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11:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jadore Lachat

Name: Jadore Lachat
Age: 20 in cat-years
Gender: Female
Race: Lynian (Grimalkyne)
Height: 3'5"

Basic Information 
Like other Grimalkyne, Jadore appears as a lithe, bipedal lynx with tufted ears and a dark coat.  Grimalkyne are naturally taller, longer in limb, and more dense in muscle than other plumper Lynians.  Unlike her more wild kin, however, Jadore takes a great deal of pride in her appearance and shuns her savage origins.  She always does her best to be well-groomed and holds herself in a prim, proud bearing, emulating the more well-established Palicoes who populate hunter bases and even the Humans where possible.  By Lynian standards she is the picture of an exotic, coquettish beauty certain to be the target of many a cat's ardor.  Jadore is very fashionable and loves colorful, interesting outfits, preferring comfortable, attractive clothing to armor.

Jadore is a friendly, enthusiastic person who throws herself 110% into everything she does.  She tends to fixate on things that excite her and emulates people she admires - in particular; hunters, hunter Palicoes, and the Lynian chefs who feed them.  Though originally from wild origins she's shed her primitive upbringing in hopes of making something more of herself.  Jadore aspires to become a vital part of the hunter organization and has lofty, pie-in-the-sky dreams of success, renown, and romance.  Her efforts are decidedly curbed by her often clumsy antics as she readily gets in over her head, making attempts that are beyond her, or getting underfoot while trying to assist a more capable person.  But she never lets failure get her down for long and bounces back quickly with renewed zeal.

Jadore is most certainly a follower-type personality and is easily enamored by those who demonstrate (or at least appear to have) great skill and accomplishments, fawning over people she's impressed by.  This often leaves her easily taken advantage of and she's known around the base for being something of a head-in-the-clouds ditz.  All the same, Jadore is generally well-liked for her sincerity, honest work ethic, and sweet demeanor.  There are even those around the base camp who find her that much more appealing because of her klutziness rather than in spite of it.

Originally a feral feline from the New World, Jadore was fascinated by the Hunters and Palicoes who would trek out in search of monsters.  It was easy enough to follow them back to their bases and watch from afar, where she quickly grew enamored with their ways.  She endeared herself to hunting parties as she took to helping them in the field, which gave her the opportunity to be welcomed in beyond the walls eventually.  Among the Humans and Palicoes she learned more than she ever thought possible - she learned their language, their ways, and fell in love with what she considered a glamorous lifestyle of adventure and glory.  Without a dedicated Hunter to partner with, however, Jadore remained a stray and something of a common mascot who would move from camp to camp, traveling with Hunters around the regions far from home.  Eventually she ended up in chilly Outpost Warintla, just as eager to help out as ever.

Special Skills:
Field Matron
With most of her experience being owed to the capable canteen chefs, Jadore is an accomplished cook and can readily put together tasty, satisfying meals out of unlikely ingredients to bolster a hunter's spirit.  Or, as the case may be, bait a hungry Monster into a trap!  Her desire to be helpful makes her a skilled hand at maintaining camps, supplies, and assisting a hunting team in vital - if often underappreciated - chores.  Jadore loves to help out and, thankfully for the Hunters, is actually a very good cook!

Child of the Wilds
Despite the more civil manner in which she likes to present herself, Jadore was once a wild Grimalkyne and still has evidence of her feral roots.  She is surprisingly strong for her stature - more so than other Lynians - which makes her an excellent pack mule.  Her familiarity with the wilderness makes her a handy survivalist, while her breed allows her to act as an intermediary with other wild Lynians if they're so inclined.  Jadore is particularly handy when it comes to tracking Monsters, scavenging food, and locating or constructing shelter in hostile areas.

In her attempts to be helpful and learn all she can from hunters, Jadore has acquired a number of skills and tried many different jobs.  She's a victim of spreading herself too thin and hasn't mastered any one skill as a result, but is capable of assisting others who can instruct her to improve an effort's outcome.

Arms and Armor:
Jaggi Armor - Customized
Jadore wears a tailored set of Jaggi armor that's been customized for the sake of comfort and appearance.  While it's just as tough as the standard issue Jaggi Armor, it's more stylish and doesn't loan itself well to camouflage.  It requires frequent cleaning.

Barroth Mace - Hammer
Given her greater stature and strength compared to other Lynians, Jadore is able to handle the heft of a hammer quite effectively.  Though in her enthusiasm, she tends to throw herself headlong into battle and can get a little wild with her swings, so both monsters and Hunters alike need to watch out around her.

Carving Knife
Only a fool would go out into the world without a good knife!  Jadore gets a lot of use out of her trusty carving knife, more often as a cooking utensil than a weapon.  She's far more likely to filet a fish than she is a monster, but sometimes one has to take drastic measures.

Notable Equipment:
Portable Kitchen
More elaborate than the basic spit-and-fire sets Hunters often carry with them, this collapsible cooking unit has everything Jadore needs to whip up hearty meals on the fly.  Never leave home without it!

Hauling Rig
The frame that holds Jadore's portable kitchen strapped to her back is specially designed for carrying oversized loads.  Between its sturdy construction and the fold-out towing rods, she's a one-Felyne K.O. Cart ready to drag an unconscious Hunter to safety, carry the party's burdens, or even load up a reasonably sized Monster kill!

Smoke, Flash, and Sonic Bombs
Sometimes even a foolhardy, look-before-she-leaps type like Jadore knows when it's necessary to make a hasty retreat.  These helpful consumables are just the thing for when she needs to distract or daze a monster for a few moments.  Plus they make great fireworks for fun!

Reinforced Cap
Stylishly cute and useful to boot!  These adorable ear muffs are perfect for keeping her tufted ears warm in cold weather and muting out the staggering roars of monsters, ensuring Jadore can keep right in the thick of a melee.  Plus paws-free binoculars are always a bonus~!

Fishing Gear
Lynians do love their fish, after all.  Jadore has mostly shunned her wild origins, but she still holds onto this keepsake combo fishing rod/spear as the perfect tool for plucking up a tasty treat from beneath the water.  Comes with net and saw attachments to handle river or ice fishing as well.