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Welcome to X-Men: Worlds Collide

01:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Character Name - Super Star
Character Aliases - Jet Blackstone
Gender - Male
Age Bracket - Late Teens

Cast Description
- Jet is a person of average height resting on a somewhat slender frame. This can give him a somewhat sleek appearance when he is dressed in a way that enhances that image, such as well-tailored, more form fitting, and generally darker clothes. Ordinarily, he dresses in familiar and comfortable casual wear. He has sandy to light brown hair. His eyes are that blue color that seems to sparkle when he laughs. (Avatar: Corey Fogelmanis)

- Jet can be considered a generally calm and stable person. He has a tendency to be compassionate and cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic. He shows a moderate to high sense of self-discipline and can normally be counted on. More on the reserved side, he is well versed socially.  He has an openness for concepts if not always actions.

Mutant Powers -  Jet's body naturally absorbs all forms of ambient light.  This gives him the ability to both generate and manipulate light. Along with generating for himself various forms of light based armor or force fields, he has the ability to create and manipulate both hard (weapons, restraints, etc.) and soft (liquiform, plasmaform) constructs. He has used his manipulation abilities to create light tendrils and even extra limbs for himself in the past. He can also emit blasts of coherent (lasers - cutting, burning) and incoherent (photons - concussive force) light.

Non Mutant abilities (skills, education, or interests) - Jet has a high school education and is planning to continue into college. He can drive a car, but not a stick shift. He is versed in basic cooking, basic camping, and basic firearms use. He is proficient with computers and basic electronics. He was a member of the high school drama club. He has an interest in psychology and sociology.

- Targets to his abilities currently require either a tactile or visual element. He could not attack a target based solely on coordinates. While there is no known limit to the amount of light that he can absorb, extended periods absent of light can decrease his abilities to draw upon the stored light in his body. Continued use of his light based abilities without adequate replenishment can cause a form of temporary burnout. Isolation in complete darkness for an extended period will cause his abilities to hibernate until an adeqate time period of exposure to light has been achieved.

Equipment (tools, weapons, gadgets, specialized clothing, vanity items, etc) - Smart phone, tablet, laptop

Previous History - It first happened on a city bus. People were blinded and scrambling around trying to get away. There was light pouring in everywhere. Light pouring in from me. I couldn't stop it.

Finally, I managed to push open one of the emergency exits and get out. I ran away and hid in an alley until I stopped glowing. I snuck home and tried to hide in my room for days. My parents thought I was on drugs.

It happened again at dinner one night. The truth was out. My parents knew what to do, as always. They had heard of a sanctuary for people like me. Some sort of school. That's where I could get help. Maybe this could be fixed somehow.