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Welcome to X-Men: Worlds Collide

02:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Suna No Kouin

Character Name: Crystal Michelle Bolton
Character Aliases: Suna No Kouin (Japanese for Sands of Time)
Gender: Female
Age: 10

Cast Description:
Height: 4'1"
Weight: 86 lb
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Hazel
Complexion: Normal Human Complexion

Other Quirks: Collects Coins, Books, and Stamps, Crystal LOVES to read. She can read books that are a couple years beyond a normal 10 year olds reading level. Can't play piano very well but has been learning.

Personality: Timid at times, Never speaks to anyone unless she trusts you,  Fear of Spiders and high places

Mutant Powers:

Telepathic: Even though this is her prefered way of communicating with people, She can talk IF she has to.

Aerokinesis: Crystal can create a twister the size of a small dog or cat. Can use the wind/air around her to create a baseball effect to be used as a weapon of protection. Can even use the wind to fly if need be.

Precog- This would mainly focus on things during a fight. Who is going to attack who and what they were planning on doing in the attack. If you have seen Twilight it is similar to Alice's power. it only works when they have the action SET as to what they were planning. It has to be in the moment. Seismic is about to throw a Dirt ball at Rogue. Rogue would be warned before it happened and be able to protect herself. Crystal would, however, be unable to tell the future like say what is going to happen when Ricky FINALLY gets to talk to Melissa. And due to the limit on how far ahead in time she could go it would do no good any way.

Time Manipulation- This one is confusing. I am setting the limit at probably 2 hours in either direction. She can move time forward or backward. Defect for this would be that for however much time she moved time forward she has to reverse to set time right and not create a problem. (see example #1 below) As far as using this for an attack, I do not see that happening. If she slows down time she has to speed it up to counteract the effects of the slow down. (Example #2) the hardest part of all this is it only happens in a 60 foot radius around her but grows as she does in power.

      EX #1: Crystal moved 5 minutes ahead in time to see how she would be able to help the others. She then had to reverse the time flow by 5 minutes, fixing the time line in the process.

      EX #2: Crystal slowed down time so she could move out of the way of the energy blast. Once out of the way she sped time back up. (essentially it looks as though she teleported from one spot to the next when in fact that never happened)

Non Mutant abilities (skills, education, or interests): Crystal loves to read more then anything. She does have an interest in playing the piano but has not gone very far in her lessons. Her parents have homeschooled her for the last two years.

History: Had her powers at birth though they were not strong enough to be noticed. At age six her powers became strong enough that her parents finally took notice of them, she had a normal life till then aside from the fact that everyone thought she could not talk. Once her parents found out they tried everything they could to hide their daughters mutations. When people asked why she never spoke her parents just claimed she was a mute. She was picked on in school so bad that her parents finally decided to home school her.