, 173 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat: 4/6
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 00:24
  • msg #492


Welp. Just realised in reviewing my post that I've made a bit of a mistake in my attack rolls, so I'm hoping to resolve the consequences before putting it up:

I got mixed up while checking the stats for Exotics and mistakenly thought the Battle Rifle's rule that applies a free Lock On on crits was part of the Predator Nexus, so I made one of my attack rolls with the benefit of an extra +1 accuracy and that attack scored a crit. The rolls in question are:

Today: Maya Vost rolled 25 using 1d20+1+1d6+1d6 with rolls of 15,6,3.  Barrage against PR (Deck-Sweeper, inc. Lock On).
Today: Maya Vost rolled 13 using 1d6+1d6+1d6+1d6 with rolls of 4,4,1,4.  Deck-Sweeper damage (Critical).

Thoughts on whether this needs adjusting/rerolling or if it can still stand as-is (i.e. 8 damage), GM?
This message was last edited by the player at 00:30, Thu 18 Jan.
Maya Vost
player, 175 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat: 4/6
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 01:06
  • msg #493


Decided to stick the post up to avoid dragging out the game any longer holding out for a response.

You're very welcome to reroll and edit the above attack (Deck-Sweeper in the Barrage) with one less Accuracy if you think it's necessary, GM. Makes more sense for you to take care of that while thinking about the consequences than to have to wait around for me to roll before you can move on.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:11, Thu 18 Jan.
GM, 218 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 02:06
  • msg #494


I'll reroll the attack here and edit it into the post.

22:03, Today: GM rolled 17,4 using 1d20+1,1d6, total of 21. Maya Vost firing Decksweeper at PR.

You still get the crit though! - no changes in result.
Werner Steinn
player, 208 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 21:07
  • msg #495


So, going back through the last round, RT shorted himself a hit.

Initiative Skirmish PR with HMG: 8 to hit, 8 damage Dice gods say no :)
        21:37, Today: Rolling Thunder rolled 8,8 using 1d20+1-1d6,2d6+4 ((12,5;3,1))

You made this attack after activating your Hyperspec core, which grants +1 Accuracy to all attacks.  But you still made your shot with difficulty; it should have had no penalty and rolled a 13, to land a hit.

Don't know how much those extra 8 points of damage would help though.

On a side note, Maya can Overwatch with her Deck Sweeper.  The boss teleporting is a standard move, and normal Threat rules apply.  Maybe she can structure him and ruin his turn.
Maya Vost
player, 176 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat: 4/6
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 21:13
  • msg #496


Pretty sure that's not how it works given that:
Teleportation ignores obstructions, does not require line of sight, ignores engagement, and does not provoke reactions.

This message was last edited by the player at 21:17, Thu 18 Jan.
Werner Steinn
player, 209 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 21:37
  • msg #497


Oh, right you are then.  I suppose I was stuck on his system that allows Teleporting for normal movement.
Rolling Thunder
player, 212 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 19 Jan 2024
at 00:14
  • msg #498


In reply to Werner Steinn (msg # 495):

Good catch, my friend!

That plus Maya's damage might just be enough for a structure check...
GM, 221 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 19 Jan 2024
at 00:47
  • msg #499


That’s a fair point, and he probably would take another structure damage if the attack hits, but he would probably still get his attacks off because he’d be able to repair any condition or weapon destruction from his Ultra ability (assuming he takes a condition imposing result in his check or loses a system).
GM, 222 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 19 Jan 2024
at 02:02
  • msg #500


Werner Steinn:
Don't know how much those extra 8 points of damage would help though.

I'm going to do the structure rolls here to avoid messing with the combat flow.

21:59, Today: GM rolled 4,5 using 1d6,1d6.  PR Structure check.

21:59, Today: GM rolled 6,5 using 1d6,1d6.  Legendary reroll.

PR will pick the 5, and be impaired, but will clear it at the start of his turn. He's taken a beating, but the way the turns play out remains unchanged.
Maya Vost
player, 177 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat: 4/6
Fri 19 Jan 2024
at 15:39
  • msg #501


Just throwing it out there: Skeleton Key is equipped with an Expanded Compartment and could offer RT a lift in the unlikely even that the stars align and we actually get an adequate moment of peace before the battle's over.
Werner Steinn
player, 210 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 19 Jan 2024
at 22:49
  • msg #502


Not trying to stall, I was just hoping to hear from Sunder before doing my turn.  I think she's in a better position to go before I do.
Rolling Thunder
player, 214 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 00:58
  • msg #503


In reply to Maya Vost (msg # 501):

Wouldn't say no to a ride if those stars cooperate :)
Rolling Thunder
player, 216 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 21 Jan 2024
at 00:51
  • msg #504


Had a look through possible actions for an unmounted pilot and boy are they limited

RT can basically use one of his triggers, shoot a barrel, or jockey...

Speaking of, it's not specificall said, but I assume a successful jockey means the mounted mech can't target the rider with its weapons, right?

EDIT= Tweaked the end of my second to last IC post a bit to fit better with the new one by the way, Sorry about that: it's the perfectionist in me :)
This message was last edited by the player at 00:58, Sun 21 Jan.
Maya Vost
player, 178 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat: 4/6
Sun 21 Jan 2024
at 02:26
  • msg #505


Rolling Thunder:
Speaking of, it's not specificall said, but I assume a successful jockey means the mounted mech can't target the rider with its weapons, right?

I would've agreed with you (why waste a full action trying to dislodge them otherwise?), but I've done my own research and the answer seems to be that yes, they can. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense for larger frames and weapons but them's the breaks.

I guess it's understandable in that if they could only shake off an unwelcome passenger then the pilot could just keep on using Distract on their turn to meaningfully impact the frame while also putting it at Disadvantage on any attempt at removing them.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:37, Sun 21 Jan.
player, 74 posts
Sun 21 Jan 2024
at 06:14
  • msg #506


Short of reloading to fight next round I don't see anything I can do to meaningfully impact this fight at the moment, unless I overlooked something painfully obvious.
Werner Steinn
player, 211 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 21 Jan 2024
at 08:53
  • msg #507


Werner Steinn:
If those hovering pistol mech's are Grunts, like I suspect from the state f disrepair, you could knock them both out of the fight Sunder.  Eject Power Cores on one, the heat from the hack will kill a grunt.  Then the 1 damage to the adjacent enemy will kill the other grunt.

If they aren't Grunts, we'd find out right away too.  Good to deal with them quick, because a Grunt's attacks aren't any less than a regular mech.  That pistol mech in the last fight had some annoying abilities too.

That's the idea I had.  You're in line of sight to one of them.
Werner Steinn
player, 212 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 21 Jan 2024
at 08:56
  • msg #508


Could even Overcharge to hack as a free action and still stabilize anyway.
Rolling Thunder
player, 218 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 01:04
  • msg #509


In reply to Maya Vost (msg # 505):

Could we get a ruling on this, dear GM?

That doesn't seem to make physical sense to me either -- absent some sort of friendly fire rule maybe?

I mean RT is going to do it anyway; but it does seem to shift chances of surviving *any* jockey attempts from "slim but might work" to "suicide"... Just my two cents
Werner Steinn
player, 213 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 02:12
  • msg #510


When you Jockey, you occupy the same space as the target mech, and move as they move.  Can a mech target itself with a weapon?
Werner Steinn
player, 215 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 11:16
  • msg #511


Reading the Fade Generator description, Red here stops being invisible when he takes damage. And doesn't become invisible again until the end of his next turn.  So I'm banking on the Reliable Damage making him visible for us.

If that's the case, I'd like to volunteer to take the first Turn next Round.  He'd be lined up for my Anti-Material Rifle.
GM, 224 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 12:34
  • msg #512


In reply to Rolling Thunder (msg # 509):

Yes, a mech can target a pilot that is jockeying with it.
Maya Vost
player, 180 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat: 4/6
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 12:53
  • msg #513


Werner Steinn:
Reading the Fade Generator description, Red here stops being invisible when he takes damage. And doesn't become invisible again until the end of his next turn.  So I'm banking on the Reliable Damage making him visible for us.

If that's the case, I'd like to volunteer to take the first Turn next Round.  He'd be lined up for my Anti-Material Rifle.

I was rather hoping/expecting to go first next round for the simple reason that if Red acts before me then there's every possibility that I'll either be Structured or forced to Brace (or both!) and end up losing firepower before my turn. Or that he'll just move outside my effective range.

Of course that's irrelevant if you're able to kill him at the top of the round, and being a teleporter with Range 15/20 guns he could always ignore me and go after someone else instead...
Maya Vost
player, 181 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat: 4/6
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 15:59
  • msg #514


Does Werner still have line of sight to Red for the AM Rifle after the decrease in height that came with that forced movement?*

*I am, of course, assuming that he won't choose to become Immobilised while at 8 height.
GM, 226 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 16:24
  • msg #515


No, the containers will be in the way (also assuming he chooses to be moved).
Werner Steinn
player, 216 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 20:39
  • msg #516


Hmm, decisions.  I could take the shot, the Impair will counter the AM Rifle accuracy, but it's still more likely to hit than miss.  And the Immobilize means I take 3 Falling damage.

With the situation, maybe it would be the better option for Maya to go first.  Or Sunder if she has her Cyclone Pulse Rifle loaded.  Maya could potentially lay in a ton of damage between her Deck Sweeper and Sword.  You still have an Initiative Free Action, Right?  And +1 Accuracy from your Core system.

Thoughts, everyone?  If someone else goes first, I might just target the Annoying Nex after letting it move me. Went and forgot it gets 2 turns.
Maya Vost
player, 182 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat: 4/6
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 21:00
  • msg #517


Werner Steinn:
I could take the shot, the Impair will counter the AM Rifle accuracy, but it's still more likely to hit than miss.

Aren't you already going to be on the ground before that's even an option?

Werner Steinn:
You still have an Initiative Free Action, Right?  And +1 Accuracy from your Core system.

For some reason I thought I'd used it (the Core Power free Boosts maybe?) but it appears I still have that in the tank. Next sword attack's at +2 Accuracy and the shotgun after that'd also be at +2 Accuracy if the melee connects. Certainly a lot of damage potential there with Initiative to round things out.
Werner Steinn
player, 217 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 21:13
  • msg #518


Looks like I have to choose between being moved out of Line of Sight, or being Impaired and Immobilized.  I can stay put and take the shot, but I'd be Impaired for Difficulty on the attack, and Immobilize means I fall out of the air for fall damage at the end of the turn.

I'm willing to take the shot.  I could Overcharge the attack, then Stabilize to clear Immobilize.  But I was just thinking that if Red moves too far away during his turn, you wouldn't be able to reach him for an attack at all.  So it may be better for you to go first with Maya.
Maya Vost
player, 183 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 17 Heat: 4/6
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 21:22
  • msg #519


Flying characters begin falling if they become IMMOBILIZED, STUNNED, or otherwise can’t move.
Unless specified otherwise, characters start to fall at the end of the current turn, and fall at the end of each of their turns thereafter.

This is what I meant. You're already going to have been falling for a round before your next turn as it starts on the current turn.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:22, Mon 22 Jan.
Werner Steinn
player, 218 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 22:06
  • msg #520


Oh bother, you're right.  Here I was thinking that I wouldn't fall until the end of MY turn.  But the immobilize would hit on NEX's turn, so I start falling then.  Okay, looks like I a officially opting to take the forced movement.  So can't shoot Red with the AM Rifle regardless.
Maya Vost
player, 185 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 9 Heat: 4/6
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 22:46
  • msg #521


My hit rolls have been absolutely on fire lately. 4/6 of my attacks in this scenario have come up crits.
Werner Steinn
player, 219 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 22:49
  • msg #522


Glad you took the first turn Maya.  That was brutal.
Maya Vost
player, 186 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 9 Heat: 4/6
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 23:04
  • msg #523


I'm going to edit it into the text of the post as I totally forgot at the time of writing, but you deserve more than a little credit for stripping Invisible for me and saving me having to use an attack on the Nexus to reliably remove it myself.

So thanks for that <3
This message was last edited by the player at 23:04, Mon 22 Jan.
Werner Steinn
player, 220 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 23:26
  • msg #524


Cooperation is King.  I'm always going to be looking for a way to set up someone else for a good Turn; if it doesn't look like I'm in position for one of my own.
Maya Vost
player, 187 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 9 Heat: 4/6
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 00:28
  • msg #525


Not really in a position to do anything in character until tomorrow, but I wanted to make it clear that I'll be Bracing against those attacks as insurance against whatever else might come next.
Werner Steinn
player, 221 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 01:27
  • msg #526


He's Exposed?  I'm gonna have to do something about that...
Rolling Thunder
player, 220 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 01:51
  • msg #527


Age before beauty?

Good night all :)
Werner Steinn
player, 222 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 01:56
  • msg #528


Going now
Werner Steinn
player, 224 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 02:17
  • msg #529


Was hoping that my Ovecharge would put me in the Danger Zone and activate Nuclear Cavalier.  No luck there, but I'm still happy with my damage rolls.
Maya Vost
player, 188 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 9 Heat: 4/6
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 06:09
  • msg #530


Huh. I was today years old when I learned that I've always been misreading Brace. I genuinely thought the Resistance applied until the end of your next turn, not just the Accuracy penalty.

Probably still would've Braced even knowing that; I definitely wasn't expecting another laser turn.

Dice rolls for posterity as I'm not sure whether I'll save an IC reaction for my next turn or not:

Today: Maya Vost rolled 2 using 1d6.  Structure Damage (= System Trauma)
Today: Maya Vost rolled 3 using 1d6.  Custom Paint Job (Fail)
Today: Maya Vost rolled 2 using 1d6.  System Trauma (= Mount Destroyed)
Today: Maya Vost rolled 15 using 1d20+1d6.  Agility Save (Pass)

Would have been really funny if Red was screaming in Maya's face for her to kill him and that damage roll came up Stunned, or indeed if I'd passed the Custom Paint Job save and the giant uber death laser had effectively done zero damage.

So like ... is RT just plain dead or was the intention that it was just his frame that caught the laser?
This message was last edited by the player at 06:24, Tue 23 Jan.
Werner Steinn
player, 225 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 08:18
  • msg #531


At worst he'd be Down and Out.  I have a Corrective for that; after the fight anyway.
GM, 229 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 11:29
  • msg #532


Maya Vost:
So like ... is RT just plain dead or was the intention that it was just his frame that caught the laser?

Neither. He will have to make the agility save, then, if he fails that, he will have to roll on the Down and Out table.
Maya Vost
player, 189 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 9 Heat: 4/6
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 12:12
  • msg #533


Well that's good to hear. I'd just assumed that a superweapon which can auto-Structure frames would do rather calamitous things to the human body.
GM, 230 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 16:53
  • msg #534


While we are on the subject, Sunder, I think you forgot to roll your save for the laser.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:54, Tue 23 Jan.
player, 77 posts
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 18:19
  • msg #535


I didn't see anything about a save for the laser, and the map didn't have me in its path, so I figured it was not a problem.  What save did I need to make?
GM, 231 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 18:41
  • msg #536


The AoE clips your space as it passes by, if you can zoom in on your device you should be able to see.

I edited in the save details, but I'll put them here too.

All hit by the beam must make an Agility save (save target 10). On a success, you are reduced to 1HP. On a fail, you take 1 structure damage.

Rolling Thunder
player, 221 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 24 Jan 2024
at 00:48
  • msg #537


Hm, would a beam aimed *up* at a height 3 target (Sunder) hit a size 1/2 human 5 spaces away?

Quick math = Sunder is 17 spaces away, height 3 -> 3/17*5 = beam would be at height 0.88 when it passes over RT?

I'll be travelling back home from the field tomorrow by the way (Yes!), so next post on Thursday!
GM, 234 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 24 Jan 2024
at 01:04
  • msg #538


Fair enough, it looks like you'll get out of this one. Barely.
Werner Steinn
player, 226 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 24 Jan 2024
at 01:43
  • msg #539


Lancer Math is always a dangerous road to tread.
Rolling Thunder
player, 222 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 25 Jan 2024
at 16:30
  • msg #540


In reply to GM (msg # 538):

Science for the win! (And I had RT's death-post all written up too :) )

Not sure what you mean by that Werner? Had some bad experiences?

IC post coming right up
Maya Vost
player, 190 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 9 Heat: 4/6
Thu 25 Jan 2024
at 16:46
  • msg #541


Unrelated to the above (although RT posting hype!): a friend sent me this today and I think it's pretty great.

Rolling Thunder
player, 224 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 25 Jan 2024
at 18:11
  • msg #542


Funny and actually useful: me like :)

Thanks, that's going right into the Lancer folder
Werner Steinn
player, 227 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 25 Jan 2024
at 23:35
  • msg #543


Not sure what you mean by that Werner? Had some bad experiences?

I mean its a double-edged sword.  Lancer rules are meant to be fast and simple.  For example, if I wanted to be real-world precise, I should technically be drawing a right triangle every time I shoot while flying.

But not only does that complicate the turn, I run into range issues.  If I were at Height 8 and shot at a target 7 hexes away, the triangle tells me it's out of range because I'm technically more than 10 hexes away.

I suppose it isn't that much of a issue to do the calculations in play-by-post.  Just most of my experiences with Lancer are tabletop; stopping the action to pull out the calculator and draw diagrams gets the rest of the table ready for a lynching.

Also, great diagram Maya.  I do in fact want to be the Death star.
GM, 235 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 00:37
  • msg #544


Ah, the humble Sherman. When you want some laser with your laser.
Werner Steinn
player, 228 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 03:04
  • msg #545


Hmm, If I hit Red with Knockback, RT moves with him, right?  And if I RPG everyone, RT is in the blast radius.
GM, 237 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 03:18
  • msg #546


Yes. Also, I just realized, RT would take the burn from the swarm and have to take the systems save as well.
Werner Steinn
player, 229 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 03:32
  • msg #547


So if he fails this save, it force moves him.  Which opens up an opportunity for the RPG.
GM, 238 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 03:54
  • msg #548


Yeah, but you might still hit Sardine with it.
Werner Steinn
player, 230 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 05:05
  • msg #549


Red's Self Erasure feature is going to cause Havoc with Maya and RT once he goes down.  But it's still probably better than allowing him a turn.

Maya is in the best position to finish him off, I think.  I am going to take the forced grounding option from the enemy NEX, but I do still have some Arcing attacks.
Maya Vost
player, 191 posts
Call Sign: Sardine
HP: 9 Heat: 4/6
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 08:22
  • msg #550


Maya Vost:
Would have been really funny if Red was screaming in Maya's face for her to kill him and that damage roll came up Stunned, or indeed if I'd passed the Custom Paint Job save and the giant uber death laser had effectively done zero damage.

Yeah, about that...

Today: Maya Vost rolled 5,1 using 1d6,1d6 with rolls of 5,1.  Structure Damage .
Today: Maya Vost rolled 5 using 1d6.  Custom Paint Job.

Short-Cycle Lance + Razor Swarm meant I was checking Structure again at the top of my turn* and ... yeah: Stunned.

There's a world where I failed the subsequent Hull Save and blew up on the spot thanks to that.

So ... uh ... good luck everyone :3

*Post to come. I wanted to get the news out early so you can all start scrambling for ways to salvage this.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:26, Fri 26 Jan.
Werner Steinn
player, 231 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 11:07
  • msg #551


So...does that count as our first player turn?
Maya Vost
player, 193 posts
HP: 14 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 11:10
  • msg #552


Sadly yes. The damage from Razor Swarm is applied at the top of your turn.

Would've been fine if I'd only dodged a 1 on those Structure Damage rolls.
Rolling Thunder
player, 226 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 16:01
  • msg #553


In reply to GM (msg # 546):

Will do on the Burn

For the forced movement, what's the effect on that? i.e. does it physically move mechs around, or does it take over their systems and force them to move themselves?

If it's the latter (as seems to be indicated by the Systems save?), Biologicals are normally - sadly? - immune to all tech actions? i.e. there's no Systems for the bugs to take over.

That said, you could just ask RT to move if that's what we want to do? You'll likely get his permission to shoot him if you ask too :)

EDIT: Edited the last part of the IC post to make it a bit more dynamic.
             I mean *I* know RT can't act before his next turn, but he doesn't right?
This message was last edited by the player at 20:25, Fri 26 Jan.
Werner Steinn
player, 232 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 26 Jan 2024
at 23:58
  • msg #554


If I can wreck that Nex on my turn, it should end the razor swarms.  That still leaves RT in the blast radius of my RPG.  What kind of armor does your Hardsuit have?
GM, 239 posts
Because giant robots.
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 00:00
  • msg #555


In reply to Rolling Thunder (msg # 553):

The thing on NEX forcing characters to move is a trait, not a tech action. I’d logic it on it hijacking the motors in your hardsuit, thereby forcing you to move.

Edit: In this case, you would add your grit to the save, iirc.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:49, Sat 27 Jan.
Werner Steinn
player, 233 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 03:53
  • msg #556


Red sure gets a nonsense number of Critical Hits, I have to admit.  Assuming that attack knocks RT off of the frame, does he get put into an adjacent space or stay in the same hex as the boss?
This message was last edited by the player at 03:54, Sat 27 Jan.
Rolling Thunder
player, 228 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 13:23
  • msg #557


So what happens now?
GM, 241 posts
Because giant robots.
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 13:31
  • msg #558


You roll a Down-and-Out check. You roll a d6 - on a 6 you get back up at 1hp, on a 2-5 you gain the Down and Out status and the Stunned condition, and you remain at 0hp. Your evasion in this state is 5, and if you take any damage, you die. On a 1, you die immediately.
Maya Vost
player, 194 posts
HP: 14 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 13:35
  • msg #559


Rolling Thunder:
OOC: Armor 2 on the Heavy hardsuit so no damage from the Burn.

GM beat me to what else I was gonna say, but I just wanted to note that Burn ignores armour. For future reference.
Werner Steinn
player, 234 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 14:12
  • msg #560


So does RT fall into an adjacent Hex or is he still sharing space with the Ultra?  I'd be much obliged if he could fall one hex west and get blown out of the Razor Swarm.
GM, 242 posts
Because giant robots.
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 14:22
  • msg #561


Yes. I think he would by default, as it is the jockey that is allowing him to share its space.
Rolling Thunder
player, 229 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 14:52
  • msg #562


In reply to GM (msg # 558):

Where is that in the rules? (You'd think it'd be in the Wear and Tear section, but I can't seem to find it)

09:48, Today: Rolling Thunder rolled 5 using 1d6 ((5)) Death roll -> Stunned
Maya Vost
player, 195 posts
HP: 14 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 14:54
  • msg #563


It's on page 49 at the end of the Missions and Narrative Play section.
Werner Steinn
player, 236 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 16:24
  • msg #564


So that was a long series of absolutely garbage attack rolls.  The most frustrating part is watching all of the critical hits coming out of the opposing team.

Hopefully Red doesn't run up more high rolls on his save vs my mine next turn.
Maya Vost
player, 196 posts
HP: 14 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 17:42
  • msg #565


You know, it just struck me: Thanks to what's probably a pretty rare interaction (taking Structure damage on my own turn) I think I'm actually Stunned until Round Six as the outcome on the table leaves you Stunned "until the end of your next turn."
Maya Vost
player, 197 posts
HP: 14 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Sun 28 Jan 2024
at 14:25
  • msg #566


09:37, Today: GM rolled 3,3,4 using 1d20+2,1d6,1d6, total of 7. PR firing plasma rifle at Fossil.

Holy shit. Did Red just miss purely by virtue of rolling a Nat 1 on the D20 - any other result would've done?

Sidenote: Sunder, now might be a very good time to murderise his ass >:3

Sidenote #2: Just as a reminder my frame has about a 42% chance of going boom if it takes as much as a single point of damage, so I likely won't be rejoining the fight even in the event that it lasts long enough for me to recover from Stunned.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:54, Sun 28 Jan.
Werner Steinn
player, 237 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 28 Jan 2024
at 23:20
  • msg #567


I have a suggestion for your turn, Sunder.  I know your big gun is unloaded, but Red is Exposed.

Use Lock On on Red.  Then immediately consume said Lock on in order to hack him with Puppet Systems.  Force him to move next to the Nex.  Then Overcharge (Don't worry about the heat, you have 4/4 Stress).  Use your Overcharge to Eject Power Cores on th Nex.

Consuming the Lock On will trigger your Autopod, which will deal 6 damage because Red is exposed.  If that doesn't finish him off, the ejected cores from Nex will deal 2 AP damage, again, because he's Exposed.

No way he can take that damage.  I cannot believe he rolled a critical on his save against my mine.
player, 78 posts
Sun 28 Jan 2024
at 23:23
  • msg #568


That might be where I go, or nearly so, except that I can't core dump the NEX more than once per fight, unless that limitation goes away when it replaces its own core?

Otherwise it seems reasonable.
Werner Steinn
player, 238 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 28 Jan 2024
at 23:33
  • msg #569


Didn't realize you'd already dumped it, thing gets so many turns.

Well, could always dump cores on the flamer mech and stop his next turn.  He's finally getting in range to attack.
Maya Vost
player, 198 posts
HP: 14 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Mon 29 Jan 2024
at 00:50
  • msg #570


Quick check for future reference: where actually is RT on the map?

Not much reason to do so from a non-RP standpoint (can't un-stun or heal him and my frame's barely safer than open ground), but if Skeleton Key's still going to be offline next round then I'm thinking I might as well go check on him.

Edit: Actually it just occurred to me that there's a fair chance my frame dies next round anyway given that it'll automatically take 2 Burn at the end of my turn and fall to 1 Structure. Not exactly worth praying that works out.

Really sucks that I got hit by the Razor Swarm once and it's basically cost me two Structure and as many turns.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:08, Mon 29 Jan.
Werner Steinn
player, 239 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 29 Jan 2024
at 01:21
  • msg #571


Can we get a quick note whether Sunder's Puppet Systems worked on Red?  I'm going to Overwatch with my Assault Rifle if that is the case.
GM, 245 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 29 Jan 2024
at 01:39
  • msg #572


In reply to Maya Vost (msg # 570):

RT's body is on the space just NE of the end of the dark red container.

In reply to Werner Steinn (msg # 571):

Yep, it worked, and the turret drones took him out.
Werner Steinn
player, 240 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 29 Jan 2024
at 02:07
  • msg #573


Guess that means I don't need to Overwatch.
Maya Vost
player, 201 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Mon 29 Jan 2024
at 23:24
  • msg #574


Not suggesting them for this game as they're not official releases yet, but if any of y'all are on the Discord then there's playtest versions of the next six upcoming variant frames and one wholly new one floating about. I'm a big fan of Lycan, the Manticore alt-frame which can go full Mama Bear when nearby allies take structure damage or are destroyed.
Maya Vost
player, 202 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Tue 30 Jan 2024
at 07:05
  • msg #575


Have significantly revised my last post. The substance is basically the same, but I wasn't happy with the way I'd handled some things and it was really bothering me.
Rolling Thunder
player, 233 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 30 Jan 2024
at 21:40
  • msg #576


Damn, now I'm really curious what was in that initial post :)
Maya Vost
player, 203 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Tue 30 Jan 2024
at 21:55
  • msg #577


It was the same general content but it was shorter, pushed the "alive" thing much harder and took itself a bit less seriously. Not saying it didn't work in it's own way, but I wasn't a fan of how it had Maya dropping this line that's supposed to have a lot of meaning and then clumsily changing the subject to try and brush it off. Didn't feel like it was striking the right tone.
Maya Vost
player, 204 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Wed 31 Jan 2024
at 11:23
  • msg #578


Big congrats for making it to 1,000 posts, everyone. No small achievement on this site in my experience.
Rolling Thunder
player, 234 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 31 Jan 2024
at 14:08
  • msg #579



Congrats to Sunder for snagging that milestone

And many more enjoyable posts for all of us :)
GM, 248 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 31 Jan 2024
at 18:00
  • msg #580


Indeed, and congratulations to everybody for completing Solstice Rain!

Now that the main adventure is done, I wanted to talk with you all about continuing the game. I have really enjoyed playing through this with you all, and there are story threads and backstory elements that I would love to continue with. I've got Dustgrave lined up for the next adventure, and I would love to continue GMing for you guys with that!
Maya Vost
player, 205 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Wed 31 Jan 2024
at 18:35
  • msg #581


I've really enjoyed the experience here as well. It's crazy to me how much fun I've had with a character who wasn't the one I'd originally set out to play, and I'm very glad I made that pivot as I don't think the group chemistry would've been anywhere near as good if I'd stuck to my guns.

Certainly down to keep things going, and I'm totally on board for Dustgrave as I haven't played any of the premade adventures at all before this game. All new to me.

So about frame/build choices at LL2...

Personally I'm still very flexible/undecided on what I want to do. At this time my shortlist looks something like:
  • Everest: The current build but with some added defensive tech (Tortuga 1/Napoleon 1).
  • Vlad: Essentially the current build shifted into the controller space. A bit tougher but less damage output.
  • Viceroy: Both range 15 shooting and unpleasant overwatch on a solid all-rounder frame.
  • Zheng: Pure melee dumbassery with a Tempest Charged Blade, intending to pick up the D/D 288 at LL3 >:3
  • Raleigh: Off-support artillery build packing Leader 3/Orator 2.

To elucidate a bit:

The Everest would be all but identical to my current built bar swapping out some largely-superfluous systems for Stasis Bolt (potentially denies a ranged attack outright on reaction) and Stasis Generator (fallback to let stunned allies sit out their turn in total safety) to give it a bit more defensive utility.
The Vlad would swap out my Deck-Sweeper for the Nailgun, losing d6 damage but opening up the floor to immobilising people. 2 armour and situational Resistance from the core power makes it pretty tanky, and it can shred enemies to remove their armour while leveraging Exemplar 1 to grant an ally a reroll against them. Helps control and focus down hard targets.
The Viceroy has less raw damage than my current built, but it starts shooting from range 15 (without even needing line of sight) and can deliver punishingly accurate overwatch thanks to Vanguard 3. Bit of a jack of all trades at this level, with a big boost coming at LL3 when it can spec Gunslinger instead. Nothing massively standout.
The Zheng is 100% melee rushdown. No guns and no fallback plans, just charging headlong at people, putting them in a headlock and beating them to a pulp. Extremely fun, and it doesn't call for much thinking!
And lastly the Raleigh would probably go Cyclone Pulse Rifle and double Missile Racks, although I'm also consider 4xHandcannons and a Bolt Thrower or AM Rifle. Pretty straightforward plan of firing the big gun and then using supportive tools, including Orator's potential for cleansing conditions, on the off-turn while it auto-reloads.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:20, Wed 31 Jan.
player, 81 posts
Thu 1 Feb 2024
at 04:16
  • msg #582


I am planning to go full Goblin and lean more into the tech attack side of things.  That will be most effective if there is someone who wants to wear the Goblin in its backpack mode, which can be adjusted mid mission easily enough but if someone has some idea of how to optimize that further on their end here is the data I am looking at.

-- HORUS Goblin @ LL2 --
  HORUS Goblin 2
  Spotter 3, Hacker 1, Drone Commander 1
  SPD:5 EVA:10 EDEF:16 SENSE:20 SAVE:12
  FLEX MOUNT: Autopod
  H0R_OS System Upgrade I, H0R_OS System Upgrade II, Metahook, Turret Drones x3, Rapid Burst Jump Jet System
Rolling Thunder
player, 236 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 1 Feb 2024
at 16:56
  • msg #583


Planning to go Drake myself in full "Grav Juggernaut" configuration, so to speak :)

See below for details, but basically he's a charge-forward Drake who gives burst 2 hard or soft cover to all those around him.

In reply to Maya Vost (msg # 581):
As discussed a bit with Maya: Raleigh would synergize well with the Drake (hide in his shadow while reloading?), and I love the Viceroy as a mech :)

In reply to Sunder (msg # 582):
Sure, I've always wanted a goblin backpack :)

INFLEXIBLE HOPE (working title)

2 Agility -> 4 Mv and 8 Evade
2 Systems -> +1 SP and 8 E-Defense

Combined Arms II
Heavy Gunner II
House Guard II Skinned as grav shields/grav deflects from the arm

Grav arm 2 SP using Reserve to gain it for a mission
Jump Jets 2 SP
Exotic Adjutant Class AI, dedicated to House Guard II, 3 SP, gives him the equivalent of Initiative too

Heavy HMG
Main Shotgun skinned as grav-punch/grav-crush OR Assault cannon skinned as a barrage/rotation mode for HMG?
Main Mortar skinned as Main missile racks
GM, 249 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 1 Feb 2024
at 19:30
  • msg #584


In reply to Sunder (msg # 582):

Picking up a couple ranks of Minotaur could help you get more control options with your invades. As for helping with the backpack mode, rank 1 of Emperor gets you Dominion's Breadth, which can get you or another character within LoS and Sensors a point of Overshield. When that Overshield is broken, any hostile character within burst 2 takes 2 AP energy damage and must make an Engineering save or be impaired until the end of their next turn. It adds a bit of durability, and punishes anything that targets whoever you put it on in a way that can leave them more open to your later hacks. (Incidentally, this is also a decent pick for melee strikers, for similar reasons - hurts things close to you and leaves them open for later shenanigans)
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:30, Thu 01 Feb.
player, 82 posts
Thu 1 Feb 2024
at 20:51
  • msg #585


Sounds like an interesting set of options for later, but first I have to get the goblin itself functional with what points I have.
Maya Vost
player, 206 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Thu 1 Feb 2024
at 21:58
  • msg #586


I'm looking at that build, RT*, and I can't help but wonder if you'd be happier with Sagarmatha or some other frame. I know that was a possibility we floated way back when we were talking about this sort of thing in PMs.

You're taking Drake there but you're not using any of its systems or weapons, and you're investing in Mech Skills that essentially raise your stats back up to match the Everest family. That doesn't make the choice worthless or the wrong one - you're still getting its traits, core power and impressive 3 armour - but it does make me wonder if you might prefer Sagarmatha with some more flexible license picks or even something like Tortuga or White Witch if you want a tanky dude with an HMG.

Hell you might even want to steal Vlad away from me.

What I would say is that personally I consider going 2 Agi/2 Sys a bit questionable. I totally get why you might want some more Speed, but if you're playing Drake then you're absolutely going to get hit by attacks and having a bigger health pool and more Heat Cap is usually more useful than slightly lowering the chance you take damage or get hacked. Drake's heat cap of 5 is already sub-par (especially if you're taking the Assault Cannon) so I'd definitely want to shore that up, and I think you've only got 9hp per structure (?) which means you're risking anything with AP, burn or just high damage wearing you down surprisingly quickly.

If I could make one more suggestion I'd maybe think about shuffling things about so you could somehow get House Guard 3 with the Argonaut Shield. I'm not sure how much you actually want Combined Arms (as it's not like you're bringing melee weapons or talents), and being able to proc Shield of the Legion would both make you much better at protecting allies and let you punish anyone going after them by knocking the attacker on their arse.

I've thrown together builds for all five (Drake, Sagarmatha, Tortuga, Vlad, White Witch) if you're at all interested in seeing my angle. They're honestly all pretty similar, as I wanted to include Heavy Gunner with an HMG, but there's some nuance.

*I don't think I actually gave you any feedback on this specific build at the time. Seems I got distracted by IC stuff.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:21, Thu 01 Feb.
player, 83 posts
Thu 1 Feb 2024
at 23:20
  • msg #587


It seems to me that the Spotter features that work like this stack fairly well with the goblin when it is in forced adjacency mode.

"When an allied character adjacent to you attacks a target and consumes Lock On, they may roll twice and choose either result.

As a quick action when you Lock On, you may nominate an allied character adjacent to you: they may immediately make any quick action as a reaction, consuming your target’s Lock On condition. Their action does not need to be an attack, but they benefit from consuming the Lock On condition if they do choose to attack."

The auto turret adds to that with TRIGGER: Another character attacks a target within range 15 of you and consumes Lock On, similarly the turret drones.

But it becomes a bit unclear with the "Your host may use your Systems, E-Defense, and Tech Attack instead of their own." part of active symbiosis.  Does that mean my systems attribute I spent points on, or the actual systems installed in the Goblin using SP?

Another question that comes to mind is how well the jump jets would work, if they can trigger them, if I can when I don't have a movement, or if I should look into another more useful piece of gear.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:24, Thu 01 Feb.
Maya Vost
player, 207 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Thu 1 Feb 2024
at 23:41
  • msg #588


Yup. If Werner sticks to his originally stated plan of going Sherman first, and puts some points in Crack Shot to compliment those rifles, then you two could be very good friends indeed as he'll probably be spending a lot of time standing still.

One thing to be very careful of though is that while in Symbiosis you receive any Heat taken by your host, and if you're attached to a Sherman then you're just going to melt with only 4 Heat Cap. He can burn through that in a single turn easy.

So you might want to just stand next to him rather than actually latching on.

They only get to use your Systems bonus, not the systems installed on your frame. That can still be pretty significant given that only dedicated hacking frames tend to go particularly deep into Systems, and there are a few frames like Zheng or the Worldkiller who really appreciate a boost to counteract their innate +1 Difficulty on Systems checks.

I'd say don't bother with the Jump Jets if there are other options worth your while. You're probably not going to be moving any more than is necessary (especially with 20 Sensors!), Speed 5 means you can cover ground fairly well without them anyway, and yeah, they're non-functional while you're in limpet mode as you get dragged along with all the host's movement.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:50, Thu 01 Feb.
GM, 250 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 2 Feb 2024
at 00:09
  • msg #589


In reply to Maya Vost (msg # 586):

Another option for a more offensive defender is the Orchis - you lose out on the heavy mount, but you can still Captain America your way around with the shield and still have access to the Black Witch's other options.
Werner Steinn
player, 242 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 2 Feb 2024
at 02:25
  • msg #590


Absolutely going Sherman.  Swapping out the AM Rifle for the heavy Andromeda Laser, keeping the RPG, and I think I'll take that Special Equipment Nexus gun for its accuracy.

License Level 3 will be Saladin; Shatterhead missiles with Overpower Caliber + Nuclear Cavalier.  Pinpoint, long range, Arcing damage.  That cannot have any penalties on attack.  Won't be taking Crack Shot, but I might get Stormbringer at some point
GM, 251 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 2 Feb 2024
at 03:33
  • msg #591


This reminded me, did one of you take the third exotic gear option from the FOB Saber downtime? I know Sardine grabbed the Nexus and Fossil took the smart mines, but there was a third selection up for grabs.
player, 84 posts
Fri 2 Feb 2024
at 05:18
  • msg #592


I don't think any of the items fit for me, but if they are somewhere other than the exotic equipment thread I can't remember where to find them.
Maya Vost
player, 208 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Fri 2 Feb 2024
at 07:18
  • msg #593


Werner Steinn:
License Level 3 will be Saladin; Shatterhead missiles with Overpower Caliber + Nuclear Cavalier.  Pinpoint, long range, Arcing damage.  That cannot have any penalties on attack.

Won't be playing it in this game, but I really want to try OP Cal Smartgun w/Hunter Lock on a Black Witch for something similar. Lock a target from range 15 and then Skirmish for 7+d6 every turn, ignoring cover and line of sight, while you get on with doing whatever support things your team needs from you.

Right now I'm still in that frustrating headspace where I'm overthinking everything and changing my mind every five minutes, but given where things seem to be I'm going to tentatively pivot to something mildly different:

-- IPS-N Störtebeker @ LL2 --
  IPS-N Raleigh 2
  Combined Arms 3, Duelist 2
  FLEX MOUNT: Hand Cannon / Hand Cannon
  FLEX MOUNT: Tactical Melee Weapon
  HEAVY MOUNT: Bolt Thrower
  Personalizations, “Roland” Chamber, Rapid Burst Jump Jet System

Going a bit back and forth on whether I want the Hand Cannons or something with a longer range like an Assault Rifle or Mortar to proc Reprise without having to get up close to the target, but either way it delivers on what I'm looking for as a hybrid melee/ranged frame that's totally okay with hanging out near the tank to do some mid-range shooting.

I think my preferred frame overall would probably be Zheng, but I really don't think this squad needs a Zheng if we've got a dedicated frontliner to act as a firebase. Feels like I'd likely end up isolating myself miles away from the team.
Rolling Thunder
player, 237 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 2 Feb 2024
at 15:28
  • msg #594


In reply to GM (msg # 591):

RT was considering taking that Exotic AI there as the third choice? Adjutant class

NOTES on the Drake build
  • It's sort of a compromised design at this point, true. Maybe *too* compromised
  • The 2 in Systems are there almost exclusively for the extra SP point, in order to get said AI built into it + the grav arm + the jump jets. The Tech stuff is secondary
  • The Combined Arms is mostly there so he can shoot his big gun point blank without having to worry about those pesky HtoH types giving him disadv (double with the HMG) just by standing next to him. Works the other way around too: closing-in on ranged types to give them Engaged or force an Overwatch if they want distance.

  • If I could get Sagarmatha with 2 points of armor, I'd be ecstatic. Not happening this LL though, so back to the Drake
  • Or the Tortuga? Got pretty much the perfect Core Stats on that one... Frankly, I'd put it aside mostly because I thought Maya was going to go for it :)
  • Or the Vlad. Hadn't considered this one at all. Re-skin the various Immobilized as mechs pinned in mid-air with a grav-grab? Might be fun :)

So much to look over!
Maya Vost
player, 209 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Fri 2 Feb 2024
at 15:53
  • msg #595


Rolling Thunder:
Or the Tortuga? Got pretty much the perfect Core Stats on that one... Frankly, I'd put it aside mostly because I thought Maya was going to go for it :)

Nah. As far back as November (I checked) I'd said I probably wasn't going to. Too much of a defensive leaning, and it's practically locked into a build at this level (one which doesn't interest me) if you want to make the most of what it does. It murders people silly enough to move in its general direction rather than proactively beating them up.

Couple of little gimmicky/synergy thoughts for you:
  • Cool thing about Sagarmatha is you can give it Reactive Weave from Metalmark 1, and that makes it so once per scenario it can Brace with zero drawbacks, immediately make a normal Move and becomes Invisible until the end of its next turn. Can basically give you two rounds worth of Invisible if you act at the top of the turn order one round and then delay your next turn until the end of the round after using it.
  • House Guard White Witch can rack up armour really quickly, and its innate ability to gain Resistance to kinetic and displacement while immobilised works great with Heavy Gunner. Become a turret gun and refuse to die.
  • Using the AI to get Vanguard 3/Heavy Gunner 3 on Tortuga is just [chef's kiss]. You can Covering Fire up to two targets with the HMG with no accuracy penalty, and your Overwatch is similarly unpleasant.
  • Nothing too fancy, but Vlad could use Ferrous Lash to throw people into caltrops and bear traps.

This message was last edited by the player at 16:05, Fri 02 Feb.
Rolling Thunder
player, 238 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 2 Feb 2024
at 17:50
  • msg #596


Will we be doing Downtime activities?
GM, 252 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 2 Feb 2024
at 17:52
  • msg #597


You guys will have a period of downtime at the start of Dustgrave. There will be a bit of non-combat activity first, but you'll still be able to take any downtime actions you want to do before you get into the thick of things.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:54, Fri 02 Feb.
Maya Vost
player, 210 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Sat 3 Feb 2024
at 19:02
  • msg #598


Right now the three names I'm considering for my Störtebeker are Anything but Grim, Life's Too Short, and Blackpowder Jackpot.

Any thoughts?
GM, 253 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 4 Feb 2024
at 01:20
  • msg #599


Blackpowder Jackpot certainly seems fitting, but all three are definitely great options.
Werner Steinn
player, 243 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 4 Feb 2024
at 20:51
  • msg #600


Going to be delayed for a bit.  Don't have any Internet and it's taking longer than I expected to get set up at my new place.  Just moved and some things are taking longer to work out than others.
Maya Vost
player, 211 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Sun 4 Feb 2024
at 22:42
  • msg #601


Sorry to hear you're having internet troubles. That sucks :(

I don't think we're in any particular rush right now, so I really wouldn't worry about it. RT and myself have plans to do some stuff anyway so we're hardly pushing for things to get back underway ASAP. We're totally okay with waiting if you need us to <3
GM, 254 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 4 Feb 2024
at 23:14
  • msg #602


Definitely, don't sweat it.  Take the time you need.
Rolling Thunder
player, 239 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 13:33
  • msg #603


In reply to Maya Vost (msg # 598):

Two cheers for Life's Too Short :D

Note: Going back to the field on Wednesday for the usual two weeks, so I wouldn't mind a delay before re-starting the new campaign as well?
GM, 255 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 01:29
  • msg #604


That's fine, take all the time you need.

On a side note, have any of you thought about what the unit designation for the group would be? Union mech teams would usually have a designation for the group, with each member having a number in that unit (as an example, a mech team could be called Alpha team, with its members being referred to as Alpha-1, Alpha-2, etc, as well as by their callsigns). It hasn't really come up as of yet, but in the future, the missions I am planning would likely have these in them.
Rolling Thunder
player, 240 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 16:23
  • msg #605


Trying to decide between going Full-Drake (below) or swapping-in the Grav Arm after all.


(I rather like the new build by the way: it's more like a willful surrender to a frame's play-style, see how you like it :) )


1 Hull -> 11 HP (+2 Customization)
1 Engineering -> 6 Heat Cap
2 Agility -> 4 Mv and 8 Evade

Heavy Gunner III
House Guard III from Argonaut shield and Concussion missiles

Argonaut Shield 2 SP
Adjutant class AI 3 SP
Customization 1 SP (for the HP mostly, haven't thought up a customization yet... )

Heavy Machine Gun
Main Mortar skinned as Shoulder-mounted rocket rack
Concussion Missiles skinned as red-tipped, double-loaded rockets
Rolling Thunder
player, 241 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 16:25
  • msg #606


In reply to GM (msg # 604):

RT's naming sense is all his own, as seen in his usual choices in nicknames :)

So he's likely to suggest something like: "Attack of the Clones", "The Thunder Crew" or "We RoMance the Sun". If in a joking mood, he's likely to go with "Team Damsel".

Make of that what you will :D
player, 85 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 21:32
  • msg #607


If you have a build that doesn't instantly generate 4 or more heat it might be worth a try to plan on wearing the goblin for the considerable accuracy bonuses, and tech defense boost.
Maya Vost
player, 212 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 22:49
  • msg #608


Rolling Thunder:

That works, yeah. Personally I'd still prioritise health over the extra speed but it's a totally valid call to help maintaining adjacency.

If you have a build that doesn't instantly generate 4 or more heat it might be worth a try to plan on wearing the goblin for the considerable accuracy bonuses, and tech defense boost.

That's likely to be our go-to setup*. Werner has a lot of heat generation, I'll be spending at least half my time in melee range, and meanwhile RT's got reason enough to sit still and a big gun with a built-in accuracy penalty which would love some rerolls.

That said, if I ever switch to a more artillery-focused build I would really appreciate Bentham/Foucalt Elimination. Störtebeker gets to reload as a quick action on a turn in which it skirmishes, so getting an extra quick action in your turn gives you the freedom to do more with your time than just shoot and reload.

*I'll take all the Lock Ons you'll afford me though. Melee crits are to die for when playing this frame.
player, 86 posts
Wed 7 Feb 2024
at 02:19
  • msg #609


I have enough different sources of bonus that I felt the need to create a cheat sheet of sorts for what the new mech and skills do in combination.  I think I found all of it, but let me know if some part doesn't make sense.

Blue Goblin Bonuses
Trigger: Consume Lock On created this turn
Results: Roll 2D20k1, Learn target's current stats, transfer quick action (consumes lock on), Autonomous Assault 3 damage, end of turn lock on

Attached Static Bonus:
May use Systems 4, E-Defense 16, Tech Attack +6

Any LOS target:
Share Sensors 20, LOS for tech, and Systems 4 for skills and saves.

On another note the Spotter tier 3 power seems to conflict with itself.  The text for the action it creates reads "When you Lock On, nominate an allied character adjacent to you: they may immediately make any quick action as a reaction, consuming your target’s Lock On condition. Their action does not need to be an attack, but they benefit from consuming the Lock On condition if they do choose to attack." which would seem to be a net cost of 1 quick action.

The text of the power itself reads "As a quick action when you Lock On, you may nominate an allied character adjacent to you: they may immediately make any quick action as a reaction, consuming your target’s Lock On condition. Their action does not need to be an attack, but they benefit from consuming the Lock On condition if they do choose to attack." Which seems to suggest that it is a second fully separate quick action to use.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:39, Wed 07 Feb.
Maya Vost
player, 213 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Wed 7 Feb 2024
at 04:32
  • msg #610


The latter is correct. You're essentially choosing to donate a quick action to the other player.
player, 87 posts
Wed 7 Feb 2024
at 06:37
  • msg #611


Considering my lack of weapons that is actually a good idea much of the time.  Particularly considering I still get to do two lock on actions in the same turn.
Rolling Thunder
player, 242 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 7 Feb 2024
at 15:38
  • msg #612


Maya Vost:
Personally I'd still prioritise health over the extra speed but it's a totally valid call to help maintaining adjacency.

My experience with the system is limited to this game, but just here the number of times mouvement and/or positioning have been key... So yeah, maybe not a total surrender to the Drake's playstyle :)

Speaking of, *if* I don't use RT's Reserve to take the grav arm, I *could* use it to take the improved Reserve  jump jets instead. Hm...

Maybe we could start a dedicated thread to post our builds for easy(er) reference during play? (What we want other lancers to know about them that is :) )
Rolling Thunder
player, 243 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 7 Feb 2024
at 15:39
  • msg #613


In reply to Sunder (msg # 607):

No Heat on that build except for the usual Overcharge, so that fits.

Would be glad to have you aboard :)
Maya Vost
player, 214 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Wed 7 Feb 2024
at 15:44
  • msg #614


Rolling Thunder:
Maybe we could start a dedicated thread to post our builds for easy(er) reference during play? (What we want other lancers to know about them that is :) )

I think that'd make a lot of sense, yeah.

Don't forget you've got that GM ruling to let you use Ferrous Lash to move yourself, so that might be able to compensate for any lack of mobility if you end up taking it.

Edit: Of course you had to make the thread seconds before I posted that :|
This message was last edited by the player at 15:44, Wed 07 Feb.
GM, 257 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 7 Feb 2024
at 15:44
  • msg #615


In reply to Rolling Thunder (msg # 612):

Build thread is up.
Rolling Thunder
player, 245 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 9 Feb 2024
at 23:54
  • msg #616


Maya Vost:
Don't forget you've got that GM ruling to let you use Ferrous Lash to move yourself, so that might be able to compensate for any lack of mobility if you end up taking it.

Controlled flight feels like a more advanced option though? -- especially considering how RT did it last time :)

ie. Leaning towards the Argonaut Shield right now, and taking the advanced grav-arm next LL?
GM, 258 posts
Because giant robots.
Sat 10 Feb 2024
at 00:22
  • msg #617


Depending on how things go, I may be able to grant it to you as a piece of Exotic Gear as well later on.
GM, 259 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 11 Feb 2024
at 19:44
  • msg #618


I'm going to put up a thread for the next adventure, but please don't feel pressured to post - take all the time you all need to get ready.
Rolling Thunder
player, 247 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 12 Feb 2024
at 23:38
  • msg #619


In reply to GM (msg # 617):

That would get very nice indeed :)
Maya Vost
player, 216 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Fri 16 Feb 2024
at 16:04
  • msg #620


I'm guessing Werner's still having trouble seeing as we haven't heard anything in about a fortnight?

This is concern/curiosity, not me being pushy. Still very much absorbed in behind the scenes stuff with RT.
GM, 261 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 16 Feb 2024
at 16:42
  • msg #621


Yeah, looks like it. I shot him a PM, still waiting for a response.
GM, 262 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 28 Feb 2024
at 22:53
  • msg #622


I still haven't heard anything from Werner, and it has been a while, so I will open up an ad for a player to fill his spot, assuming everyone is ok with that. I won't remove him from the game in case he comes back, and if he does, I'll close the ad again. If he comes back while the new player is in the game, I will have him rejoin the group in-game when the opportunity presents itself, and the group will be bumped to 5 members.
Gertrude Grace
player, 1 post
Fri 1 Mar 2024
at 18:15
  • msg #623


Hi folks, I'm here with more missiles than a Macross episode and a desire to make this everyone's problem.

Nice to meet you all!
Maya Vost
player, 217 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Fri 1 Mar 2024
at 18:45
  • msg #624


Hey there! Glad to have you aboard :)

I'm guessing that means you're thinking Monarch/Viceroy?
Gertrude Grace
player, 2 posts
Fri 1 Mar 2024
at 20:50
  • msg #625


Yep, I love SSC mechs in general, but the Monarch is particularly great looking.
player, 89 posts
Fri 1 Mar 2024
at 21:10
  • msg #626


I doubt the math on that  Macross episodes are well past insane on missile counts, but the fire support is welcome none the less, particularly if it can function without generating a lot of heat.
Gertrude Grace
player, 3 posts
Sat 2 Mar 2024
at 03:22
  • msg #627


In reply to Sunder (msg # 626):

I mean, anything in 20 spaces of me at the start of my turn is subject to strategic bombardment, I can shoot missiles that auto-hit things that cross certain lines, and I have lots of other missiles for things marginally closer that I can actually use on the go if I have to move around.

What I'm trying to say is while I might not have all the Missiles, I've gotten a commanding share of them :)
player, 90 posts
Sat 2 Mar 2024
at 03:32
  • msg #628


Is that the weapons range limit, or sensor limits, and does line of sight matter?
Gertrude Grace
player, 4 posts
Sat 2 Mar 2024
at 03:57
  • msg #629


Is that the weapons range limit, or sensor limits, and does line of sight matter?

Weapon Range Limit, the rest doesn't matter because I'm packing Indirect Fire, if any of us can see them, and I'm in range, I can bombard them, and Range 20 is long.

I'll gbe in trouble if something can close in in me of course, but until then, I'm having a good time.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:58, Sat 02 Mar.
Rolling Thunder
player, 248 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sat 2 Mar 2024
at 21:43
  • msg #630


Welcome aboard Gertrude! :)

What would people immediately know when meeting you?

No rush at all, but there's also a Build Thread if you want to post what other people know about your mech
Gertrude Grace
player, 5 posts
Sun 3 Mar 2024
at 16:04
  • msg #631


She's a tiny gremlin of a woman from space, who's an aggressive adrenaline junky and might be overcompensating for being a bit smol by stacking on the Biggest Things she can get her hands on.  But she is also super into the whole Mechanized Cavalry Shtick--mostly because her old life was honestly kinda boring.

Beyond that, we'll have to see how things shake loose in play.
Werner Steinn
player, 244 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 4 Mar 2024
at 18:53
  • msg #632


I'm back folks!  Sorry that my issue lasted WELL longer than I expected it to, but I don't foresee any big problems from this point forward.  Now that I'm back online with RPoL, looks like I have a pile of catching up to do.
GM, 263 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 4 Mar 2024
at 19:10
  • msg #633


Great to have you back!
Maya Vost
player, 218 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Mon 4 Mar 2024
at 23:58
  • msg #634


Yup, great to hear you've sorted things :)

Just thought I'd mention that I'm giving vague thought to changing my frame plans now we'll be having a squad of five. Störtebeker isn't especially tanky beyond coming with Armour 1, and if I'm going to be running the only frame with any real incentive to get up close then I might want something a little sturdier. We'll be facing sterner (and more numerous) opposition after all.
Rolling Thunder
player, 249 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 5 Mar 2024
at 14:34
  • msg #635


Hey there Werner: Glad to have you back!
player, 91 posts
Tue 5 Mar 2024
at 19:02
  • msg #636


Upon closer inspection it looks like Rolling Thunder is going to be the right pairing for my Goblin, assuming the attached goblin qualifies as an 'ally within 2 hexes' which I think is a safe assumption.

That leaves me with the ability to link sensors to another unit, but that also shares heat so it might not be a permanent thing.
Werner Steinn
player, 246 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 6 Mar 2024
at 12:28
  • msg #637


Doesn't a Goblin attached through Symbiosis always benefit from Hard Cover, no matter who it is attached to?  I don't think it can stack for even more cover bonuses.

Happy to be back and talking about robots.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:30, Wed 06 Mar.
Gertrude Grace
player, 6 posts
Wed 6 Mar 2024
at 14:30
  • msg #638


I've been a little preoccupied the past few days, but I'm hoping to post my mech build sheet today.
Maya Vost
player, 219 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Wed 6 Mar 2024
at 17:30
  • msg #639


Been giving it some consideration and I think I'm going to start out the next Op using Störtebeker and then change out for something else - probably Vlad - in the event that we seem to need a more defensive setup.

If I was playing a different character I might take Hydra here, but I think that's a bit too cerebral for someone like Maya.
Werner Steinn
player, 247 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 6 Mar 2024
at 19:58
  • msg #640


I'm playing the cerebral one in the group.  That's why I went with frying guys using the biggest laser I can mount!  Starting LL 3 I'm going to be putting out a lot of single-target damage with some extra area fun thrown in the mix.  But I'll mostly stick to fighting from mid-to-long range (8-15).

That said, I'm open to suggestions for 3 System Points if anyone has a good idea for me.  I love the area Lock-On effect from the Advanced Charges, but range 5 is pretty close for a slow (Speed 3) machine; especially when nothing else I'm bringing has a range less than 10.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:59, Wed 06 Mar.
player, 92 posts
Wed 6 Mar 2024
at 20:03
  • msg #641


Technically none of us went with a whole lot of cerebral.  Fortunately there are other ways to generate technical capabilities.

I think I am going to be throwing out a lot more lock on effects than before, the rate of making them is higher and my own use of them is fairly minimal now.
Rolling Thunder
player, 250 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 6 Mar 2024
at 23:52
  • msg #642


Werner Steinn:
Doesn't a Goblin attached through Symbiosis always benefit from Hard Cover, no matter who it is attached to?

True, RT can only grant extra Soft and Hard cover to an un-attached Goblin

He could perma-trigger the Argonaut Shield's resistance to all damage on an attached Goblin though, since they would never break adjacency?
This message was last edited by the player at 23:53, Wed 06 Mar.
Gertrude Grace
player, 7 posts
Thu 7 Mar 2024
at 13:15
  • msg #643


My Systems is okay, mostly because I need a lot of augments to make my build pop off, but as I said, I'm running a missile boat with no regrets, and Range 20 Indirect forgives many sins.
Maya Vost
player, 220 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Thu 7 Mar 2024
at 13:56
  • msg #644


Werner Steinn:
That said, I'm open to suggestions for 3 System Points if anyone has a good idea for me.

I'd suggest Personalizations (as extra health is always welcome) plus one of:
  • Armament Redundancy + Custom Paint Job (the "Murphy's Law" setup as you're invested in a big gun)
  • Pattern-A Jericho Deployable Cover (so you can have your own bunker when RT isn't around to cosplay as one)
  • Rapid Burst Jump Jet System (for getting around terrain in a pinch)
  • Type-3 Projected Shield (for a bit of extra protection as you've got no problems taking Heat)

Werner Steinn
player, 248 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 8 Mar 2024
at 01:30
  • msg #645


I think I will switch in the projected Shield.  My Evasion is poor at best, adding that +2 difficulty would help. And you're right about saying I can take the Heat.

Switching things up; bye-bye Advanced charges.
Werner Steinn
player, 249 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 8 Mar 2024
at 01:38
  • msg #646


So I had a question about Line attacks with the ZF4.  If my blast destroys objects and cover, do enemies using said cover lose its benefit when the Line makes an attack on them next?
player, 93 posts
Fri 8 Mar 2024
at 01:43
  • msg #647


The permanent Argonaut Shield effect is what I had in mind for that plan, I see no reason it wouldn't work as long as the Symbiosis holds.
Maya Vost
player, 221 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Fri 8 Mar 2024
at 12:04
  • msg #648


Werner Steinn:
So I had a question about Line attacks with the ZF4.  If my blast destroys objects and cover, do enemies using said cover lose its benefit when the Line makes an attack on them next?

As far as I understand it (and I checked on the Discord) you should be making all hit rolls from an AoE attack before the single shared damage roll, so a Line attack can't remove the benefits of cover from a target as it'd have to roll to hit them before it could deal damage to the obstruction.
Werner Steinn
player, 250 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 8 Mar 2024
at 13:29
  • msg #649


Fiddlesticks.  Suppose I'll just have to melt cover and then follow up with an Andromeda Laser to take advantage.
GM, 264 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 10 Mar 2024
at 23:12
  • msg #650


Hey all, I just wanted to pop in and give you all the heads up that I am ready to go on starting the next mission. I don't want to rush anyone, please take the time you need, but once you are ready to go for that, please give me a heads up so I can move into the next adventure.
Maya Vost
player, 222 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Sun 10 Mar 2024
at 23:19
  • msg #651


I'd say that I'm ready. RT and myself might need to pencil in a conclusion to our private thread, but otherwise I'm all sorted.

Edit: Still need to get a frame description sorted actually, but that's hardly going to hold us back.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:23, Sun 10 Mar.
player, 94 posts
Sun 10 Mar 2024
at 23:19
  • msg #652


Unless we are doing a downtime segment first I should be ready to go.  Any minor details will sort themselves out on the move.
Rolling Thunder
player, 251 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 00:34
  • msg #653


I'm in the field until the 18th when I head back homeward

Would it be possible to time it around there you think?
This message was last edited by the player at 00:49, Mon 11 Mar.
Werner Steinn
player, 251 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 09:22
  • msg #654


I'm mechanically clear.  In the same boat as Maya; just need to get the descriptive parts squared away.
Gertrude Grace
player, 8 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 13:12
  • msg #655


Been procrastinating at transferring my stuff from COMP/CON to here, but I'll get it done today, promise.

(I've had a full schedule.  It's not really a defense but with everything else going slow I kind of dragged my heels >_>)
Werner Steinn
player, 253 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 19:59
  • msg #656


Posted an image of my new machine, Novel Theory.  And in doing so I noticed that all the other mech pictures I had posted previously have vanished.  Anybody here have enough experience posting images on RPoL to know what I did wrong?  Don't know why they would stay up a while and then go.
Maya Vost
player, 223 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 20:03
  • msg #657


I think it's to do with them being sourced from Discord (?)

If I plug the URL in the posts straight into my browser I get a message saying the content is no longer available.
Werner Steinn
player, 254 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 20:16
  • msg #658


Harrumph.  Suppose I'll need to be more careful about where I host my images.  I can't find the originals where I left them either.
GM, 265 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 13:03
  • msg #659


In reply to Rolling Thunder (msg # 653):

Yes, that should work. I’ll get things started then.
Rolling Thunder
player, 252 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 16:37
  • msg #660


In reply to Werner Steinn (msg # 658):

I've got a copy of some of those you posted here if you want them?
Werner Steinn
player, 255 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 17:04
  • msg #661


That'd be great, thanks.
Rolling Thunder
player, 253 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 13 Mar 2024
at 16:46
  • msg #662


Here you go:

Didn't download the firebird apparently, although I was fairly sure I had... :(
Werner Steinn
player, 256 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 13 Mar 2024
at 17:32
  • msg #663


Thanks again, gets some of the images back.
Rolling Thunder
player, 254 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 13 Mar 2024
at 23:12
  • msg #664


How much time will have passed for us between the end of Solstice and the beginning of Dust Graves?  (So we can get an idea how far certain things might have progressed?)
GM, 266 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 14 Mar 2024
at 01:11
  • msg #665


I’d call it around 1-2 ish weeks for the crew, mostly contained in getting to and from blink gates.
Rolling Thunder
player, 255 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 15 Mar 2024
at 00:05
  • msg #666


Follow-up question to get a better idea of the trip: how big is the Rio in terms of people on board? What kind of accommodations are we talking about in terms of off-duty time?
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 00:06, Fri 15 Mar.
GM, 267 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 15 Mar 2024
at 00:59
  • msg #667


Crew numbers aren’t ever explicitly stated as far as I know, but judging from real-world equivalents, I’d reckon the Rio Grande Has around 2000 crew in total.

Normally on longer patrols, the crew would take active “shifts” for doing their duties aboard the ship, while being in stasis for the downtime. As this is a relatively short trip, it is likely that stasis would be more limited, with training, drills, and sundry crew duties taking up much of the crew’s time. In non-stasis downtime, recreational activities are common - as always, card games, board games, and gambling are common, with omninet media, simulators, and Captain Farris’s impromptu baking contests filling in the gaps.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:24, Fri 15 Mar.
Werner Steinn
player, 257 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 15 Mar 2024
at 01:06
  • msg #668


Baking is like chemistry; except you get to eat the results.
Gertrude Grace
player, 10 posts
Fri 15 Mar 2024
at 12:45
  • msg #669


I mean, you can eat things made with chemistry too, it just probably won't go over well for you :)
Rolling Thunder
player, 256 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sat 16 Mar 2024
at 16:52
  • msg #670


In reply to GM (msg # 667):

So less like Macross and more like a military aircraft carrier sort of vibe then?

I’m imagining cramped gyms. Double-uses projection rooms for watching news reels and entertainment as a group during off hours (from a re-purposed office to briefing rooms) -- or do we have dedicated rooms for that? Little personnel-run shows now and then maybe if anybody wants to get involved in those: Music, karaoke, storytelling, skits etc. Food specials at different cafeterias on different days to encourage mixing and break the routine...

Um... What's the state of simulators in 3rd Committee Union by the way (and aboard the Rio in particular)? Full sim-sense? Physical simulators like we have today? Something else?
GM, 268 posts
Because giant robots.
Sat 16 Mar 2024
at 18:17
  • msg #671


Rolling Thunder:
I’m imagining cramped gyms. Double-uses projection rooms for watching news reels and entertainment as a group during off hours (from a re-purposed office to briefing rooms) -- or do we have dedicated rooms for that?

The briefing rooms serve both purposes during non-combat periods, but if a mission is occurring then that will take precedence.

Rolling Thunder:
Um... What's the state of simulators in 3rd Committee Union by the way (and aboard the Rio in particular)? Full sim-sense? Physical simulators like we have today? Something else?

I imagine them as highly advanced VR/AR systems. You could "plug in" to the systems via your neural link or hardsuit, then experience the simulator as if you were actually in the situation, minus any harm to you or the other participants. The best analogue I can think of for this are the War Games from Halo - it feels like you are actually fighting, but no one actually gets hurt or dies.
Werner Steinn
player, 258 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 16 Mar 2024
at 23:52
  • msg #672


Sounds like baking competitions just aren't enough excitement for some people.  What if Werner was to give some lectures on Paleontology or Beam Physics?  I could get you VIP seats.
Rolling Thunder
player, 257 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 18 Mar 2024
at 00:51
  • msg #673


FYI, after a (very) lively session of role-playing, Maya and I have decided to go with the following bits. Do you guys think it can be worked into the game?

It was recently learned that RT and Maya are dating.

Apparently they’ve been dating ever since RT got out of medical, but have been keeping it a secret. That lasted until the day before yesterday. Then RT answered a question - possibly from Sunder? - with the straight truth (when he shouldn’t have) and it was out.

(I’m imagining the scene as following on Werner asking to join the two for the second night in a row? :) Everybody in the squad was present at the time, including Maya who was… not immediately pleased.

He’s had to apologize/make it up to Werner as well since then, for making him feel unwanted. Industrial quantities of black lager alright?)
This message was last edited by the player at 00:57, Mon 18 Mar.
Werner Steinn
player, 259 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 18 Mar 2024
at 11:15
  • msg #674


Does this mean you'll need two seats at the lecture?

So you mean that the relationship has recently been discovered by the crew of the Rio Grande?  Or just us squaddies?  As a pair of the premier mech jockeys aboard, I have to imagine that keeping things quiet couldn't last long anyway.

Who is dating whom is juicy gossip, and the crew is always paying attention.

Although... Maybe having been oblivious to the whole affair would be more fun/disruptive.  Black Lager you say?
Maya Vost
player, 224 posts
HP: 1 Heat: 4/6
Structure: 2 Burn: 2
Mon 18 Mar 2024
at 12:11
  • msg #675


Werner Steinn:
Does this mean you'll need two seats at the lecture?

I suppose we could share, but that might be a bit distracting...

I feel like this development might not come as much as a surprise to those working in close proximity to the pilots (and the other PCs at your discretion). Sunder was already making "married couple" remarks, and they've not exactly been subtle with how messy things were between them during the last mission. Some people might've thought that they already were together.

As RT said, Maya's been somewhat less than pleased to have lost control of the narrative. She's clearly the less open and forthcoming one of the two in this matter.
Gertrude Grace
player, 11 posts
Mon 18 Mar 2024
at 13:41
  • msg #676


We're live!  Post incoming once I shake loose some time to write.
Werner Steinn
player, 260 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 18 Mar 2024
at 20:06
  • msg #677


To clarify our opening scene, we are Planetside and in our hardsuits, but without our vehicles?
GM, 271 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 18 Mar 2024
at 20:23
  • msg #678


Yes, your mechs are still on the Rio Grande.
Gertrude Grace
player, 13 posts
Tue 19 Mar 2024
at 01:11
  • msg #679


I'm not the best at really describing things--or visualizing them for that matter, but the best analogy I can find is the Starcraft Marine armor for Gertrude's hardsuit, just with a bit more boosters and some integrated close in shooters if something gets too close.  She's a tiny thing and mostly occupies the thing's midsection and head equivilant, with most of the limbs being robotic and controlled via direct neural interface.

The things tiny people have to do to be taken seriously in this line of work :o
This message was last edited by the player at 01:12, Tue 19 Mar.
Werner Steinn
player, 262 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 19 Mar 2024
at 08:44
  • msg #680


You're already an elite pilot with control of a missile lobbing machine of destruction.  I don't think you need to make any more provisions to be taken seriously.
Gertrude Grace
player, 14 posts
Tue 19 Mar 2024
at 12:58
  • msg #681


Werner Steinn:
You're already an elite pilot with control of a missile lobbing machine of destruction.  I don't think you need to make any more provisions to be taken seriously.

Yeah, but Zephyr here can't spend all her time in her mech, it's too big!  She can't go everywhere in it.
Maya Vost
player, 226 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Tue 19 Mar 2024
at 14:47
  • msg #682


I was just reminded: we never did settle on a name for the squad, did we?

I was trying to think of something clever involving themes of like... cheating death and surviving extinction events to tie into Werner's shtick (and our tendencies towards things getting messy) but nothing's coming to mind yet
This message was last edited by the player at 14:56, Tue 19 Mar.
Rolling Thunder
player, 260 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 19 Mar 2024
at 15:56
  • msg #683


Back to the land of the living! (Sort of)

Catching up with posts

After discussing it with Maya, the gift-dog is in reality small (not tiny) and made of hard but utterly cheap plast. Post adjusted in consequence :)

Also I'm kinda surprised Werner's suit is not some sort of napalm-powered dinosaur :D

Werner Steinn and Maya Vost:
Does this mean you'll need two seats at the lecture?

I suppose we could share, but that might be a bit distracting...

RT will attend the fist installment of the dinosaur one "As a show of support", and will probably even enjoy it! Maya could not be convinced to come though, and RT's doesn't blame her one bit :)

For the science one though, wild horses will be needed to drag him there...Although, possibly, ones named Sunder if she wants to go in a group (since he owes her)?

On the relationship side, "Discovered by the squad", but as mentionned, word travels fast :)

Werner Steinn:
Black Lager you say?

Industrial. Quantities.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:58, Tue 19 Mar.
Rolling Thunder
player, 261 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 19 Mar 2024
at 16:00
  • msg #684


In reply to Maya Vost (msg # 682):


EDIT: 100% it's Werner that suggested it :)
This message was last edited by the player at 16:17, Tue 19 Mar.
Werner Steinn
player, 263 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 19 Mar 2024
at 20:16
  • msg #685


I have more suggestions too:

Hell Creek

Or maybe something a bit less direct:

Maya Vost
player, 228 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 16:42
  • msg #686


Just in case anyone thought I was purely indulging in edge with "Killhope*":

I already had vague thoughts in mind about the industrial background of Maya's homeworld, and after repeated failures to settle on a name for the place I decided to look up historical lead mines in my part of the country. Just so happens the first result that turned up was a museum on a site which is indeed called Killhope, and I thought ... yeah, I'll have that.

*Okay, I won't pretend that didn't also factor in.

Rolling Thunder:
"Orbital-ring smelters might be more your beat, Vee?" he guessed. "Killhope was asteroid mining, right?" *

OOC: Or do I mis-remember that?

(Assuming that OOC was indeed aimed at me): I'm 99.9% sure I've never mentioned anything like that before?
Rolling Thunder
player, 263 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 17:22
  • msg #687


In reply to Werner Steinn (msg # 685):

Immortals? (Sunder, Dinosaurs and mammals surviving Chicxulub through birds, AND Fit's RT's sense of humour to a T :D )

In reply to Maya Vost (msg # 686):

Ah, sorry: Must have confused it with something else then? Do correct RT IC though, good chance to exposition (And he'll be interested :)

Hm... Have you considered asteroid-belt mining for Killhope? Dome-living for the main towns maybe?

On a side note, asteroid mining (and planet cracking if you've got the means) are *the way to go* for efficient space mining. (Metals are *heavy*. Going out of your way to get them at the bottom of a gravity well is usually counter-productive). </Hard-fi rant ;)>
This message was last edited by the player at 17:29, Wed 20 Mar.
Maya Vost
player, 229 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 18:31
  • msg #688


Rolling Thunder:
Hm... Have you considered asteroid-belt mining for Killhope? Dome-living for the main towns maybe?

Open to the idea?: Sure!
Know anything about it?: Nope!
Gertrude Grace
player, 16 posts
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 23:41
  • msg #689


Rolling Thunder:
In reply to Werner Steinn (msg # 685):

Immortals? (Sunder, Dinosaurs and mammals surviving Chicxulub through birds, AND Fit's RT's sense of humour to a T :D )

In reply to Maya Vost (msg # 686):

Ah, sorry: Must have confused it with something else then? Do correct RT IC though, good chance to exposition (And he'll be interested :)

Hm... Have you considered asteroid-belt mining for Killhope? Dome-living for the main towns maybe?

On a side note, asteroid mining (and planet cracking if you've got the means) are *the way to go* for efficient space mining. (Metals are *heavy*. Going out of your way to get them at the bottom of a gravity well is usually counter-productive). </Hard-fi rant ;)>

Planet-Cracking?  Absolutely.  Asteroid-mining?  Ehhhhhh, depends where you are.  Most asteroids'll get you the simple elements, and it's definitely cheaper on a "Strip the thing bare" perspective.  But if you need high quality stuff, you're better off digging deep into a proper gravity well, where you've at least got a higher concentration of mass and the understanding that the Good Stuff is pretty deep.   You're just trading the risks of planetary mining for having to actually identify rocks worthy of carving open and the general Fuckfest that is Space.
Rolling Thunder
player, 264 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 21 Mar 2024
at 13:54
  • msg #690


Reposting this here for PM, since it seems relevant?

Rolling Thunder:
About asteroid mining: Sure, what do you want to know?

Basics are this: Asteroid belts are rings of many, many asteroids orbiting around a particular star (some systems can have multiple belts of differing population and density). Sizes of the asteroids within them can vary from basically dust to about 500km diameter (Ceres, our biggest one here in the solar system is about 1000 km in diameter, to give you an idea). Their orbits are either fairly chaotic within the belt, or a whole group of them might sail in unison (called a "family").

They're formed mostly by the breaking up of an ancient proto-planet (or a string of smaller proto-planets) that didn't quite make it. The interesting thing here is that metals already started segregating towards the core of those proto-planets (like they did here on earth), so while most asteroids will be rocky in nature, when those proto-planets break up you end up with *some* asteroids that might be composed entirely or mostly from metals (i.e. they were at the core of former proto-planets). *Those* are the motherloads you want to get.

Two main ways to approach the mining of these: you either prospect until you find a likely candidate and mine that in-situ where you found it (move on to the next one after that) - that's the low-tech, low productivity option -, and/or, if you got the technology and ressources, you fling your candidates to a better, more central spot where you can have bigger, more centralized operations and facilities. Either forming an asteroid family "town" in or near the belt itself - with a huge central living dome, say, and attendant concentrator/smelter/shipping yard for processing and shipping, surrounded by various individual metal asteroid "mines" - or you might fling it directly at a planet, so it enters far-orbit (or is mined to death when it gets close enough), OR is docked and consumed directly by an orbital-ring factory, if you got some of those.

EDIT = I imagine most places will likely have a range of these? With corps operating asteroid family towns of various sizes, and numerous smaller operators doing the in-situ thing? Mineral right claims, claim jumping, and prospecting in general can be an entirely wild-west cut-throat affair as well in fresh, less explored/farther away belts. Lots of fun to be had there :D

Anyway, that's the hard-fi basics. In Lancer, you might have all sorts of variations on the asteroid mine "town", what with gravity manipulation, nanites and all that good stuff :)

EDIT 2 = Oh, and did I mention pirates/privateers and corp slaver raids, should you want to go a bit darker?

Rolling Thunder
player, 265 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 21 Mar 2024
at 14:02
  • msg #691


In reply to Gertrude Grace (msg # 689):

Asteroid belts are actually formed from exactly the same elements that lead to the formation of planets? Specific belts can even be overall *more* enriched in heavies than certain planets, depending on where they are located in their particular solar system (heavier elements tend to be closer to the star, volatiles farther). What planets (and proto-planets) do best is concentrate the heavies via gravity. Bigger planets do this much better, of course, but that means the heavies can be *very* deep down indeed and quite hard to get to (we're talking 1000s of km down). That problem is solved if your proto-planet concentrator is already cracked into nice, mineable chunks. (And yes, I'm ignoring all the other ore-concentrating processes a geologically active planet has, why do you ask? :) )

Think of asteroid mining like planet cracking for poor people :)

Fun fact, most of the gold we're mining today actually comes from a late asteroid bombardment that enriched the crust in some of those heavies. Earth's original "native" gold has sadly long since sunk way beyond our current reach...
This message was last edited by the player at 14:04, Thu 21 Mar.
Gertrude Grace
player, 17 posts
Thu 21 Mar 2024
at 22:09
  • msg #692


Yeah, it does have money, it's the "Space is really big" and "The value from any given rock isn't very great usually" things that add up to eliminate a lot of the things that make it profitable compared to cracking a planet wide open.

Blech, I feel like I'm kind of missing part of the discussion though.  We had a talk about orbital foundries, I'm kind of the new person, and I guess I sort of flailed badly and ended up irritating people there.
GM, 275 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 11:43
  • msg #693


Don't worry about it, I don't think any of us mind learning about this sort of thing.
Rolling Thunder
player, 267 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 13:24
  • msg #694


Gertrude Grace:
Blech, I feel like I'm kind of missing part of the discussion though.  We had a talk about orbital foundries, I'm kind of the new person, and I guess I sort of flailed badly and ended up irritating people there.

Not sure if this refers to IC or OOC (Orbital foundries seems to say IC?)

just in case it *is* IC: My bad. That's *not* the impression I wanted to make at all?

The idea IC was to suggest some past interactions between RT an Zephyr. Maybe underline what I thought was one of her characteristic speech patterns? (I figure that she's new, but they *did* have the time to meet and combat simm together a few times as a squad during the past... week? Would sort of make sense.)

Inside scoop: RT is not irritated. If anything he feels sort of protective of the newcomer? He just has a different way of showing it than Maya does. :) (Only had two IC interactions so far, but Gertrude does seem to bring the sergeant/old veteran out of RT...:D )

Does that help?
This message was last edited by the player at 13:26, Fri 22 Mar.
Gertrude Grace
player, 18 posts
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 13:38
  • msg #695


Rolling Thunder:
Gertrude Grace:
Blech, I feel like I'm kind of missing part of the discussion though.  We had a talk about orbital foundries, I'm kind of the new person, and I guess I sort of flailed badly and ended up irritating people there.

Not sure if this refers to IC or OOC (Orbital foundries seems to say IC?)

just in case it *is* IC: My bad. That's *not* the impression I wanted to make at all?

The idea IC was to suggest some past interactions between RT an Zephyr. Maybe underline what I thought was one of her characteristic speech patterns? (I figure that she's new, but they *did* have the time to meet and combat simm together a few times as a squad during the past... week? Would sort of make sense.)

Inside scoop: RT is not irritated. If anything he feels sort of protective of the newcomer? He just has a different way of showing it than Maya does. :) (Only had two IC interactions so far, but Gertrude does seem to bring the sergeant/old veteran out of RT...:D )

Does that help?

Ah!  that works.

Yeah, she's a bit of a scatterbrain on her first real big operation, well meaning and smart as a whip, but prone to dropping spaghetti here and there to try and fit in a bit better and failing, awkwardly.  Not a bad person, but kind of a dumb rookie with all of the implications there.

Just some teething issues getting started I guess!
Rolling Thunder
player, 269 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 15:19
  • msg #696


Rolling Thunder:
Gertrude does seem to bring the sergeant/old veteran out of RT

Not that he's either one of those things, mind you :)

EDIT: Also, do feel free to contradict him if you want ("I was *not* 'doing it again', etc)
This message was last edited by the player at 16:03, Fri 22 Mar.
Werner Steinn
player, 265 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 23 Mar 2024
at 22:07
  • msg #697


Ah, fiddlsticks.  I just noticed that the post I made the other night never got uploaded!  I think my ISP was having trouble and the post just never got off the starting line.

Well shoot.
Maya Vost
player, 232 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Sat 23 Mar 2024
at 22:09
  • msg #698


I was thinking you'd gone a bit quiet. Sorry to hear the internet monster ate your post :(
Werner Steinn
player, 266 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 23 Mar 2024
at 22:20
  • msg #699


One more for the Kraken.
Werner Steinn
player, 267 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 23 Mar 2024
at 23:21
  • msg #700


I can respect how difficult it is to coax a decent image out of the computer.  It is some kind of hard to get any sort of decent-looking dinosaur robot.  And then I go and ask for an herbivore?  Oh man, it does not like that!
GM, 276 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 24 Mar 2024
at 00:38
  • msg #701


Hey all, I just wanted to check in and see if everyone was ready to move on to meeting with the Captain. If not, no worries, but please let me know either way.
Werner Steinn
player, 269 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 24 Mar 2024
at 00:50
  • msg #702


I'm ready.
Maya Vost
player, 234 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Sun 24 Mar 2024
at 00:52
  • msg #703


No problem here. I'm sure RT and myself will have plenty of opportunities to bicker in the future.
Gertrude Grace
player, 19 posts
Sun 24 Mar 2024
at 01:19
  • msg #704


I'm good!
player, 96 posts
Sun 24 Mar 2024
at 02:43
  • msg #705


I am ready, and I should be getting a new modem tomorrow so after I get that working I should be able to do a combat post.
Rolling Thunder
player, 272 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 24 Mar 2024
at 13:26
  • msg #706


Maya Vost:
I'm sure RT and myself will have plenty of opportunities to bicker in the future.

Nope. Perfect happiness from here on out I'm afraid

Ready and willing! Travelling back to yee old hometown tomorrow, but that shouldn't impact too much this time I think (going by plane)
Maya Vost
player, 235 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Sun 24 Mar 2024
at 13:32
  • msg #707


Rolling Thunder:
Nope. Perfect happiness from here on out I'm afraid

Darn. There go my plans.
Rolling Thunder
player, 273 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 24 Mar 2024
at 14:27
  • msg #708


Lol :)
Werner Steinn
player, 270 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sun 24 Mar 2024
at 21:51
  • msg #709


Blue Immortals?  But...I don't think any of us are blue. Time to throw out other options and discuss!  Feel free to hate/love as many as you like:

How about the Epic Epochs?  The Steel Revenants?  December Squad?  Thunder and Iron?

Autobots?  Thundercats?  Masters of the Universe?
This message was last edited by the player at 21:51, Sun 24 Mar.
Rolling Thunder
player, 275 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 24 Mar 2024
at 23:51
  • msg #710


Blue is supposed to evoke hope - Cradle sky and all that - but YMMV, of course :)
Werner Steinn
player, 271 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 25 Mar 2024
at 00:02
  • msg #711


I thought blue meant sadness and know, 'Why so blue?'

Or maybe it's like blueshift, meaning we're coming at you fast!
player, 98 posts
Mon 25 Mar 2024
at 02:10
  • msg #712


In holographic form Sunder is quite blue, as is her goblin.  The hard suit even has blue ish highlights.
GM, 285 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 22:51
  • msg #713


This has got me thinking about names for Tumble and Alphabet's squad - they'll be showing up later on, so I'll need to come up with a name for their team as well. Something to do with second chances, maybe.
Werner Steinn
player, 275 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 01:17
  • msg #714


Well, I do enjoy throwing out names for things.

Redeemer?  White Hat?  New Leaf?
GM, 286 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 12:57
  • msg #715


I like White Hat, I think I'll use that - thank you for the idea!
Gertrude Grace
player, 21 posts
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 16:02
  • msg #716


I must admit, I'm at something of a loss, Zephyr doesn't really bring much to the table in an investigation at present, aside from general kitbashing stuff and being extremely difficult to kill >_>
Rolling Thunder
player, 281 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 21:30
  • msg #717


I suggest bringing that up IC? If you feel it, your character likely does as well?

If so,  RT might answer something like:

She was good at kibashing stuff... OK: "How would you do it if you wanted to take over a subaltern?"
Rolling Thunder
player, 286 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 14:16
  • msg #718


Updated my character sheet a while ago, but forgot to post this :)

FYI, Swapped out his Hack/Fix trigger for Assault, leaning-in to his soldier background.

Does he get back the Portable Printer he lost gambling during their first Downtime, or is that a permanent loss?

Mech build: Really feeling the lack of Combined Arms II here. Where Reluctant was equally comfortable at any range, Surrender is ranged focused only, with no HtoH capabilities at all… Might have to swap the old Panabas Charged Blade in there to balance him out a little.

Could be useful in those jungle-swamps too?
Werner Steinn
player, 278 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 14:25
  • msg #719


The portable printer is pilot gear, right?  Losing it during a downtime action would only keep you from having it during the mission following that downtime.  You should be able to take it again by this point.

I also am lacking melee capabilities.  I have two big guns and two not-as-big guns.  Parasaurolophus doesn't fight up close, but it does fight dirty.
Rolling Thunder
player, 287 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 16:05
  • msg #720


Werner Steinn:
The portable printer is pilot gear, right?  Losing it during a downtime action would only keep you from having it during the mission following that downtime.  You should be able to take it again by this point.

Ah, good thing then

Although the printer was sort of linked with Hack/Fix side of things. Hm... Might swap it for Cammo Cloth or a Scope, maybe?

EDIT = Going back to the field today by the way, so slower posting on my part for the foreseeable future, as per usual :)
This message was last edited by the player at 16:07, Mon 01 Apr.
player, 101 posts
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 19:30
  • msg #721


Was it a printer only you can use?  If not we still have plenty of hack/fix to operate it.  Also what does it cost we might be able to have more than one.
Rolling Thunder
player, 289 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 23:40
  • msg #722


It costs a gear/equipment slot? So don't necessarely need hack/fix to use it -- although that might certainly help?

I meant it's related with the theme of the hack/fix Trigger, which he doesn't have anymore, so might make more sense for him to get something else instead?

... And what do you know, we're in a market :D
GM, 288 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 23:56
  • msg #723


During your upcoming downtime, you will be able to Peruse the Dustmarket if you so wish, which may allow you to access items only available there. Standard pilot equipment would be readily available from any official channel, in your case likely to be the Rio Grande.
Gertrude Grace
player, 23 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 13:56
  • msg #724


Sort of dropped out for a few days with the Easter holidays and the subsequent Family Stuff, I'll see if there's anything to react to when I get a second today.
Maya Vost
player, 240 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 15:44
  • msg #725


Do you think it'd be a good idea for me to follow up on RT's last post in the Alt. RP thread so we don't have two separate scenarios running in parallel in the same thread?
GM, 290 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 15:26
  • msg #726


That sounds good, It'll be easier to track each one that way. Also, sorry for not replying earlier, I thought I had replied earlier here, but it looks like my post was lost to the interwebs :/
player, 102 posts
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 19:09
  • msg #727


Some posts just don't work.  Even going back to check right away isn't always effective as they can seem to post then disappear later.
Rolling Thunder
player, 291 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 23:25
  • msg #728


@Werner,  Sunder and Gert: I think our GM might be waiting for you guys to post that you're on your way before going on?
GM, 292 posts
Because giant robots.
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 00:17
  • msg #729


I am, but don't worry about rushing things - take the time you need. Also, I'll start posting for the Dustmarket section in the alt RP thread, so the others will be able to continue in the main one.
Rolling Thunder
player, 292 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 23:16
  • msg #730


Not clear in my head, with talk of Alleys and Plazas and such: does Upper Conroy consist of free-standing buildings built in some kind of huge underground enclosure/cavern, or is it more like a huge shopping mall kind of thing (i.e. a series of connected but enclosed corridors, ramps and rooms)
GM, 295 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 00:04
  • msg #731


Each layer of Port Conroy (with the exception of the Surface) is a city contained in an underground cavern, with a variety of access routes between each, whether that be elevators, air vents, passageways, or some other connection. There are free-standing buildings, streets, and the like, but everything is contained within the cavern.
Rolling Thunder
player, 293 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 00:33
  • msg #732


Ah, OK. Clearer now...

To complete the picture, is it all one span, or are there huge structural columns all over the place? One giant central one maybe?

Is it all bright-lit from lamps fixed on the ceiling above (or was at some point anyway), or more of an underlit vibe with lights at building level but nothing but opaque, night-dark 'sky' above, with just the occassional shadow of ceiling rocks? Something else?
GM, 296 posts
Because giant robots.
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 00:46
  • msg #733


I think by necessity there would need to be some kind of support structure, possibly disguised as skyscrapers in Lower, more obvious in Upper. It's definitely more of an underlit vibe. Lights are at street level, the roof of the cavern is dark, and there's an almost oppressive atmosphere of disrepair. Think an old and broken down Night City with a sepia filter and a constant layer of dust and grime, and you wouldn't be too far off.

For reference, here's the example art for the Dustmarket from the module.

Rolling Thunder
player, 294 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 00:56
  • msg #734


Oh nice!

Thanks for that. That helps a lot
Gertrude Grace
player, 24 posts
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 16:20
  • msg #735


Rolling Thunder:
@Werner,  Sunder and Gert: I think our GM might be waiting for you guys to post that you're on your way before going on?

Ack, my brain isn't doing so hot this week and we lost power for a while the other day, once my course is over for the day I'll get a post in.
Werner Steinn
player, 280 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 13:04
  • msg #736


I'm not sure when/if I should roll any skill triggers as part of this scene.  If it's called for I'm leaning towards Get a Hold of Something, but depending on how things go it might become Investigate.
GM, 299 posts
Because giant robots.
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 22:21
  • msg #737


No skill checks needed yet. Some may be needed a bit later depending on how you handle things in this scene, but I'll call them out for the group when/if they come up.
Rolling Thunder
player, 297 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 7 Apr 2024
at 00:13
  • msg #738


In reply to Gertrude Grace (msg # 735):

Yeah, those kind of days happen to me sometimes as well :)

Hang in there and get back to us when you can <thumbs up>
Rolling Thunder
player, 299 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Mon 8 Apr 2024
at 00:41
  • msg #739


Small question while we have the time:

Creighton's Printshop, a sprawling complex connected to the huge central spire that overlooks the Port Conroy spaceport.

I'm guessing the spire is some sort of mixed control tower/spaceport terminal? And/or the base of a space elevator connecting to those ring factories maybe?
This message was last edited by the player at 00:41, Mon 08 Apr.
GM, 302 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 8 Apr 2024
at 01:12
  • msg #740


It is the control center for the spaceport and the headquarters of the PCPA.
Gertrude Grace
player, 25 posts
Mon 8 Apr 2024
at 14:08
  • msg #741


Nothing like losing power for most of the weekend to help drag down a mood -.-  We've got a generator, but it does limit what I can do since it's only a relatively small portion of the house that has access to power then.

Anyway, I'm just going to gather my thoughts, do my best to catch up, and hope this is the end of the procession of nonsense that's trying to stop me from getting a good rhythm going here.
GM, 305 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 8 Apr 2024
at 21:40
  • msg #742


No worries, LifeTM happens. Post when you can.
Rolling Thunder
player, 301 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 00:28
  • msg #743


Updated the first part of Alt RP thread #37 so it feels a little more complete :

(...) “I mean, you and me kidnap an NHP, *we* have a buyer all lined up, right?” Right?

The elevator rattled to a stop just then though, sending a shower of rust and the ever present dust down onto its occupants.

Doors behind them began to open...

"Play it by ear," RT concluded, a bit more rushed than he'd planned, "but eventually, I'm thinking straightforward may be *this* team's strongest suit?"

Might as well play trumps when you have them, right?

Werner Steinn
player, 282 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 14:19
  • msg #744


Are there any visible security measures at the printshop?  Automated defenses or obvious armaments?  I'm sure the Port Conroy officials would have to ensure that their only local printshop wasn't something a band of desperadoes might take control of and start printing war machines in the middle of the city.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:19, Tue 09 Apr.
GM, 307 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 14:53
  • msg #745


There isn't anything obvious, but it would be safe to assume that some kind of security system would be present, even if it is something basic.
Werner Steinn
player, 283 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 00:00
  • msg #746


What exactly is known about homonculi?  Are they similar to an NHP?  Or a robot programmed with the personality traits of a person?  Can they learn and adapt?  Transfer their consciousness/program between robot bodies?  Can they be hacked and reprogrammed or forced to perform certain actions?
Maya Vost
player, 245 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 00:28
  • msg #747


Think of homonculi as kinda like a more sophisticated AI chatbot. It can talk with you and provide answers and information based on what its persona "knows," but at the end of the day it's a lot like a Comp-Con with the "skin" of a specific individual.
GM, 310 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 00:32
  • msg #748


From the core book:

A homunculus is the captured digital emulation of a person, living or dead. Homunculi are not conscious, nor are they “intelligent” in the way that NHP or higher-order non-human minds are; like smart weapons, homunculi are, essentially, specialized comp/con units, used in specific contexts where a specific person’s expertise is necessary.

In Creighton's case, this homunculus is a recreation of the original Horton Creighton. It's more advanced than your average comp/con, and it is an adequate facsimile of the original, but it still has blind spots and areas it can't really cover in its programming. They can't really learn like a NHP could, nor could it adapt to entirely new settings. It could transfer its system to a different body, and it could absolutely be hacked or otherwise interfered with.

In Creighton's case, while he knows a lot about printing, business, and selling IPS-N products, you couldn't drop him into a science team and expect him to learn how to do neuroscience.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:54, Wed 10 Apr.
Werner Steinn
player, 285 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 11:37
  • msg #749


I don't think the Creighton Homonculus is in on the kidnapping, but it seems very likely he wouldn't know his machines were hacked.  Or even realize he was manipulated himself.

Does it look like we might be able to give Sunder and Gertrude a chance to poke around with their own hacking skills on the sly (don't know what skill triggers Gertrude has) while I keep him occupied?   To try and find a hacker's footprint or calling card in the shop's system.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:40, Wed 10 Apr.
GM, 313 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 14:48
  • msg #750


Yes, you are able to try to hack into the shop's systems (or even into Creighton himself) in order to try to figure out what is going on. Doing so will require a Skill Check. Sunder and Gertrude's Hack and Fix Triggers would be applicable if they choose to make it.
Maya Vost
player, 251 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Tue 16 Apr 2024
at 18:02
  • msg #751


I was wondering, GM:

RT and myself have still got a market to canvas, unlike the others who were sent to a single business, so I was wondering if we could maybe take some kind of skill check to save time on looking for any other info or trying to find other sources that back up what Mort's given us?

Seems like we're probably headed towards reuniting with the rest of the party (?), but I don't think we'd just take the word of the first person we spoke to as gospel when dealing with a place like the Dustmarket.
Rolling Thunder
player, 310 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 16 Apr 2024
at 18:20
  • msg #752


I was thinking the same: a quick summary of what more they found, if anything, going around the other shops after we finish the current talks?

Other possible subjects in addition to those we broached with Mort:
  • History of the MS? (how they came to power, where they got their mechs, what's their main income sources?)
  • History of Magenta Red? (What is SHE like, what drives her, what are her hobbies/passions/obsessions?)
  • Do they have rivals/competitor gangs in the underworld business right now? If so who?
  • Any other figure of note in the Port Conroy underworld we might be well served to know about?

This message was last edited by the player at 18:21, Tue 16 Apr.
Werner Steinn
player, 290 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 16 Apr 2024
at 23:35
  • msg #753


I'm also curious whether you could find out what kind of relationship this crime syndicate has with IPS-N; since the corporation is supposed to run the show around here.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:35, Tue 16 Apr.
GM, 323 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 11:30
  • msg #754


Maya Vost:
RT and myself have still got a market to canvas, unlike the others who were sent to a single business, so I was wondering if we could maybe take some kind of skill check to save time on looking for any other info or trying to find other sources that back up what Mort's given us?

Rolling Thunder:
I was thinking the same: a quick summary of what more they found, if anything, going around the other shops after we finish the current talks?

Other possible subjects in addition to those we broached with Mort:
  • History of the MS? (how they came to power, where they got their mechs, what's their main income sources?)
  • History of Magenta Red? (What is SHE like, what drives her, what are her hobbies/passions/obsessions?)
  • Do they have rivals/competitor gangs in the underworld business right now? If so who?
  • Any other figure of note in the Port Conroy underworld we might be well served to know about?

There is some basic information that is common knowledge, but to gain anything further would require a Word on the Street check.

- The Magenta Syndicate came to power after the PCPA left Upper. The Syndicate and its troops eliminated almost all of the rival gangs in Upper and secured it for themselves. It is unknown where the Syndicate got their mechs, but they are all Harrison Armory designs, suggesting a connection with the corpro-state. The main income source is the variety of illicit actions the Syndicate commits - from selling and producing drugs, racketeering, up to human trafficking.
- Magenta Red's history specifically is not known. Rumors are around that suggest that she had or has a connection to HA, but these are not confirmed. As for her personality, it is much as Mort said: ruthless, and willing to destroy anything or anyone in her way.

Werner Steinn:
I'm also curious whether you could find out what kind of relationship this crime syndicate has with IPS-N; since the corporation is supposed to run the show around here.

No relation, aside from the Syndicate filling the power vacuum left by their absence.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:30, Wed 17 Apr.
Rolling Thunder
player, 313 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 13:44
  • msg #755


Maya Vost:
Maya offloaded the bag with a quiet “Ta.” She’d have been a fool not to.

Love that last sentence. :D

It's so... Maya
Gertrude Grace
player, 26 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 16:57
  • msg #756


I am so sorry about falling off the wagon.  I've been in the home stretch of an intensive tech course, and now I've been distracted with a possible job opening.  I've just not had the energy to check in rpol regularly.

I'm willing to step down if my recent absence had been a big issue, otherwise, I might have things sorted out by the end of the weekend, one way or another.
GM, 324 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 17:10
  • msg #757


No worries, please don’t feel like you have to leave. Real life comes first, please take all the time you need. It’s not at all a problem if you need to take a break from the game to focus on irl stuff.
Rolling Thunder
player, 315 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 19:07
  • msg #758


Although, if you can, your contributions will always be welcomed here :)
Rolling Thunder
player, 320 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 24 Apr 2024
at 18:33
  • msg #759


Correct me, but I'm thinking the GM might be waiting for a "let's go to Garfield's!" post for you guys?

(Or would it be better, game wise,  if we rejoined after all? (That was just an IC suggestion on RT's part))
GM, 325 posts
Because giant robots.
Wed 24 Apr 2024
at 21:50
  • msg #760


More or less. I was waiting for a confirmation on what the group was doing.
player, 108 posts
Wed 24 Apr 2024
at 22:55
  • msg #761


I figured it was to "hit up this Juan Tismon that Captain Stavros mentioned"
Werner Steinn
player, 294 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Thu 25 Apr 2024
at 01:21
  • msg #762


Didn't realize we were holding things up.  Set a post with our destination.
Rolling Thunder
player, 324 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 01:17
  • msg #763


We seem to have slowed down quite a bit post-wise?

Don't know if it would help, but what would you guys think if we joined up again as a single group just after the Maya-RT talk? (Either all at Garfield's, or backtracking a bit and having Werner, Sunder and Co come help with canvassing the Dust Market/Casino?)

Other solution, a little more extreme, would be to fast-forward straight to the start of the next tactical battle, if we think the investigation part of it isn't working for us?

Something else?
GM, 327 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 23:59
  • msg #764


That could work, maybe you and Maya can skip forward in time a bit to meet back up with the rest of the group, and finish your conversation in the alt RP thread (assuming Maya is ok with this, of course). I don't think skipping to the next combat would be a good idea though - Juan has a few pieces of lore/plot information that'll be useful later on.
Maya Vost
player, 260 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Wed 1 May 2024
at 02:56
  • msg #765


I'm totally okay with it.
Rolling Thunder
player, 325 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 1 May 2024
at 12:19
  • msg #766


Sounds like a plan :) We can both finish the convo in the alternative thread, and maybe also do that Word On the Street roll we were talking about as a closer there if that's alright?

Travelling back home today, by the way, so if everybody is alright with it, I could start posting in the main RP thread tomorrow ?
Werner Steinn
player, 295 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 3 May 2024
at 09:20
  • msg #767


Sorry about slowing down, stepped out for a few days.  Let me see what kind of shenanigans I can get into right quick.
Rolling Thunder
player, 327 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sat 4 May 2024
at 11:39
  • msg #768


Trip took more out of me than I thought, but back now :)
Maya Vost
player, 263 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Tue 7 May 2024
at 02:06
  • msg #769


Sorry I haven't shown up in the main thread yet. As RT can attest I've been having a bit of a meltdown lately and just haven't had the free brainspace to get to it.
GM, 331 posts
Because giant robots.
Tue 7 May 2024
at 23:49
  • msg #770


No worries! Post when you can.
Rolling Thunder
player, 331 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Wed 8 May 2024
at 15:48
  • msg #771


Travelling back to the field today for the usual two weeks or thereabouts

Slower posting and all that :)
Maya Vost
player, 266 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Thu 9 May 2024
at 23:59
  • msg #772


You're very welcome to make the roll, RT, as the last time I had to make some kind of non-combat skill check I rolled a Nat 1.*

*Obviously that wasn't a bad thing in the long run, but I think we'd prefer some immediate success this time :)
Rolling Thunder
player, 334 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 10 May 2024
at 00:12
  • msg #773


Alright:  Nat 1 The Sequel here we come :)
Maya Vost
player, 267 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Fri 10 May 2024
at 00:35
  • msg #774


In a way you were absolutely correct: an eleven is two 1s!
Werner Steinn
player, 298 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 10 May 2024
at 05:30
  • msg #775


Eleven isn't an average roll, it is now two critical failures back-to-back.
Rolling Thunder
player, 348 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Tue 21 May 2024
at 14:53
  • msg #776


I make it Retrieve the subaltern, as a prime objective and Capture a Dustbrand leader-type as well for extra points maybe? Or something like that?

Looks like fun :D
Werner Steinn
player, 302 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Tue 21 May 2024
at 23:59
  • msg #777


Or at least find out if they're on someone's payroll.
Rolling Thunder
player, 351 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 24 May 2024
at 14:09
  • msg #778


RT is waiting for White Hat's response on post #113

Other than that, I think we're just about ready to dive into the action?
player, 112 posts
Fri 24 May 2024
at 19:21
  • msg #779


Speaking of starting the action is it possible to start with the goblin attached already?  And if so who did we decide was the most likely candidate for that?
Maya Vost
player, 277 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Fri 24 May 2024
at 19:52
  • msg #780


RAW the answer's definitely no, but the GM might house rule that you can.

One thing I'd suggest you bear in mind though is that you can only latch onto someone once per Full Repair and the effect only lasts to the end of the scene, so if you use Symbiosis at the top of the first combat then you'll almost certainly have to go another 1-2 combats without access to your Core Power again. It's not an Efficient power.

Given that Gertrude seems to have vanished (?) I'm fairly sure we'd agreed on RT being the best bond-mate. Going with me is by no means a bad idea but is probably more likely to put you in imminent danger, and latching onto Werner could end in you being cooked alive with all the Heat generation he's inclined to do.
Werner Steinn
player, 303 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 24 May 2024
at 22:40
  • msg #781


I agree, you definitely don't want to share in my heat generation.  RT is probably the best option for you to attach.  Though admittedly, any of us would enjoy being adjacent to you for those Spotter bonuses.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:41, Fri 24 May.
player, 113 posts
Sat 25 May 2024
at 00:00
  • msg #782


The problem with adjacency is that we move at different times, and often speeds, so it is fairly difficult to predict when it will happen unless that is the main focus of movement.  The attachment effect fixes that.
Werner Steinn
player, 304 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 25 May 2024
at 00:46
  • msg #783


For Spotter 1 your ally only need be adjacent to you the moment they attack and consume a Lock On.  For Spotter 3 it's reverse, you only need to be adjacent the moment you make a Lock On action.  The two characters don't need to be adjacent for the entire round.
GM, 339 posts
Because giant robots.
Sat 25 May 2024
at 00:48
  • msg #784


I’ll house rule that Sunder could start a combat attached - also, I should be able to get up another post by tomorrow. You all will get a Downtime before the first mission, then you’ll be able to set off after the subaltern!

In this Downtime, the group will have access to two additional downtime actions: Faction Work and Peruse the Dustmarket.

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:01, Sat 25 May.
Werner Steinn
player, 305 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 25 May 2024
at 02:06
  • msg #785


I'm rolling on the Dust market, that looks like a fun bit of gambling.  Does it use my Get a Hold of Something trigger?
Maya Vost
player, 278 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Sat 25 May 2024
at 04:24
  • msg #786


Probably overthinking this but just something that's come to mind regarding Sunder's Core Power:

While in Symbiosis Sunder will be taking her actions within another player's turn rather than having her own turn, and that both means that if either of you acts (under our current first-come-first-served system) then the other has to take the immediate next turn and that it's now on the table for the two of you to coordinate so that you alternate actions within the same turn. I'm not saying this because it's some revolutionary insight or anything but because it's the sort of effect where a lot of value might be lost if the players aren't coordinating in some way.

Of course this sort of thing's far less convenient to handle in this medium than IRL, but it's something to think about.
GM, 340 posts
Because giant robots.
Sat 25 May 2024
at 10:09
  • msg #787


In reply to Werner Steinn (msg # 785):

Yes, you could use that trigger for the initial roll.
Rolling Thunder
player, 352 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sat 25 May 2024
at 12:48
  • msg #788


RT has already used his Downtime action during the trip over on the Rio (to Gather Information with our friend Bannerjee and start up a few inquiries outside the ship as well) -- should really get around to posting that scene, shouldn't I? :)

So +2 Charm/Convince on the roll, and I'm guessing the "Backing" Reserve to go along with it?

08:47, Today: Rolling Thunder rolled 22 using 1d20+2 ((20)).

Werner Steinn
player, 306 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 25 May 2024
at 13:05
  • msg #789


Rolling Thunder: Critically charming
Maya Vost
player, 279 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Sat 25 May 2024
at 13:23
  • msg #790


Don't I know it...

I'm also going to Peruse the Dustmarket, although I'm not sure I qualify for any positive modifiers. Going to assume Word on the Street doesn't really apply as it's more investigation than acquisition.
  • Maya Vost rolled 15 using 1d20. Peruse the Dustmarket.
  • Maya Vost rolled 12 using 1d20. Rolling on Table 2.
Run-Off Energy Converter: When you use your CORE POWER, you may activate this to generate a BURST 4 aura of lightning. Hostile characters in the area take 4 energy damage.

Not the best outcome - there's some crazy good utility on that table - but I'm definitely okay with this.
Werner Steinn
player, 307 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 25 May 2024
at 14:07
  • msg #791


I can't wait to roll either.  It can go in a write-up post later.

Today: Werner Steinn rolled 10 using 1d20+4.  Shopping the Dustmarket

Today: Werner Steinn rolled 5 using 1d20.  Chart 2 result.

Gyro Stabilisers: As a Protocol, Treat all of your weapons as if they aren't Ordnance for the rest of the Turn.

That works out pretty well for me, all things considered.  2 of my 4 weapons are Ordnance tagged.
GM, 342 posts
Because giant robots.
Sun 26 May 2024
at 01:02
  • msg #792


New post is live - hopefully it clears up the (non-intended) confusion with the PCPA angle. With Gertrude, I think having her character stay on the ship in case she starts posting again is the best move, but if any of you have objections to that, please let me know and I will amend things. Once the group has finalized their mechs and are ready, I'll move us into the first mission.
player, 114 posts
Sun 26 May 2024
at 07:13
  • msg #793


As my last downtime action was Be Creative and got the partial success this time it just finishes, with the goal in mind of getting the Mech Gear Core Battery to use for the next mission, that should let me use my Symbiosis power a second time, or more likely for a second mission even if starting with it active burns up the main use of the power that should let it get some effective time.

As for initiative that is indeed the core advantage of the ability, being able to share actions or share timing at least.

The way I see my 'additional actions' taking place in most turns is to Lock on to a target within my 20 sensor range, it gains 2 heat or moves 3 out from behind cover or closer to someone. Then my host consumes the lock on for an extra quick action to attack that target.  Then they do their normal round of whatever.   At the end of the paired round I get to lock on to another target for free.

The exception to this is on turns when it is better to set traps by launching turrets.
Werner Steinn
player, 309 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 27 May 2024
at 12:09
  • msg #794


Say, I have a question about the Spotter talent.  Can I consume the Lock On I made during my turn and still benefit from Spotter 1 as long as I'm adjacent to Sunder?  Also, if her goblin is attached to RT, does being adjacent to RT count as being adjacent to Sunder?
This message was last edited by the player at 12:23, Mon 27 May.
GM, 343 posts
Because giant robots.
Mon 27 May 2024
at 12:38
  • msg #795


Yes to both. As far as I can tell, Spotter 1 doesn't require you to consume a Lock On made by the character with the Spotter talent, and as Sunder would share the space with her host, you would count as adjacent to both if you were physically adjacent to RT/Sunder's space. RT's House Guard doesn't carry over to Sunder, though, so if you were within range 2 but not directly adjacent, you'd only count as adjacent to RT.
Werner Steinn
player, 310 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Mon 27 May 2024
at 13:00
  • msg #796


I didn't even think about House Guard.  That would have been asking a bit much.
Rolling Thunder
player, 354 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Fri 31 May 2024
at 11:28
  • msg #797


Are we waiting for something in particular? Or just a generally busy RL patch maybe? :)
Werner Steinn
player, 311 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Fri 31 May 2024
at 15:14
  • msg #798


I think everyone is hoping to see Gertrude log in before we launch the battle.

On the subject of battle, your Drake is size 2, right?  Do we know a manageable way to represent that on the battlefield map?
Maya Vost
player, 280 posts
HP: 15 Heat: 0/6
Structure: 4 Stress: 4
Fri 31 May 2024
at 15:40
  • msg #799


Is there something 'unmanageable' about going by the book and having it occupy three spaces rather than one?

My brain's been soup for the better part of the last week, and I've been using its rare moments of something like clarity to have a conversation with the GM that I've owed them for about two months.

I've still got a WIP reply I want to finish for RT, but besides that I hadn't decided whether I actually wanted to write up anything to accompany my downtime roll. It wasn't something I was particularly passionate about doing.

Basically I've just been waiting for whatever's going to happen to happen :)
Werner Steinn
player, 312 posts
Call Sign: Fossil;
Fire, Explosions, Science
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 02:03
  • msg #800


Maya Vost:
Is there something 'unmanageable' about going by the book and having it occupy three spaces rather than one?

I mean, from a mapmaking point of view, that it might get cumbersome; especially when there may be multiple enemies size 2 or 3 as well.  I was wondering if we had any ideas for making an easy and quick way to represent bigger mechs on the map. Put the mech name across multiple connected hexes?

Maybe highlight the outline of the mech with the name in the center?

  /  \__
  \  RT \
  /   __/

Any other ideas?
Rolling Thunder
player, 355 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 11:48
  • msg #801


Might not matter much in most cases... But then again House Guard and its "Adjacent is Burst 2 for you" + the Guardian hard cover thing will likely come into play fairly often I would imagine/hope for in RT's case? (Big difference between the number of spaces affected by a Burst 2 around a Size 1 mech and a the Burst 2 around a Size 2 mech).
GM, 344 posts
Because giant robots.
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 13:26
  • msg #802


In reply to Werner Steinn (msg # 800):

I’ve downloaded tokens of your mechs and NPCs of the appropriate size for roll20, so we’ll be able to use those on the map.

Things have been a bit busy on my end for the past little while, but assuming everyone is ready to go, I will be able to get a post up for the start of the first mission soon. If there’s anything else you guys want to get done before then, let me know.
Rolling Thunder
player, 356 posts
. . .
Volume of fire
Sun 2 Jun 2024
at 12:20
  • msg #803


Just White Hat's answer to RT's last post on my end (and closing out the alt thread with Maya, of course :) )
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