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Welcome to The New X-Men (Marvel Freeform)

08:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sam McCormick

Name: Professor Sam McCormick
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Hair: Silver (long) & Beard (full)
Eyes: Hazel (gold-flecked)
Skin: Caucasian

Origin: Unknown
Occupation: Physician and researcher (Oxford trained)

Description: Sam is known for being a renowned medical researcher (genetics) and doctor.  He uses these skills to secretly to aid the Resistance.  A series of several small hospitals around the country were implemented to first offer refuge to its members.  In addition, it provides the man a platform whereby he can leverage his expertise.  Each hospital boasts teams of scientists over a variety of disciplines.  These experts have been given a mandate to research all aspects of mutant physiology and has used this knowledge in a number of ways.  For one, it has enabled individuals to gain better control over their abilities.  And even on a more basic note, these efforts have allowed many to simply regain a sense of normalcy in their lives.

Of course, these contributions are only the public face and do not even begin to scratch the surface.  Underneath the gentlemanly facade, there lies a different calling.  Sam's true self is that of mage, mystic healer and the de facto head of the Arcanum, a secret society drawn from a small but specialized community of practitioners.  Each are the very best at their respective Crafts and through his leadership operate as self-stylized esoteric guardians.  Their focus is to monitor and limit the abuses of The Art and mutant abilities alike.