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02:42, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by Editor-in-ChiefFor group 0
GM, 3033 posts
Wed 8 May 2024
at 02:50
  • msg #891

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

You're answered with a lot of squawks.

Well.  Really.  What were you expecting?  You did sort of walk right into that one.

Foot uses the chalk it got from somewhere and manages to scrawl

ground hole scout

You study the map.  It looks familiar.  Wait.  It's the cave where you went to gather reeds.  And discovered the...what did Llewelyn call it?..the scow tit ship

But the map seems to include something of the cave system.

If this map is correct, under the scow tit ship is some kind of underwater cave that extends further back.
player, 460 posts
Thu 9 May 2024
at 23:26
  • msg #892

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

“Uh…” Ailith looked at the 'map' while tilting her head this and that way, trying to make sense of it. “Wait, that’s the, uh, little ship, right? The one in the river?” Once Foot confirmed, she continued, “And if I understand you right…” Which would be a first… “There is some kind of, uh, cave? Below?”

“And I assume you’d like to go there?” Which… “You know, I’m not a fish… Even if we leave aside the fact that I don’t swim all that well, I kinda need to breathe you know, and water doesn’t really work for that.”

But… “I suppose you wouldn’t be looking at that if you didn’t have a solution for that?” she asked after a second…and before they could 'answer', she asked, “And what are you even looking for down there?” She was of course unlikely to understand the answer, but if she didn’t ask, she was sure not to learn anything, right?
GM, 3038 posts
Fri 10 May 2024
at 03:58
  • msg #893

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

Foot and Hand squonk furiously at each other.  Then they make two symbols.

An "L", which you think they use to mean Llewelyn.

And then they draw something that looks like a circle with three dots along the upper edges.
player, 461 posts
Fri 10 May 2024
at 23:04
  • msg #894

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

“You actually want to ask Llewelyn for his help? <sub>That’s a first…</i>” Although after their little 'trip', Ailith figured they didn’t have much to hide anymore. Or what they were looking for wasn’t even really a secret in the first place and more an opportunity maybe?

“But…” Ailith closed her eyes for a second…hoping that maybe when she opened them again she’d somehow understand. Or the problem would have gone away…which it obviously didn’t. With a sigh, she pointed at the second symbol. “I have no idea what this is. Is it a person too? A place? A time?” As she asked each question she left a pause to get her yes/no answer in the form of squonks…but she clearly wasn’t feeling super optimistic about getting a yes in the first place…
GM, 3041 posts
Mon 13 May 2024
at 02:19
  • msg #895

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

More squonking.  Of course more squonking.  There's always squonking.

Finally Hand flashes some of the pictograms he's picked up.




player, 462 posts
Thu 16 May 2024
at 11:41
  • msg #896

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

“The day I understand you for real cannot come soon enough…” Ailith muttered, tiredly pinching the edge of her nose. “You guys have a real gift making me think I’m a moron who shouldn’t have any difficulties understanding what’s going on…” Not that she was arrogant enough to think she was a genius or anything, but she liked to think she wasn’t a moron either.

Even though that was exactly how she felt whenever such discussions happened.

After a minute of thinking, she went with her best guess which…well, she knew it wasn’t even close at best… “You think Llewelyn can find a sign that would indicate the path to something? To what’s in the cave underwater?”
GM, 3045 posts
Fri 17 May 2024
at 03:02
  • msg #897

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

If you were expecting they wouldn't squonk, you are disappointed.

But you do notice they both seem to bob up and down.  As if they are trying to nod.
player, 463 posts
Sat 18 May 2024
at 00:03
  • msg #898

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

“Wait… Really?” Ailith asked, clearly not believing she had gotten it right. Finally after a couple of seconds, she may have lifted her arms to the ceiling and let out a 'woot!' of victory. Possibly. But that would have been undignified, and surely not something Ailith would do, right?

“Hmm, hmm.” The girl cleared her throat. “Alright, so, Llewelyn. Hmm, well, he said he needed a few days to work on what he got from the moon, so…” She looked at the two drones, “Can it wait until he comes back?”
GM, 3048 posts
Mon 20 May 2024
at 02:05
  • msg #899

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

They squonk, though it sounds uncommital in it's pitch.  You would guess so.

A few minutes later, there's a knock on your outer door.  You peek through the door covering and find Zez.

He smiles at you, waving.  "Good afternoon.  Wanted to go over some of the head apprentice duties with you.  Got time now?"
player, 464 posts
Mon 20 May 2024
at 23:46
  • msg #900

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

Before she opened the door, Ailith pointed at the two drones, “Alright, well… We’ll keep those writting lessons going.” After all if she couldn’t understand their squonks most of the time, at least she would be able to read what they wrote! Wouldn’t work everywhere, but it’d be something.

Outside, she answered Zez’s wave with one of her own, then rubbed her eyes, “Can’t we just pretend Helza will be it?” Though she didn’t let him answer before she added, “Fine…” She didn’t seem super pleased though. More like she had just been told she had to go back to polishing…
GM, 3051 posts
Tue 21 May 2024
at 03:08
  • msg #901

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

Zez laughs.  "Ya know.  There are actually perks to it.  Like you get my old quarters.  Let's stop there first."

He leads near the gate and stops before what you always thought was an abandoned storage shed.  Turns out it's not.

The "shed" actually opens into a larger room in the back.  Twice as large as your current room.  You also notice how cool the room is.  It's several degrees cooler than your own room, which sometimes can get to the level of an oven.

Zez points to some baskets and small boxes in one corner.  "I'll have my things out of there the day after tomorrow.  Then you can move in.  That door back there?  It leads out behind the kitchen.  If you're nice to the cook, you can sneak some extra food time to time.  Like I said.  There's perks to being the lead."

He laughs.

He then leads you about the compound, introducing you to a few servants you hadn't yet met, showing you a few dozen secret stashes of supplies you never knew about, and walking you through the various duties you will now be performing.

"You have to make sure everyone else does their cleaning.  That's the biggest pain.  Most everyone tries.  But some of the masters are pretty particular about what they consider "clean".  You get to sweep up after the apprentice if the apprentice doesn't do it right.

"But the biggest pain is orders.  That servant we talked to...R'pau?  R'pau is in charge of taking  the orders and distributing them to the masters.  But you are in charge of making sure the workshops are supplied with what those orders will need.

"You have to check with R'pau daily and make sure no new orders have come in, no orders have been cancelled, and no orders have been altered.  You'll need to restock the shops as necessary."

You recall Zez having you restock from time to time.  Or move supplies from one master's shop to another.  Apparently, this is why that all happened.

"Questions thus far?"
player, 465 posts
Tue 21 May 2024
at 21:38
  • msg #902

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

The food might - might! - have persuaded Ailith to protest a bit less about the whole thing and nodded 'seriously'. “I can definitely be nice to the cook.” Well, that and she was perfectly aware that protesting wouldn’t achieve anything…at best.

Although thinking about it a bit…larger quarters would also mean she’d have less troubles hiding Foot. And Hand whenever he visited. That was something at least.

She was understandably much less enthused about the whole cleaning thing. “Joy.” she grumbled. Although at that point all the apprentices already knew what they had to do so only the newcomers could be a problem…one more reason to pick seriously.

As for the orders…she didn’t quite know what to think about it. On the one hand, it sounded annoying, on the other, it was a way to stay appraised as to what sold and what didn’t, which could allow her to make a few suggestions here or there. But more importantly… “Well, I suppose R’pau has a preferred system that works just fine so I guess I’ll go with that…” At least for a start, but she didn’t imagine there’d be much of a need to change anything.

“Questions?” The young apprentice took a moment to think about that, then shook her head. “Not right now.” She shrugged with a wry smile, “Although I’m pretty sure I’ll have a bunch as soon as I find myself having to actually do anything…”
GM, 3057 posts
Fri 24 May 2024
at 04:34
  • msg #903

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

Zez nods enthusiastically.  "R'pau has it down.  So just work with him.  Oh. If I have to travel for a few days, I make sure R'pau knows.  And I stock the shops up with what I think they'll need.  One thing about the orders is they tend to follow a seasonal pattern.  Talk to R'pau before you travel.  He can give you an idea about what to expect and you can make best guesses based off that.  It's not usually a problem. Usually."

He hands you a small stylus.  "Take this.  It was given to me by the last head apprentice.  She told me the one before her gave it to her.  I guess this is the closest thing we have to a badge of office.  Congrats Ailith.  You'll do fine."

When you get back to your room, Llewelyn has left you a message. Will be back tomorrow
player, 466 posts
Fri 24 May 2024
at 23:28
  • msg #904

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

“Thanks.” Ailith took the offered stylus and spent a moment looking at it. “Just in time too since I have a letter to write…”

“Anyway, hmm,” She seemed to briefly hesitate before she asked, “Is R’pau the kind who’ll try to push and test and whatnot to see where the limits are?” Which would be super annoying…

The news about Llewelyn coming back the next day was received with some ambivalence. On the one hand, it meant she’d be able to ask about whatever was under the water, but on the other…well, she wouldn’t mind a few calmer days for sure! To say nothing of the fact that she wasn’t super fond of the idea that he had somehow managed to put that message in her room!
GM, 3059 posts
Sat 25 May 2024
at 03:55
  • msg #905

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

You can ask him about the "how" regarding the message when you see him.  Which will be in just a bit.

When you were asking about R'pau, were you referring to the servant who handles orders?  Or the new apprentice?  Cos the new apprentice will have a name other than R'pau.  You can talk to Mattah if you want the deets.  I've always wanted to use the term "deets" in a sentence.  Thank You for making my dreams come true.

Llewelyn arrives a little after midday.  You still can't tell what his facial expressions mean...though you are fairly certain by this point that he has facial expressions...but he seems to be moving slowly and wearily.

He greets Master Matah and then has lunch with the other masters.  He finds you shortly before the dinner bell.

Greetings.  Congratulations on becoming head apprentice.  A little gift for the occasion.

He hands you a small box.  It has some odd runes carved on it, but doesn't seem to operate like Hand or Foot do.  It doesn't squonk at you.

You find the latch on it.  It opens.  Inside are a set of tools.  Carving knives.  A small bone saw that has no business being as sharp as it is.  A small, well made hammer.
player, 467 posts
Sun 26 May 2024
at 12:38
  • msg #906

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

The servant yes. Ailith doesn’t yet know the name of the next apprentice after all.
And my pleasure. Although now you’ll have to place it RP :P

It had taken a while for Ailith to write the letter to her satisfaction, and had Matah not been expecting said letter she may have spent even longer. As it was though, she wrote it the best she could. Not like there was all that much to write though.


You have sent a project to the Hiyal for a position as an apprentice starting at the change of the season.
Your project was well executed, and the work on the colours was quite interesting if a bit discordant at times but that’s nothing that can’t be improved on. I’m especially curious to know what technique or pigment source you used to get the reds to shine like that.

Sadly, this will not be enough at this time. Not because of any failure on your part since anyone would be satisfied to use your cord as they are intended to be. But a successful submission must be daring. Must show that you’ve pushed your limits… Show us that you can go beyond what is safe and that we can help you push them further and improve. It feels like you didn’t dare take that risk.

Still, it also feels to me that you tried with the way you used the colours but that it went against what you had been taught and thus you held yourself back. For that reason, we would like to give you the opportunity to try again next season if you want it. Show us that you can take risks, show us you have unearthed potential.

But take note that it’s not something we do often: should you decide to submit something else, we will take into account that it is your second submission and that you were given some advice.

If you decide not to, I wish you all the best and can only encourage you to keep experimenting with your colours: they’re pretty fun to work with. Oh and I’d like to know more about those reds of course.
If you do, then good luck. But remember: none of the projects that were selected for apprenticeship were perfect. All of them were lacking somewhere and/or had defects.

Head Apprentice of the Hiyal

That last bit might have been what had taken her the most time, taking a step she couldn’t take back… Not that she could have - or would have really.

“Thank you.” Ailith said as she took the offered box, which she looked at at all angles trying to divine what it was before she sheepishly realized it was a container. “Those are very nice.” She admitted once she had taken the time to go over the box’s content.

“Everything alright?” she asked, her head tilted to the side, “You seem…tired? Hurt?”
GM, 3062 posts
Mon 27 May 2024
at 03:21
  • msg #907

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

That's a very touching letter.  It's full of deets.  Lots of deets.  Good job.  It will be sent soon.  But for now...

Llewelyn jerks his head. You think it's a gesture of surprise.  You're getting better at this reading an Interloper thing.  At least you think you are getting better at it.

He nods slowly.  Oh yes. Thanks.  It was a long trip.  And there were...ramifications about that trip to the moon.  I had to speak to my associates.  I didn't mention you.  So don't worry.  Anyway.  Anything new going on?  Any drama I should know about?
player, 468 posts
Mon 27 May 2024
at 14:49
  • msg #908

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

“Hmm.” Ailith didn’t seem too convinced by Llewelyn’s explanation, but let him change the subject without raising a stink about it.

“Actually… Sort of?” She tilted her head to the side for a second. “Well, technically, it’s not a drama…yet.” She grinned, “Foot and Hand have something to ask of you. I’ll let them explain,” not like she could tell much about it anyway… “but apparently they think there’s something deeper in the underground river.”
GM, 3065 posts
Tue 28 May 2024
at 03:30
  • msg #909

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

Llewelyn doesn't say anything for a moment, and then nods.  I'll come by your quarters after dinner.  We'll hear what they have to say.  If I can translate that is...

This time, Llewelyn tries to insert some kind of cord into Foot.  And then into Hand.  They aren't having any of it.  He looks at you.

This is a...cord.  It should let my bird talk to them.  But it has to be attached to both my bird and the bot...uhm....Foot or Hand.  Can you talk them into it please?  They don't seem to like me.
player, 469 posts
Tue 28 May 2024
at 17:58
  • msg #910

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

“Look,” Ailith said to Foot and Hand with a frown, “I’m obviously not going to ask you to do it.” She paused for a second before adding, “But you are the ones asking for his help.”

“Not only here, but for the moon thing too. Plus, surely, between you two you shouldn’t have anything to fear from one…bird…right?” After all, not that she was going to say said bird was useless, but since all it did seemed to be translating, well… “You can’t ask for his trust - require his help - if you don’t in turn trust him at least a little bit. That wouldn’t be fair.”
GM, 3071 posts
Wed 29 May 2024
at 03:45
  • msg #911

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

The two squonk furiously for a moment, then stop.  They then turn and scan Llewelyn.  Then sort of hang dejectedly in the air.  When they squonk again, the squonks sounds a little dejected.

Foot floats up to Llewelyn and turns, offering him it's...backside?

Llewelyn quickly plugs his cord into some slot on Foot's back and then plugs it into his bird.

The bird squonks.  Then in a reedy voice says

Digger did not properly execute  Some weird noise here that's half a vowel sound and half a sound like a door with rusty hinges.

...pot twelve unable to correct.  pot twelve went into sleep.  pot twelve needs help

pot twelve will have map.  pot twelve will have map

player, 470 posts
Wed 29 May 2024
at 18:47
  • msg #912

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

Ailith hesitated as she saw the distress of the two drones, in a few occasions opening her mouth to tell them it was ok and they’d find another solution, but in the end she bit her lips and didn’t say anything: she had given them a choice after all, they could refuse to do it.

The worst part of it all, as far as Ailith was concerned, was that she had no idea what any of that implied. Were there real risks? If so, what were they? She had no idea and that more than anything made her doubt.

Well, she also had no idea what Foot had just said, but that wasn’t too important for now. “Thank you Foot.” After a brief pause, she added, “You can disconnect for now please?” she asked Llewelyn.

Because, sure, there were questions to ask but she wanted Foot - and Hand - to take it slowly and realize that there wasn’t anything to fear. Once that was done, she asked, “So, uh… What’s that about a digger, and what’s 'pot twelve'? A map is good though.” Especially if it showed a way to the Grey Mountain and whatever was waiting there.
GM, 3074 posts
Fri 31 May 2024
at 03:54
  • msg #913

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

Llewelyn promptly complies with your request to disconnect Foot.  He seems to consider a moment.

I can't guess what a "pot twelve" might be.  But...a digger.  There are machines that are used to tunnel through the earth.  I have one that's rather small.  Just to collect mineral samples and the like. But I have seen some machines that were much larger.  Easily big enough to ride in.  Maybe there is such a machine in this cave.

Hand and Foot seem to squonk joyfully at that.
player, 471 posts
Fri 31 May 2024
at 20:52
  • msg #914

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

“Well, at least that seems to make them happy. Although,” Ailith glanced at the two drones, “I assume there is a 'thank you Llewelyn for your help' in all of that.” She squinted for a moment, then looked back at the Interloper.

“Do you think you could send that small digger of yours to go check if there is indeed a bigger one there? Wait,” she looked at Foot, “Is 'pot twelve' one of you?”
GM, 3076 posts
Sun 2 Jun 2024
at 23:01
  • msg #915

Mid Second Cycle, Low Season 20672

In reply to Ailith (msg # 914):

The two squonk, first to Llewelyn in an oddly pleasant tone.  Then at you in a tone you've come to consider as them saying


Llewelyn scratches his chin.  Maybe.  I'd have to do some...make some pictures through the walls of that cave.  Though...

He seems to eye both Foot and Hand. could just send them.  They should be...They should be able to swim.

Damnit.  This language barrier gets annoying at times.

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