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Welcome to X-Men: Worlds Collide

00:11, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dust Bunny

Game name: Dust Bunny
Character Name: Penny Armbruster
Gender: Female
Age Bracket: mid-teens

Description: 5'5"; 105 lbs. red hair, blue eyes.

Personality: Generally sunny and bouncy, Penny has tons of excess energy that her family would insist has nothing to do with her mutant powers. She's always been bouncy. She gives the impression of a squirrel on Red Bull.

However, since the manifestation of her powers, her personality has grown increasingly mercurial, even erratic at times. It has been suggested that since her power is never fully 'off' that perhaps her brain is literally swirling around at times, shifting her mood, and even her level of intellect, without warning.

Mutant Powers: Penny can turn herself (partly or fully) into an animate cloud of particulate matter. The individual particles are micro-fine, much like printer toner. They can pass through virtually any gap with ease. This cloud can also be used to do extreme damage to objects (and people!) by scouring them as though with ultra-fine sandpaper. It can be used to choke or blind an individual as well.

Her power never fully turns off. If struck without warning, such as from behind, she will partly or fully break down into the cloud form automatically, making it extremely difficult to injure her through physical means.

Penny cannot transform her clothes, but she's gotten pretty good at reconstituting herself into the discarded garments. If she needs to re-form herself and her clothes aren't available, she leaves herself inside a dense, obscuring cloud of dust for modesty's sake.

Non Mutant abilities:

Part-time genius. When her head is screwed on straight, Penny is extremely bright. She's always been a straight-A student, until recently. (One should keep in mind that at fifteen, extremely bright doesn't mean she necessarily knows a lot of stuff yet.)

Cheerleader. While this isn't exactly the sort of skill-set one generally uses to save the world, she is a fairly well-trained gymnast.

Weaknesses: By all evidence, her brain sometimes literally swirls around in her skull. So she can suddenly be a total flake, or have memory loss, or the attention span of a goldfish.

Previous History: There really isn't that much remarkable about Penny's history. She was a bright, popular high school student right up to the moment that her family's SUV got t-boned by a delivery van trying to make it through the intersection on a short yellow. Everyone was okay, but Penny was gone. She was turned up after a short search, unconscious, fifty feet away. The baffling part was that she was naked, and her clothes were still in the SUV.


Since then, her parents have enrolled her at Xavier's to help her learn how to control her powers.