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Welcome to The New X-Men (Marvel Freeform)

07:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Birth Name: Dyllen Jon Hayes
Mutant Name: Skinwalker
Other Names: Bubba
Age: 21
Gender: Male

Blue is speech
Purple is thought

Physical Appearance: Dyllen usually wears a worn High School Ball Cap that his Grand Pa Vick (on his mom's side) gave him before he passed away from Colon Cancer. He prefers to wear Sleeveless T-Shirts to show off his muscular, toned, arms - an old habit from his football days. Typically these are paired with worn jeans that he worked for and bought with his own money. He is also proud to show of his High School Letterman's jacket with all the sports patches ranging from Football, Wrestling, Baseball, and Softball Manager.

Dyllen stands at 5'10, 240 lbs. He wears his hair cropped short due to an-old habit from football. His eyes are a mesmerizing shade of green, and a thick neck sets atop broad shoulders connected to thick, embracing arms that if you're in you know you're safe. The rest of his body follows suit, from 8-pack abs to tree-trunk-thick legs. Dyllen is farm-raised and weight-room honed and every inch of his body reveals that. With his size and
Stature he is often thought and looks older than what he truly is.

Height 5'10
Weight: 240 lbs
Hair: Brownish-black
Eyes: Hazel
Complexion: Tan

Personality: The product of a loving, small-town upbringing, reinforced with the discipline brought about through rigorous sports coaching, Dyllen is polite and respectful to those around him, quick to trust, but quick to anger at those that break that trust or hurt those that he loves. He's friendly and outgoing, genuinely pleasant in the way only a small-town citizen can be.

Other Quirks: Dyllen used to dip it was an old habit he and his Grandpa Vick used to do. Now he chews gum at all times after Vick passed away from cancer. Despite being friendly and outgoing, Dyllen can be socially awkward due to his somewhat sheltered small-town upbringing. Finally, he is incredibly protective of women and children, and he can be a nightmare for any he catches harming them.


Strength: 7
Intelligence: 3
Endurance: 4
Agility: 4
Awareness: 2
Charisma: 1
Willpower: 3

Mutant Powers

Dyllen was very small when he was born he was only 6 lbs. Grew rather quickly at the age of 6 he was always finding an animal stray dog or cat to pet on. As time passed when he was old enough to help out on his mom's family farm, he went every summer to helped out. Dyllen was always able to break in the new life stock every summer when he arrived. Dyllen's Grandpa Vick always said that he was going to be good with animals.

As Dyllen got older he was spending every summer with his grand parents of his mom side and one summer towards the end of a very productive summer they got a call from the From a Oklahoma Highway Patrol calling Grandpa Vick and Grandma Irene to let them know that Jon and Rachael was in a car wreak and they didn't make it. So from then on he stayed with his grand parents on his mother's side learning on how to work the farm/ranch life style. Chores ranging from feroding and watering the animals, picking up after them, taking care of them. So he stumbled on his power one day one of the young colts got loose and roaming about not letting anyone get close to him. Dyllen walked out in the field towards the young colt trying to calm him down, "hey there, little guy. why don't you come over here? Let's go get your shoes put on ya? it will be okay if you come with me now.  " It shocked everyone that just with Dyllen going out there and talking to the horse, the horse calmed down and came right up to him.

Dyllen remember when his father would tuck him in at night and was being told stories before going tO sleep. He can recall a certain story about a man that lived many years ago who was know  as a skin walker. A chief of a tribe that was at the brink of extinction. The chief prayed to the gods and asked for a way to help him and his tribe to survive. In which he got a response saying choose 1 animal and take their skin and you can use their attributes to help you and your clan. The chief first skinned a wolf and wore it and became swift and more agile being able to sneak up on his prey and enemies. But over time it started to effect his DNA and instead of having to wear the skins many generations later on down the line it became a mutated ability. Dyllen hasn't put the two together that his father had the same ability and the story wasn't any story at all, but a piece of his families history.

The reason Dyllen has a '69 Charger is due to his Grandpa Vick.
It's started out being a bonding process after Dyllen turned 16. Vick decided that now Dyllen was 16 he should have his own car now that he is able to drive. Vick checked Dyllen out of school on his Birthday they've talked about heading to the city to go buy him a car from a dealership. Once arriving at a dealership they didn't the amount of cash the dealership was wanting for a used car. So they headed home that night talking on their way back Vick turned to Dyllen and asked " I guess I should have asked this to begin with, what kind of car are you even wanting? Dyllen sat there going a cross the beaten back roads bouncing up and down hitting his head on the inner roof of his grandpa 2000 Ford F 150. Dyllen spouted off something slick, mean looking, something that is going to be reliable, something that will always remind me of this memory. Vick sat quietly and was thinking with a stern look on his face. He asked "Would you rather learn how everything works?" Dyllen said " yes it would be nice to know that, there is also a shop class I can take at school." Vick said " alright I know a buddy that we can go by and see and we can see if he can help us out. A couple of days goes by, Dyllen out feeding the horses Grandpa Vick walks out through the screen door headed out to where Dyllen was. Dyllen in the heat was working up a sweat, moving hay and getting the oats to put in the oat-bags to place around their heads. As Dyllen turns around and see Vick walking towards him he puts down the bail of hay and starts walk towards Vick. As Vick extends his right arm onto Dyllen's left shoulder he says"Well I might have some good news for you."Dyllen eyes widen with excitement and asks "Does your friend have one! If so can he go now!!
With them arriving to the look at the car Dyllen's eye start to water with joy and excitement. With them Paying Vicks friend off and being able to drive the car of his dreams in which he has spent many hours into making the car into the beast that it has become.

But the reason the car is important to him is cause one day when coming home from school he notice smoke coming from both the House and the Barn, Dyllen pulling up in the drive way in the Charger, scrambling to get out of the car to find his grandparents. While searching he couldn't find them, and not long after his arrival, the group Monolith was pulling up. Did they find out that Dyllen was a Mutant? Did they do this to draw him out to test him? To Catch him to experiment on him? So with tears in his eyes, he takes off to tree line to get away from them and to keep an eye on them. After them leaving he runs back to his car fires it up and goes as far as he can go, until the tank runs out. So then he finds his way to make some money to keep him fed and his tank full. Until he was able to reach the NEW X-MEN.