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Welcome to The Kingdom of Corzoconia

08:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Delwyndra Smitesmyth

"Delwyndra Smitesmyth"

Race: Hill Dwarf, orphaned (adopted by the Mountain Dwarves of the Brightanvil Clan)
Classes: 2nd Level Herdswoman (2D6+CON)/ 3rd Level Merchant (3D8 +CON)/ 7th Level Fighter(Battle-master).
Level: 12th.
Age: 98-standard years
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Size: Medium
Speed: 25-feet/ round
Darkvision: 60-feet
Sexual Preference: Bisexual

STR-18 (+4), INT-15 (+2), WIS-12 (+1), DEX-11 (+0), CON-14 (+2), CHA-17 (+3)
Hit points: 110

Description: 5' tall, thick long (waist) Red hair (usually tied up in simple French braid, 150lbs of proud, strong, independent curvy muscled Dwarvish femininity. Bears scars of neck wrist, and ankle shackles from 33-years of slavery. Bears Norse branding tattoo on left collarbone/ shoulder area for "Thrall".

Background: Delwyndra Smitesmyth was captured as a child  of 15years of age by sea-going marauders, and brought into thralldom (slavery) on their island fortress of Jomberg. She was mistaken for a boy until age 33, when puberty hit, and had been relegated to feeding/ caring/ tending the animals of the Jarl of Jomberg. She was segregated from the others, and entered the Jarl's seraglio for her virginity. At the age of 35, nearly an adult dwarf by then, she was forcibly taken, but her lackluster performance, and shock-induced apathy at her debauching soon had her cast back to feeding the cattle by the slavemaster Jarl.
    Delwyndra remained shunned, and slept like the pigs in the barns, content to be left alone until other dwarvish slaves arrived when she was turning fifty, the Mountain-Dwarf Brightanvil Clansmen Lofi, and his sons Haldor, and Faldor, and the 15-year old half-drowess child Ceridwyn. The male dwarves protectively adopted Delwyndra, much as they had done with the half-drowess girl. The male dwarves were enslaved in the Jarl's smithies, and Ceridwyn was sent to the seraglio, much as Delwyndra had been. Due to her youth, she was relegated to feeding the Jarl's aviary birds--his hawks, falcons, eagles, and messenger Ravens.
    Delwyndra was surprised she knew Dwarvish very well, and warned her of her eventual fate. Ceridwyn shared her better food, and drink with her Dwarvish adopted sister, and they hatched several plans of escape, only to endure beatings, and confinements. By the time Ceridwyn was 33, Del was 66 when the goddess Mystra reached out, and Ceridwyn became a priestess in secret. Del fell in love with Ceri, and devised the means to foil Jarl Torvald of his prized virgin by way of intercourse with Ceri herself. The plot was uncovered but the deed had been done and the Jarl furious, threw them both into the midden to starve to death.
    Ceri's spells from her goddess kept them alive until they were liberated a fortnight (15days) later when the Slaving Jomberg raiders were attacked by sea, and put to the sword.

Recent past: Del traveled to Arabithia with the Brightanvils, together with other liberated Dwarves, and human former slaves settled in the metal rich hills near Corzoco City. Del became an adept merchant of lead, tin, copper, and brass ores that the dwarves, and their human miners brought from the earth, and sold to the metallurgist guilds of the capital of Corzoconia. War came, and Del enlisted (after emptying guild coffers, it was an easy patriotic escape route she reasoned to lay low), rising to the rank of Captain in the infantry. At war's end, she returned home, and has resumed the family business, and drives her wagon with the same metal ores to Market place weekly. Del remains unmarried, and still carries a torch for her first female lover Ceridwyn...

The Clan of Brightanvil:

Father Lofi (eldest) called 'Hand-slayer' Krakkasson (he broke his hand on an anvil missing once)-350yrs;

sons: Haldor 'the Grim' Lofisson (Dark sense of humor/2nd eldest)-225yrs;
Faldor 'the Clever' (Sharp witted/ sarcastic, -200yrs)
Galdor (youngest/ deceased 49yrs ago).

Clan's Patron Deities: Moradin the Soulforger; Dumathoin Keeper of Secrets; Sharindlar, Lady of the Hearth.

Son's Haldor, Faldor , and Galdor were married.
Haldor's wife, Dagnal Ironhammer Clan Ironfist

(Dwarf female, age-215years) is childless.
They have an adopted daughter & son (orphaned)

Faldor's wife, Gunnloda Goldhair, Clan Loderr

(Dwarf female, age-220yrs), have a son, & two adopted humans raised as dwarves (boy & girl).

Galdor's widow, Kathra Rockholme, Clan Brawnanvil

(Dwarf female, age-187yrs), has two sons:

Each of the son's of Lofi (daughter-in-law Kathra) runs one of the 4x mines (lead, copper, brass, & tin) nearby that supplies Corzoco's lead, tin, copper, brass, bronze, and pewter smiths with raw materials.