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Welcome to Star Trek: Relic

00:07, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lt Jonathan Clare

Name: Jon Clare
Species: Human, Caucasian
Planet: Earth
Birthdate: January 3rd, 2347
Birthplace: Tofino, British Columbia
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Height: 1.73 m (5‘ 8")
Hair: Red
Eyes: Blue
Rank: Lieutenant
Current Assignment: Dyson Base
Professional Skills: Planetary Science, with a special interest in Oceanography and Climatology.
Parents: As yet unidentified, but are both relatively high ranking Starfleet HQ officers.
° Older brother: Carlson Clare, age 36 (Starfleet (engineering), MIA, presumed dead)
° Older sister: Elizabeth “Beth” Clare, age 33 (Starfleet (security, resigned), married with 2 kids)
° Grandparents: Donna and Barney Clare. Artists, who keep the family home in Tofino.

Jon Clare (called Jonathan by his parents, Jon by everybody else) is a male human born on Earth, in the town of Tofino, British Columbia. Both his parents are relatively high ranking officers currently with Starfleet HQ. Although moving around quite a bit, the Clare family has always kept a home in Tofino, and much of Jon's formative years were spent on the beaches,
swimming and surfing.

The Clare family has 3 children, all who aspired successfully to join Starfleet. Carlson, the oldest, had a knack for chemistry and trained to become an Engineering officer. Beth, the middle child, was always a bit of a kickbutt badass. She went into Security and also made many contacts within the Starfleet Intelligence community.

The careers of the Clare children were abruptly altered when in 2368, 8 years ago (while Jon was still attending Starfleet Academy), the ship Carlson was serving on vanished along with the entire crew. An interrupted and somewhat cryptic subspace call was the last communication Starfleet received from the ship. A search turned up no evidence of the ship’s whereabouts, and the entire crew has been listed as MIA.

The stress of this incident appeared to hurt Beth deeply. She resigned from Starfleet, an abrupt decision because she has recently been promoted to Security Chief on the ship she was serving. In the years since she appears to have settled down, getting married and having 2 children (a girl and a boy), but Jon suspects she still secretly keeps a foot in the security and
intelligence community (but he has no way of proving it).

The disruption of Carlson's disappearance caused Jon to lose a year at the Academy, but he was able to pick it up again where he left off. Although his training is in Science, especially anything related to water and weather (a throwback to his surfing days), he's been raring to see some action. He feels that with Carlson gone and Beth no longer in Starfleet, it is up to him to keep up the family name. This feeling is not at all shared by Jon’s parents, who have used their influence to ensure that all of Jon’s tours have been scientific in nature and far from any ongoing hostilities. Even Dyson Base is a bit of a stretch, and Jon had to request the transfer in secret to keep his parent's from interfering and sending him back out to measure interstellar dust concentrations. They've since found out about it, and are none too happy.

Although Jon is, outwardly, looking forward to seeing some action, deep down inside he is actually quite terrified of idea. What he would most like to do at the base is explore the shores of Freeman’s Island (on which Dyson Base is located) and find some good surfing spots.