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Welcome to X-Men: Worlds Collide

00:19, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Birth Name: Katja Wolf
Adopted Name: Melissa Jean Mahone (She had her last name legally changed back to Wolf but kept the Melissa Jean for sentimental reasons)
Mutant Name: Moonlight
Other Names: Missy
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Physical Appearance: Height: 5'3"
Weight: Aprox 107lb
Hair: Brunette shoulder length
Eyes: Hazel
Complexion: pale peach

Mutant Powers:- Dream Magic - Rank 4 Power
Moonlight is able to tap into mystical energies that allow her to physically enter and manipulate dreams, and travel to a spectral realm known as the Dreamscape.  While in a dream or the Dreamscape, her mutation allows her to change the world around her, form objects and magical barriers, and seek to repair the psyche of others in the dream or realm.  Any attacks in the realm do not cause physical harm, but weakens the target's psyche; when the target is subdued, Moonlight is capable of affecting recent memories, planting limited suggestions/actions in their mind, or scattering their mind, which leaves the individual in a coma-like state for various amounts of time. (range one city block)

Additionally, Moonlight can project parts of the Dreamscape into the real world; her ability to control the Dreamscape is much more limited while in the world, and does not have the same degree of power.  She is capable of levitating off the ground, form a protective barrier, limited healing, and can launch dream bubbles that can potentially put others to sleep.

Limited Healing: Powers draw on her life force she can not keep them going long or she will drain away her energy causing her to pass out. If she drains it dry before passing out, could potentially kill her.

- Heightened Awareness - Rank 2 Power
Moonlight has an Awareness beyond the normal human range; she is treated as having 13 Awareness for comparison purposes.

- Telepathy - Rank 3 Power
Moonlight is capable of reading the thoughts of people within 200 feet, and can project her thoughts to their minds.  She can choose to focus on one individual, drowning out the "psychic noise" of other minds in the range to hear one person more clearly.

- Telekinesis - Rank 2 power
Moving objects, levitating, no problem.  This power is at half strength when compared to Jean Grey.

Weakness: When using her dream powers she must be careful. If not it has the potential to make her forget things. Example: A sudden blast of energy at someone can cause her to forget names, bringing two or more people into the Dream World at a time can make her forget people, memories, or worse. The memories are most likely still there but not accessible by her.