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13:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Cassius Young

Name:  Cassius Young

Rank: Slave

Actual Age/Apparent Age: 20 but his cute pretty boy looks make him look like he’s at least 18 if not a bit younger.

Gender: Male

Race: Hybrid of cat and human

Description:  Has long dirty blonde hair and soft hazel brown eyes with flecks of green in them. Personality wise Cassius can be quite affectionate and loving granted he’s treated right of course. But like most cats if backed into corner or feeling scared or threatened he will not hesitate to bring the claws out so to speak.


- Feline Physiology

- Enhanced Flexibility

- Enhanced Agility

- Enhanced Balance

- Enhanced Senses

- Night Vision

History: Cassius grew up on the streets and has since from an early age been on his own. It was during those early years though that Cassius was captured by unknown assailants and his DNA scrambled so that it was a mixture of both cat and boy.

In any case since then Cassius has become that much more streetwise and cautious. Because of what he was he was extremely swift and flexible and could easily get away from anyone who may be trying to pursue him for any reason. Because he was brought up on the streets though Cassius had to be tough and grow a backbone else he might be stepped on or easily taken advantage of by others. So naturally he learned how to survive and play it smart day by day.

But then one day when he was feeling a bit under the weather and was making his way home down an alleyway, some people suddenly just jumped him and before he even had time to fight back against them they quickly knocked him out with a hard blow to the back of the head. In his sick and slightly weakened condition Cassius unwittingly made himself an easy target to abducted. A mistake he greatly curses himself for making every single day now.

Culture:  Genetically made in a lab, Cassius is a Human/cat hybrid that was created to be the perfect companion for someone.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual