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19:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Clarice Fong ~ Blink

"You don't get born looking like me without having major X-Genes in your family tree. You know, for a while, I thought that mattered. I thought that all the bad guys in my family's past made me one, too. Took me too long to realize that a tiny speck of DNA, it doesn't take charge of who you are. I really hope you realize that sooner than I did."

Name: Clarice Ferguson Fong - Blink
Age:  20
Height:  5' 5"  Weight:  111 lbs
Species:  Mutant
Alias:  Blink is aka known as Clarice Ferguson
Faction:  XTeam

Clarice is best described as tough, with having a stand-off attitude, which is a direct result of the treatment she received her entire life for being a mutant. Because of this, she grew to be socially awkward and never really had any friends, though she did gain a strong sense of independence, especially having always been on the run.

Physical Appearance:
Blink also has lilac skin, dark pink hair, pointed ears and pupil-less green eyes. She also has pink marks across her face: these are not decorations or tattoos, and were present from birth. Blink is incapable of walking the streets without being recognized as a mutant due to her eyes, pointed ears, and the faded purple birthmark on the right side of her face. The faded purple mark on her face has increased in size ending just above her eyebrow due to the exertion of her powers.

Abilities and Skills:

Portal Creation: Blink possess the ability to teleport via portals from one location to another. She's also capable of holding the portals open for extended periods of time, thus allowing others to pass through as well. Visually, these portals give off a distinctive, bright blue, purple and pink glow. Notably, Blink does not have full mastery of her abilities. Opening portals and holding them open is psychically exhausting as she's still learning the full extent of her powers. As of now, her abilities are quite limited but she has displayed great potential with them. When motivated, Blink has been able to transport groups of people and a speeding car. Blink can also use her portals offensively to tear things apart or cut them in half.

Blink can't teleport to places that she can't see or hasn't been to before. Attempting to do so can result in whatever passes through the portal not making it through the other side intact. Her ability to create portals is very reliant on her eye sight. Should her vision be obstructed, through the wearing of eye contacts for instance, she is rendered incapable of opening a portal as it prevents her from seeing the "energy".

In addition to opening teleportational portals, she can also focus her ability into short, transparent, crystal-like javelins, which teleport whatever persons or objects they touch. She can charge her javelins so they can cut through objects by teleporting the matter elsewhere as they strike or they can be charged to stun opponents unconscious by putting them "out of phase". She usually keeps a supply of these in a quiver around her back, but can make them, one at a time, at will. Her teleportation is always accompanied by a "blink!" sound, from which she takes her codename.

She has proven many times to be a skilled hand-to-hand fighter, and it is unknown whether her enhanced agility is the result of simple training or a consequence of her mutation.

She has spent a vast majority of her life on the run or in detention centers, simply for being born different.