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Welcome to [Z] Archived Westmarch

09:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Guild Records
Rank H
19 Years Old
Homeland: Unknown Yet

Disclosure: Playing this character as a level 2 player like any other players in the game, to test out her homebrew class and see its viability and tweak a few things wrong or unbalanced in the class stats, thus any player can actually try to recruit her.

If you are interested to know what class I'm play testing, then here- CLASS LINK: My Source

She was one of the people who grew up in an elf society where being a half-breed was acceptable. She had a great wonderful childhood, if only she could remember it.

Taken from her family by a bandit raid on an elf camp deep in the Everwood, Ghyti only had her tattoo of her family creed – the Callwalkers, summoners of death in the Elf culture to remind her of her roots. Her earliest memories are inside a wooden cage on the back of a wagon flanked by the murders of her family: her woe feeding her fiery anger as the days rolled by. By the time the human militia happened upon the bandit caravan, Ghyto was rabid. Once the heavily armored men had finished routing through the parade of wagons, they found the small haf-elf child backed into a corner of her cage; her eyes like a panicked animal. The guards left her for dead after she racked his nails over the eyes of one could-be savior.

Weak from hunger, Ghyti wandered the roads in her tattered clothes until she came across the gates of the town of Dene. He begged, borrowed or stole to survive in Dene for a month until one day whilst fending for scraps at the market, a group of pit fighters kicked at her in disgust. They were taken aback by the child’s ferocity as she leapt at the face of her attacker screaming like a banshee, her nails scratching and her hands pounding. Laughing in shock and seeing potential, the most scarred of the group, Darius, subdued the girl and took her to the pit where he was a champion who’d earned his freedom. Within a few months, the girl grew less feral with a full belly and structure to her days, awaking early to clean weapons and armour while gradually being trained by Darius. To calm the girl, Darius paid close attention to teaching Ghyti to reflect on her decisions, meditate on her thoughts and to perfect her body with a rigorous routine of stretching daily. Darius even taught Ghyti how to read and write in Common whilst lending the girl books on history of the races and philosophy. It was here that Ghyti first came to understand the ways of her people from afar…a sense of distance and loneliness only grew with more knowledge.

Years passed as Ghyti grew broader, stronger and eventually began besting her adolescent peers with her almost unnatural ability for an acrobatic staff style in the pit. The bond between Darius and the outcast grew to respect and a glint of hidden pride showed in Darius’ eye when Ghyti passed the Rites of Competition by brutally dispatching of four opponents in the free for all. From that day forward, Ghyti was a Pit-Fighter through and through. But there were so many unanswered questions in the heartache of her past, darkness brewed by a life of violence.

Ghyti was never content and always troubled. Despite cultivating an interest in the ways of the mind and body, she struggled to control her emotions. This led to many brawls in the Pits where the fighters stayed. Her overreactions caught more goading and Ghyti continued to withdraw into herself as a teen: perfecting her craft to fight some warped sense of meaning in the world. Eventually learning to summon the arts of her ancestors, of her family. Calling on to the nature's source to summon a creature whom she will name as 'Xanta'. Her only friend.

After many years of scars and hard-fought battles, Ghyti would earn her freedom and Darius gifted her a unique qurter staff that can be used as a flute, which he fashioned himself. He always noticed how Ghyti liked to burrow his own lute and thus Darius decided to gift the young woman a weapon of her own. After her freedom, she decided to leave the city and go back to nature and understand her birth-right. Once outside the walls, Ghyti was drawn to the forest and climbed up an oak tree where she stayed for days, reaching even months to reconnect to her elf ancestry and feral instincts, honing back her ability as a person of the forest and of nature.

One day, gazing out across the land in a miasma of self-pity and anger coupled with an unfamiliar sense of relief. She would realize that despite her freedom, her life was not her own and finally she could see that she needed a purpose. To set out in the pursuit of meaning and eventually find somewhere to call home. That's where she decided to go sign up for the Adventurer's Guild.


Class: Dushan (Summoner Class)
Guild Rank: Not Registered
REP Points: 0
EXP: 300
Current HP: [14/14]
AC: [14]
Hit Dice Left: 2d4


MagicSlots/KI/SPX Spells Prepared
Level 1X/XExample-----
Level 2X/X------
Level 3X/X------
Level 4X/X------

(*) Equipped (A) Attuned (U) Unattuned

• Magical Weapon:
Lute of Bashing (*)(A)
Weapon (quarterstaff), common
This weapon functions both as a lute and a weapon, using the statistics of a quarterstaff since its relatively quite long.
It has a +1 bonus to attacks and damage. The damage from this weapon is not magical. As it is a musical instrument, this weapon can also be used as a spellcasting focus. Once a day, the wielder can cast Animal Friendship and Vicous mockery when using this weapon.

• Magical Armor:
Armor of Haste (*)(A)
leather (light), uncommon (requires attunement)
You have a bonus of +2 to AC while wearing this magical armor. Furthermore, while moving, you can spend your bonus action to take the Dash action.

• Gloves of Muling
Wondrous item, uncommon (*)(A)
While you wear these magical gauntlets, the weight you can push, drag, or lift is potentially increased. The gloves do not affect your carrying capacity, your encumbrance, or anything else dependent on Strength. These "silver gauntlets," enable you to push, drag, or lift up to 660 lbs if you otherwise could not. This is the equivalent of having a Strength score of 22. Again, it does not affect your actual strength modifier, saves, or checks.

Status, Passives, Curses, etc:

Beast Companion Stat:
HP = 16
AC = 17
HD = 2d4
Speed: 30 ft.
Pas Perception: 15
 Strength     : 13 (+1)
 Dexterity    : 17 (+3)
 Constitution : 15 (+2)
 Intelligence : 03 (-4)
 Wisdom       : 13 (+1)
 Charisma     : 12 (+1)
Proficient in: Stealth, Acrobatics
Amphibious. The beast can breathe air and water. It also
gains a swimming speed equal to its walking speed.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit 10 (1d10 + Its Strength modifier)

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit 10 (1d8 + Its Dexterity modifier)