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Welcome to Age of Heroes: Last Stand Against The Darkness

07:11, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lucille Le'Blanc

Age:Appears to be in her early twenties to early thirties.
Height: 6' (183 cm)
Weight: ~155 lbs (~70kg)
Date of Birth: August 7, 1974
Eyes: Dark, Kind
Skin: Dark Ebony
Hair: None
Attractiveness/Charisma/Influence: 5/5/5

Longer Description:
Lucille is a tall, lithe woman with defined musculature and what can only be described as a regal bearing. She stands straight and proud, not even an inch of her height is shaved off due to a slouch. It's hard to see if her regal bearing enhances her looks, or it's the other way around, but she's definitely the kind of woman that draws second looks when walking down the street. The dark ebony of her visible skin is smooth and unmarred, and she looks to be a woman in her prime.

Of course, whether that woman is ethereally beautiful, or darkly terrifying is up to the people that interact with her. Lucille has a strong personality, and has a magnetism that few can match. And she knows how to use that to her advantage. Calm, collected, and generally cheerful, Lucille is rarely seen without a pleasant smile or met without a compliment. She's always willing to listen when someone wants to talk, and is fully willing to help anyone that asks in the best ways that she can.

On the flip side of that however, Lucille does not have a sense of humour. She smiles pleasantly when people make jokes out of a sense of politeness, but it's plain to see that she often doesn't understand what makes something funny, and if she does understand, she doesn't find it so. Of course, as many humourless people do, she has something of a thing for rules. And she makes sure those rules are complied with using somewhat dated and imperialistic authority. Most curators can't bodily throw people through doors as if they weighed nothing more than a wet rag. Lucille is not most curators.

Fashion-wise, Lucille wears fairly simple dresses in a dazzling array of colours and styles, each one being carefully picked so as not to restrict her movement, but still compliment the darkness of her skin tone. While rare, she does occasionally wear a backless dress, which, while also showing off a well muscled back, shows that she has a pair of angelic wings tattooed onto her back with a somewhat metallic, golden ink. She never answers any questions about them.

Aside from her standard look of being hairless except for her eyebrows, Lucille is always seen walking with a beautiful cane made from varying rings of metal and wood, with the darker metals and woods at the bottom. She walks with a slight limp in her left leg, and uses the cane to help her along, though even with the cane the way she moves is graceful and smooth. If it wasn't for the fact that one can see her sandaled feet, it might be assumed that she was gliding. With a slight bob of course.

Known Background:
What is known about Lucille has something of a eight year gap in it. She was born to a wealthy family in France, and in fact still talks with a mild French accent that grows thicker with irritation. With the wealth of her family, Lucille took after he older sister's passions, and while she excelled at gymnastics, she became something of a World Class Fencer. In fact, had she not suddenly abandoned her life and joined a Convent, she most likely would have placed in the Olympics.

But she disappeared in 1992 for unknown reasons, joining a convent, and then simply disappearing for a while. She resurfaced again in 2000 as the owner of a bookstore/library in Harlem, no longer a nun. From there, she appeared to live simple life, though occasionally she would go on month long trips. People disappearing and crime dropping in the areas she visited most likely only being a happenstance.

Since joining the CAU, she's been proving herself to be quite knowledgeable in the Occult, though most of her knowledge branches from the core of how to kill things that shouldn't be alive. She's also shown to still be very capable in hand to hand combat with a variety of close combat weaponry. In fact, her knowledge about melee weapons borders on the obsessive. The fact that she's actually better with weapons since she's spent time in Convent might be worrisome.

Found Posted throughout the Library:
Library Rules
1) Respect the Library. There will be no Eating, Drinking, Sleeping, or Loud Noises allowed at any time.

2) Books are for Reading NOT Taking. All books will be returned to their proper locations after perusal. They are NOT to be taken off of premises.

3) Sexual Congress within the Library is prohibited.

4) Do not wander the Maze. It is designed for protection, not amusement.

5) No highlighting, underlining, folding pages, or writing notes in the margins of any books is allowed at any time or under any circumstance.

If any of these rules are broken or bent, then you will be removed from the Library. You have been warned.