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Welcome to The New X-Men (Marvel Freeform)

07:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


I'm not afraid,
To take a stand.
Come take my hand.
We'll walk this road together, through the storm,
Whatever weather, cold or warm.
Just letting you know that you're not alone,
Holler if you feel like you've been down the same road.

- Eminem, Not Afraid

Hero Name: Pinnacle
Real Name: Ricky Sharp
Age: 28

Physical Attributes
Strength: 4th
Agility: 3rd
Endurance: 2nd
Appearance: 1st

Height: 6’2”
Weight: 215 lbs
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Complexion: Tanned
Other: Pinnacle is very attractive and dresses in fine, popular apparel when not in “uniform”. He tends to wear fashionable sunglasses most of the time, and typically sports a five-o'clock shadow goatee.

Mental Attributes
Intelligence: 3rd
Intuition: 2nd
Charisma: 1st
Willpower: 4th

Personality: Ricky was, in both High School and College, the BMOC. Into almost everything, he managed to swim through the cliques of High School the way most kids never did. Even though he resented his powers for some of his earlier life, the mistakes he made has made him a better person, returning to approximation of himself before the change.

Quirks: Plays guitar, drums and sings all equally well. A talented artist and accomplished writer. Pinnacle lives up to his name and excels at nearly everything he tries. His impulsiveness, however, often sees him moving from one project to the next, often leaving things unfinished for long stretches of time.

Background: Ricky Sharp was born in Anchorage, Alaska to career Air Force parents and was raised with them and his older brother, Ryan. Ricky’s parents noticed how quickly he picked things up, walking at only 8 months, talking in coherent sentences at 18 months, etc. His talents never stopped and he excelled at everything he put his mind to. He was friendly, jovial and outgoing, well-liked and respected by the military community he was a part of.

Ricky played most sports, and was a member of many leagues and extra-curricular activities in High School. Always Captain, or Pitcher, or Quarterback. President, King, etc, he wore many titles, but the title he was proudest of was “friend”. He somehow managed to cross clique-borders and was friends with people all over school.   The one title he never thought he’d earn was “freak”.

It was during the Championship football game that his powers manifested. Ricky noticed the change early on and marked it off as adrenaline rushes, but soon noticed that he was moving faster than the other players, throwing the ball further, and shrugging off hits with ease. During one spectacular play, he threw the football into the end zone for the game winning play . . . and caught it. The play was thrown out and his team was forced to forfeit the game, and the Championship. All of Ricky’s hopes and dreams were smashed that day.  It was worse when he got to school. Instead of the expected consolations, etc. people whispered behind his back, called him names, refused to talk to him. His friends turned on him, it seemed they hated him, or, worse, feared him. He had nowhere to turn, even his father was disappointed in him.  He managed to make it to graduation – despite the fact that all his past actions and grades were called into question due to his mutant power. He began to question himself and hate both his powers and the people around him. After graduation, he took his car and left town forever.  He was lawless, full of unfocused hatred and rage and bent on self-destruction until the unlikely crossing of paths with a man named Magneto.

Their first meeting was anything but friendly, Magneto bent on a scheme and Ricky determined to interfere for no other reason than pure malice. They fought, and Ricky managed to put up a good fight, though was soon outclassed. Still, he lasted long enough to draw Magneto’s attention and was immediately recruited into the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and given the name, Pinnacle. Pinnacle was quickly convinced that his new moniker was appropriate, and saw himself as the pinnacle of mutant evolution. He grew cocky and arrogant with his powers and his place in the Brotherhood. He also, more beneficially, came to accept his mutant powers, though his hatred of those who shunned him grew. For years he fought alongside the Brotherhood, believing in the cause of mutant supremacy and endorsing it at every turn. His path often crossed with the mutants from the X-Men and there was one among them that often caught his eye. She didn’t fight, much, but her power seemed strong and her white locks of hair intrigued him. Too much, it seemed.

During one battle, his focus was drawn by the one he’d learned was called Rogue and he very nearly caused the battle to be lost. Magneto was furious and chided Pinnacle in front of the other Brotherhood members. First a freak, now a failure. It was all too much for Pinnacle and he left the group, devastated.

He wandered again for a short while, before ultimately seeking the help of a former rival, Prof. Charles Xavier. Xavier took him in, as he was prone to do, and over the course of several secluded private sessions, managed to strip away the hatred that had consumed Pinnacle, even the newfound hatred for Magneto, whom he’d once considered like a father. Xavier put Pinnacle in charge of a new mutant team called X-Watch, consisting of Crash, Serenity, and Statix – all teenagers (save Pinnacle) who were tasked w/ educating other teens about mutation and mutants, and rescuing those in need. Their ministrations were successful, preventing many mutations from going wrong, and mutants from going down the wrong path as he had.  Then, the worst happened: Professor X, assassinated – most the X-Men, and even most of X-Watch, killed. And the same had happened, inexplicably, to Magneto and the Brotherhood. Pinnacle tried banding together with the few X-heroes that remained, but soon, they all drifted apart; leaderless, directionless.

Now, Pinnacle has found himself resisting Monolith as best he can. Narrowly avoiding capture and causing nearly as much turmoil and trouble as one lone mutant can. Still, lone vigilantism is tiring and Pinnacle feels far older than his 28 years tell. Something is going to break sooner or later, Monolith or Pinnacle, and Pinnacle feels bent beyond belief.