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12:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Gothrey Wendon

A B B R E V I A T E D   B I O G R A P H Y

Name: Gothrey Wendon
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 9”
Virtue: Diligence
Nickname: None
Hair: Dark Brown
Weight: 397
Vice: Aimless
Eye Color: Grey

T H E   F I N E R   D E T A I L S

D e s c r i p t i o n
Gothrey is stocky in build, carrying a good deal of muscle mass though without a lot of definition. He is a large man that tends to cast a rather imposing figure even if from he general demeanor it can be deduced that he doesn't always mean to. He keeps himself close shaven, finding that this method of grooming allows for the least maintenance. He tends to dress rather simply, though that likely has to do with the fact that he makes most of his clothes himself. He rarely wears fine clothing and does not own armor, finding them cumbersome and often in the way.

In his bestial and war forms Gothrey resembles a stocky grizzly bear with dark brown fur.

G i f t s
Big and Tall: There is no denying the fact that Gothrey is an overly large man. This mostly has to do with the benefits of his animal nature that have bled over into his normal human appearance and strength

Put Up Your Dukes: Gothrey is a brawler by nature and as such tends to shy away from using most traditional weapons. Most of the times if a situation needs to be solved using violence he is usually able to do what needs to be done using his gigantic fists. If he uses a weapon he can prove quite effective with them, but his style leans more towards brute strength than any kind of finesse.

I Could Go All Day: Gothrey is a diligent worker and man of sturdy build. He can go hours without a break and his noticeable strength means he can complete jobs that would normally require several men.

W e a k n e s s e s
Lycanthropy: While not a wolf Gothrey shares the weaknesses common among his kind. Silver and aconite are toxic to him. Even in his animal forms he can be killed like any living creature can, but it is considerably easier to do so with these substances.

Solitary Creature: Bears do not commonly run in packs or live with their own kind. They like their privacy and usually live alone once they are no longer living under the watchful eye of their parents. The same proves true with Gothrey. His human side still highly values companionship but he does prefer to be alone which can prove to be a shortcoming.

Awake Through Everything: During his years in servitude to Andreas Akil Gothrey was not in control of his own mind. His will was whatever his master wanted it to be and he was aware through the entire experience. He wishes he could forget but there are things that he did that still haunt him and likely will for the rest of his life.

P e r s o n a l i t y
Gothrey is a very quiet and soft spoken man. On most occasions he will answer questions or respond to things in the simplest way possible, usually resorting to gestures or noises to respond. If he does speak, it mostly is because he is not able to communicate what he wants to say using his preferred method. He is slow to trust and is wracked with guilt, knowing full well that awful things done in his past were not his choice though they were still done by his hands. He has a tendency to second guess kindness shown to him but with a soft hand one may find a gentle soul traumatized by years of being forced to go against every moral he'd ever been raised to believe in.

H i s t o r y
Gothrey's life for a long time was fairly normal for his kind. Born a Werebear he lived a relatively secluded life for some time. His family lived on the outskirts of a small village as hunters which they in turn butchered and sold to the people in the town, giving them a reputation as the strange people that lived near the forest that were mostly left alone simply because they never did any harm. They were seen as odd and quiet but they weren't hurting anyone so no harm no foul. Taking after his father Gothrey had always been extremely large for his age and was often teased because of it. Thankfully he was taught patience as a boy and when he was old enough he used his large stature and strength to assist those that needed it, gaining him an image as a friendly giant.

When he came of age he left the family home, wanting to explore the world and see wonderful things. He was admittedly a very naive young man, thinking he could find and save coin to send back home, promising that his parents he would help give them a comfortable life one day, that way they could grow old without a worry. He would have to be careful but he always believed he could do it, even if in the first town he visited he was swindled out of almost all his possessions because he chose to trust the wrong people. Even then the boy remained optimistic, thinking somehow things would turn around.

On his travels he was sleeping on the side of the road when he was discovered by the wife a local farmer who took pity on him, offering him a job on their land. He accepted and lived with this family for several years, gaining their respect and trust. He became a bit of a legend in the small town the farm was founded near as a giant from a far away land, many people challenging him in friendly competitions of might and drinking, usually resulting in Gothrey ending up the victor. Gothrey was happy. Truly happy with the simple life he had found, making true on his promise to send money home to his parents. Looking back on it now, that optimism left him vulnerable to a man who sought to take advantage of the man's strength.

To this day Gothrey does not know what drew the attention of the vampire Andreas Akil his way. One day he was working the fields, carting around heavy equipment and bringing them back to a storage shed as he finished his work for the night when his mind felt like it was splitting in half, worse than any pain he'd ever experienced before. He fought hard against it, adopting his war form as he fought to maintain control of himself. Unfortunately the vampire's will proved stronger than Gothrey's and he found his body moving outside his command, his first actions aimed to break his spirit by ripping apart the family that had taken him in.

For over a decade Gothrey lived what felt like a lucid nightmare, watching himself commit horrific crimes at the command of a vampire he hated with every fiber of his being. He was subjected to countless mental tortures to break his will, to stop his want to resist the man that held his mind by slowly and methodically tearing through everything the werebear believed to be right and good until the friendly giant faded away like a distant memory, instead becoming a mindless drone.

Until the simultaneously wonderful and horrific day his master's head was cut off and his mind came back to him. What will become of the giant bear remains to be seen as he struggles to find meaning in his new life.