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21:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Vladimir Maximilian Orlov

Name: Vladimir Maximilian Orlov

Nickname: Vlad

Gender: male

Age: 28

Hair: brownish blond

Eyes: blue

Distinguishing Marks: n/a

General Appearance: Vlad is a handsom man, with hair that fluctuates between blond and brown, depending on how much sun he's gotten.  His eyes are an intense blue, and they seem like they're staring right through you.  He has strong features, and alternates between a stubbly beard and mustache, or clean shaven.

He has a muscled frame, due to his being a runner and swimmer.  Standing nicely at 6'2", roughly 170lbs, he cuts an elegant figure whether he wears casual clothing or the sleek coutoure clothing.  He appears to be the epitome of a rich kid, with absolutely no problems in his life, has idden on the backs of his parents to have such money.

Personality: Vlad is mainly a reserved man, though when able, he can let go and have fun fiercely.  He is quite intelligent, and has a wicked sense of humor.  He has a deep caring for those who are facing crises in their lives, though he often doesn't show it.  He likes women, and has no problem showing it.  He's never sure if a woman wants him for his money or himself, so he tends to hold back a bit in any relationship.

Sexual Preferences: straight

Employment (Employed/Unemployed/Student etc.): CEO of Chernobog Industries, which has varied interests; computer software, security systems, computer AIs

About Your character: Vlad grew up in Moscow for the main part of his life, with his father having grown up influenced by the Soviets.  Now he is something of an oligarch, with not all of his contacts strictly legal.

Vlad does not do business with those on the shady side of the law; he prefers to have legitimate business so he can work internationally.

As a child, he was heavily into running and swimming, and still does enjoy both activities.  He is an avid reader, something his mother imparted to him.  He learned a lot of things from his mothe, the ambassador's daughter.  He speaks fluent English, Italian, Japanese, French, and Dutch.  He's currently working on becoming more fluent in Chinese and Greek.

When Vlad hit his teens, a very popular young man on the swim team, mainly diving, he had an incident with the dive.  The edges of his vision were blurred, and he backed off the dive, afraid to make a bad dive.  He was taken to the best opthomologist, where a horrid diagnosis was made; he was suffering from retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic, degenerative condition that would eventually leave him blind.

He went on with his life as best as he could, after his parents had gone to other doctors.  The condition was untreatable, incurable.  This fired Vlad's ambition; he had coasted on his father's coattails for some time, but he was determined to live his own life.

He immediately went on to learn Braille, even though audiobooks were available.  He hadn't even lost most of his sight yet.  He still has vision, but not much of it left.  He has a folding cane for when that is easier than a dog.  He also has a dog, a Belgian malinois named Achilles.  He derives a bit of twisted amusement when he asks the dog to heel.

He moved to America when he was 25, first New York City, then Los Angeles.  He grew tired of the big cities; he wanted, needed, a place that was a bit more slow-paced.  Now he's searching for a new place to live; he's happy to have an apartment while he searches for the right house, or has it built for him.  Sharing will be interesting, but he will manage if he needs to.