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Welcome to The Kingdom of Corzoconia

17:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Morgan the Black

A former Warrior-Knight of the Order of the Penitent, former felons reprieved from death sentencing, who serve the goddess of Law in secular fashion (non-spell casting paladins of poverty). Cannot keep more money than needed to live for 30-days, one horse, one sumpter beast, four weapons (Great sword, Great Axe, Longbow, and Spear/Light Lance); armor (Brigandine coat-of-plates/ Splint AC17; iron nasal helm, Small shield +2AC), 2-man tent, cooking gear, 5-days of clothes.
Currently a Paladin of the Ancient's Oath/ The "Knyghtes Greening" of the Mother goddess Dinae (Gaia).

Formally trained as a Blacksmith/ Farrier: can shoe horses, make horseshoes, nails, blacksmithing tools, farm tools, household tools, iron joinery for wagons, barrels, chains, and shackles. Between Caravan escort jobs, Morgan as a journeyman or full blacksmith will seek out employment.

Race: Human
Gender: male
Age: 55
Classes: 3rd-Fighter(Battlemaster)/ 9th-Paladin/ Oath of "Ancients"
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (strongly leans towards Good)
Sexual preferences: Hetero
Distinguishing marks: Scar above and below left eye (eyesight restored by healing magic); hair & beard was once black, silvering now; very tall (6-foot-six 6-inches); scars from blacksmithing burns and battle wounds on chest, arms, and legs. Holy symbol of Dinae's Tree of Life tattooed on his sternum.

Racial Bonuses: +1 to all, Human.
STR: 16 (+3) INT: 11 (+0) WIS: 13 (+1) DEX: 12 (+1)CON: 16 (+3) CHA: 16 (+3)
Ability Score Increases at 4th/ Fighter (+1 STR/ +1 CON); 8th/ as 4th Pal (+1 CHA/ +1 DEX); 12th/ as 8th Pal (+2 WIS).

Hit points (if needs be): 100
Armor Class (if needs be): 20 (Splint-17, SHield +2, Dex +1) before spells. With Shield of Faith 22
Spell Attack/ Save: DC +15/ +7

Past story:
    Born of nobler blood, his temper led to killing an enemy under a ceasefire at age of 24, and was drummed out to be executed. Sponsored and became a Knight penitent at age 27. Speaks better than the common soldier/ warrior he appears to be, and can read and write. He has adventured, and helped restore the rightful heir to the Iron Crown of Norfindlia, and then voyaged in exile to Skandia, to the lands of Ostelendt, and Strigendsted (lands like Denmark & Iceland). Thence, after 2-years wandering, and ridding several places of haunts (ghosts/ and vengeful spirits), and Lycanthropes (werewolves), he set out for the Sudenmarche, and the Centaur lands. He returned to Norfindlia in his 5th year of his 10-year sentence, and took ship across the Western ocean, arriving in Arabithia 9-months ago.

Current Story:
    He encountered in the small seaport of Vestmark a fellow countryman, and explorer, Leif Halvdan, a former Engineer of the Norfindlian Army, and Cartographer. He agreed to accompany an accomplished adventuring party 'The Company of the Horn & Harp' west to map out the frontier up to the frozen lands of the Giants, and denote where tribes of Orcs, Goblins, Ogres, and Trolls were in this lawless spread of land.

He speaks