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10:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jerrick Darlow

A B B R E V I A T E D   B I O G R A P H Y

Name: Jerrick Darlow
Age: 378
Height: 6' 4”
Virtue: Loyalty
Hair: Jet Black waist length straight hair
Nickname: The Butcher
Gender: Male
Weight: 180 lbs
Vice: Addiction, Guilt
Eye Color: Dull Yellow

T H E   F I N E R   D E T A I L S

D e s c r i p t i o n
Jerrick has gone to considerable amount of effort to try and create an unimposing figure, though his success in doing so is arguable. He is a tall and stoic, his expression rarely betraying much emotion as his face forms a mask to keep his true feelings from coming to the forefront, a fact that a lot of people can find intimidating and off putting. As is common with his kind his face is devoid of scar and blemish which accentuate his sharp features, a benefit that comes from being turned as young as he was. However, he usually can be seen wearing very concealing clothing, often wearing all black with long sleeves and gloves. His clothing varies often, usually found wearing common, simple leathers or tunics though on special occasions he will wear fancier clothes. Even when working at his smithy he does not show much skin, though he does change into the stereotypical browns and tans with heavy leather apron.

G i f t s
Legendary Fighter: While the validity of the rumors and myths surrounding the Butcher has often been called into question they all can agree on one thing. From the moment he was turned his sire focused on one thing above all else, his skill with a blade. However, for the last few decades the Butcher has been mostly dormant, meaning he may have gotten a bit rusty though as he starts to become active again so too will his old strength return.

Blacksmithing: Before becoming a vampire Jerrick was a decently skilled blacksmith but now, with centuries of experience under hid belt, his skill with molding heated metal into tools and weapons has only gotten better. His greatest creations currently are being wielded by himself and Larson Greenwood. He is even experienced with creating magical objects though he holds no skills in magics himself. He has worked with magic users in the past to mold enchantments into metals, ranging from reinforced tools, protective charms and deadly weapons

W e a k n e s s e s
Vamipric Shortcomings: Jerrick shares all the weaknesses common with his kind. He is caused considerable discomfort by holy symbols held by the devout. Extended exposure to sunlight can spell death to even the mightiest vampire and failure to consume blood on a regular basis can leave him weak.

Dark History: While a lot of what is publicly known about Jerrick is swimming in rumor and hearsay even he can not deny that he has come to deserve some of the fear that comes from people when they learn who he is. His past is especially well known to those with connections to the Church, meaning those that follow their creeds often consider him to a man who should be killed on sight.

Taboo Addiction: While the reasons why are complicated Jerrick has developed a taste that most respectable and dignified vampires would find distasteful. For centuries his favorite way to feed was to drain the life from those he's fought, sometimes mid combat, getting a high like rush from the adrenaline and fear pumping through their veins. He is able to feed normally from a willing donor without any side effects but it is a constant struggle for him not to give into that want.

P e r s o n a l i t y
Jerrick's general attitude stands in stark opposition to the rumors that surround him. The vampire is a reserved sort, still capable of enjoying a long conversation with a friend though it does take him a bit to open up to a person. He tends to avoid talking about his past, steering conversations into lighter topics whenever possible. He tends to watch from a distance, engaging in conversation with those that approach him though he guards himself behind a mask of indifference. He is well spoken and tactful with his word choice and, while not the most charismatic, he is warm to those that are warm to him in return.

H i s t o r y
There are a lot of rumors surrounding Jerrick's background though how much is true and how much of it is purely rumor is generally unknown. Though some know and can recognize his given name many have only heard the title those that feared him imparted upon him. The Butcher of the Kaermison. The Kaermison was once a dangerous vampire clan that would use their Butcher to strike down those that would stand in the way of completing their goals. Stories tell of Darlow slaughtering small villages in a single evening so that the vampire clan could take the homesteads as their own. Some even speak of the sword Jerrick carried that drank the blood of his enemies much like a vampire would, created by the hands that wielded it.

The Kaermison clan started to decline as the influence of the Church started to rise, taking back territory that the once powerful clan had taken control over. It is said in that time Jerrick betrayed his clan, leaving them vulnerable for the Church to come in and strike down with a well planned and concentrated strike. That was a long time ago by anyone's standards and for a while many thought Jerrick died in that coup as well, though a man matching his description had supposedly been sighted walking down city streets at night. Death followed a trail behind him where sightings were made until one day all trace of him stopped at once, new stories going silent for several decades, once again causing many people to think he had finally died.

Ten years ago a story circulated about another batch of killing that seemed to match the Butcher's style with one important caveat. Normally he would leave one person alive, one witness that could go out and spread rumors to make sure those that wished to hunt him would think twice about continuing their pursuit. However this time the evidence left behind was of a different sort. In one attack a troupe of Church Soldiers were wiped out, all except for their three commanding officers who were subsequently turned and left tied to stakes in an open field to slowly and painfully die in the light of the sun. Rumors went silent once more until one day the Kaermison Butcher came to Wytchwood Hollow seeking a safe haven.

T h r e a d s o f F a t e
Ideas for different relationships / storylines that Jerrick Darlow would make a good part of.

Always Working open Jerrick prefers to keep himself busy and while he is usually able to do so by creating his standard tools and weapons he always relishes in the opportunity of a challenge. He is willing to make commissions, the more intricate the request the better. If the request requires some kind of magical enchantment, he usually requests the commissioner find someone able to work with him.

Keeping Nimble open It has been a long time since Jerrick has actually been able to enjoy fighting. Nothing gets him excited like the opportunity to match blades with someone of similar skill. While he would understand that doing so would only be in sparring and not actually trying to kill each other he would enjoy a friendly contest of skill.

As Iron Sharpen Iron open He currently is training Larson with his swordplay but with the proper encouragement he could be convinced to take on another pupil. Just be warned he does not go easy on his pupils.

Revealing the Past open While you would never hear admit this, there is a reason he constantly walks around with a heavy emotional mask. The truth of his past is often clouded by the rumors and, should someone work with him, a part of him wishes to find someone he would willing to share his past with. Though would the truth scare them away?

T r i v i a & F u n S t u f f

♦ Jerrick travels with a young man by the name of Larson Greenwood. There does not appear to be a romantic relationship between the pair there is a share protectiveness between them, leaving the exact nature of their relation to each other mysterious.
♦ Theme Songs – Slow Burn – Apocalyptica.
I Apologize - Five Finger Death Punch.
♦ Jerrick can be seen carrying one of two swords, a great sword with a golden pommel and a lion head he wears on his back or a silver handled saber he wears on his hip.