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14:07, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Thandraug Almagest

Dialogue Color: Red
Name: Thandraug Almagest
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'8 or 2.03 meters

Thandraug is a towering, well-built brute of a man standing tall and with a dominating presence about him. He is ever so lightly tan-skinned, wears his dark umber hair at a short, practical length and possesses a fierce hazel-eyed gaze. He is dressed with basic, modest hunters' attire which grant a view of scars which can be found in many places on limbs and around his torso. Some were recognizably monster-inflicted, while others looked to be injuries he may have gotten in fist fights or personally inflicted in training. To him, they are simply trophies, regardless of their cause.

Thandraug is an intense person by nature who possesses an indomitable spirit. He believes in facing challenges head-on and is not afraid to let his confidence show. He is loud and blunt about anything he says and speaks with pride, but is never arrogant. He may talk a big game, but his personally philosophy is that one who talks big should act bigger. He knows he is not indestructible and is prepared to escape from a threat that he knows he cannot face, but will let nothing prevent him from tackling a difficult task that is not foolishly, unreasonably beyond him. He has a genuine distaste for people who devalue the effort that goes into facing foes great or small. Thandraug values first impressions and is quickly quite trusting of people who make the right impression. He enjoys people and believes that hard work and intense revelry are equally integral parts of the human experience and will not pass up the opportunity to enjoy another's company.  Generally, Thandraug is unconcerned about social boundaries and will treat anyone whom he views favorably as though they are a childhood friend, but is always genuine and wears his heart on his sleeve.

Special Skills:
Thandraug has learned through his years of boxing and hunting experience how to prepare for and react to all manner of different attacks, whether from a beast, a man, or anything in between. As someone who has been knocked to the ground more times than he could ever recount, he has mastered maintaining his balance in the face of many adversities. (He has a stronger resistance to being startled, losing balance, wind pressure, and intense sound).

Combat Opportunist -
Thandraug has a quick eye when it comes to analyzing the weaknesses of his opponents. This paired with a wealth of knowledge regarding how to abuse the mistakes of his fellow Agiran Boxers and an overview of research regarding the various monsters'anatomy offer him the ability to identify opportunistic strikes against opponents that are off guard or injured. (Increased Critical Strikes against an opponent that is distracted / weakness exploiter).

Armor: Basarios Gear

Weapons: Large Hammer (Dragonite-grade metal alloy), Dragonite-grade 'Brass' Knuckles, moderately sized carving dagger

Notable Equipment: Might/Adamant Pills, Numbing Agents

Thandraug Almagest is a man driven with a burning passion to be the best at what he does. Thandraug was raised in a lively village by the name of Ghel Agiri proximal to Dundorma and the Jio Telado Marsh. Thanks to great strides in reconstruction on the part of the Hunter’s Guild, Dundorma’s boom led hunters, merchants, and researchers to settle in the region and traffic the nearby villages as well. The modest village became moderately well off due to the patronage of wealthy individuals and saw an increase in sporting events on a larger scale within the region.

As a child, Thandraug’s motivations manifested themselves at an early age through his efforts to outperform his peers in sports and feats of strength. He held great pride for his village and sought to help put Ghel Agiri on the map. While, at first, Thandraug struggled to discern the right occupation for drawing more admiration and respect for his village, but, in his later teenage years, he gravitated toward combat sports. Upon reaching the age of 18 he had helped define a new style of fisticuffs titled Agiran Boxing. The sport became a popular pastime which saw never levels of traffic in the flourishing village, even raising funding to construct a colosseum of sorts in which matches were fought with higher stakes and intensity. Hardened fighters from across the region and a few from farther to the west came to participate and to observe in Ghel Agiri’s pride and joy, but many were not long lasting fixtures of the sport. Thandraug, on the other hand, was a truly dedicated fighter that held his own over the course of this energetic time. He earned both glorious victories and tough, nail-biting learning experiences. His renown was not earned for a number of victories, though he certainly won his fair share of bouts, but rather for his tenacity. Thandraug knew how to fight, but more importantly, he knew how to endure. Some of his most memorable bouts were those he had lost, experiences that saw him facing off against hardened men in their prime. Sometimes he even came face to face with local acclaimed monster hunters that had practiced the sport during deployment to the area. The important thing about his fights were that, despite facing incredible odds, he never went down quickly. He was just a young man, still full of piss and vinegar, and yet few rookies looked forward to facing him in the ring too early in their careers because they knew that they’d have to stop barely short of collapsing a building on the man to make him yield.

After five years of fulfilling, daring experiences, Thandraug was happy to find he had truly made something of himself with his own two hands. All of his hard work had taken a steep and sudden decline at that time, however, when terrifying beast classified as an Elder Dragon tore through the region including Ghel Agiri. Hunters had been dispatched, and the latest of Dundorma’s technological wonders utilized to repel the beast, but not before it had left deep scars on the village’s livelihood. While injuries were to be expected, miraculously, no Ghel Agiran dwellers had lost their lives in the attack; the Hunters Guild acted quickly to call for an evacuation. The cost of this tragic event, rather, was an entire subsection of homes, a large chunk of the marketplace, and the utter removal of the colosseum from the face of the village. Rebuilding would inevitably fix the problems of shelter and economic stability, but the pride of Ghel Agiri had been gravely wounded. While the village was still well respected for its history of exceptional sporting events and boxing fanaticism, fear gripped outsiders and dissuaded them from frequenting and continuing to patronize non-militant village that had been in the path of a mighty elder dragon. Agiran Boxing continued and the village managed, but it had since struggled to make a dent on the world map like it had before.

Thandraug, in all of this, had found himself at an impasse. He wanted to see his village improve, but he also desired to face the reality that spectator sports would no longer see his proud home rise to the promanance that he had always dreamed it would. Truthfully, he also desired to tackle a greater challenge and stand up to greater foes. He had become embittered by the fact that he was part of an evacuation caravan instead of being one of the individuals who stood up to threat that his home faced. The year of Thandraug’s 23rd birthday was given to training and enlisting in the Hunter’s Guild’s Dundorma chapter. His experience had toughened him up for a beginner, but the experience of hitting a man with your bare fists to knock him out was drastically different from that of battling tooth and nail for survival against fanged, clawed, tailed beasts that sought to draw blood. He gave four years of his time to hunting for Dundorma, developing his skill with weapons, continuing to keep his Agiran Boxing skills sharp, and developing survival instincts that would aid him in rough climates against the heavily varied and instinct-based combat that defines hunting. He had finally proven himself worthy to represent the Guild beyond the confines of Dundorma’s offices when he led an expedition to take down a rampaging Basarios in the Jio Telado Swamp, a daring hunt whose carcass was offered to him as a gift by the expeditionary force in thanks for his dedication and self-sacrifice. Adopting the self-proclaimed title of ‘Rocksteady Almagest’ Thandraug set out to offer his services to the Hunter’s Guild on a wider scale, hoping to bring himself in contact with bigger and tougher game while at the same time being a testament to the sporting village of Ghel Agiri.

He may yet remain to be a young, up and coming hunter, but Thandraug passionately hopes to someday show himself to the world. A meager, fun-loving village like his own will be a shining example of toughness and endurance in the face of impossible odds, and he will shout these virtues to the gods and elder dragons of the land themselves until the whole world knows it to be true.