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21:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Altdorf - Return to grace.

Posted by StorytellerFor group 0
Milly Minhelm
player, 198 posts
Wed 1 May 2024
at 17:03
  • msg #451

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Further into the room and with a better view of the chamber, Milly, having gathered the bright wind, bent it at her command. A blazing curtain burst into being, from the smaller entrance to the room and along its stairs towards the altar, quickly making anybody that would think of fleeing them take pause about that option. "None shall escape! Submit to judgement or be turn to ash!"
Full Action: Cast curtain of flames
18:50, Today: Milly Minhelm rolled 15 using 2d10+2 ((8,5)). Casting curtain of flame TN 14.

Etain Seanait
player, 326 posts
09/15 Fa.3/3 Fo.2/3
Artisan Weaponsmith
Wed 1 May 2024
at 22:32
  • msg #452

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Etain moves in line with the other woman, shield forward and axe held defensively behind her.

OOC: Defensive stance, enemy at -20% to hit.
Gille Milroy
player, 77 posts
Breton Bowman
W:12/12 For:2/3
Thu 2 May 2024
at 20:37
  • msg #453

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

As long as Gille had a clear line of sight and the cultists were not upon them, he would fire arrow after arrow.
He reloaded and released another arrow, flying less accurate then he had wished. Yet it still landed in a leg of one of the nearest cultists.
Gille offered a silent 'Merci' to the Lady of the lake that his shot was not in vain.

Gille Milroy rolled 61 -- 1 degree of failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 48.  BS.
Gille Milroy rolled 19 -- 2 degrees of success using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 48.  BS FP reroll.
Gille Milroy rolled 5 using 1d10+3.

Cecla Crownshield
player, 231 posts
Dwarf abroad
Science and Magic
Thu 2 May 2024
at 22:24
  • msg #454

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

There wasn't any point to a shield wall if you broke the formation and Cecla had some experience with those formations. A dwarf that didn't was a poor lad or lass by the measure of any Karak. So much like Etain, the runesmith's apprentice braced her shield and kept that gorgeous axe ready to strike, her fist right up against the head so she didn't have to lower her shield to punch out with the keen edge.

OOC: Defensive stance as well.
Jareik Schneider
player, 431 posts
W: 16/16 FP:4/4 IP:1
Fri 3 May 2024
at 20:03
  • msg #455

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Great sword fully brandished, Jareik moved past the elf and the archer, pausing for the bright wizard to unleash her magic, and took up position on the flank behind the shield wall.

Orange: Moving and holding behind the trio to charge whichever enemy engages them next turn.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:23, Fri 03 May.
GM, 466 posts
Wed 8 May 2024
at 13:11
  • msg #456

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Ernst moves forward with a sickening smile as he calmly drifts in his eyes and exudes mutterings of glee.
He hums as the room fills, curiously with a tones that appear otherworldly - aethyreal in nature and utterly luring.
Its deep, unsettling and the room fills with a curious light and warmth.
Everyone, even those captured, and the cultists are enthralled.
You feel somewhat sick but also eat ease and if your mind was no longer your own.
Most of the cultists, simply stand, swaying, unable to engage, and the captured merchants sit staring into the distances, completely in trance.

Must be rolled before any actions as Ernst goes first!

Ernst casts Pavane of Slaanesh, rolled 21 vs 18, succeed, affects all with 24yards/12 squares(whole room).
-10 WP to counter:
- Failing: Dance and get entranced in magical lure, considered helpless for 2 minutes/20 rounds.
- Breaks if attacked!
- For each minute a victim dances, roll -20% wp or gain 1d2 IP.

Marie Arceneaux
player, 232 posts
Knight of the Realm
For the Lady and the King
Fri 10 May 2024
at 11:59
  • msg #457

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

As Ernst begins to hum, filling Marie's mind with sickness, even as the sickly warm light embraced her, the Knight of the Realm sent off a quick prayer to her goddess for protection.

"Lady preserve us!" she gasped through a wave of nausea.

But despite the act of devotion, and the glint of clean light that seemed to reflect from her polished armor for a heartbeat, the burly woman began swaying to some unheard music. The clank of armor against itself was almost comical as she began to prance about.

OOC Mechanics
Free Action: Spend FP - Ward of Light

FP: 2/4

07:50, Today: Marie Arceneaux rolled 53 -- a simple failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 51. WP Test.
07:50, Today: Marie Arceneaux rolled 69 -- 1 degree of failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 51. FP Reroll.

This message was last edited by the player at 11:59, Fri 10 May.
Etain Seanait
player, 328 posts
09/15 Fa.3/3 Fo.1/3
Artisan Weaponsmith
Fri 10 May 2024
at 13:16
  • msg #458

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Etain's mind is swarmed by the humming noise and despite the sickening feeling and knowing that the corrosive malign touch of chaos she begins to dance, an inelegant version of the dances common to her homeland.

Etain Seanait rolled 92 -- 5 degrees of failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 41.  wp
Etain Seanait rolled 49 -- a simple failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 41.  wp reroll

Jareik Schneider
player, 432 posts
W: 16/16 FP:4/4 IP:1
Fri 10 May 2024
at 19:05
  • msg #459

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

"What the...?" blurted out Jareik before his limbs started moving of their own accord.

The clanking of steel upon steel from Marie was echoed by Jareik, now enraptured in doing the kind of clumsy jig drunks do in taverns, he could only hope he didn't start trying to grope a feel from a nearby "wench".

09:47, Today: Jareik Schneider rolled 67 -- 3 degrees of failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 36.  wp
Gille Milroy
player, 78 posts
Breton Bowman
W:12/12 For:1/3
Sun 12 May 2024
at 20:58
  • msg #460

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Gille felt the perverted lure of chaos tugging at his mind. Struggling to keep his bow in his hands he prayed for the Lady of the lake the light this dark hour. But the darkness was stronger and the urge to dance become unbearable. Dropping his bow, he raised his hands above his head to dance to the enthralling melody from beyond.

Gille Milroy rolled 87 -- 4 degrees of failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 38.  Willpower.
Gille Milroy rolled 63 -- 2 degrees of failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 38.  WP FP reroll.

Cecla Crownshield
player, 233 posts
Dwarf abroad
Science and Magic
Sun 12 May 2024
at 21:17
  • msg #461

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

A dwarf was a hardy thing, more so when faced by any act of the Arcane but even for Cecla it was a hard battle to resist the impulse. That was until she found herself bloody livid at the thought of being subjected to even an ounce of the filthy workings of some cultist sorcerer. It became rather apparent, however, that her ability to shrug off the ensorcellment was not shared among her fellows. A fact that set the dwarf's jaw into a deep grimace as she glance from one dancing figure to the other.

"Snap the bloody hell out of it! This isn't some umgi ball!" the Runesmith's apprentice bellowed, hoping that'd be enough to snap them out of it but doubting it. It wasn't the smartest thing but it was either taking a firmer hand with her friends or try and put a blade to the source of the compulsion. The latter'd be a lot easier with more hands at the task even if the other cultists seem to have gotten caught under the same spell.

She eyed the Lady Knight then and jabbed out with her shield. Hard enough to rattle but hopefully not hard enough to hurt.

"Sorry for this, Lady Knight, but need you're mind on a different sort of foot work!"

17:03, Today: Cecla Crownshield rolled 14 -- 3 degrees of success using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 47.  FP Reroll. – 3 degrees of success

17:03, Today: Cecla Crownshield rolled 100 -- 5 degrees of failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 47.  WP - 10 + 10 (Resist Magic). – 5 degrees of failure

17:16, Today: Cecla Crownshield rolled 79 -- 5 degrees of failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 27.  Shield strike (off hand penalty). – 5 degrees of failure (Aimed at Marie)

This message was last edited by the player at 21:18, Sun 12 May.
Milly Minhelm
player, 201 posts
Sun 12 May 2024
at 23:25
  • msg #462

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Mimi would have been extremely confused if she wasn't able to quite readily see the foul sorcery at play, bending, contaminating the will of her peers. If she didn't know better, she may have started thinking that height had something to do with it too... More importantly, the situation was quickly getting out of hand, all at the tainted whim of the unmasked sorcerer. But it wasn't the tainted energies, the bizarre dancing or the smugness of the cult leader that ignited her ire, they broke bread together while he lied to their faces at the table. That she couldn't overlook or forgive, there were certain cores of common decency that one had to preserve and live by, even in such a spot, far away from all civilization. "Irredeemable..." Her passion and ire took shape in flames dashing towards Ernst, if that was his real name anyway.
Half action Channeling
Half action casting
00:23, Today: Milly Minhelm rolled 11 -- 5 degrees of success using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 63 with rolls of 11.  Resist dance dance revolution.
01:07, Today: Milly Minhelm rolled 84 -- 1 degree of failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 73.  Channelling.
01:09, Today: Milly Minhelm rolled 15 using 2d10 with rolls of 9,6.  Fires of U'zhul (6).

This message was last edited by the player at 01:26, Mon 13 May.
GM, 469 posts
Wed 15 May 2024
at 13:59
  • msg #463

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

The fire burned the possessed mage yet he seemed...eager. Enjoying the lick of fire and the pain, with a sickening glare in his eyes, directed now at Milly.
Almost licking his lips he moved back, swaying, still poised and standing, with intent for more.
As Marie is struck, she feel a sharp pain in her self, breaking her sway into the magic.

PlayerAffected by Pavane?#rounds of failed saves
MarieBroken-Can act next round!1 

Ernst: Wounds: 4/16

Cecla: as Marie is helpless, she takes 1d10 additional damage on a hit. As it is unarmed, I am ruling half damage, Which means that she soaks against 19 damage rounded down and halved. Hence 9. If it breaks armor/toughness, she wakes.

Etain Seanait
player, 329 posts
09/15 Fa.3/3 Fo.1/3
Artisan Weaponsmith
Thu 16 May 2024
at 02:37
  • msg #464

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Strangely enthralled by the whistling noise Etain continues to dance.

Etain Seanait rolled 95 -- 6 degrees of failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 31. wp (-10). Test 2
Etain Seanait rolled 62 -- 3 degrees of failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 31 (62). Test 3
Rolled tests for the next 2 rounds

Gille Milroy
player, 79 posts
Breton Bowman
W:12/12 For:1/3
Thu 16 May 2024
at 07:14
  • msg #465

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

The fire erupting close to him seemed to inspire Gille even more as he kept on dancing fanatically.
Gille Milroy rolled 97 -- 5 degrees of failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 38 ((97)).
Milly Minhelm
player, 204 posts
Fri 17 May 2024
at 13:02
  • msg #466

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Milly's glare met Ernst's, her fury igniting and blowing new life into the flames that she continued to hurl at him.
Half action Channeling
Half action casting
14:50, Today: Milly Minhelm rolled 97 -- 2 degrees of failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 73 ((97)). Channelling.
14:58, Today: Milly Minhelm rolled 7 using 2d10 ((5,2)).  Fires of U'zhul (6).  4+1 damage.

Cecla Crownshield
player, 236 posts
Dwarf abroad
Science and Magic
Mon 20 May 2024
at 15:16
  • msg #467

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

The Dwarf's attention was now split between a few things; the ongoing exchange of magical energies between Milly and Ernst, the dancers, and the pervasive need to get everyone back into the fight properly before the Cultists could manage the same. Under any other circumstances, she'd be courting grudges but as she reached up with her shield arm to give Etain a quick, light jab to shock her out of it Cecla could only apologize. Which was enough for anyone not enthralled to know this was serious to the dwarf woman.

OOC: Considering helpless, I don't know if I need to actually make the attack roll but just going to try and jab Etain in the shoulder as lightly as I can to snap her out of it.

Jareik Schneider
player, 435 posts
W: 16/16 FP:4/4 IP:1
Tue 21 May 2024
at 01:39
  • msg #468

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Cecla's less then gentle handling of the female knight instinctively got Jareik into a defensive posture and a sharp "Oi watch it!" of protest knowing he was likely next.

Then he realised he had stopped dancing, he didn't know how exactly the spell got shaken off, maybe it had something to do with milly's casting or perhaps it really was just the prospect of getting a faceful of dawi tenderness and having one's mind distracted from the dancing, but either way he had regained composure, for now...

"Cecla keep doing yer thing, seems to be working." he said as he tried to shove his way past the frontline, most of whom were still dancing, trying not to get elbowed in the face and took up a defensive posture in front.

Moving in front of the line, full defense stance
This message was last edited by the player at 01:39, Tue 21 May.
Marie Arceneaux
player, 234 posts
Knight of the Realm
For the Lady and the King
Wed 22 May 2024
at 11:48
  • msg #469

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Having endured a blow by the Dwarf, Marie felt the fog of giddy urges begin to fade from her mind. Her dancing feet found stillness again, but she had to steady herself for a moment and take a breath to make the world stop spinning. Whatever foul magics the cultists had ensorcelled her with might be gone, but her body and mind needed a precious moment to recover fully. Such was dangerous in the midst of combat, but through the grace of the Lady and her fine castle-forged steel plate, she would survive the next few heartbeats.

OOC Mechanics
Spend this round breaking out of the Safety Dance.

Arkamir Ran-Helethel
player, 32 posts
WP: 12/12, FP: 2+2/2+2
*Not a Wizard*
Thu 23 May 2024
at 19:01
  • msg #470

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Arkamir shook his head and straightened his aim when the wash of dark magic.  He fired off an arrow at the cultist spellcaster as quickly as he could, but missing to the side.

14:13, Today: Arkamir Ran-Helethel rolled 34 -- 3 degrees of success using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 66.  WP check to avoid DDR.
GM, 471 posts
Fri 24 May 2024
at 09:23
  • msg #471

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Arkamir weaved his webs, but the magic of the sick mage was simply too powerful for now.
A sudden blow of fire almost broke him, but he snarled lightly and simply smiled and shrugged it off.
Laughing he eyed you with hatred and among his peers and slaves, rose a hand high, with a blackened gem in hand.
He crushed it like brittle glass, and a howling wind came by. Coldness spread and almost as if a blackened hand appeared, it pulled him into a dark void, spreading below him. In a blink, with dust and dirt whirling, he vanished with a laugh.
Those around felt strange, slowly awakening out of their slumber, into a curious state of confusion - their leader vanished, their allegiance exposed.
The sick statue standing in the middle of the room, as a symbol of corruption and disdain.
The smith, the second in charge, turned and eyed the group, realizing their situation, dropping his hands and shoulders in realization that their ploy was up. His eyes darting, determining if battling and dying in glory outweighted surrender.
In the end he yelled out. "We have be found out. There is no mercy left, only glory and pain. For the mistress!"
They advanced, drew weapons, unarmed but with nothing to lose.

If not broken this round, expect to break out of trance 1 round later.

Players turn!

Gille Milroy
player, 80 posts
Breton Bowman
W:12/12 For:1/3
Mon 27 May 2024
at 07:18
  • msg #472

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

The was a sudden disruption in the melodie, a drop of volume, but still Gille could hear it, in the distance, fading.
It almost left him with a sad feeling but he kept on dancing for as long as he could.

Gille Milroy rolled 90 -- 5 degrees of failure using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 38 ((90)).

Etain Seanait
player, 332 posts
09/15 Fa.3/3 Fo.1/3
Artisan Weaponsmith
Tue 28 May 2024
at 23:17
  • msg #473

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Etain feels the corrupting song start to loose control of her as she slowly returns to normal consciousness.
Arkamir Ran-Helethel
player, 33 posts
WP: 12/12, FP: 2+2/2+2
*Not a Wizard*
Fri 31 May 2024
at 03:02
  • msg #474

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Arkamir fired an arrow in the general direction of the cultist mob, hoping to accomplish something for the team.  He let out a grunt of frustration when that arrow also went wide.
Marie Arceneaux
player, 235 posts
Knight of the Realm
For the Lady and the King
Sun 2 Jun 2024
at 21:06
  • msg #475

Re: Altdorf - Return to grace.

Now that she was back to her normal state of mind, Marie spared a moment to glance in Etain's direction to see if she was also free of the vile song. Seeing the fiery haired woman begin to move normally, she let out a brief prayer of thanks to the Lady for her safety and sanity. That done, she brandished her blade, which seemed to reflect the flickering lights with a purer gleam than one would expect, and charged the nearest cultist. Even if she was surrounded, she hoped it would buy the others time to break from the foul magics and rejoin the fight.

"For the Lady and the King!" she cried as she waded into the disgusting lot of them.

The sweep of her blade showed her fury at the cultists and their evil blight.

OOC Mechanics
Wounds          : 7/15
Fate Points     : 2/4
Initiative      : 55

Free Action     : Speak, shift Ward of Light to Might of Purity
Full Action     : Charge Attack nearest Cultist - Success

Hit Location    : Head
Damage          : 14

Preemptive Parry: Success
Preemptive Dodge: Success

17:01, Today: Marie Arceneaux rolled 30 -- 4 degrees of success using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 78. Charge Attack Roll.
17:01, Today: Marie Arceneaux rolled 71 -- a simple success using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 78. Preemptive Parry Test.
17:02, Today: Marie Arceneaux rolled 2 -- 4 degrees of success using the Warhammer Test system with a target number of 45. Preemptive Dodge Blow Test.
17:03, Today: Marie Arceneaux rolled 14 using 2d10+6, dropping the lowest dice only. Damage Roll.

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