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14:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dragon's Den #2.

Posted by Front OfficeFor group 0
Front Office
GM, 1618 posts
you play..i pay
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 03:23
  • msg #1

Dragon's Den #2

 start here..wedensday  people title game  =Jeta))
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 3273 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 03:56
  • msg #2

Dragon's Den #2

"Hmmmm" Lindsey hesitated. "It's hard to know if anyone is really genuine, actor or not. I guess you just have to watch someone over time. I mean, I go by feel, but I've been fooled. You've been fooled. And sometimes people can be genuine in one moment but change their minds or feelings in different circumstances. She might have been totally genuine to you, but might act differently for someone else. I suppose if you care enough, you could get her drunk. You'd get a glimpse then. But I'm guessing you don't care that much"

"Anyway. These people are going to be around. You learn to get along."
Adam (the bomb)Bronk
player, 2265 posts
19 WR
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 04:22
  • msg #3

Dragon's Den #2

  Adam   chuckled  it  was  a good laugh.i would have  to care enough, to sit down   with her , long enough to get her   drunk!.. besides..I don't  work that way..I just go by 'tells'. You can dance around words  all you like, but every one has tells...

 he   chuckles  again..besides?  She a Blonde... I have no interest there? and the Only interest she had, was  trying to Show up Sage.. i should be insulted that she  would think i could be swayed...or?Maybe it was  just the simple  act of her  taking a swing.I'll be  anxious to see, if there is  any of the New folks, are real people or not.

Then he holds  up a 'wait a moment" finger,..but it  doesn't matter  much to me , right? They have  no effect on my world, i have  no effect on theirs. I only have to be nice  around them if  i'm at some  sorta  of 'thing' as a Plus One.

  Then his eyes  went back to the screen...There is something there, beyond what we   usually do,... I can feel it... what can't  i see it..
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 3274 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 04:30
  • msg #4

Dragon's Den #2

"Are you talking about the Jets now?" Lindsey looked at the screen "I'm sure you'll figure it out. You always do. Anyway, I'm distracting you. I'll leave you to it." She went and found a seat at a nearby table and ate her breakfast as she did her own Jets research
Adam (the bomb)Bronk
player, 2266 posts
19 WR
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 04:40
  • msg #5

Dragon's Den #2

  Adam nodded  as he  began to tap away like a mad man, bringing up  dozens of windows,  throwing out a dozen more..

 a sip of  coffee now  and again. he didn't  even notice  others  started   to trickle in, unless they  let him know they were there.
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 05:05
  • msg #6

Dragon's Den #2

  Wheeler, Cruz  and Salcedo came in  together.. they stopped at  Adam's table...Hey, Bomb.. before  we go into the meetings,  we need   to take with You , Duke, heather , Payne and  Coach..and Cal..

   Adam popped the last bit of raisin Muffin in his mouth.Me?  why me.. sound like you got  all  the Important folks there.

 Caoch   will liie your Input..he always does...

 For  Film?  Yeah..for  plays , once in a while..If Coach asks me  to come over,, sure.. I sure  in the hell, not volunteering...

 The  Linebackers  Nodded  and moved off..  Wade   moved to Lindsey  table  and  signaled   Cruz  to get him a coffee..Hey, Linds! Today is  wedensday.....took long  enough for it to get here.!
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 3275 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 05:24
  • msg #7

Dragon's Den #2

Lindsey smiled up at him. "Good things come to those who wait. Am I right? I've been looking forward to it. Do you want to have dinner first or after?"
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 05:49
  • msg #8

Dragon's Den #2

  Wade    looked out the window   in thought, best... practice ends  at  3:30..Jets  are coming  in  right about them, straight from the airport..  me leaving the gate?  about  4:15 at best. So? if  we eat first..we're Looking at the 8:00  film.., we  could
 got to the  6:00, and  then have time to eat after?  its up to you.. I'm just glad
 Movie date  day is here!

Benedict Hope.
player, 3943 posts
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 09:47
  • msg #9

Dragon's Den #2

Ben came into the Den and got himself a coffee. Adam was analysing films on his laptop. Lindsey was on hers as well, and chatting with Wade. Several other folk were milling around, snacking and talking.

He went over to the window and stared out. A year ago he'd been preparing for the Combine and dreaming of playing in the NFL. Now here he was living that dream, and with a wedding and a new home... not madly religious, he still offered up a prayer of thanks to a God Who had smiled upon him so warmly.
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 13:47
  • msg #10

Dragon's Den #2

Mjk and  Mindy came  in..  They saw Wade  Talking to Lindsey.. Mindy was bee-lining, But   Mik  grabberd her, closed his eyes  for a second  as he shook his  head  'no' and Pulled her over to  Adam'stable  as Mindy  looked  'put out'  As they  sat  Down, Mindt  sat on one side of Adam, Mik next to her..she crossed her   arms..

 I just wanted to   talk to Lindsey!

 sure   ya  did, Moppet.  An' right when she's talkin' to  a Guy she  spent some time with... Leave  her alone, Yah? You can chat her  up at Practice  when all them  Actor  folks are  coming in...

 get me a  Coffee  and  Cream donut then.. I'll have to  eat my lack of Gossip..

  she Looked at Adam, as Mik  was ready to get did you liie  meetign those people   yesterday?

  what  you might  expect.  they come at you  smile and says  stuff  so   you take your clothes off......Directors   good.. His  Assistant  is great...I think they are going to be a force.. Hollywood   won't see them  coming.

 How did they fee  about you, mate?

  Don't  know and  couldn't care.. The  Guy  sniffed around Linds and Sage..The  chick tried her  best 'linda/lark' thing..i sorta stepped on her, . they a have a few more  coming in, that were finishing up projects, they should be here at the end of the Month//Linds  and Sage  Like them, But Sage  is used to them, and Lindsey
 right in, I should think.

 Mik went off on his Mission. Mik elbowed  Adam  as he   clicked  the next  down and distance set.what do you think of Wade  and  Linds?

 he looked up as he  sipped his coffee..well? he has the right kind of  smile, You know? He  enjoys being by her,.. he's  not 'hungry'..he's  happy.. I don't  think i'll be punching him out...

 wht did you do  that...punch  Hall, i mean?

 two  no one else  would have, to afraid to get into trouble... the bigger reason was, it wasn't true, he  was  trying to foster   a thing were he  Had he screwed Lindsey..i wouldn't have done a thing, because , I wouldn't  have been 'right'?  I mean..if he got lucky, but had to be a dick about it,  what am i going to say?..but Lying about it...and  getting  some of his  bodies to believe it...yeah...not cool..I guess there is another reason...

What's that....

  He  brusied ..or ..maybve, cracked a rib, because he was 'punishing  me' for   being the bad guy... I got to return the favor.. say what you want?..but  a tasty bot of Revenge  can make your day!

 Mindy  giggled  as  Mik  came with a fresh coffee for Adam, and coffee for he and  Mindy as well as a pair of doughnuts.. Mindy  Grabbed the cream one, Both  guys looked at her...

 she huffed....FINE..... and  she licked   the  icing   that was  sticking out of the end, and   swallowed it,,,

 Adam chuckled    and  went back  to his  screen...Bloody hell, now I'll be thinkin' things  all meeting long...

  Your  fault! all three chuckled  , but Adam's giggle faded  as he   compared   sceens    like he was a  machine, flash frames of the  same DB in the  same  down and was calling to him...where the hell was it.,..
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 3276 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 14:20
  • msg #11

Dragon's Den #2

In reply to den (msg # 8):

Lindsey considered the times. The curfew was the limiting factor and a meal was the most flexible. "Yeah, let's do the earlier showing. We can decide about food after that. Make sure you have a good lunch." She wagged her finger at him. "I've been looking forward to it."

"Have a seat, you don't have to stand there."
Heather Montomery
player, 2678 posts
# 12 Place Kicker
Sexy Lesbian
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 14:38
  • msg #12

Dragon's Den #2

------>>>>>>> From Complex

 Heather walked into the Den, got a bowl of fruit and a black coffee. Heather then saw Adam, Ben, Mil and Mindy laughing she headed over, " Hey guys whats up?" Heather saw Adam pull up films, she adds," Yeah I have been watching the defense a lot, trying to think like you as I look at it."
Benedict Hope.
player, 3944 posts
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 14:47
  • msg #13

Dragon's Den #2

Ben came over.

"Hello, everybody. Any insights, Adam?"

He sat down at the end of the table, still sipping his coffee.
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 15:12
  • msg #14

Dragon's Den #2

  Wade  sat down,  Cruz  put his coffee  down, he  put a  paper plate with two  sugar  doughnuts  in between hm and   Lindsey as he and Salcedo  moved off to another  table.

 I was thnking that too? and we can't  control the Movie..but we can pick where we want to go eat.


Adam    shrugged as he shook his head, clicking through frames  with baIts thgere...somewhere,,,, I'll find it.. somethig they haven;'t used   for a while,,, right now, we have that new release to use, and  the  'Dip and go' pattern, even if they can cover us, that takes the  defense out of the picture to  cover on screens  and  run plays.rely a hesitation..

 He   grinned   for a second at heather,that would be scary , i you thought like me..
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 3277 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 15:40
  • msg #15

Dragon's Den #2

Lindsey waved to Cruz and Salcido, "Good morning guys. Thanks!"

"So, we had our unveiling yesterday. New jack Films is now Dragon Studios. That's probably better than Big King Films. Anyway, I met the director and some of the other actors. Carlton Cross took us all out for dinner and drinks. We had a good night. What did you do last night?"
Benedict Hope.
player, 3945 posts
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 17:42
  • msg #16

Dragon's Den #2

"Who can I block?"

Ben had rediscovered the delight in flattening defenders during the last game.

"As for what you are missing... is there a play they used early in the season that they haven't used for a while. Do you have all this season's film on there?"
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 18:19
  • msg #17

Dragon's Den #2

  Adam Nodded  as Ben asked.I got  the last  5   game films from Coach Fry, he  emailed  me the files... I have ourt last game o on dics,..  Theybhave to attack our Corners, ,  That's   the weakest part, since its mostly one  on one... they'll  try to unload in the middle, but our people tackle   hard, hardly ever do we have some on slip a tackle..Thier  runnign game isn't bad, but   Cal  will just take the Holes away?. Make them Bounce out side..

 For Us?   we  Just need to  catch the ball and Run...and? if you have a  chance  for a  Block, take it. Now , Unless  they have  one of  those newer  guys  that wants to shoot thier Mouth off?.. I'll be hitting  folks  Hard, If   they have a guy  who presses  Buttons..then    I make sure he gets to watch  the rest of the game

 Mindy  says...well?  I mean?  who is this havers  Guy covering.. he's  just sirt of standing there?

  what?   He gets like  15-18 tackles   a game, i think he  8  sacks, three picks?

 Mindy  looked  around the table...But he isn't  activie....

Adam looked annoyed  but the  ran  back play , after play...after Ply...and sure  enough.. there it  was... On Run plays  Havers  would be there  to clean up the runners,  or  knock them out of bounds, , On pass  plays he   stood  in the Middle  with his head  on a swivel. passing receivers off  as he  then made  hits  on the player  who  caught the ball..

 Adamm say back  and sipped the fress  coffee...and there it is!!!...he's  'all over the place'..because he doesn;t go anywhere!!.. he cahses  down screens and  sweeps.. he meets  giuys  who get passed the Laine, and he  'owns the Middle' because he sets up shop there...I didn't  notcie it? everythime i looked at  the screen he was takign his  steps, then  he was making a tackle

 he grinned at Mik  and Ben,,,Yhat's who we hit.. we  can  feed the Ball into the  middle  as  Long as  we  have  another  reciver   comign in to block him.. 6-8 yard pass plays  gcould go for  2-30..Mik and th Back can   run me and Bens  way, I can cut down the Corner, and Ben can take on Havers.., the Guard  can get the OLB..on crosses  it will be the same, except  Ben  and I switch targets!!

 Mik?  take her  anywhere she wants to go tonight,  send me the bill!

 Mindy stood  up  and  did  a hip sway Victory dance. Giggling


  The  other  LBs   msiled ,,but moved on. Eade  took a bite of the sugar  donut...I went for a run on the  beach..its becoming a thing  now.. bronk used to do that all the  Time, if it can help a  smaller guy like him, it was to  help us?..  my legs   do feel stronger. we'll see  sunday...after that, I grabbed a couple Big King Bomb Burgers  and watched  film, before  killing the Night off   that   sci-fi thing ' Ghost Contain '..its a little goofy, but the action is worth it.
Bronislau Nagurski
player, 747 posts
#58, Linebacker
"Let's squash someone"
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 18:52
  • msg #18

Dragon's Den #2

Complex ---->>

Bronko got a healthy breakfast of fruit juice and oatmeal.  He added a bit of honey and cinnamon with a dash of nutmeg.

Taking a seat near a window, he ate while contemplating the change his life had taken over the last month.
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 3278 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 18:52
  • msg #19

Dragon's Den #2

"Oh yeah, speaking of those..." Lindsey put tapped the air with her finger tip "Sage and I will be doing a commercial Friday for the Bomb Burger. There's a new one with bacon. Adam will be in it also. The deets are fuzzy, but It sounds like a fun concept."

"I guess you don't like the goofiness in the action movies?"
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 19:38
  • msg #20

Dragon's Den #2

 Wade shrugged,Comic  relief is fine. we do it on the field al the time in realife..but, don't screw up a good action flix  with over use of stupidness..i hate that.

 somehtign funny, ot w twist of some words  as the   unti goes ihto battle is  fine. but  don't make  a action show a comdey, unless you label it that way.
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 3279 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 19:58
  • msg #21

Dragon's Den #2

"Yep. I hear you. Excessive comedy can be jarring when you don't expect it. Hopefully we won't see that tonight."
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 16:05
  • msg #22

Dragon's Den #2

  Sims, and the Coaching Staff  came out of the  VIP room, Eva  with them  as well, Hall followed  them  walking  next to Eva.. he  had  metal brace on his    jaw.. he glared  at Adam, Adam Just waved  with a  Smile , he held up a Donut as if to offer it to him..  Hall tried to talk but couldn't.

  Tracy came from the coffee machine,you can be a real Jerk, You know that?

 Adam began to   fold up his computer, he  just  gave Tracy a  slight  smile and  went back to   packing the , back pack for the trip to the Big room,Yeah?   A bastard  too, or so I am told..I'm pretty good at it, if the motivation is there.

  As they walked Out of the  Den.. Wade, ( who excused himself  and chased  After Sims), Cruz  and Salcido   had  Sims, Cal,  , Duke and   Payne there. They waited for heather  as well,, and Wade shouted  for Adam.. who looked at the  ground  , but  went over.

 Adam  frowned.Look..if this is what I think its  about.. You don't need me here, I wasn't even there.
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