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12:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Gaige Greenman

Name - Gaige Greenman
Age - 21
Gender - Male
Race - Human
Height - 5’6”

Name - Alca
Age - Unknown
Race - Alucanid

Gaige has a more slender build, with lean muscles; his hair is shoulder length and brown, typically worn in a warrior’s tail when entering battle. Generally bears a quiet, kind, yet reserved demeanor, but can become quite fearsome in battle. Has eyes the color of the forest.

Gaige is, to a fault, kind and polite, even if he is more reserved. He’s always willing to help, and if someone’s injured, he always does his best to patch them up the best he can with his herbs. He hunts both to support his mother, and to carry on his father’s legacy. He can be quite resourceful, and is very protective of his Kinsect, with whom he shares a deep bond.
Gaige is fascinated both by insects and plants, and always enjoys making medicine and experimenting with various herbs and mushrooms. He doesn’t care much for those who disregard nature, and it’s rare to see him open up to others. He’s also a vegetarian, but more from a love of vegetables, rather than a dislike of meat.

Special Skills

Herbalist - Being the son of an apothecary, Gaige grew up learning about various plants and mushrooms, along with their medicinal and poisonous properties. He’s skilled at mixing together herbs and mushrooms to make both medicine and poison, and is just as skilled at applying both.

Kinsect Bond - Having nurtured Alca the Kinsect since he was twelve, the two have developed a deep and instinctual bond, allowing the two to act as one, with little need for communication.

Gaige currently wears Kecha armor, adorned a pouch on the left hip that houses various herbs, along with another, smaller pouch that has a mortar and pestle for mixing them. In addition, he has two more pouches, one on each thigh. In the right pouch are some pre-prepared medicinal concoctions, such as Potions, crafted as pellets about the size of a marble. In the left are some pre-prepared poisons in various formats.

Dual Piercers (Maccao Duals) Sheathed on his lower back.
Fader Rod (Maccao Glaive) Sheathed across his back.

Notable Equipment
A Slinger-like pheromone launcher on his right arm, used to quickly direct Alca from place to place in the heat of battle.


   Gaige’s mother is a traveling apothecary, and his father a renowned hunter. The two met when his mother found his father wounded while she was gathering herbs; after she patched him up, he was ready to get right back into the thick of things, but she warned him against it so his wounds could properly heal. Both stubborn in their own right, his mother ended up tagging along with his father until his wounds fully healed. They ended up falling in love down the line, and after stopping in a town for a few months while Gaige was born, they continued traveling from town to town.

   His mother being an apothecary, Gaige grew up around various plants and mushrooms, and grew a natural interest in them. So, from a young age, he grew up learning everything his mother knew, and picked up on everything quite well. Additionally, his father being a hunter, he also learned how to defend himself as soon as he was old enough to hold a weapon, and his desire to protect his mother while his father was away led to him learning how to fight and hunt monsters as soon as he was able. Always traveling from town to town with his parents, Gaige never had any friends, and decided it’d be futile to even try, so he devoted all of his time and effort towards learning both his parent’s trades.

   By the time he had turned twelve, his father had given him his first weapon; the Maccao Dual Blades. With them, Gaige could now truly protect his mother while they gathered herbs. Around that time, he found a wounded Alucanid in a nearby forest. He brought it back to his mother, and she used her knowledge of herbs to patch it back up. Gaige looked after and took care of it while it healed, and the two became inseparable. The Kinsect, which he named Alca, was his first, and only, real friend, and the love and care he shows it is proof of that.

   The two made quite a remarkable pair; they worked extremely well together, in almost everything. His Kinsect made collecting hard to reach plants a breeze, and when fending off smaller monsters, the two fought in complete synchronization. When he was fifteen, the two of them worked together to slay their first large monster when a Great Maccao attacked him and his mother while they were gathering herbs. He asked his father to take the parts to a blacksmith to make an insect glaive, so he’d always be able to remember his first kill.

   A few years later, his father died fighting a fearsome monster. They told him it was an elder dragon, a Kushala Daora, and that he died inflicting a grievous wound that made it flee. Wracked with grief, Gaige fled into a forest with Alca to be alone for a while. It was then that he had a nasty run-in with a Yian Kut-Ku. He tried to fight it, but quickly learned just how weak he truly was. He had nearly lost Alca when the forest had caught on fire, and they were forced to flee. After that, Gaige became a hunter, vowing to carry on his father’s legacy and become strong enough to protect Alca.

   Even though he learns quickly and grows in skill everyday, in the three years he’s been a hunter, Gaige has climbed very little in the ranks. Shunned by most for keeping largely to himself and his Kinsect, not many want to hunt with him. Despite that, he’s still determined to carry on his father’s legacy and prove he’s just as skilled a hunter as his father before him, and so he regularly takes on hunts by himself. But he knows that won’t last forever; there’s only so much one person can do on their own.