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12:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sanyah Valka

At sixteen years old, Sanyah hates being called a child and describes herself as a young woman (except when being a child is an advantage of course). She has piercing green eyes and long red hair and just went through a growth spurt that left her at a pretty impressive 1m76. While her height changed quite a bit recently, the rest of her didn't change all that much leaving her with a thin, willowy, build.

As far as she's concerned, there is one taboo to never talk about, not even suggest and certainly never, ever, joke about: her breasts. She hates them and in the rare cases where she talks about them, it's often to say something along the lines that she couldn't find them when she woke up in the morning. While many can indeed find her curves underwhelming, the fact is they work for her and she isn't flat at all anyway (and they're pretty nice really).Grudgingly, she'll admit that not having to wear a bra is a decent compensation. This is of course due to her slim build, but any attempt to tell her to just eat more is met with resentment: she is one of those girls who can eat as much as they want and not gain a gram, which she will say is a curse (but she's quite happy about it of course, especially around meal-time, go figure).

Sanyah has two modes of operation: either she's pretty much immobile for hours on end, intently focused on something she's studying or reading (which ends up being one and the same quite often) or she's constantly moving, exploring, looking at new things, trying to understand how it works or what it does. She always has something in her hands that she'll be playing with.

Unless she makes a conscious effort to avoid it, Sanyah talks fast, as if her mind worked too fast for her mouth. Despite that, and even more notably when she pays attention, she has a good elocution, proof that she is both smart and with a decent background.


Most of the time, Sanya is a nice girl: she's smart and polite, curious and with a visible desire to learn new things. She's also not the girl who will go against the redhead temper archetype. She can certainly have that.

That duality is not the only one found in Sanyah: left to her own devices, she's an introvert. She likes to read, listen to music and generally be left alone, she dislikes crowds or places with lots of noise. But in the right circumstances, she can be a pretty good social butterfly.

In some situations she shows that she has grown, maybe not in a position of power, but around people who wielded power and learned a few things from them. While she won't go around giving orders willy-nilly, it becomes obvious when someone annoys her.