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Welcome to X-Men: Worlds Collide

00:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Gypsy Mae Tyson

Nickname: She has several. She's been called Sunshine most often because of her
sunny disposition.

Codename: Reishi

Origin: She was born in Fairfax Virginia.


Gender: Female

Age: 20

Height: 5'4

Weight: 116.5 lbs.

Hair: Her hair is a deep caramel brown. The natural highlights falling between burgundy and wheat hues.

Eyes: Hazel

Distinguishing Marks: She is slender, not having an over abundance in  chest department,( at least not by the standards of most women today.) nor the hips. If someone looks past her slightly boyish figure, they'd find she has a beautiful face. She is almost always smiling, which exposes the single dimple that forms on her right side, making her normal flat cheeks full, and round. She has soft petal pink lips, full that seem to match the over all shape of her face, which could be considered round, with sharp angles to the sides of her jaw. Her nose in her opinion is a bit large, but it works wonderful with her face. Her teeth are a bit gaped, but it adds to her charisma, pushing her towards a pixie like allure.

Relatives: Mother: Jacyln Tyson, residing in Fairfax, Va. Father: Donald Tyson- deceased (Brain Aneurysm ). Sibling: Rachel Tyson (14) Fairfax, Va.

Clothing style: She dresses in whatever she feels comfortable in really. She likes feminine fashion. Pinks, corals, all sort of floral prints and designs. One day she can sport a pair of jeans and a nice sweater, the next a dress. Depends on the situation.

Powers/Mutations: Fungokinesis: can create, shape and manipulate fungi including yeasts and molds, as well as the mushrooms. She can cause fungi grow, move/attack or even rise from the soil and "walk", mutate fungi by rearranging DNA structure
Create/generate/increase, shape, move and animate fungi for various purposes/effects.
Disease Generation
Organic Attacks using fungus.
Omnilingualism with fungus.
Poison Manipulation
Mental Hallucination
Miasma Emission: ( Spore breath, can be either sleep inducing, or toxic)
Rearrange the genetic structure in fungi, including creation of mutant fungi.
Seismic Sense through fungi.
Spore Manipulation

Along side for her fungi ability she does have control over mold as that falls in the same category. The applications are as follows:
Decomposition Manipulation
Food Manipulation limited to fungi and food that has been fermented using fungi/molds/yeast.
Organic Manipulation.
Rot Inducement.

Weaknesses: Regional growth: She is limited to the mushrooms she can control. It has to work for the region she is in. She wouldn't be able to create a fungus that was in a subtropical climate in the middle of Wisconsin.

She is limited on how many fungi or how long they can control them, depending on the genus and the size depends on how many she can control.

Most fungi are rather fragile, unless the she can increase their durability, which takes from her daily energy to change.

She has to wear gloves when she eats anything. When she touches food, even when she tries to control it, those properties take over and her food is inedible. She has to be very careful, drinking through straws and limiting skin contact to anything she wants to consume, even her lips.

History: Life in Fairfax was normal. Really in comparison to many others, dull. She grew up average as you please. Her mother was the one who wanted her to be a dancer, and eventually she came to love it. Her father did everything he could to show up to each of her recitals. Her family was close knit. They did everything together when her father's job would permit it. She was definitely closest to her father, he would often sneak her into his work station, and took her into the field. She used to love going hiking and camping, spending her time in the wilderness with her dad.

When she was fourteen, her father passed suddenly by a brain aneurysm. His death was so sudden, they usually are like that. She took it harder than her younger sister, and it was on his funeral day that her powers manifested. In a ceremony to honor her father they had been out in the center of the forest her father loved and protected, all around her feet a ring of mushrooms formed. Commonly called a faerie circle. They hadn't been there before. While she stared at her feet, her father's ashes were spread, the mushrooms grew, and seemed to weep the sadness that she felt, but did not really express. That was how she found out about her powers. She knew then that she was different. She tried to keep her powers a secret, but there was only so long that she could hide what she struggled to control.

Eventually she told her mother, which was accepting of her abilities, but it was still an issue with food corrupting. It was a stressful factor on her family, and one she didn't want them to suffer through. So, there was only one thing to do...get help, and find the people that could do just that.

In her travels she had heard of something happening to the School for the Gifted, and that paused her journey, having her settle in Syracuse for a while, until word had gotten around to her that she school had returned. So she went... her journey starts, well... it starts here.

Personality: She has an optimistic point of view on everything. Like everyone though she has her moments, she tries to keep her doubts to herself when she has them, opting to be the light in the darkness for her peers. That's how she feels at least.

When she reaches the limit of her good mood, she has a tendency to completely withdraw from everyone around her until she get get her head on straight. She is smart, playful, funny. She is the type who can not stand to see people at odds with one another, in particular when they are supposed to be friends, she often tries to play middle man and try to get them to work it out. If there is a continuation of extreme tension, she will pull funny faces, and just be silly until everything feels lightened, if the situation CAN be fixed that way.

She has issues coming to terms with the fact that her abilities can be harmful to others, as she has a rather peaceful disposition to go right along with her cheerful demeanor.

Looking as girly as she does, it often is a surprise that she loves the outdoors.

Hobbies: Dancing, music, playing with and getting her hair played with. Reading, singing. Camping, hiking, and definitely fishing. Her biggest hobby is forging for wild edibles.

Likes & Dislikes: She is not a fan of cilantro. Most people think she's crazy, but she swears it tastes like bitter soap. She adores Chinese food though, her favorite thing is bourbon chicken. She is a horrible cook, but she is an amazing baker. She makes the best brownies, and she loves making sweets for people who love eating them. ( She just has to wear gloves when she cooks.) Video games, she loves those.

Non-mutant abilities: Wilderness survival, as taught by her father, who was a Forest Ranger for the Great Falls Park.  She is a dancer, or she was. Started dancing ballet at the age of three, and has studied in Contemporary, Hip Hop, and Jazz. Gypsy has been studying Mycology, and Biology, and perhaps becomes a teacher, one day. She naturally knows plenty about mushrooms, but she wants to gain a master's degree. She is working on achieving that with Professor X, and moonlights as a substitute when she's needed.

Sexual Preferences: Pansexual.