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Welcome to [Z] Archived Westmarch

13:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Personal Theme:

Jarod stands 6'1 tall with slim build with white braided hair and topaz colored eyes and dark tanned skin and darker tattoos covering one side of his face (and some scars here and there) and part of his chest and he wears silver jewelry on his pointed ears. Tattoo which brands him openly as part of pirate crew known as Tempest's Fury, a infamous group which was once rumors led by powerful sea sorceress. He wears plain clean shirt, which is open from front which is tucked underneath dark worn leather pants which are held up by wide leather belt and pair of worn dark leather boots. He wears a long dark crimson trenchcoat, open from front and there is dark scarf hanging underneath his belt and he wears dark red bandanna around his head (to keep his silvery white hair in line).

He carries a decently made light crossbow on his waist besides clip of bolts (and pouch which he carefully guards with intimidating glares for anyone looking at it) and in his back hangs on thin leather strap a dark wooden staff which has sea/storm carvings and in top of staff is topaz, which appears as if grown or melted into wood itself in the tip. He also wears adventurer guild tag on his neck (silver) and bag in his waist from belt.

Jarod moves with swagger of a sailor with grace and mannerism is confident, bit intimidating even, he speaks in pleasant voice but with strong pirate accent and around his eyes often dance a spark of lightning or sometimes his steps carry with echo of thunder or unseen and unfelt breeze blows his hair, smell of ocean is strong in him. He often whistles with tune of sea chanty or two when idle or bored.

OOC: Links to translators and pirate sayings which plan use IC speech.

Story so far:

Arrival day(s)
--Arrived on guild, registered and took two quests; one collect 20 herbs and 4 rabbits. He collected herbs all night but caught only one rabbit, he delivered herbs and he acquired remaining rabbits from local butcher shop which had serious traffic. He skipped traffic with magic and made deal with butcher get all rabbits he had in return helping deal with rush hour traffic. Jarod delivered rabbits narrowly in time and honored his deal with butcher.
--After quests were done he rested and met with Freyja in pub, brought her to his room for nice round of fun in bedroom. Went to baths and met then with Thalai and Janegil and had threesome orgy with the three. Earning 'triple 10' for his performance in carnal arts while sharing and listening stories and life future goals with the ladies.
--Next 6 days Jarod studied draconic and spreading news about selling his magical armor (he got his room stays free with threatening receptionists with rough sex against counter as method of payment). He found no buyer during six days, he worked on docks entire day on 7th. He came to guild after work (which paid well) and witnessed battle in arena happening with Malise against Janegil, Freyja and Sylf. He rescued Sylf being burned with barrel of water and earned her gratitude and she gave gold Jarod.

Hunting for sick direwolves
--Jarod joined up on party of four with Siloqui, Geis'ka and Ash. They took task together to hunt three poisonous direwolves. However during client meeting both Siloqui and Ash left, leaving only Jarod and Geis'ka to continue the task. Jarod agreed meet Geis'ka at city gates and went buy some traps and bait, trading his magical armor for a magical trap.
--However as he met Geis'ka on gates, Penny (Geis'ka slime companion) thought introductions was form of introducing dinner and so Penny had brief chase on Jarod before Geis'ka managed forcefully call Penny back into gauntlet form. Then Jarod and Geis'ka parted ways as it was not smart continue on dangerous hunt with yet unpredictable Penny factor involved. Jarod cancelled the quest in reception.

Hunting for Giant Scorpion
--After canceling direwolf quest he went check on valkyries, was greeted with glaive edge by Janegil and asked pocket his guild tag into bag of holding (no idea why). Then suddenly Janegil and Thalai left and he and Freyja planned take quest on together, after briefly talking options they agreed on giant scorpion quest.
--During picking quest Janegil returned, agreed join in after checking on Thalai on their room and join while Freyja went buy some antitoxins. Jarod tried register quest but failed as he was not proper ranked, in end Freyja completing the registry and soon all active valkyries were together in reception with Jarod and headed out into forest to find the scorpion.
--Journey went uneventful manner until they reached near the town, in there they met with goliath who declared to be trainer from the guild and her training consisted of constant barrage of insults, Jarod got triggered by insults directing to his mother so he blasted her (seeing Janegil who was also engaging goliath failed to attack constantly), his thunderous spell backfired from goliath and spread and hit everyone with his own spell for his own shocked surprise. However blast cleared his head bit and he realized something fishy going on with the training, either it being fake or training was just to test do they waste time with goliath. In response goliath disappeared with cloud of smoke. On arrival they learned their contractor is magical academy scholar who studies local portal to far realm, so group rests before they go engage with monster which exact shape and form is actually unknown.
--Next day group moves investigate the portal pillar, when Freyja touched it the group traveled vast distance which disoriented half of them into a underwater world some kind. Inside to cave in reef forest with some sharks lurking about. However soon as they tried leave cave a portal activates again and a deep beholder appears and group battled the abomination. Pillars radiated psychic shock waves and eye beams going havoc, but beholder was defeated but both Janegil and Freyja succumbed to their wounds soon after beholder fell as it unleashed a revenge attack upon dying through overcharging pillars. Then Jarod stabilized Janegil and Thalai picked Freyja (dying) and Janegil and moved away from pillars, Jarod resisting the last blast from pillars helped Thalai by manipulating water around her to ease her burdens to allow them both narrowly go through closing portal back to normal world where Freyja was stabilized. Scholar came and evidence to deed was given (beholder stalk) and scholar's staff helped heal Thalai and fallen and took care of them local inn.
--After recovering injuries from battle there was local festival held for honor of the heroes, gaining renown as 'heroes of bluesquid' and ebon valkyries. Local mayor giving some magical items as reward and messenger by scholar has been send to Dene confirm deed done even if adventuring party returns later than 2 days what is quest duration. Partying and orgies later group departs back to Dene in good spirits.

Bandits and Brigands
--Jarod and Freyja took on the quest, waiting client for meeting but none came but were given written report of the bandit activities and then made plans on approach.
--Freyja bought potions and she would take sneaking approach while Jarod acts role of bait with having traded some gold coins for silver and copper and bought extra large money pouch to fill it up. Hiding his guild tag underneath his shirt and buying hooded cape to hide his face he started walk the road.
--Bandits as expected approached and ambushed the 'lone traveler'. Freyja threw her hammer and Jarod blasted two closest bandits front of him with thunderwave, two bandits down and two left. Remaining bandits immediately surrendered and begged for their lives.
--Followed by greed both Jarod and Freyja asked bandits lead on their camp, Freyja entered first look for loot in camp which looked too large just for four bandits. As Jarod who had watched over bandit prisoners entered, then ambush of sixteen bandit rangers appeared with crossbows aimed at him. He made grand taunting speech on towards them, trying intimidate them. Jarod saw one prisoner bandits trying tackle Freyja, to protect her he fired shocking rays on bandit prisoners, killing one. But it resulted getting all attention of sixteen bandit rangers and fired on him and he fell unconscious.
--Despite threats to Jarod's life Freyja drew attention of all bandits in using curious enchanted bauble which she had won with games where she had won it. Enchanted bauble got most bandits desiring it, but three remained who threatened her and were not aware what was going on. Freyja threw the bauble and made all bandits to start all out brawl over the bauble as she rushed to Jarod's side, preparing administer potion but Jarod woke up in that moment. Freyja carried him away to safety as brawl happened and three bandits who were unaffected by bauble in chaos did not manage to shoot neither Jarod or Freyja.
--Freyja suggested they wait brawl out, but Jarod (now wiser thanks close death experience) told them withdraw but only after he finishes the last four bandits which they encountered on road to complete their quest. It was easy find bound bandit and kill it off with shocking rays and then make run for it back to Dene and deliver (slightly falsified) report on their encounter. Leaving only out that they went to bandit camp and did not kill immediately the four bandits (and thus unable take four bandit heads as proof).

Rank Up Exam (H>G)
--Jarod faced in city streets the annoying goliath, overall he spend entire day being bullied by her (carrying stuff, buy her stuff) and then it ended in Witch's End tavern where he rented room for her and asking him wake her up in eight hours. Jarod then paid tavern staff do wake up call for him and leave note for her.
--He encountered mysterious woman (who was actual examiner) and she wondered will Jarod be forever a follower without voice or will of own or will he evolve to something else. Which point Jarod strongly disagreed to. Jarod assumed he failed trial, but he did not and so mysterious woman led him underneath to underground chambers underneath the guild and there his guild tag started glow and once it hit ground it revealed his past deeds and gave three title choices. Two of choices he did not agree (albeit fit past events but titles were either weird or insulting) and he picked The Voyager title.

3 Months Training
--Jarod was instructed, like most rest guild, to undertake some intense training session and he trained become warlock and made pact with his patron (based on his own research on it). Also tapped bit deeper on his bloodline learn couple more spells (details in 3 month time skip thread).