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Welcome to X-Men: Worlds Collide

02:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Game name: Coyote
Character Name: Jennifer Thompson Penn (JT for short)
Character Aliases: JT, Coyote
Gender: Female
Age Bracket: teen (16)

Cast Description (detail hair style, physical features, clothing style, etc):
JT hovers on the edge of shortness for someone in her age group, standing at 5"2" tall, and considering her heritage it seems unlikely that she'll grow that much taller than she is. She wears her brown hair down to her shoulders generally only to the base of her neck and loosely held in a ponytail if in anything at all. Slight in stature and in tone the best description of her appearance might be thin as a twig, someone with barely any muscle mass. JT tends to wear conservative clothing when possible, sweat shirts over her normal shirt with jeans leading down her form. Dressing in darker colored primary colors not much of her skin below her neck shows. To top it off she wears narrow rimmed glasses over her eyes, something she has a nervous tick of adjusting.

What might be more interesting to those that see her however would be the implements showing up in ridges on her skin and form. A narrow metal wire makes it way from the back of her neck to the left side of her head, partially hidden and buried in her hair. Further, the wire starts as a column of small metal plates that lead from the back of her neck all the way to the bottom of her back, something that though is mostly hidden by the shirts she wears is easily enough to see the beginnings of right above it. Finally, a pair of silently blue glowing wires run their way down her left hand, ending near the beginning of her fingers at the back of her palm.

JT might mostly be called jippy at first glance. Constantly jumping from place to place, smiling, and eyes taking in everything they can she constantly gives off an air of joy and energy that has worn down many an acquaintance. Look closer however and you'll find that she takes in everything in more than just a way to let off energy, she really observes everything she can in a situation. Partially because of her life and partially because of her power JT tends to remember what she sees and hears, something that someone said ages ago might be brought up seemingly out of nowhere.

When brought into a corner JT really starts to show who she is. She carries both an undercurrent of fear and determination in everything she does. To stagnant to her is to die in her mind, something a bit more literal than most others. It shows to, she has difficulty stopping when in reality it might be better to. Still, she chose the name Coyote for a reason. The Coyote was fun, free, a trickster but generally in good fun, and she tries to emulate that.

Mutant Powers (include things like range, potency, and other relevant factors. The following abilities are currently not permitted for players:- Regeneration, - Reincarnation, and - World Warping/Bending):
Technological Recognition: JT's powers, unlike most mutants, are almost completely mental in effect. Anything she sees related to technology she can understand almost instantly, seeing how a particular portion of wires or software works and function in the part of the whole her power allows her to see it in a glance. More than that, given enough time and observation and she can even see how she might build a replica of it herself, or even twist a part to be built into something else.

This power has very few limitations in range, but it does require a bit more than a glance to truly get everything of an object. For instance, while she could see how something works from halfway across the world, it would have to be seen for her to do anything with it.

Without seeing something herself she can get very few things from it. This can also extend to aspects of an object beyond what one might consider the norm. For instance, while she might be able to see how to build the movement and armor of an iron man suit, she won't be able to replicate the strength of it in full unless she sees it herself, though she might be able to build up to it herself, and she wouldn't even know about the ice blasting gun hidden in the left gauntlet until it's actually used itself.

Mostly this means that with time and effort JT is able to replicate and go beyond those technological. Currently, that focus has been shifted to cybernetics, using and based mostly on what she's seen of Iron Man combined with medical technology and what she was able to get from even the Fantastic Four.

Non Mutant abilities (skills, education, or interests): 4+ sentences
Mathematical Genius: As her power supplies the boost in recognizing and using mathematics ever since it manifested itself JT has had an incredibly easy time in math.

Programming: While needing a bit more work than math in and of itself, seeing the patterns in coding is a lot easier ot JT than most.

JT has made it into high school, though she did start having issues once it was revealed that she was a mutant. She has an interest in running she attempts to do every morning if possible. She enjoys the movement, and uses it both to keep progress of things in her own body as well.While tinkering with machinery is something of an obsession and need for JT she does enjoy making random things when she isn't studying her field as she does.

Weaknesses (power limitations, character flaws, social disadvantages, etc):
Sight, equipment, and time are three major disadvantages with her powers. While she can get some things from her other senses about things it is through sight that her power really activates in full. Of course, her power matters very little if she doesn't have anything she can do with it. It takes time for her to build the things she sees, and weak components make for weak items no matter the innovations put into them. The more time she has to build something the more prepared she'll be.

On another side of the coin, she has her cybernetics for a reason. While the disease has not progressed to debilitating levels as of yet, JT is afflicted with ALS. It was through discovering this that she was outed as a mutant, and it is because of this that she has such a focus on cybernetics in the first place. Despite the precautions she takes, if those cybernetics were to fail she would lose mobility and strength.

Equipment (tools, weapons, gadgets, specialized clothing, vanity items, etc):

Cybernetic Overlay: Her biggest and riskiest project, and her first and ongoing one, JT focused on completing this above all else. On the outside, the overlay can be seen in the metal segments that run from her neck to the botton of her back. It has been set into the bone of her spine, sending wires up to her brain and reaches somewhat into her shoulders and legs. It was built to offset the misfiring of neurons, allowing a better connection between her brain and muscles. It is through this that she can move normally, actually even slightly faster than normal as it enhances her reflexes slightly above human levels. While the basics are completed in what it may do, JT still spends a lot of time in refining and expanding on this bit of tech, using it as a relay and expansion point. It was actually through her implementation of this tech, and the near death that followed, that finally convinced her parents to bring her to the school in the first place.

Cybernetic Enhancements (left arm): using the Overlay as a connection point JT turned her attention to enhancing her left arm, the first limb she had seen the ALS effect. Using the two wires she uses this to increase the arms movement beyond human levels, and increase the strength of the arm itself to above human norms even while trying to set up the tech to induce increased healing. While this factors into her movements, the tech she is using is mostly her current experiment, and therefore is slightly buggy as a result. The protection isn't as high as she wishes it to be yet, so while she has the potential strength to punch through things she may hurt herself in response.

Laptop: Personalized and encrypted as well as he skills allow, she tends to carry the thing everywhere to take notes and make adjustments. Runs on Linux.

Necklace: An item given to her from her mother, while it does nothing it is cherished by the teen.

Interface Glasses: Something built soon after the completion of her Overlay these glasses let her connect to and overview the functionality and condition of her Cybernetics. She got the idea after she realized she didn't really want to be unaware of what might be potentially going on with her equipment. Interfaces mostly with her left lens.

Previous History:

Grew as a normal teenager until she hit late in the age of her fifteenth year. Noticing strange muscle spasms in her left arm, and knowing her sister's and mother's illness, JT's mother quickly took her to the hospital to check whatever it might be. It was through their tests that JT got both the good news and the bad. She apparently had an extremely early case of ALS, and was predicted to die before she reached thirty. She was also a mutant, had the x-gene, and likely would get some power sometime soon. She would be hated, but maybe she could fly! Luckily, her parents didn't take to the general discrimination of those with mutant abilities.

Still, they left the office that day in very low spirits. It wasn't until JT saw another story with Iron Man that she realized something was drastically different then even a few days before that point. She could suddenly see everything, the way the suit moved, the way it functioned, and more importantly, how it functioned. It was also while she was noticing this that another idea wormed its way into her mind. While flying might've been awesome in and of itself, her power might lead to an answer to her own dilemma.

It was over the next few months that she went to implement her idea, going through and capturing as many glimpses of advanced tech related to movement and the body as she could. She was determined to finish her first idea for tech before it became impossible to do so herself. She succeeded in her goal 3 months down the line, running through her 16th birthday while barely noticing in her focus on the goal at hand, she stood with mirror in hand as she placed the Cybernetic Overlay she had built to counter the her disease's effects where it needed to go and activated it.

Things did not go quite according to plan however. Her device did what it was meant to, it connected to her spine and brain and through them started to connect to the nervous system itself; however, she had not thought about what exactly the effect of that might be. Pain, lots of pain, and blood and falling and just many bad things to follow. Her parents did not appreciate finding her laying on the ground writhing in agony well at all, panicking about what to do even as the device finally settled into place.

Needless to say, she wasn't exactly able to go around normally after that, and it was then that her parents started to look into some place she might be able to learn, and where she might be watched to make sure she didn't die in the mean time.

Character Goals, Aspirations, & an interpretation of your faction's dogma:
Despite the personal bent of her cybernetic technology it really has become something more in her mind. JT eventually wishes to be able to offer cybernetics to whoever needs it in the future, she wants to be able to save lives and livelihoods of people around the world.

As a personal aspiration, she wants to make sure she never becomes helpless herself. She eventually plans to start integrating cybernetics throughout her own body, it's her own personal quest to be useful in dangerous in situations as well as to always be free.

Her interpretation of the dogma her choice of faction has is an optimistic dream of peace. While she definitely doesn't agree with the Brotherhood she fully expects turbulence and violence to come about before things ever gets better.

What themes and plots are you hoping to experience in the game:
Growth, change, stories, social activity, and fights. Those are in general I admit, the personal goals for the character is a slow growth in cybernetics and characterization. I'm not entirely sure where she ends up, but I wish to see what might happen :)